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Bald Student
01/05/2007, 6:23 PM
oh, to not have a worry beyond my pastimes.In the last local election I voted for the fella who follows UCD so SÓC isn't alone.

01/05/2007, 6:27 PM
If they haven't done it by now never will

That doesnt make any sense. You can't immediately turn around a country and that is what they are in the middle of doing. Rather than the opposition's tactic pointing out relatively small individual failures, as the "Private Life of Bertie" smear campaign characterises so much, look at the larger picture. In the last ten years, have things gotten better or worse?
and try to do it without the rosy glass of yesteryear because it is startlingly obvious that those so offended by the current situation are blinded by recent troubles being fresh in the mind.

01/05/2007, 6:27 PM
Does anyone fall for that these days?They did the last time pete, remember?

How many new Gardaí are we supposed to have by now? Where are they exactly, under McDohell's garden gnome?

And they'll read these posts, and they'll still vote for this bunch of shysters.


01/05/2007, 6:40 PM
That doesnt make any sense. You can't immediately turn around a country and that is what they are in the middle of doing. Rather than the opposition's tactic pointing out relatively small individual failures, as the "Private Life of Bertie" smear campaign characterises so much, look at the larger picture. In the last ten years, have things gotten better or worse?
and try to do it without the rosy glass of yesteryear because it is startlingly obvious that those so offended by the current situation are blinded by recent troubles being fresh in the mind.

At the moment I'm one of the richest of all my friends, do you know how much money I have in my bank account? 50 euro.

How am I one of the richest? Because I'm one of the remaining few who aren't anywhere between 5,000 and 400,000 euro in debt. Most people I know are scrapping by, part because of the government pushed consumerism, part because of poor wages and part because of our personal indulgences, and we aren't anywhere even close to being in as bad a position as some of the people in this country. This bright and shiny Ireland, where anyone can lay their hands on a easy 500 euro is a myth, go to a homeless shelter, or just ask anyone who doesn't want to borrow money from financial institutions how easy it is to get 500 euro.

As for the Bertie smear campaign, well you do dodgy deals you get called a dodgy dealer

01/05/2007, 6:49 PM
At the moment I'm one of the richest of all my friends, do you know how much money I have in my bank account? 50 euro.

How am I one of the richest? Because I'm one of the remaining few who aren't anywhere between 5,000 and 400,000 euro in debt. Most people I know are scrapping by, part because of the government pushed consumerism, part because of poor wages and part because of our personal indulgences, and we aren't anywhere even close to being in as bad a position as some of the people in this country. This bright and shiny Ireland, where anyone can lay their hands on a easy 500 euro is a myth, go to a homeless shelter, or just ask anyone who doesn't want to borrow money from financial institutions how easy it is to get 500 euro.

The government can't tell you what to do with the new found money in the better society they've built, but they can try. They tried to stop people from frittering away the money by using the SSIA scheme to tie up money. It worked for the most part, and hopefully people will use some of the return to pay the debts they've gathered.
The housing market is the largest example of what you've talked about and that is fueled by people's greed. If people are willing to pay over the odds and do nothing about getting ripped off, what can Fine Fail do about this?
Meanwhile you say wages are low, and yet we are top of the world in terms of Purchasing Power per Capita (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita), and we're bringing in foreigners to do the jobs we're no longer willing to do.

Lionel Ritchie
01/05/2007, 6:50 PM
They did the last time pete, remember?

How many new Gardaí are we supposed to have by now? Where are they exactly, under McDohell's garden gnome?

And they'll read these posts, and they'll still vote for this bunch of shysters.


...and the 6000 hospital beds we were to get in this Dáil. They've managed less than a thousand.

Rather than the opposition's tactic pointing out relatively small individual failures, as the "Private Life of Bertie" smear campaign characterises so much, look at the larger picture. In the last ten years, have things gotten better or worse?
...I could ask how much better could things have been or could things have gotten if the senior partner in our government wasn't conspiritorially beholden to the construction industry, if it's leader was a fraction as embarrassed about deaths on hospital trolleys and classroom sizes as he is about us not having an electronic voting system and if same leader wasn't the type of nod'n'wink chancer who'll look the Irish people in the eye and tell them he managed to spend somewhere between fifty and eighty thousand punts on a "refurbishing"...
-of a three or four year old house...
-that he didn't own...
-in the year 1994...
-while he was supposedly broke.

But I suppose that's his own business :rolleyes:

01/05/2007, 7:01 PM
The government can't tell you what to do with the new found money in the better society they've built, but they can try. They tried to stop people from frittering away the money by using the SSIA scheme to tie up money. It worked for the most part, and hopefully people will use some of the return to pay the debts they've gathered.
The housing market is the largest example of what you've talked about and that is fueled by people's greed. If people are willing to pay over the odds and do nothing about getting ripped off, what can Fine Fail do about this?
Meanwhile you say wages are low, and yet we are top of the world in terms of Purchasing Power per Capita (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita), and we're bringing in foreigners to do the jobs we're no longer willing to do.

In fairness, look at the minimum wage, then weigh it up against the cost of (say) a pint of beer, a new DVD, a pair of jeans. Do you really think an hours work amounts to 2 pints? or 3 hours work to a copy of the Departed? or 9 hours work to a pair of Lee jeans? That's not frittering away money, that's just being taken for a ride, what will Fine Gael do? Not much I reckon, but I'm willing to give them a chance, rather then let Fianna Fail keep on funding their friend's holidays at our expense

01/05/2007, 7:25 PM
In fairness, look at the minimum wage, then weigh it up against the cost of (say) a pint of beer, a new DVD, a pair of jeans. Do you really think an hours work amounts to 2 pints? or 3 hours work to a copy of the Departed? or 9 hours work to a pair of Lee jeans? That's not frittering away money, that's just being taken for a ride, what will Fine Gael do? Not much I reckon, but I'm willing to give them a chance, rather then let Fianna Fail keep on funding their friend's holidays at our expense

Well if you were on minimum wage I'd question whether you should be spending it on things like alcohol, dvds and designer jeans. In any case, not very many people are on minimum wage, according to the International Monetary fund which puts us at the top of the list of average spending power per year in countries with populations over 1 million, at $44,000 per head, ahead of Norway ($43k), the US ($ 43k) and a country mile ahead of the average EU PPP per capita, ($28k). THAT is why Poles are here, not for supposed charms of Bertie Ahern.

01/05/2007, 7:34 PM
Well if you were on minimum wage I'd question whether you should be spending it on things like alcohol, dvds and designer jeans. In any case, not very many people are on minimum wage, according to the International Monetary fund which puts us at the top of the list of average spending power per year in countries with populations over 1 million, at $44,000 per head, ahead of Norway ($43k), the US ($ 43k) and a country mile ahead of the average EU PPP per capita, ($28k). THAT is why Poles are here, not for supposed charms of Bertie Ahern.

What so they can take up our minimum wage jobs whilst we go and fritter away our fictional $44,000 a head?

01/05/2007, 7:55 PM
What so they can take up our minimum wage jobs whilst we go and fritter away our fictional $44,000 a head?

Please tell me why you think its fictional? The International Monetary Fund puts it at 44k and the CIA world fact book puts it at 43k. The OECD put us at 16th in the world in terms of employment rates, and that was in 2003. The sheer number of eastern europeans that have come here, and are virtually all employed, will have boosted that a lot.

You're dangerously close to saying "They took our juuurrbs"


01/05/2007, 8:24 PM
You're dangerously close to saying "They took our juuurrbs"

How am I dangerously close to that? Unless you're planning on pretending I make racist remarks, which is what you just did there.

Where I think the 44k is fictional is in saying that we have 44k per year per head, which is just untrue. I don't know anyone, skilled or unskilled, who is on that kind of money. If it shows anything then it probably shows that this country is indeed one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. for example, for such a small island with a small population we have a surprising amount of millionaires, which probably pushes up our 44k per head average

01/05/2007, 8:36 PM
I'm pretty sure the problem with that figure is that the very large number of people in Ireland with too much money* pull it up to that figure. If you take that bracket out, I'd imagine it would take a major dive.

Remember the old adage: lies, damn lies and statistics.


EDIT: jebus got there first, so I'll add: I know plenty of people making that kind of money, but I also know that I'm in a well-paid industry and they're the exception rather than the rule.

* Yes, I do honestly believe that you can have too much money, in fact I think it's to blame for most of the ills of the world.

01/05/2007, 8:39 PM
How am I dangerously close to that? Unless you're planning on pretending I make racist remarks, which is what you just did there.Not racist, but ignorant.

What so they can take up our minimum wage jobs
It was a joke. You said the words "take our jobs" and it came into my head, apologies for a bit of levity!

Where I think the 44k is fictional is in saying that we have 44k per year per head, which is just untrue. I don't know anyone, skilled or unskilled, who is on that kind of money. If it shows anything then it probably shows that this country is indeed one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. for example, for such a small island with a small population we have a surprising amount of millionaires, which probably pushes up our 44k per head average
If the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer, on average the PPP per capita (head) would either be stationary (the average of 3 and -3 is 0, the average of 6 and -6 is zero) or would go down as there are a lot more heads below $44k per year than are millionaires.

Look, I share as much concern about keeping heads above water as yourself, and the only party i've advocated voting for in this thread is the Socialist party (Mick Barry). I still think the current government have been good for the country and for its people as a whole.

01/05/2007, 8:42 PM
They've been good for the country in the short term, and good for certain classes of people. They've been good for themselves in the medium-term, and good for nothing in the long term. They've been good for certain classes of people: the rich and themselves. In many cases they fit into both categories, by design.


01/05/2007, 8:42 PM
Remember the old adage: lies, damn lies and statistics.

To borrow from another adage - statistics are the worst way of making a decision, until you've tried anecdotes, propaganda and faith.

Or Fine Fail are the worst... etc etc :D

01/05/2007, 10:01 PM
How am I dangerously close to that? Unless you're planning on pretending I make racist remarks, which is what you just did there.

Where I think the 44k is fictional is in saying that we have 44k per year per head, which is just untrue. I don't know anyone, skilled or unskilled, who is on that kind of money. If it shows anything then it probably shows that this country is indeed one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. for example, for such a small island with a small population we have a surprising amount of millionaires, which probably pushes up our 44k per head averageThat doesn't change the fact that the average is still probably correct.

You need another measure of statistical dispersion!

01/05/2007, 10:05 PM
The average industrial wage is around 32 grand.

01/05/2007, 10:17 PM
The average industrial wage is around 32 grand.Ireland doesn't have any signficant industry in the traditional sense :confused:

Do you know what sectors this measure includes?

01/05/2007, 10:18 PM
That doesn't change the fact that the average is still probably correct.

You need another measure of statistical dispersion!

Who cares if it's correct? It may very well be, but as myself and Dahamsta have been saying, the national average is probably pushed up by the few who are making big money. The average person on the street earns less that 44k a year, of that I'm positive, so that statistic is misleading, if not false

01/05/2007, 10:27 PM
Who cares if it's correct? It may very well be, but as myself and Dahamsta have been saying, the national average is probably pushed up by the few who are making big money. The average person on the street earns less that 44k a year, of that I'm positive, so that statistic is misleading, if not false

That would be the case in smaller nations like Luxembourg and Bahamas, who have less than 1 million occupants but have PPP rates of around $80k per capita.

Unless you're suggesting there are a couple of hundred thousand millionaires in ireland, statistically we would need more than a few Bill Gates-esque millionaires to make any significant impact on the average. Also, what you cannot discount is that whether or not 44k sounds inflated, we're still higher than any other country. It is this comparison, or rather, the comparison to where we were, that we have to make to decide whether or not we're better off as a people than we were. I would've thought the answer would be obvious.

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 10:30 PM
You can't immediately turn around a country

Then why lie about it??

that is what they are in the middle of doing.

The mother of fools, she is always pregnant :rolleyes:

In the last ten years, have things gotten better or worse?

Where I live?? Much worse

It's all built on sand anyway. Try getting an unskilled job nowadays, see what your told

01/05/2007, 10:31 PM
I would've thought the answer would be obvious.

So would I, but apparantly not!

01/05/2007, 10:33 PM
It's all built on sand anyway. Try getting an unskilled job nowadays, see what your told
You'll either be told to work for the money that the poles find so great that they're willing to move countries for, or you'll be told to use our fantastic free education system to provide something of worth to our economy.

Limerick's plight is self inflicted since its people are slaves to a stereotype they havent shown any signs of eradicating.

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 10:34 PM
Also, what you cannot discount is that whether or not 44k sounds inflated, we're still higher than any other country. It is this comparison, or rather, the comparison to where we were, that we have to make to decide whether or not we're better off as a people than we were. I would've thought the answer would be obvious.

That's a ridiculous argument

Wealth distribution mate, really this is very basic stuff...........

01/05/2007, 10:35 PM
You'll either be told to work for the money that the poles find so great that they're willing to move countries for, or you'll be told to use our fantastic free education system to provide something of worth to our economy.

Limerick's plight is self inflicted since its people are slaves to a stereotype they havent shown any signs of eradicating.

And you accuse me of making ignorant remarks? I suppose you do live in the land of Irish Independent headlines, so I wouldn't expect any better

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 10:39 PM
You'll either be told to work for the money that the poles find so great that they're willing to move countries for,

Is this guy for real??

You honestly can't see the difference between an immigrant Polish worker and a native one :rolleyes:

or you'll be told to use our fantastic free education system to provide something of worth to our economy

The grant our government so graciously provides me is €140 a month

Try and live on it for a while

Limerick's plight is self inflicted since its people are slaves to a stereotype they havent shown any signs of eradicating


Was talking about certain areas of Limerick which are blighted by poverty rather than the city as a whole.

Nice to see there's still people out there stupid enough to believe the hype though

As for it being self inflicted :rolleyes:

01/05/2007, 10:41 PM
That's a ridiculous argument

Wealth distribution mate, really this is very basic stuff...........
That was my point - Ireland is top in countries with more than 1 million people. In fact, there are apparantly 4 million of us, and a few hundred thousand foreigners too. Exactly how many fat cats are there out there, and how numerous before we can count them as being "average on the street"

And you accuse me of making ignorant remarks? I suppose you do live in the land of Irish Independent headlines, so I wouldn't expect any better
I said stereotype, which is obviously a contributing factor to the lack of any real investment in anything in limerick city, be it tourism or industry. I'm up in Limerick every week these days and my girlfriend lives there. Don't think I've ever bought an Irish Independent in my life, all i need to do is look at the empty spaces accumulating rubbish along the dock road.

Lionel Ritchie
01/05/2007, 10:45 PM
You'll either be told to work for the money that the poles find so great that they're willing to move countries for, or you'll be told to use our fantastic free education system to provide something of worth to our economy.

Limerick's plight is self inflicted since its people are slaves to a stereotype they havent shown any signs of eradicating.

Gav -up until that closing doozy I thought you were just a bit gullible -now I reckon you're certifiably talking out your hole.

01/05/2007, 10:45 PM
Is this guy for real??

You honestly can't see the difference between an immigrant Polish worker and a native one :rolleyes:
No, im not "racist" as jebus said. they live here, they buy the same stuff as us and they pay the same rent. Why can't an Irish person do the same?

The grant our government so graciously provides me is €140 a month

Try and live on it for a whileWhat do you need a grant for? So you get a free education system PLUS €140 more than I get, and you're complaining?

As for it being self inflicted :rolleyes:
The image of Limerick outside of the city is that it is a no-go area full of scumbags. By self inflicted, I mean I don't see much effort to lift this stereotypical image by your city council or by the people.

01/05/2007, 10:49 PM
I said stereotype, which is obviously a contributing factor to the lack of any real investment in anything in limerick city, be it tourism or industry. I'm up in Limerick every week these days and my girlfriend lives there. Don't think I've ever bought an Irish Independent in my life, all i need to do is look at the empty spaces accumulating rubbish along the dock road.

Our tourism is actually in a healthy state, come up for the Riverfest this weekend and see for yourself if you wish, as for industry, well despite the fact Limerick is currently remodelling the city we are still have some of the biggest foreign company's investing in Ireland coming to the Shannonside area.

And I'm surprised that such an obvious upper-middle class Irishman such as yourself doesn't take his opinions from the Indo, I mean your comments about the Fianna Fail gravytrain, and the Limerick docklands area alone amkes me think that that rag is your number one source for information for the upcoming election

Lionel Ritchie
01/05/2007, 10:50 PM
I said stereotype, which is obviously a contributing factor to the lack of any real investment in anything in limerick city, be it tourism or industry. I'm up in Limerick every week these days and my girlfriend lives there. Don't think I've ever bought an Irish Independent in my life, all i need to do is look at the empty spaces accumulating rubbish along the dock road.

The hits just keep on comin!!! There's probably a hotel bed for every inhabitant of Limerick by now. I haven't a clue where these people making a real investment in tourism are expecting the head count to come from but they keep opening new hotels -three in the last two months.

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 10:50 PM
That was my point.

So this:

Also, what you cannot discount is that whether or not 44k sounds inflated, we're still higher than any other country. It is this comparison, or rather, the comparison to where we were, that we have to make to decide whether or not we're better off as a people than we were.

Is your argument on wealth distribution??

Hilarious :D

I said stereotype

Here's what you said son:

Limerick's plight is self inflicted since its people are slaves to a stereotype they havent shown any signs of eradicating.

Not only missing my point entirely but making yourself look a bit silly into the bargain

all i need to do is look at the empty spaces accumulating rubbish along the dock road

Hilarious again. Limerick docks is unrecognisable from even ten years ago. Some areas haven't been developed yet but name me one docks in this country that's different??

You sir are either a spoofer or hilariously ill-informed :D

01/05/2007, 10:51 PM
What do you need a grant for? So you get a free education system PLUS €140 more than I get

Free education is joke for a start Gavin. I take it you havem't had to fork out for school fees, books, lab fees, "supplementary" course work, and the dozens of other things that secondary and college students (or more likely their parents) have to pay for

01/05/2007, 10:52 PM
Who cares if it's correct? It may very well be, but as myself and Dahamsta have been saying, the national average is probably pushed up by the few who are making big money. The average person on the street earns less that 44k a year, of that I'm positive, so that statistic is misleading, if not falseIts a ****ing average, how can it be false? It does exactly what it says in the tin. Of course its pulled up by people making big money (and vice versa).

Take it up with the Oxford English dictionary if you don't like the description of the word average: a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean.

You are probably looking for the modal or median value?:confused:

01/05/2007, 10:53 PM
What do you need a grant for? So you get a free education system PLUS €140 more than I get, and you're complaining?

Because you have college tuition fees (anywhere from E650 onwards), to rent, to college books (some of those cost E80 each), to living expenses to pay. Again your upper-middle classness rises :)

The image of Limerick outside of the city is that it is a no-go area full of scumbags. By self inflicted, I mean I don't see much effort to lift this stereotypical image by your city council or by the people.

I'm sorry, but aside from organising festivals such as this weekend's Riverfest, having a low crime rate outside of the gang 'wars', inviting all and sundry to the city for Munster games, and then treating them very well, and just by not being scumbags, how are we supposed to reverse your stereotypes?

01/05/2007, 10:54 PM
Its a ****ing average, how can it be false?

In fairness we both know he meant the Govy using that figure (instead of the median for example) is misleading. No need to be so pedantioc about it

01/05/2007, 10:54 PM
Its a ****ing average, how can it be false? It does exactly what it says in the tin. Of course its pulled up by people making big money (and vice versa).

Take it up with the Oxford English dictionary if you don't like the description of the word average: a quantity, rating, or the like that represents or approximates an arithmetic mean.

You are probably looking for the modal or median value?:confused:

Yeah...I said I don't care if its true or false, as its certainly misleading, that was pretty much my point there

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 10:57 PM
No, im not "racist" as jebus said. they live here, they buy the same stuff as us and they pay the same rent. Why can't an Irish person do the same?

LMAO, He's unreal lads

Think you'll find sonny that the vast majority come over for a few years to save up so they can have a good start back home due to prices (For the moment) being way cheaper in Poland. They do Ireland on the cheap. It really is very basic economics but I've no doubt it would soar like an eagle over your head so not even going to get into it

What do you need a grant for? So you get a free education system PLUS €140 more than I get, and you're complaining?

Yes I am.

It's nowhere near adequate

I could be on the dole earning four times as much

We don't all have a Mammy and/or Daddy to stump up for us

The image of Limerick outside of the city is that it is a no-go area full of scumbags.

A large part of the credit for this must go to intellectuals like yourself

By self inflicted, I mean I don't see much effort to lift this stereotypical image by your city council or by the people

Shur you don't see hotels or buildings by the docks or anything :rolleyes:

This guy :D

01/05/2007, 11:00 PM
And I'm surprised that such an obvious upper-middle class Irishman such as yourself doesn't take his opinions from the Indo, I mean your comments about the Fianna Fail gravytrain, and the Limerick docklands area alone amkes me think that that rag is your number one source for information for the upcoming election
I'm upper middle class now? woohoo! I live in blackpool on the northside of cork, my dad's a sparky and my mam works in dunnes. I drive a 99 C toyota yaris with a slight bump on the front of it, and the only private school i've been inside was doing a job on the wiring. If that was upper middle class I'd be worried about what lower working class was!

I haven't a clue where these people making a real investment in tourism are expecting the head count to come from but they keep opening new hotels -three in the last two months.
Certainly not anyone reading the independant, right? :rolleyes:

Free education is joke for a start Gavin. I take it you havem't had to fork out for school fees

booksNope, well, £30 a year on the book loan scheme.

lab fees:confused: no?

"supplementary" course workno

and the dozens of other things that secondary and college students (or more likely their parents) have to pay forlike goverment subsidised uniforms?

01/05/2007, 11:01 PM
In fairness we both know he meant the Govy using that figure (instead of the median for example) is misleading. No need to be so pedantioc about itI think we are in vehement agreement about the uselful of the figure, but it is what it is!

Its irrelevant in any case as it ignores geographical impact and many other factors.

Old story about the statistician drowing in a river that was one foot deep on average and all that.....

If people are gullible enough to get drawn in by the spin they deserve to be governed by whatever group of cowboys and clowns they elect. And unfortunately we have a history of making the same mistakes over and over again.

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 11:02 PM
I'm upper middle class now? woohoo! I live in blackpool on the northside of cork, my dad's a sparky and my mam works in dunnes. I drive a 99 C toyota yaris with a slight bump on the front of it, and the only private school i've been inside was doing a job on the wiring. If that was upper middle class I'd be worried about what lower working class was!

Does hilariously ill informed suit you better than upper middle class???

This Guy :D :D :D

01/05/2007, 11:04 PM
I'm upper middle class now? woohoo! I live in blackpool on the northside of cork, my dad's a sparky and my mam works in dunnes

Well I suppose when Dunnes are forking out a cool 44k salary per person than you know this government is doing right? Seriously either you're lying about your mother working there, or all your points about this average 44k per person has been a waste of everyones time.

Oh and a big hello from someone living in Blackpool, North Cork too! :)

01/05/2007, 11:04 PM
They do Ireland on the cheap.It really is very basic economics but I've no doubt it would soar like an eagle over your head so not even going to get into it[/quote]In 5 weeks time I'll have a degree in it :rolleyes:

Yes I am.

It's nowhere near adequate

I could be on the dole earning four times as much

We don't all have a Mammy and/or Daddy to stump up for usGet a part time job in Dunnes like I did if you're not into free money :rolleyes:

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 11:09 PM
In 5 weeks time I'll have a degree in it


So this:

Also, what you cannot discount is that whether or not 44k sounds inflated, we're still higher than any other country. It is this comparison, or rather, the comparison to where we were, that we have to make to decide whether or not we're better off as a people than we were.

Is your argument on wealth distribution??

And you can't see the difference between a Polish worker and an Irish one??

Sweet Jesus, they'll give a degree to any old spoofer :D

Get a part time job in Dunnes like I did if you're not into free money

Not that it's any of your business but my self employed dad has been rather sick with this long time so i've been helping him out in between my 40 hours a week or so of coursework.

BTW, If I'm a full time student and education is "free" why should I have to work to survive??

This Guy :D

01/05/2007, 11:10 PM
Well I suppose when Dunnes are forking out a cool 44k salary per person than you know this government is doing right? Seriously either you're lying about your mother working there, or all your points about this average 44k per person has been a waste of everyones time.Why would Dunnes be forking out 44k? My mothers an unskilled till operator, with free education in her day perhaps she could be a manager and a bit closer to that 44k.
Mind you, my mother, a mother returning to the work force, hardly represents the average person earning a living in Ireland and even so she's probably contributing more to the irish economy than that other lad complaining he's not getting enough free cash from the government.

Oh and a big hello from someone living in Blackpool, North Cork too! :)
Blackpool, North Cork? :D Is it anywhere near Buttevant? :rolleyes:

Lim till i die
01/05/2007, 11:16 PM
Mind you, my mother, a mother returning to the work force, hardly represents the average person earning a living in Ireland

What in your opinion is typical

Honest to God we're all dying to hear about the 44k earning "average" Joes

even so she's probably contributing more to the irish economy than that other lad complaining he's not getting enough free cash from the government.

Ouch, was that a dig at me :rolleyes:

Couple of years down the line I'll be contributing big time though won't I?? Or have we stumbled upon another concept that brain of yours refuses to grasp??

Blackpool, North Cork? Is it anywhere near Buttevant?

ZING!!!! :rolleyes:

This Guy :D

01/05/2007, 11:18 PM
Is your argument on wealth distribution??What in the name of god are you talking about? I was talking about an average not a distribution. If you want to come to me with a frequency distribution graph detailing where the bulk of irish people's incomes are, go ahead. All i've said about wealth distribution is that it must take soem amount of millionaires to skew our average to the highest in the world.

And you can't see the difference between a Polish worker and an Irish one??Er, no. Well, I work with 5 of them and 3 plan on staying while the other two want to move to London as they miss "the big city". They have to wait til the male in the couple gets his degree here. What I can say is different is that the only thing they complain about is the smoking ban and speed limits.

Sweet Jesus, they'll give a degree to any old spoofer!Y'era sure if it gets the multinationals in ;)

BTW, If I'm a full time student and education is "free" why should I have to work to survive??:rolleyes: Would you prefer just having to pay the fees? Or perhaps the system in other places where you take out a massive loan and are crippled with debt for the first decade of your career? They'll pay to teach you and pay to house you for college but i doubt they'll feed you too :rolleyes: If you went to a "free" event or collected a "free" product, would you also expect to be paid for it?

Never mind that there are courses where you actually DO get paid...

Ouch, was that a dig at me

Couple of years down the line I'll be contributing big time though won't I?? Or have we stumbled upon another concept that brain of yours refuses to grasp??Yeah, it'll be great. Just think, if you hadn't free education, it probably wouldnt happen.

01/05/2007, 11:19 PM
How long before Gavin tries to say he was on a wind up? Oh dear oh dear oh dear

01/05/2007, 11:22 PM
Why would Dunnes be forking out 44k? My mothers an unskilled till operator, with free education in her day perhaps she could be a manager and a bit closer to that 44k.
Mind you, my mother, a mother returning to the work force, hardly represents the average person earning a living in Ireland and even so she's probably contributing more to the irish economy than that other lad complaining he's not getting enough free cash from the government.

Much like the 44k per year per person your were quoting as a reason to re-elect Fianna Fail hardly represents the average person in Ireland

Blackpool, North Cork? :D Is it anywhere near Buttevant? :rolleyes:

There's that famous Cork wit. Seriously though, you said a few posts back that you're going with the Socialist Party this year right? Judging by the difference in quality between your points and our resident socialist, BohsPartison, I'll assume you are going to vote for the Socialists because a pretty girl handed you a flyer one day. Am I right?

01/05/2007, 11:26 PM
How long before Gavin tries to say he was on a wind up? Oh dear oh dear oh dear

Sure! I'm on a wind up, or I'm a gullible sheep, or an upper middle class snob wanting to keep my head above the unwashed masses. Also, I'm part of the majority of voters which will keep this government in power. Ce sera...