View Full Version : Eligibility Rules, Okay

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10/10/2011, 11:11 PM
Not a bad idea to get Kerr off our backs for the next campaign, the man has been carrying that weight a long time.

10/10/2011, 11:23 PM
Nigel gave us four great years. A misunderstood genius who won't be fully appreciated until his biopic wins minds, steals hearts and earns Adam Sandler an oscar.
Shall we be expecting Rob Schneider as Gerry Armstrong then?

10/10/2011, 11:50 PM
Shall we be expecting Rob Schneider as Gerry Armstrong then?

Gerry Armstrong is...


11/10/2011, 12:17 AM
I wouldn't be at all surprised to see Magilton appointed.

Don't think MON will be in the frame this time round - his day will come.

I'd like to see Brian Kerr in charge.

Magilton fits their profile.

No chance ever of MO'N, unless he goes prematurely senile?

Kerr possible, as he is a R*ngers 'fan'.

11/10/2011, 1:16 AM
A contribution on Slugger O'Toole by Chris Donnelly: http://sluggerotoole.com/2011/10/10/more-confusion-from-ifa-quarters-over-football-eligibility-on-the-day-nigel-walks/comment-page-1/

11/10/2011, 1:38 AM
Just who is that man Danny Colllins? Whenever comprehensive impressive analysis and eligibility are mentioned together in the same sentence, invariably Danny Collins is there.

Not Brazil
11/10/2011, 9:11 AM
If he keeps that up the IFA will give him a job. :D

"Anyone who thinks the rules are fair, can come and see me"


Not Brazil
11/10/2011, 9:13 AM
No chance ever of MO'N, unless he goes prematurely senile?

Why do you think there is "no chance" of Michael O'Neill ever managing Northern Ireland?

11/10/2011, 9:27 AM
FAI deny ‘tapping up’ claims. (http://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/fai-deny-tapping-up-claims-170234.html)

"It is a person’s prerogative if they want to play for the Republic of Ireland. There is not an ongoing campaign by the FAI to recruit Northern Ireland players, but it is an option if they want to make themselves available for selection," an FAI spokesman said

11/10/2011, 9:42 AM
The usage of the word 'deny' is wholly inappropriate. 'Dismiss' would be more apt.

Not Brazil
11/10/2011, 9:46 AM
"The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 provided for Northern Ireland-born people to claim either British or Irish nationality"

Has the Examiner been sending folk up to the Belfast Telegraph for training?:o

11/10/2011, 9:50 AM
The usage of the word 'deny' is wholly inappropriate. 'Dismiss' would be more apt.

Agreed. The writer could have taken the aptness further and omitted the seemingly obligatory GFA reference too. Official FAI response is the meat though.

11/10/2011, 9:51 AM
Has the Examiner been sending folk up to the Belfast Telegraph for training?:o

Working from a template the lot of them.

11/10/2011, 9:52 AM
Why do you think there is "no chance" of Michael O'Neill ever managing Northern Ireland?

Maybe he thought MO'N meant Martin O'Neill.

Not Brazil
11/10/2011, 9:58 AM
Maybe he thought MO'N meant Martin O'Neill.


Although I was responding to Bonnieshiels who posted:

"could a career in the LOI beckon with MON and Madge taking over the IFA's representative team?"

Which, in context, I presumed he meant Michael O'Neill & Jim Magilton.

11/10/2011, 11:51 AM
The eligibility issue is 'because' of the Good Friday Agreement according to Uncle Gerry via SSN. So now we know.

11/10/2011, 12:10 PM
Here's Sunday's radio programme. It is on BBC's iplayer so I'm not sure you can listen outside the UK.


Gather round
11/10/2011, 12:14 PM
Here's Sunday's radio programme. It is on BBC's iplayer so I'm not sure you can listen outside the UK

That might be a problem for all those Republic of Irish nationals who've renounced their UK citizenship.

11/10/2011, 12:40 PM
Here's Sunday's radio programme. It is on BBC's iplayer so I'm not sure you can listen outside the UK.


Listening in Dublin now. Pre, pre-game drinking entertainment.

11/10/2011, 1:01 PM
Here's Sunday's radio programme. It is on BBC's iplayer so I'm not sure you can listen outside the UK.


Yep, it can be heard outside the UK, but where is the subtitle option?

11/10/2011, 1:09 PM
It wasn't that bad actually. The funniest bit was when Gerry Armstrong claimed it was "morally wrong" for the FAI to ask players if they wanted to play for Ireland.

11/10/2011, 1:28 PM
That might be a problem for all those Republic of Irish nationals who've renounced their UK citizenship.

They may not have UK citizenship but surely they can live in that State if they wish. You wouldn't be advocating some sort of cleansing, would you?

11/10/2011, 1:32 PM
It would be morally wrong in my opinion if the FAI did not explore every avenue available to improve our team WITHIN the rules.

Brazil have a population of over 200 million.
We have a tiny population.
If we want to be competitive on the international stage we must use every available resource to get the most out of our team.

To Gerry I say, they are our players too.

11/10/2011, 1:34 PM
They are no-one's players. How come so many people miss this? If they want to play for one or the other then let them.

11/10/2011, 1:43 PM
That might be a problem for all those Republic of Irish nationals who've renounced their UK citizenship.

Just in case anyone has missed it, Gather round cannot use the phase "Irish National" without a prefix or other tag as his computer software won't allow it. :)

11/10/2011, 1:45 PM
What the hell is Republic of Irish?

And to think Nationalist verbal gymnastics are considered bizarre?

Gather round
11/10/2011, 1:56 PM
You wouldn't be advocating some sort of cleansing, would you?

Er, no. You do jump to some odd conclusions. Much of my family and neighbors in Belfast were forced from their homes, schools etc. in the early 70s. I'm no fan of 'cleansing' by whatever euphemism.

If they want to play for one or the other then let them

The problem's more that some of them want to play for both successively. No-one's suggesting they be press-ganged.

Just in case anyone has missed it, Gather round cannot use the phase "Irish National" without a prefix or other tag as his computer software won't allow it. :)

As long as the prefix fits mate. Remember, all tags are targeted. But you'll be pleased I've just found a s/h bargain computer for £125. My old one is about 90% sellotape and coffee grounds by now.

Not Brazil
11/10/2011, 2:17 PM
They may not have UK citizenship but surely they can live in that State if they wish. You wouldn't be advocating some sort of cleansing, would you?

Who can live in what State if they wish?

"Cleansing" of whom, exactly?

Gather round
11/10/2011, 2:22 PM
Calm down lads, it was a gag around this Good Friday Agreement that everyone's talking about. And how it allows us all to pick what nationalit(y)(ies) we are.

PS PM for the Not Brazilian.

French Toasht
11/10/2011, 2:31 PM
I genuinely can't believe this thread is 89 pages long.

Dear Christ, you have to worry about the intellectual capacity of the planks in the IFA if they still haven't got their head around the CAS ruling. They should focus their energy on the pitch and beating someone who isn't the Faroe Islands instead of continually flogging this dead horse

Gather round
11/10/2011, 2:45 PM
The planks at the IFA haven't contributed any of the previous 1,780 posts. But your point is taken.

We did beat Slovenia (higher ranked and away from home) in this series to be fair.

11/10/2011, 3:56 PM
And so what??

11/10/2011, 9:08 PM
What the hell is Republic of Irish?

I saw that phrase when I was watching my Republic of Telly the other day

11/10/2011, 10:03 PM

11/10/2011, 10:05 PM
Why do you think there is "no chance" of Michael O'Neill ever managing Northern Ireland?
Presumed you meant 'Saint' Martin who won't be appearing on your radar any time soon...

Part of the reason he left Celtic was the treatment he endured from 'fellow' unionists!

That might be a problem for all those Republic of Irish nationals who've renounced their UK citizenship.

Would have thought it was more of a problem for someone have obvious literacy problems with any regular atlas...

Just in case anyone has missed it, Gather round cannot use the phase "Irish National" without a prefix or other tag as his computer software won't allow it.

Actually it's not. It's down to the usual ignorance and paranoia.
Masquerading as 'humour' in his case. Yawn.

The problem's more that some of them want to play for both successively.

Which UEFA/FIFA have examined and whose rules allow for. Like everyone else. Get over it, FFS.

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 9:19 AM
Part of the reason he left Celtic was the treatment he endured from 'fellow' unionists!

Was "treatment" did he "endure" from "unionists"?

Olé Olé
12/10/2011, 10:10 AM
Here's Sunday's radio programme. It is on BBC's iplayer so I'm not sure you can listen outside the UK.


Subtle incrimination in how we hear Armstrong accuses the FAI of tapping up players which is followed up immediately with "the FAI have been and approached and declined to comment." I think they could have dealt with one of the more contentious issues a bit better.

I find it interesting how the likes of Coyle and Michael O'Neill refer to how players from the North will find it much more difficult to get into the Republic squad because we have a wider pool of players. Have players such as Eunan O'Kane, Niall McGinn and Paddy McCourt not expressed their disgruntlement with not being selected for Northern Irish squads, even though they felt they deserved to be in those squads and teams?

12/10/2011, 10:19 AM
Even your bubble of naivety isn't that detached from reality, surely??

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 10:46 AM
Even your bubble of naivety isn't that detached from reality, surely??

Once again, your inability/unwillingness to answer a straightforward question hinders the credability of your assertions.

12/10/2011, 12:35 PM
Hmm, except even you are not that innocent.
A lack of communications with your own fans (pretty sure a good no. would know, given their general sympathies with Da Hun) and questionable spelling undermines your own credibility!

And don't give a damn about what you think of my assertions. Know exactly what you and your ilk are capable of being like when it suits....

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 2:41 PM
Know exactly what you and your ilk are capable of being like when it suits....

You don't know me, so, therefore, you have no idea of what I am "capable of being like when it suits". That's a ridiculous comment.

Once again, you employ your trusty broadbrush.

I wonder how you and your fellow Bhoys would react if I referred to "you and your ilk" in the context of the vicious and vile child abuse administered by Celts fans at Tynecastle recently?

Anyway, Martin O'Neill left his Celtic post to care for his cancer stricken wife, Geraldine - nothing at all to do with "unionists".

You continually fail to back up your wild and spurious assertions - then hide behind gibberish.

12/10/2011, 3:24 PM
No, as ever, you're wrong.
What I refer to was before Mrs. O'Neill was ill.

But you make no effort to find out the facts for yourself.
As ever.

French Toasht
12/10/2011, 3:38 PM
I'm with NB on this one, I thought he left the job because of his wifes illness.

But I take your point, I think its unlikely he'll manage NI purely because Jose Mourinho would have no hope of getting that bunch of players out of their WC 2014 group. Pragmatic managers realise this and thats why its the likes of a Luton coach and a Puerto Rico Islanders managers are expressing an interest.

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 3:40 PM
No, as ever, you're wrong.
What I refer to was before Mrs. O'Neill was ill.

That's odd.

Allow me to remind you what you stated.

"Part of the reason he left Celtic was the treatment he endured from 'fellow' unionists!"

You're waffling again.:D

PS. I was previously unaware that Martin was a "unionist" - you learn something new every day.

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 3:44 PM
But I take your point, I think its unlikely he'll manage NI purely because Jose Mourinho would have no hope of getting that bunch of players out of their WC 2014 group.

The IFA couldn't afford to pay him, quite apart from anything else.

Magilton is EVENS with Paddy Power today to get the job.

My preference would be Brian Kerr.

French Toasht
12/10/2011, 3:51 PM
The IFA couldn't afford to pay him, quite apart from anything else.

Magilton is EVENS with Paddy Power today to get the job.

My preference would be Brian Kerr.

Brian Kerr would be a superb manager. And seriously attainable. Always admired him as Ireland manager and thought he was extremely harshly treated by the FAI, since he was never Delaney's man in the first place.

I do wonder though, considering the recent acrimony (caused primarily by the IFA) between the two associations, would they offer "the southener" the job. Doubt it to be honest.

12/10/2011, 3:54 PM
Brian Kerr would be a superb manager. And seriously attainable. Always admired him as Ireland manager and thought he was extremely harshly treated by the FAI, since he was never Delaney's man in the first place.

I do wonder though, considering the recent acrimony (caused primarily by the IFA) between the two associations, would they offer "the southener" the job. Doubt it to be honest.

Kerr has Belfast links (a grandmother?) and his hypocritical schmoozing around the the eligibility issue should ensure his popularity at the IFA. Doubt they'd have a problem.

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 4:00 PM
Brian Kerr would be a superb manager. And seriously attainable. Always admired him as Ireland manager and thought he was extremely harshly treated by the FAI, since he was never Delaney's man in the first place.

I do wonder though, considering the recent acrimony (caused primarily by the IFA) between the two associations, would they offer "the southener" the job. Doubt it to be honest.

In recent times, Kerr has enjoyed very good relations with the IFA.

He has spoken out vociferously on the "eligibility issue", although some view that as the poacher turned gamekeeper.

I think a reformed poacher might just make a very good gamekeeper.

I've met Kerr on a couple of occassions through the IFA - I've a lot of time for him.

He would certainly be affordable, and I believe he could do a good job for us.

12/10/2011, 4:34 PM
In recent times, Kerr has enjoyed very good relations with the IFA.

Drinks, singalongs and plane ticket home in other words.

He has spoken out vociferously on the "eligibility issue", although some view that as the poacher turned gamekeeper.

Poacher? Perhaps liberator or freedom fighter would be more apt.

I've met Kerr on a couple of occassions through the IFA - I've a lot of time for him..

Drinks and a singalong?

He would certainly be affordable, and I believe he could do a good job for us.

Can't do any worse than Nigel, that's for sure.

Not Brazil
12/10/2011, 4:45 PM
Drinks and a singalong?

Unfortunately not.

He has guested and presented at various IFA events in Belfast in recent years.