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Charlie Darwin
05/04/2014, 2:16 AM
Feature on Roberto Martinez in the Guardian featuring input from Coleman: http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/apr/04/roberto-martinez-everton-top-four-arsenal

05/04/2014, 1:59 PM
Coleman: Me believe Arsenal are the ones under pressure! Freddie Mercury style!

06/04/2014, 7:44 PM
He was right.

Olé Olé
06/04/2014, 11:04 PM

Impeccable stuff from a right-back. I'll say it again, he's the Irish Bale.

Some people tend to question the future of Irish football and look to our under-age sides asking 'where's the next Robbie coming from?'. When Seamie was with Sligo Rovers playing with our under-21s were people chalking him down as our future standout right-back that could be better than Stephen Carr and Steve Finnan? Ronan Murray has one under-21 cap. Maybe he'll be the new Robbie and maybe not.

Because of the way the English academies operate now, scouring the globe for talent, Irish players are against the odds trying to standout at that age. Maybe that's a factor in why we have quite a few 'late(r)-developers' and less academy hotshots like Duff and Keane could have been considered.

10/04/2014, 7:37 AM

Interesting the emphasis on responsibility.

13/04/2014, 11:28 AM
A piece by Neal Horgan in the Irish Examiner discussing Coleman's move from Sligo to Everton and the broader issue of transfers for peanuts out of the League of Ireland: http://www.irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/clubs-forced-to-accept-crumbs-for-our-crown-jewels-265181.html

Former Sligo Rovers player Seamus Coleman is all the rage these days.

And rightly so. Individually, he has had an outstanding season, with many respected commentators suggesting he and Leighton Baines form the finest full-back partnership in the English Premier League. On top of that, his team, Everton, are close to Champions League qualification.

So it is no wonder that he is being talked about as one of the best bargains in Premier League history. London’s The Metro recently wrote about Coleman’s transfer from Sligo to Everton in 2009: “There’s cheap, and then there’s just plain ridiculous. To discover such a diamond in the rough for the price of a one bedroom flat in Croydon is almost unheard of in top-flight football, and the right back must go down as one of the biggest bargains in Premier League history.”

But where such a bargain exists, there’s a good chance that someone else is being ripped off. Here’s what The Guardian thought of the joint signings in 2005 of Kevin Doyle and Shane Long by Reading from Cork City: “…when Long arrived from Cork City in 2005 in a £92,000 deal — the word bargain hardly does it justice — that also brought Kevin Doyle to the club.”

Our league is synonymous with bargain buys, a sign of its underdeveloped and unprotected nature. No surprises here. However what may surprise some is that when a few League of Ireland clubs became fully professional (roughly between 2004-2009), they began to sell players to the UK for fees more reflective of these players’ true values. For Cork City FC, this meant that, after the initially low fees received for Doyle and Long, there followed players such as Alan Bennett, Roy O’Donovan and David Meyler who were sold for hundreds of thousands of euro. The bargaining powers, though still unequal, were slightly more balanced.

The graphic, above, in this article for the period between 2000 and 2012, according to my figures, shows the club received transfer fees of less than €100,000 on average per player. When the club was fully professional, between 2004 and 2009, the average increases to roughly €275,000 per player. The average for this full-time period would have been higher but for transfers made as the club was in a vulnerable position.

The sale of David Mooney in August 2008 coincided with the club entering examinership and selling Colin Healy and Denis Behan in 2009 was a last-ditch effort to keep the club alive, in the face of High Court proceedings.

By 2012, all of the bargaining chips had slid to the other side of the channel once more. The part-time Cork City FC received roughly €100,000 for Graham Cummins, similar to fees garnered in 2000 for Damien Delaney.

There are many ways to criticise the graph. There are variations within the group of players cited above. Furthermore the figures themselves are merely reported fees, derived from internet sources. Some transfer fees, such as that paid for Meyler, are bolstered by add-on payment. Despite these limitations, the graph supports the theory that a positive correlation exists between full-time professionalism and the transfer fees a club is likely to receive.

Norway’s league is more developed than our own and every club is full-time. Players are sold for millions rather than hundreds of thousands to the UK. Cardiff recently paid €3.6m for 18-year-old Mats Moller Daehli. A League of Ireland player, even if he were Lionel Messi, would never attract such a fee.

Other Scandinavian countries also outdo us. Last year FC Copenhagen sold their 20-year-old striker Andreas Cornelius to Cardiff for €7m, while Gothenburg sold 22-year-old David Moberg Karlsson to Sunderland for €1.75m.

Coleman may soon join the list of Ireland’s best ever players. How much did Everton pick him up for in 2009? £150,000 (including add-ons). His full back partner, Baines was bought for £6m (including add-ons) from Wigan. That’s 40 times more. Have no doubt that at last night’s game there was a scout or two about the ground bargain shopping for the next Coleman, Doyle or Long. And who could blame them?

He refers to an embedded graphic that appears to be missing, but interesting nonetheless.

13/04/2014, 12:05 PM
Bigger risk taking a player from LOI than from the Swedish or Norwegian leagues. The prices reflect that, as well as the fact that most LOI clubs don't have a pot to **** in.

13/04/2014, 2:19 PM
Man U dropped a huge amount when Moyes joined, hard to explain given it
was basically the same team/squad as the previous season. I wonder if it was due to
a change in style of play, or maybe the players did not respect him so would not put so much effort in?
Or maybe Fergie promised them the earth next season knowing they would never get it.

They certainly have a lot of ground to make up, it would be like a Spurs or Everton or worse winting
the title a few seasons ago ie pretty much impossible.
Having said that Liverpool seem to have come on quite a bit this season, I out a small bet on them
at 12-1 near the start of the season, they are in to 3-1 now.
Still a big ask however one site predicts they will win the title by 1 point, however it does also
put Man City 4th, so it does not seem very credible. I also backed Everton for the same, but
I can kiss that one goodbye!!

I think the reason for the sites prediction of a Liverpool title win may be they have the easier run in,
Man City have some tough away games, ie Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool and Everton, toughest away
game Liverpool have is West Ham, who are still relegation candidates, albeit fairly unlikely ones (7/2).

Going a bit off topic, but I hear Liverpool were 2-0 up but by the ime i found a stream it was 2-1
and within seconds 2-2, then the stream went down and I heard there had been a goal at liverpool
I thought it would be man city but it was liverpool so now 3-2 but 10 mins to go.


13/04/2014, 2:22 PM
That is pretty off-topic, tricky.

13/04/2014, 2:46 PM
That is pretty off-topic, tricky.

Yes I did admit that but Everton play Man City so it is kind of related to the title
race, a Coleman goal will sink Man Citiy's chances I think, I saw it in a dream.

13/04/2014, 3:31 PM
I thought you only dreamed about david hasselhoff.

13/04/2014, 3:55 PM
I dream of Martin O Neil these days :)

16/04/2014, 11:12 PM

Coleman has made the official website of the Premier League's team of the week 7 times this season.

Brady has featured twice.

Meyler and Wilson have featured once.

18/04/2014, 2:03 PM
There was a real sense of outrage and feeling that injustice had been carried out at the hands of the English on Twitter earlier today after the PFA didn't nominate Seamus Coleman for the 'Young Player of the Year' award: https://twitter.com/search?q=seamus%20coleman&src=tyah and http://balls.ie/football/****-seamus-colemans-name-pfa-young-player-list-twitter-reaction/

Of course, at the age of 25, Coleman is two years over the maximum eligible cut-off age of 23 for the award.

Edit: That Balls.ie link isn't working as the forum automatically censors one of the words featured in the URL. It should be thon 'f' word in place of the four asterisks, in case you're wondering and want to correct it.

18/04/2014, 8:56 PM
Yeah I was a bit surprised to see Daniel Sturridge in the young player category, he just about qualified as he was 23 when the season began. Think the qualification age is way too high anyway. James McCarthy is definitely a notable absentee though and, to be fair, Jordan Henderson can consider himself fairly shafted also. Sterling has obviously played fairly well in recent times but over the season his form (or even presence in the team) has been patchy. It's seems like borderline insanity that Lukaku didn't make it as well. Gerrard's pretty much there for a few good weeks and scoring penalties and, well, for being Gerrard.

19/04/2014, 6:58 PM
Just been looking at the title odds and it seems Everton and hence Coleman are out of the running,
but following Chelsea's defeat today it looks like I will be collecting on my 12-1 bet on Liverpool :D

just thought i'd mention it ;)

19/04/2014, 7:19 PM
How much do you stand to win if Liverpool win the title? £6?

Charlie Darwin
19/04/2014, 7:25 PM
£6.50, he gets his stake back.

19/04/2014, 7:38 PM
I have Stevenage to win League 1, how are they doing?

19/04/2014, 8:29 PM
How much do you stand to win if Liverpool win the title? £6?

Yea £6 profit, but I will get £6.50 including my stake.
Should have put the mortgage on it.
Of course it's not over yet, they are in to 4-1 on now, but usually when I make a
bet on a long shot and the odds start dropping it comes good.

But who would have backed Sunderland to beat Chelsea?

A brave man indeed, but I always think (near) top v bottom is a great long shot bet
theoretically but it's so difficult to put the bet on, it feels like you are chucking money
down the drain. I wonder what the odds on Sunderland winning were?

Turns out they were 22-1 to win!!!

You can get 15-1 on West Brom beating Man City on Monday, might be worth a small bet.

19/04/2014, 8:30 PM
I have Stevenage to win League 1, how are they doing?

Not very well, you need a few snookers :)

19/04/2014, 10:04 PM
Yea £6 profit, but I will get £6.50 including my stake.

Haha, I'm humoured. I thanked Charlie's post above, sensing it was a wisecrack, but it now transpires our suspicions were correct!

You can get 15-1 on West Brom beating Man City on Monday, might be worth a small bet.

If 50p is a standard bet, what would constitute a small bet? Would a bookie even accept a bet of under 50p? Do you find betting such amounts to be profitable for you or is just to add a bit of a personal dimension to a particular contest for a bit of craic?

19/04/2014, 10:08 PM
The internet sites let you bet what you want as opposed to a "bookie" having a minimum I guess.
For me def even a small amount makes things more interesting. I had the Nets today at +2 in the NBA playoffs and i would have tried to watch the second half anyway but i was on the edge of my seat even with only 20 bucks on it. Don't know why. It gets the juices flowing. I mean who the hell can watch horse racing without a wager on it for example. I don't watch UFC but it is probably fun if you have even a little money on one of the psycho paths in the octagon.

20/04/2014, 12:55 AM
Haha, I'm humoured. I thanked Charlie's post above, sensing it was a wisecrack, but it now transpires our suspicions were correct!

If 50p is a standard bet, what would constitute a small bet? Would a bookie even accept a bet of under 50p? Do you find betting such amounts to be profitable for you or is just to add a bit of a personal dimension to a particular contest for a bit of craic?

20p would be a small bet, done a few for 10p too, most of the big bookmakers will take those bets ie Ladbrokes, Will Hill etc..
Not sure what the lower limit is maybe, well just tested it and it would not talk a 1p bet :) 10p is the lower limit.

However at Betfair the minimum stake is a whooping £2!!!

The bets are just for a bit of craic really, most I ever bet was £100 at 4-1 on American Idol, which won :)

Basically I don't want my day ruined by betting a big amount and losing it.

I lost £4 on the grand national so I made good my losses now (I hope).

Betfair used to give me load so free bets (£5 £10 £20 etc) but the kept losing, then one day it won
and then they stopped giving me them!!

However I laid them all off elsewhere, but they never knew that

They are basically trying to get people hooked on gambling, which I thought was a bit immoral.

They used to phone me up being all pally asking me who I supported etc.....

Seems like they had me marked out as a mug - can't think why!!! ;)

20/04/2014, 1:50 PM
All I can read on this is that you could peel an orange in your pocket.

20/04/2014, 3:18 PM
Well at least I am not financing the Chairman of Ladbrokes fat pension!!!

20/04/2014, 3:47 PM
Here's tricky fixing a boxing match as seen on ESPN's 30 for 30.

Charlie Darwin
20/04/2014, 3:50 PM
Well at least I am not financing the Chairman of Ladbrokes fat pension!!!
No, your taxes will pay for that eventually.

20/04/2014, 3:54 PM
Coleman has just played in Kevin Mirallas to put Everton 2-0 up against Manchester United.

20/04/2014, 3:56 PM
Do people honestly believe it would be wiser of Tricky to stake 50 euro on every bet he makes and end up bankrupting himself like Keith Gillespie?

20/04/2014, 4:53 PM
Dizzy's cousin?

20/04/2014, 4:56 PM
Stop speaking in riddles.

20/04/2014, 5:07 PM
He is on about the jazz guy.did it make him better that he was black CD?

20/04/2014, 5:54 PM
Do people honestly believe it would be wiser of Tricky to stake 50 euro on every bet he makes and end up bankrupting himself like Keith Gillespie?

Think is when you bet small you never really now how you are doing as you tend to forget your losing bets.
It's only when you bet big you realise how bad you are at it.
There was a lad at my school who nearly lost his mothers house gambling, I don't want to go down that
road, once you start chasing loses you are on the road to ruin.

Even now with Liverpool 6-1 on I can see them slipping up, they need to win their next
3 as I don't see Man City dropping points. (Well they need 2 wins and a draw).
They have to play Palace too, who are second placed team on form and they have
stopped Everton and Chelsea in their tracks.

20/04/2014, 7:04 PM
No peace of mind for the inveterate gambler, who's also paranoid.

20/04/2014, 7:55 PM
Buy the way Coleman got the MoM award so well done Seamus.

He did also have a rather wayward shot I seem to remember, but
the less said about that the better!
Would have been a cracker if it had gone it, but it was closer to out of the
stadium! :nonchalance:

21/04/2014, 4:17 AM
betting with pence is hardly gambling, fun maybe, but not gambling:p

21/04/2014, 5:55 PM

Warning to Coleman: Grass may not be greener at Old Trafford.

25/04/2014, 1:52 AM

The former Sligo Rovers right-back has blossomed under Roberto Martínez's management at Everton and certainly would not look out of place on the Champions League stage next season. The 25-year-old from Killybegs in County Donegal who grew up with Gaelic football his first love knows how to defend but attacks with style, skill and strength. Who can forget Coleman tricking his way past Arsenal's Santi Cazorla before juggling the ball out of defence. Spends countless hours at home analysing DVDs of Europe's best full-backs and such homework is helping make him one of them. If he played for a London club the hype machine would be in overdrive.

25/04/2014, 5:11 AM

The former Sligo Rovers right-back has blossomed under Roberto Martínez's management at Everton and certainly would not look out of place on the Champions League stage next season. The 25-year-old from Killybegs in County Donegal who grew up with Gaelic football his first love knows how to defend but attacks with style, skill and strength. Who can forget Coleman tricking his way past Arsenal's Santi Cazorla before juggling the ball out of defence. Spends countless hours at home analysing DVDs of Europe's best full-backs and such homework is helping make him one of them. If he played for a London club the hype machine would be in overdrive.


If he was English or from mainland Europe (or Africa) the hype would be in overdrive.

25/04/2014, 6:25 AM
He made Patrick Barclay's team of the season in the London Evening Standard too.

25/04/2014, 8:19 AM
What day was that I didn't spot that.

Barclay can be annoying sometimes making total sense nxt time not at all.

25/04/2014, 8:20 AM

If he was English or from mainland Europe (or Africa) the hype would be in overdrive.

He's pretty much on every team of the season I've heard, singled out for praise numerous times on MOTD, Sky Sports, etc. He's won a handful of motm awards, competed in a few goal of the month competitions, been consistently linked with a move to Man Utd, amongst others (granted the suggested transfer fee usually seems a bit low)...

What more recognition are we actually looking for? Ballon d'Or?

25/04/2014, 9:28 AM
Luke shaw is going for £30 mil an unproven 18 year old, a bit like jones brought from blackburn. One swallow doesnt make a summer.

And yet coleman who is probably at the pinnacle of his career in terms of age and trajectory, is quoted as going for quite less.

He is getting these team of the season but almost as though he has been operating under the radar or a wildcard pick or of left field.

back of the net
25/04/2014, 9:38 AM

Warning to Coleman: Grass may not be greener at Old Trafford.

It depends on what fertilizer they use I guess

25/04/2014, 9:39 AM
Luke shaw is going for £30 mil an unproven 18 year old

Yeah, I mentioned the valuation thing, but he's getting plenty of attention/recognition. Shaw's price seems to be more to do with supply and demand in the sense that United and Chelsea both seem really keen. His age can also be viewed as a positive as £30m is peanuts if he ends up as their left back for the next 10+ years. I don't think anybody thinks he's actually worth £30m right at this moment in time.

I think Coleman has been far from under the radar but it makes sense that the English are more concerned about an English player.

back of the net
25/04/2014, 9:41 AM
He's pretty much on every team of the season I've heard, singled out for praise numerous times on MOTD, Sky Sports, etc. He's won a handful of motm awards, competed in a few goal of the month competitions, been consistently linked with a move to Man Utd, amongst others (granted the suggested transfer fee usually seems a bit low)...

What more recognition are we actually looking for? Ballon d'Or?

In fairness whilst the english media do recognise he outstanding contribution and performances this season - if he was one of their own , the current prices been bandied about by the english media for seamus wud be at least doubled

25/04/2014, 9:47 AM
But the media are probably correct. The clubs do pay a lot more for English players. I'd be shocked if Coleman and Shaw are sold for a similar price... that's nothing to do with media hype really, of which I think Coleman and Shaw have got similar recognition.

back of the net
25/04/2014, 9:51 AM
But the media are probably correct. The clubs do pay a lot more for English players. I'd be shocked if Coleman and Shaw are sold for a similar price... that's nothing to do with media hype really, of which I think Coleman and Shaw have got similar recognition.

Your honor....i give you evidence exhibit A


25/04/2014, 10:57 AM
I certainly feel that he's getting the attention he richly deserves. He has made most teams of the year in the British media and Carragher and Neville can't speak highly enough of him.
The English tax for players is incredible - a fairly average player like Phil Jones going for what a top Italian or French player would go for. However, I think that there is or would be a similar tax on any top Welsh, Irish (Northern also) and Scottish player breaking through. The reason we don't see it is that very few players from the other home countries are breaking through, bar McCarthy, Ramsey and Bale in recent years. The British media has this notion that the core of a great team has to be from the British isles and still clings on to the notion that the temperamental foreigner won't be able to hack it at Stoke on a wet and windy night in February.

Regarding Shaw, I think the price is absurd, but I can understand it. He's clearly already a very good player and if he continues to develop, he could solve a position for the team he joins for 10+ years.