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04/11/2014, 2:32 PM
I thought Stokes' father's political views are well known?

Charlie Darwin
04/11/2014, 2:34 PM
Haha, libellous indeed.

05/11/2014, 7:04 AM
You wrote 11 paragraphs so you must be right Danny.

Nine paragraphs and two sentences! :p

You suggest Foran's response to being followed, punched, given sectarian abuse and trying to mediate a fight was inappropriate yet breaking someone's jaw because they are urinating in public is an appropriate response? If the latter was true, then there would be a lot of young Irish adults getting broken jaws every night of the week.

That wasn't what I said at all. The judge and the jury of each case obviously looked at each incident independently and gave their verdicts based upon the respective sets of facts before them. Foran was clearly seen to have acted in a disproportionate manner. I didn't give a concrete opinion on it myself as to whether or not I thought his reaction was appropriate as I didn't witness the incident. In the Deegan case, the jury with the aid of CCTV footage adjudged Hill's punch to be proportionate and justified in the circumstances; they seemingly felt that the circumstances justified such an act of self-defence. Why are you pretending both cases might be equivalent or that you possess enough knowledge to assert that the courts' conclusions were incorrect in both? Because the lads involved were Irish?

The lad's comments about Stokes were libellous because he insinuated that Stokes' father is an IRA sympathiser.

Many papers have stated the same. Stokes and his father have been in attendance at Real IRA memorial events. His sympathies are public knowledge.

Who knows whether his tweet was
Serious or not? Do you suggest threats like that are to be ignored? He didn't show genuine remorse. He only apologised after his efforts to cover his tracks failed and he was bricking it that he'd go to prison.

I'm just saying they ought to be dealt with sensibly. If the threat doesn't appear to be serious after investigation, why throw a young lad in prison for being an idiot? What's "genuine remorse" to you? He apologised. All parties are satisfied. Move on.

Celtic and Rangers continue to be reprimanded because of sectarian chanting and political protests.

Sectarian chanting does exist, but so does draconian legislation that criminalises more benign activities associated with matches of Scottish football supporters. What's your gripe with political protests?

And on a final note, bullets in the mail have been intercepted and several death threats have been aimed at Celtic's NI contingent.

But sure there is no "intent" or "malice" so what harm?

You're putting words in my mouth again. I'm simply asking you who posted the bullets? Who made the death threats? You don't know.

05/11/2014, 9:43 AM
Tbf, people were convicted in certain instances, though the 'correspondence' sent to Niall McGinn whilst at Celtic, not sure that case was ever resolved?

05/11/2014, 11:47 AM
Rangers fan threatens to stab Stokes and blow up his dad

"Regards the tweet I got last night, the boy who sent it got in touch and apologised so that's it done! We all make stupid mistakes we regret"

Threatening to stab a person and kill a dad, is all in a day's experience? a stupid mistake we all make? :rolleyes:

05/11/2014, 12:09 PM
Can't bate a bit of Old Firm banter

05/11/2014, 1:50 PM
Think he's trying to say there's some not very nice people in Scotland, including plenty of anti-Irish haters.

We all know that. He's just throwing around vague/blind/exaggerated accusations of anti-Irishness/sectarianism though and seems to be advocating further draconian legislation and an excessive curbing of civil liberties on the basis of those accusations when he really doesn't know what he's talking about. The solution to eradicating sectarianism will primarily be a social one; not a legal one.

Tbf, people were convicted in certain instances, though the 'correspondence' sent to Niall McGinn whilst at Celtic, not sure that case was ever resolved?

Who was convicted and in relation to which incidents? William Kilpatrick, a Rangers fan, was convicted for urging fellow Rangers fans on Facebook to send mail bombs and bullets to Neil Lennon - "Neil Lennon's a f*cking c*nt, get mair bullets and bombs sent, boys, Glasgow Rangers Champions" - but I don't think he was ever accused of posting any himself. Were the sources of the other bullets in the mail ever uncovered?

Even the LVF, who were alleged to have sent the death threat to Neil Lennon all those years ago, explicitly denied any involvement in the phonecall that was actually made to the BBC. No codeword was given during the phonecall either, which would suggest it probably didn't come from a paramilitary organisation. If the LVF had really intended to threaten Lennon's life (or to at least make the message or their supposed intent public), why would they later deny it had anything to do with them? The idea behind a paramilitary organisation taking responsibility for something is so that their alleged capabilities are made known and so that the act can be associated with their cause. Denying responsibility for something they have actually done in furtherance of their cause would kind of defeat the purpose.

05/11/2014, 4:21 PM
I thought Stokes' father's political views are well known?

Well he told the Queen she's not welcomed to his pub. I heard she was gutted about that.:(

05/11/2014, 5:03 PM
You're great at talking around a subject, Danny. You would make a great defense lawyer.

I'm afraid you will never convince me that Richie Foran's reaction to being followed, smacked several times and trying in vain to prevent a physical altercation was in any way inappropriate; likewise Gary Deegan's. FFS Deegan was the person assaulted, unless the cobbles or tarmac are the victim. Call the police if you have a problem with someone urinating in public. Don't start a fight and break someone's jaw. I didn't bring up juries, you did. I hope you are never assaulted because, if you were, you might find out that justice is not always proportionate. Plenty of people get away with assaults and much worse than that. And yes it does - since you bring it up - have a little bit to do with nationality. There are how many Irish footballers in Scotland and how many of them have been in physical altercations, beatings or threats. Compare it to Wales or England; then completely simplify what I am saying and tell me I am painting all of them with the same brush.

Anthony Stokes went to the funeral of a friend - who happened to be an IRA member. His father put up a banner saying the Queen isn't welcome at his pub. How does that make them IRA sympathisers? You only read the rags when it suits your argument?

I'll say it again. Apologising because you were scared of getting in legal trouble is not remorse, after trying to erase his cyber footsteps no less. And I'll say this again. You can not threaten to stab and blow people up in the environment of the year 2014 with things like 9/11, 7/7, the Rigby murder and ISIS raw in the public conscience. YES. He mightn't have been serious. Nobody is calling for a life sentence. He still needs to be punished for the same reason cowards who racially abuse footballers from behind a computer need to be punished and made an example of.

Political protest have no place in football. Nor does sectarian and racist chanting. You wouldn't get it in far worse off countries let alone Northern Europe. It is an embarrassment.

Why is it important knowing who specifically made the relevant death threats or who posted them? It's beside the point. They were made.

And re:your second post.

Foran & Doran's assault was sectarian. O'Dea's was sectarian. Lennon's was sectarian. The threats against McGinn, McCourt and Lennon were sectarian. There are several more who have been victims of sectarian chanting. When Mario Balotelli is subjected to monkey chants it's inexcusable. Why is it excusable for Irish footballers to be abused because of their religion or nationality?

On a final note. There is no need to be so insulting or condescending. I don't resort to that. You're one of the best posters here. I expect better of you.

05/11/2014, 6:03 PM
Alright lads, take it to your inboxes

06/11/2014, 9:29 PM
I've posted a response to you here (http://foot.ie/threads/195581-Anthony-Stokes-and-anti-Irish-Sectarianism-in-Scotland?p=1789730#post1789730), TOWK.

06/12/2014, 9:21 AM

Hearts owner calls the kettle black; Stokes laments torrent of sectarian abuse at Tynecastle; Stokes victim of more sectarian abuse on Twitter, calling it "dangerous".

10/12/2014, 12:52 AM

Linked with a move to Cardiff in the January transfer window.

24/02/2015, 12:18 AM
'Anthony Stokes still has a future with the Bhoys': http://www.herald.ie/sport/soccer/anthony-stokes-still-has-a-future-with-the-bhoys-31014447.html

Ronny Deila has insisted that Anthony Stokes still has a future at Celtic despite being left out of the squad that beat Hamilton Accies 4-0 yesterday.

It was the second game running that Stokes was absent from the match-day squad after returning late from Dublin for the Europa League tie with Inter Milan.

Ronny Deila described it as a minor issue after the draw with Inter Milan but the 26-year-old was again left on the sidelines yesterday with Mubarek Wakaso given a place on the bench despite barely featuring all season.

Stokes’ indiscretion comes at the worst possible time with the arrival of Stuart Armstrong and Gary Mackay-Steven adding to the competition for place in Deila’s reformed midfield.

“Yes, that’s 100% the case,” Deila replied when asked if Stokes’ absence was down to football reasons. “Anthony has things he was to improve and work on. He’s very motivated to do that.”

After appearing as a second-half sub against St Johnstone last week, Stokes returned to Dublin for the weekend but missed his Tuesday morning flight to Glasgow after getting caught up in traffic.

08/03/2015, 6:38 PM
Played against Sean Dillon's Dundee United in a 1-1 draw in the SFA Cup. He hit the post when one on one (excused somewhat by a terribly bumpy pitch) and conceded the penalty from which United scored. Commentators said it was harsh but I think they were looking at both players' feet which didn't collide, but in my opinion the ref was right, or at least not wrong, to award the penalty because Stokes caught the attacking player on the upper thigh with his own upper thigh, which is what put him down. A fair call in my opinion.

Charlie Darwin
21/04/2015, 11:57 AM
Linked with Cardiff: http://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/cardiff-city-linked-summer-move-9087902

If he made the move that would mean he's played in all three mainland UK capitals. He'd only need to finish his career at Cliftonville to complete the UK.

21/04/2015, 12:23 PM
Linked with Cardiff: http://www.walesonline.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/cardiff-city-linked-summer-move-9087902

If he made the move that would mean he's played in all three mainland UK capitals. He'd only need to finish his career at Cliftonville to complete the UK.

Or Linfield!

Charlie Darwin
21/04/2015, 12:40 PM
Or Linfield!
That'd go down well with the extended family :)

21/04/2015, 3:47 PM
That lad needs to get out of his comfort zone and make something of his career. He already has the trophies.

26/05/2015, 4:05 PM
He mightn't be hitting the net with great regularity these days but he knows how to stick a ball in to the back of a car boot http://www.talkingbaws.com/2015/05/24/video-watch-celtic-striker-anthony-stokes-score-into-the-boot-of-a-car-from-50-yards/

31/07/2015, 7:55 AM
Linked with Hull, Sheffield Wednesday and Wigan according to today's gossip on football365

Olé Olé
31/07/2015, 8:26 AM
Linked with Hull, Sheffield Wednesday and Wigan according to today's gossip on football365


Link to the Indo but that cropped up on the Daily Mail also so maybe they took it from there.

I'd be worried about him dropping to League One. One season riddled with injury or poor form or a touch of ill-discipline and he might find it hard to move higher. Championship would be safer.

Has performed decent in the past in the Champions League. Might garner some European interest? Not sure if he's the type to go continental but he could surprise us.

31/07/2015, 12:41 PM
Well Deila's comments are in the public arena. He didn't definitively say that he wants him out of the club. He said he hopes he gets a reaction from him and he works harder to get back in the team. May be premature to say he's definitely on his way out, but it would be the ideal scenario for all concerned if he did leave. He has done all he can do at Celtic and he's at an age where he needs to try something new. Someone said he could go abroad. Players like Garry O'Connor, Adam Rooney, Kris Boyd and Jon Daly have all attracted interest from decent clubs on the continent, so I'm sure Stokes could get a move to a good team on the continent; but I don't think he has the temperament to do that - so Great Britain it is. Then the problem is who would take him? He has a phenomenal goalscoring record in Scotland, but he flattered to deceive in England - granted youth and playing out of position.

One thing I don't get is - if you want to move a player on and attract interest from other teams, why would you criticize the way that player performs in training? It seems counterproductive.

I'm also skeptical how Celtic would fare in his absence. They don't really have a top forward in the Hooper mould anymore, and they don't have a great track record with the strikers they bring in - Pukki, Bangura. Could come back to haunt them.

31/07/2015, 1:01 PM
. Then the problem is who would take him? He has a phenomenal goalscoring record in Scotland, but he flattered to deceive in England - granted youth and playing out of position.


Agree with a lot of your points but according to wiki he has 76 goals in 191 games for Celtic - not sure that is phenomenal!! Decentish...for Scotland

01/08/2015, 3:04 AM
Well Deila's comments are in the public arena. He didn't definitively say that he wants him out of the club. He said he hopes he gets a reaction from him and he works harder to get back in the team. May be premature to say he's definitely on his way out, but it would be the ideal scenario for all concerned if he did leave. He has done all he can do at Celtic and he's at an age where he needs to try something new. Someone said he could go abroad. Players like Garry O'Connor, Adam Rooney, Kris Boyd and Jon Daly have all attracted interest from decent clubs on the continent, so I'm sure Stokes could get a move to a good team on the continent; but I don't think he has the temperament to do that - so Great Britain it is. Then the problem is who would take him? He has a phenomenal goalscoring record in Scotland, but he flattered to deceive in England - granted youth and playing out of position.

One thing I don't get is - if you want to move a player on and attract interest from other teams, why would you criticize the way that player performs in training? It seems counterproductive.

I'm also skeptical how Celtic would fare in his absence. They don't really have a top forward in the Hooper mould anymore, and they don't have a great track record with the strikers they bring in - Pukki, Bangura. Could come back to haunt them.

Given the trouble his temperament has got him into in Great Britain, a move to the continent might be ideal, putting some distance between him and whatever political/social issues lead to his temperament interfering in his advancement. Unfortunately, like you said, it's this same temperament that's probably the biggest barrier to him going.

01/08/2015, 5:24 AM
He might be able to form what some would think a potent offensive partnership with James McClean at West Brom.

I think it was Liam Brady that said it (I paraphrase) He lacks that yard of pace to be a top class player.

There have been a few that with clever positional play and absolute maximum use of their talents have managed to over come a lack of pace e.g. Teddy Sheringham. An excellent player but certainly knew how to position his body and better in the air than given credit for.

01/08/2015, 8:17 AM
Stokes and McClean could definitively form a very offensive partnership in England!

01/08/2015, 10:04 PM
Though it wouldn't be long before the split set in and Stokes would become the provisional striker.

01/08/2015, 10:57 PM
He seems the sort who would do very well indeed in MLS.

02/08/2015, 4:18 AM
Deila refutes suggestion that he advised Stokes to leave.


02/08/2015, 8:33 AM
Agree with a lot of your points but according to wiki he has 76 goals in 191 games for Celtic - not sure that is phenomenal!! Decentish...for Scotland

I agree. Look at Stevie May for instance:

2009–2014 St. Johnstone 62 (23)
2011–2012 → Alloa Athletic (loan) 22 (19)
2012–2013 → Hamilton Academical (loan) 33 (25)
2014– Sheffield Wednesday 39 (7)

Can score for fun in Scotland but struggled in the Championship.

02/08/2015, 12:55 PM
Phenomenal may have been overcooking it, but Stokes scored 36 goals in 56 games for Falkirk & Hibernian in the SPL when he was barely out of his teens; that's a good achievement when you are not playing for the big 2. He has 58 in 134 league games for Celtic, so if you subtract the time he spent on the wing this season he probably averages one in two games there.

In comparison, Stevie May's seasons at Alloa & Hamilton were in lower divisions.

I'm skeptical that Stokes would replicate his goalscoring form in England, but it's certainly possible. He was very young, immature and playing out of position last he played in Britain. I think he has improved slightly as a player and has matured (a little) on and off the pitch.

It's embarrassing that players like Scepovic, Griffiths and Ciftci are judged to be better than him - but it's been clear that Deila hasn't taken to him from day one.

31/08/2015, 8:43 AM
Linked with a move to Panathinakos according to the Daily Mail.

30/11/2015, 9:10 AM
Now trying to undermine his manager. Either he or the manager will be gone by January. I suspect the former.

30/11/2015, 10:07 AM
Linked with a move to Panathinakos according to the Daily Mail.

Is that cos they have a shamrock in their crest?
Good ol' Daily Mail!

01/12/2015, 1:24 AM
Anthony gets much more coverage for his off field behaviour than his on field play. Which is not good for a footballer.

02/12/2015, 8:30 AM
Suspended by the club for two weeks. (http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/34982091)

Did Kris Commons get suspended that time he threw the tantrum? I suppose it's counter productive to suspend a player you actually use!

02/12/2015, 9:37 AM
Suspended by the club for two weeks. (http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/34982091)

Did Kris Commons get suspended that time he threw the tantrum? I suppose it's counter productive to suspend a player you actually use!

I think commons apologised almost immediately. Throwing a strop for getting substituted can be put down to heat of the moment stuff but tweeting as stokes did is pure stupid really

02/12/2015, 9:41 AM
I'd hazard a guess that the tweet itself wasn't the problem. Just a guess, but his general attitude might have been bad too, which seems to be a trait.

02/12/2015, 10:12 AM
I think commons apologised almost immediately. Throwing a strop for getting substituted can be put down to heat of the moment stuff but tweeting as stokes did is pure stupid really

Yeah I wasn't defending Stokes, just think the two week suspension is a pointless punishment for a guy who isn't being selected anyway.

02/12/2015, 12:01 PM
Yeah I wasn't defending Stokes, just think the two week suspension is a pointless punishment for a guy who isn't being selected anyway.

unless its two weeks without pay

02/12/2015, 12:22 PM
They usually say that though, and if they did fine him two weeks wages that would surely have been punishment enough without suspending him too.

02/12/2015, 12:26 PM
They usually say that though, and if they did fine him two weeks wages that would surely have been punishment enough without suspending him too.

just saw this http://www.independent.ie/sport/soccer/other-soccer/bleak-celtic-future-for-anthony-stokes-following-twoweek-suspension-for-twitter-outburst-34252151.html
fined two weeks wages and turned away from the training ground. not great!

03/12/2015, 9:55 AM
Just reading Eirebhoy's link in the opening post of this thread. Alan Shearer only better.... where did it all go wrong Anto?!

04/12/2015, 4:14 PM

Suspension not just for Twitter outburst.

Olé Olé
04/12/2015, 10:57 PM
His agent has 4-8 weeks now to really earn his crust. At 27 he's got one move in him that he needs to work out. What a frustrating and talented player. It's disappointing to see.

05/12/2015, 5:03 PM
Maybe Stomes himself has 4-8 weeks to earn his crust? I hear what you're saying but no amount of a sales pitch from an agent can cover up for the fact (or perception) that Stokes himself has been the architect of his own under-achievement.

21/12/2015, 9:35 AM
Linked with a loan move to Hibs (http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/35145023) but denied by Deila. It would be quite the sneaky (but brilliant) tactic by Celtic. ;)

07/01/2016, 7:25 AM
Linked with Inverness Caledonian Thistle this morning, worked with the manager at Hibs.

Olé Olé
07/01/2016, 8:17 AM
Linked with Inverness Caledonian Thistle this morning, worked with the manager at Hibs.

Says it all about a lack of fulfilled potential. Jonny Hayes was with ICT recently enough. I saw the two of them play for Ireland under 19's at Turner's Cross. Hayes looked just about handy and Stokes looked like he was going to turn into a devastating player. Created real urgency amongst opposition defenders with every cushioned touch and turn.

Surprised he hasn't leveraged his Champions League experience to gain a club on the continent. Dare I suggest he's happy out in Scotland?