View Full Version : What Should the LDMC be Doing for Clubs ?

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Jock MIB
30/10/2006, 4:18 PM
You've yet to experience my "skills"

so when are we expecting to see these skills :)

3 Heroes
30/10/2006, 6:29 PM
so when are we expecting to see these skills :)

Ask my physio:confused:

31/10/2006, 5:04 AM
I think the ref situation should definately be looked at when it comes to matchs...Top teams always seem to be favoured when it comes to referees and there availability...If u ask me ,if there are teams that have played about 8 games in a league and there is one that has only played about 3(for example) then the team with only 3 games played should automatically have a game that weekend and so on all the way down the league ,..???

31/10/2006, 9:34 AM
The problem with that is games down in the bottom 2 or 3 divisions would never get played. Thats obviously the way its being done at the moment and its not working. Our A team are going to win or challenge for nothing this season yet they have had a game every weekend for the last 6 or 7 weeks. Our B team are second in their league, unbeaten, and havent had a game in 4 weeks and have none this week thanks to the FAI. So IF we do have a game the week after it will be our first in 6 weeks. Thats a bit much.

We are paying money every week for an astro pitch to train on but it seems like money wasted. I would be quite happy for the leagues (3A-4B) to be suspended until the clocks change and then play 1 and if possible 2 games a week. We only have 11 games left so it could be finished off in 6-7 weeks if it was done right. Clubs would save on training costs and a lot of hassle would be avoided.

31/10/2006, 10:17 AM
That seems like a good idea larry until you consider that a lot of those teams are country teams and once the clock change again a lot of them will go back playing gaa. I can't see it happening for that reason ..... Im not saying it right I'm just saying thats the way it is

31/10/2006, 10:40 AM
i hear dave morris leaving pike for boro???

31/10/2006, 11:00 AM
That seems like a good idea larry until you consider that a lot of those teams are country teams and once the clock change again a lot of them will go back playing gaa. I can't see it happening for that reason ..... Im not saying it right I'm just saying thats the way it is

I understand that...I have been missing 3 guys myself for the last 6 or 7 weeks and still wont be back for another 2.

But what the GAA do doesnt concern me in the slightest. If guys want to play football just to stay fit for GAA then thats their problem. Its up to each person to decide what sport they want to play first but I am going to make sure I have enough players in my squad to contend with that.

31/10/2006, 11:06 AM
i hear dave morris leaving pike for boro???

You hear wrong

31/10/2006, 11:30 AM
You hear wrong

he trained with Corbally last week

31/10/2006, 12:19 PM
he trained with Corbally last week

who else did he train with last week ?

31/10/2006, 12:20 PM
looks like the problems are starting again for a certain manager only matter of time before his gone

31/10/2006, 12:32 PM
he trained with Corbally last week

He trained with Pike on Thursday.

31/10/2006, 12:40 PM
looks like the problems are starting again for a certain manager only matter of time before his gone

who ? surely managers are judged on what they win and it is a bit early on that unless you are out of both national comps ?

31/10/2006, 1:45 PM
He trained with Pike on Thursday.

It could have been the week before so, but a Corbally player told me himself that Davey trained with them either last week or the week before!!!!

31/10/2006, 2:14 PM
he trained with Corbally alright the week before last. I dont think he trained with the boro. I might stand corrected on that.

it wouldn't suprise me if he went to corbally, he's from that side of town and played with them before. He's either been on the bench or playing left full for us this year, neither of which im sure he happy about

31/10/2006, 2:27 PM
Look, he trained with Corbally Tuesday last and Pike on Thursday. He's going nowhere and that is the end of that.

31/10/2006, 2:29 PM
He did train on the Tuesday of last week with Corbally but went back to Pike on the Thursday, had a chat with the manager and told him what he thought. He is staying with Pike.

"I would be quite happy for the leagues (3A-4B) to be suspended until the clocks change and then play 1 and if possible 2 games a week"

Are you serious? So you mean these teams would play no matches at all for a couple of months and then 2 games a week? thats madness.. if a player gets injured he would miss most of the season. I play in one of those divisions and we havent had a game for 5 weeks.. 6 if our match is called off this week.

Its ridiculous and there are a lot players thinkign why should they bother playing at all. They are not good enough or are too old to play in a top division so thats why they play those leagues. Surely everyone in limerick is entitled to a game if they make an effort.

I just think that some teams train every week, dont get to play matches and are just messed about. Its not good enough. No team should go longer than 3 weeks without a game no matter what the cost. I know weather etc plays a huge part but sometimes its just the lack of a ref.. call off a game from division 2 and give these teams a game.

I will say this again... why not next season... get rid of division 4a and 4b... merge division 3a and 3b into division 3a and make 4a and 4b division 3b. There are enough teams to do this and give these temas more matches in a season. Get rid of the league if needs be as no-one cares about that anyway down there!

So next season.. instead of for example a team in a bottom division having a measly 14 games all season they would have maybe 22 games and more. If a team cannot field a team they forfit the match 3-0 or whatever.

Thats my two cents. What do you think Old Keeper. I am sure many people on here will agree with me....?? :confused:

31/10/2006, 2:56 PM
Hi Poloman, I manage a team in 3B and we too havent had a game in 4 weeks and we have none this weekend thanks to the FAI so I and my players know exactly what you are talking about. Yet we still pay to train every week on astro and train on grass on Sundays. For what? The cost to enter the league was the exact same for my B team as it was for our A team, yet they get more games in their league, more cups to enter and no games cancelled because there are no refs available.

While some may feel that the higher divisions are "more" important, there are plenty of lads playing in the lower divisions who take it just as seriously as anyone in 1A or 1B. If they are paying the same to play and willing to put the same time and effort in then it is only right that they should have just the same opportunity to play.

Oldkeeper has already heard a number of suggestions from some of us here (im sure hes sick of me) on how to improve things but even if you took the 32 teams in this seasons 3a - 4b divisions and formed them into 2 or 3 divisions, you will still have the same number of fixtures to be played in the end. yes it means more games for each team but if there is still a shortage on referees then you will still have huge number of free weekends.

Last season we played no league match between the 2nd week in December and the second sunday in March so it is not beyond the realms of possibility for the leagues to be suspended until March/April. Call it a winter break if you like.

Another possible suggestion we came up with over the weekend was maybe if the restriction on the number of free weekends was scrapped or increased. The only rule would be you have to apply 3 weeks beforehand instead of 2. If more teams had official free weekends it would free up refs to take charge of games where there were teams available and eager to play. Plus the increase in minimum notice would ensure no clubs could pull a fast one. I have used one free weekend already this season when we actually did have a game fixed. Since then we have had 5 free weekends.

Old keeper
01/11/2006, 9:56 AM
Hi All

In relation to the league makeup, the current makeup was determined in august this year after clubs indicated the teams they would be entering. Unfortunately some of these teams did not materialise and as a result there are smaller numbers in the lower divisions. I am sure a more stringent method of applying will be introduced next season.

The issue of lack of games is a more difficult one and while there are a number of suggestions to be discussed NO club has as yet written to the committee to express disappointment that their teams have only played 4 games since the start of the season. There are a number of clubs in the same boat and until they begin to be vocal and the committee hears from them there is little that can be done. There are some people touting the idea that lower clubs are happy enough with the fixtures as they are!

A lot of the suggestions that are being put forward here are good ones and could be implemented but remember this is a chat site and is not the basis for decision-making. Your clubs MUST become more involved in the league and must express your views if the situation is to change. There is a delegate meeting on the 7th of Nov so ask your clubs to raise your concerns.

The referees are not a problem the Lack of referees is! We need to look at the possibility of spreading the game load across the week with possibly having some games switched to neutral venues if the teams approve and also looking at the start times for games. This will only happen when the league and the refs agree on these issues.

Lastly I must say that it is difficult to discuss matters pertaining to the running of the league when some of the very clubs you are trying to serve are actively involved in fostering a culture of mistrust and fear in the league. This rumour that a couple of the bigger clubs (I use that term loosely as my own opinion of a bigger club is how many teams they field not the size of their bar or pitch) are trying to move a motion of no confidence in the current committee for a variety of silly reasons, is bugging a lot of people who have put a great effort into the running of the league. These same clubs have never approached the committee with any questions or queries in relation to the issues they are touting as being mismanagement of the league. I would challenge anyone from these clubs to a debate on the running of the LDL and if after this debate the majority feel that the league is being run badly I will walk away. It is cowardly to hide and snipe at decisions that one has had no part in making but far more honourable to stand and ask a question in the right forum. So any one who has a problem with the league please be honourable and follow the procedures set down. And by the way if you do have the 36 clubs standing shoulder to shoulder just send this long awaited letter!!!!

07/11/2006, 12:33 PM

You make sense with the idea that players in the lower leagues do take it as seriously as other teams. I am honestly on the verge of retiring or going playing that stupid night owls league.. my interest has never been so low.

I will be honest and say my team is a joke. Our manager is crap and he wouldnt dream of having the nerve to speak up to the committe (ie make a suggestion). One match this season away we had a player concussed and he left him in the dressing room, the lad was unable to put his own jeans on and he had to spend the night in hospital. Then he texted him monday to ask would he be trainign on tuesday!! Of course the player and his mates left the club after that. Anyway thats our team and nothing to do with here I am just ranting..

Keeper ya I agree that this is a forum and managers need to address the committe but our manager doesnt even attend our training sessions so I guess we cant do anything this season.

The committee do hard work and there will always be gripes from clubs/players no matter what happens, its just part of human nature. I suppose the easiest thing to do is have a post year AGM (or two agms one for top half of league and the other for bottom half of league else it would take a full day!) where every manager/representative HAS to attend or their team are left out for the next season. Then our '''''leaders''''' can express their concerns and voice their suggestions so they cannot tuen around durign the season and say they were never heard or had a chance to say what they want.

Its a tough call really but what can you do. At least you listen to us keeper and thats something but I agree that it has to be official and not said here but sometimes our less than intelligent managers are so crap they pick a team with whoeverturns up on the day, they dont attend training and they get voted in every year as they are mates with the sponsors so we dont have a choice in the matter!

07/11/2006, 1:55 PM
Hi Poloman,

I know its very disheartening but if teams up the higher divisions were in the same boat then more players would feel exactly like you do and think about packing it in or switching to nightowls.

As always its the teams who come through periods like this who end up doing well. Same as the Xmas period when some teams dont meet for 2 or 3 weeks. Its very hard to get back into it but those who train at least once a week come back in better shape.

As for bringing this to the LDMC, the simple truth is that there are not enough refs (or enough who will do 2 games on a Sunday). For everyone to have a game on a Sunday they need more refs and/or less teams. But, in the meantime the fixtures should be made a lot more fairly instead of just the higher divisions (outside permier) getting a game every week and just fitting in the lower leagues when they can.

I wont be attending the meeting tonight but I will getting the club to ask a few questions at the AGM. One of the questions will be regarding the fees and why one team gets over 30 games for their fee and another team might only get 15 games. How can that be fair?

Old keeper
07/11/2006, 5:26 PM
Hi Poloman,

I know its very disheartening but if teams up the higher divisions were in the same boat then more players would feel exactly like you do and think about packing it in or switching to nightowls.

As always its the teams who come through periods like this who end up doing well. Same as the Xmas period when some teams dont meet for 2 or 3 weeks. Its very hard to get back into it but those who train at least once a week come back in better shape.

As for bringing this to the LDMC, the simple truth is that there are not enough refs (or enough who will do 2 games on a Sunday). For everyone to have a game on a Sunday they need more refs and/or less teams. But, in the meantime the fixtures should be made a lot more fairly instead of just the higher divisions (outside permier) getting a game every week and just fitting in the lower leagues when they can.

I wont be attending the meeting tonight but I will getting the club to ask a few questions at the AGM. One of the questions will be regarding the fees and why one team gets over 30 games for their fee and another team might only get 15 games. How can that be fair?

Hi Lar

Good points and in particular the one regarding the fees, It is difficult however to match fees tot he size of the division. The issue with refs is a sticky one but one that can be overcome with a little lateral thinking. We have a fine facility in Jackman and if teams are willing to play mid week in the evenings we could look at putting any games off at the weekends in there. this would require the home team giving up home advantage but I dont see this being a big problem. Another option is to switch some of the lower leagues to artificial pitches if there are back games and this would allow midweek games to take place also. I am sure we can overcome the problems but we need to have some clubs express themselves. Glad to hear your club will be vocal this evening.

Before anyone looses the head the artificial pitch idea is just that, but in my own humble opinion it is one worth exploring as there are now FIFA games being played on these pitches. the costs would need to be bourne by the league and the refs would be paid by the home team and of course both teams would need to agree to the switch of time and venue.

lim abroad
07/11/2006, 6:19 PM
we play on artificial pitches the whole time here in the states and i've no complaints about it,some of the artificial fields are like real grass nowadays

3 Heroes
07/11/2006, 6:31 PM
By playing on artificial pitches it opens the way to play evening games (which would free up refs from having to do 2 games in a day) as well as negating the chance of pitches being unplayable.

07/11/2006, 6:54 PM
Hi Lar

Good points and in particular the one regarding the fees, It is difficult however to match fees tot he size of the division. The issue with refs is a sticky one but one that can be overcome with a little lateral thinking. We have a fine facility in Jackman and if teams are willing to play mid week in the evenings we could look at putting any games off at the weekends in there. this would require the home team giving up home advantage but I dont see this being a big problem. Another option is to switch some of the lower leagues to artificial pitches if there are back games and this would allow midweek games to take place also. I am sure we can overcome the problems but we need to have some clubs express themselves. Glad to hear your club will be vocal this evening.

Before anyone looses the head the artificial pitch idea is just that, but in my own humble opinion it is one worth exploring as there are now FIFA games being played on these pitches. the costs would need to be bourne by the league and the refs would be paid by the home team and of course both teams would need to agree to the switch of time and venue.

Hi Oldkeeper, thanks for the reply. By the time you see this you will probably have noticed that we werent at the meeting tonight. I said in the previous post that we would wait till the AGM to voice any opinions. The main reason for that is the current committee in my club is a but up in the air so that has to be sorted out first.

You have a couple of very good ideas there on games in jackman or on artificial grass. Personally I would always prefer grass but Im sure you would get quite a few takers for playing on artificial surfaces.

Hope the meeting tonight was constructive.

08/11/2006, 8:20 AM
Hi Old Keeper
any news or anything happen at the meeting last night

Old keeper
08/11/2006, 9:36 AM
Hi All

Following Last nights delegate meeting some clubs feel that I am bringing discredit on the LDMC by posting on this site. I will not post again until this matter has been discussed by the committee and following that meeting if the committee agree with the accusation I will not be posting in any capacity.

If any of you feel that My posts on this site have been bringing the committee into disrepute I urge you to mail the secretary of the league on the other hand if you feel that my posts have not been bringing the league into disrepute you might mail as well

The league secretary can be contacted at secretary@ldmc.ie

So Bye for a week

08/11/2006, 10:26 AM
That is very very harsh, I think you are a credit to the league, totally honest and willing to listen....................

08/11/2006, 10:36 AM
That is very very harsh, I think you are a credit to the league, totally honest and willing to listen....................

Totally agree... I think Oldkeeper has been a very fair and useful link between clubs and committee...

You cant please some clubs I suppose can you.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Hoops 1967
08/11/2006, 10:42 AM
Old Keeper, your posts on this website have been excellent. You are a direct and informal contact between the people who are involved in junior football and the people running junior football in Limerick. I think it will be a step backwards if you are no longer allowed to post replies on this website. It appears that the committee is trying to censor you, I wonder why???

08/11/2006, 10:44 AM
That is very very harsh, I think you are a credit to the league, totally honest and willing to listen....................

oldkeepers comments in the "is sportsmanship dead" thread about the Pike chairman is not what you would expect from somebody that holds a position within LDMC, oldkeeper was a little naive to say the least to express his opinion in this way, while most might agree with him, and the point he was trying to make, his name and shame policy did him no favours.

08/11/2006, 10:52 AM
oldkeepers comments in the "is sportsmanship dead" thread about the Pike chairman is not what you would expect from somebody that holds a position within LDMC, oldkeeper was a little naive to say the least to express his opinion in this way, while most might agree with him, and the point he was trying to make, his name and shame policy did him no favours.

he was not representing the league on that post , but his own opinions. Is he not allowed to have them?
I am sure the rest of the league members over the last few years have their opinions but they control them till they meet together and do their favours.

Old keeper was a breath of fresh air and it seems that he was fratanizing with the public and the committee did not like that. Have they something to hide ? (probably!!!!)

08/11/2006, 11:03 AM
Oldkeeper said "some clubs feel that I am bringing discredit on the LDMC"

It was not the committee that asked him to stop posting it was some club(s)
He explained he would not be posting again until he meets with the rest of the committee to get their views...
I wonder which club(s) asked him to stop posting as he was "bringing discredit on the LDMC":confused: :confused: :confused:

I could hazard a guess....

08/11/2006, 4:07 PM
Oldkeeper said "some clubs feel that I am bringing discredit on the LDMC"

It was not the committee that asked him to stop posting it was some club(s)
He explained he would not be posting again until he meets with the rest of the committee to get their views...
I wonder which club(s) asked him to stop posting as he was "bringing discredit on the LDMC":confused: :confused: :confused:

I could hazard a guess....

you dont have to be sherlock holmes to work this one out ... typical

08/11/2006, 4:28 PM
oldkeepers comments in the "is sportsmanship dead" thread about the Pike chairman is not what you would expect from somebody that holds a position within LDMC, oldkeeper was a little naive to say the least to express his opinion in this way, while most might agree with him, and the point he was trying to make, his name and shame policy did him no favours.

Spot on, Im afraid he shot himself in the foot slightly with that one.

13/11/2006, 9:42 AM

People should be allowed to say what they like.

13/11/2006, 10:18 AM

People should be allowed to say what they like.

Of course you can say what you like, but you cannot dictate how someone will interpret what you say, which is the problem.

13/11/2006, 10:25 AM
Of course you can say what you like, but you cannot dictate how someone will interpret what you say, which is the problem.

not really his fault so ?

13/11/2006, 10:37 AM
The opposite obviously.

13/11/2006, 10:41 AM
The opposite obviously.

when people read things they take what they want from it. if you want to twist it you can. people interpert things differently.

all in all it is bad to have him silenced !!

13/11/2006, 10:45 AM
I'm referring to one particular post which was critical of Pike. It basically gave someone the perfect opportunity to have a go at him which they duly did by the sounds of things. Now being a committe member and posting such things is really silly, no matter what way you look at it.

13/11/2006, 10:53 AM
fair enough.
maybe he should have had two log ons !
1 for personal views and one for ldmc ones !

15/11/2006, 7:22 AM
Any news on last nights delegate meeting???
Heard that the real meeting by the Real people who care about junior footy took place last wed in our BIGGEST club...

Old keeper
15/11/2006, 10:21 AM
Hi All following the LDL committee meeting last evening the over whelming decision was that there was no case to answer in relation to the PRO bringing the committee into disrepute and as a result I will post as normal.

see's it
15/11/2006, 10:24 AM
welcome back,
whats the story with the fixtures this week regarding the OT and munster junior?

15/11/2006, 1:10 PM
Hi All following the LDL committee meeting last evening the over whelming decision was that there was no case to answer in relation to the PRO bringing the committee into disrepute and as a result I will post as normal.

Welcome back, its good to see common sense prevail

Hoops 1967
15/11/2006, 1:24 PM
Hi All following the LDL committee meeting last evening the over whelming decision was that there was no case to answer in relation to the PRO bringing the committee into disrepute and as a result I will post as normal.

Good to have you back ;)
Any update on the future fixtures, knowing your fixtures a few weeks in advance was a great help rather than waiting for the paper every tuesday to see if you had a game that week.

Old keeper
15/11/2006, 2:04 PM
welcome back,
whats the story with the fixtures this week regarding the OT and munster junior?

hi See's it

The MJC and the OT were scheduled for the same weekend. Any team with a member of their squad who is also in the OT squad has the option to have their MJC game off. Some clubs have taken the option to play their MJC game regardless of the OT players being in action the night before.

Old keeper
15/11/2006, 2:07 PM
Good to have you back ;)
Any update on the future fixtures, knowing your fixtures a few weeks in advance was a great help rather than waiting for the paper every tuesday to see if you had a game that week.

Hi Hoops 1967

I am awaiting dates for second round games but as these have been a long time coming I will post the fixtures this evening and add the dates as and when they are given

Old keeper
15/11/2006, 2:08 PM
Welcome back, its good to see common sense prevail

Thanks Limeref