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08/04/2005, 3:14 PM
well that says alot about the compnay i was keeping then doesnt it :D

08/04/2005, 3:28 PM
For anyone who knows it, we ended up in that place Thirteen in the middle of Chinatown. The only place I know that will keep serving you booze until you fall over. And it'll only stop then cuz you can't see over the bar....

Just out of me bed now, having over-dosed on JPII's funeral. God I love bein me own boss..... :D

Pat O' Banton
08/04/2005, 3:30 PM
That's what happens when you allow Pat O' to arrange the venue. ;)

Thank the maker for my yoga classes giving me an inner karma ;) or else I'd refuse to do the arranging ever again. Okay you all may think thats a blessing :)

08/04/2005, 3:32 PM
Can't go wrong with a fella in a suit.. :D They always look so much better in suits don't they?... :cool:

Personally I prefer them in a nice pair of Chino slacks, a light coloured shirt opened to the naval, and a pair of comfortable loafers with white socks.

But to each their own..... :D

08/04/2005, 3:40 PM
Personally I prefer them in a nice pair of Chino slacks, a light coloured shirt opened to the naval, and a pair of comfortable loafers with white socks.

But to each their own..... :D

From what I hear from last night its anything goes where your concerned... :rolleyes: :cool:

08/04/2005, 3:48 PM
Babysis was reading FourFourTwo all night so she didn't see anything. ;)

Also Id like to point out that the reading of that and of the beer menu was down to Pauro7 :D

Defo some decent fellas in suits. Pat the venue didnt matter, we had good craic :)

08/04/2005, 4:03 PM
Defo some decent fellas in suits. Pat the venue didnt matter, we had good craic :)

Right Pat O' - it's 'The Griffin' for the next meet-up...... :D

Pat O' Banton
08/04/2005, 4:09 PM
Right Pat O' - it's 'The Griffin' for the next meet-up...... :D

Another of the subtle meet up near you and Pauro hints? :D

08/04/2005, 4:11 PM
Right Pat O' - it's 'The Griffin' for the next meet-up...... :D
Ah dont. the lads in my office love the place. Our next office do is going to be there - Fun for me :rolleyes:

08/04/2005, 7:12 PM
Defo some decent fellas in suits. Pat the venue didnt matter, we had good craic :)

I thought we were in the Porterhouse last night not Lansdowne road. :confused:

08/04/2005, 7:14 PM
Personally I prefer them in a nice pair of Chino slacks, a light coloured shirt opened to the naval, and a pair of comfortable loafers with white socks.

But to each their own..... :D

Ahhh the Engelbert Humperdink look, I like your style.

Pauro 76
09/04/2005, 11:08 AM
[QUOTE=Babysis]Also Id like to point out that the reading of that and of the beer menu was down to Pauro7 :D QUOTE]

:eek: thanks! ;) good to see there were survivors from the night, jeez only im living far out id have been out for far longer... The Griffin, where that be then?

Pat O' Banton
17/05/2005, 4:46 PM
The Griffen? suits? No way lads get to where the real action is and where better then a call to arms from our native / adopted county of Londain as they take on what would technically be out local local rivals in Connacht; Roscommon (sheep in the ajoining field well hidden before the game! :eek: ) on Sunday 29th May in the first round of the championship at Ruislip. Now all together 'Oh we hate Roosky and we hate Rooskey'

Destination Croke Park comrades! (or more precisely can't be worse then last year or this years leauge campaign)

17/05/2005, 5:18 PM
The Griffen? suits? No way lads get to where the real action is and where better then a call to arms from our native / adopted county of Londain as they take on what would technically be out local local rivals in Connacht; Roscommon (sheep in the ajoining field well hidden before the game! :eek: ) on Sunday 29th May in the first round of the championship at Ruislip. Now all together 'Oh we hate Roosky and we hate Rooskey'

Destination Croke Park comrades! (or more precisely can't be worse then last year or this years leauge campaign)

sorry, no can do on that one. I will be in Glasgow for Jackie Mac's testimonial. Make it the usual drinks/sesh on a weeknight and im there :D

17/05/2005, 6:25 PM
i was going to bump that one up, but was going to wait till next week. great idea, we should get a good few up there.

are we, are we , are we, are we, are we, are we , are we , are we
we are ros, ros, ros!

it started in the rislip(prounounced like such)
when the cockneys came to town
a team of new yorks finest
they threw the gauntlet down
cake curran cracked a smacker
the ref gave him the line,
but ros'es blue and yellow was flying at full time!!!1

Pauro 76
17/05/2005, 6:52 PM
Ahhh the Ros are playing London in Ruislip? im there so to see our neighhhhhhbbours! In fact any Rossies reading this back home, come on down!!!!!!

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 6:55 PM
i was going to bump that one up, but was going to wait till next week. great idea, we should get a good few up there.

are we, are we , are we, are we, are we, are we , are we , are we
we are ros, ros, ros!

it started in the rislip(prounounced like such)
when the cockneys came to town
a team of new yorks finest
they threw the gauntlet down
cake curran cracked a smacker
the ref gave him the line,
but ros'es blue and yellow was flying at full time!!!1

Oi! Stop recruiting O'Shea!! The party's in Glasgow that weekend...... :p :D

Pat O' Banton
17/05/2005, 7:34 PM
Ahhh the Ros are playing London in Ruislip? im there so to see our neighhhhhhbbours! In fact any Rossies reading this back home, come on down!!!!!!

You cruel man, don't forget the Failte go Hell reception you got there when we played Longford in the league? And you want people to experiance that sort of intimidation? :eek: ;) :D

Not to sure if they'll be playing 'The Sash' in the bar afterwards this time!

Pauro 76
17/05/2005, 7:38 PM
You cruel man, don't forget the Failte go Hell reception you got there when we played Longford in the league? And you want people to experiance that sort of intimidation? :eek: ;) :D

Not to sure if they'll be playing 'The Sash' in the bar afterwards this time!

heh heh... Survived the 'Failte go Hell' initiation process.... Fearless i am! just wanting the Ros folk to experience the same intimidation i did! :)

Pat O' Banton
17/05/2005, 7:38 PM
are we, are we , are we, are we, are we, are we , are we , are we
we are ros, ros, ros!...

'We London, super London
Super London from Ruislip,
we are plastic, we're fantastic,
super London from Ruislip'

17/05/2005, 8:58 PM
Oi! Stop recruiting O'Shea!! The party's in Glasgow that weekend......

fcek off KT!!! :D come on down, london i can arrange we all play a game of willie pool, and for those of you without willies im sure we can find an alternative!!!! :D

17/05/2005, 9:10 PM
'We London, super London
Super London from Ruislip,
we are plastic, and our balls are small and elastic,
super London from Ruislip'

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 9:16 PM
fcek off KT!!! :D come on down, london i can arrange we all play a game of willie pool, and for those of you without willies im sure we can find an alternative!!!! :D

:eek: :eek: :D

17/05/2005, 9:18 PM
have you not heard of the roscommon team and their "reputation"??

the double quotes means reputation in more sense than one. i think it must be a generic thing with roscommon men KT ;)

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 9:23 PM
have you not heard of the roscommon team and their "reputation"??

the double quotes means reputation in more sense than one. i think it must be a generic thing with roscommon men KT ;)

what, are they all a pack of tarts? :D

17/05/2005, 9:29 PM
no thats the northerners, we are well away from that sorta capre instead what the ros taem do is strip naked up the north in a hotel and play willie pool at 3 oclock in the morning....

by the way i know im spelling the word wrong.

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 9:44 PM
no thats the northerners, we are well away from that sorta capre instead what the ros taem do is strip naked up the north in a hotel and play willie pool at 3 oclock in the morning....

by the way i know im spelling the word wrong.

:eek: :eek: Well.....if that floats their boat! :D

17/05/2005, 9:52 PM
aye i know KT :rolleyes:

we arent all like that :)
though i cant speak for hamish

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 10:10 PM
Have heard wicked stories about you O'Shea, don't act the innocent with me!!!!

;) :D

17/05/2005, 10:14 PM

im a good lad, bar a few hiccups.

though i dont know if me mates from home would agree. :D :D

im a bit evil. damn no evil smilie >:)

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 10:23 PM
:D only kidding, i don't know any gossip.....yet!! :D

17/05/2005, 10:26 PM
and ye wont!!! well ye might if ye come down to london may 27th for the mighty ros match!!!

Green Tribe
17/05/2005, 10:29 PM
and ye wont!!! well ye might if ye come down to london may 27th for the mighty ros match!!!

no way, Jackie Mc's game v Ireland is on the Sunday!! The party is up here that weekend!!!!!! For a change! :D

18/05/2005, 8:25 PM
we have blue, we dont have white, we are fooken dynamite!!!

come on the ros!!

Green Tribe
18/05/2005, 8:29 PM
:rolleyes: dear God! :D

18/05/2005, 10:20 PM
i know i had to adjust the lyrics a little.

there is another one they sing:

hey heeeeeeeeeeey baby oh aaaaah i wanna knooooooooooooooooooow
if you hate mayo.

and the most popular ros song:

Oh, the lambs were playing in the field
and the tulips were in flower,
when I left the home I love so well
I can never forget the hour.
Before me were (Atlantic's?) waves
to a home in Tennessee.
Sure I left behind me the girl I loved,
the rose of Castelrea.

18/05/2005, 10:23 PM
Chorus 1: She may not have been a beauty queen,
she might never be a rose,

he was definately speaking about ros women there....and galway....and mayo more to the point.

KT what did i tell ye about roscommon men:

"Given Roscommon's reputation as the "greatest flute county in Ireland", it is only fitting that this group includes multiple All-Ireland winner "

18/05/2005, 10:31 PM
one more:

"'ll ne'er forget the summer days
When on Sundays after mass
It was off to Coman's Park I'd go
The afternoon to pass.
It was there I cheered the Blue and Gold,
They were my favourite team.
Oh, brought honour to my county then
Roscommon of my dreams"

Green Tribe
18/05/2005, 10:31 PM
All I can say is that the word 'common' is suited to it's people ;) :D


heh heh

Are you half-cut Paul? :D

18/05/2005, 10:35 PM
me no, everyone seems to think that though every so often.

i know better than to post locked!! ;)

18/05/2005, 10:35 PM
we should start a new thread called the KT and Paul O Shea thread! quit your hijacking! :D

18/05/2005, 10:37 PM
my posts were related to roscommon and the london match ill have ye know aido!!!! for once i stand by my principles of not going off topic for ONCE!

Green Tribe
18/05/2005, 10:42 PM
we should start a new thread called the KT and Paul O Shea thread! quit your hijacking! :D

gaby stalker is joining in :rolleyes: :D . Actually, this thread is about London meet-ups, why the hell I am on it?? :o :D

18/05/2005, 10:44 PM
Listen here I'll have you know that I was looking for my camera in that bush outside Gaby Roslins house.

I swear! :confused:

Green Tribe
18/05/2005, 10:45 PM
Listen here I'll have you know that I was looking for my camera in that bush outside Gaby Roslins house.

I swear! :confused:

wee perv! You're just like Hamish, going round in his long raincoat!! :D

19/05/2005, 10:27 AM
Is there a meet up planned for the 29th so then?

19/05/2005, 10:29 AM
yes, but only for rossies or london people. :p

sylvo, pat o', pauro and myself so far. are you coming pa burke?

19/05/2005, 10:37 AM
only for rossies or london people

Peasants and plastics so then. :D

are you coming pa burke?

Who's pa burke when he's at home? :confused:

19/05/2005, 10:39 AM
have you never been called pa?

19/05/2005, 10:43 AM
have you never been called pa?

Not outside of my family, no.