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The Fly
14/03/2010, 2:47 PM
There is an interesting piece in The Sunday Times, by Paul Rowan, regarding this issue.

His article confirms the switching of Daniel Kearns, West Ham, but he also states that Carl Magnay, Chelsea centre-half and NI under 21 international, has joined him.

Magnay won the SKY TV's Football Icon, which earned him a traineeship at Chelsea. He was born in Gateshead but has grandparents, it is believed, from Derry, which allowed him to play for NI.

According to the article...........he shares an apartment in South West London with Chelsea midfielder Conor Clifford, who encouraged him to make the switch.

Steve Beaglehole, NI under 21 manager, on Magnay, "It's very disappointing..................I spoke to Carl before he was due to play against San Marino a couple of weeks ago and he said that he didn't have the passion to play for Northern Ireland. He said he was English, and could only play for England. I suspected that he had been contacted by the Republic, but he denied that was the case and if he does play for them I will be most disappointed that he wasn't open with me."

He concludes his piece by stating that there are a number of other players thinking of making a switch.

We'll have to wait for official confirmation..........but, interesting times ahead.

14/03/2010, 2:55 PM
Let me try again. :confused:

Are you saying then that the default nationality upon birth is a dual nationality? That anyone born in Northern Ireland is officially deemed British and Irish upon birth, and can later decide by which to be identified despite still officially possessing both?

Edit: Or, possessing the right to exercise both, even.

That's pretty much it.
Thinking about it, probably a better term to use is 'dual citizenship' at birth.
And that you understand the dual citizenship does not impose a (unwanted) national identity.

14/03/2010, 2:58 PM
Very interesting about Magnay. He's 21 isn't he? Says he's a centre half, but I think he was moved out to left full in order to accommodate Shane Duffy in a NI U21 fixture against Portugal, so maybe that's another option at left back?

Don't know much about Daniel Kearns, but didn't he declare months ago?.

14/03/2010, 3:14 PM
He concludes his piece by stating that there are a number of other players thinking of making a switch.

We'll have to wait for official confirmation..........but, interesting times ahead.
Any names?

14/03/2010, 3:27 PM
There is an interesting piece in The Sunday Times, by Paul Rowan, regarding this issue.

His article confirms the switching of Daniel Kearns, West Ham, but he also states that Carl Magnay, Chelsea centre-half and NI under 21 international, has joined him.

Magnay won the SKY TV's Football Icon, which earned him a traineeship at Chelsea. He was born in Gateshead but has grandparents, it is believed, from Derry, which allowed him to play for NI.

According to the article...........he shares an apartment in South West London with Chelsea midfielder Conor Clifford, who encouraged him to make the switch.

Steve Beaglehole, NI under 21 manager, on Magnay, "It's very disappointing..................I spoke to Carl before he was due to play against San Marino a couple of weeks ago and he said that he didn't have the passion to play for Northern Ireland. He said he was English, and could only play for England. I suspected that he had been contacted by the Republic, but he denied that was the case and if he does play for them I will be most disappointed that he wasn't open with me."

He concludes his piece by stating that there are a number of other players thinking of making a switch.

We'll have to wait for official confirmation..........but, interesting times ahead.

That was also on our favourite MB, claiming they were defecting, FFS. And that this was now a 'flood'.

The Fly
14/03/2010, 3:37 PM
Any names?

No names yet. Though, if there are indeed more 'switches' to come, I imagine we'll be hearing about it quite soon.

14/03/2010, 8:14 PM
No names yet. Though, if there are indeed more 'switches' to come, I imagine we'll be heaing about it quite soon.

Should I private message you this time? ;)

14/03/2010, 8:52 PM
Any names?

And see you're getting a hard time from 'our friends' in the North, assuming that's you on there?

co. down green
14/03/2010, 8:54 PM
Very interesting about Magnay. He's 21 isn't he? Says he's a centre half, but I think he was moved out to left full in order to accommodate Shane Duffy in a NI U21 fixture against Portugal, so maybe that's another option at left back?

Don't know much about Daniel Kearns, but didn't he declare months ago?.

Magnay was 21 in January, so i presume the new rule that allows players over the age of 21 to change associations, (if they have not played at senior level) kicks in. The same FIFA rule change that came too late for Niall McGinn, thus tying him to the North for the rest of his career.
I Believe Daniel Kearns approached the FAI over nine months ago.

Interesting article in today’s Northern edition of the Sunday Mirror about Lee Hodson, a Watford born player with a granny born in Belfast. The article states the IFA approached Watford and the players, including Hodson, at the Milk Cup tournament to see if any of them had any linkage to the North. It would seem that IFA officials use the Milk cup tournament to approach young kids and try and persuade them to play with the North.

Nothing contravening FIFA rules in the IFA doing this, I just wish they could they could see the hypocrisy of complaining about the FAI (picking players eligible to play for Ireland) and their own targeting of England u17 internationals like Oliver Norwood & Joe Dudgeon, and their targeting of young kids playing in a summer youth tournament.

14/03/2010, 9:28 PM
And see you're getting a hard time from 'our friends' in the North, assuming that's you on there?
Ah, I suppose it's to be expected. I'm 'on thin ice' now though; I've been accused of lying and uttering 'half-truths' and some posters suspect I work for the FAI and I'm scouring the forum looking for players who would be susceptible to 'poaching' because I started the thread on Shane Duffy on here - oh the powers of deduction (paranoia?). Some posters even suggested that non-Northern Ireland fans should not be allowed to use the forum in light of posts from Danny Invincible, AdiosAndytown? and myself. Sure, why don't the admins at foot.ie refuse entry to EalingGreen, Gather round and Not Brazil etc. since they're not Republic of Ireland supporters? Oh wait, that's right, because it's silly.

Magnay was 21 in January, so i presume the new rule that allows players over the age of 21 to change associations, (if they have not played at senior level) kicks in. The same FIFA rule change that came too late for Niall McGinn, thus tying him to the North for the rest of his career.
I Believe Daniel Kearns approached the FAI over nine months ago.

Interesting article in today’s Northern edition of the Sunday Mirror about Lee Hodson, a Watford born player with a granny born in Belfast. The article states the IFA approached Watford and the players, including Hodson, at the Milk Cup tournament to see if any of them had any linkage to the North. It would seem that IFA officials use the Milk cup tournament to approach young kids and try and persuade them to play with the North.

Nothing contravening FIFA rules in the IFA doing this, I just wish they could they could see the hypocrisy of complaining about the FAI (picking players eligible to play for Ireland) and their own targeting of England u17 internationals like Oliver Norwood & Joe Dudgeon, and their targeting of young kids playing in a summer youth tournament.
Thanks co.down green. Are Magnay and Kearns good players? Both are on the books at Premiership clubs, so I assume they're both handy enough.

You are dead right too. It is annoying when they complain about this perceived 'defacto sectarian poaching policy'* and then argue that cases such as Norwood's or whatever are different and excusable. On top of that, their fans are outright denying that a player would ever approach the FAI to declare for them, making it out like the FAI are acting shady and kidnapping Catholic children in the North and brainwashing them into wanting to play for the Republic.

*I'd love to know how they come to this conclusion.

14/03/2010, 10:22 PM
Is this the paranoia of which has been spoken?

"The preconceived idea is that everyone who falls into this category, then automatically agrees with everything the FAI does and are supporting some great religious 'divide'."

"Moderator's response!"
"One look at the list of players the FAI has poached will tell you that the polarisation of football on the island not by association but by religion/political aspiration is exactly what is happening. Hence those who back the FAI are backing a defacto sectarian agenda. That is not preconceived but proven - it is out there in the public domain for everyone to see."

15/03/2010, 10:38 AM
Ah, I suppose it's to be expected. I'm 'on thin ice' now though; I've been accused of lying and uttering 'half-truths' and some posters suspect I work for the FAI and I'm scouring the forum looking for players who would be susceptible to 'poaching' because I started the thread on Shane Duffy on here - oh the powers of deduction (paranoia?). Some posters even suggested that non-Northern Ireland fans should not be allowed to use the forum in light of posts from Danny Invincible, AdiosAndytown? and myself. Sure, why don't the admins at foot.ie refuse entry to EalingGreen, Gather round and Not Brazil etc. since they're not Republic of Ireland supporters? Oh wait, that's right, because it's silly.

Thanks co.down green. Are Magnay and Kearns good players? Both are on the books at Premiership clubs, so I assume they're both handy enough.

You are dead right too. It is annoying when they complain about this perceived 'defacto sectarian poaching policy'* and then argue that cases such as Norwood's or whatever are different and excusable. On top of that, their fans are outright denying that a player would ever approach the FAI to declare for them, making it out like the FAI are acting shady and kidnapping Catholic children in the North and brainwashing them into wanting to play for the Republic.

*I'd love to know how they come to this conclusion.

Well your name is Predator...:cool:

Charming quote this:
"Gypsy beggar thieving scumbags." ;)

15/03/2010, 1:26 PM
There is an interesting piece in The Sunday Times, by Paul Rowan, regarding this issue.

His article confirms the switching of Daniel Kearns, West Ham, but he also states that Carl Magnay, Chelsea centre-half and NI under 21 international, has joined him.

Magnay won the SKY TV's Football Icon, which earned him a traineeship at Chelsea. He was born in Gateshead but has grandparents, it is believed, from Derry, which allowed him to play for NI.

According to the article...........he shares an apartment in South West London with Chelsea midfielder Conor Clifford, who encouraged him to make the switch.

Steve Beaglehole, NI under 21 manager, on Magnay, "It's very disappointing..................I spoke to Carl before he was due to play against San Marino a couple of weeks ago and he said that he didn't have the passion to play for Northern Ireland. He said he was English, and could only play for England. I suspected that he had been contacted by the Republic, but he denied that was the case and if he does play for them I will be most disappointed that he wasn't open with me."

He concludes his piece by stating that there are a number of other players thinking of making a switch.

We'll have to wait for official confirmation..........but, interesting times ahead.

Very interesting indeed. Is the article online??

15/03/2010, 4:13 PM
I don't know how this Carl Magnay qualifies for the FAI if both his grandparents are from Derry.
Under that FIFA rule 17, the parent/grandparent is supposed to be born within the association's territory.
Unless, seeing as how Derry fc is a fully fledged member of the LOI, the FAI can claim jurisdiction there :rolleyes:

Charlie Darwin
15/03/2010, 4:45 PM
Could it be because they were born before partition?

15/03/2010, 5:32 PM
Grandparents of a 21 year old? biologically possible but improbable.
Usually there are 4 grandparents in the equation (Kerry exceptions noted), maybe at least one of the other 2 was born in the Republic.

15/03/2010, 7:25 PM
Can British nationality not be renounced then? It was my understanding the the GFA enabled northern-borns to assume just Irish citizenship, but maybe I'm mistaken. :/It can be renounced but as both countries acknowledge dual-citizenship its largely immaterial. Only countries that do not allow dual citizenship would you need to renounce your citizenship. Somewhere close to my heart is Spain. It doesn't recognise dual citizenship except for countries and peoples formerly under their realm. This means all south America and Portugal plus Sephardic Jews. Everyone else, those born with foreign parents or 2G like me, must renounce all other citizenships to get a Spanish passport. As for the Irish in Britain, those of us born prior to 1981 automatically have British citizenship until we renounce it. I presume its the same for the O6C, the difference there being that everyone born there prior to the last change in the Irish constitution could also get Irish citizenship, automatically.

15/03/2010, 7:39 PM
I presume its the same for the O6C, the difference there being that everyone born there prior to the last change in the Irish constitution could also get Irish citizenship, automatically.

Sorry Lopez, by this stage it is beyond debate

Before the GFA, a Nordie was entitled to Irish citizenship, it was not automatic, see the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956
Post GFA, a Nordie's Irish citizenship became automatic.

15/03/2010, 8:01 PM
Sorry Lopez, by this stage it is beyond debate

Before the GFA, a Nordie was entitled to Irish citizenship, it was not automatic, see the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act 1956
Post GFA, a Nordie's Irish citizenship became automatic.Most things are beyond debate on this thread.:D Can't get into Are we a Country. Still got that court order banning me from contact with minors on the internet. :o

15/03/2010, 8:26 PM
I think it great news for FAI but they should be doing a better job at producing our own bloddy players. we have a big enough population for gods sake.

Its gona make an excellent celtic cup next year but :O)

co. down green
15/03/2010, 8:29 PM
I don't know how this Carl Magnay qualifies for the FAI if both his grandparents are from Derry.
Under that FIFA rule 17, the parent/grandparent is supposed to be born within the association's territory.
Unless, seeing as how Derry fc is a fully fledged member of the LOI, the FAI can claim jurisdiction there :rolleyes:

I presume he qualifies in the same way Alex Bruce qualified for us via his Bangor, Co. Down born Grandmother.

Charlie Darwin
15/03/2010, 8:34 PM
Did she play for Ireland too?

15/03/2010, 9:13 PM
I presume he qualifies in the same way Alex Bruce qualified for us via his Bangor, Co. Down born Grandmother.

Born in Down, a blessed experience I'm sure :), is still not being born in the territory of the association.

15/03/2010, 9:17 PM
Most things are beyond debate on this thread.:D Can't get into Are we a Country. Still got that court order banning me from contact with minors on the internet. :o

There is a new forum there devoted to debate these matters, it is called 'Football Apartheid in Ireland',
'tis complicated.
A person arriving from Mars would be forgiven for thinking this 'Football Apartheid in Ireland' would most likely encapsulate the current state of predominant Unionist support for and the loud British Identity of, an IFA team which has a pretense to represent and claim the support of two equal identities living within the territory of their association.
But no, this particular apartheid is about their perception of the expression of an Irish identity within the territory of their association, the very same copper fastened Irish identity that FIFA recognise as being infinitely greater than blood or residence connection, for eligibility purposes.
Strange enough, it is also the very same Irish national birthright identity that has been constitutionally accepted by a majority of the very same Unionists in 1998.

Well, my heart truly bleeds for the IFA.

co. down green
15/03/2010, 9:23 PM
Born in Down, a blessed experience I'm sure :), is still not being born in the territory of the association.

A blessed experience indeed :)

The Bruce case was brought to FIFA by the IFA and they were told that he was eligible, it was at this point that FIFA & the FAI offered the North the compromise of being able to pick players on the whole island, which they rejected.

15/03/2010, 9:35 PM
Then I can only presume that FIFA recognise (and maybe it is their prerogative to), that being born in the 6 counties is being born within the territory of the FAI association. That the Irish citizenship somehow renders what we were led to believe was a territorial border, invisible.

15/03/2010, 10:53 PM
Charming quote this:
"Gypsy beggar thieving scumbags."

Would that count as Hypocrisy, or Paranoia?? Or both?

Or just the real face of "Football For All";It makes you have a modicum of symapthy for the few deluded fools who actually believe in this....

Most things are beyond debate on this thread. Can't get into Are we a Country. Still got that court order banning me from contact with minors on the internet.

For a small price, can send you my lurking details, though 'Buyer beware', as they :rolleyes: don't like criticism....

Born in Down, a blessed experience I'm sure :), is still not being born in the territory of the association.
My great-granny was from there, I think pre-partition. Can we still be 'reclaimed' ??

16/03/2010, 12:34 AM
Again you fail to realise that the passport is only used to identify the person, not their nationality. Nationality only needs proven to FIFA as a result of a challenge post game.

I fully understand and accept that is what you believe to be the case. As I said before though (several times), that is just your opinion and you have failed to provide any independently verifiable evidence to support it. As I have also pointed out, your view conflicts directly with the published account of someone who has direct experience of how things actually work in practice. As such, I will choose to believe that you are wrong until you can prove otherwise. Feel free to make the same assumption in reverse.

jesus wept, again :)

Do me the honour of a proper quote and then count the nr of times identify is mentioned by me in those two replies you refer to

I did not misconstrue your original quotes in any way. Even re-reading your posts in full, both of them still appear to state that people born in NI have the right to choose between British and Irish citizenship. The word "identified" doesn't appear anywhere in the sentences related to eligiblity for citizenship in either post! If those posts don't accurately convey what you meant then fine, but just come out and say that and explain what you did mean, rather than going on the attack yet again. Remember I just responded with a simple and polite request for clarification in the first place. You could have just provided that clarification. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be your style.

I don't know how this Carl Magnay qualifies for the FAI if both his grandparents are from Derry.
Under that FIFA rule 17, the parent/grandparent is supposed to be born within the association's territory.

Again FIFA's statutes are ridiculously unclear, which is the root cause of this whole debacle. Article 17 only applies to "Any Player who refers to art. 15 par. 1 to assume a new nationality". So key questions will be: a) did Carl Magnay "assume a new nationality" and b) did he "refer to art. 15 par. 1" to do so. I'm really not sure how anyone could prove that someone referred to a particular FIFA statute to assume a new nationality (as opposed to assuming a new nationality just coz he wants to). Incidentally, Magnay may have held Irish citizenship since his birth (depending on whether his grandparent(s) held Irish citizenship and on whether his parents registered his birth in the Foreign Births Register). If so, he could hardly be accused of referring to a recently introduced FIFA statute to assume Irish nationality. Just to clarify though, I know nothing about his circumstances, I'm just speculating as to how he might be eligible.

16/03/2010, 8:29 AM
I did not misconstrue your original quotes in any way.
You misconstrued both my replies by selective quoting and making assumptions based on the selected disconnected sentence.

Even re-reading your posts in full, both of them still appear to state that people born in NI have the right to choose between British and Irish citizenship. The word "identified" doesn't appear anywhere in the sentences related to eligiblity for citizenship in either post!

And neither should the noun 'identity' appear related to eligibility for citizenship in any post.
Identity is a choice, citizenship is the birthright.

If those posts don't accurately convey what you meant then fine, but just come out and say that and explain what you did mean, rather than going on the attack yet again. Remember I just responded with a simple and polite request for clarification in the first place. You could have just provided that clarification. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be your style.
Would you even know what a clarification was, if it hit you full on like a brick?

Again FIFA's statutes are ridiculously unclear, which is the root cause of this whole debacle,
Again you interpret incorrectly, your chronic inability to read text as it is written is interpreted as someone else causing the confusion.
The text is clear, though FIFA's interpretation of article 17 could be questioned as unclear.

Article 17 only applies to "Any Player who refers to art. 15 par. 1 to assume a new nationality". So key questions will be: a) did Carl Magnay "assume a new nationality" and b) did he "refer to art. 15 par. 1" to do so.
It helps comprehension to read a phrase as it is written. Carl does not have to refer to article 15 to assume a new nationality. You do not understand what "who refers to" means.

Article 17 is entitled
Acquisition of a new nationality.

'Any player who refers to
art.15 par. 1 to assume a
new nationality'

Means, this article 17 refers to players who already have a nationality and have already qualified to represent an association under the eligibility outlined in article 15. And are acquiring a new nationality.

I'm really not sure how anyone could prove that someone referred to a particular FIFA statute to assume a new nationality (as opposed to assuming a new nationality just coz he wants to). Incidentally, Magnay may have held Irish citizenship since his birth (depending on whether his grandparent(s) held Irish citizenship and on whether his parents registered his birth in the Foreign Births Register). If so, he could hardly be accused of referring to a recently introduced FIFA statute to assume Irish nationality. Just to clarify though, I know nothing about his circumstances, I'm just speculating as to how he might be eligible
A total (but almost perfect) mishmash of disconnected thinking .

Gather round
16/03/2010, 8:38 AM
Sure, why don't the admins at foot.ie refuse entry to EalingGreen, Gather round and Not Brazil etc. since they're not Republic of Ireland supporters? Oh wait, that's right, because it's silly

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Although it might be worth adding that if I'd come on here to suggest that the South's team be forcibly merged/ taken over, as you have for the Northern Ireland side, I imagine I'd be banned pretty quickly. As ArdeeBhoy/ Adios Andytown has been from both foot.ie and OWC , I've lose count how many times.

16/03/2010, 8:56 AM
Surely "forcibly merged" is an interpretation.
Whereas, a 'merging of the two associations' is a proposition.

16/03/2010, 9:12 AM
As ArdeeBhoy/ Adios Andytown has been from both foot.ie and OWC , I've lose count how many times.
Er, you are mistaken. Think I said way up thread, my contacts from Beal-feirste are from The Falls and the Short Strand. Check yer facts please!

16/03/2010, 9:13 AM
Surely "forcibly merged" is an interpretation.
Whereas, a 'merging of the two associations' is a proposition.

Or indicative of the 'P' word.

third policeman
16/03/2010, 9:53 AM
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Although it might be worth adding that if I'd come on here to suggest that the South's team be forcibly merged/ taken over, as you have for the Northern Ireland side, I imagine I'd be banned pretty quickly. As ArdeeBhoy/ Adios Andytown has been from both foot.ie and OWC , I've lose count how many times.

The idea of a mergerd team implies the abolition of both existing teams, and as far as I can recollect no-one has ever suggested that such a proposition could be achieved through coercion. This forum has tolerated discussion of this idea without anyone being banned or the idea itself being presented as advocating the abolition of the ROI side. However you present this GR, the breadth of tolerance on this site greatly exceeds that demonstrated on OWC. Not only are racists and insulting allusions to the ROI side routinely bandied about, from what I have read, they are never challenged or refuted by more reasonably minded contributors. Its always difficult to separate chickens from eggs, but the siege mentality and erection of intellectual barricades is not just a reaction to the defection of players like Duffy et al, but it is sympomatic of a default mindset that is actually part of the cause for these defections.

16/03/2010, 12:19 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence. Although it might be worth adding that if I'd come on here to suggest that the South's team be forcibly merged/ taken over, as you have for the Northern Ireland side, I imagine I'd be banned pretty quickly. As ArdeeBhoy/ Adios Andytown has been from both foot.ie and OWC , I've lose count how many times.Absolute rubbish. Worst things have been said on this site than that, without punishment. Indeed, you are always suggesting that we should merge with England as that is where our players etc. Have you got so much as a yellow card? No.

I can think of just two reasons that this sort of thing is so touchy on Are We a Country?: One is that 'merging' both Irish associations is a serious proposition to the general unionist community. As you have argued before, Northern Ireland fans aren't going to vote their team out of existence, but one poll from the BBC suggests that Northern Ireland's population could. The other is that the people who run it and decide who can post are a bunch of bigoted f*ckwits. :loser:

16/03/2010, 12:25 PM
And while I'm at it, what about our dear friend Davros? Banned on here - undoubtedly after continually crossing the line - for using the 'P' word, even though he is from that 'tradition' himself. Unlike our wee minds who use terms such as thieving gypsies to describe us not just in people's posts, whose tolerance are down to selective defence of free speech, but also in the site's own fanzine. If this belief is for the benefit of the children back home, fair enough, but I know you are intelligent enough to know that both sites can't be compared.

16/03/2010, 12:44 PM
Surely "forcibly merged" is an interpretation.
Whereas, a 'merging of the two associations' is a proposition.

Depends if the word 'forcibly' is used by the person making the proposition.

16/03/2010, 5:46 PM
No names yet. Though, if there are indeed more 'switches' to come, I imagine we'll be hearing about it quite soon.

Hasn't the OWC set its "name and shame!" campaign in motion yet?

And see you're getting a hard time from 'our friends' in the North, assuming that's you on there?

The unruly little upstart. :)

17/03/2010, 8:17 PM
Answers on a postcard as to who is responsible for this (last paragraph):-


They're getting desperate now.

Munster Saint
17/03/2010, 8:37 PM
Answers on a postcard as to who is responsible for this (last paragraph):-


They're getting desperate now.

Somebody with BT as their internet provider in Dumbarton, north-west of Glasgow acccording to their ip address.

17/03/2010, 10:40 PM
After the first alteration by that Dumbite, someone edited it to read
'In March 2010 Magnay revealed that he has opted instead to declare for the Republic of Ireland as in all fairness who would want to play for the North?'

Wiki edit history (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Carl_Magnay&oldid=350260945)

18/03/2010, 9:47 AM
After the first alteration by that Dumbite, someone edited it to read
'In March 2010 Magnay revealed that he has opted instead to declare for the Republic of Ireland as in all fairness who would want to play for the North?'

Wiki edit history (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Carl_Magnay&oldid=350260945)
Wow, what kind of sick twisted bigot would go to the trouble of edi...........oh, no, wait, that's probably from a ROI fan. Carry on.

18/03/2010, 10:20 AM
The Dumbarton editor falls under the thread's "beyond question" standards, it is beyond question that he/she is illiterate, as in uncultured and poorly educated. :)

Lionel Ritchie
18/03/2010, 10:32 AM
I think I've seen mention of this lad before. Leeds went to the FA with a complaint that he, along with another lad I believe, had been illegally approached by Chelski.

18/03/2010, 11:03 AM
The Dumbarton editor falls under the thread's "beyond question" standards, it is beyond question that he/she is illiterate, as in uncultured and poorly educated. :)

Presuming he was a Nordie, perhaps they would have benefited from an Irish education....
Rather than their lame anti-Catholic/Irish agenda in the osc!

18/03/2010, 12:34 PM
That Carl Magnay guy turned down NI because he wants to play for England not Ireland.

18/03/2010, 12:43 PM
That Carl Magnay guy turned down NI because he wants to play for England not Ireland.

That's what he told the IFA anyways. I personally think he is just looking to make a career in professional football for himself and whatever international side he plays for is ultimately irrelevant. His international prospects are far greater with the North than with us so it's either a brave or foolish career decision on his part to choose us. Time will tell if he made the right decision but I can't say I'm overly excited about his promotion from our feeder team.

18/03/2010, 4:05 PM
Can we not get a ransom for him?

19/03/2010, 7:50 AM
Can we not get a ransom for him?

The IFA can't afford to pay a ransom what with;
payoffs to former employees,
commitments to bankrolling Linfield,
the costs of glamour football festivals in Albania,
the costs of their football for all programme (apparently that costs lots and lots of money), and
the costs of constant whinging and begging to FIFA, CAS and the like to get the goal posts moved.

The IFA is so broke that they can't even afford the ink and paper required to sign contracts with their managers. To save expense, verbal agreements or so called gentleman agreements are being used. Will they ever learn ..... ;)

The Fly
19/03/2010, 2:44 PM
Terrible turn of events.

Good luck to him, regardless of where his international allegiance lies.
