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22/11/2012, 9:22 AM
Thanks, I was not aware of the ban I don't remember hearing about it at the time, I'd expect there to be a fuss
about that kind of thing, but I don't suppose many people in the UK watch the world service.

Interestingly FiFA have banned the poppy!!


I remember that nonsense last year. If I recall correctly, it all acted as a convenient distraction for the FA from some other issue that was pressing upon them, for England had never worn the poppy on their jerseys around the 11th of November in all the 93 years before that; indeed, "Terrygate" had been raging in the media at the time. Interesting summary of it all here with a healthy dose of sarcastic cynicism: http://daveboyle.net/analysis/war-minus-the-shooting-from-the-hip/

And so it ends. 93 years of England’s ignominious and unpatriotic failure to wear poppies on their shirts comes to a deserved end, and a nation can rest easy, safe in the knowledge that now football has fallen into line, people will actually start wearing poppies for the first time ever. Or something like that.


Never mind that the Chief Executive of the British Legion said “The Legion never insists that the poppy be worn or insists that others allow it to be worn.” But who cares what that pen-pushing pinko thinks, when there’s a jingoistic juggernaut on the move. Either stay still and be run over, or get onboard and watch it magically become a bandwagon.

It also raises the issue of what is and is not deemed commercial, political or religious. Essentially, that's an arbitrary decision that is adjudicated upon within the domain of FIFA. For example, we wore black arm-bands against Italy at the Euros on the anniversary of the Loughinisland massacre in 1994 and in memory of all victims of the Troubles. Some argued that was political whilst others, and FIFA evidently, saw it as a worthwhile humanitarian gesture. If, say, the German team, for whatever reason, sought to remember fallen members of the Waffen-SS through the wearing of similar armbands at some point, it might pose some thornier moral issues for FIFA, but who's to know how they would adjudicate. I could see how a prohibition on the wearing of armbands in such an instance could leave them open to criticism for inconsistency and the practicing of double standards.

FIFA, ever alive to opportunities to play the pantomime villain for their friends in the English press pack refused, citing their blanket ban on all commercial, political and religious messages on the shirts worn in matches which take place under their jurisdiction.

FIFA rightly have long-standing rules in place, mindful of the power of the game to be used to further dark agendas, and equally mindful of the nature of political matters to be judged very differently depending on where one stands. Would that they have been in place in 1938 to save England’s players from being advised to give a Nazi salute before playing Germany.

But sadly – for many, many more important reasons than this – FIFA are perhaps the last people on earth to be able to survey the high ground of principle from their strong fortress of legitimacy.

What FIFA actually practice is the highest and most powerful example of politics of all – the ability to decide what is and is not political. Behind the canard that sport and politics shouldn’t be mixed lies the pure power to decide what is and isn’t political, and so what will, and will not be tolerated in mixing with sport.

Racism was political – and not to be mixed with sport – when the old guard stonewalled developing world pressure to tackle apartheid. The new guard who understood that sensibility changed tack, and now FIFA’s stance is that anti-racism isn’t political and can be mixed with sport. It’s a welcome change, of course, but on no level can it be seen as apolitical.

Commercial matters are most definitely not political in FIFAland; certainly not how FIFA ensures host countries for world cups give them carte blanche to pretty much do as they commercially please, and rewrite their laws and tax codes. It also isn’t political to allow national teams to display the logo of the kit manufacturer, a commercial message if ever there was one. Adidas, after all, would expect nothing less from the people they groomed for power back in the day.

22/11/2012, 9:29 AM
While I stick to the main points I made, I would agree the last point was particularly stupid and I deserved the flak I copped. Perhaps the lesson in this for me is not to submit a comment while you have 27 17 year old cherubs sitting in front of you!

Do you still maintain that McClean publicly explaining his rationale would make a difference to many of those who interpreted his non-wearing of a poppy as an insult? Maybe I'm being overly cynical, but I suspect that ignoramuses with fascistic tendencies wouldn't be the slightest bit interested in listening to his side of the story, never mind changing their attitudes because of it.

22/11/2012, 9:57 AM
Another view. Of sorts.
Or old news.


22/11/2012, 10:49 AM
Another view. Of sorts.
Or old news.


"By Ed Upright". Fitting.

22/11/2012, 11:02 AM
It certainly makes Lachey look like a simpleton.

22/11/2012, 11:54 AM
A sports update from Pure Derry (https://www.facebook.com/PureDerry/posts/459020444144500):


Some die-hard English football fans continue to issue death threats to Derry footballer James McClean, following his choice not to wear a poppy last week. "It's disgraceful and insulting. Our armed forces were responsible for stopping an imperialist empire from taking over the entire world!" said Terry Tipton from Britain.

Britain, the imperialist empire who previously took over the entire world, remained unavailable for comment.

22/11/2012, 12:20 PM
Great minds think alike...

22/11/2012, 1:14 PM
He really just needs to do the right thing at this stage and apologise to the British people.

22/11/2012, 1:22 PM
I believe a small, floral display of contrition would also aid in mending bridges.

22/11/2012, 1:43 PM
or time served in the armed forces?

22/11/2012, 1:49 PM
It couldn't hurt...

Charlie Darwin
22/11/2012, 2:33 PM
He really just needs to do the right thing at this stage and apologise to the British people.

22/11/2012, 2:38 PM

22/11/2012, 2:57 PM
Of course sometimes even British soldiers fail to remember, for example Sgt Danny Nightingale who failed to remember he had, 122 live rounds of 9mm ammunition, 40 live rounds of 7.62 ammunition, 50 frangible rounds of 9mm ammunition, 50 live rounds of armour piecing ammunition, two live rounds of .308 ammunition and 74 live rounds of 5.56 ammunition in "a plastic box under the bed". The pistol was found found in a wardrobe in a black case, according to the transcripts.

Seems he didn't remember unpacking them and putting them there.

22/11/2012, 3:03 PM

Where does that picture from? What is the context of it and significance???

22/11/2012, 3:10 PM
Where does that picture from? What is the context of it and significance???

James vs. Britain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bart_vs._Australia).

22/11/2012, 3:14 PM
Remember when the Simpsons was funny? Like ten years ago?

Charlie Darwin
22/11/2012, 3:18 PM
Remember when the Simpsons was funny? Like ten years ago?
Around the time the eligibility thread started.

22/11/2012, 5:40 PM
Around the time the eligibility thread started.

It just feels that long... :)

Paddy Garcia
22/11/2012, 7:49 PM
He really just needs to do the right thing at this stage and apologise to the British people.

Why - the Irish are not subservient to the British people - unlike the Canadians......

Colbert Report
22/11/2012, 9:44 PM
Why - the Irish are not subservient to the British people - unlike the Canadians......

Well said. I'll never understand why the Canadians are so proud to have the queen of England's head on their money.

22/11/2012, 9:49 PM
Well said. I'll never understand why the Canadians are so proud to have the queen of England's head on their money.

Isn't she the Canadian head of state, or the Queen of Canada, in other words?

Charlie Darwin
22/11/2012, 9:50 PM
Isn't she the Canadian head of state, or the Queen of Canada, in other words?
She's also your head of state!

22/11/2012, 9:54 PM
Why - the Irish are not subservient to the British people - unlike the Canadians......

Did you think I was serious?

By the way I live in Regina, "the Queens City", just off the main thoroughfares of Prince of Wales Drive and Victoria Avenue. I've managed to live through the shame...

Colbert Report
22/11/2012, 9:57 PM
The head of state of Canada is subject to opinion. Many believe it to be the Queen of England, while many others, including myself, consider it to be the Queen's viceroy, the Governor General. Either way it is downright criminal as the Governor General agreed to prorogue parliament four years ago to allow the minority government to buy time to turn the public against a coalition that was ready to form a government after the sitting government failed to gain a majority of seats in the election of October 2008. The GG is appointed by the Prime Minister, so it is hardly fair to have the PM appoint his own boss.

Colbert Report
22/11/2012, 9:58 PM
Did you think I was serious?

By the way I live in Regina, "the Queens City", just off the main thoroughfares of Prince of Wales Drive and Victoria Avenue. I've managed to live through the shame...

They changed the name of the major highway in Alberta, the one that connects Edmonton to Calgary, from "Highway 2" to the "Queen Elizabeth Highway 2" or simply "QU-2 highway" a few years ago. I was not impressed.

22/11/2012, 10:02 PM
It's not just historic either, there's a real royalty obsession in Canada, especially western Canada. They're more popular here than they are in England. It's bizarre and makes me slightly queasy.

22/11/2012, 10:23 PM
She's also your head of state!

An an Irish national living in Britain? Having been born in Letterkenny, I would say Michael D. Higgins is my current head of state. Does that change depending on state of residence? I've never really thought of Queen Elizabeth II as my head of state.

The Fly
22/11/2012, 11:18 PM
I'd say he was taking the p*ss there Danny.

23/11/2012, 12:00 AM
Well said. I'll never understand why the Canadians are so proud to have the queen of England's head on their money.

It's better than having her arse on it.

23/11/2012, 12:04 AM
Look out for two (one sadly infrequent) foot.ie posters going head to head here...

Obviously only one is talking sense against a very rotund man!

23/11/2012, 1:08 AM
An an Irish national living in Britain? Having been born in Letterkenny, I would say Michael D. Higgins is my current head of state. Does that change depending on state of residence? I've never really thought of Queen Elizabeth II as my head of state.

I would suggest technically she is, emotionally she isn't. That's my take on it, as like Canada, she is also the Australian head of state.

Colbert Report
23/11/2012, 4:38 AM
William and his wife came to Canada last summer or the summer before and people were camping out for days to get wristbands just to stand along a road and wave at them as they drove by with the top down and the windows tinted. Queasy doesn't begin to describe how I felt.

23/11/2012, 8:05 AM
I'd say he was taking the p*ss there Danny.

"Bleddy effin' better a' bane, Oi tell ya, bai!"

To be honest, I still think it raises an interesting question. Officially, who is my head of state, as opposed to what you might call my "head of nation" or something? Is it Elizabeth II because I reside in the state of the UK or is it Michael D. Higgins because I'm an Irish national who was born in the state of Ireland? Or perhaps I have two official heads of state? As far as I can make out, British citizenship would have been conferred upon me automatically by descent by virtue of my father being born in Tyrone, although he has never formally acknowledged this apparent legal right by applying for a British passport or whatever. That's just an assumption I'm making based on my understanding of British nationality law, but I've never tested this presumed eligibility, so I cannot say for certain. Indeed, my father may well have renounced his official entitlement years ago and never told me! :p

Thus, I can only be certain that Michael D. Higgins is the head of the state I would call my own. ;)

I would suggest technically she is, emotionally she isn't.

Surely, she either is or she isn't, irrespective of my emotional state, or hers! Who would you say your head of state was, being an Irish national resident in Australia?

23/11/2012, 9:04 AM
"Bleddy effin' better a' bane, Oi tell ya, bai!"

To be honest, I still think it raises an interesting question. Officially, who is my head of state, as opposed to what you might call my "head of nation" or something? Is it Elizabeth II because I reside in the state of the UK or is it Michael D. Higgins because I'm an Irish national who was born in the state of Ireland? Or perhaps I have two official heads of state? As far as I can make out, British citizenship would have been conferred upon me automatically by descent by virtue of my father being born in Tyrone, although he has never formally acknowledged this apparent legal right by applying for a British passport or whatever. That's just an assumption I'm making based on my understanding of British nationality law, but I've never tested this presumed eligibility, so I cannot say for certain. Indeed, my father may well have renounced his official entitlement years ago and never told me! :p

Thus, I can only be certain that Michael D. Higgins is the head of the state I would call my own. ;)

Surely, she either is or she isn't, irrespective of my emotional state, or hers! Who would you say your head of state was, being an Irish national resident in Australia?

As I live downunder and my family are Australian and I accept the laws of Australia, to me, part of that is accepting the Queen as head of state (doesn't mean I like it!). However, as an Irishman, like you, I see Michael D as my true head of state. I am unlikely to ever live in Ireland again, and because of this, I think this is more an emotional attachment rather than a practical one. This works for me!

23/11/2012, 9:17 AM
As I live downunder and my family are Australian and I accept the laws of Australia, to me, part of that is accepting the Queen as head of state (doesn't mean I like it!). However, as an Irishman, like you, I see Michael D as my true head of state. I am unlikely to ever live in Ireland again, and because of this, I think this is more an emotional attachment rather than a practical one. This works for me!

Are you an Australian citizen though, and does that make a technical difference? And surely there must be some Australian law with which you take issue? :p

23/11/2012, 11:24 AM
It's not just historic either, there's a real royalty obsession in Canada, especially western Canada. They're more popular here than they are in England. It's bizarre and makes me slightly queasy.

When I was in Ottawa in July the nationalist inside me got queay walking down Parliament drive with all the Jubilee bunting up. EUGH!

Then I got over it and realised I was on holidays in an awesome country. :)

Paddy Garcia
23/11/2012, 8:26 PM
It's better than having her arse on it.

I'm not so sure about that .......and I say with a KMRIA.......

24/11/2012, 2:19 AM
'Transmetropolitan' quote!


24/11/2012, 12:58 PM
McClean on the bench again today.

24/11/2012, 1:04 PM
On for O'Shea at half time.

24/11/2012, 1:21 PM
William and his wife came to Canada last summer or the summer before and people were camping out for days to get wristbands just to stand along a road and wave at them as they drove by with the top down and the windows tinted. Queasy doesn't begin to describe how I felt.

One of my neighbours used to watch the original Big Brother incessantly, day and night. Greasy doesn't begin to describe how they smelled.

People become captivated by others for all manner of dubious reasons.

24/11/2012, 4:11 PM
Like you dont watch the Desperate housewives of Cork.

24/11/2012, 10:23 PM
On for O'Shea at half time.

How did that work position-wise? Did someone else slot in at the back for O'Shea? How did McClean fare after he came on anyway?

24/11/2012, 11:07 PM
How did that work position-wise? Did someone else slot in at the back for O'Shea? How did McClean fare after he came on anyway?

well i think they lost the first half 2-0 but the second half was 2-2 so fared better with him,
but maybe not because of him, don't think he did anything special.

25/11/2012, 12:17 PM
Lost the ball for the last goal.

27/11/2012, 8:21 PM
from BBC text updates...

Adam Johnson's time is up for Sunderland, as James McClean comes on down the left. His star has really fallen this season, ban he find his form of last year here?

27/11/2012, 9:00 PM
His form looks the same to me and i'm an expert. He could/should have been brought on 10 minutes earlier.
QPR couldn't handle him even though they doubled up on him, he managed to create a few good half chances.
One time though he should have tracked his man when QPR made a break with players over.

27/11/2012, 9:15 PM
Nah, he's clearly finished.

Charlie Darwin
27/11/2012, 9:19 PM
Yeah, he's been finished for over 20 pages now. Can't believe you didn't know that.
