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27/10/2008, 5:30 PM
Doesn't seem to be a general thread for films, just specific ones?

Saw Ghost Town last night and thought it was very good. It's a lovely film, and surprisingly understated. Ricky Gervais was...well, Ricky Gervais in it but it was his co-star Tea Leoni who made it work so well. Definately worth a couple of hours of your time.

27/10/2008, 10:14 PM
George Byrne savaged this film in his review, although I suspect it was probably more to do with his anti-Gervais obsession. (George is a bit of a plonker though, and tends to repeat himself ad nauseum when he takes a dislike to someone.)

27/10/2008, 10:21 PM
North By Northwest

Very good thriller , not totally brilliant , bizzare ending , still excellent film making and acting

Lionel Ritchie
27/10/2008, 10:26 PM
..."watching" Sex and the City -the movie with Mrs. Ritchie right now. Sweet holy mother of divine fcuk. :o

...a brand new dyson couldn't suck like it. It's like they drafted in the scriptwriters from Home and Away to tighten up the dialogue a bit.:o

27/10/2008, 10:33 PM
Had a choice between Taken and Burn after reading, 'cos taken was out earlier I figured go to that and catch Burn after Reading another time.

Big mistake. I knew it was poor to begin with, but I was hoping for better.

27/10/2008, 10:40 PM
The last film I seen was Righteous Kill.. Alright film, got a bit better towards the end but kind of boring in the middle when the novelty of DeNiro and Pacino together wears off. It's worth it though if you're a big DeNiro / Pacino fan!

29/10/2008, 11:38 AM
Watched Usual Suspects last night. Had seen it once before years ago and couild vaguely remember the twist in it but still found it very entertaining. It held up well. I now want to watch it again in light of the ending. :)

29/10/2008, 12:03 PM
Watched Boy in Striped Pyjamas. Decent film, nothing special though.

29/10/2008, 12:45 PM
Burn After Reading.


Not amongst the Coen brothers best (nowhere near Fargo or No Country for Old Men), nor is the worst.

Go with low expectations and you'll likely not be too disappointed.

29/10/2008, 12:56 PM
I saw A Film With Me In It last night. I was great... no, hang on... it was great. I'm not in it, in spite of the title.

Anyway, enjoyable black comedy.

29/10/2008, 1:12 PM
Saw A Film With Me In It on Monday. It was alright, some funny bits but I found the lead actor, can't remember his name (not Dylan Moran), really annoying.

29/10/2008, 2:41 PM
rented an Icelandic flilm called "Mýrin" the other day, pretty good compact thriller/mystery, also rented "The Strangers", very high in suspense, but it disappointed.

Bald Student
29/10/2008, 2:49 PM
Get Smart contains The Rock.

29/10/2008, 2:55 PM
Watched Aladdin a few days ago

Classic :)

Stevo Da Gull
29/10/2008, 3:06 PM
I watched Once a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty good (with that sort of description I should be a film critic :D).

29/10/2008, 8:00 PM
Get Smart contains The Rock.

I really says something about a film though when the Rock is the best part of it. The only film I've ever walked out of. Absolutely, diabolically unfunny.

Watched Aladdin a few days ago

Classic :)
Awesome film. ;) Although I don't buy into a lot of the Disney drug references conspiracies, 'A Whole New World' has got to be about hallucinogenics no?

Just finished watching No Country For Old Men (thank you 90 day free Lovefilm trial!) and have to say, it's one of the best films I've ever seen. Kept me gripped the whole way through, terrific performances and beautifully, beautifully shot.

Have The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Wicker Man and Rear Window piled up on my desk at the moment. Which should I watch tonight? (I'm leaning towards the first)

29/10/2008, 8:29 PM
Have The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Wicker Man and Rear Window piled up on my desk at the moment. Which should I watch tonight? (I'm leaning towards the first)

I hope you've watched A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More before though.. You can't be watching The Good the Bad and the Ugly before seeing those! ;)

Pike B
29/10/2008, 8:46 PM
Watched 1408 with John Cusack. Thought it was great for an hour, creepy, and good story, then it just got all supernatural and it just wasn't scary anymore. My wife was spooked for an hour, cushion hiding the screen, then she just threw it away for last half hour. Big let down I thought..

29/10/2008, 9:15 PM
I hope you've watched A Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More before though.. You can't be watching The Good the Bad and the Ugly before seeing those! ;)

Boxset from zavvi for a tenner...haven't watched the first two...am I going to need to?

30/10/2008, 9:58 AM
Get Smart contains The Rock.

I'm not being sarcastic (this once), but that sounds like the single simplest most definitive review of a film. A bit like that "short story" attributed to Hemmingway - a competition was held for complete stories no more than six words long, which Hemmingway won with the simple and heartbreaking "For sale. Baby boots. Never used".

My favourite (prior to this, and I really must see Get Smart that I might personally ensure the veracity of the review) was this similar effort on Snakes on a Plane: "Snakes on a Plane starring Samuel L. Jackson" - it tells you everything - plot, event and character - about the film. And, in fairness to the film, it lives up to the review.

Anyway, I'm doing a Nouveau Bond day on Sunday with a new house mate to be Lunch, Casino Royale, and then off to the local cinema for A Quantum of Solace. I'll attempt to keep to the one sentence review structure so admirably advance by Bald Student, but I doubt I'll be able to be as successful (if you have read almost ANY of my posts, you'll understand).

back of the net
30/10/2008, 10:20 AM
saw the new Hulk film - i thought it was very good (by no means outstanding)- much better than expected - ED Norton did a great job as Dr. banner

Loved the interlinking of the other marvel superheroes in the film(like what they did in Iron Man)

An enjoyable 2 hrs spent watching it

30/10/2008, 1:44 PM
Boxset from zavvi for a tenner...haven't watched the first two...am I going to need to?
You don't have to. They're not connected stories. I think it does pay off to watch them in order though. Leone grew up as a film maker while he made them. Each one is a bit more complex and clever than the last. Just a warning: the dubbing is very poor, and the stories (particularly individual scenes of bravado) can be a bit silly and over the top, but they're great cinema.

30/10/2008, 2:22 PM
I'm not being sarcastic (this once), but that sounds like the single simplest most definitive review of a film. A bit like that "short story" attributed to Hemmingway - a competition was held for complete stories no more than six words long, which Hemmingway won with the simple and heartbreaking "For sale. Baby boots. Never used".

Never heard that before, wow, that is brilliant.
Dorothy Parker popped straight to mind at the first sentence but after that...
Anyway, one of her more famous theatre reviews: "The House Beautiful is the play lousy". :D

Last film I saw was Fargo a few nights back and it was, as ever, 10/10.

30/10/2008, 8:17 PM
Watched The Flock, thought it was very poor. Was Xtra Visions movie of the week so i thought it would be decent enough but was very disappointed.

31/10/2008, 12:44 AM
..."watching" Sex and the City -the movie with Mrs. Ritchie right now. Sweet holy mother of divine fcuk.

...a brand new dyson couldn't suck like it. It's like they drafted in the scriptwriters from Home and Away to tighten up the dialogue a bit.


Ha ha ha great review Lionel.I couldn't,wouldn't, watch that if they stuck an AK 47 behind my head.Its for girls.

31/10/2008, 1:58 AM

Ridiculous, mindless, brain-dead action film. Which makes it the best thing ever. :)

31/10/2008, 7:19 AM

Ridiculous, mindless, brain-dead action film. Which makes it the best thing ever. :)
Crank is wonderful. Pure adrenaline. You'll believe Jason Statham can fly. :)

31/10/2008, 10:17 AM
Watched "The Children of Huang Shi" www.imdb.com/title/tt0889588/ the other night. First movie I have watched in a while without switching it off. It makes for a refreshing change from the usual Hollywood drivel that's being released lately. I'd give it 8/10.

01/11/2008, 9:54 AM
Rented Wanted last night. Grand if you want to sit for 2 hours and not think but fairly poor show IMO.

02/11/2008, 12:23 PM
Having watched Oliver Stone's JFK last night, I am now ready to bump the 'Conspiracy' thread that was knocking around a few weeks ago. :eek:

Block G Raptor
03/11/2008, 2:19 PM
Just watched Hunger. absolutely amazing film. see my Hunger thread for a fuller review

04/11/2008, 12:30 PM
Rented "Smart People" last night. Mildly amusing nice movie along the lines of Juno (Ellen Page is in it too) or As Good as it Gets. Not an awful lot happens but its told well and family members are recognisable. Dylan laughed more than I did but it is perfect Sunday evening after a hard weekend kinda viewing.

ken foree
04/11/2008, 1:04 PM
Have The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Wicker Man and Rear Window piled up on my desk at the moment. Which should I watch tonight? (I'm leaning towards the first)

so which did you watch tcm?! and in what order? i guess i would've put rear window first, the good/bad/ugly 2nd, and wicker man last. dark/darker/darkest ;) - wait, which wicker man is it, hopefully not the remade pile of dreck with nicholas cage or whoever? in that case bin that one and watch the original!

04/11/2008, 1:23 PM
Rear Window is class. Probably my favourite Depp movie after Cry Baby. Lidl have some of those 3 movies in one case sets going for 9.99 at the mo and one of them was Rear Window, Identity and Panic Room which is not bad. Havent seen Panic Room but love the other 2.

ken foree
04/11/2008, 1:54 PM
Rear Window is class. Probably my favourite Depp movie after Cry Baby.

wait magicme i think you're thinking of a different movie - is it 'secret window'?? rear window's the hitchcock one with jimmy stewart and his broken leg spying on all his neighbors! unless i'm thoroughly mixed up, easy believe me.

04/11/2008, 8:36 PM
so which did you watch tcm?! and in what order? i guess i would've put rear window first, the good/bad/ugly 2nd, and wicker man last. dark/darker/darkest ;) - wait, which wicker man is it, hopefully not the remade pile of dreck with nicholas cage or whoever? in that case bin that one and watch the original!

It's the original, but have only got around to watching Rear Window which I absolutely loved. My Lovefilm DVDs arrived since then so have watched Casablanca, Quantum of Solace, Buster Keaton's The General and The Maltese Falcon since then. Casablanca was as good as rear window, some terrific performances, The General was decent enough, although dragged a little at time and TMF was enjoyable enough last night; I am becoming quite the Bogart fan. I have The Assassination of Jesse James to watch tomorrow and then I'll get back to Wicker Man and TGTB&TU. Phew, it's been a slow week!

Rear Window is class. Probably my fav
ourite Depp movie after Cry Baby. Lidl have some of those 3 movies in one case sets going for 9.99 at the mo and one of them was Rear Window, Identity and Panic Room which is not bad. Havent seen Panic Room but love the other 2.


wait magicme i think you're thinking of a different movie - is it 'secret window'?? rear window's the hitchcock one with jimmy stewart and his broken leg spying on all his neighbors!

That's the one. :);)

ken foree
04/11/2008, 10:51 PM
I am becoming quite the Bogart fan.

aw man i saw casablanca for the first time 2 weeks ago! fantastic film, great when they start singing the marseilleses! i'm just getting into bogie too - recently saw The Desperate Hours and Key Largo, both bogart with very similar themes. you'd dig them.

05/11/2008, 11:51 AM
wait magicme i think you're thinking of a different movie - is it 'secret window'?? rear window's the hitchcock one with jimmy stewart and his broken leg spying on all his neighbors! unless i'm thoroughly mixed up, easy believe me.

Yup. Dumbass me. Lack of sleep and all that.:o

06/11/2008, 1:02 PM
Batman: Darknight is very good.


06/11/2008, 3:14 PM
Saw Ghost town last night its ok to good some funny bits, follows a set rom com formula and thats about it if i had paid to get in i might be a bit harsher.

06/11/2008, 3:27 PM
Bond , brutal.

06/11/2008, 5:08 PM
V for Vendetta 10/10

06/11/2008, 5:47 PM
V for Vendetta 10/10

Fairly average show IMO

06/11/2008, 9:51 PM
Bender's Game, the new Futurama movie, 4/5
so much better than the last one (Beast With A Billion Backs), about the same as the first (Bender's Big Score)
pity now that the next one will be the last Futurama :(

06/11/2008, 10:16 PM
Fairly average show IMO
What show?

06/11/2008, 10:32 PM
Bender's Game, the new Futurama movie, 4/5
so much better than the last one (Beast With A Billion Backs), about the same as the first (Bender's Big Score)
pity now that the next one will be the last Futurama :(

Think its because they got a new tv series which is great news

07/11/2008, 4:27 PM
What show?

V for Vendetta(was fairly average)

08/11/2008, 1:40 AM
Think its because they got a new tv series which is great news

no, the TV series is just the four movies (Bender's Big Score, The Beast With A Billion Backs, Bender's Game and the last one Into The Wild Green Yonder) broken up into 16 half hour chunks

08/11/2008, 5:31 AM
no, the TV series is just the four movies (Bender's Big Score, The Beast With A Billion Backs, Bender's Game and the last one Into The Wild Green Yonder) broken up into 16 half hour chunks

ah thats dissapointing i was looking foward to a new series the movies just cant capture the show.

09/11/2008, 6:04 PM
Bond and it was very average. A poor man's Jason Bourne.

The 'villain' was useless but at least Olga was hot. Casino Royale was a solid start to the rebooted franchise but Solace has tainted it.