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26/03/2017, 5:19 PM
Doctors pleased with Coleman operationO'Neill revealed that the 28-year-old defender's operation took place early on Saturday morning following Friday night's goalless draw. (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39300143)

"He has realised everything that has happened and is obviously very disappointed," said O'Neill.

"It will take some time to heal, it's a double break but it has been pinned up now and screwed in.
"I know the doctors and surgeons are all very, very pleased with the way the operation has gone and now it's time for recuperation."


So it all sounds positive, wishing him a full and speedy recovery.

27/03/2017, 4:32 PM
FIFA will cover Coleman's wages while he recovers from his leg-break as part as part of their club protection programme: http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2017/0327/862847-coleman/

Fifa will pay Seamus Coleman’s wages while he recovers from a double leg fracture as part as part of their club protection programme.

The Everton defender suffered a double break of his right leg following a tackle by Wales' Neil Taylor in Friday's 0-0 draw in Dublin and is expected to be sidelined for at least six months.

Ireland manager Martin O’Neill reported on Coleman’s “successful” surgery, but admitted it was too difficult to put a timeline on his possible return to action.

Fifa’s club protection programme means they will cover his salary, believed to be in the region of £50,000-a-week at Goodison Park.

Meanwhile, Martin O'Neill said earlier that Coleman was still coming to terms with the injury: http://www.rte.ie/sport/soccer/2017/0327/862929-robbie-brady/

Martin O’Neill admitted that Seamus Coleman is still coming to terms with the broken leg that he endured in Friday’s World Cup qualifier with Wales.

However, the manager believes that his captain will remain positive and take inspiration from other great players who have endured similar injuries.

The Everton defender suffered a double break in his lower leg following a horror challenge from Neil Taylor in the 0-0 draw with Wales, and remains in hospital following a successful surgery at the weekend.

“I think he’s just beginning to come to terms with it,” said O’Neill at this afternoon’s press conference.

"I saw him yesterday and he’s still pretty down about it. He’s not in as much pain, the operation went very well and it’s just a matter of coming to terms with it.

“Medically speaking, it’s very difficult. We’ll have to see how everything goes over the first few weeks. I don’t think anyone has put a timeline on it yet.”

The manager believes that Coleman is a very positive person and will be able to use that mental strength, combined with an excellent support network, to get right back on the road to recovery.

“I think he’s very positive and he will get into recovery mode as quickly as possible and then it’s up to him.

“Before I went to Celtic, Henrik Larsson had a very serious injury and he recovered magnificently and the injury didn’t bother him again until the end of his career.

“So great players have broken their legs and recovered so Seamus should take [inspiration].

“He’s down, as he would be, with the realisation that he is going to be out of action for quite some time.

“So those type of things don’t just take five minutes to get over, but he is very strong and has a lot of good people around him and his family are very strong as well and he is positive that he’ll be back and be as good as ever.”

28/03/2017, 12:34 AM
Ronnie Whelan's thoughts on Coleman injury and who should fill his shoes.


28/03/2017, 10:20 AM
You can always rely on Ronnie Whelan to put a positive spin on things.

28/03/2017, 10:31 AM
You can always rely on Ronnie Whelan to put a positive spin on things.
Coleman will be on suicide watch if he reads that.

Coleman now has a long, bleak road ahead of him and I don’t say that lightly.

28/03/2017, 11:42 AM
He needs to read the part about the foods to eat here. That works. ill have Ruud go to the grocery store.

28/03/2017, 12:41 PM
Steven Reid's experience of a comeback from a long term injury in today's Independent: http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/international-soccer/steven-reid-ive-been-in-seamus-colemans-position-and-its-hell-35570834.html

28/03/2017, 2:00 PM
He needs to read the part about the foods to eat here. That works. ill have Ruud go to the grocery store.

So you're not recommending Crackbird?

28/03/2017, 5:04 PM
Beglin's looks worse to me.


His leg was on the round when it happened, Coleman's in the air, so I think that will be a cleaner break which should hopefully heal up nicely, I think it is better if it is away from the ankle which is a complex joint. I broke my ankle, not cleanly like Coleman but my foot was kind of trapped and my ankle got a bit mangled.
I think it is a good sign Coleman was not writhing in pain too. I think it is ligament and soft tissue damage that can me more problematic than a break to the bone. It is remarkable how bones can heal up. I had a clean break to my collar bone and I'd never know it was ever broken now.

Anyhow wishing Coleman a good recovery, I'm sure he wil be back to his best before long.

Green vergetable are supposed to be good for the bones, it is what cows eat after all.


Not milk though.


Milk depletes the calcium from your bonesThe milk myth has spread around the world based on the flawed belief that this protein and calcium-rich drink is essential to support good overall health and bone health in particular at any age. It is easy to understand that the confusion about milk’s imaginary benefits stems from the fact that it contains calcium – around 300 mg per cup.
But many scientific studies have shown an assortment of detrimental health effects directly linked to milk consumption. And the most surprising link is that not only do we barely absorb the calcium in cow’s milk (especially if pasteurized), but to make matters worse, it actually increases calcium loss from the bones. What an irony this is

Here’s how it happens. Like all animal protein, milk acidifies the body pH which in turn triggers a biological correction. You see, calcium is an excellent acid neutralizer and the biggest storage of calcium in the body is – you guessed it… in the bones. So the very same calcium that our bones need to stay strong is utilized to neutralize the acidifying effect of milk. Once calcium is pulled out of the bones, it leaves the body via the urine, so that the surprising net result after this is an actual calcium deficit.
Knowing this, you’ll understand why statistics show that countries with the lowest consumption of dairy products also have the lowest fracture incidence in their population (there’s more on this later).
But the sad truth is that most mainstream health practitioners ignore these proven facts. I know it firsthand because when I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, my doctor recommended that I drink lots of milk in addition to taking Fosamax.
Fortunately, I did neither, because I knew that…

More on the link.

It is obviously not natural for adult to drink milk, a of adults can't digest milk properly as we lose the gene to digest it as we get older, so you are basially drinking and acid lactic acid that leaches calcium from your bones.

30/03/2017, 12:23 AM
Ronald Koeman has heaped praise on Coleman's dedication and professionalism - even describes Coleman as "one of the best professionals [he's] ever worked with at any club" (a pretty big statement given Koeman has worked at Barca, Ajax, Valencia, Benfica and PSV) - and has backed his right-back to come back strongly: http://www.evertonfc.com/news/2017/03/29/seamus-one-of-the-best-ive-seen

It’s a big, big blow for the player and a big, big blow for [Everton]. It takes time for everybody to come to terms with something like this and, of course, that is felt most deeply by Seamus himself.

He was in pain when we spoke - it is normal to have some pain after such an injury – and, naturally, he was feeling very down. This is all normal. But he knows he will have a lot of support and the reaction of Evertonians, their thoughts and good wishes and the reaction of so many other people as well who follow the game will mean a lot to Seamus.

In all my years in football, Seamus is one of the best professionals I’ve ever worked with at any club.

His dedication to the game, his attitude and motivation are always where they should be and that’s 100 per cent, and he’s like that in training every day as well as in games.

That mentality will really be helpful to him now in not only coming to terms with what has happened but in setting out on the road to recovery and, over time, in him building himself once more to the level he has maintained over many years here at Everton. That strength of character will be a big, big thing.

30/03/2017, 8:27 AM
He was in pain when we spoke - it is normal to have some pain after such an injury

Dr. Koeman is wasted in football management.

30/03/2017, 10:41 AM
FIFA investigating Taylor's tackle on Coleman.


30/03/2017, 10:46 AM
Meanwhile Wales consider appealing Bale's yellow card :confused::confused: - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2017/03/28/martin-oneill-ridicules-gareth-bale-trying-appeal-yellow-card/

I can’t see how they can possibly appeal a card when it was very close to being red and on another day he would have been shown red. I don’t think anyone can disagree that both challenges were very poor, very poor indeed. You can only appeal a yellow card when it is a case of mistaken identity anyway, so I don’t know why he has said that. If the referee had shown Bale a red card, the tackle on Seamus quite possibly wouldn’t have happened.

Ironically enough though, it's probably a bad thing for us that Bale won't play in Serbia.

30/03/2017, 11:11 AM
I'm on a minibus from Valencia (son's team annual trip to Villarreal and we get to go to Villarreal v Eibar and Valencia v Deportivo). I think it's a sign of how devoted a dad I am that I had to come with him.

Anyway, apart from just having to get that out there, the point is that I'm struggling with connectivity so I'd ask Tets or someone to do me a favour and post a link to a Guardian article today on the Taylor tackle. Really good read about the "not that type of player" nonsense.

30/03/2017, 11:29 AM
I'm on a minibus from Valencia (son's team annual trip to Villarreal and we get to go to Villarreal v Eibar and Valencia v Deportivo). I think it's a sign of how devoted a dad I am that I had to come with him.

Anyway, apart from just having to get that out there, the point is that I'm struggling with connectivity so I'd ask Tets or someone to do me a favour and post a link to a Guardian article today on the Taylor tackle. Really good read about the "not that type of player" nonsense.

https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2017/mar/29/fifa-ban-neil-taylor-lionel-messi-seamus-coleman (https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2017/mar/29/fifa-ban-neil-taylor-lionel-messi-seamus-coleman)

01/04/2017, 10:12 AM
Jurgen Klopp pays tribute to Coleman in his Merseyside derby programme notes: https://www.balls.ie/football/klopp-coleman-programme-notes-362274

I would like to pass on my regards and best wishes to Seamus Coleman, who due to very unfortunate circumstances is not the available to play today. I do not know him personally, but as a football can supporter I love his character, his positive approach to the game and his commitment to his club. There is a lot to admire about this player and it is his personal qualities that will help him as he recovers from this setback and returns to the game.

01/04/2017, 1:48 PM
Jurgen Klopp pays tribute to Coleman in his Merseyside derby programme notes: https://www.balls.ie/football/klopp-coleman-programme-notes-362274

Fair play to Klopp. Not a Liverpool fan, but a fan of Klopp's. He is a class individual.
Bigger issue for us is - who slots in at right back for the remainder of the campaign.
Richard Keogh in a back four of Keogh, Duffy, Clark, Ward, would seem to be the obvious choice given the lack of playing time / ability of Christie.
Even with Keogh there, I would not be too convinced.
Anyone got any other suggestions? Boyle perhaps?

01/04/2017, 2:00 PM
Fair play to Klopp. Not a Liverpool fan, but a fan of Klopp's. He is a class individual.
Bigger issue for us is - who slots in at right back for the remainder of the campaign.
Richard Keogh in a back four of Keogh, Duffy, Clark, Ward, would seem to be the obvious choice given the lack of playing time / ability of Christie.
Even with Keogh there, I would not be too convinced.
Anyone got any other suggestions? Boyle perhaps?

Are you suggesting playing Keogh at right-back? What's he like in that position? I don't think I've ever seen him play there, but am I right in thinking he has played there for Derby?

What about Matt Doherty? He's been doing well for Wolves. The Iceland friendly would have been an obvious opportunity to give him some game-time - as we need options in the position beyond Christie - but he was cut from the provisional squad and wasn't recalled for the friendly for some inexplicable reason.

01/04/2017, 2:03 PM
Further nice words about Coleman in the Liverpool programme for the Everton game from captain Jordan Henderson: http://www.the42.ie/klopp-and-henderson-liverpool-tribute-to-seamus-coleman-3318634-Apr2017/

I can’t claim to know Seamus that well, beyond encounters on the pitch, but I can say that today’s Merseyside derby is a poorer contest for not having him involved in it.

He is one of the most competitive players you could come up against and I know from talking to friends in the Republic of Ireland team and also the Everton players who represent England, that he is a real footballer’s footballer; no one has a bad word for him and everyone respects him.

From everything I’ve heard about his character he’ll be back even stronger from this and even though he makes Everton a better team, we all look forward to seeing him return to football as quickly as possible.

01/04/2017, 2:05 PM
Fair play to Klopp. Not a Liverpool fan, but a fan of Klopp's. He is a class individual.
Bigger issue for us is - who slots in at right back for the remainder of the campaign.
Richard Keogh in a back four of Keogh, Duffy, Clark, Ward, would seem to be the obvious choice given the lack of playing time / ability of Christie.
Even with Keogh there, I would not be too convinced.
Anyone got any other suggestions? Boyle perhaps?

You may be on to something, Mark.

Keogh actually played at right back at the start of his career before converting to center back.

I'm open to correction on that.

Either way I'd have Keogh at center back or nowhere at all.

I'd have Meyler ahead of Christie personally.

01/04/2017, 2:13 PM
I like Christie, I think he played very well at right back for us thus far. His issues currently seem to be around gametime/fitness, but I think if he sorts that out he's the best option. He has flaws, but he's got plenty of ability too and can actually operate as an attacking presence instead of just stopper (ala Meyler or Keogh).

He's stepped up in some big occasions for us (hello Germany) and played really well. He's well established as our number two right back, I don't see why he wouldn't get the opportunity from here.

That doesn't preclude having a look at Matt Doherty or anyone else but, please, no Richard Keogh - I'm pleased we've got round-ish pegs in round holes at full back and I think we're better off that way.

01/04/2017, 2:52 PM
Forgotten man Marc Wilson has also played at right-back for Portsmouth and Stoke. He badly needs game-time though. He's on the bench today for West Brom at Old Trafford.

02/04/2017, 6:12 PM
Liverpool fans mock Coleman's injury: http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/premier-league/liverpool/watch-liverpool-fans-mock-seamus-colemans-horrific-leg-injury-with-vile-pub-chant-35586554.html

I wonder how they would feel if Everton fans were filmed mocking Hillsborough?

Obviously the two things are completely different but the overall point stands.

02/04/2017, 7:01 PM
Liverpool fans have previous for this sort of thing and worse (Munich air disaster). Not a huge surprise that this element continues to bring shame upon the club.

02/04/2017, 7:09 PM
Liverpool fans have previous for this sort of thing and worse (Munich air disaster). Not a huge surprise that this element continues to bring shame upon the club.

I saw more racism on a four day break with my girlfriend in Liverpool than I have seen in my entire life in Ireland.

I actually felt obliged to apologize to an Asian shopkeeper on behalf of my race after witnessing a lengthy racist tirade from another customer.

Even I wasn't safe from the racism!

*Someone threatened to batter me when we were out eating Chinese.

A fellow customer apologised to myself and my girlfriend afterwards saying (paraphrasing): "We are not all like him; hope you're enjoying yourselves."

I'm not painting everyone there with the same brush. Some very friendly people there and some very hostile people there, too, with seemingly little inbetween. Felt very tense at times.

*He was an Everton fan BTW.

02/04/2017, 7:25 PM
Liverpool fans mock Coleman's injury: http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/premier-league/liverpool/watch-liverpool-fans-mock-seamus-colemans-horrific-leg-injury-with-vile-pub-chant-35586554.html

I wonder how they would feel if Everton fans were filmed mocking Hillsborough?

Obviously the two things are completely different but the overall point stands.

I saw a quote on the page it was originally posted to, which went "that bar isn't even half full, you could definitely fit in a least 96 more". It got loads of likes and then the liverpool fans were all having a go at it.

I think football fans are extremely fickle anyway, so you shouldn't bother taking heed either way, and i include that in all those Everton fans who say "get well soon seamie" etc. If he was a liverpool fan a lot of them would probably be singing the same.

And yes I'm aware "not all fans do this/that/the other".

02/04/2017, 10:14 PM
I saw more racism on a four day break with my girlfriend in Liverpool than I have seen in my entire life in Ireland.

I actually felt obliged to apologize to an Asian shopkeeper on behalf of my race after witnessing a lengthy racist tirade from another customer.

Even I wasn't safe from the racism!

*Someone threatened to batter me when we were out eating Chinese.

A fellow customer apologised to myself and my girlfriend afterwards saying (paraphrasing): "We are not all like him; hope you're enjoying yourselves."

I'm not painting everyone there with the same brush. Some very friendly people there and some very hostile people there, too, with seemingly little inbetween. Felt very tense at times.

*He was an Everton fan BTW.

I lived all over England and Liverpudlians are by far the nicest and friendliest. A predominantly Irish Catholic city even if it does have a very small and vocal anti-irish element. From my time living there, I have a real soft spot for Liverpool and Everton.

To hone in on Liverpool fans is a tad bit immature. A nasty element of every football club are capable of this sort of thing. If Coleman played for Liverpool, he would be adored by them and you would have Everton, Chelsea and United fans displaying incredible nastiness.

The Fly
03/04/2017, 12:11 AM
Even I wasn't safe from the racism!

*Someone threatened to batter me when we were out eating Chinese.

A fellow customer apologised to myself and my girlfriend afterwards saying (paraphrasing): "We are not all like him; hope you're enjoying yourselves."

A random person in a Chinese threatened to batter you for being...Irish?

03/04/2017, 9:36 AM
A random person in a Chinese threatened to batter you for being...Irish?

I don't know how he's still brave enough to go outside the front door, given all these unpleasant episodes he seems to randomly encounter.

03/04/2017, 4:16 PM
A random person in a Chinese threatened to batter you for being...Irish?

Just as well it wasn't in a fish and chipper.

Eminence Grise
03/04/2017, 7:41 PM
*Someone threatened to batter me when we were out eating Chinese.

Sweet and sour TOWK Hong Kong style? TOWK fritters? Do tell!

03/04/2017, 7:49 PM
Alright, this has nothing to do with Coleman, move along

03/04/2017, 9:09 PM
I'd have Meyler ahead of Christie personally.

Absolutely agree

10/04/2017, 12:07 PM
An optimistic view on the time frame of Coleman's injury - http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/exclusive-seamus-coleman-should-be-back-in-action-before-the-end-of-2017-35609634.html

11/04/2017, 1:41 PM
Ronald Koeman and Phil Jagielka visit what looks like Fintra Beach near Killybegs: https://twitter.com/RonaldKoeman/status/851781015408435200

Today we visit Seamus Coleman and his Family! Looking strong and positive

11/04/2017, 1:52 PM
That's a nice touch in fairness.

11/04/2017, 2:10 PM
That's a nice touch in fairness.

'Tis. He's redeeming himself.

Olé Olé
11/04/2017, 2:32 PM
Nice touch is right. Not the easiest place to get to.

11/04/2017, 6:01 PM
Nice to see Coleman back on his feet, he could probably play like that lol!

Does that thing on his foot come off?

I'm not sure how they are treated these days, I guess you or I would just get a plaster cast?

I think sometime the plaster cast is replaced for a new one sometimes?

Oh I see they said something about draining blood so I guess it would be taken off for that?

11/04/2017, 7:54 PM
Good to see Seamus spending time by the beach. I remember when my comic book (Wizard) centre forward hero Ishmael from Darbury Rangers broke his leg, once the cast was removed he spent hours bathing his broken leg in the sea in order to heal it in record time before a cup final.

11/04/2017, 9:09 PM
were they photo shopped there?


11/04/2017, 9:15 PM
Well I guess it is a nice break for Coleman (no pun intended!!).

12/04/2017, 8:56 AM
Only saw the banner from the weekend now.


Seamus is positive and he is feeling strong. He is really grateful for the messages he has received from Everton fans and from people all over the world. Before he comes back to start his rehabilitation, he will spend up to 10 more days at home in Killybegs before starting out on his recovery from the injury.


14/04/2017, 8:13 PM
'Everton's Seamus Coleman will return to club next week as rehab process begins': http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/evertons-seamus-coleman-return-club-12891390

It was great to see Seamus [in Donegal]. He deserved that support. We had a day off and I spoke to Phil [Jagielka] and he was involved in the group. Seamus has had a lot of support from the fans and from the players and management. It was good to do that for the boy.

He has lost that frustration and is now ready to start his recovery. He will come back in a week and will start to recover, he is that type of professional. Of course, it was a big disappointment for everybody but he's put that away, is now strong and looking positive and ready to start again.

26/04/2017, 11:44 AM
Two game suspension for Taylor for the tackle that broke Coleman's leg: http://www.faw.cymru/en/news/neil-taylor-suspended-two-matches/
Misses Serbia away in June and Austria at home in September
Should have been at least three IMO

26/04/2017, 12:02 PM
Wales will probably end up being depleted for the game we could do with them taking something from.

26/04/2017, 12:33 PM
were they photo shopped there?

Jeez , Ireland can be bootiful with the right weather......

26/04/2017, 12:56 PM
After a month at home in Ireland, Coleman was interviewed by EvertonTV upon his return to the club. Video here: http://www.evertonfc.com/news/2017/04/26/seamus-thanks-for-your-amazing-support

Seamus Coleman has thanked supporters of Everton, Ireland and from around the world for helping to “get [him] through” his injury nightmare, while vowing, “I’m a fighter, I’ve had tough journeys before” and insisting he will be back as strong as ever.

The defender returned this week to USM Finch Farm to begin the early stages of rehabilitation after suffering a double leg break while captaining the Republic of Ireland in a World Cup qualifier against Wales in Dublin on 25 March.

26/04/2017, 1:18 PM
Jeez , Ireland can be bootiful with the right weather......

That's Mullaghmore, Sligo (and a faint outline of the north Mayo coast) in the far distance whilst the stunning cliffs of Sliabh Liag are only a further half an hour down the road towards Glencolumbkille:


Lovely area indeed. :o

29/04/2017, 2:32 PM
Jeez , Ireland can be bootiful with the right weather......

Howth is like Cannes in the summer.