View Full Version : Cork City denied a licence; club to be wound up; FORAS to enter First Division

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A face
25/09/2009, 1:48 PM
Unreal, its getting worse by the minute.

25/09/2009, 1:53 PM
I must again say that the players deserve massive credit for how they have conducted themselves this season.
They have been treated in a dispicable manner. Modern players get enough stick but these boys have been outstanding.
Enough is enough though. How much more of this can they possibly take?

25/09/2009, 2:04 PM
could frank not drive the bus while irene collects the fares

placid casual
25/09/2009, 2:17 PM
This, from the frank & walters, the best thing to come out of cork since sliced bread.....

Andy James drives a bus for the lonely
he cheers up everyone everyday
Andy James loves them all like his family
and I think he's sent here by God

Why not jump on the 5 for your journey
its a bus ride you'll never regret
Andy James will make evreyone happy
and his smile you'll never forget

He's got pink carpet on the sliding door
and super bubbles on the marble floor
dont need no money 'cause the entry' free
and Andy James is make the whole world smile
with love

25/09/2009, 2:19 PM
Bus just "broke down" apparently:D

25/09/2009, 2:22 PM
Bus just "broke down" apparently:D

Wll the money be refunded now?

Hairy Bowsie
25/09/2009, 2:27 PM
This, from the frank & walters, the best thing to come out of cork since.....

....Cathal Coughlan, but thats a debate for the music section.

There was a time when i'd have found this hilarious but it's down right embarrassing. To think i used to look down my nose at Barstoolers.

Mr A
25/09/2009, 2:41 PM
Sweet Jesus, just when you thought this league could not become any more of a joke.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this stage.

pineapple stu
25/09/2009, 2:48 PM
To think i used to look down my nose at Barstoolers.
They don't know what they're missing.

25/09/2009, 2:51 PM
Bus just "broke down" apparently:D
oh dear god!!:o is it back on the road yet or whats the story?

Mr A
25/09/2009, 2:52 PM
Sweet Jesus, just when you thought this league could not become any more of a joke.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this stage.

I've decided to laugh.

And have a scatter of pints.

25/09/2009, 3:29 PM
I must again say that the players deserve massive credit for how they have conducted themselves this season.
They have been treated in a dispicable manner. Modern players get enough stick but these boys have been outstanding.
Enough is enough though. How much more of this can they possibly take?

The players have been great but even moreso the staff at the club who work in the office.

Seems they have not been paid for 8 weeks

25/09/2009, 4:23 PM
The players are worse for going along with TNB and the sh!te that goes with him. How they havn't gone on strike is beyond me?
This for me would have been the final straw and the start of a strike to get rid of the clown.

Last Year with Ramblers the players drove to all but one away game in the final series of games as the club couldn't afford a bus. Infact before one game there was phone calls went around to supporters asking would they drive a one or two of the players up. One night we even brought 2 back with us in the car.

25/09/2009, 4:26 PM
The players have been great but even moreso the staff at the club who work in the office.

Seems they have not been paid for 8 weeks

Frank and Irene needs to get out the wooden spoon and give one of their kids an almighty slap!

25/09/2009, 4:36 PM
Frank and Irene needs to get out the wooden spoon and give one of their kids an almighty slap!
methinks its frank and the missus who needs the slapping

pineapple stu
25/09/2009, 4:36 PM
I love the way Frank and Irene have made it onto the Cork forum and the Pat's one (where they're Fred and Irene).

This is what it feels like to change the world!

25/09/2009, 4:50 PM
I love the way Frank and Irene have made it onto the Cork forum and the Pat's one (where they're Fred and Irene).

This is what it feels like to change the world!

we've never been above stealing a good idea!

25/09/2009, 5:25 PM
Sweet Jesus, just when you thought this league could not become any more of a joke.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this stage.

Yeah, they're the first club to have action taken agaunst them by a company owed money. I'd bet that every single club has at least company tht won't deal with it.

25/09/2009, 5:27 PM
Yeah, they're the first club to have action taken agaunst them by a company owed money. I'd bet that every single club has at least company tht won't deal with it.

*cough* Dungannon *cough*

25/09/2009, 5:29 PM
Ohh Nooo! There's a bomb on the Bus!:(

25/09/2009, 5:33 PM
Frank and Irene needs to get out the wooden spoon and give one of their kids an almighty slap!

Nah - Frank and Irene are too busy telling everyone about the saintly example that their favourite little boy has been setting this year and how everyone should be more like little Seamus Rogers to really care about what one of their country cousins is getting up to.

Apparently little Seamus has been roaming the capital for the past 15 years before moving into some nice shiny new rented accommodation this year.

Hairy Bowsie
25/09/2009, 6:04 PM
Frank and Irene was ok but, Seamus Rogers and analogys is getting ridiculous.

People just say what needs to be said and get to the f*cking point.

25/09/2009, 6:08 PM
Frank and Irene was ok but, Seamus Rogers and analogys is getting ridiculous.

People just say what needs to be said and get to the f*cking point.


dont confuse Seamus Rogers with Setanta Rogers (who claims to be the real Rogers...) :D :p

25/09/2009, 6:21 PM
corks new website (http://www.harchester.net/)

25/09/2009, 6:26 PM
http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=joke&btnG=Google+Search&meta=&aq=f&oq= (http://www.gooogie.co.uk/?gid=453680&hl=en&meta=o&q=Jokes)

25/09/2009, 6:30 PM
People just say what needs to be said and get to the f*cking point.

You're just upset because everyone has forgotten about little Sheila Byrne since Frank and Irene sent her to her room a while back.

A face
25/09/2009, 7:44 PM
everyone has forgotten about little Sheila Byrne

Sheila, who is more commonly known as $helly Byrne around town.

Hairy Bowsie
25/09/2009, 9:41 PM
Why can't people come out and say the FAI are cheating scum?

Seamus Rogers, Sheila Byrne and Setanta Rogers, honestly lads, cop the f*ck on

25/09/2009, 9:58 PM
Why can't people come out and say the FAI are cheating scum?

Seamus Rogers, Sheila Byrne and Setanta Rogers, honestly lads, cop the f*ck on


26/09/2009, 12:24 AM

Ted: God Almighty, look who it is, it's that actor,
Dougal: who?
Ted: Y'know, your man from One Foot in the Grave, the "I Dooon't Beeeelieeeeve it" Man

Dougal: Ooooh Wow.

Ted: God that's amazing, look at him there

slight pause

Ted (sniggering): Do you know what he'd love?

Dougal: what?

Ted: He'd love it if someone came up to him and said his catchphrase

Dougal: ohhh yeah Ted, He'd Love that! You should definitely do that

pineapple stu
26/09/2009, 12:17 PM
*cough* Dungannon *cough*
Not to mention Rovers being taken by the cleaners.

26/09/2009, 4:46 PM
The goings on with the bus yesterday were a joke. We are the laughing stock of the league at this stage,all because of TNB. Coughlan is killing this club and it's just ridiciouls the way he is running the club. Players must be given credit for remianing loyal to the club,but they must now be fed up with problem after problem with Cork City football club.

27/09/2009, 8:28 PM
Anybody who has an intrest in the future of LOI football in Cork ,please sign this :

http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/coughlanout/ (http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/coughlanout/)

A face
27/09/2009, 9:13 PM
Lots of people mentioning a boycott of games for the rest of the season. I dont know how players will get paid but it seems to only way to remove TNB. He is not communicating with FORAS at all now and this should be his first port of call for assistance. He is cutting off all ties, shooting himself in the foot.

27/09/2009, 9:29 PM
i dont think thats the way to go unless you want to kill the club and start again

Buile Shuibhne
27/09/2009, 9:40 PM
i dont think thats the way to go unless you want to kill the club and start again

Possibly the only way to shift TNB and draw Frank And Irene off the fence.

Best of luck to FORAS with a new beginning.

A face
27/09/2009, 9:45 PM
i dont think thats the way to go unless you want to kill the club and start again

I agree (although i'm still divided) but people are sick to the back teeth of it. They cant take anymore of it. Its just been continuous and it wearing people down. I know its an expression that is always wheeled out but people have a breaking limit and we are at it now.

27/09/2009, 10:15 PM
i dont think thats the way to go unless you want to kill the club and start again

I think those withdrawing are looking at another winding up order in process, a possible 200k payout to Alan Mathews, the unpaid staff, the loan to pay the revenue that the Celtic game did not cover and those creditors we know about. Add in the creditors we know nothing about and it's hard not to think the club is going to be forced to start again anyway.

There's no way Coughlan can be given a licence next year, there are plenty rumours out there that we didn't have a tax clearance certificate at the start of this season, we haven't a hope of one next season.

Also, the club can be salvaged independent of the holding company, that's been looked into by Foras in great detail.

27/09/2009, 10:21 PM
does ireland have the fit and propper persons test for club owners that say the english fa have??

27/09/2009, 10:33 PM
I think its hairy to say the League is a joke. We all know there are problems but 21 other clubs can get their team to a game. Coughlan is the only joke and it's not even funny. Clubs who do their business right all getting tarred with the one brush.
Cop on Cork fans. Talk with your feet.:(

27/09/2009, 11:20 PM
FORAS should start thinking about getting a Cork based side into the A Championship for next year ar eagla na heagla. Not abandoning CCFC in the process but having a contingency plan if Coughlan gets the club destroyed. If this was the happen then we'd want a healthy Cork side back in the PD asap.

28/09/2009, 8:46 PM
FORAS are organising a protest before the game tomorrow night against Sligo .

Hairy Bowsie
28/09/2009, 10:28 PM
What kind of a protest? Because at this stage, unless it's a boycott, it's futile.

28/09/2009, 10:30 PM
we dont like oo tom boy! go away like or il busht oor face!!

A face
28/09/2009, 11:08 PM
What kind of a protest? Because at this stage, unless it's a boycott, it's futile.

Well it would go someway to highlighting that fans are not happy, to all Citys support base and also to the media, local and national.

It will hopefully highlight to local business, sponsors and the general public that FORAS take an interest in the welfare of the playing staff and non-playing staff (who have not been paid for weeks now.)

I was going to stay away from the game tomorrow night but i will go now, in solidarity for people at the club who need and depend on a wage for their families etc. and this protest is a good vehicle for fans like me to do that. Express my dissatisfaction for the clubs board but still enable them to pay their staff.

28/09/2009, 11:31 PM
Good plan by FORAS, I think the 10 minute thing is a great touch.

28/09/2009, 11:58 PM
What do you mean by "the 10 minute thing is a great touch"?Whats gonna happen tomorrow night,might i assume a 10 minute protest before the game starts?

28/09/2009, 11:58 PM
Well it would go someway to highlighting that fans are not happy, to all Citys support base and also to the media, local and national.

It will hopefully highlight to local business, sponsors and the general public that FORAS take an interest in the welfare of the playing staff and non-playing staff (who have not been paid for weeks now.)

I was going to stay away from the game tomorrow night but i will go now, in solidarity for people at the club who need and depend on a wage for their families etc. and this protest is a good vehicle for fans like me to do that. Express my dissatisfaction for the clubs board but still enable them to pay their staff.

Best of luck with it but can't see much point. Anybody who has even a passing interest in LoI football cannot but be aware of the mess CCFC is in and know that their fans are "not happy".
The protests would have been better off before the start of the season when it was obvious to most what was in store with Coughlan at the helm again. Maybe you did have them, if you did then they obviously worked a treat.

29/09/2009, 9:55 AM
I have to agree. I don't want to put down foras because the work they have done sterling work up to now but I have to admit I was disappointed when I read the message in full. When I heard they were organising a boycott I thought great, finally the beginning of the end for TNB but was deflated to see they will only stay outside for ten minutes beofre going through the turnstiles. i total boycottis what is in order.

I have some sort admiration for those who are able to drag attend games after busgate though. I could never do it. Haven't being to city games in a while and won't be until he's gone

This is the first step.

29/09/2009, 7:15 PM
There was quite a few fair points and collateral damage in that clear up.

Anyway, protest went very well, while it's a tiny crowd, more people stayed outside than went in. Factor in some of those inside were freebies, press, the two schoolboy teams for half time and it was a success.

Also quite a few ex-players were quite public in standing alongside the protestors.