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28/07/2015, 11:24 AM
DL wins.

28/07/2015, 11:56 AM
I had thought those NI players (during the gstq dirge) were not engaging by deliberately looking at their boots and just needed to bow their heads to perform that act. But the bowing of the head in itself is a respectful gesture of not-engaging :)
We can call it 'doing a McClean'.

28/07/2015, 12:10 PM
No geysir, McClean was doing a 'McGinn'...

29/07/2015, 7:37 AM
Well done to Darren Fletcher. Somebody trying to put some perspective on things here; Bravo.


29/07/2015, 12:34 PM
What did he bow his head in respect of?

He's from Derry. He has already explained quite articulately whose memory he is respecting when he does this.

03/08/2015, 1:19 PM
Rave reviews for McClean's pre-season performances.


03/08/2015, 8:41 PM
Well done to Darren Fletcher. Somebody trying to put some perspective on things here; Bravo.


I didn't know his mother was Irish, we missed out on getting him!

03/08/2015, 8:53 PM
I didn't know his mother was Irish, we missed out on getting him!
There was a story years ago that Roy Keane had spoken to him about declaring for Ireland, even before he had broken into the United first team, but he was only ever going to play for Scotland

04/08/2015, 2:00 AM
There was a story years ago that Roy Keane had spoken to him about declaring for Ireland, even before he had broken into the United first team, but he was only ever going to play for Scotland

Yea now you mention it I do have a vague recollection of it.

Olé Olé
04/08/2015, 9:02 AM
There was a story years ago that Roy Keane had spoken to him about declaring for Ireland, even before he had broken into the United first team, but he was only ever going to play for Scotland

Indeed. Was in Croker in 2013 clad in Mayo colours and did an interview with TV3 at the time: http://www.the42.ie/darren-fletcher-backing-mayo-all-ireland-final-1094891-Sep2013/

This was discussed here previously. The connection, as far as I remember, is on his mother's side whereby she was born in Achill and the family moved to Edinburgh when she was quite young but remained part of a strong Irish community there. Something along those lines.

04/08/2015, 10:07 AM
Indeed. Was in Croker in 2013 clad in Mayo colours and did an interview with TV3 at the time: http://www.the42.ie/darren-fletcher-backing-mayo-all-ireland-final-1094891-Sep2013/

This was discussed here previously. The connection, as far as I remember, is on his mother's side whereby she was born in Achill and the family moved to Edinburgh when she was quite young but remained part of a strong Irish community there. Something along those lines.

A good friend of mine is from Achill and he has always gone on about the connection with Fletcher.

10/08/2015, 6:56 PM
starts tonight presumably at left wing for west brom who host man city. up against sagna tonight, zabaleta on the bench for the away side.

10/08/2015, 7:42 PM
starts tonight presumably at left wing for west brom who host man city. up against sagna tonight, zabaleta on the bench for the away side.

Alan Parry: McClean, the Northern Irishman from Londonderry just can't get into the game tonight.

10/08/2015, 8:07 PM
Taken off at half time. No great surprise, he wasn't in the game at all.

10/08/2015, 8:10 PM
Will Parry be rebuked for saying that provocative crap?

Not a chance.

10/08/2015, 9:24 PM
Martin Tyler is as bad.

10/08/2015, 9:31 PM
Martin Tyler is as bad.

Martin Tyler has never said anything near as intentionally gross as that, at least nothing I'm aware of.

That was eye-rollingly toxic 'banter' from Parry.

10/08/2015, 9:47 PM
I'm outraged.... This is worse than the time the BBC described Conor McGregor as being from United Kingdom & Ireland!! :mad:

11/08/2015, 12:33 AM
Taken off at half time. No great surprise, he wasn't in the game at all.

Disappointing start to the season, I wonder if we will be seeing much more of him in the near future.

11/08/2015, 8:19 AM
Will Parry be rebuked for saying that provocative crap?

Not a chance.

It's Alan Parry. It makes about a dozen blunders pre game. He knows nothing about teams outside the big clubs. I'm surprised he knew that much about a West Brom player!

11/08/2015, 8:40 AM
Yeah, was thinking the same. Anyone other than Parry and you'd think it was provocative but with him you'd think it was just poor knowledge.

Tyler may not be as bad, literally, but he always seems to take undue pride in describing a player as a British born ROI international.

11/08/2015, 9:16 AM
Did he (McLean) get booed ?

11/08/2015, 9:40 AM
Did he (McLean) get booed ?

yeah, a little. Hard to tell where it was coming from.

Charlie Darwin
11/08/2015, 10:00 AM
yeah, a little. Hard to tell where it was coming from.
GypsyBlackCat hasn't been online in a while...

11/08/2015, 12:51 PM
Hate taken to a new level, amazed not closed down by FB.

11/08/2015, 1:21 PM
Hate taken to a new level, amazed not closed down by FB.

every facebook page has a "Report" button. If you don't like the page, use it

11/08/2015, 1:56 PM
Hate taken to a new level, amazed not closed down by FB.

Haha, that's just weird.

Is it actually possible Parry committed not just a single but a double faux-pas in relation to James unintentionally? I don't buy it. James' background/identity is well-known in England (even outside of football circles) by virtue of the poppy/anthem "controversies" now. What Parry did struck me as a really cheap insult. If there was no sly or malicious intent behind it, fair enough, but I don't think that's plausible.

James did get booed. Reports on social media appeared to suggest it came from both home and away fans, although Darren Fletcher had spoken of West Brom fans giving him a warm, confidence-boosting vocal embrace in their first friendly back on English soil since the anthem thing in the US. WBA fans may be split.

11/08/2015, 2:15 PM
James telling it like it is.

https://scontent-ams3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11885283_981044141917006_3132559152524904939_n.jpg ?oh=67f826eca6ce5b9f2425a23492ce556a&oe=56401F49

Gather round
11/08/2015, 2:58 PM
James telling it like it is

He must be transgender then :act-up:


Parry's taking the p*ss, aye. And Fletcher is being diplomatic. McClean is likely to get abuse at every ground he plays in.

11/08/2015, 7:40 PM
Parry's taking the p*ss, aye. And Fletcher is being diplomatic. McClean is likely to get abuse at every ground he plays in.
Fletcher is more probably just speaking his mind, it's the simple probability versus your corny attempt at mind reading :)
And being booed by morons at football grounds doesn't carry much moral weight, probably similar to the type of morons who threw bananas and abused black players.

11/08/2015, 9:21 PM
every facebook page has a "Report" button. If you don't like the page, use it

We reviewed your report of BOOT Mcclean OUT of English Football (https://www.facebook.com/n/?Bootmccleanout&aref=1439305585963134&medium=email&mid=51d0a2896adacG2ac34166G51d0a722cb07eG129Gcec7&bcode=1.1439305586.Abm0hB4Fs1EL-AkL&n_m=tetsujin1979%40gmail.com)

Thank you for taking the time to report something that you feel may violate our Community Standards. Reports like yours are an important part of making Facebook a safe and welcoming environment. We reviewed the Page you reported for harassment and found that it doesn't violate our Community Standards (https://facebook.com/communitystandards/).

Olé Olé
11/08/2015, 9:40 PM

I had no luck either. I think it may have been due to their willingness to "permit open and critical discussion of people who are featured in the news or have a large public audience based on their profession or chosen activities."

However, what about hate speech:

Hate Speech

Facebook removes hate speech, which includes content that directly attacks people based on their:

national origin,
religious affiliation,
sexual orientation,
sex, gender or gender identity, or
serious disabilities or diseases.

Organisations and people dedicated to promoting hatred against these protected groups are not allowed a presence on Facebook. As with all of our standards, we rely on our community to report this content to us.

People can use Facebook to challenge ideas, institutions and practices. Such discussion can promote debate and greater understanding. Sometimes people share content containing someone else's hate speech for the purpose of raising awareness or educating others about that hate speech. When this is the case, we expect people to clearly indicate their purpose, which helps us better understand why they shared that content.

We allow humour, satire or social commentary related to these topics, and we believe that when people use their authentic identity, they are more responsible when they share this kind of commentary. For that reason, we ask that Page owners associate their name and Facebook Profile with any content that is insensitive, even if that content does not violate our policies. As always, we urge people to be conscious of their audience when sharing this type of content.

While we work hard to remove hate speech, we also give you tools to avoid distasteful or offensive content. Learn more (https://www.facebook.com/help/359033794168099/) about the tools we offer to control what you see. You can also use Facebook to speak up and educate the community around you. Counter-speech in the form of accurate information and alternative viewpoints can help create a safer and more respectful environment.

Is McClean not being directly attacked due to his national origin?

12/08/2015, 1:40 AM
Have you never come across the version of the Field of Athenry where some folk tend to shout "Sinn Féin" and "IRA" in between the lines of the chorus? I've heard it a lot down through the years. Not by the sharpest of folk, admittedly. And I'm from the very south too.

Might be of interest: http://www.irishnews.com/news/2015/08/11/news/wolfe-tones-accuse-dup-of-nit-picking-over-ira-chant-222393/

Chants of "ooh ah up the Ra" can be heard during video footage of a performance of one of the band's best known songs, Celtic Symphony.

Indeed, I've seen footage (https://www.facebook.com/DearbhlaMcG/videos/10152878523781106/?pnref=story) (it's been made public so I'll link to it; it also may start playing immediately, so I'll mark it NSFW) of 'Celtic Symphony' from the Ardoyne Fleadh myself and it sounded like the whole crowd, which was fairly substantial, were chanting it. GR will, no doubt, try to have you believe that's what a "hardcore" crowd sounds/looks like!

12/08/2015, 6:23 AM
You are wasting you time reporting on facebook, unless it nipples forget it
This was deemed ok on a football fan forum (and it started off as an innocuous debate on a loi game)

Gather round
12/08/2015, 8:26 AM
Fletcher is more probably just speaking his mind, it's the simple probability versus your corny attempt at mind reading :)

Not quite. it's based largely on living here and talking to Albion fans every day (rather more than you if not Fletcher). So empirical evidence, no mind-reading involved. The simple probability is that if lots of fans, social media however witless, TV commentators etc. etc. have a go at McClean, then he's pretty unpopular.

And being booed by morons at football grounds doesn't carry much moral weight, probably similar to the type of morons who threw bananas and abused black players

Who mentioned morality? Not I. No argument from me about how idiotic much of the criticism of McClean is. Although once out of the Moral Maze you might realise there's a wide spectrum from childish windups (Northern Irishman from Londonderry etc) to crime (incitement to hatred, even assault).

Do better.

Gather round
12/08/2015, 8:33 AM
GR will, no doubt, try to have you believe that's what a "hardcore" crowd sounds/looks like!

Well I do have some experience of Toneless Wolves gigs (long ago) and going to school near Ardoyne (longer), but even I tire occasionally of witless spats involving the NI parties ;)

My cousin (freelance hack in BT and heavy social media user) had one of her many accounts blocked for nudity (bit of neck, no cleavage)

12/08/2015, 9:17 AM
People are going way over the top here! It was Man City taken the wee-wee! He's going to get it of opposition fans. The Leicester fans on Saturday were booing Adam Johnson every time he got the ball and chanting 'Peado'. He hasn't been found guilty of anything so should the LCFC be fined for their fans actions?!!! It's not as if SAFC fans can take the moral high ground! We were chanting 'She Said No Loic' at Remy last season at home to Chelsea. And remember, we (Ireland fans) booed Rangers players and former ones not so long ago. It wasn't until FIFA or UEFA told us off that we stopped it!

12/08/2015, 12:36 PM
We still do.

15/08/2015, 5:43 AM
After the insidious troll Alan Parry's thoroughly objectionable declaration last Monday night in respect of James' background and identity, and then Jim Boyce's hollow instruction to James since - that being to keep his politics out of football - I was stirred enough to write another piece on my blog in James' defence: https://danieldcollins.wordpress.com/2015/08/12/keeping-politics-out-of-sport/

James' experiences in England appear to have unsettled a rather nasty, intolerant side to British society and I find it all very interesting how this element deals with perceived dissent or "stepping out of line" from a social Other. I also touch on a few other issues like politics in sport generally, the ills of modern football and the suppression of free expression, so feel free to have a read.

16/08/2015, 3:42 PM
No results he said it from a quick Google search. Therefore, until any evidence is produced to the contrary, stop the discussion on what Parry might have said.

Gather round
17/08/2015, 2:16 PM
No results he said it from a quick Google search. Therefore, until any evidence is produced to the contrary, stop the discussion on what Parry might have said


(Sorry- seems to be private)

17/08/2015, 2:39 PM
Not that I don't believe you GR, but that won't stand up in court. Or here.

17/08/2015, 5:13 PM
The default position is disbelief, until GR offers actual proof other than stuff like mind reading etc.

Gather round
18/08/2015, 10:23 AM
Not that I don't believe you GR, but that won't stand up in court. Or here.

Really M'Lud? I didn't realise everything on this site had to be legally watertight. For a start, DI has already referred (in a 3,000 word essay) the programme involved, which was widely broadcast; second, there's no defamation involved; and third, the Law ignores trivia. The only threats to foot.ie are the usual MOPERY and conspiracy theories.

Oh, and pompous Nordic bores blowing it out of their ar*se obviously ;)

18/08/2015, 2:31 PM
For a start, DI has already referred (in a 3,000 word essay) the programme involved, which was widely broadcast

I don't think Tets is referring to the stunt from the West Brom-City game. TOWK had asked if Parry had made another particular racial/anti-Irish slur at another point in time and had quoted what Parry was alleged to have said, but there has been no evidence produced to substantiate it so I think it's proof of that that Tets has been after.

Oh, and pompous Nordic bores blowing it out of their ar*se obviously ;)

You're far too kind. :)

18/08/2015, 3:33 PM
Exactly Danny, sorry if there was any confusion GR. There's enough evidence that Parry did say that at the west brom game, there's none that he made the other remark

Gather round
18/08/2015, 6:53 PM
Exactly Danny, sorry if there was any confusion GR. There's enough evidence that Parry did say that at the west brom game, there's none that he made the other remark

My apologies to Tets for that misunderstanding.

And to Geysir for that grumpiness. The festered shark's milk yogurts are on me next time in Keflavik ;)

19/08/2015, 11:24 AM

I recall Parry saying “that’s a bit Irish” when something daft happened in the Athletics years ago.


That comment got 372 green thumbs. I know that is not sufficient proof but that is where I got it from.

19/08/2015, 11:28 AM
Why is it that when Kirk Broadfoot racially abuses James McClean, Anthony Stokes gets sectarian abuse and death threats, Neil Lennon gets sectarian abuse, death threats and is assaulted several times, Aaron Doran and Richie Foran are victims of sectarian abuse and assaulted in the street, sectarian chanting is regularly heard at Hearts and Rangers games and Paul Paton retweets a sectarian tweet and I say Scottish society may have a sectarianism problem Danny belligerently rebuts me yet when Alan Parry says James McClean is from "Londonderry" (which despite my problems with it, is technically correct) he is a quote "race baiting" "insidious troll"?

The hypocrisy... :rolleyes:

19/08/2015, 11:33 AM

That comment got 372 green thumbs. I know that is not sufficient proof but that is where I got it from.

Thank you for the link, but it doesn't prove anything other than 372 people liked his comment, not 372 people also heard it. That's one comment on one site, his other, more recent comment has been widely discussed.