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23/05/2003, 6:01 PM
i have a soft spot for celtic, my dad used to support them (being from tralee he had no access to LOI football, although he liked to keep an eye on how shamrock rovers were doing), i have no problem with irish people (or for that matter english, welsh, german or chinese people) supporting celtic or any other foreign club. i certainly don't hate the clubs themselves.

what i do have a problem with is people who exclusively support a foreign team telling me i'm mad for being a city fan because the standard is poor, especially so when they invariably turn out not to know the first thing about irish soccer. his isn't neccessarily the fault of the people involved. There are huge tracts of this country where you do not have a LOI team, and the media, our own included, bombard the populace with foreign matches and news, usually eclipsing our own league.

i have a huge problem with irish people hating rangers and their players (booing reyna at landsdowne was pathetic), i don't particularly like the sectarian element in scottish soccer and recognise that many rangers fans are *****s. But in ireland you do not have to walk into work on the monday after an old firm derby and have your face rubbed in a loss by a rangers fan, so the paranoia and hatred is unjustified.

the main problem the average irish person has with the idiot celtic fans is their celebration of the perceived link between celtic fc and irish nationalism, the ra chants (which happen at city games too) and english/proitestant hating that goes with it disgusts us. celtic themselves are trying to distance themselves from this, it's already cut short neil lennon's international career.

but i've never seen so many idiot celtic fans than in the shed on the day city played celtic in a preseason friendly.

DJ, no one should tell you who to support, that's daft, but why do you pay so much attention to these idiots that you've wound up hating an entire club??

24/05/2003, 1:22 AM
Originally posted by Scotsman

Is it not Irish rebel tunes they sing!!

This surely indicates bigotry in Ireland.

People have short memories!!

Please, do not ever post here again you absolute idiot. You will have no memory after I beat his brains out with an iron bar.

I have never seen a more offensive message posted yet and I cannnot believe no one has picked up on it.

Irish rebel songs refer to a period in OUR history where we fought to establish ourselves independent from BRITAIN (you). I dont think bigotry was a big issue back then, Scottish people invoked that when they moved to Ulster in their droves.

I personally like Celtic but do not have any time for their Irish supporters who do not support the Eircom League. Likewise with fans of the Premiership. But to have to listen to a Scottish fool whose apparent ignorance of Irich culture and History is an insult, drives me crazy.

You do not know what you are talking about and please stop trying to be Irish. Scotland is not that bad.

A face
24/05/2003, 3:56 PM
Scaughts Man ..... You are at it again i see, ya fool !!

24/05/2003, 4:40 PM
Originally posted by Soko
Please, do not ever post here again you absolute idiot. You will have no memory after I beat his brains out with an iron bar.

I have never seen a more offensive message posted yet and I cannnot believe no one has picked up on it.Pot. Kettle. Three strikes. You're out. See you in a week.

Scotsman, it's generally believed that people who attempt suicide by cop (http://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&q=%22suicide+by+cop%22) aren't very clever.


24/05/2003, 8:40 PM
Hate is such a strong word, lets just say I don't really like Celtic and in particular I don't like Irish people supporting Celtic.
The threads on this site alone over the past few weeks show that, despite the media perception, there are a sizeable number of Irish people who have no interest in Glasgow Celtic.

Anyway, some of the Glasgow Celtic supporters in PJ Turners last night were rather distressed when an Orange march passed through the pub.;) :D

max power
26/05/2003, 9:02 AM
hate is such a strong word, yes it is and its what i wanted to say, i want to start a new club ABC anyone but celtic, rangers, hibs, kilmarnock anyone, i don't care who.
i'll say it once more, i hate celtic and thats how i feel and i'm very happy with the fact they won nothing this season

26/05/2003, 1:57 PM
Well I'm a Dunfermline supporter but I like Celtic a bit - certainly more than Rangers - and I certainyl support them in Europe - don't see anything strange about that..............because I'm Scottish.

I have to say I do find the huge numbers of Irish supporters following Celtic and Liverpool/Man U a bit strange but it's to each individual. I can understand supporters of Eircom sides getting a bit aggrieved at their fellow Irish people fleein ower the water each week to support these teams.

In terms of their history you can understand why it happened as while technically Celtic in particular is a Scottish team, it clearly has links to Irish culture.

Interestingly there is a parallel to this in Scotland. A lot of supporters of small teams are hostile to Scottish, yet non-Glaswegian supporters of the Old Firm teams as they see them as glory hunters which basically makes our league crap - in that two teams have all the cash - similar to the cashstrapped Irish league. I know the Scottish league has mair money than your league but that's only in the hands of the 'gruesome twosome'.

In fact the supporters of the small teams make up the majority of Scotland fans in the 'Tartan Army' - go to any Rangers message board and you'll find threads calling us Tartan tossers - Scottish Celtic fans are a mixed bag - most of them support Scotland but a minority actually follow your national team - calling us Tartan Army huns!!!! what?!!!??

Out of interest are the supporters of the Irish national team - are they similar to the supporters of Scotland in that they support the smaller teams - or in your case teams from the Eircom league?

Get Noel Hunt in yer national team - the boys a stormer!!!

max power
26/05/2003, 2:10 PM
jam that was an excellent post, we finally have one of our own in the national set up, glen crowe, and he got a great reception when he came on against norway. i follow thw national team but i don't like seeing players with foreign accents playering for us, except if they were born in Ireland and then moved abroad, i just want an irish team with irish players.

i think the reason a lot of the tartan army are from smaller teams is because they are real supporters and not glory hunters who supporters who follow the larger teams because they win trophys.

and if an irish team were doing well in europe i would suport them as you get behind your own when they need support as was seen when we played fc lovech, a lot of supporters came from other clubs, espcially cork city and i for one really thought that was a nice gusture.

26/05/2003, 2:24 PM
It sounds to me then that you don't really hate Celtic as a club more the fact that so many Irish folk travel over there to watch them, which detracts from the Irish league as revenue etc is going elsewhere.

Same reason why small teams in Scotland don't like non-Glaswegians supporting Celtic/Rangers.

Yes the fans of the small teams tend to be the 'real fans' if you know what I mean and we are the ones who have sorted out Scotland's reputation in the world :rolleyes: :D

In the 70s Rangers fans were the backbone of the Scotland games and there were occasions when so-called Scotland fans (hun bigots basically) would boo Celtic players playing for Scotland which might explain some Scottish Celtic fans ambivalence towards our national team. Thankfully these shameful days are a thing of the past and Celtic fans are returning back to the national team in numbers :)

I too support all Scottish teams in Europe. And I want a Scottish team with Scottish players. Get the passion back - I think that's what you boys need tae with your team. And if it means missing a tournament or two to rebuild so be it.

max power
26/05/2003, 2:28 PM
no i hate celtic and the way there fans behave, saying your irish you must support celtic. people can support whom ever they wish but don't tell me who to support and don't run me down for supporting an irish team when they don't even support one themself.

26/05/2003, 2:34 PM
DJ, I don't think you should support them and I think if ye are gaunnae support a team it should be your own one. As we say:

"yer hame team is yer ain team" :D

But what can ye dae aboot it with tens of thousands fleein ower each week tae follow Celtic.....and Rangers (from the north)? :confused:

1 thing I have noticed is that at Celtic games some folk wear Ireland tops and at Ireland games some folk wear Celtic tops - what's all that about?

Also I think it's sad that when Celtic do pre-season friendlies in Ireland maist of the 'home fans' appear to be supporting Celtic.

max power
26/05/2003, 2:39 PM
theygo on this mad republican rant about celtic being irish blah blah blah,

fact celtic are a scotish team and were never irish and never will be.

they say celtic are irish and that supporting celtic is like supporting the irish team you must do it, i wear my longofrd jersey to international matchs, they are an irish team after all nd it shows my support for the league.

if they want to go off glory hunting every second weekend away with them, i don't really care just don't tell me i should be going with them, i'm happy in flancare park, it means more to me that any other ground on the planet ever could

26/05/2003, 2:40 PM
Originally posted by the dj
no i hate celtic and the way there fans behave

you still don't seem to get it, dj. Celtic can't control what their irish supporters say to you, but you still say you hate the club.
What's wrong with being indifferent to the club, and hating these people that annoy you so much?
or better still, just be indifferent to both.

max power
26/05/2003, 2:50 PM
i feel that way and it won't change, if someone says to me do you support celtic i say no and then they say you must be a rangers supporter then, well actually i don't give a ***** about either of them, in a way i am indifferent i just can't abide the attitude of a lot of them preaching that i SHOULD support celtic.

should i follow the boston celtics or olympicios (spelled wrong0 because they have a shamrock in their crest, i think no is the answer so why SHOULD i follow celtic.

i'va answered myself enough times on this subject and won't be doing so again unless it is approched from a new angle.

26/05/2003, 2:59 PM
I do see your point, but i would differenciate between not supporting celtic (or whoever) and hating them. Why waste your energy on them at all?

btw panathaniakos have the shamrock

max power
26/05/2003, 3:04 PM
thanks i knew it was one of them, i hate them and enojy seeing the look on the fans face when they loose, i take pleasure in it, i know that is an awful thing to do but it goes some way to canceling out all the bull***** talking from them.

weird logic but my logic

A face
26/05/2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by the dj
i hate them and enojy seeing the look on the fans face when they loose, i take pleasure in it, i know that is an awful thing to do but it goes some way to canceling out all the bull***** talking from them.

weird logic but my logic

I feel the very same very, my stomach turns when i have to pass pubs here and see all the shirts with the hoops. I hate every single one of them. If only they could leave and never come back.

26/05/2003, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by the dj
fact celtic are a scotish team and were never irish and never will be.

Well thats actually wrong.
The club was set up by Irish emigrants, and featured mostly Irish people for a good while, and there has always been an Irish presence at the club. The whole point of founding the club was to serve as a focal point for the ex-pat Irish in Glasgow, of which there were/are quite a few, and not as a Catholic club, as is often believed.
I still can't see why you would hate a club, because of the behaviour of their Irish supporters.
By that logic you must hate Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal, Leeds etc etc

A face
27/05/2003, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
Well thats actually wrong.
The club was set up by Irish emigrants, and featured mostly Irish people for a good while, and there has always been an Irish presence at the club. The whole point of founding the club was to serve as a focal point for the ex-pat Irish in Glasgow, of which there were/are quite a few, and not as a Catholic club, as is often believed.

Oddboy ......... I think that is actually wrong ........ Sell-Thick were set up by St. Vincent dePaul from what i hear.

TRhe Irish club for the ex-pat was actually Hibs, and it was when Hibs were not doing well that the Irish players then moved to Sell-Thick to get more money.

Sell-Thick then capitalised on the Oirish thing to sell more shirts etc.

Is it true that Sell-Thick are actually telling cobblers to cash in on any fool willing to believe it.

27/05/2003, 7:46 AM
This is a post to the guy who wanted to beat my brains out - Get a grip you bananna!!

If you read my post and the reason why I posted it you would have seen there was nothing derogative meant by it!!

I was merely pointing out it was Irish rebel tunes - People were slating Scotland for bigotry - In particular Celtic.

I was advising that Scotland and Ireland have a bigoted element.

If you don't like that fact - Then tough isn't it.

As for beating my brains out - I need to have some first!!

parnell ranger
27/05/2003, 8:08 AM
"if they want to go off glory hunting every second weekend away with them, i don't really care just don't tell me i should be going with them, i'm happy in flancare park, it means more to me that any other ground on the planet ever could"

for a fella who"dont really care"your doin as lot of ranting.
if someone told you to jump into the camlin just cos its fashionable would you?
Have you no mind or free will?
People will support who they like be it celtic longford man u or all 3 .
most of your posting is attention seeking gibberish.
i hate celtic cos im bein bullied into supportin them ?
i mean c'mon grow up kiddo,

max power
27/05/2003, 9:21 AM
Originally posted by oddboy
Well thats actually wrong.
The club was set up by Irish emigrants, and featured mostly Irish people for a good while, and there has always been an Irish presence at the club. The whole point of founding the club was to serve as a focal point for the ex-pat Irish in Glasgow, of which there were/are quite a few, and not as a Catholic club, as is often believed.
I still can't see why you would hate a club, because of the behaviour of their Irish supporters.
By that logic you must hate Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal, Leeds etc etc

were "glasgow" celtic ever a team registered in ireland, the answer is no, they are not irish!!!!!

see ex pat irish, no longer in ireland, if your can't see why i hate the club you've just written it above, they are not irish , support man united and they are not irish and i've never said they were and i would never tell someone to follow them either

max power
27/05/2003, 9:23 AM
Originally posted by parnell ranger
"if they want to go off glory hunting every second weekend away with them, i don't really care just don't tell me i should be going with them, i'm happy in flancare park, it means more to me that any other ground on the planet ever could"

for a fella who"dont really care"your doin as lot of ranting.
if someone told you to jump into the camlin just cos its fashionable would you?
Have you no mind or free will?
People will support who they like be it celtic longford man u or all 3 .
most of your posting is attention seeking gibberish.
i hate celtic cos im bein bullied into supportin them ?
i mean c'mon grow up kiddo,

i'll rant if i want but it proves its a big topic with the amount of replys and views and i'm not alone in my feelings

27/05/2003, 9:47 AM
The debate for this could last forever.

We must respect everyone's opinion - If you hate Celtic DJ that's up to you.

Everyone is getting rather uptight - I can understand you don't like being forced into something - Shows character not to follow suit - I'm the same myslef.

I support Celtic becuase I wanted not because I was forced to.

Different for me being in Scotland I suppose.


27/05/2003, 9:49 AM
Originally posted by A face
Oddboy ......... I think that is actually wrong ........ Sell-Thick were set up by St. Vincent dePaul from what i hear.

TRhe Irish club for the ex-pat was actually Hibs, and it was when Hibs were not doing well that the Irish players then moved to Sell-Thick to get more money.

Sell-Thick then capitalised on the Oirish thing to sell more shirts etc.

Is it true that Sell-Thick are actually telling cobblers to cash in on any fool willing to believe it.

Well, face, rather than hearsay, you might try to find out the actual facts.
Celtic was set up by a priest as a focal point for all the Irish people in Glasgow, and given the blessing of the Land League, a grouping which had represented most of the Irish when they were here at home. The aim was to raise money to try to help the extreme poverty suffered by the Irish in Glasgow.
Hibs are in Edinburgh, a completely different city, which is hardly of any use to someone in Glasgow. Hibs originally had a policy of only playing "practising Catholics", while Celtic had no overtly religious strictures.
Celtic and Rangers, which was a strictly Protestant club, enjoyed a great rivalry which was entirely sporting up until 1916. The workers at the Harland & Wolff shipyard, almost all Protestant, felt that the Easter Rising was a betrayal of all those who were dying at the battle of the Somme. Celtic supporters were seen as being in favour of the Rising while thousands of Irishmen were dying in France. As a huge number of Ulster Protestants died, a very bitter hatred developed which led to the formation of the "Billy Boys" a hardcore Protestant street gang which specialised in slitting the throats of Catholics. To this day, "We are the Billy Boys" is the song of choice for Rangers fans, the chorus being "We are up to our necks in Fenian blood". Hardly compares to "Low lie the fields of Athenry" does it?

I'm not trying to get into an argument over this, but simply trotting out some vague notions about what you think happened is hardly good grounds with which to damn a club. No matter what you think, it is a fact that Celtic do have a long association with Ireland.

As for a club trying to cash in on any fool, again Man U, for instance are surely much more guilty of all the charges levelled against Celtic, yet there does not seem to be the same problem with that club.

max power
27/05/2003, 9:54 AM
you said it face they have an assocation with ireland, but they are not irish, thats the simple fact at the end of the day, no matter how much you and others want them t o be irish they won't be.

man u are a business as are celtic, they are a plc. no difference, but they are moving the same way and are marketing on a world level, why do you think they are playing each other in america during the summer, for the good of their health ???

27/05/2003, 3:30 PM
Interesting text to the Newtalk 106 saturday sports show - missed most of the discussion but it was obviously along the line sof "hope celtic win the elague tomorrow" and some texted in

"It will be a great day for the Eircom League - Rangers will win the treble".

The presenter missed the point completely eg the Eircom League bit.

Personally I have no problem with anybody supporting any British club although I would prefer if they supported an Irish side first.

I do have a problem with club fans bringing their allegiances and bigotry to the national team reference the recent booing and sectarian abuse of Rangers players.

max power
27/05/2003, 3:46 PM
yeah i was at the norway game and Flo got booed every time he touched the ball, i could understand if it was a club game and he had played for both teams, but as usual the Celtic fans showed themselves for what they really are.

on another topic my sister was at work yesterday and a celtic fan asked her what is she thought of celtic not winning the spl, she said she didn't follow them and the person in question called secterian........to me that sums up the whole argument, foolish childish behaviour.

parnell ranger
27/05/2003, 3:56 PM
you said it your argument is foolish childish behaviour,btw hating a club or people for little or no reason isnt sectarianism its just daft.

max power
27/05/2003, 4:07 PM
Originally posted by parnell ranger
you said it your argument is foolish childish behaviour,btw hating a club or people for little or no reason isnt sectarianism its just daft.

no no no he called my sister sectarian for not supporting celtic, thats childish, i forgot to say after this he uttered the famous words, i suppose your a rangers supporter then....not thats daft and hearing it again and again makes it worse..

27/05/2003, 4:42 PM
to associate ALL fans in the same category of one team is silly.

I'll give you an example - I was in a pub in Edinburgh and was talking with this Hibs fan and Hearts fan - They were having a heated debate and I was asked who I supported being a "Weegie".

When I stated I was a Celtic fan the Jambo said "Ooh you must be a Catholic then!!"

This was said in a derogative manner - The Hibs fan was fine with me.

This indicates that NOT just Celtic fans are bigoted.

Alot of Rangers fans are bigoted, but not all.

To say all would be unfair.

Alot of Celtic fans are bigoted, but to say all would be unfair.

Alot of people have short memories in this area I feel.

Anyway bigotry has no place and is getting stamped out in my eyes.

My in-laws are Rangers season holders and they always buy me Celtic clothes, goodies etc..

They go to Celtic shops as well for me.

I have drank from Don's Rangers mug and he has drank from my Celtic mug.


max power
27/05/2003, 4:49 PM
bit you never hear this about any other clubs, only rangers and celtic, they take it to another level, religion, where your from, irish history ( yes irish ).

at the end of the day its a football club and a football match and its no more than that.

27/05/2003, 5:07 PM
In footballing terms you're correct.

Celtic and Rangers need to shed this baggage.

Alot of clubs have other issues

max power
27/05/2003, 5:11 PM
other issues don't bother me, all that bothers me is the attitude of celtic fans in ireland, celtic are not irish.

27/05/2003, 6:45 PM
threads merged again.

Question to Scotsman

Right, i have no doubts that you are a passionate Celtic fan. Afterall, why should you not be, they are a local club of yours.

But last week, in the build up to the UEFA cup final, there was constant references to the amount of irish people who had tickets for the game in Seville. How would it make you feel, or a Parkhead season ticket holder feel, if you were not able to get a ticket due to the allocations given to Irish Celtic "fans"?

Personally, it made me cringe seeing all these morons spending €0000s to get there, to see a scottish team lose. But i know, as a Cork City fan, that if i were locked out of a city game because some lángers from, say, Brighton had taken a load of tickets, id be fairly ticked off.

27/05/2003, 8:07 PM
Originally posted by the dj

Originally posted by the dj
were "glasgow" celtic ever a team registered in ireland, the answer is no, they are not irish!!!!!

see ex pat irish, no longer in ireland, if your can't see why i hate the club you've just written it above, they are not irish , support man united and they are not irish and i've never said they were and i would never tell someone to follow them either

Celtic were not "registered in ireland" so you hate them because they are not Irish?
So you hate every club outside the Republic of Ireland??
I'm sorry I really can't see any sense in that.

Originally posted by the dj
you said it face they have an assocation with ireland, but they are not irish, thats the simple fact at the end of the day, no matter how much you and others want them t o be irish they won't be.

man u are a business as are celtic, they are a plc. no difference, but they are moving the same way and are marketing on a world level, why do you think they are playing each other in america during the summer, for the good of their health ???
Is this in answer to my post?
I',m sorry if it's not but
If so, as regards the first paragraph:

"how much you and others want them t o be irish they won't be."
Who wants them to be Irish ??
Me ??
I have never, ever heard, read or been told that Celtic FC wants to be Irish.
Do you hate Celtic, because of something which has never happened?:confused:

As for the second paragraph, I don't understand what you are trying to say.:confused:

28/05/2003, 7:37 AM
I can understand both sides of the debate - Let's look at the facts and see if we can make sense of some of the issues.

Celtic FC was started by an Irish priest.

Started to help the poor in Glasgow.

Called Celtic so that Irish and Scots could support them.

With Celtic being started with an Irishman and alot of Irish immigrants in Glasgow following Celtic there is a strong Irish link.

I would say Celtic are a Scottish team with strong Irish links - Others may look at Celtic and say their Irish.

It depends on your outlook I suppose - Geographically their Scottish and were registered in Scotland.

I like the fact that Scots and Irish suport Celtic - Personal opinion.

With regards to the Irish supporters in Seville - What must be taken into consideration is that the majority would be season ticket holders and for them to not get a ticket would be awful.

If the tickets go to genuine fans then no Celtic fan can argue with that.


28/05/2003, 10:25 AM
Well you can't leave out Villa there with McGrath/Houghton/Staunton/Farrelly/Cascarino (they can't help it that he was poor)/ Kinsella...

And to give Celtic their due Conor, you have to include McCarthy and Chris Morris too. And Cascarino again (they can't help it that he was poor!) And Brady had a spell as boss too.

28/05/2003, 11:57 AM
Conor SLK you are both right.
As I said before, I have no particular interest in Celtic, but what I don't understand, and what nobody has explained here is why they hate the Celtic football club.
There are a lot of reasons why the irish fans of the club are detested, which is fair enough, but I can't see what the club itself has done to be hated.

I have no interest at all in Man U, but have often felt like strangling one or two of their "fans" here in Cork. I can, however, see the difference between them and the club.

I absolutely detest Moses and his gang of pre-pubescent scuts, but hardly blame Cork City FC for their behaviour.

28/05/2003, 12:06 PM
The Old Firm in general have a poor record at playing any Scots also.

It might be and it might not be a marketing issue with Celtic.

I believe however Celtic care for all their Fans - Scottish/Irish/American....

Only Celtic Fc would know that.

Rangers also have alot of Irish fans but have NO Irish connection.

We all know why this is.

The situation with the Old Firm is that they are institutions and the fans demand success at all times and alot of the youth don't play as result of this.

Catch 22.

Scotland will see alot more youth players getting their chance now as that's the road we'll have to take - We need to get back to the days of Auld.


28/05/2003, 5:23 PM
Originally posted by Conor74
I think the whole Celtic/Irish thing is simply great marketing

I would tend to agree with you on that Conor. Sure they have miniscule Irish connections from their distant past but today it is no more than an extremely clever and successful marketing ploy. Celtic PLC plays on the whole 'Celtic are Irish' Irish idea and make a fortune from selling related products.
It is a shame that so many Irish people are taken in by this and pump so much money into this organisation without realising they are being taken for a ride. However, one tends to find it hard to feel sorry for these people as most Irish Celtic "fans" are complete idiots!

29/05/2003, 12:54 PM
Celtic and Rangers have been incredibly successful in marketing themselves and playing the sectarian card. The term "Old Firm" was coined back in 1904 as the 2 clubs operated as a cartel.

The rest of the Scottish clubs suffer in a similiar way to the LoI with many locals supporting one of the big Two rather than Motherwell or Kilmarnock.

It was normally Manyoo or Liverpool here but Celtic have grown in popularity here in the past couple of years and particularly in re3cent months with the tv exposure on RTE.

05/06/2003, 11:10 AM
Personally, i think it is really pathetic that you people support celtic as "passionatley" as you do. I mean i was talking to someone recently, who on telling him i was delighted that Porto beat Celtic, and that i hoped Rangers would win the league, he said to me "so you agree with everything that has happened up there, you agree with sectarian killings etc"

How stupid is that? Because as far as i can see, the catholic side of the divide is just as bigoted and there are as many murderous fluckers among them.

05/06/2003, 12:02 PM
Gimmick have you been to Scotland?- Have you been to a Celtic game? - Have you been to an Old Firm game??

The media make a big deal out of it all - It's no way near as bad as made out to be!

I have friends and family who support Rangers and are Protestants - Celtic and Rangers fans mingle nae bora - Anyone who doesn't is not even worth talking about!!

I love the fact that Celtic and Rangers hate each other - Makes the games extra special - Just like Scotland V England games - Special!!

Why do you support your team??

If you wanted Celtic to get beat then that's up to you.

Personally I don't care who hates Celtic and who likes them - I know of hundreds and thousands of supporters of Celtic.

This forum talks about respect for their league and teams but don't give any respect to others.

Too many people with too many chips on their shoulders on this forum!!!

Anyway I would like to wish Scotland and Ireland all the best on their forthcoming International games.


The Hairy Arsed Lowlander.


05/06/2003, 12:08 PM
You missed my point entirely Scotsman.

What i was saying, is that this guy "supports" Celtic because he is told to, not becasue of any great love for their players, fans, footballing ability. And i think that is stupid. I mean, someone earlier in thes thread said something silly like, "how can you call yourself irish if you dont support Celtic". To me that is one of the most ridiculous statements i have ever heard.

And just to say something else on the matter. How dare Englands no 1 striker Chris Sutton accuse Dunfermline of lying down. That just struck me as being a case of bitter grapes and being a bad loser. In fairness like, Celtin won 4-0 away from home against a team who had aspirations of a UEFA place, Dunfermline on the other hand were playing for very little (i think) and away from home, in a ground they apparently get very little. Makes you wonder who really lay down. I mean, at least Dunfermline scored a goal.

05/06/2003, 12:44 PM
I'm not even going to get involved with the Sutton incident - Bit silly to say the puclicly.

The comment of supporting Celtic because your Irish is also a wee bit silly - But hey each to their own.

Don't hate Celtic because of these things.

Rangers players come out with silly statements also and so do other football personnel - They should all know better.

Anyway que sera

06/06/2003, 9:53 AM
Originally posted by Gimmick
Personally, i think it is really pathetic that you people support celtic as "passionatley" as you do.

I mean i was talking to someone recently, who on telling him i was delighted that Porto beat Celtic, and that i hoped Rangers would win the league,
Is there any particular reason that you would prefer Rangers to win the league?

06/06/2003, 9:56 AM
It's because they're not Celtic Oddboy... Surely that makes perfect sense. :rolleyes:

As pathetic as it might be to passionately support Celtic, I think it's even more pathetic to passionately hate them.

06/06/2003, 11:52 AM
Well said bhoys.

I have to say I really enjoy hating Rangers right enough - Superb.

I also hate Hearts of Midlothian - Cousins of Rangers!!

Don't mind Hibs and a few other innthe SPL.

06/06/2003, 11:57 AM
The opposite to hating Celtic is not supporting Rangers. Many fans lump those 2 as one and the same. Hibs have a great song that goes

"We hate Glasgow Rangers, We hate Celtic too - They're ****e" don't know the rest but you get the picture.

The Old firm get most of the money, most of the favourable refereeing decisions but are still streets ahead of the rest of Scotland. Does mean most Scottish fans don't love to see both of them come a cropper.