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11/07/2005, 4:28 PM
7.30ish Prince Arthur about half way down Eversholt Street

and thats tuesday night now, not thursday

12/07/2005, 8:07 AM
any chance of people making it tomorrow night same pub same time?

Drinking with you guys the last time was nearly the death of me so, never again! ;)

12/07/2005, 4:29 PM
so who is heading down tonight, and what time. Not sure if Im going to make it, but will see what i can do :)

12/07/2005, 4:39 PM
im not going to be able make it unfortunately.

sorry pat :(

Pauro 76
13/07/2005, 10:19 AM
working tonight and skint, so no chance of heading down dammit... :(

13/07/2005, 10:21 AM
Sorry guys - had something else bookewd-in last night (if yees were drinking last night) and have an appointment with Glens v Shels on RTE2 tonight.

You'd be welcome to come down my way to watch it if any of yees fancy.

Promise I'll get the finger out and make the next foot.ie Cockney meet-up though.

13/07/2005, 10:41 AM
Sorry guys - had something else bookewd-in last night (if yees were drinking last night) and have an appointment with Glens v Shels on RTE2 tonight.

is that on rte 2. the local pub has rte two but the bastid wouldnt show any of shels european games last year, and he is a bloody rossie and all :mad: :mad

where do you live again steve?

Pat O' Banton
13/07/2005, 12:19 PM
where do you live again steve?

Bet you regret making the invite now, eh Steve? :p

13/07/2005, 12:27 PM
feck off :p

i think thats why he hasnt replied :o :(

ah well im not going anyhow!!! so there!!! i was just wondering for "future" reference

13/07/2005, 12:49 PM
Woo-hooo - I haven't gone away you know...... ! :D

I'm down in Stockwell. Living Room is a perma-mess, as I'm permanently doing work to the place, but Eircom League football is being shown on a regular basis regardless ! :)

Hoping to get me a nice surround sound system shortly as well. Ohhhhh-yeaaaahhhh..

Pauro 76
13/07/2005, 5:06 PM
next night theres an eL game going on must call over! Yes you could regret the invite Steve! ;)

13/07/2005, 5:28 PM

I'm heading down to watch AFC Wimbledon play the new fan-based 'FC United of Manchester' (I know - challenging name.....) in the Supporter's Trust trophy in Kingston in 2 weeks time if you're around ? It's FCUM's first ever competitive game, so could be an historical landmark....

Green Tribe
13/07/2005, 10:17 PM
Bet you regret making the invite now, eh Steve? :p

:D :D :D :p

Pauro 76
14/07/2005, 9:58 AM

I'm heading down to watch AFC Wimbledon play the new fan-based 'FC United of Manchester' (I know - challenging name.....) in the Supporter's Trust trophy in Kingston in 2 weeks time if you're around ? It's FCUM's first ever competitive game, so could be an historical landmark....

any idea what day the game is on? Could definitely be on for that one! Think there should be an equivalent friendly match for FC Franchise vs Glazer Red and White Sox game for good measure...

14/07/2005, 11:59 AM
On a lighter note......anyone going to the Fulham-Hoops game,Sat?

Think there should be some 'craic' in the beer garden of The Cottage,Colehill Lane,SW6...Before & after the game. :eek:

Im going but im not allowed in that pub - self inflicted ban as one of the regulars in there is a sex pest loony i used to work with.

should be good fun though

14/07/2005, 12:09 PM
Jayse.....tho'I'd say the regulars wont be in there on Sat.lunchtime.....There should be plenty of Tims though.

Still not wanting to tke the risk. went there last year, and its great for families, no music no launching. O'neils on the way home after the game, although i wouldnt normally bother with the place, was rocking. up onthe tables dancing, great craic.

Pat O' Banton
14/07/2005, 12:50 PM
erm... some consultation on the matter...

14/07/2005, 12:55 PM
erm... some consultation on the matter...

None needed really. if you want to go in there fair enough, but Im not fussed. that guy is a big fulham fan, he lives right next door, and i really dont want to run in to him. Sorry.

Pat O' Banton
14/07/2005, 1:09 PM
fight, fight, fight. Oh your not meant to chant that if your involved :eek:

14/07/2005, 1:14 PM
fight, fight, fight. Oh your not meant to chant that if your involved :eek:

if you really want to go its fine, i just didnt think it was all that last year. want a bit of a launch. How about this, we go there first, if its rubbish or there is a sex pest loony headcase thief there Im off.

Pat O' Banton
14/07/2005, 1:16 PM
no probs

14/07/2005, 1:26 PM
no probs

cool, see no need for fighting :D

14/07/2005, 1:32 PM
pete diggers,

hail hail the celts are here :D my fav song, and bridgets fav one cos she likes clapping ;)

Pat O' Banton
14/07/2005, 1:36 PM
pete diggers,

hail hail the celts are here :D my fav song, and bridgets fav one cos she likes clapping ;)

will you be making an apperance? (quick pint tonight?)

14/07/2005, 2:24 PM
yes and yes

what time?(both)

Pat O' Banton
14/07/2005, 2:47 PM
About 8.30/9ish tonight and we can sort out Saturday there and then.

Green Tribe
14/07/2005, 10:14 PM
I'll be there on Saturday, looking forward to a bit of craic, I'll be expecting the red carpet treatment of course.... :D

Bow to KT!! :D

Who's the ol' Perv Babysis, POS? :D :p

15/07/2005, 8:58 PM
The next foot.ie meet up

For the Cel tic game tomorrow we are all meeting in the Railways at Finsbury Park station for 11.30am and then heading down to the Cottage in Fulham for 1pm. KT you have my number, give me a shout. anyone else coming down, let us know should be a laugh. Pat O banton is coming down too and possibly paul O shea :D

Plastic Paddy
15/07/2005, 9:02 PM
You're on my manor tomorrow, so best behaviour is expected from the lot o' ya. Especially since I won't be there to keep an eye on things. Be warned though, I have eyes right across the borough... :eek: ;) :D

:ball: PP

16/07/2005, 12:14 AM
I will meet you in the Cottage at 1/1.30-will give Dav a call-wobn't be able to make it to Finsbury Park that early :D

16/07/2005, 8:19 AM
I will meet you in the Cottage at 1/1.30-will give Dav a call-wobn't be able to make it to Finsbury Park that early :D

happy days liam. Im meeting Dav at the railway to get tickets etc, so can tell him. see you in the cottage

17/07/2005, 9:53 AM
As the Saw Docters would say.....WHAT A DAY!!!!!! :D
Dav, Babysis, Pat (always always always-and I will consider the priesthood ;)), it was BRILIANT to see you all agian!!
KT was great to meet you, glad you enjoyed it and hope you got back to Islington alright :D
Got back about half past midnight myself with my grandad-great stuff; singing rhebs with those lads at the eight beels was mental :D

17/07/2005, 9:58 AM
unfortunately i went home, missed ya liam. good, great to see ye had a good night and yer grandad is out and about!! pity i didnt get to meet him as i was a lot more well behaved this time.

Plastic Paddy
17/07/2005, 10:29 AM
I'm only sorry I wasn't there at all. :( I trust a good time was had by all though. :)

:ball: PP

17/07/2005, 10:43 AM
I'm only sorry I wasn't there at all. :( I trust a good time was had by all though. :)

:ball: PP
And you get the consellation of having the 1000th post on this thread :D See you at the Saw Docters gig?

Paul-any witness to you "good" behaviour? ;)

Plastic Paddy
17/07/2005, 11:17 AM
And you get the consellation of having the 1000th post on this thread :D See you at the Saw Docters gig?

No. BTDT enough already. And it's "doctors", btw... :p

:ball: PP

17/07/2005, 8:28 PM
No. BTDT enough already.

BTDT?"?!? :confused:

And it's "doctors", btw... :p

:ball: PP

Shut up I've just finished my exams and my brain is relaxing :D (or is this what German nightlife does to you.....)

Plastic Paddy
17/07/2005, 8:43 PM
"Been there, done that". The Saw Doctors are good fun to see once, but no more than that.

Anyhow, finishing exams is no excuse for poor spelling. Logically, it should in fact be better now as a result of all that studying, no?

:ball: PP

17/07/2005, 10:00 PM
"Been there, done that". The Saw Doctors are good fun to see once, but no more than that.

Anyhow, finishing exams is no excuse for poor spelling. Logically, it should in fact be better now as a result of all that studying, no?

:ball: PP
fair play

18/07/2005, 8:56 AM
It was good seeing everyone again on Saturday. cheers for a good day out. :)

Green Tribe
18/07/2005, 4:57 PM
And you get the consellation of having the 1000th post on this thread See you at the Saw Docters gig?

Paul-any witness to you "good" behaviour?

Aye! There WAS someone swinging from the chandelier in O'Neills :D but it wasn't Paul :eek: :D He was a great ambassador for Rossie! :D I couldn't face drinking much as i was still suffering from going on the lash on a half-day of work during the afternoon on the friday!!!! :o It was a good day, nice to meet some for the first time and of course meet up again with a few London based gangstas!! heh heh. cheers liam, i did get to islington shortly after getting on the tube, correct line, but wrong direction !!! doh! And i did manage to get into the hilton! hehe heh, great! deadly! had a good laugh there, found out the next day that the hotel was full of cops! on way back to glasgow, fecking air cond. broken and the heaters were on full blast! Nearly died!!! Take care all!

Green Tribe
18/07/2005, 4:59 PM
I'm only sorry I wasn't there at all. :( I trust a good time was had by all though. :)


shame on you PP, and I came the whole way from glasgow! :mad: :D :D

18/07/2005, 5:34 PM
Nice one KT-hoep to get up for a "Luton Town" game sometime.......(a certain word has been blocked on this site)

Plastic Paddy
18/07/2005, 6:11 PM
shame on you PP, and I came the whole way from glasgow!

I was speaking at my school's centenary reunion (I was Head Boy in my time, but that's another story... :D ). Anyway, thirty turned up from my year - myself, my friend Steve and twenty-eight women... :D

Cue PP waking Mrs PP up at 3am staggering in ****ed. Nice work... :o

:ball: PP

19/07/2005, 7:29 AM
I was Head Boy in my time...

I hope that title wasn't derived from services performed!? :eek: :D

27/07/2005, 11:20 AM
Shels v Steau being screened tonight live in the comfort of my Stockwell living room, if anyone is interested in joining Paul O'Shea and myself for it.

KO 7:30pm.

27/07/2005, 11:28 AM
the comfort of my Stockwell living room

Too close to Stockwell Tube station for my liking.
I'm surprised the cops haven't raided your house yet. :D

27/07/2005, 12:01 PM
steve i think the no replies is cos you mentioned my name! remove it there and you're sorted :D

27/07/2005, 12:21 PM
Too close to Stockwell Tube station for my liking.
I'm surprised the cops haven't raided your house yet. :D

They're trying not to blow their cover until 7:30pm tonight.... :D

BTW - the Police did break into my house when I was over in Israel !! Did I tell yee that story ?

27/07/2005, 12:34 PM
BTW - the Police did break into my house when I was over in Israel !! Did I tell yee that story ?

Too many stories and not enough story time.
No, Steve you never told me that one.