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12/12/2012, 6:43 AM
I await the arrival of the 'No To Foreign Games' poster.

Presumably by the same people with that placard, about G.A.A.?

12/12/2012, 6:46 AM
Doesn't matter if the current crop are all budding Einsteins;their parents (& similar) can't spell...

12/12/2012, 1:35 PM
This reminds me of another protest a few years ago, also at the city hall when the first gay marriage took place. One of the protesters had a placard which read "Ulster says no to sodomy."
Now I'm no expert but to engage in buggery I think you need at least one penis in the coupling.
The couple in question were called Grainne and Shannon.

The Fly
12/12/2012, 2:04 PM
Now I'm no expert but to engage in buggery I think you need at least one penis in the coupling.
The couple in question were called Grainne and Shannon.


12/12/2012, 2:41 PM
Some would have you believe that the northern counties are in a constant state of alert against every perceived threat.

Save Ulster From ----

Ulster Says No To -------

Insert threat of choice.

12/12/2012, 3:17 PM
I think this time it's particularly ironic, seeing as they're protesting a decision made by a democratically elected body.

"Ulster says no to removing the flag!"

No mate, Ulster says yes to it. Otherwise they would have voted DUP instead of SF and Alliance.

In many ways, the hard core Unionists remind me of nutjob christians in the US. They genuinely think it's a grave human rights abuse that their privileged position is being taken away, and they have to be treated just like anyone else.

12/12/2012, 3:33 PM
Peadar i said that on one of the first posts on this thread, or maybe it was another thread.

Anyway,yes thats exactly who they are, look to the roots of those in mid-state redneck america and you have a larger proportion of the bible god squad who are of german(mormon/methodist/presbyterian/protestant/insert_i_cant_believe_its_not_a_real_religion_here )ancestry or scots/ulster/ulster scots/northern irish. About the same time they were shipped over here they went a bit further west too.

Not Brazil
12/12/2012, 4:49 PM
I think this time it's particularly ironic, seeing as they're protesting a decision made by a democratically elected body.

"Ulster says no to removing the flag!"

No mate, Ulster says yes to it. Otherwise they would have voted DUP instead of SF and Alliance.

One of the remarkable things over the past fews days is that nobody has picked up the massive U Turn by the (so called) political representaives of "Loyalism".

We have seen high ranking figures in the PUP at various protests - we have been told by the PSNI that members of the UVF (and UDA) have been involved in organising and participating in some of the violent scenes we have witnessed.

However, a look at the Belfast City Council Equality Impact Assessment on the flying Of The Union Flag at City Hall, includes the following submission from the PUP:

Progressive Unionist Party

- Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom and the flag of a nation is a constitutional symbol;

- while this needs to be respected there is no requirement to fly the flag every day;

- it is our opinion that the Union flag should fly outside the City Hall, the Ulster Hall and the Duncrue Complex on the designated flag days plus the additional four days exclusive to Northern Ireland.

Make of that as you will.

12/12/2012, 5:50 PM
Fair play for pointing out NB. Occasionally, even the PUP make some sense!

But they do seem to indulge in a lot of 'double-speak', but not exactly exclusive to them.

In many ways, the hard core Unionists remind me of nutjob christians in the US. They genuinely think it's a grave human rights abuse that their privileged position is being taken away, and they have to be treated just like anyone else.

Or as my pal says, like the white South Africans (well Boers) and the Israelis and their settlers.
All equally contemptible for the reasons you cite.

12/12/2012, 6:39 PM
I met Ulster on the street one day.

I concluded our conversation by asking "Will your answer to this question be 'no'?"

I'll never forget the conflicted look on their face.

Charlie Darwin
12/12/2012, 8:35 PM
A combination of the above presumably, along with other identities from around the world.

Or maybe "Northen Irish"...

I think we have a future Elite Player Mentor (EPN) on our hands here.

12/12/2012, 8:58 PM
That has gone way above my head, Charlie.

12/12/2012, 9:54 PM
That has gone way above my head, Charlie.

"Northen" is written on the poster, not "Northern."

13/12/2012, 7:18 AM
I got that, but I'm still in the dark about the EPN bit.

13/12/2012, 8:35 AM
I got that, but I'm still in the dark about the EPN bit.

When the first article about Armstrong's role as mentor was published, it was referred to by the acronym EPN ('nentor' rather than mentor?).

A similar piece of misspelling here.

13/12/2012, 12:48 PM
Geysir. 'They' (& don't want to appear 'sectarian') seem to have an issue with spelling.

Of the language of the country, they have such love for...

13/12/2012, 12:59 PM
Geysir. 'They' (& don't want to appear 'sectarian') seem to have an issue with spelling.

Of the language of the country, they have such love for...

Morons always have trouble with spelling. No matter which side of a 600-year-old religious spat they fall on.

13/12/2012, 1:32 PM
Aye. But having known both communities...

13/12/2012, 2:17 PM
One of the remarkable things over the past fews days is that nobody has picked up the massive U Turn by the (so called) political representaives of "Loyalism".

We have seen high ranking figures in the PUP at various protests - we have been told by the PSNI that members of the UVF (and UDA) have been involved in organising and participating in some of the violent scenes we have witnessed.

However, a look at the Belfast City Council Equality Impact Assessment on the flying Of The Union Flag at City Hall, includes the following submission from the PUP:

Progressive Unionist Party

- Northern Ireland is an integral part of the United Kingdom and the flag of a nation is a constitutional symbol;

- while this needs to be respected there is no requirement to fly the flag every day;

- it is our opinion that the Union flag should fly outside the City Hall, the Ulster Hall and the Duncrue Complex on the designated flag days plus the additional four days exclusive to Northern Ireland.

Make of that as you will.

Basil McCrea is of the opinion that flying the flag on designated days only is also UUP policy despite his disciplining and the party's recent utterances on the issue in public: http://www.u.tv/News/UUP-whip-withdrawn-from-McCrea/503e2024-2efd-4f8b-bcfc-d94574ea9146

Mr McCrea told UTV he was disappointed to learn of the decision [to withdraw the party whip from him].

He continued: "I've been trying to point out what is the right way forward and put out constructive ideas and frankly I'm disappointed. I told Mike that I don't think it's the right way forward, but it's Mike's decision and that's what he's done.

"If I voted for designated days in Lisburn and if in Stormont we have designated days and other councils then why would I take any different opinion wherever I am?

"To my mind this is UUP policy and I was just bringing it to the attention of people and I also happen to think it's the right way forward - but I do think all-party talks are the way to resolve these issues and I think it's been a disappointing outcome when I tried to put forward my arguments in the appropriate place and the appropriate way."

The joint UUP/DUP leaflet attacking Alliance read:


Is McCrea correct?

13/12/2012, 2:38 PM
I think this time it's particularly ironic, seeing as they're protesting a decision made by a democratically elected body.

"Ulster says no to removing the flag!"

No mate, Ulster says yes to it. Otherwise they would have voted DUP instead of SF and Alliance.

In many ways, the hard core Unionists remind me of nutjob christians in the US. They genuinely think it's a grave human rights abuse that their privileged position is being taken away, and they have to be treated just like anyone else.

Well, the concept of representative democracy also comprises of protecting minority interests, but I don't see why the compromise reached on this particular issue should be viewed as an attack on British/unionist identity. The Union flag will remain flying on designated days above a city hall that still bears all the symbolic hallmarks of a very-much-British institution. The front grounds still feature the 11-foot-high statue of Queen Victoria and a memorial to Sir Edward J. Harland MP, whilst, inside, there's a bronze statue to the Earl of Belfast, Frederick Richard Chichester that was commissioned to mark the Festival of Britain in 1951. There are also portraits of King Edward VII, the Earl of Shaftesbury and Sir Edward Harland on the walls. The stained glass windows display the Royal Coat of Arms and those of the Chichester family. There's also a special case displaying the Royal Charter granted to Belfast in 1613 and the 1888 Charter from Queen Victoria. There are yet more stained glass windows in the Banqueting Hall showing the Royal Arms and those of Lord Donegall and Lord Shaftesbury along with further portraits of King William III, Queen Victoria and King Edward VI. Have I missed anything?...

The alarmist notion that Belfast is becoming a "cold house" for unionists is all rather daft.

13/12/2012, 2:55 PM
The sad thing is that for a while, the whole thing was working exactly the way I think Northern Ireland should work. The two opposing blocs had very different opinions about something, but neither had the majority to force it through against the will of the other. A non-aligned party stepped in, proposed a compromise, and it was passed, legally and democratically, by the elected body.

And then suddenly, stuff was smashed, heads were stuck through windows, and "no surrender" was screeched.

Still, maybe next time things will go better.

13/12/2012, 3:42 PM
On the other hand, the (shining) piece of light relief, came in the form of that Belfast Crazed Bigot.
I suppose she will be after some royalties soon enough.

13/12/2012, 3:50 PM
I dunno. Probably not worthy of so much attention?

With Dimitri on this one...

Not Brazil
13/12/2012, 3:52 PM
The joint UUP/DUP leaflet attacking Alliance read:


Is McCrea correct?

McCrea is somewhat of a maverick - he would position himself as a leading voice of moderate Unionism.

I believe he takes the broader picture of the GFA - of which, of course, the UUP were one of the key architects - as his basis for UUP policy on this issue. The agreement on equality, parity of esteem etc.

On specific UUP stated policy on the City Hall flag issue, he is out of sync with Party thinking - he would argue that Party policy on the flag issue is out of sync with the broad principles agreed by the UUP in the GFA.

The leaflet sent out by the DUP & UUP is grossly misleading - it was designed to play on people's fears - For starters, PSF/SDLP policy was not that the flag be "ripped down on all but a few days" - it was that there should be no Union Flag at City Hall, period. It was an Alliance compromise proposal that saw the flag staying on designated days.

Much easier for the DUP & UUP to demonise Alliance, than to face up to the "big boys".

Alliance acted totally in accordance with their stated policies on equality, shared space etc.

Anyway, I would think Basil will jump ship in the New Year - hopefully to Alliance, maybe to the Conservatives.

13/12/2012, 5:50 PM
I dunno. Probably not worthy of so much attention?
Grinches have no humour.:)

13/12/2012, 10:56 PM
One factual inaccuracy by NB in his post there.
My Christmas sixpence to the first person who can spot it?

Charlie Darwin
13/12/2012, 11:03 PM
His incorrect use of em dashes.

14/12/2012, 2:24 PM
McCrea is somewhat of a maverick - he would position himself as a leading voice of moderate Unionism.

I believe he takes the broader picture of the GFA - of which, of course, the UUP were one of the key architects - as his basis for UUP policy on this issue. The agreement on equality, parity of esteem etc.

On specific UUP stated policy on the City Hall flag issue, he is out of sync with Party thinking - he would argue that Party policy on the flag issue is out of sync with the broad principles agreed by the UUP in the GFA.

The leaflet sent out by the DUP & UUP is grossly misleading - it was designed to play on people's fears - For starters, PSF/SDLP policy was not that the flag be "ripped down on all but a few days" - it was that there should be no Union Flag at City Hall, period. It was an Alliance compromise proposal that saw the flag staying on designated days.

Much easier for the DUP & UUP to demonise Alliance, than to face up to the "big boys".

Alliance acted totally in accordance with their stated policies on equality, shared space etc.

Anyway, I would think Basil will jump ship in the New Year - hopefully to Alliance, maybe to the Conservatives.

"Hopefully", as in you'll be glad to see the back of a recalcitrant, or as in you'll be glad to welcome over a maverick?

David Trimble appears to side with McCrea on what the UUP stance ought to be: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-20728991

Former first minister David Trimble has accused the DUP of "cynically" stirring things over the flying of the union flag at Belfast City Hall.

The Conservative peer told the BBC the row was more to do with the DUP's attempts to win back the East Belfast parliamentary seat from Alliance.

"I am surprised there is a problem, because the issue could have been foreseen, a compromise was available.

"It seems rather strange the compromise has not been accepted," he said.

Haven't the UUP been stirring as well though? The leaflet campaign was a joint effort, after all.

14/12/2012, 2:52 PM
The Irish Daily Star tweeted this (https://twitter.com/IrishStarSport/status/279365392890200064) earlier today:

[In tomorrow's Irish Daily Star...] Find out who's the latest Irish player to snub Michael O Neill and the North for Trap's Army #fai

Speculation on OWC suggests the player in question might be Rory Donnelly. For what it's worth, Donnelly was called into a NI under-21 side in November of 2011 but didn't feature in their match against Serbia. I don't think he has ever represented the IFA or participated in any of their squads other than that actually. Can't imagine that making much difference to the expected outrage, mind...

Charlie Darwin
14/12/2012, 4:07 PM
Tenner says it's Alex Bruce.

Not Brazil
14/12/2012, 5:37 PM
"Hopefully", as in you'll be glad to see the back of a recalcitrant, or as in you'll be glad to welcome over a maverick?

I think McCrea would be a welcome addition to Alliance, as I believe him to be a very able politician.

14/12/2012, 6:45 PM
Tenner says it's Alex Bruce.

Call him up!

14/12/2012, 6:54 PM
Tenner says it's Alex Bruce.
Ok, you're on, if no one else is brave enough to take you up on that Charlie, then I will.

If Alex has given up on the dream then what hope is left for the rest.

14/12/2012, 7:24 PM
The Irish Daily Star tweeted this (https://twitter.com/IrishStarSport/status/279365392890200064) earlier today:

Speculation on OWC suggests the player in question might be Rory Donnelly. For what it's worth, Donnelly was called into a NI under-21 side in November of 2011 but didn't feature in their match against Serbia. I don't think he has ever represented the IFA or participated in any of their squads other than that actually. Can't imagine that making much difference to the expected outrage, mind...

Ooh, juicy... Ryan McLaughlin maybe?

The Fly
14/12/2012, 7:33 PM
Ooh, juicy... Ryan McLaughlin maybe?

Hopefully. He'd be the more highly rated player.

In relation to Rory Donnelly, does anyone have any update on his progress with Swansea? I know he's yet to feature for the first team, so I presume he's playing for the reserves,...or is out on loan perhaps?

14/12/2012, 8:18 PM
Could it be NB Junior seeing the light? Interesting conversation between him and his old man!:D

14/12/2012, 10:50 PM
Hopefully. He'd be the more highly rated player.

In relation to Rory Donnelly, does anyone have any update on his progress with Swansea? I know he's yet to feature for the first team, so I presume he's playing for the reserves,...or is out on loan perhaps?

As far as I know he has played in a League cup match or two for the first team and was on the bench a few weeks back for the match against Arsenal IIRC. Has been playing plenty of games for the reserves and has been scoring goals. Its the first I have heard about him thinking of switching like but It could still be true I guess.

Olé Olé
14/12/2012, 11:42 PM
Today's Daily Star carried words from Sean Scannell in which he stated he's giving his all to becoming a senior Irish international to make his father proud. He almost went as far as to call NI a last resort should he fail to win a competitive cap for Ireland by 30.

Hoping that the tweet refers to a fresher story i.e. Donnelly or McLaughlin.

15/12/2012, 1:45 AM
Hopefully. He'd be the more highly rated player.

In relation to Rory Donnelly, does anyone have any update on his progress with Swansea? I know he's yet to feature for the first team, so I presume he's playing for the reserves,...or is out on loan perhaps?

He made the Swansea bench for their 2-0 win over Arsenal in Premiership few weeks back

15/12/2012, 3:35 AM
Just happened to see Ryan McLaughlin play in the NextStars Tournament in Singapore this morning. As this could be the big news tomorrow I just thought I would post this review here.

Liverpool played Singapore on a synthetic pitch in hot and humid conditions. While the commentators mentioned McLaughlin as having being called up to the senior NI squad, I could not identify him in the first half as he was pretty anonymous.

In the second half, he was much more involved, straight from the kick off. In terms of style, he is very much an attacking right back who hangs around the sideline and his positional play is very good. His control, physical build and speed make him intimidating going forward and he should have been awarded a penalty towards the end of the game. He is like a bigger Seamus Coleman in many ways. In terms of his defence, it was hard to analyse as Singapore really didn't go forward a lot, however on one occasion, he kicked at the ball when aerial pressure would have probably been a better option, leading to Singapore getting a shot at goal. He certainly isn't the finished article, but I can see why O'Neill called him up and if he joins us, he could be a great asset in the future.

15/12/2012, 9:36 AM
Like a muppet i just bought the star no mention of anyone coming into the light not happy still it is a great paper for irish/youth football especially monday and tuesday class supplements

Charlie Darwin
15/12/2012, 12:01 PM
Well that was a bit of a let-down.

15/12/2012, 4:58 PM
So, the "revelation" related to Scannell, who's long been committed to us? What an anti-climax...

O'Neill's interest in him has been known for quite some time, but the hypocrisy of denouncing FAI activities whilst taking no issue with the IFA chasing after a player who last played for an FAI team at the end of July continues to be missed by most on OWC by the looks of things.

15/12/2012, 9:09 PM
Yes, but what's new?

Hypocrisy is their 'middle' name...

Charlie Darwin
15/12/2012, 9:31 PM
Northern 'Hypocrisy' Ireland?

15/12/2012, 11:24 PM
Metaphorically, speaking.

Though more the fault of the IFA.

17/12/2012, 2:17 PM
I've a bit of time on my hands this afternoon (and have thon oul' axe to grind), so why not?... :devil:

Here were some OWC attempts to rationalise, justify and differentiate from FAI activity Michael O'Neill's interest in Scannell in response to this post from what I suspect to be a sockpuppet account:

Have to say..this is embarrassing! The press have caught Michael O' Neill & the IFA doing exactly what we accuse the beggars of doing.

A nice, broad mix of intolerance, self-righteousness, naivety, ignorance, inaccuracy and denial...

Yes, we should definitely take a high moral stand and watch while our team deteriorates. :rolleyes:

FIFA isn't going to change the rules becasue of our moral outrage so we need to exploit them the way other countries are doing, but at the same time try to ensure we don't use absolute mercenaries who will drop us when a better offer comes along. Not easy to do, I know, but that's the sh*t sandwich we've been presented with so we may as well put the napkin on and get on with it.

ps are you actually a NI supporter? I don't recall you ever having anything good to say about the team. Everything you say seems slanted towards putting us down in a completely unbalanced way.

Taking players that only qualify for us because they have the right 'political aspiration'?

We're not doing exactly the same thing that the ROI are doing. They're trying to pinch players who have no connection to them whatsoever, we're talking to players who have lineage to Northern Ireland. IMHO that's a pretty significant difference.

Plus we're not singling out the players to talk to on account of their religion rather than their talent, nor are we talking to players who are currently in their full international squad.

We also will give those who are with us a good crack at an international career. It seems the FAI are just collecting NI players like Papa Lazarou collects wives with no intention of playing them, regardless of ability or experience.

17/12/2012, 3:00 PM
Scannell is what, 10th or 11th choice winger for us and he's telling the North to get back to him when he's 30? Those quotes aren't the greatest straws I've ever seen but an enthusiastic clutching motion presents a dash of charm to proceedings. I've added an extra half a star for the well executed 'are you really one of us?' subplot which I felt conveyed plausible distrust and injected an unexpected layer of tension into proceedings. Although their appearance was brief, I am keen to discover what else transpires with the 'embarrassed' character. Is he/she really what they appear to be? Are they really that bashful? Is it worth examining their previous dialogue for evidence of a disparaging gradient? So much to consider.


18/12/2012, 2:37 AM
DI, The 'P'-word is not just for Christmas...

18/12/2012, 10:58 AM
OWC. The joke that keeps on giving. Merry Christmas.