View Full Version : Behaviour which needs to be banned...

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18/08/2009, 7:45 PM
1. Beeping the horn as a "salute" after you drop someone off someplace

2. Attaching your keys to your belt

3. Any circumstances which involves the green hat and "hilarious" fake red leprechaun beard

4. Taking out your mobile / blackberry and studying it intently when you get in a lift

5. Opening your laptop and working on something clearly confidential while on a plane

Any others ?

centre mid
18/08/2009, 7:46 PM
1, Compiling lists of things to be banned. Facist.

18/08/2009, 7:48 PM
ban moderation!

18/08/2009, 8:06 PM
Any others ?People who skip queues.

People who aren't able to drive but yet still get behind the wheel of the car and hit the road.

People who don't take their money out in a shop to pay for their stuff until the very last minute.

centre mid
18/08/2009, 8:11 PM
People who don't take their money out in a shop to pay for their stuff until the very last minute.

I must say that does my nut in and its usually women with a huge hand bag which she then has to put everything back into the bag (after taking everything out to find purse) preventing you from getting to counter.

De Town
18/08/2009, 8:11 PM
People who clearly owe you money, but refuse to pay it back.

18/08/2009, 8:13 PM
People who won't move out of your way when your walking down the street, they just stand there...Like some sort of duel..

18/08/2009, 8:22 PM
Posturing by drunken males on a night out who thinks every night has to end in a fight

18/08/2009, 8:24 PM
People who don't take their money out in a shop to pay for their stuff until the very last minute.


-Old people at ATMs.
-People who walk slowly.
-People from Ireland who support English football clubs and talk about "hating" their local derby rivals.
-Bus drivers who act as though you're wasting their valuable time when you ask them a question about the route.
-Irish people who make tedious generic banter talking about English football sides. Especially those who make that faux-menacing noise ("Oooohhhh!") when someone announces they're a Man U/Liverpool/Spurs etc. fan. There is a place reserved in hell for you.
-People who read the Daily Mail
-People who don't put CDs and DVDs back in their correct boxes
-People who describe themselves as "a bit mental!"
-Journalists who describe managers swapping playground insults, devoid of any form of subtlety or intelligence as engaging in "mind games."
-Jonathan Rhys Meyers

This list is only going to get longer as I think about it over the next few days.

18/08/2009, 8:29 PM
Boy Racers.

People Skipping Q's.

People who reveal every little detail about their day on Facebook by updating their status every half hour.

Those Concern "Volenteers" in the middle of a street harassing you to sign up to donate.

18/08/2009, 9:01 PM
Usage of the expression "the thing is, is that...." and usage of the 'word' "irregardless".

18/08/2009, 9:59 PM
People Skipping Q's.
Makes me mad too.

18/08/2009, 10:09 PM
People who don't indicate especially at roundabouts

19/08/2009, 12:01 AM
People who say I got a phone call it's private but is actually just too gossip or they will still just talk very loudly.

19/08/2009, 12:15 AM
People who retire from football, come back, retire again, mull returning but choose to stay retired then 2 weeks later return even though said person is passed it.

People who need a ride somewhere then bitch about how fast/slow you are driving.

19/08/2009, 12:25 AM
People who aren't American but call giving someone a lift 'a ride'.

19/08/2009, 12:59 AM
People who pick at other peoples posts, what dooshbags.

I never said I was in a car, did I?


19/08/2009, 2:22 AM
People who can't spell douchebag. :p

19/08/2009, 2:27 AM
People who don't understand me and my network.

People who can't spell douchebag. :p

I misspelled it on purpose to show I wasn't American ;).

19/08/2009, 12:25 PM
- The singing of "Ole Ole Ole" at any mass gathering of Irish people. Particularly at gigs.

- Inaccurate reference to someone as a "Legend". ie, "Thanks for the cup of tea. You're a legend!!".

EDIT re Legend - possibly with the exception of "Greystoke" or "Cuchulann" handing you a cuppa. They were indeed legends. Why the'd be making you a cup of tea could well be up for debate given the logistics of space / timeframe / whether they actually existed.

19/08/2009, 12:49 PM
Lads,particularly scanger teenagers walking around with their hands in their trousers

19/08/2009, 12:59 PM
People who buy their monthly bus tickets are peak times in the bus station (for example, at 1657 on a Friday afternoon).

Sunny Jim
19/08/2009, 1:39 PM
Apparently in Japan it's considered rude to blow your nose in public. I hope that attitude catches on here because it really annoys me.

Especially as I can't pick my nose in public without some do-gooder giving out about it.

19/08/2009, 2:19 PM
And in light of that previous comment, castigating someone for picking their nose is behaviour that needs to be banned.

Next Monday is National Know Your Nose Day, and I am calling on all of you out there, and your friends and family, to walk the streets and roads of this country with at least one finger continually plugged up one or other nostril. It may sound crazy, but together we can make a difference. There will be a charity dinner dance in the Hall on the Sunday night beforehand to raise funds for the event, and for general awareness of the issues. For hygene's sake, gentlemen are requested to only pick with their right hands, and the ladies with their lefts, and wear appropriate dinner dress, suitable for cleaning little bits of mucus from fingers onto - ladies go backless at their own risk!

Picking and eating it though is shocking and should be punishable by deportation, decapitation or preferably both, in whatever order you so choose.

19/08/2009, 2:21 PM
People who aren't able to drive but yet still get behind the wheel of the car and hit the road.

Surely you'd have to an experienced and rather skilled driver to 'hit' the road?

19/08/2009, 2:24 PM
Surely you'd have to an experienced and rather skilled driver to 'hit' the road?In an ideal world yes but that's not the case...in Ireland anyway. Sure once you pass a theory test in this country you get a licence you can drive with, yer supposed to have someone with you when driving but that's not enforced. Also, there are many drivers in this country who have a full licence without ever doing a test.

19/08/2009, 2:26 PM
In an ideal world yes but that's not the case...in Ireland anyway. Sure once you pass a theory test in this country you get a licence you can drive with, yer supposed to have someone with you when driving but that's not enforced. Also, there are many drivers in this country who have a full licence without ever doing a test.


19/08/2009, 3:24 PM
Emo's who always talk about pain. I really do hate these people, surprisingly they never actually go and kill themselves even though they hate life so much and say that they'd rather be dead.

19/08/2009, 3:32 PM
Emo's who always talk about pain. I really do hate these people, surprisingly they never actually go and kill themselves even though they hate life so much and say that they'd rather be dead.
People who complain about emos. They seem to be about two orders of magnitude more common than emos, and so are way more frequently annoying.

kingdom hoop
19/08/2009, 3:44 PM
People who complain about emos. They seem to be about two orders of magnitude more common than emos, and so are way more frequently annoying.

...that's a little short-termist in attitude though. For if the Complainers decry the Emos, with the result that the Emos (tender, sensitive souls that they are) take the complaints on board and become more upbeat, therefore becoming less prevalent and annoying, then the amount of Complainers will (using the John83 Two Orders of Magnitude More Common Scale) correlatively be cut in half.
Thus, from a long-term systemic point of view, it may be good policy to chastise the Emos for their moaning-michael ways?

19/08/2009, 3:46 PM
And in light of that previous comment, castigating someone for picking their nose is behaviour that needs to be banned.

Next Monday is National Know Your Nose Day, and I am calling on all of you out there, and your friends and family, to walk the streets and roads of this country with at least one finger continually plugged up one or other nostril. It may sound crazy, but together we can make a difference. There will be a charity dinner dance in the Hall on the Sunday night beforehand to raise funds for the event, and for general awareness of the issues. For hygene's sake, gentlemen are requested to only pick with their right hands, and the ladies with their lefts, and wear appropriate dinner dress, suitable for cleaning little bits of mucus from fingers onto - ladies go backless at their own risk!

Picking and eating it though is shocking and should be punishable by deportation, decapitation or preferably both, in whatever order you so choose.

Dear Mr Beard,

We here at the WATCH YOUR NOSE!!! Society wish to take great exception to your so called, Know your Nose campaign.

As you know full well, nose picking is just a gateway pursuit towards the iniquities of bogey flicking and snot gobbling.

Having been the victim of a driveby bogey flicking 3 years ago - I know the devastation involved.

Remember folks - WATCH YOUR NOSE!!!!

19/08/2009, 3:51 PM
Apparently in Japan it's considered rude to blow your nose in public. I hope that attitude catches on here because it really annoys me.
True. The result is a tolerance of constant, noisy sniffing that would annoy you.

19/08/2009, 3:55 PM
...that's a little short-termist in attitude though. For if the Complainers decry the Emos, with the result that the Emos (tender, sensitive souls that they are) take the complaints on board and become more upbeat, therefore becoming less prevalent and annoying, then the amount of Complainers will (using the John83 Two Orders of Magnitude More Common Scale) correlatively be cut in half.
Thus, from a long-term systemic point of view, it may be good policy to chastise the Emos for their moaning-michael ways?

You assume that complaining about emos will cause them to change their ways but isn't it more likely that it'd just confirm them in their ways?

19/08/2009, 4:05 PM
You assume that complaining about emos will cause them to change their ways but isn't it more likely that it'd just confirm them in their ways?

It seems to me that there is one thing that would solve both sligofan5ever and John83's problems respectively and simultaneously.

Emo Death Squads.

Or failing that, at least Emo Death Panels.

I'll look into it when I've sorted out this bother with the Watch Your Nose!!!!! crowd.

kingdom hoop
19/08/2009, 4:05 PM
You assume that complaining about emos will cause them to change their ways but isn't it more likely that it'd just confirm them in their ways?

A valid point Commander. However, I expect that we can form a highly trained, specialist army of skilled and dedicated Complainers who will know exactly how to convince Emos. Although starting off small and perhaps not immediately successful, their professional methods of complaint will gradually infiltrate the general's populace way of approaching Emos. The cultural shift will be slow, but eventually I anticipate that all Emos and their baneful attitudes will be eradicated from society within 10 years or so. Peacefully and subtly, I should add.

19/08/2009, 4:16 PM
...we can form a highly trained, specialist army of skilled and dedicated Complainers who will know exactly how to convince Emos...
Bluebeard's solution is happier for everyone.

Well, except emos, but who cares about emos? No one! Or so they tell me.

19/08/2009, 5:27 PM
people who "like" their own comment on facebook, annoys the **** out of me.

Que next response"people who use facebook"

19/08/2009, 5:39 PM
Que next response"people who use facebook"
People attempting to forestall criticism of themselves by pointing it out themselves. ;)

19/08/2009, 5:41 PM
I know we've had skipping the queues already but the particular breed of queue jumper that is...

The guy at the bar who has just knocked his way to the counter accepts being served by the admittedly inept barman despite knowing that the rest of us have been there longer and then proceeds to look at anything other than glares he is getting off of us

Nothing worse than this pile of human excrement, and I include rapists and Hitler in that statement

You know who you are

kingdom hoop
19/08/2009, 5:53 PM
Bluebeard's solution is happier for everyone.

Well, except emos, but who cares about emos? No one! Or so they tell me.

In that case, let us compromise a little.
Can I suggest, prior to the slaughter, that we give Mr E. Mo an initial gentle torturing - you know, to make them feel alive. If there's no turning them joyous and triumphant at that vitalising point, I happily sanction the death warrant of all such angst-riddled youngsters uselessly and annoyingly trying to find their way in life. Amen.

I know we've had skipping the queues already but the particular breed of queue jumper that is...

The guy at the bar who has just knocked his way to the counter accepts being served by the admittedly inept barman despite knowing that the rest of us have been there longer and then proceeds to look at anything other than glares he is getting off of us

Nothing worse than this pile of human excrement, and I include rapists and Hitler in that statement

You know who you are

"Nice guys............. get their drinks last."

I'm sure I've drunkenly done that loads of times by the way. Sorry.
Of course what all this highlights is the need for a proper, universally obeyed system of queueing. Or else Queue Police, armed with machetes, and an ample supply of itchy-backs to throw down the backs of offenders.

19/08/2009, 5:57 PM
People attempting to forestall criticism of themselves by pointing it out themselves. ;)


De Town
19/08/2009, 9:46 PM
People who drive at about 60 km/h in an 80 km/h or 100 km/h zone.

20/08/2009, 7:44 AM
People who drive slow in the fast lane, **** you all.

Jock MIB
20/08/2009, 10:19 AM
This type of people on the soccer field :D


20/08/2009, 3:35 PM
This type of people on the soccer field :D


what a *****

Kildare Lad
20/08/2009, 10:05 PM
People who take the mick or criticise(sp?) posts on here at every chance they get. Puts me off posting alot of the time.

Rovers fan
20/08/2009, 10:12 PM
People who take the mick or criticise(sp?) posts on here at every chance they get. Puts me off posting alot of the time.

What a terrible post


20/08/2009, 10:22 PM
drunks talking shi*t to me on a night out ( i dont drink).

20/08/2009, 11:39 PM
drunks talking shi*t to me on a night out ( i dont drink).

Fuggers who- I mean (hic) that - who are you buddy? I hates them non-drinkin' fuggers who don't like a bit of, ya know, craic, a bidda banter, you know what I'm - hang on, ya don' have a (hic) fag handy, do ya bud. Anyway, what was I saying - you lives in Santreeeeeee then is it. Ah, sure (glerp) you know what they say about the boys livin' in Santreeeee, doncha?

20/08/2009, 11:56 PM
Fuggers who- I mean (hic) that - who are you buddy? I hates them non-drinkin' fuggers who don't like a bit of, ya know, craic, a bidda banter, you know what I'm - hang on, ya don' have a (hic) fag handy, do ya bud. Anyway, what was I saying - you lives in Santreeeeeee then is it. Ah, sure (glerp) you know what they say about the boys livin' in Santreeeee, doncha?
Its natural to read that out in your head in a dub accent isn it?