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18/10/2012, 9:40 PM
Fair play to him I am surprised and I think he is a loss certainly but he is a lovely skillful player and the north are lucky to get him and his brother. He did fall out with doolin remember derry pulled him out of squad then he played for derry while under 19 squad was away

Charlie Darwin
18/10/2012, 10:03 PM
Was he not called up to the 19s after that? I thought the issue was that the FAI wanted to suspend him in the league.

18/10/2012, 11:39 PM
I think it all went pear shaped after that i remember mceleney was on my list of players that doolin had fallen out with and he certainly didint play in the later qualifiers or the finals that year.He is in a happier place now and im getting over my anger issues so its happy days all round

Charlie Darwin
18/10/2012, 11:46 PM
I'd say Doolin is more relieved than any of us!

Not Brazil
19/10/2012, 12:06 PM
I was delighted to hear upon my arrival in Portugal that Bruce had withdrawn from the squad - I also enjoyed Warren Fenney's article on the matter of Bruce's inclusion in the Sunday Life (not available online yet), where I think Warren spoke for many of our fans.

Bumped into Gerry Armstrong and his Missus in Porto on Sunday night (they don't half know how to party!) - it would seem he was a lot more active in his "Mentor" role than I have previously given him credit for...he is very hopeful that McLaughlin will side with Northern Ireland.

No issues with Patrick McEleney deciding he wants to try his luck with us - he'd need a move across the water if he wants to be a serious contender for Senior recognition (other than friendlies).

19/10/2012, 12:14 PM
Did Gerry understand that his references to the GFA were ill-informed? I suspect that wasn't mentioned.

Not Brazil
19/10/2012, 12:34 PM
Did Gerry understand that his references to the GFA were ill-informed? I suspect that wasn't mentioned.

In context, it wasn't important.

19/10/2012, 12:47 PM
"Wheeey are ye have a drink lawd?!, ah shuur why not!!! Jees ye've a lovely woman on ye Gerry."

Charlie Darwin
19/10/2012, 12:56 PM
In context, it wasn't important.
I bet you didn't tell him there's only one 'n' in 'mentor' either.

19/10/2012, 1:35 PM
"McEleney joins big brother at NI": http://www.londonderrysentinel.co.uk/sport/football/derry-city/mceleney-joins-big-brother-at-ni-1-4385364

Hehe, amusing unwitting double entendre in the headline, there.

I told Noel King my decision and he tried to get me to reconsider but my mind had been made up.

Proof (if it were even needed) that the IFA are more than happy to facilitate players registered with another association who still have immediate plans for them.

Charlie Darwin
19/10/2012, 2:03 PM
Fair play to him, he made his choice and he made it decisively. I hope he does well for NI. I still think he's a good prospect even if he's stalled a bit in the Premier Division. I think Stephen McLaughlin is a better prospect for us from the Derry squad at this stage anyway.

19/10/2012, 2:32 PM
They're really enjoying this one on OWC.

Great news. What goes round comes round.

The Eligibility "war" may have been lost but it looks like we are winning a few battles at least.

Long may it continue.

Well done to Micheal and team. The reversal in the trend is very encouraging..

First thing I've read on this thread that's put a smile on my face. Nice one Paddy!

Thats good news, ive seen a bit of LOI and the two lads are quality players, dont think it would have happened under Nigel.

True NW didnt go near LOI matches. Great to see as there is a fair bit of young footballing talent around Derry City setup. Even better he played for ROI youth teams first before swiching to his original country of birth
How long will the FAI sit on this paperwork I wonder

Until the FAI f**k up it'll always be an issue in some form or another.

Great news, have good reports espically about Paddy. Little wins like this will help us, but again I hope the IFA continue their focus on the young lads playing in England and Scotland a la Wilson, O'Kane etc so we dont lose more. But a great bit of work!

Want I do want to see happen is something that will really hurt the 26, should it even be down to the petulance of a young player. I would have no objection to a ROI born lad joining our ranks if he qualified through the normal parent/grandparent rules. Something similar to the McClean situation where he is expected to make a senior debut but has a last minute change of heart. Unlikely I know, but hope springs eternal. Its a bit harder to be pleased at somebody from NI choosing to play for NI when it should in fact be their default position.

Plenty of misplaced and ill-informed vindictiveness, but not one post highlights the blatant hypocrisy.

Anyway, g'luck to McEleney; his career choice and I hope it works out for him.

Charlie Darwin
19/10/2012, 2:41 PM
How long will the FAI sit on this paperwork I wonder
Oh dear. No more than the five minutes it takes to sign it, I'm guessing, based on how little fuss they've made about the dozen or so other players who've switched allegiances in recent years. By contrast, the IFA...

19/10/2012, 4:57 PM
The best of luck to Mceleney I think he is a quality player and if he gets a move in this window I think they have a premier league player on their hands in a year as a no 10 but he does need to get fitter and stronger. Some of those comments above on oWC are delusional if only Michael Collins could see his legacy go put that in the sequel.

19/10/2012, 5:22 PM
...he is very hopeful that McLaughlin will side with Northern Ireland.

Stephen McLaughlin?

Charlie Darwin
19/10/2012, 5:40 PM
Ryan McLaughlin I assume. Stephen McLaughlin is from Donegal, though he may well have parentage.

19/10/2012, 6:30 PM
Hah, good luck with Stephen McLaughlin. There's as much hope of him declaring for Northern Ireland as there is of Robbie Keane turning around suddenly and saying he wants to

11/11/2012, 5:58 PM
Just came across this...

"North calls the stars: The Republic must beware of losing too many talented players to Windsor Park": http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/ireland/article1159345.ece

Keep an eye on Patrick McEleney in today’s FAI Ford Cup final at the Aviva stadium and enjoy the experience, because you may not see him there again.

McEleney, 20, is considered a real talent who has already had a spell at Sunderland which didn’t work out, but could well be returning across the water shortly if his performances for Derry City are anything to go by.

The other reason why he mightn’t be making the trip down to Dublin as often as he used to is that he has abandoned a promising international career with the Republic of Ireland to throw his lot in with Northern Ireland instead.

He has been capped at Under-19 level with the Republic and was about to join the Under-21s.

He is following his brother Shane McEleney, who also plays for Derry City and has chosen to play for the North, but nonetheless it is an unusual course of action for a lad from Derry to pursue in the present climate.

For a few years now, the traffic has been coming the other way from the banks of the Foyle.

Darron Gibson was the most famous case, until the recent and rather spectacular defection from the Northern Ireland ranks by their Under-21 player James McClean, who ruffled many feathers with his comments about Catholics feeling more comfortable playing for the Republic.

Patrick McEleney himself was originally chosen for Northern Ireland underage squads back in 2009, but snubbed the North, declaring at the time: “I was with Northern Ireland and then I decided to go down south and play for Republic. The set-up down south is better. The players, the coaching staff and the facilities are far better than up north.”

Now he has changed his mind, though Derry City were keeping him under wraps last week to prevent any distractions caused by him explaining why he had done so.

If anything, facilities down south have only improved since then, which McEleney will realise when he looks around Lansdowne Road today. And he would have been working with an excellent coach at Under-21 level in Noel King.

Others who have made the switch to Northern Ireland haven’t been missed. The departure of the senior international Alex Bruce earlier this year prompted the response “Bruce Who?” from the Republic’s fans.

However, in McEleney’s case, given his promise, it has hurt King and is a blow to the Republic.

Though we don’t know for certain, it probably could have been avoided had the senior management team paid more heed to his achievements.

And it is a clear sign that the recently appointed Northern Ireland manager, Michael O’Neill, has been addressing this issue with some success.

O’Neill’s predecessor, Nigel Worthington, was a stranger to the Brandywell in Derry, but O’Neill has been getting about, not just in Northern Ireland, but in Britain as well.

What has emerged is that Patrick McEleney talked to the former Derry player and Northern Ireland international Paddy McCourt and, crucially, to O’Neill himself. And the Northern Ireland manager has made it clear he is just getting started.

O’Neill recently moved back to his house in Edinburgh and has been using the long fallow periods which international managers enjoy away from day-to-day tasks to his advantage.

For one thing, he has successfully courted the Newcastle United wing-back Shane Ferguson, who is also from Derry and looked for a while as if he was about to make the jump to the Republic.

He is on the hunt for others, not just players born in Northern Ireland who are thinking of exercising their right under the Good Friday Agreement to play for the Republic, but the legion of players in Britain and elsewhere who could play for any number of countries, including the two Irelands.

For a while there it looked like Northern Ireland might be turning into the Ireland B team, no matter how cruel that may sound.

There is no doubt their international side has been seriously weakened by the Republic’s claim over players born in the North and it’s fair to say that if they hadn’t lost the likes of Gibson, McClean and Marc Wilson they might actually be stronger than the Republic now.

The chant of “there’s only one team in Ireland” has been heard at Lansdowne Road before, but how Giovanni Trapattoni would like to have in his squad the Northern Ireland defenders Jonny Evans and the excellent Gareth McAuley of West Bromwich Albion, while Steve Davis would also have a role to play, as would Ferguson.

In time, Patrick McEleney will probably come to be missed. Picking an all-Ireland XI now is an interesting challenge, albeit one that remains well in the realm of fantasy.

In saying all this, it’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that the Republic are missing a trick here. A powerful network of informants, snitches, tippers-off and assorted other busybodies and do-gooders has been built up over the years.

They would be on the phone to the coaching staff at the drop of a hat with news of a new player. Rightly or wrongly, that player might often be fast-tracked if he was eligible to play for another country as well.

Journalists, such as the late Bob Hennessy, were another valuable source, who could be counted on to direct a player a certain way.

Well-connected individuals, such as the former senior managers Brian Kerr and Eoin Hand or the former Under-19s’ manager Sean McCaffrey, were quick to act on such nuggets, but they are no longer viewed as important by the current regime.

The system has fallen into a state of neglect, the weeds are growing and it’s Northern Ireland who are now making hay. Wave Patrick McEleney away today and wish him well.

Rowan also interviewed Michael O'Neill in today's Sunday Times with O'Neill quoted as saying, "I speak to the younger players and they tell me that they have been approached. They are not approaching our senior players. They are approaching our underage players."

Not sure why senior players would be approached given they'd most likely be cap-tied...

Yard of Pace
12/11/2012, 3:26 PM
Not sure is this the right thread, but I thought it was interesting that Zaha of Palace is only joining up with the England squad for their friendly on the basis it won't make him ineligible for playing for Cote D'Ivoire in the future. I wonder are there posters on the English equivalent of foot.ie spouting off the usual "thanks, but no thanks" we hear when an English-born player eligible for Ireland seeks to keep his options open...

12/11/2012, 5:44 PM
There is no English equivalent of foot.ie.

12/11/2012, 10:02 PM
if you're registered on the football365 forum you could have a look there

12/11/2012, 11:38 PM
We are long past the stage where it is deemed 'taboo' to speak to northern born Irish nationals about their international future. Any IFA complaint, official or otherwise, can be roundly disregarded.

Not Brazil
12/11/2012, 11:44 PM
We are long past the stage where it is deemed 'taboo' to speak to northern born Irish nationals about their international future. Any IFA complaint, official or otherwise, can be roundly disregarded.

I couldn't agree more Predator.

I firmly believe the IFA should be speaking to all those eligible to play for Nothern Ireland about their International future intentons, and selecting accordingly.

13/11/2012, 6:48 PM
Just noticed the guys on OWC have blocked me from following them on twitter. I never tweeted anything bad or aggressive to them.
I followed them to keep up to date on the North's progress etc. Really insecure if they don't want Ireland fans following them.
Pretty pathetic...

13/11/2012, 9:51 PM
I read somewhere on this site (and I can't find it!) that Ryan McLaughlin had been called up by NI, but there is no mention of him in their U21 side or senior side. Anyone able to add any light to this? Could he be considering his position....

13/11/2012, 10:02 PM

Inverness Caledonian forward Billy McKay has been called up to the squad, along with Burnley defender Daniel Lafferty and Liverpool centre back Ryan McLaughlin.

14/11/2012, 12:17 AM
Just noticed the guys on OWC have blocked me from following them on twitter. I never tweeted anything bad or aggressive to them.
I followed them to keep up to date on the North's progress etc. Really insecure if they don't want Ireland fans following them.
Pretty pathetic...

The least surprising news ever.

Though their Paranoia radar must be pretty good if they can pick up random Ireland fans....

14/11/2012, 11:42 AM
Conor Devlin, Conor McLaughin, Seanan Clucas, Liam Boyce, Liam Mc Alinden, Ryan McLaughin, Paddy McLaughin, Tom Joe Flanagan, Rory McKeown, Shane McEleney and Laim Donnelly ....all in N.I under 21 squad ... bad sign of us if we want to steal this guys lol very catholic looking side there

14/11/2012, 12:54 PM
Conor Devlin, Conor McLaughin, Seanan Clucas, Liam Boyce, Liam Mc Alinden, Ryan McLaughin, Paddy McLaughin, Tom Joe Flanagan, Rory McKeown, Shane McEleney and Laim Donnelly ....all in N.I under 21 squad ... bad sign of us if we want to steal this guys lol very catholic looking side there

And I'm nearly sure you could add Carl Wichester to that list, ex Corpus Christi pupil

14/11/2012, 1:05 PM
I find myself supporting them more when there is a few more catholic lads on the team

Not Brazil
14/11/2012, 1:09 PM
I find myself supporting them more when there is a few more catholic lads on the team

Sad that your level of support depends on a sectarian head count.

Comes across as very, erm, sectarian of you.

14/11/2012, 1:28 PM
Conor Devlin, Conor McLaughin, Seanan Clucas, Liam Boyce, Liam Mc Alinden, Ryan McLaughin, Paddy McLaughin, Tom Joe Flanagan, Rory McKeown, Shane McEleney and Laim Donnelly ....all in N.I under 21 squad

Valuable experience.

14/11/2012, 1:57 PM
Sad that your level of support depends on a sectarian head count.

Comes across as very, erm, sectarian of you.

Dont mean to be any way sectarian in any way , i just have more of a bond with my own kind, i do love to see the North do well , but it took me a while to feel this way ..circa healy on his scoring bender that time, i like some of u people :O) just kidding, i really do wana see both "sides"getting on better" as I said before I wear my Norn Iron jersey in Dundalk ..to much evil looks

14/11/2012, 2:10 PM
I couldn't agree more Predator.

I firmly believe the IFA should be speaking to all those eligible to play for Nothern Ireland about their International future intentons, and selecting accordingly.Well, isn't that what Mick O'Neill is doing? I'm guessing that it filters down the chain of command. Of course, I reckon that the FAI should be doing the same, without fear of complaint.

14/11/2012, 11:25 PM
Anyone know why Ryan mcloughlin was not on bench tonight?

14/11/2012, 11:50 PM
Anyone know why Ryan mcloughlin was not on bench tonight?

No, but I'm hoping you do.

The Fly
15/11/2012, 12:12 AM
He may not have been listed a substitute but I'm fairly sure I saw him in the dugout.

15/11/2012, 12:33 AM
Therefore, we need Doolin or King to start massaging his ego!

15/11/2012, 11:19 AM
He may not have been listed a substitute but I'm fairly sure I saw him in the dugout.

Just seems strange he would not have been named on bench as the north had a reasonably small bench{in numbers not biblically).Surely it was a great chance to cap him in a qualifier that the north were likely to win easily and put the mexican threat to bed.

15/11/2012, 11:26 AM
No, but I'm hoping you do.

LOL. My only northern "knowledge" was rudely exposed by young mceleneys switch!

15/11/2012, 12:28 PM
Something I've been wondering in relation to Irish and British citizenship in a hypothetical post-NI/united Ireland context...

The GFA stated that the "right to hold both British and Irish citizenship is accepted by both [the Irish and British] Governments and would not be affected by any future change in the status of Northern Ireland". I assume this means that those born in what was formerly Northern Ireland in a new united Ireland would still be able to claim British citizenship if they so wished. Am I correct in this interpretation and what, if anything, would it mean for those entitled to claim it in footballing terms?

It's quite an unusual insertion as it's difficult to see where the line would be drawn in practice, in the absence of historical reference to what once was, given a political boundary would no longer exist under such circumstances. It would surely seem odd, if not unfair, that the likes of the Donegal-born DUP politician Willie Hay (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Hay_(Northern_Ireland_politician)) would have to settle without official recognition of his British identity whilst someone born fifteen minutes away from his place of birth, but in the same new united state, would be able to avail of such.

15/11/2012, 12:56 PM
Something I've been wondering in relation to Irish and British citizenship in a hypothetical post-NI/united Ireland context...

The GFA stated that the "right to hold both British and Irish citizenship is accepted by both [the Irish and British] Governments and would not be affected by any future change in the status of Northern Ireland". I assume this means that those born in what was formerly Northern Ireland in a new united Ireland would still be able to claim British citizenship if they so wished. Am I correct in this interpretation and what, if anything, would it mean for those entitled to claim it in footballing terms?

It's quite an unusual insertion as it's difficult to see where the line would be drawn in practice, in the absence of historical reference to what once was, given a political boundary would no longer exist under such circumstances. It would surely seem odd, if not unfair, that the likes of the Donegal-born DUP politician Willie Hay (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Hay_(Northern_Ireland_politician)) would have to settle without official recognition of his British identity whilst someone born fifteen minutes away from his place of birth, but in the same new united state, would be able to avail of such.

I would assume that anything along those lines would be set out in the myriad of treaties that would be signed between now and then.

I would think that some sort of time-frame would exist a la the one that existed for us Mexicans until 1949.

15/11/2012, 2:09 PM
The least surprising news ever.

Though their Paranoia radar must be pretty good if they can pick up random Ireland fans....

The FAI logo in the corner of my avatar probably gave it away...

The Fly
15/11/2012, 2:11 PM
The FAI logo in the corner of my avatar probably gave it away...

Ahhh,....they probably thought you supported apartheid then.

15/11/2012, 2:27 PM
Pause for a moment to consider Danny's "suspension".

Lest we forget...

15/11/2012, 2:29 PM
The FAI logo in the corner of my avatar probably gave it away...

Ahhh,....they probably thought you supported apartheid then.

..or were attempting to poach their tweets. After they'd invested so many keystrokes in them.

Not Brazil
15/11/2012, 4:39 PM
Something I've been wondering in relation to Irish and British citizenship in a hypothetical post-NI/united Ireland context...

The GFA stated that the "right to hold both British and Irish citizenship is accepted by both [the Irish and British] Governments and would not be affected by any future change in the status of Northern Ireland". I assume this means that those born in what was formerly Northern Ireland in a new united Ireland would still be able to claim British citizenship if they so wished. Am I correct in this interpretation and what, if anything, would it mean for those entitled to claim it in footballing terms?

You are absolutely correct DI, ref the terms of the GFA.

Hypothetically. it would mean that young players with British Citizenship, who would indentify themselves solely as British, would have Hobson's choice if they wanted to persue an International career - unless they met the currently applicable criteria (parent etc) to represent either England, Scotland or Wales.

Olé Olé
15/11/2012, 5:33 PM
Sad that your level of support depends on a sectarian head count.

Comes across as very, erm, sectarian of you.

Was there not a sectarian aspect to the very selection of Michael O'Neill as manager of Northern Ireland i.e. that his presence would influence Catholic players to remain with the IFA?

Not Brazil
15/11/2012, 5:56 PM
Was there not a sectarian aspect to the very selection of Michael O'Neill as manager of Northern Ireland i.e. that his presence would influence Catholic players to remain with the IFA?

Not that I'm aware of. The other main candidate for the job is also "Catholic" - if you have any evidence that O'Neill was appointed because he is a "Catholic", let me know please. We've Laws about that kind of thing.

Out of interest, do you think is it players religious beliefs that influence them in wanting to play for the South?

15/11/2012, 6:48 PM
He may not have been listed a substitute but I'm fairly sure I saw him in the dugout.

He is listed as a substitute here.


UEFA has his brother listed as on the bench.
