View Full Version : Anthony Stokes (F free agent b.1988)

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06/12/2006, 12:53 PM
Rossi's loan ends in January and I cant see it being extended by either side.

I know, I meant Fergie can't call him back immediately.

11/12/2006, 11:12 AM
According to BBC, Celtic have had a 700k bid for Stokes turned down by Arsenal

11/12/2006, 2:46 PM
According to BBC, Celtic have had a 700k bid for Stokes turned down by Arsenal
Apparently they are holding out for a million. Even that's a joke of a fee considering Theo Walcott who consequently done hardly anything of note for Southampton last year in a similar amount of first team appearances was bought by them for 12 mill. I suppose he's English though and Stokes isn't so that might explain it.

11/12/2006, 4:14 PM
Or the fact that the prices quoted were what the buying clubs felt the selling clubs would sell for in both cases.

11/12/2006, 4:16 PM
According to BBC, Celtic have had a 700k bid for Stokes turned down by Arsenal

The Evening Times have plenty of sources at Celtic so wouldn't publish something as fact if it wasn't.

11/12/2006, 6:24 PM
I haven't seen Stokes play. It looks to me that he has achieved more than expected of him and has turned a lot of heads in his direction. Unless Arsenal are desperate for relatively small change wouldn't it be foolish to let Stokes go? According to reports he wants to make it at Arsenal. Even if he didn't make the first team, Arsenal would not lose out on his transfer fee after another year. If he did make it, it would be a dream situation for the club and player.
I wouldn't be at all dissapointed if Wenger decided to hold on to Stokes.

kingdom hoop
12/12/2006, 5:44 PM
Wenger barely knows who he is.

even if that is true surely someone who does know stokes(liam "stokes is the new bergkamp" brady or some scout) reports to wenger on his progress?

i would love to see him get a chance at arsenal but if he is to be sold i dont think Celtic is the club for him to develop his undoubted, IMO, potential.
seasoned players like miller, zurawski, hesselink would all need to be dislodged, as well as riordan(who was excellent at hibs but hasnt yet made an impact) while other young players maloney and beattie are in the waiting line and have played very well at times.(being a kerryman it'd be great to see another striker, young diarmuid o carroll getting a chance!!) its hard to see stokes getting a decent run in team unless strachan reckons he's the new king henrik. so if he is to move a mediocre premiership team with less competition for places would surely be a better option for stokes..

12/12/2006, 6:53 PM
Stokes is good enough for Celtic's first 11 now but whether Strachan would play him immediately is another matter. I think he'll make a big effort to get him in next month.

13/12/2006, 8:53 AM
Wenger barely knows who he is.
There's nothing like a bit of perceived criticism of Arsene's world to slightly expand the boundaries of "barely knows". Trust Stan to stick the boot in where it's not very welcome.

13/12/2006, 8:55 AM
According to BBC, Celtic have had a 700k bid for Stokes turned down by Arsenal

And rightly so. That's an insult to the lad. If Arsenal hold on to him until the end of the season, he'd be worth a lot more. I'd love to see him going to a club where football is coached, like Ajax or somewhere.

13/12/2006, 9:18 AM
from football365.com today:

As one of the many Arsenal players currently tearing up the lower divisions (well, Scottish divisions, which is the same thing), Anthony Stokes is a tempting target for little clubs like Sunderland, Wolves and Celtic.

But the Daily Record say Arsenal have told the Glasgow club they have absolutely no chance of snapping up the striker when his loan deal to Falkirk ends.

13/12/2006, 3:01 PM
Yup, its true...Seemingly. Wenger apparently says he wants to keep him at Arsenal because he reckons he has a big future at the club and he's most definitely worth holding onto... Shock Horror!

kingdom hoop
14/12/2006, 12:09 AM
so it seems wenger does know who he is after all tuff

i presume he'll see out the season with falkirk maybe win a cup medal(only arsenal player to win anything this season!) and hopefully make the step up next year for the gooners.

14/12/2006, 10:12 AM
Stokes is good enough for Celtic's first 11 now but whether Strachan would play him immediately is another matter. I think he'll make a big effort to get him in next month.

Do you think? I think you are placing him on an awfully high pedalstal if you think Strachan will drop Hesselink or Miller to make way for him.

I rate him better than Zuwawski who I think is a very average player but don't forget Derek Riordan is also there and he's a proven SPL goalscorer. Let's also not forget Craig Beattie who will be in the reckoning if he can get his injury problems behind him.

I've said it all along that I've been impressed by what I've seen of Stokes but he has played less than 20 senior games. It's too soon to judge him. He hasn't hit a slump in form yet and when he does it'll be a test for him to see how he reacts to it.

I'd personally prefer him to go to a club where he will be able to continue to play week in week out. That's what he needs for his career now and that's the only way he will keep progressing at the rate he is. I wouldn't say no to him at Celtic, I just think it's better for him if he goes elsewhere.

14/12/2006, 10:39 AM
so it seems wenger does know who he is after all tuff.

Of course Wenger knows who he is, he simply doesn't go out watching youth games every week or go up to Scotland to watch his loanees. He has enough youth and reserve coaches to see after those affairs for him. That's how it's done at top clubs. Liam Brady will be feeding information back to Wenger on Stokes' progress.

If Arsenal get past Liverpool in the Carling Cup on Tuesday night, I'd like to see Stokes return and play a part in that competiton after Christmas.

14/12/2006, 10:53 AM
If Arsenal get past Liverpool in the Carling Cup on Tuesday night, I'd like to see Stokes return and play a part in that competiton after Christmas.

yeah, and sit on his h*le for the rest of the time instead of gaining valuable experience playing in competitive matches north of the border week in week out

14/12/2006, 11:03 AM
Wenger would learn more about Stokes playing a game or two for Arsenals first team than he would from letting him play another half season for Falkirk where he has already proven he can do the business. that or else as loan to weaker premiership club like watford is what should happen i think. He can only score against what is put in front of him, so how can wenger dismiss him , when hes done that so far. No one can say he's not good enough for arsenals first team yet even though theres a chance he wont be

kingdom hoop
14/12/2006, 12:17 PM
Do you think? I think you are placing him on an awfully high pedalstal if you think Strachan will drop Hesselink or Miller to make way for him.

I rate him better than Zuwawski who I think is a very average player but don't forget Derek Riordan is also there and he's a proven SPL goalscorer. Let's also not forget Craig Beattie who will be in the reckoning if he can get his injury problems behind him.

I've said it all along that I've been impressed by what I've seen of Stokes but he has played less than 20 senior games. It's too soon to judge him. He hasn't hit a slump in form yet and when he does it'll be a test for him to see how he reacts to it.

I'd personally prefer him to go to a club where he will be able to continue to play week in week out. That's what he needs for his career now and that's the only way he will keep progressing at the rate he is. I wouldn't say no to him at Celtic, I just think it's better for him if he goes elsewhere.

thank you, reiterated what i said a few posts up.

i think tony should stay at falkirk for the season, saying wenger will learn more from one or two games is rubbish. whats the rush? we should be thinking of the players development which, at 18, is better served playing regularly for a very good footballing side where he can learn what the rigours of a season are like. little things like getting sent off are good for his overall development(as well as endearing him to arsenal fans!).

i think he's only played one game(where he was very good) against either celtic or rangers so some more experience visiting their big stadia and atmospheres will stand him in good stead come next season and those matches would be better gauges than the carling cup.

john hughes(falkirk manager) and liam brady are good friends so i'd say thats the primary communication link concerning stokes. i'm sure hughes will be imploring brady to convince wenger to let stokes stay where he is alongside two ex-arsenal irish lads. and not to take the chance of playing in a cup final(more great experience) and winning a medal away from stokes, especially when he was instrumental in them getting there.

i wouldnt be entirely against him going on loan to watford or such but he's pretty settled now at falkirk and is guaranteed his place in a much better footballing team than watford which is getting him into the groove for some va va voom next season at the arse.

14/12/2006, 12:23 PM
Roy Keane says he has never enquired about Stokes. Journalism must be easy when can invent stories like that...

14/12/2006, 1:15 PM
i think he's only played one game(where he was very good) against either celtic or rangers
Played once against Rangers and twice against Celtic. Excellent in both games against Celtic.

Roy Keane says he has never enquired about Stokes. Journalism must be easy when can invent stories like that...
He was at the Falkrik vs Hearts match and everyone presumed he was watching Stokes.

14/12/2006, 1:46 PM
Played once against Rangers and twice against Celtic. Excellent in both games against Celtic.

He was at the Falkrik vs Hearts match and everyone presumed he was watching Stokes.

Hmmmm Hearts having self induced meltdown and offloading players like Steven Pressley, perhaps thats who Keane was watching?

14/12/2006, 2:38 PM
Hmmmm Hearts having self induced meltdown and offloading players like Steven Pressley, perhaps thats who Keane was watching?

Just because he hasn't inquired about Stokes doesn't mean he isn't keeping tabs on him. ;)

15/12/2006, 3:03 PM
Wenger on Stokes quoted in todays Daily Star.
"Stokes&Bendtner have a future with us and we want to keep them.We beleived in Stokes potential when he came here and it is no suprise that he attracts interest.He is gifted physically and technically.He also has that Irish desire.He was just a boy when he came here first.He was very very promising when he came here so early.I remember when I saw him training with us at 15-he was unbelievably strong.He stood still a little bit after that but now he has developed more.Taking such a big step forward in the SPL is a bit suprising but he always had that scoring streak when young.When you score at that age it always come back even if you lose it at 17."

15/12/2006, 4:22 PM
Strange comment really!! Hardly unwavouring support from Wenger is it!! Standing still!! Losing it at 17!! No wonder he had to get away to take the next step foward.

He's better off away from Arsenal based purely on them comments.

15/12/2006, 4:42 PM
Wenger on Stokes quoted in todays Daily Star.
"Stokes&Bendtner have a future with us and we want to keep them.We beleived in Stokes potential when he came here and it is no suprise that he attracts interest.He is gifted physically and technically.He also has that Irish desire.He was just a boy when he came here first.He was very very promising when he came here so early.I remember when I saw him training with us at 15-he was unbelievably strong.He stood still a little bit after that but now he has developed more.Taking such a big step forward in the SPL is a bit suprising but he always had that scoring streak when young.When you score at that age it always come back even if you lose it at 17."

Wenger also said this at the end of the interview (from eleven-a-side):

"He has made a big step up to the SPL and has done very well - I’m very happy about it. Ideally, I’d like all of our young kids on loan to come back to Arsenal.”

Read into that what you like but it says to me that he is either lieing and will offload some of the young strikers, which could include stokes, or that he'll bring them all back and let them fight it out between them for a place in the first team squad. Arsenal also have the financial clout to bring in a proven striker too. Maybe Stokes will make it there but it's going to be difficult.
One thing that surprises me is that Arsenal haven't gone out and bought a fox-in-the-box type striker. All the lovely play then have the the first 2/3 of the field but nobody in the box to finish off the chances.

16/12/2006, 1:03 AM
One thing that surprises me is that Arsenal haven't gone out and bought a fox-in-the-box type striker.
The last time they tried that, they got Francis Jeffers, more than enough of a reason not to go for a similar player!!

16/12/2006, 11:17 AM
Just because he hasn't inquired about Stokes doesn't mean he isn't keeping tabs on him. ;)

16/12/2006, 12:56 PM
Strange comment really!! Hardly unwavouring support from Wenger is it!! Standing still!! Losing it at 17!! No wonder he had to get away to take the next step foward.

He's better off away from Arsenal based purely on them comments.
So Stan's comment about Stokes going backwards at Arsenal were not that far off the mark, maybe even a bullseye.

kingdom hoop
16/12/2006, 2:30 PM
So Stan's comment about Stokes going backwards at Arsenal were not that far off the mark, maybe even a bullseye.

stokes has admitted though that he's much preferring the centre forward role this season compared to his wing role in arsenal reserves last year

it was the context of stans remark that was befuddling..coming in the lead up to san marino when he hadnt picked stokes.

irelands rugby manager eddie o sullivan says his main criterion for selection is....form in the few weeks up to a match....not what a player might or might not have done a few months previous, especially i'd if they switched clubs switched positions and (i use it loosely) turn their form around

stokes had clearly shown his form and potential and if stan hadnt seen him play at falkirk would he have watched arsenal reserves, when, realistically, there was much less clamour over stokes?( rhetorical question)

you cant hit the bullseye if theres no board

co. down green
16/12/2006, 9:30 PM
Wenger also said this at the end of the interview (from eleven-a-side):

"He has made a big step up to the SPL and has done very well - I’m very happy about it. Ideally, I’d like all of our young kids on loan to come back to Arsenal.”

Read into that what you like but it says to me that he is either lieing and will offload some of the young strikers, which could include stokes, or that he'll bring them all back and let them fight it out between them for a place in the first team squad. Arsenal also have the financial clout to bring in a proven striker too. Maybe Stokes will make it there but it's going to be difficult.
One thing that surprises me is that Arsenal haven't gone out and bought a fox-in-the-box type striker. All the lovely play then have the the first 2/3 of the field but nobody in the box to finish off the chances.

Wenger might have another use for Stokes !!


dynamo kerry
29/12/2006, 10:53 AM
I'm going to the falkirk game on saturday- hopefully this chap will be playing

how many people here have actually seen him play?

29/12/2006, 10:57 AM
I have seen him play 3 or 4 times this season, he looks like he has a lot of potential, he is fast, strong, like floating out wide to the flanks, and likes to score with both feet. He is still only young however a rough diamond so to speak, and hasnt scored ina few games

29/12/2006, 11:03 AM
Arsenal have refused to extend his loan period to Falkirk. His last game is tomorrow. Arsenal will either sell him or may start to blood him in their first team.

29/12/2006, 11:11 AM
The Independent this morning reported that Stokes himself has called on Arsenal to let him know where his future lies.

Makes reference to Celtic and Charlton interest.

dynamo kerry
29/12/2006, 11:12 AM
all the more reason to go and see him play then!!

29/12/2006, 4:45 PM
He's class. The best talent to come out of here since Robbie Keane. He's a natural finisher with serious flair, all this depite being undoubtedly a rough diamond. I honestly think Celtic would be a terrible move, but this Charlton thing is interesting... Going there permanently would be awful, but what would people's views on a further loan move? I think it could make sense. Its the Premiership, Charlton need strikers, spending money is inherently risky with the probability of relegation, Arsenal would like to see him in action at the highest level,(Higher than Sunderland in Championship or SPL) its a way of blooding him for eventual first team look in at Arsenal (Everybody knows they need to start looking at strikers,Aliaderie is absolutely useless, for a starter) Pardew is a good boss etc... Though I'll admit the fact that Charlton are deplorable at the moment would have to be taken into consideration though! Pressley just turned them down today actually...

29/12/2006, 6:14 PM

"It depends on him. I will not force him to come back."

That sounds like Wenger would prefer to have him back.

30/12/2006, 2:43 PM
Not even half time and Stokes has got 2 goals today against Inverness.

30/12/2006, 3:25 PM
His 3rd hattrick of the season.

Fergie's Son
30/12/2006, 4:25 PM
So 16 goals already this season?


30/12/2006, 6:25 PM
Hear Hear. It just has to happen after this... Robbie won't be sharp after his injury, and if he stays at Spurs probably will find himself out of the first 11reckoning. I would absolutely love to see Stokesy and Doyle play together... Be worth the admission. What better team to give him his international bow against, ease him in gradually. But then again, isn't that what everybody agreed on last time? Apart from "the gaffer"? Dynamo Kerry, Sounds like you got your money's worth?!

co. down green
30/12/2006, 8:15 PM
To quote the Falkirk website's report on the game -

" A fine display from Falkirk... and Anthony Stokes.. absolutely breathtaking"

31/12/2006, 2:33 AM
I dont want to be a Moaning Micheal but how many of these goals were scored against the top 4 teams?

31/12/2006, 11:09 AM
The saga about Stoke's future drags on.
The ST reports that Celtic are on the verge of signing him and that he has certainly played his last game for Falkirk.
Any takers?

31/12/2006, 3:36 PM
Arsenal are my favourite team in England but they have acted so sloppily over
Stokes future its really ****ed me off.

31/12/2006, 3:39 PM
Irish teenage striker Anthony Stokes has played his last game for Falkirk, BBC Scotland understands.

The SPL's top goalscorer with 14 goals has been on loan from Arsenal but it is understood that deal, which expires on 31 December, will not be extended.

The 18-year-old is due to return to London, but is likely to be sold in the January transfer window.

I'd absolutely love him to join Celtic.

31/12/2006, 4:45 PM
Obviously that would be very nice with ye olde Irish connection or whatever, but I just want to see him play in the Premiership, on the bigger stage and carving out as big a career as possible for himself. Celtic can be such a comfort zone. He'd score even more goals for Celtic than he already is though...

Fergie's Son
31/12/2006, 5:14 PM
He's young and very, very promising. That said, I am discouraged by the fact that Arsenal are willing to sell him. Wegner is a phenomenal judge of talent so it concerns me that he is willing to let him go.

31/12/2006, 6:57 PM
Someone said it earlier but you'd have to ask why Arsenal signed him in the first place if they're going to sell him now when it's impossible to do much better than he's doing atm.

31/12/2006, 7:13 PM
Someone said it earlier but you'd have to ask why Arsenal signed him in the first place if they're going to sell him now when it's impossible to do much better than he's doing atm.
Even stranger when they've kept Aliadiere all these years when he hasn't done anything near what Stokes has done. I think that Stokes wants out to get regular football.