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20/05/2007, 5:08 PM
Anyone who votes for SF/IRA is thick, moronic and Gullible FACT..

Scary to see they are doing so well on this poll. Does not say much for posters here.

20/05/2007, 5:11 PM
While I have no love for SF, I think you need to back up what you are saying. Do you think they are any less gullible than those who voted for the parties that broke 20 of their election promises last time around?

20/05/2007, 5:30 PM
I've finally got my hands on their Manifesto. While they have far left tendencies they are not honest about & document is filled with shopping list for interest groups just like any centre based party. Hard to know what SF stand for anymore.

- U-turn on Corporation Tax but "reserve right to increase if need extra funds"
- Re-Nationalise Aer Lingus. (to what purpose I don't know)
- National Exploration Company. No mention of the cost despite exploration being 1 in 30 long shot.
- Establish an All-Ireland mobile phone network. Is this a state run National Mobile company?
- Negotiate All-Ireland tax harmonisation. Not sure how they can achieve this without raising out tax to the UK one.
- Control fish stocks by limiting foreign fleet quotas (are we leaving the EU?)

20/05/2007, 5:56 PM
The main problem with SF/IRA voters is that they are mostly from a Lower Working Class background.
SF/IRA prey on the less educated and less aware members of society who in many cases done really know what they are voting for.

Having Read SF/IRA's manifesto i was amazed to see they have not costed any of their policies. but i suppose they dont need to as they have no chance (thank god) of implementing them.

A party that has no chance of being in Gov (in majority) can promise you the world as they know they will not get a chance to deliver them.

SF/IRA have not changed they are still Criminals and Terrorists, only now in the disguise of Mary Lou.

20/05/2007, 6:00 PM
oh why would SF/IRA want a state Run Mobile phone network for any reason other than monitoring the public.

SF/IRA are the Irish equivelent of the BNP, a biggoted extreme left/right (who knows) authoritarian party.

One would have more libertarian rights in Iran, than an Ireland under SF

20/05/2007, 6:19 PM
Having Read SF/IRA's manifesto i was amazed to see they have not costed any of their policies.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the costings arguement is a red herring. The government is flinging money around on useless projects like the port tunnel and paying a private company 600 million for a bridge that cost 50 million to build.

20/05/2007, 6:29 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the costings arguement is a red herring. The government is flinging money around on useless projects like the port tunnel and paying a private company 600 million for a bridge that cost 50 million to build.

Thats nice, but the discrepancies in FG's plans are in the billions rather than millions.

20/05/2007, 6:39 PM
Thats nice, but the discrepancies in FG's plans are in the billions rather than millions.

Wasn't talking about FGs plans, however they were just two examples.

20/05/2007, 7:23 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again, the costings arguement is a red herring. The government is flinging money around on useless projects like the port tunnel and paying a private company 600 million for a bridge that cost 50 million to build.Absolutely, but at least they budgeted for it to some extent. There are no budgetary measures in the SF manifesto. None.

Lim till i die
21/05/2007, 12:54 AM
The main problem with SF/IRA voters is that they are mostly from a Lower Working Class background.
SF/IRA prey on the less educated and less aware members of society who in many cases done really know what they are voting for.

That's pretty condescending in fairness man not to mention a little light on the facts

Sinn Fein score highly amongst the urban working class as they are the only major party which puts up any kind of socialist facade (however false)

Couple this with their often excellent work at local community level and it doesn't take a genius......

Are their policies any more mad cap then that most beloved of the middle-classes Green Party?

Man for man would they make any less capable ministers than some of the Fianna Fail clowns?

Stupidity among the Irish electorate is by no means confined to the working class. One look at our current government/political system will tell you that.

Frankly to suggest otherwise smacks of snobbery and ignorant snobbery at that

SF/IRA have not changed they are still Criminals and Terrorists, only now in the disguise of Mary Lou

Careful Now

She was in Ogra Fianna Fail for fupp sake

Greasy poll climber? Most Definitely

Criminal and Terrorist? :rolleyes:

I'm pretty surprised the mods haven't done something about some of your musings tbh..........

Lim till i die
21/05/2007, 12:59 AM
SF/IRA are the Irish equivelent of the BNP, a biggoted extreme left/right (who knows) authoritarian party.

Absolute nonsense

They're a slightly left of centre party who have long since abandoned any far left tendencies. They maintain a socialist facade and active community workers

Comparing them to the BNP and calling them authoritarian is silly

One would have more libertarian rights in Iran, than an Ireland under SF

I don't even know where to begin :rolleyes:

21/05/2007, 2:29 AM
Must say that the
Left-wing government?
No thanks!
sign made me laugh.

21/05/2007, 7:52 AM
Must say that the
Left-wing government?
No thanks!
sign made me laugh.

Yes, and the only place I've seen that is in Cork!

Erstwhile Bóz
21/05/2007, 8:48 AM
Fianna Fáil up 5% after the (taoisigh) debate but Fine Gael unchanged?

What a mental election this is turning out to be. Loving it.

21/05/2007, 9:07 AM
What a mental election this is turning out to be. Loving it.
For those of us that lived in the UK at the time, it's all a bit 1992...

If it's not to be the alternative, I hope that FF/PD get back in to reap what they've sown for the next few years. Worst case scenario is FF/ Labour, as restricts the alternatives for the next election and effectively kills off the Labour Party imo.

21/05/2007, 9:28 AM
Must say that the
Left-wing government?
No thanks!
sign made me laugh.

Isn't Bertie a socialist? :confused:

21/05/2007, 10:02 AM
For those of us that lived in the UK at the time, it's all a bit 1992...

If it's not to be the alternative, I hope that FF/PD get back in to reap what they've sown for the next few years. Worst case scenario is FF/ Labour, as restricts the alternatives for the next election and effectively kills off the Labour Party imo.Funny Macy I made exactly the same remark to someone yesterday.

Wasn't that the election where Labour led in the polls throughout the campaign, then the Sun had a front page splash urging people to vote Tory on polling day ("last person leaving Britain turn the lights out") and the electorate stuck with better the devil you know.

Its like deja vu all over again....:D

Erstwhile Bóz
21/05/2007, 10:02 AM
Worst case scenario is FF/ Labour, as restricts the alternatives for the next election and effectively kills off the Labour Party imo.
An acquaintance of mine who was formerly interested in leftist politics thinks that the Rabbitte Party deserve everything coming to them for helping to bring Fine Gael back from the dead.

Anybody think that maybe Labour voters aren't as turned off by the prospect of Fianna Fáil as the party leadership/membership?

21/05/2007, 10:22 AM
Its like deja vu all over again....:D
"We're alright"... I'd take FF in the wilderness for the next decade after the next election though if it does go that way...

Anybody think that maybe Labour voters aren't as turned off by the prospect of Fianna Fáil as the party leadership/membership?
Well that's what FF would have you believe anyway, I wouldn't be that convinced. Cullen, McCreevy, Cowen, Roche et al would hardly be loved by core Labour voters. Perhaps by those that support Labour based on it being a liberal alternative to FF or those that really think that FF are left of centre (I'd love to see any actions over the last 10 years that back that view).

If the current incumbents get back in, but with increased Labour, SF, Socialist and Green votes in opposition, could we be in a position to see some coalition of the left as an alternative the next time? FF/FG merge, with the mythical left wing of FF splitting off and we finally get politics not based on the civil war? We can but dream...

Erstwhile Bóz
21/05/2007, 10:59 AM
If the current incumbents get back in, but with increased Labour, SF, Socialist and Green votes in opposition, could we be in a position to see some coalition of the left as an alternative the next time? FF/FG merge, with the mythical left wing of FF splitting off and we finally get politics not based on the civil war? We can but dream...
Labour could have and should have been the second-largest party in the country by now and if the will was there they could have created just such a left-leaning opposition with Fine Gael almost an irrelevance, well on track to overthrow a jaded FF in 2012 and beholden to nobody. If their leadership had a shred of honour about them and really thought that left-leaning politics was for the longterm good of this state rather than a means for them to get hold of the reins.

I read that when de Rossa, Rabbitte, et al., split from the Workers' Party in 1992 Mac Giolla (?) said that he predicted that the power-hungry little gobsheens would go on to change their policies like nobody's business and drift towards the centre, finally doing a deal with somebody like Fine Gael. People thought he was just being bitter ...

23/05/2007, 2:46 PM
Are they allowed campaign today legally? Local FF guy up and down through the town all day with the speakers blasting out vote for me.

I thought that was not allowed?

23/05/2007, 2:48 PM
Clifford, as far as I am aware it is only via the media that this moratorium exists. They can still burn their shoe leather if they so wish.

Use your vote wisely :)

23/05/2007, 2:57 PM
Funny Macy I made exactly the same remark to someone yesterday.

Wasn't that the election where Labour led in the polls throughout the campaign, then the Sun had a front page splash urging people to vote Tory on polling day ("last person leaving Britain turn the lights out") and the electorate stuck with better the devil you know.

Its like deja vu all over again....:D

Yes indeed it was, and the following day The Sun headline was "It was us who won it". The reality however was that Labour had only a slight advantage at any time during the weeks leading up to polling day. Neil Kinnock, the Labour leader at that time, got bogged down on tax and health issues and was not able to fully justify how he would reduce waiting lists. (does this sound familar??) Interestingly, as a result of that election result the opinion polling companies actually now build in something called "a shy Tory" factor, ie people who do not publicly admit they would vote Conservative.

23/05/2007, 3:33 PM
In the foot.ie Dail the rainbow (FG, Labour & Greens) would have a majority. (need to exclude the spolit votes & non-voters above...

23/05/2007, 3:41 PM
Clifford, as far as I am aware it is only via the media that this moratorium exists. They can still burn their shoe leather if they so wish.

Use your vote wisely :)

Cheers. I intend to. ABFF!

24/05/2007, 8:19 AM
Like that Clifford, our Green Party Candidate had a car going through town blasting out the Star Wars music with "Vincent P Martin, Vincent P Martin" being sung over in tune with it. Was very funny!

Block G Raptor
25/05/2007, 5:57 PM
Joe Higgins gone

26/05/2007, 11:11 AM
Joe Higgins gone

why is that a good thing?

Poor Student
26/05/2007, 11:18 AM
why is that a good thing?

I get the feeling that the rivarly is bitter between the Judaean People's Front and the People's Front of Judaea.

26/05/2007, 11:19 AM
I get the feeling that the rivarly is bitter between the Judaean People's Front and the People's Front of Judaea.

Haha. :D :D :D

We're better socialist than you...

Poor Student
26/05/2007, 11:33 AM
News Letter (Northern Irish paper) leading with the headline "Dublin says no".:D Focus of the article on SF's poor seat haul and the resultant Unionist rejoicing. Jeffrey Dondalson saying it's Southern recognition of Northern Ireland's status or some nonsense.

26/05/2007, 11:43 AM
SF could have 0 seats in Dublin but will probably keep 1.

Its all very well having them in a devolved "government" in NI but in reality they have little control over taxes or economic policy. Its more like a super local authority.

26/05/2007, 1:23 PM
News Letter (Northern Irish paper) leading with the headline "Dublin says no".:D Focus of the article on SF's poor seat haul and the resultant Unionist rejoicing. Jeffrey Dondalson saying it's Southern recognition of Northern Ireland's status or some nonsense.

Great headline

28/05/2007, 1:24 PM
Jim Tallon (Independent)

"Not a lot is known about the policies of James Tallon, a framer (I assume it's a typo for farmer) from Emoclew on the outskirts of Arklow. He lists 'Film Director' as his occupation and when our photographer went to his home to capture his image he displayed some 'animal magic'. Opening the window he whistled to the robins outside who immediately flew in to him!
He has been involved in a number of controversial incidents in the past. When making an appearance in the District Court charged with threatening a builder by throwing stones at his digger, he gave his address as 'Independent Republic of Glasnost' but he said he had been the victim of a military coup.
He is not without resources however having declined an offer of £4.5 million in the past for his 35 acre far."

Later in the paper it gives the addresses of all politicians and his house is actually named 'Glasnost'.
This nutjob got over 130 first preferences! :eek: :o

He didn't even finish last. That went to the Father's Rights campaigner. :D

Calcio Jack
03/04/2008, 2:04 PM
I wrote the post below during last years elecetion campaign to outline why I wouldn't vote for Bertie and the PDs...on the day after he's left office and we're having to listen to him and his supporters try and convince us as to how great a 'leader' he was well below outlines why I for one have no respect for him,sure he did something for the peace process but on balance IMO his litany of failures in terms of economic and social policies plus I suspect some serious forthcoming exposure of his unusual finances down at the Mahon Tribunal, will clarify once and for all that the man is/was a failure.

I note today that he has gone on the record and accused the Mahon Tribunal of "low life stuff" in relation to their treatment of Grainne Caruth.... Class that from a Head of State who has stood idly by as his 'cheerleader' Mary Harney has engaged in the destruction of our health service and the mistreatment or lack of access to same for any members of 'the people' that Bertie claims to have served so well...

See you down in Dublin Castle in May Citizen Bertie and looking forward to seeing your reaction and responses to the documents that the Tribunals legal team delivered to you on tuesday.

I'm 48..... managed to buy my first house for £16k in 1981. Have been in continous gainful employment for last 27 years. So I'm one of the lucky ones because I've benefited from the rise in property prices and have been fortunate enough to have a had a very well paid career for a long number of years... however I will not be voting FF/PD for the following reasons.

(1)they have actively encouraged a two tier society... the likes of me who got into the property market when prices were cheap.... as against anyone under 35 who is now forced to take on huge mortgages for terms up to 40 years to buy shoddy homes miles outside of Dublin which means they have a huge commute. Where there is a couple involved they are restricted as to how many kids they can have because of the fear of being able to aford them...and when they do have kids they don't have the option of one parent staying at home to rear them and thus are forced to leave them in (many cases) crap creches from 6.30am to 6.30pm five days per week.

To avoid the above all they had to do was (1) implement the Kenny report which recommended capping the price of development land at its agri valu plus 25%. (2) Tax any investor on an increasing scale on their 2nd , 3rdetc houses. (3) Ensure that proper transport/schools etc infrastructures were put in place put in place.

(2) There is still a huge amount of "real" poverty in this country...approx 1 in 5 people. Despite that FF/PDs were able to give billions to the middle classes via the SSIA scheme (and yes I do have one) instead of diverting that money to the poor.

(3) The worsening levels of service provided by Angola ie our Health Service. Again lots of money spent but wasted. The MRSA levels increasing says it all as of course do the war zones that are known as our A&E depts.

(4) The great sell out by FF to various 3rd parties eg
(i) NTR, surely someone with even a gnats brain would of put in a clause which would of triggered a reduction in NTRs take in the event of x number of vehicles passing through...instead we are left with the taxpayer havig to cough up a fortune to buy them out. Interesting that Ray Bourke and George Redmond were the ones who agreed the NTR contract

(5) The sell of of off shore licences forthe Mayo coast to Statoil and BP for a pittaance with no come back in the event of a major viable gas/oil field been discovered.... contracts in this case negoiated by Bertie A and P Flynn.

(6) Failure in other areas, water pollution, nursing homes for the elderly, sell out to the Catholic hierarchy by capping their liability at only €150m and the States now having to pay out in excess of €850m and rising. Benching marking for public servants which was done without any transparancy at a huge cost to the taxpayer with no visable sign of any increase in produtivity etc.

(7) Bertie's gubu personal finance transactions...

(8) Our huge and growing larger obesity (excuse the pun) problem... adults I accept are responsible forthemselves but IMO more needs to be done by the state to ensure that children are given the chance of excercising properly...surely it is a no brainer to introduce some element of compulsory PE into the school curriculum ??

and that's just an off the top of the head list !!

Maybe no one cares enough and I sometimes wonder is it that fact that FF/PDs have tapped into and they reckon there are more seats to be gained by promising "goodies" like SSIAs etc rather than trying to focus on the social issues... so sure as a nation we are materially better off than when I was a kid , regretfully IMO as a nation we now seem to be without much of a conscience when it comes to social matters...I 'm not saying we were a great society 30/40/50 years ago and indeed the the magnitude of the evils of those times has become clear to us and I'm very happy to see the influence of the Church diminished greatly... I just think its a pity that now we have all this wealth we don't seem to be capable of sharing it in an equitable manner.

Saint Tom
03/04/2008, 10:22 PM
agree 100% Calcio. I lost all faith in Irish voters last time round. And the reaction I get from Pro-FF eejits is that "sure anyone would have done the same given the chance". What outrages me is the fact that this whole sorry episode has not brought him down in disgrace, it was triumphalant. I hope he sees the inside of a jail cell before his time runs out unlike his mentor Charles " sure didnt I give the aul ones a bus pass" Haughey

03/04/2008, 10:52 PM
agree 100% Calcio. I lost all faith in Irish voters last time round. And the reaction I get from Pro-FF eejits is that "sure anyone would have done the same given the chance". What outrages me is the fact that this whole sorry episode has not brought him down in disgrace, it was triumphalant. I hope he sees the inside of a jail cell before his time runs out unlike his mentor Charles " sure didnt I give the aul ones a bus pass" Haughey

So you hope they find out that he did something wrong, indeed, criminal?

Strange thing to hope.

Lionel Ritchie
03/04/2008, 11:47 PM
So you hope they find out that he did something wrong, indeed, criminal?

Strange thing to hope.

He might hope they can make it stick.

I fully expect they will. :cool:

Bent as a hairpin.

06/10/2010, 10:26 AM
Sorry to bump this up, but I was very curious to see how Foot.ie voted in the last election, and dont you just know it FF was the most popular party!!!!!!! Where have all the FFs gone....................

06/10/2010, 11:21 AM
About time we had a new poll I guess. I'll stick one up later.

06/10/2010, 11:57 AM
Revisionism at its best!!!

07/10/2010, 7:45 AM
I read through the first few pages if this thread and I don't no whether to laugh or cry or vomit.
Some of the explanations for FF are astounding and I find it stunning that normally intelligent people bought the claptrap. Eamon O Cuiv's performance on Vincent Browne on Tuesday was a prime example of the madness.
I was saying at the time to mates about their handling of our economy how corrupt and short-termist they were.
And I was right.
I could see the economy tanking in 2006 and made various attempts to take up one of those great (they're not great. New ideas are bad and intelligence is useless if someone else is there longer) public service jobs. Eventually got one and thankfully do due to the fact my old job longer exists!

But what scares me is that cult attitude of FF and their supporters and how they have no culpability for the state of the place. Then you look at the polls and excluding the bizarre baseless rise for Labour and the flattening of FG which are a lot to do with the quiet summer in which Kenny was subject to a failed putsch and Gilmore was talking his usual empty soundbite filled drivel.
Anyway, there are people out there that still want FF in power? My blood boils consistently when I think about it.
An election can't come soon enough.