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03/11/2013, 9:31 AM
Stutts mentioned Tony Leen's piece from the Examiner in the thread on Trap's replacement, but I might as well just mention it here too as Martin O'Neill has expressed his intent on bringing the likes of Ryan McLaughlin into the set-up: http://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/sport/oneill-takes-up-republic-of-ireland-reins-despite-delay-in-inking-the-deal-612004.html

[O'Neill] has already identified a number of promising youngsters whom he hopes will declare for the Republic over Northern Ireland. Liverpool's Ryan McLoughlin [sic] is one such talent.

Olé Olé
03/11/2013, 6:13 PM
Intriguing stuff. The line prior to that also seemed insightful: "Interestingly O'Neill has already intimated to close associates that he sees this as a long term project."

The IFA thought they had made an inspired call hiring Michael O'Neill. The FAI have blown them out of the water by hiring an M. O'Neill with Northern Ireland caps but with a playing and managerial CV that the IFA's M. O'Neill can't compare with.

In relation to McLoughlin, in particular, things are coming together nicely for him to make a switch, if he so wanted. O'Neill's appointment, coupled with Anton Rodgers (son of his club manager Brendan) apparent U-turn on his switch to the IFA, makes things a lot smoother for the young lad.

03/11/2013, 6:21 PM
Has Rodgers decided against switching then? Where did you come across that?

03/11/2013, 7:34 PM
"This impending appointment of Martin O'Neill as senior team manager of the Beggars is nothing but another devious and divisive ploy by the FAI to win over the hearts of young and impressionable northern Catholic lads and to strike a further blow to the very existence of the IFA. Is O'Neill even eligible?!"
- Some paranoid fool on OWB earlier, probably...

If these very same Catholics read this, you'd hardly blame them. Though what their religion has to do with it, I don't know.
Do those other clowns not realise there are Catholic unionists...

03/11/2013, 7:53 PM
Ah, I made that up, but it would surprise me if such sentiment hasn't actually been expressed.

03/11/2013, 8:00 PM
Shocking! And I thought you had more class than that...

But tbf, undoubtedly that sentiment has been expressed.

03/11/2013, 8:08 PM
A dastardly attempt to blacken Paul's character with that exclamation/question mark, grammar abortion.

Olé Olé
03/11/2013, 10:20 PM
Has Rodgers decided against switching then? Where did you come across that?


Oldham Athletic midfielder Anton Rodgers, son of Liverpool boss Brendan, is back on the radar after a phone-call from King helped dissuade him from switching to Northern Ireland.

No direct quotes is the only issue.

04/11/2013, 6:30 AM
I know it has been mentioned before on here, but Bamford is possibly another player that O'Neill might talk to. Playing pretty well at MK Dons. If you have a look at the attached link, Robbie Keane really is amazing to be playing at this age!
On Curtis Davies, might this be a strategic move by the FAI as Dunne and O'Shea are nearing retirement? Also, who would be instigating this at the FAI, considering we have no manager?


04/11/2013, 11:26 AM
I believe they call it an interrobang.

You call that an interrobang?!

This is an interrobang: ‽

04/11/2013, 3:05 PM
Shocking! And I thought you had more class than that...

But tbf, undoubtedly that sentiment has been expressed.

Yep it has. Thread in their NI managers section!

04/11/2013, 3:12 PM
Knew it would have been...

Charlie Darwin
04/11/2013, 3:15 PM
It's times like this that we most feel the loss of Are We A Country?


04/11/2013, 5:34 PM
Except it's still going, surely...

04/11/2013, 6:52 PM
Italians offer citizenship to 4th generation subjects.
You will find many Argentinians and colombians who live in Europe and have no visas isssues due to acquiring Italian passports.

A friend of mine has made me winder whether or not ye have any of this elligibility stuff right at all. he mentiined a friend having played underage for italy after only being in the country a couple of years and therefore would have been eligible to play for Italy at Senior level.

Supposedly in Italy you dont have to be the children or grandchildren of Italian citizens to acquire nationality probably to do with all the "escapees" from the war. Once you can show relatives born through birthcerts and direct descendancy.

04/11/2013, 7:01 PM
Actively seeking to bring northern lads into the fold from under17 level would be great. The way northern lads have had to come forward and do all the running really saddens me. Derry lads should be encouraged to play for Ireland just like a lad from Carlow. If O neill makes this option open and transparent for all young northern footballers he will have been a success in my book.

Charlie Darwin
04/11/2013, 8:16 PM
Except it's still going, surely...
It hasn't been updated for a few months since it's ultra-secretive creator got banned from OWC.

04/11/2013, 9:15 PM
Nothing to update...
And was the creator 'banned' ​?

04/11/2013, 10:12 PM
Yep it has. Thread in their NI managers section!

Jesus wept. I thought I might have been a bit hyperbolic in my parody attempt. Any juicy quotes?

05/11/2013, 1:17 AM
A friend of mine has made me winder whether or not ye have any of this elligibility stuff right at all. he mentiined a friend having played underage for italy after only being in the country a couple of years and therefore would have been eligible to play for Italy at Senior level.

Can you elaborate on this case? How many years was he resident in Italy? Wouldn't it be similar to the likes of Noe Baba for us or, say, Saido Berahino (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saido_Berahino) for England anyway? For example, Berahino's family moved to England from Burundi when he was 10; he has since played for England at under-16 level and above. If a player acquires his nationality before the age of 18, it appears it is treated by FIFA as "a permanent nationality that is not dependent on residence" and falls under the scope of regulation 5 which outlines the principle. Have I got that right or am I overlooking something fairly obvious? That element of the beast, I've always had difficulty with.

Nothing to update...
And was the creator 'banned' ​?

Nothing to update from a goldmine? Unlikely!

It was panic stations as the paranoia spread. Then came lockdown and shut-up-shop with the desperate need for concealment; broad-brush suspensions were dished out to the dormant and lurking, anyone whose trace gave off even the slightest scent of their red setter just imagining a pint of Guinness and Taytos (proper Taytos). Evading senses so perceptive and resolute would have been hard for a stinking beggar. One would be forgiven for suspecting they had something to hide in there! So a little birdie told me...

05/11/2013, 10:45 AM
Ha, but even they/er, the creator can only repeat what's said so many times in so many ways.

Anyway, yer man, #5811 ^^, is still on there, so doubtless he can feed new material?
Or re-registration from elsewhere...

05/11/2013, 1:00 PM
Are we a country?? Thoughts on the turncoat lundy Martin 'Judas' O'Neill


i knew all along where his priorities lie, not be long to his gets his dream job
i lost respect for him a long time ago, absolutely detest him now :rcard:

Sh*t. Another Northern Ireland deserter to the Beggars. This will do even more harm to us. Not only will they be successful under him, we will be losing youth players we wouldnt normally lose.

Another nail in the coffin for the IFA and the Northern Ireland football team.

Nice one Martin :thumbdown:


Martin O'Neill's imminent appointment as ROI manager will deal a heavy blow to the IFA and the team. This will 'open the floodgates' for young nationalist players to opt for the Republic.
It will make any allegiance decision a lot easier when you know the first handshake you will get in Dublin is from a 64 times capped former Northern Ireland captain.
Sad sad times.

This will be a hammer blow for the IFA, how he can have anything to do with that shower of shoite that is the FAI is disappointing. They're after our players now a former player of ours looks like being their manager, fcuking beggars by name and nature. Que the 'all Ireland football team' debate hotting up.

'Man who once captained NI now manages the organisation that's trying to put the IFA out of existence'.

Bridges well and truly brunt by O'Neill. Says a lot about people's opinion of him that Fulham, Palace, or Derby didn't seem interested.
One trick pony, and if beggar fans had a problem with Trapp's approach I can't wait to see what they think of O'Neill's long ball muck.
Could also be good for us once their fans turn on him and the press start blaming the "nordie". That should leave defectors in no doubt how welcome they really are across the border.

It's all to late buddy,the damage is done,now lets hope his early reign in charge is a disaster.
MON from now on is now not my bestest of friends,
Hope ta fuk your future is a mess and all Irish people North or South find you out to be a money grabber.and your new found buddies let you down,BIG TIME.

I hope his reign as beggar boss ends in abject failure.....

Not surprised by this though......

Worst of luck eh Martin, cnut

There will be some backlash against Martin over this move to FAI. Scumbag showing his true priorities chasing the loot and his dream job....

all on here that go on & on about the anthem change & flags issue can thank Martin ON who has put change back even further and hardened supporters views

We are going to draw them in February for the Euros, I have that feeling o_O

Would love to. And then pick up 6 pts

Sad to see him managing the tinkers, thought he would prefer another EPL job.

Really would take a lot for me to turn against Martin O `Neil he was our world cup captain and always gave 100% He was a fine player and always came across as being proud to have played for Northern Ireland. If he continues the poaching it will be very sad indeed and he could end up a hate figure. I think in the end now what we are going to have is a Protestant Northern Ireland side and Catholic Republic side and thats very sad. I think the IFA are asleep re issues like the Anthem and it looks like it will never will be addressed.

The sad reality is this united Island team nonsense is borne out of politics rather than a desire for football success, its just another attempt to wipe out anything Northern Irish.

Just my opinion here if he carries on like the last FAI management he is more than a c**t,
He would in my eyes called be a deserter.now take our pick.

Really gutted about this - not only because Martin has arguably thrown away his legendary NI status by jumping into bed with the association that is single-handedly destroying us, but because i can see him doing a great job whilst making us even weaker at the same time. I really thought he had more loyalty as a man.

And in fairness, one or two more reasonable responses #nonfleggers

Regardless of poaching, if a young player from a Nationalist /Republican background approaches the FAI first, they are hardly going to say no.

Extremely disappointed, but I'm not going to say a bad word about him.

05/11/2013, 1:05 PM
Love to know their 'real' monikers, to see if if it's still the usual suspects...

05/11/2013, 1:51 PM
That's priceless.

Can't wait for the draw. :)

05/11/2013, 2:30 PM
Are we a country?? Thoughts on the turncoat lundy Martin 'Judas' O'Neill


And in fairness, one or two more reasonable responses #nonfleggers

Wow, impressive collection from the bubble there. As bitter and paranoid as ever with an added dose of bonus bogus scaremongering.

The desperate attempt to spin developments as favourable and its faux-concern for potential "defectors" makes this one my favourite:

Could also be good for us once their fans turn on him and the press start blaming the "nordie". That should leave defectors in no doubt how welcome they really are across the border.

Who has ever been made feel unwelcome? If people turn on Martin - who is already popular throughout the island despite this unfortunate affliction of "nordie" roots - it'll be because of poor results; not because he's a "nordie". Why would the FAI be employing him in the first place if they had vested issues with "nordies"? :rolleyes:

Charlie Darwin
05/11/2013, 2:49 PM
Really gutted about this - not only because Martin has arguably thrown away his legendary NI status by jumping into bed with the association that is single-handedly destroying us, but because i can see him doing a great job whilst making us even weaker at the same time. I really thought he had more loyalty as a man.
I'm not sure this man quite understands nationalism.

05/11/2013, 2:52 PM
His only 'crime';a lack of ​'loyalty'...

05/11/2013, 2:55 PM
I'm not sure this man quite understands nationalism.

But if he understood Nationalism...

Charlie Darwin
05/11/2013, 3:08 PM
But if he understood Nationalism...
United Ireland?

05/11/2013, 3:50 PM
Wow, impressive collection from the bubble there. As bitter and paranoid as ever with an added dose of bonus bogus scaremongering.
A hilarious read. They sound like a bunch of jilted teenage girls!
One or two voices of reason (they actually leave the bunker and post here from time to time).

The desperate attempt to spin developments as favourable and its faux-concern makes this one my favourite:

Who has ever been made feel unwelcome? If people turn on Martin - who is already popular throughout the island despite this unfortunate affliction of "nordie" roots - it'll be because of poor results; not because he's a "nordie". Why would the FAI be employing him in the first place if they had vested issues with "nordies"? :rolleyes:
Only place would be made feel unwelcome for any place of birth/religious/political reasons would be in Windsor Park by the super-prods if he didn't raise his head high and sing GSTQ along with the Buckfast brigade

05/11/2013, 9:43 PM
I love Jamie Bryson's spin on things. O'Neill's appointment has stopped 'change'. I actually think O'Neill's appointment, like Mary McAleese's as president, is positive change in itself. It would be positive and a change if Bryson viewed life outside his little Unionist bubble and accepted the right of Northern born nationalists to determine their own careers.

The Fly
05/11/2013, 9:59 PM
I love Jamie Bryson's spin on things. O'Neill's appointment has stopped 'change'. I actually think O'Neill's appointment, like Mary McAleese's as president, is positive change in itself. It would be positive and a change if Bryson viewed life outside his little Unionist bubble and accepted the right of Northern born nationalists to determine their own careers.

Drawing a parallel between O'Neill's appointment and McAleese's is a little far fetched, to say the least.

With regards to Bryson, don't hold your breath.

05/11/2013, 11:36 PM
Drawing a parallel between O'Neill's appointment and McAleese's is a little far fetched, to say the least.

With regards to Bryson, don't hold your breath.

The parallel, while possibly simplistic, is of two successful Northern born individuals who have/had the opportunity to hold two of the most high profile positions in Ireland. Personally, I don't find that far fetched.

05/11/2013, 11:44 PM
The parallel, while possibly simplistic, is of two successful Northern born individuals who have/had the opportunity to hold two of the most high profile positions in Ireland. Personally, I don't find that far fetched.

You got there before me. i think it's a good comparison.

The Fly
06/11/2013, 12:26 AM
The parallel, while possibly simplistic, is of two successful Northern born individuals who have/had the opportunity to hold two of the most high profile positions in Ireland.

I know what the parallel is. You stated that O'Neill's appointment denotes a positive change; in contrast to Bryson's dim-witted assertion that O'Neill's 'volte-face' has set back such a change in Northern Ireland footballing circles, or perhaps even NI society at large. The last part is a stretch but given his form I'd say Bryson is elastic enough to make it.

Before I go on...whilst it's very easy to poke fun at young Jamie, did he actually make those comments?

06/11/2013, 12:32 AM
Are you not still on there? Seem to remember in past times, surprisingly your 'name' as in on here came up, think like most exotic visitors, you were being slagged in some petty way or other...

The Fly
06/11/2013, 12:35 AM
Are you not still on there? Seem to remember in past times, surprisingly your 'name' as in on here came up, think like most exotic visitors, you were being slagged in some petty way or other...

I was banned some time ago. Prior to to my passing however, I was given the honour of my own thread entitled "Fly educates Da North".
Unfortunately, the education only went so far. ;)

06/11/2013, 12:41 AM
Disgraceful, when even a moderate like your good self is denied free speech...
Seriously, the way that site conducts itself is a joke. But still it never stops giving.

06/11/2013, 7:43 AM
I know what the parallel is. You stated that O'Neill's appointment denotes a positive change; in contrast to Bryson's dim-witted assertion that O'Neill's 'volte-face' has set back such a change in Northern Ireland footballing circles, or perhaps even NI society at large. The last part is a stretch but given his form I'd say Bryson is elastic enough to make it.

Before I go on...whilst it's very easy to poke fun at young Jamie, did he actually make those comments?

To be clear Jamie Bryson was quoted in jest! He did not make those comments!

06/11/2013, 7:53 AM
To be clear Jamie Bryson was quoted in jest! He did not make those comments!

However, it is like you got inside his head to discover a brain the size of a gnat!

06/11/2013, 8:33 AM
'Delaney dismisses IFA defection fears after O'Neill appointment': http://www.goal.com/en-ie/news/3942/ireland/2013/11/05/4384938/delaney-dismisses-ifa-defection-fears-after-oneill

The FAI chief has denied suggestions that more players will opt for the Boys in Green over Northern Ireland after it was announced that Martin O'Neill would manage Ireland

The chief executive of the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) has played down suggestions that the appointment of Martin O'Neill as manager of the Republic of Ireland will lead to an upsurge in players switching international allegiance.

O'Neill, who hails from Derry, is a former Northern Ireland international, captaining the team during the 1982 World Cup in Spain and is set to be officially unveiled as Ireland manager on Saturday November 9.

Players such as Wigan Athletic winger James McClean, Stoke City's Marc Wilson and Everton midfielder Darron Gibson each played for Northern Ireland youth teams before switching to the Republic of Ireland.

Speaking on Newstalk, the FAI chief dismissed the idea that the appointment of O'Neill would have a detrimental effect on the Irish Football Association (IFA), noting that players had been opting for the Republic of Ireland for several years.

"That issue has been there long before Martin O'Neill coming to manage Ireland," said Delaney.

He added: "I think the players make up their own mind. James McClean, Darron Gibson, players like that have declared for the Republic more because of their traditional backgrounds and they want to play for the Republic as opposed to the north of Ireland [sic].

"People like James McClean, who grew up in Derry, Darron Gibson, young [Marc] Wilson, they've always wanted to play for the Republic of Ireland at the senior level."

In 2010, the IFA took a case against the FAI and Fifa to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in a bid to stop players from switching association. However, the appeal was unsuccessful and the court ruled against the IFA.

06/11/2013, 9:35 AM
Soooo... M O'Neill isn't worried about M O'Neill...

Northern boss not worried about O'Neill post
Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill does not expect the appointment of Martin O'Neill as Republic of Ireland boss to have a significant impact on the problematic issue of player eligibility.

One of the touchstones of Michael O'Neill's tenure at Windsor Avenue has been his attempt to stem the flow of talented Northern Irish-born talent to the Republic.

The likes of Darron Gibson, Marc Wilson and James McClean all went on to play for the Republic's senior team despite being born in the north, while a handful of young players have played at age-group level for Northern Ireland before taking advantage of a FIFA-ruling that allows them to switch to the FAI banner.

The Irish Football Association (IFA) has worked hard at grass roots level to buck that trend as well as persuading Alex Bruce to play for them despite earning two friendly caps for the Republic.

But the presence of Martin O'Neill, a celebrated former Northern Ireland captain, in the Republic dugout could prove a stumbling block.

His namesake believes that may not be the case though.

"I don't think it will be an issue at all to be honest," he told Press Association Sport.

"It doesn't really matter who is in charge of the Republic in terms of the eligibility question.

"My focus, pure and simple, is to make sure that our young players know what we are trying to do as an association and what we are trying to build with our younger players in terms of giving them the chance of having an international career.

"I know most of our young age-group footballers by name and have worked on the training pitch with them and hopefully that is a help.

"I've spoken to Martin on a few occasions and he was very helpful to me before I took this job and since.

"He'll just be another international manager to me, no different to Roy Hodgson, Chris Coleman or Gordon Strachan.

"This whole issue is probably more of a media thing that it is for me or Martin."


Who's gonna email RTE?

06/11/2013, 11:51 AM
Can you elaborate on this case? How many years was he resident in Italy? Wouldn't it be similar to the likes of Noe Baba for us or, say, Saido Berahino (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saido_Berahino) for England anyway? For example, Berahino's family moved to England from Burundi when he was 10; he has since played for England at under-16 level and above. If a player acquires his nationality before the age of 18, it appears it is treated by FIFA as "a permanent nationality that is not dependent on residence" and falls under the scope of regulation 5 which outlines the principle. Have I got that right or am I overlooking something fairly obvious? That element of the beast, I've always had difficulty with.
The Berahino one is interesting, not so much from a FIFA perspective, but from a UK Association perspective, if he has no blood line connection to an English parent/grandparent.
If he has no blood line, that would mean that a young kid of an immigrant or refugee family is regarded the same as English born by a UK association, once he gains UK nationality status through his parents gaining some permanent status in the the UK.

To get back to Osvaldo, he qualifies for italian citizenship - great grandfather connection, not the usual parent/grandparent path.
I will ignore exceptions.
Any nationality where residency is not part of the requirement, is accepted as satisfying Article 5.
One argument here is that as long as Osvaldo gets his Italian nationality before playing competitive underage for his first country (Argentina), he qualifies for new country (Italy) under article 5, - no residency requirement.

I say - he has to have had that Italian nationality at birth. Only a 2nd generation kid (born outside Italy) is born a dual national. and would qualify under article 5.
The child at birth is automatically a citizen of the nationality of the parent, as well as the country he is born in. A dual nationality at birth.
A 4th generation kid like Osvaldo, would be assuming a new nationality (Italian) because he has to apply for it. I say he has to satisfy article 7. and seeing as he has no italian grandparent, he has to satisfy residency requirement of article 17 - now article 7.

Article 7 clearly refers to article 5 when it says
-Any Player who refers to art. 5 par. 1 to assume a new nationality and who has not played international football in accordance with art. 5 par. 2 shall be eligible to play for the new representative team only if he fulfils one of the following conditions:- etc etc

We discussed that one in minute detail before, somewhere/sometime. Article 7 applies to the player who has got the permanent nationality, not based on residence, but has acquired that new nationality. This bit makes the difference between the permanent nationality of article 5 and the permanent nationality of article 7 - 'Any Player who refers to art. 5 par. 1 to assume a new nationality'. Therefore the acquired permanent nationality, including the acquired permanent nationality without residence requirements, falls under article 7.

The qualitative difference is, that if he qualifies under article 5, no residency is required.
Qualifying under article 7, means 2 years- later changed to 5 years residency required, before Osvaldo could play competitive underage for italy.

Now you say if Osvaldo assumed that Italian nationality as a minor, then he satisfies the condition of article 5. Is there any example anywhere which supports that idea?
Osvaldo arrived to Italy on the day of his 20th birthday, I'd assume he had 'assumed' his Italian nationality before then, but exactly when is an unknown.

What you say is, if his Italian citizenship was acquired when he was a minor (<18 years old), that's the same as the kid of a family who had emigrated/refugee status to Italy. I don't agree with taht Danny, at least I regard it as a huge stretch to make. I think there's a difference re the kids status with the child of immigrants and how his eligibility is perceived by FIFA.
When a family emigrates to a new country, the children's status changes, I don't know the details of how it changes but there is a stage, once past, that the kid is regarded the same as one born in that new country. Maybe is has something to do with refugee. status. Therefore, say a kid is aged 12 when his family arrives to Ireland, the family gets permanent residency/nationality after 2 years, the kid gets Irish nationality. The kid from now on is regarded the same as Irish born, he can go to England at the age of 16, become a red hot footballer and declare for Ireland under article 5, without having to satisfy the full 5 years residence requirements of article 7.

Imo, Osvaldo's parents applying for Italian citizenship on his behalf from Argentina, is not the same and he would be regarded as assuming a new nationality, even though he was a minor.

06/11/2013, 1:56 PM
Soooo... M O'Neill isn't worried about M O'Neill...


Who's gonna email RTE?

It's one of the better attempts, so I'll let it pass.

Michael O'Neill has the right idea. As ever, the IFA must accept responsibility for their own affairs and be prepared to deal with the reality of their situation rather than moaning and blaming others for their perceived hardships. If northern-born players continue to switch to or declare for us, that'll still be entirely their own choice. They'll have decided that declaring for the FAI is preferable to playing for the IFA for whatever reason - perhaps, or evidently, because the IFA haven't been doing sufficient groundwork to ensure such players would see it as being in their best interests to play for the IFA - but it won't be because Martin O'Neill hoodwinked anyone or forced them to do something against their will. If the IFA want players to see them as a viable option, work harder. It's not the FAI's problem they don't shape up as a viable or appealing option in the minds of players eligible to play for them.

06/11/2013, 4:30 PM

07/11/2013, 1:21 PM
We discussed that one in minute detail before, somewhere/sometime.

Was it around here?: http://foot.ie/threads/147164-Eligibility-Rules-Okay?p=1504486&viewfull=1#post1504486

Now you say if Osvaldo assumed that Italian nationality as a minor, then he satisfies the condition of article 5. Is there any example anywhere which supports that idea?

I only suggest it because I'd have thought the likes of Noe Baba's Irish citizenship would have been based on residence, yet he seemingly qualifies to play for us under article 5.

What you say is, if his Italian citizenship was acquired when he was a minor (<18 years old), that's the same as the kid of a family who had emigrated/refugee status to Italy. I don't agree with taht Danny, at least I regard it as a huge stretch to make. I think there's a difference re the kids status with the child of immigrants and how his eligibility is perceived by FIFA.
When a family emigrates to a new country, the children's status changes, I don't know the details of how it changes but there is a stage, once past, that the kid is regarded the same as one born in that new country. Maybe is has something to do with refugee. status. Therefore, say a kid is aged 12 when his family arrives to Ireland, the family gets permanent residency/nationality after 2 years, the kid gets Irish nationality. The kid from now on is regarded the same as Irish born, he can go to England at the age of 16, become a red hot footballer and declare for Ireland under article 5, without having to satisfy the full 5 years residence requirements of article 7.

Imo, Osvaldo's parents applying for Italian citizenship on his behalf from Argentina, is not the same and he would be regarded as assuming a new nationality, even though he was a minor.

Perhaps. I think we'd require further information on the status of respective citizens and the respective natures of their citizenships, without which we can only make educated guesses as to how and which regulations actually apply to them.

07/11/2013, 7:04 PM
Delaney not out to get the IFA, after all: http://www.goal.com/en-ie/news/3942/ireland/2013/11/06/4387554/delaney-calls-for-unified-ireland-team

The FAI chief would like to see a "32-county soccer team" in Ireland but believes that it would only happen in the event of a political change

The chief executive of the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) has revealed that he would like to see a unified Ireland football team, but conceded that it would first have to happen "politically."

Speaking to Irish radio station Today FM, FAI chief John Delaney said that while he would personally like to see a "32-county soccer team" he respected the position of the Belfast-based Irish Football Association (IFA) which governs football in Northern Ireland.

"I think the country has to be united before anything like that happens. It has to happen politically before it can happen in a sporting way," he said.

"I would never say this as chief executive of the football association, but I've said this many times before: I'd love to see a 32-county soccer team.

"But that's more of an issue for the IFA than the FAI really in my opinion. I respect that they've got their own football team and that they're a member of Uefa.

"We get on very well with the members of the IFA. But I've always said that any 32-county soccer team would be inextricably linked to a political structure and I genuinely believe that."

07/11/2013, 8:31 PM
Was it around here?: http://foot.ie/threads/147164-Eligibility-Rules-Okay?p=1504486&viewfull=1#post1504486
No it hadn't got to do with Italians at all. It was in a thread before this this one, Just a pinpointed discussion somewhere about
what Any Player who refers to art. 5 par. 1 to assume a new nationality and who has not played international football
meant and what "who refers to article 5" meant.

I only suggest it because I'd have thought the likes of Noe Baba's Irish citizenship would have been based on residence, yet he seemingly qualifies to play for us under article 5.------
Perhaps. I think we'd require further information on the status of respective citizens and the respective natures of their citizenships, without which we can only make educated guesses as to how and which regulations actually apply to them.
Some information is already in the Noe Baba thread why he qualifies for a new nationality and how he becomes 'Irish of the soil', and the same probably applies to children of families who moved to Switzerland.
It's a stretch to guess other interpretations about Osvaldo, when the simple valid explanation exists, he qualified because of residency, article 7, he acquired a permanent nationality, just the same as any english born Irish player with an Irish grandparent but that wasn't enough for him to be eligible, he had to have residency as well. When the residency factor doesn't exist for such an example, then we can look for other reasons.
Well, you can look for other reasons:)

08/11/2013, 8:31 AM
"3 ‘Granny Rulers’ that Martin O’Neill could look into calling up": http://thescore.thejournal.ie/ireland-granny-rulers-martin-oneill-1164747-Nov2013/

They pinpoint Curtis Davies of Hull, Callum McManaman of Wigan and Patrick Bamford of Chelsea (on loan at MK Dons) as potential call-ups.

08/11/2013, 12:29 PM
Enda wants an all-Ireland team to play England on a biennial basis.

Taoiseach wants all-Ireland soccer team to play England in charity friendly
Taoiseach Enda Kenny has called for an all-Ireland soccer team to take on England every two years to raise money for children’s hospitals in Dublin and Belfast.

Mr Kenny said the idea could be attractive to everyone.

"It would be a gesture from the sports people that would have a profound impact," he said.

Mr Kenny was in Armagh at a conference on sport boosting reconciliation in Northern Ireland.

He said the Government was building a hospital for all the children of the island of Ireland.

"We could take on the might of England entirely for charity, for the children's hospitals (of Belfast and Dublin), for the children of the island, for research and development of what can impact on their little lives," he added.

"It is just a thought, it might be something that could become a reality."

He was asked whether he would be involving British Prime Minister David Cameron.

"The Prime Minister is a very engaging person but this is for the sporting organisations.

"The sport is about the children of the island. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if we could have an all-island soccer team playing England, perhaps on a bi-annual basis, playing in Ireland and England, the purpose of which would be the development of research and the development of both children's hospitals on the island of Ireland."

He said it could be a unique integration of sport and services for the children of Ireland.
