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Wexford Delboy
28/12/2009, 1:37 PM

makes his debut for sunderland today

28/12/2009, 2:19 PM
Been hearing and reading good things about this lad. Hope he does well today

Wexford Delboy
28/12/2009, 2:29 PM
phil thompson just mentioned him having a bright debut on sky

28/12/2009, 3:02 PM
good to see for the lad, been on the bench a few times this season
came close with a shot from outside the area according to the commentary on NewsTalk

Wexford Delboy
28/12/2009, 3:30 PM
set up bents 2nd doing very well

28/12/2009, 11:48 PM
Meyler was my tip at start of year to breakthrough in prem in other thread, hard tackler good engine, basic enough passing,quite destructive in nature typical bruce player... bit like cattermole...will be confident enough to demand the ball alot, sunderland really struggling with injuries today but good to see him get a run..

Likely to get booked everytime he plays

29/12/2009, 4:59 AM
set up bents 2nd doing very well

Yes he did very well there, he had his back to the 'play' ahead of him, so to speak, when the ball came to him, and as he turned he spotted the opportunity to put Bent through and put in a great ball to put him through on goal.
Great awareness. I think Manblue's expression "basic enough passing" is somewhat at odds with that pass, 'visionary' would have been more appropiate
perhaps. Maybe he will turn out to be a soft tackler with no engine though :p

29/12/2009, 8:45 AM
Yes he did very well there, he had his back to the 'play' ahead of him, so to speak, when the ball came to him, and as he turned he spotted the opportunity to put Bent through and put in a great ball to put him through on goal.
Great awareness. I think Manblue's expression "basic enough passing" is somewhat at odds with that pass, 'visionary' would have been more appropiate
perhaps. Maybe he will turn out to be a soft tackler with no engine though :p

Jordan Henderson hit that pass, not Meyler

29/12/2009, 10:15 AM
Saw this kid playing for the U21s last season and was very impressed. Very physical player but with plenty of skill. Saw first half yesterday and he did well. Has a real chance of making it. Comes from real GAA stock, think his Dad is an inter-county manager for Wexford I think.

29/12/2009, 3:31 PM
He made a shuddering tackle too, lucky to stay on the pitch.

29/12/2009, 3:35 PM
Saw this kid playing for the U21s last season and was very impressed. Very physical player but with plenty of skill. Saw first half yesterday and he did well. Has a real chance of making it. Comes from real GAA stock, think his Dad is an inter-county manager for Wexford I think.

Correct, he's John Meyler's son - former Wexford hurling boss. Played for both Cork and Wexford in his playing days

29/12/2009, 9:49 PM
Correct, he's John Meyler's son - former Wexford hurling boss. Played for both Cork and Wexford in his playing days

John Meyler is recently after taking over the job as Kerry senior hurling manager.
As an ex City player, I was delighted to see Meyler playing yesterday. .He has done well for the reserves over in Sunderland from what i know.Hopefully the first of many appearences for Sunderland for him.

29/12/2009, 10:30 PM
Yes he did very well there, he had his back to the 'play' ahead of him, so to speak, when the ball came to him, and as he turned he spotted the opportunity to put Bent through and put in a great ball to put him through on goal.
Great awareness. I think Manblue's expression "basic enough passing" is somewhat at odds with that pass, 'visionary' would have been more appropiate
perhaps. Maybe he will turn out to be a soft tackler with no engine though :p

Oh sorry you saw one pass from him and know what hes about...you hadnt even heard of the boy yesterday.....

Manc Irish Wolf
29/12/2009, 10:42 PM
Great to hear he played yesterday. Sounds like a good all-rounder which is promising. Him and McCarthy do seem to fit the modern-midfielder role in being adept in many skills. Bodes well for the future, although he may need to go on loan to gain a bit of experience as Cana and Cattermole are well thought of at the SoL.

29/12/2009, 11:19 PM
So how old is this lad?

29/12/2009, 11:47 PM
he's 20

30/12/2009, 8:22 AM
Looks like he has a chance of holding his place for the FA Cup game at Barrow

30/12/2009, 1:05 PM
Yes he did very well there, he had his back to the 'play' ahead of him, so to speak, when the ball came to him, and as he turned he spotted the opportunity to put Bent through and put in a great ball to put him through on goal.
Great awareness. I think Manblue's expression "basic enough passing" is somewhat at odds with that pass, 'visionary' would have been more appropiate
perhaps. Maybe he will turn out to be a soft tackler with no engine though :p

Was this for the goal....cause if so that was henderson mate

30/12/2009, 1:07 PM
Was the lauded pass by Meyler not this one?
from the BBC report
'A fine through ball by Jordan Henderson sent Bent clear and Robinson was unable to stop an accurate shot from rolling into the bottom corner.'

30/12/2009, 1:10 PM
Was the lauded pass by Meyler not this one?
from the BBC report
'A fine through ball by Jordan Henderson sent Bent clear and Robinson was unable to stop an accurate shot from rolling into the bottom corner.'

Ya but he hes well able to get his age of wikipedia too .....actually better check it :-P

30/12/2009, 1:39 PM
The misattributed visionary pass is a side issue.
The main thing is that the young lad got a chance to play in a high profile league game and did well.

30/12/2009, 1:40 PM
The misattributed visionary pass is a side issue.
The main thing is that the young lad got a chance to play in a high profile league game and did well.

Agreed and hopefully will get a chance to further his claim for a place against barrow at the weekend

30/12/2009, 3:21 PM
Was this for the goal....cause if so that was henderson mate

Maybe it was, I had read that he got and assist for a goal, and he didn't seem to get one for the first so I just assumed he did for the second.
Seems I am wrong however, oh well!!:o

30/12/2009, 3:32 PM
You probably read it on the BBC match updater, I know I did. They often get these things wrong in their haste.

30/12/2009, 3:52 PM
Yes, it can be hard to pick out players even know what they look like, he seemed to be the right 'colour' and haircut anyway!
I just looked Henderson up here and though it quite funny
"His dad is currently unemployed, but is looking for work."
ie funny in that they feel the need to say he is looking for work!!

kev mcq
30/12/2009, 5:00 PM
So it was Henderson who played the pass in question? Is he elegible for Ireland? I really hope so...he could be the messiah.

30/12/2009, 5:06 PM
UK press ran a story yesterday saying Henderson is being looked at by Capello.

02/01/2010, 1:47 PM
Starts for Sunderland today as does Murphy, O'Donovan on bench.

02/01/2010, 1:49 PM
Starts for Sunderland today as does Murphy, O'Donovan on bench.
would love if o'donovan comes on and gets a goal for his sake, murphy needs one too

EDIT: murphy off did ok nothing to write home about

02/01/2010, 5:20 PM
Alot of sunderland fans saying he was mom on other forums..

02/01/2010, 5:46 PM
Alot of sunderland fans saying he was mom on other forums..
murph or myler? they both did grand but have to remember quality of oposition i suppose could have done with a goal thou

Leeside Swagger
04/01/2010, 5:15 PM
He played a couple of beautiful passes in the cup match, one in particular with the outside of the right boot out to the wing. Looks to have a lot of class about him.

The old man used to lecture me in college as well hes a sound man.

16/01/2010, 2:08 PM
myler starting today
link to game http://p2p4u.net/watch-live-sports.php?id=11136&link=1

murphy playing aswell..
anelka just scored
3-0 down after half an hour

16/01/2010, 2:46 PM
Bruce will be joining Rafa in the dole queue if he's not careful!!!

Feel a bit sorry for Meyler. Malbranque is apparently mr invisible.

16/01/2010, 2:49 PM
Bruce will be joining Rafa in the dole queue if he's not careful!!!

Feel a bit sorry for Meyler. Malbranque is apparently mr invisible.
watching the game chelsea are tearing them apart far to easily its impossible for the lads to get into the game. when they do get the ball its just kicked away

16/01/2010, 3:07 PM
Daryl Murphy playing on the left, and Michael Liddle on the bench as well

16/01/2010, 11:46 PM
This game was literally men against boys in midfield and Meyler had an absolute mare, dove into tackles one after another more like a GAA player and left gaping holes for two goals and should have put challenges in for another two goals which he didnt, that said he tried hard but this game really was a step too far

17/01/2010, 12:15 AM
witht the ball not to bad, but showed real inexperience, he couldnt just sit back and read the game he was to eager to put in big hits on lamps and Ballack which they are well used too and lapped it up, but experience only comes with game time i suppose so not to bad in long run maybe

09/02/2010, 8:37 PM
Just nailed Finnan with a flying elbow after coming on about a minute before. Terrible elbow, Finnan looks OK.

09/02/2010, 9:06 PM
Just nailed Finnan with a flying elbow after coming on about a minute before. Terrible elbow, Finnan looks OK.

Did it look intentional,, was on sunderland forum there and there seems to be a big reaction many blaming him for loss of 2 points and couple asking for him to be sacked.....

funny ole game

09/02/2010, 9:49 PM
Did it look intentional,, was on sunderland forum there and there seems to be a big reaction many blaming him for loss of 2 points and couple asking for him to be sacked.....
He definitely lead with his elbow, whether or not he had any reason to elbow Finnan, (I can't imagine why he would, especially as he'd been on literally for a minute) I can't say. Suffice it to say the ref had no choice.

09/02/2010, 10:28 PM
It was a shocking challenge and it looked deliberate to me. Bruce was disgusted with him. Going on other reports of dangerous tackles etc, the lad needs to cut this crap out fast.

Calls for him to be sacked are ridiculous though. Apart from that he did nothing wrong... ;)

Noelys Guitar
20/03/2010, 2:19 PM
Meyler has been excellent again today so far for Sunderland. He is controlling the midfield against Birmingham. Seems to have that extra time on the ball that only really good players have. Great to see.

The benchwarmer
22/03/2010, 8:53 AM
Am I missing something obvious in relation to this lad as I cannot understand the lack of attention his recent performances for a 20 year old in the centre of midfield for an established Premier League club have been getting. By all accounts Sunderlands return to form can be attributed to Craig Gordans heroics , Darren Bents goals and the solidity Meyler's destructiveness, athleticism and attitude has brought to the midfield in the absense of Cana and Cattermole. Usually we are prone to odd bit of blind optimism when it comes to our young players but this lad seems to have escaped that.. What odds on a James McCarthy & David Meyler central midfield combo this time 2012....

22/03/2010, 9:11 AM
fair point, and the only real answer is the McCarthy has taken a lot of the attention off him playing well in midfield and getting called up to the senior squad.
Also possible he's suffering from association with the U21's

22/03/2010, 2:53 PM
There's also the added factor that Meyler isn't a flashy player, whereas McCarthy is playing an attacking role with Wigan and has scored a couple of goals.

Paddy Garcia
22/03/2010, 10:18 PM
"Sunderland midfielder David Meyler continued his impressive run in the team as the Cork native helped the Black Cats to a 3-1 win over Birmingham on Saturday.

The win moves Sunderland a step closer to safety and eases the pressure on manager Steve Bruce, who got the dreaded vote of confidence from chairman Niall Quinn a fortnight ago.

Meyler has been keeping Lee Cattermole out of the side in recent weeks and Bruce is delighted with the 20-year-old’s all action performances on the pitch.

“One thing he has got is a huge heart and an appetite for the game,” said Bruce. “He’s only 20 but he came in and the stats showed he ran 13km. It would be very difficult for me to leave him out of the team.”"


Noelys Guitar
03/04/2010, 4:04 PM
Excellent game again today for Sunderland. His composure on the ball has improved beyond belief from last season. Looks as fit at the end of games as he does at the beginning. Won a peno and some of his passing and tackles were excellent. Real find here guys.

03/04/2010, 4:13 PM
yep fingers crossed - its very encouraging to have a young player playing well in the premier league against a very good side like Spurs - in centre mid too.

Ithink him and McCarthy will give us options sooner rather then later in there :)

Paddy Garcia
03/04/2010, 6:14 PM
Excellent game again today for Sunderland. His composure on the ball has improved beyond belief from last season. Looks as fit at the end of games as he does at the beginning. Won a peno and some of his passing and tackles were excellent. Real find here guys.

After the game today Bruce made the point that they had soem great young players - CM is such a fragile part of our game that it would be hugely beneficial if Meyler & McCarthy progress to the first team. We certainly need them.