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Charlie Darwin
25/08/2013, 10:43 PM
Which McEleney? The McEleneys are good players and I'd love to see them do well, but Patrick was the major talent and at this stage I think he may have missed his chance to kick on to the next level. I'd love to be proved wrong and see him and his brother do really well for whatever country they choose, but I don't think it will happen at this stage.

25/08/2013, 11:01 PM
Which McEleney?

Paddy: http://www.londonderrysentinel.co.uk/sport/football/derry-city/mceleney-joins-big-brother-at-ni-1-4385364

DERRY City’s Patrick McEleney has informed the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) that he has decided to switch his allegiances to Northern Ireland.

The 20-year-old, who has played for the Republic of Ireland at U16, 17, 18 and 19 level, has decided like his big brother Shane to make the switch to Northern Ireland after having talks with both Michael O’Neill and U19 manager Stephen Robinson.

“Shane went away with the (Northern Ireland U21) squad to play Hungary recently and he came back with nothing but good reports,” admitted McEleney.

“I have absolutely nothing against the Republic. It’s a personal decision. There’s already a lot of Derry boys planning with Northern Ireland and things are starting to look good under Michael O’Neill.

“I told Noel King my decision and he tried to get me to reconsider but my mind had been made up. I have talked with Michael O’Neill and U21 boss Stephen Robinson a few times and they were telling me their plans for the future and I was very interested. They both spoke very well and I’m just looking forward to trying to be part of that now.”

Edit: McEleney actually makes it known that his decision was in no way down to having something against the FAI, so he obviously wasn't one of these supposed three or four players that Armstrong's been claiming weren't made feel welcome.

Gather round
26/08/2013, 6:32 AM
whereas with ROI they'll be just another player, which is the way it should be in an organisation that has aspirations of competing with the best

As opposed to one which just beat the 'best' in a tactical masterclass you mean? :D

I agree re Gerry Armstrong's ****-stirrng, not sensible.

26/08/2013, 8:36 AM
Catholicism/Catholic identity or heritage and unionism aren't necessarily irreconcilable, even in Ireland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Unionist

Oh, please don't. You'll set certain people off again...

26/08/2013, 8:38 AM
As opposed to one which just beat the 'best' in a tactical masterclass you mean?

This means ^^^?

26/08/2013, 10:42 AM
As opposed to one which just beat the 'best' in a tactical masterclass you mean? :D


This means ^^^?

I assume GR's referring to their recent exploits against the Russian bear.

By the way, I don't suppose anyone has a copy of the Times' Paul Rowan piece and could scan/upload it? Should have inquired last night.

Gather round
26/08/2013, 6:05 PM
I assume GR's referring to their recent exploits against the Russian bear

Indeed. The hapless Russians didn't force a single save from Carroll in the entire game ;)

26/08/2013, 9:46 PM
Well in that case, see the previous post about their Mafia...

27/08/2013, 4:26 PM
Got a chance to read Rowan's article and this is what Armstrong was quoted as saying:

Brendan [Rodgers] told me that Anton never felt settled in, which is what I heard from three or four of the Northern Ireland lads I spoke to who went down there.

Olé Olé
27/08/2013, 5:56 PM
Does Armstrong imply that Anton didn't settle in due to his Northern Irish background? Anton Rodgers was born in England. I'm not sure what cultural differences or otherwise would have stopped him from settling in. That doesn't appear to have been an issue for any of our other English-born players, to the best of my knowledge. Jack Grealish, for instance and on the basis of his Twitter page, appears to have settled in comfortably.

27/08/2013, 6:57 PM
Maybe Anton is just a bit weird & socially awkward.

27/08/2013, 7:05 PM
It's the scaremongering baloney of a ****-stirring clown. The only hurdle to Anton Rodgers settling in would have been his own ability, or lack thereof.

The likes of McClean, Wilson, Duffy and George have all settled in perfectly well. Gibson had no problems settling in either before he took the huff over Trap's selection policy at the Euros.

27/08/2013, 8:08 PM
Maybe Anton is just a bit weird & socially awkward.
And thus feels more comfortable with like minded individuals.

Olé Olé
27/08/2013, 10:05 PM
Had a quick Google of Caolan Lavery there and it seems he's at Sheffield Wednesday now and hasn't appeared in a Northern Ireland jersey since 2011, while he's still under-21. Has he too made himself unavailable for selection with NI?

27/08/2013, 10:40 PM
Tbf, the North like us, Scotland & Wales must have a good no.of their younger squads born outside their typical catchment area.

Does anyone even bother/care at this stage...

28/08/2013, 11:01 AM
Tbf, the North like us, Scotland & Wales must have a good no.of their younger squads born outside their typical catchment area.

You mean "typical catchment area" as in the jurisdiction of the association? Of course, but we're the Beggars, supposedly. Where's that map indicating the geographical origin of players making up NI youth squads?...

Gather round
28/08/2013, 12:54 PM
You mean "typical catchment area" as in the jurisdiction of the association? Of course, but we're the Beggars, supposedly. Where's that map indicating the geographical origin of players making up NI youth squads?...

Just to move things along, we've used four Granny-rulers (out of 24 players) in the current qualifiers.

Charlie Darwin
28/08/2013, 1:10 PM
There seem to be more than that in the current squad although maybe not all of them have played.

Also funny to see on the team's wikipedia page, Ger Doherty's club is listed with a Northern Ireland flag.

28/08/2013, 1:35 PM
It appears that whoever rendered the jerseys on Wiki went for an 'Are We a Country?' theme:


30/08/2013, 12:15 AM
Not sure all those 'nicknames' are necessarily comprehensive...

Just to move things along, we've used four Granny-rulers (out of 24 players) in the current qualifiers.

Aye, but they've used lots of 'granny-rulers' and 'out-of-towners' in their junior sides.

Anyway, thought you'd 'retired' from the internet?

31/08/2013, 12:22 PM
quite a bitter and twisted column in the Belfast Tele on thur (no I didn't buy it are you mad ?) by columnist Billy Weir ostensively about Football Focus on BBC yet couldn't resist

'but as we panned onto Lawro joined by former irish international Kevin Kilbane who both hail from the 33rd county Preston .......

'Back to the studio and Lawro (pictured in the national kit of Lancashsire )' actually an Ireland kit

'this will work , I mean look at Lawro and Kilbane two irish lads but you would think they had lived in Lancashire all their lives'

small wonder the tele is shredding readers

Charlie Darwin
31/08/2013, 12:40 PM
What a strange article. You can read it here if you like: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/columnists/billy-on-the-box/mark-lawrensons-misery-makes-it-hard-to-keep-focus-29535414.html

Although not half as strange as this one (http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/columnists/billy-on-the-box/rangers-back-in-action-in-the-gallic-football-29463665.html) where he spends the whole thing labouring some joke about Rangers playing 'gallic football' on a Sunday afternoon, presumably because he doesn't realise that 'Gallic' refers to France, not Scotland.

31/08/2013, 2:58 PM
That article should be too wacky to gender any offence, Newryrep?

Though nice to see that Billy recognises the 32 county unit.

31/08/2013, 3:36 PM
... Derek MacAoidh and Uisdean MacIllinnein in the commentary box. I have no idea if they are actual people or a conundrum in a Gallic version of Countdown.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry but Jesus wept. :(

Who is Billy Weir and what's his gripe anyway? Just a very bitter man?

01/09/2013, 10:15 AM
By my analysis, Weir appears to be an analyst analysing analysts' analysis. For whatever reason, he's also analysed RTÉ's GAA analysis on occasion: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/sport/columnists/billy-on-the-box/bill-weir-brolly-good-28484093.html

In other news, Windsor Park still a lovely place altogether for taigs...

'Reds duo Boyce and Devlin need PSNI escorts after Windsor game': http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/23916307

Cliftonville's Liam Boyce says he and club-mate Conor Devlin needed police escorts after receiving sectarian abuse while watching Saturday's Premiership game between Linfield and Glentoran.

Boyce said that one supporter had threatened to "cut our throats" as the Reds duo watched the Windsor Park game.

"All fans were dead on and having a bit of banter but there is always one to ruin it," said Boyce on Twitter.

Boyce said that the fan had directed further sectarian abuse at them.

"(He was) Shouting, 'Boyce, Devlin, I'll cut your throats on (the) way out'.

"We had to get a lift (with the police) to (our) car and (be) escorted from ground by police. Was sheep white," continued Boyce.

The Cliftonville striker was unavailable for comment on Saturday evening but BBC Sport has established that he did post the tweets which are at the centre of the story.

Boyce watched the game alongside Linfield supporters after receiving tickets from one of the Windsor Park team's squad.

"The irony is that a Linfield player was friendly enough to give us his tickets. Still in shock," continued Boyce on Twitter.

"So you can't go to a football game to watch a match? I expect banter not sectarianism and death threats."

Boyce added that the supporter who abused him and Devlin "was a man (of) at least 30 with about three friends and a kid aged about 12".

Keeper Devlin later added on Twitter: "Death threats, Coins...and police escort aside, I really enjoyed Blues v Glens with (Liam Boyce) today."

Neither of the Cliftonville players are believed to have made official complaints to the Police following the game.

01/09/2013, 10:19 AM
Not sure what he or anyone else expected. Pretty daft of the two lads who went in my book.

01/09/2013, 12:00 PM
Some choice Twitter responses:

Some Irish League boys have a very high opinion of themselves. Its Irish League, Not La Liga. So stay @ home & watch Final Score! #bigtimers (https://twitter.com/MicDougherty1/status/373868019942174720)

totally agree mate 100% if you go into your biggest rivals end to watch a match your asking for trouble (https://twitter.com/stuart523/status/373869495267643392)

what do youse expect to hear? Brass neck coming in the home end.. (https://twitter.com/Jordie51/status/373839608481861632)

complete madness from both players what did they expect ffs stop playing the victim lads (https://twitter.com/pumps28/status/373886154166517760)

I suppose that makes it all the fault of Boyce and Devlin then...

I wonder how the instigators of the threats and abuse were dealt with.

01/09/2013, 12:24 PM
At least they weren't called barstoolers.

01/09/2013, 1:02 PM
I wonder how the instigators of the threats and abuse were dealt with.

More than one instigator?

01/09/2013, 1:30 PM
According to Boyce, there were at least four men and a kid involved: https://twitter.com/LiamBoyce9/status/373844257377116160

It was a man at least 30 with about 3 friends and a kid aged about 12 doing it!

01/09/2013, 2:09 PM
By my analysis, Weir appears to be an analyst analysing analysts' analysis.


01/09/2013, 7:11 PM
That article should be too wacky to gender any offence, Newryrep?

Though nice to see that Billy recognises the 32 county unit.

That was nice though doubt it was his intention

01/09/2013, 8:23 PM
At least they weren't called barstoolers.
Or 'Gallic'...

02/09/2013, 4:20 PM
Or 'Gallic'...

Frequently, the way we play stinks so much, I've heard some deride it as garlic football!

Gather round
03/09/2013, 5:32 PM
Frequently, the way we play stinks so much, I've heard some deride it as garlic football!

To be fair you don't leek many goals.

03/09/2013, 6:53 PM
I understand the perpetrators of the sectarian threats against Boyce and Devlin have been reported to the Public Prosecution Service.

Meanwhile, Patrick McEleney discusses his switch to the IFA and Trap's alleged neglect for the League of Ireland: http://www.goal.com/en-ie/news/3942/ireland/2013/09/03/4233650/trapattoni-will-never-look-towards-our-league-says-derry

The winger believes that the Republic of Ireland boss will never look to the League of Ireland for senior international players but praised Michael O'Neill and Noel King

Derry City midfielder Patrick McEleney has expressed doubts over Republic of Ireland manager Giovanni Trapattoni's interest in Ireland's domestic league.

Despite the recognition of Airtricity Premier Division players such as Derry's Barry McNamee and Cork City winger Daryl Horgan at under-age level, the Italian tactician has not fielded one player from the League of Ireland since taking over in 2008.

Brian Murphy was called up in November 2009 before his move from Bohemians to Ipswich but did not play and McEleney believes that players need to be plying their trade in Britain in order to catch the eye of the former Juventus boss.

"I think Trapattoni will never look towards our league for senior international players," McEleney told Goal. "You would have to be playing across the water [in Britain] for him to acknowledge you. As for promoting, I'm not sure he would do it."

McEleney is currently awaiting Fifa clearance in order to complete his switch from the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland, but the process has been delayed as the player waits for a British passport.

The 20-year-old, who has been capped at under-17 and under-19 level for the Republic of Ireland made the decision to switch after consulting Ireland under-21 boss Noel King and Northern Ireland manager Michael O'Neill.

"It was just to play international football as quick as I could," he said of his decision to switch international allegiance. "But now the whole passport situation is stopping me which is a nightmare.

"I had a few chats with Noel King and he was fair with me and said he didn't want me to leave," he added.

"But after chatting with Michael O'Neill and Steven Robinson, I like their plans. The passport thing is just annoying because I want to play."

McEleney praised the former Shamrock Rovers boss for his knowledge of the Airtricity Premier Division and also saluted former Derry City and Finn Harps manager Noel King, who has called up several domestic-based players, for his attention to the league.

"Michael O'Neill still knows a lot about our league as he managed in it. Noel King also, he's been at a lot of games, so they do their work on the league," he said.

It still puzzles me as to how or why McEleney has been led to believe that the possession of a British passport is a prerequisite for eligibility to play for the IFA.

Tom Mohan, our under-17s manager, is also said to have his eye on another Derry youngster, Josh Tracey, who is currently in the NI under-19 squad at the age of 16: http://www.derryjournal.com/sport/football/local-football/tracey-called-up-to-u-19-n-ireland-squad-1-5449906

A tug-o’-war could well develop for one of Derry City’s young players who is on the periphery of making his competitive Airtricity League debut.

St. Brigid’s College pupil, Josh Tracey, has been called into the Northern Ireland Under-19 panel despite the fact that he’s aged just 16!

The striker, who has appeared on the substitutes’ bench in recent matches for the “Candy Stripes,” will join Stephen Craigan’s side which travels to Austria for a friendly fixture on Wednesday, September 11th next.

The former Top of the Hill Derry & District Youth player has already represented the Northern Ireland Under-17 squad and it’s understood that former Derry City winger, Tom Mohan, the manager of the Republic of Ireland Under-17’s was highly impressed when watching the Galliagh lad perform in previous international fixtures.

Tracey will clearly be the youngest player in the squad, but his elevation to this level given his age is considered hugely significant.

Indeed, Josh will join fellow teenager, Aaron McEneff in the N. Ireland squad, the former Institute midfield playmakers now on the books of Tottenham Hotspur where he has been playing regularly for the reserve team at White Hart Lane.

03/09/2013, 8:29 PM
just stick him into the boot of the car.

03/09/2013, 11:47 PM
just stick him into the boot of the car.

If only we had Don Givens recruiting still, all would be fine! :rolleyes:

04/09/2013, 12:11 PM
This is a bit of a surprise as paramilitaristic murals had become unfashionable over the past few years, but I suppose it is indicative of the underlying tension (or siege mentality, even) within the loyalist community that was exacerbated by and boiled to the surface recently with the fleg matter along with another heated marching season; the George Best mural in Sydenham, Belfast is being painted over with the image of a masked gunman: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-23958659



05/09/2013, 10:10 AM
Looks more more like a West Belfast circa 1980s job.
Never mind oppressed I'm bloody depressed

05/09/2013, 10:25 AM
There's a thread on it here
They may be reading too much into it all, Billy Hutchinson is after all, a well known Leeds supporter

Not Brazil
05/09/2013, 11:22 AM
In other news, Windsor Park still a lovely place altogether for taigs...

The irony, lost on the neanderthal dishing out the verbals, was that there was more "taigs" than "non taigs" playing for Linfield on the day.

Hopefully the culprit is charged and appropriately punished.

13/09/2013, 7:42 AM
And if you thought we were bad...

Plus a slight case of 'oops'.

Another day, another eejit.

13/09/2013, 8:22 AM
And if both sides became one, we would still have a sh#t team!

13/09/2013, 8:29 AM
Probably, but at this stage there are far too many 'countries' in Europe and to tie into other threads, pre-qualifying becomes almost inevitable.

13/09/2013, 11:20 AM
How do they manage that exactly; beat Russia one month and lose to Luxembourg the next? :bulgy:

13/09/2013, 12:15 PM
See #5581...

14/09/2013, 1:29 PM
Jamie Bryson defends NI fans' singing of the 'Billy Boys' during the Luxembourg game: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/loyalist-flag-protester-jamie-bryson-defends-alleged-singing-of-sectarian-billy-boys-song-29577518.html

Bryson (23) confirmed that the Billy Boys, a song which originated in Glasgow and is infamous for the line “We're up to our necks in fenian blood, surrender or you die”, was sung at the match at Stade Josy Barthel.

Just over a thousand fans travelled to Luxembourg on Tuesday to see Northern Ireland trounced by 3-2 by the much less fancied side.

A spokeswoman for the Irish Football Association said the incident has not been brought to their attention.

“Nothing has been brought to the attention of the Irish FA by the match delegate,” she said.

“The Irish FA totally condemns any form of sectarianism.

“The Association has worked tirelessly in partnership with fans and key stakeholders to eradicate and challenge sectarianism and to create a family-friendly atmosphere at Northern Ireland games.”

Bryson defended the singing of the song at the match, claiming the Billy Boys is “no more sectarian than the Fields of Athenry”.

He said: “Firstly the definition of sectarianism has become somewhat blurred, it now seems to be merely anything Sinn Fein or the wider pan nationalist movement feel is not conducive to their goal of Irish unification.

“I would not concur with this viewpoint and would most certainly not view cultural and traditional songs as 'sectarian'.

“The Billy Boys is no more sectarian than the Fields Of Athenry.”

Bryson went on to add: “I will watch with interest at how the IFA deal with these malicious allegations.

“Their recent case history doesn't bode well.

“They had the audacity to wipe out the National Anthem from the Nations Cup Final showpiece and they also went to great lengths to distance themselves from me over my one-time role as a mascot.”

The Donaghadee man acted as the Northern Ireland’s team mascot once in November 2012, for its match against Azerbaijan.

He is currently out on bail after being charged with a number of offences relating the flag protests which followed a vote by Belfast City Council to fly the Union flag on a designated number of days each year.

He is subject to a number of bail conditions which include not attending flag protests.

Bryson has been charged with encouraging or assisting offences, and taking part in an unnotified public procession.

Just because something happens to be cultural or traditional shouldn't insulate it from potential criticism. Certain traditions can be very much sectarian. And what exactly is he referring to when he says the IFA "wipe[d] out the National Anthem from the Nations Cup Final showpiece"?

The Fly
14/09/2013, 2:46 PM
Jamie Bryson defends NI fans' singing of the 'Billy Boys' during the Luxembourg game: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/northern-ireland/loyalist-flag-protester-jamie-bryson-defends-alleged-singing-of-sectarian-billy-boys-song-29577518.html

Just because something happens to be cultural or traditional shouldn't insulate it from potential criticism. Certain traditions can be very much sectarian. And what exactly is he referring to when he says the IFA "wipe[d] out the National Anthem from the Nations Cup Final showpiece"?

Who cares what he's referring to. Just a publicity seeking ****!

14/09/2013, 2:56 PM
Did the IFA decide against having 'God Save the Queen' played before their fixture against Wales or something?