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24/10/2006, 12:07 PM
Agree with you there Holycrossjock. Our game has a question mark where the refs name is too so it doesnt look good.

Our A team in 1A have a game and referee down which means they will have had a game 5 weeks running.

Now I know and they know full well that they are going to win nothing yet they go into Sundays game having match practice and plenty of it.

Our B team who will challenge in 3B have played 5 games in 10 weekends (not even counting midweek) and will go into a tough game on Sunday (if its even on) without match practice as we cant even arrange friendlies thanks to the shortage of referees.

My only consolation is that the A team will be out of the FAI and the MFA in the next few weeks which means there will be no more free weekends for cups.

The main problem with no games though is training. I have noticed it for a good few years that players see that they have no game on a Sunday so they dont bother training that week. We only train once a week so if there is no game for 2 weeks running and some dont show up for one of the trainings then you are getting behind in your fitness. Its almost like playing your opening game of the season every 3 weeks. No match fitness, lack of cohesion, poor touches.

If thats how the lower leagues are going to be treated then why not just wait until April to play the rest of the games. At least then we could relax for the winter then plan another pre season and play 2 games a week when the clocks change. A lot of teams have 10 or 11 games left so that could easily be run off in 7 or 8 weeks.

By the way...its still not too late for another 3a-4b cup. Just play it on FAI/MFA cup weekends. 32 teams means that there are only 5 rounds.

24/10/2006, 2:42 PM
Just looking at the website....

15 morning games have refs assigned. 4 afternoon games have the refs assigned. How will it be decided which 7 games will be assigned referees?

Now I know its the Bank Holiday and its quite obvious that some refs want the afternoon off but it is getting farcical. Players sit around for weeks waiting for games then expect to be playing on a Bank Holiday weekend and then the refs decide they wouldnt mind going on the lash so it means the lower leagues lose out again.

And this is WITHOUT 5 premier games.

Some teams are going to be without a game in 5/6 weeks. Thats absolutely ridiculous.

And when exactly will we know if our games are on or not? What do we tell the players at training this week?

24/10/2006, 10:14 PM
Just looking at the website....

15 morning games have refs assigned. 4 afternoon games have the refs assigned. How will it be decided which 7 games will be assigned referees?

Now I know its the Bank Holiday and its quite obvious that some refs want the afternoon off but it is getting farcical. Players sit around for weeks waiting for games then expect to be playing on a Bank Holiday weekend and then the refs decide they wouldnt mind going on the lash so it means the lower leagues lose out again.

And this is WITHOUT 5 premier games.

Some teams are going to be without a game in 5/6 weeks. Thats absolutely ridiculous.

And when exactly will we know if our games are on or not? What do we tell the players at training this week?

Speaking for myself, I now only referee one match - why - simple, the level of abuse.

The abuse suffered week in week out by referees has become intolerable, some weeks I come home and wonder why I do it, I have been called every name under the sun and sometimes even more unforgivable, my family has been abused.

Don't get me wrong, when I have a good game, there is no better feeling in the world - that is why I persist.

So back to my point, why one game, if I referee in the morning, during the afternoon match, my body becomes tired (the same as if a player plays two matches), mistakes creep in and players, coaches etc abuse even more.

Also the number of referees is dwindling each year, with no new blood going in to replace them, who was the last new referee in Limerick? Look who has left over the last few seasons Kevin O'Driscoll, Tony Markam, Neol Dunphy, Declan Earls, Joe Hannon - who has replaced them?

In five years time I can see there being no Div 3A/3B/4A/4B because there won't be enough referees to officiate the matches.

We all need to take a look at ourselves and see what we can collectively do to improve the situation - maybe Div 3A/3B/4A/4B being played on a Saturday- I don't know - but something needs to be done before its too late


24/10/2006, 11:07 PM
Speaking for myself, I now only referee one match - why - simple, the level of abuse.

The abuse suffered week in week out by referees has become intolerable, some weeks I come home and wonder why I do it, I have been called every name under the sun and sometimes even more unforgivable, my family has been abused.

Don't get me wrong, when I have a good game, there is no better feeling in the world - that is why I persist.

So back to my point, why one game, if I referee in the morning, during the afternoon match, my body becomes tired (the same as if a player plays two matches), mistakes creep in and players, coaches etc abuse even more.

Also the number of referees is dwindling each year, with no new blood going in to replace them, who was the last new referee in Limerick? Look who has left over the last few seasons Kevin O'Driscoll, Tony Markam, Neol Dunphy, Declan Earls, Joe Hannon - who has replaced them?

In five years time I can see there being no Div 3A/3B/4A/4B because there won't be enough referees to officiate the matches.

We all need to take a look at ourselves and see what we can collectively do to improve the situation - maybe Div 3A/3B/4A/4B being played on a Saturday- I don't know - but something needs to be done before its too late


Well said, I agree.
I think we should be looking at playing more games on a Saturday as well as maybe even a longer break for refs on a Sunday.

So instead of a ref doing a game at 1030, and getting home at 1pm and then heading off at 1.45pm to do a 2.30pm game, maybe have some later kick offs on a Sunday, ie; 3.30 or even 4pm, just ideas, dont bite my head off.

And I know before you say it, some players will be working on Saturday, but like I said these are just ideas........

Anyone anything else to add????

Old keeper
24/10/2006, 11:49 PM
When will the games off be known?

You can take it that any game without a ref will be off. I will update the website on Wed evening.

The second round games wont be up on the website until I get the dates from the FS.

Old keeper
24/10/2006, 11:56 PM
what is actually happening the website says games are on sunday the Star newspaper says some games on Saturday is that a miss print..

thought from last time that if there was a shortage of referees then the lower divisions will be taken into account this time. now i see that its has games on with refs but once again there are question marks beside few games in 3a , 3b, 4a and 4b.

why are we being overlooked again if it happens the same way as last time then my team will not have played a game since 1st October and there are no games scheduled for next week again.

starting to get very frustrating to keep a team together

Well Jock

You have every right to be angry

The Star is a missprint

The lower divisions should have been given priority and it is silly that we are concentrating games on divisions with more games played. this will change following discussions this evening.

I would urge your club to write to the committee or email myself in relation to your complaints. part of the problem is that people can hide behind the clubs silence and say that there are no complaints from the clubs, and if there are no complaints we cannot proceed to change things.

I share your frustration,

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 12:00 AM
Agree with you there Holycrossjock. Our game has a question mark where the refs name is too so it doesnt look good.

Our A team in 1A have a game and referee down which means they will have had a game 5 weeks running.

Now I know and they know full well that they are going to win nothing yet they go into Sundays game having match practice and plenty of it.

Our B team who will challenge in 3B have played 5 games in 10 weekends (not even counting midweek) and will go into a tough game on Sunday (if its even on) without match practice as we cant even arrange friendlies thanks to the shortage of referees.

My only consolation is that the A team will be out of the FAI and the MFA in the next few weeks which means there will be no more free weekends for cups.

The main problem with no games though is training. I have noticed it for a good few years that players see that they have no game on a Sunday so they dont bother training that week. We only train once a week so if there is no game for 2 weeks running and some dont show up for one of the trainings then you are getting behind in your fitness. Its almost like playing your opening game of the season every 3 weeks. No match fitness, lack of cohesion, poor touches.

If thats how the lower leagues are going to be treated then why not just wait until April to play the rest of the games. At least then we could relax for the winter then plan another pre season and play 2 games a week when the clocks change. A lot of teams have 10 or 11 games left so that could easily be run off in 7 or 8 weeks.

By the way...its still not too late for another 3a-4b cup. Just play it on FAI/MFA cup weekends. 32 teams means that there are only 5 rounds.

Please Please have your club write to the committee, It is not possible to make changes if the clubs do not request or support the changes.

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 12:03 AM
Just looking at the website....

15 morning games have refs assigned. 4 afternoon games have the refs assigned. How will it be decided which 7 games will be assigned referees?

Now I know its the Bank Holiday and its quite obvious that some refs want the afternoon off but it is getting farcical. Players sit around for weeks waiting for games then expect to be playing on a Bank Holiday weekend and then the refs decide they wouldnt mind going on the lash so it means the lower leagues lose out again.

And this is WITHOUT 5 premier games.

Some teams are going to be without a game in 5/6 weeks. Thats absolutely ridiculous.

And when exactly will we know if our games are on or not? What do we tell the players at training this week?

You can tell the players that if there is no ref against their game the game is off.

It is ridiculous and there is action being taken

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 12:09 AM
Speaking for myself, I now only referee one match - why - simple, the level of abuse.

The abuse suffered week in week out by referees has become intolerable, some weeks I come home and wonder why I do it, I have been called every name under the sun and sometimes even more unforgivable, my family has been abused.

Don't get me wrong, when I have a good game, there is no better feeling in the world - that is why I persist.

So back to my point, why one game, if I referee in the morning, during the afternoon match, my body becomes tired (the same as if a player plays two matches), mistakes creep in and players, coaches etc abuse even more.

Also the number of referees is dwindling each year, with no new blood going in to replace them, who was the last new referee in Limerick? Look who has left over the last few seasons Kevin O'Driscoll, Tony Markam, Neol Dunphy, Declan Earls, Joe Hannon - who has replaced them?

In five years time I can see there being no Div 3A/3B/4A/4B because there won't be enough referees to officiate the matches.

We all need to take a look at ourselves and see what we can collectively do to improve the situation - maybe Div 3A/3B/4A/4B being played on a Saturday- I don't know - but something needs to be done before its too late


Hi Limeref

I applaud any referee who turns up for a game (I would be responsible for my fair share of abuse over the years but i think I dont cross the line too often an will always smile and forget after the game) part of our problem in Limerick is the degree of confrontation between the different bodies responsible for soccer. we all need to work closer together and the problems can and will be worked out.

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 12:11 AM
Well said, I agree.
I think we should be looking at playing more games on a Saturday as well as maybe even a longer break for refs on a Sunday.

So instead of a ref doing a game at 1030, and getting home at 1pm and then heading off at 1.45pm to do a 2.30pm game, maybe have some later kick offs on a Sunday, ie; 3.30 or even 4pm, just ideas, dont bite my head off.

And I know before you say it, some players will be working on Saturday, but like I said these are just ideas........

Anyone anything else to add????#

Good ideas Keep them coming

see's it
25/10/2006, 7:56 AM
cut the amount of teams playing in the leagues some of the distances to travel is abit much.clubs who have two teams hanging around the last 4 divisons should be told they can enter only 1 team

Hoops 1967
25/10/2006, 8:05 AM
Well said, I agree.
I think we should be looking at playing more games on a Saturday as well as maybe even a longer break for refs on a Sunday.

So instead of a ref doing a game at 1030, and getting home at 1pm and then heading off at 1.45pm to do a 2.30pm game, maybe have some later kick offs on a Sunday, ie; 3.30 or even 4pm, just ideas, dont bite my head off.

And I know before you say it, some players will be working on Saturday, but like I said these are just ideas........

Anyone anything else to add????

I think Saturday afternoon football is a great idea. You could have games kick off at 2:30. I know a lot of people work on a Saturday so they can continue to play Sunday football, but most people don't work Saturdays so a Saturday league would suit a lot of people. Even if they just started with two divisions to see how it worked out.

Hoops 1967
25/10/2006, 8:11 AM
cut the amount of teams playing in the leagues some of the distances to travel is abit much.clubs who have two teams hanging around the last 4 divisons should be told they can enter only 1 team

Some clubs have C teams playing in the lower leagues, surely an A and B team is enough.
Why are there so many country teams in the league. Sometimes you have to travel half way across county limerick to play a match, to places like ballylanders and kilfinnane, why when there are more than enough city teams to play. After all there is the desmond league for the country teams to play in.

25/10/2006, 8:53 AM
Some clubs have C teams playing in the lower leagues, surely an A and B team is enough.

I think by virtue of the fact there are C teams, it shows that A and B teams are not enough for some clubs, obviously. Some clubs have a lot more players in their catchment areas than others.

25/10/2006, 9:06 AM
Please Please have your club write to the committee, It is not possible to make changes if the clubs do not request or support the changes.

Will do. Thanks Oldkeeper.

On the Saturday thing, Im sure its worth a try but there are a couple of problems here with regard to schoolboy football. First of all its the same refs doing both junior and schoolboy so already you have a clash. And then you have the fact that most clubs with junior teams have schoolboy teams also. Where are you going to play these games? Most clubs only have one pitch.

In my own opinion I think you would be better off postponing the bottom 4 divisions until April and then it would be possible to play 2 games a week or you could have higher divisions midweek and lower divisions at weekend or vice versa. Thing is...this would not be as bad had the lower leagues played a few midweek games this season.

As for teams out in the country, in the main I have no problem, but 3 times in the last 3 seasons we have travelled out to Knockainey and the game has not gone ahead. Twice this was for an unplayable pitch. Extremely infuriating when it was obvious to all that the game should have been called off the day before and they couldnt be bothered. Let the city boys travel out for the laugh.

There is also a fair point about the number of teams down there. There are a few clubs with either both their A and B teams down in those divisions or a club has their B and C teams down there. Its a bit ridiculous that a club can have their A team in 3B and their B team in 4B or have their B and C teams in 4A and 4B. Whats the sense in that? One club in particular are known for signing all their players B and concentrate on winning either their B teams league or cup and giving walkovers in their A teams cup.

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 9:13 AM
Hi All
Judging by the level of frustration it is obvious that there needs to be a release. At the next meeting I will propose that we have a meeting of all clubs in the lower divisions to discuss the most appropriate way forward as the levels of disruption to players and clubs is becoming far beyond what is acceptable.

Jock MIB
25/10/2006, 9:17 AM
Hi All
Judging by the level of frustration it is obvious that there needs to be a release. At the next meeting I will propose that we have a meeting of all clubs in the lower divisions to discuss the most appropriate way forward as the levels of disruption to players and clubs is becoming far beyond what is acceptable.

hi old keeper,

i think that needs to happen,

Jock MIB
25/10/2006, 9:21 AM
will i tell my team the game is off as well :mad:

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 10:15 AM
will i tell my team the game is off as well :mad:

If there is no Ref the game is Off, sorry!

25/10/2006, 10:34 AM
Good idea Old keeper.

At least we know early that games are off. Can plan my Sunday in the pub now. :D

Jock MIB
25/10/2006, 10:34 AM
hi old keeper,

i just hope the ldmc will be understanding later on the season and not hand out fines to clubs in lower divsions when they will not be able to field a team due to the fact the have lost players due to lack of games, cause i'm positive if the situation isn't resolved that scenario will happen to some club.

see's it
25/10/2006, 12:16 PM
Good idea Old keeper.

At least we know early that games are off. Can plan my Sunday in the pub now. :D

you'd be in there if it was on aswell:)

25/10/2006, 2:41 PM
you'd be in there if it was on aswell:)

Very true. But not as early. :D

Soccer Lover
25/10/2006, 3:49 PM
If there is no Ref the game is Off, sorry!

Judging by the weather all games will be off:D

25/10/2006, 4:11 PM
Hi Limeref

I applaud any referee who turns up for a game (I would be responsible for my fair share of abuse over the years but i think I dont cross the line too often an will always smile and forget after the game) part of our problem in Limerick is the degree of confrontation between the different bodies responsible for soccer. we all need to work closer together and the problems can and will be worked out.

I agree that you do not cross the line that often, and when you do you appologise and shake hands after the game.

Clubs try and influence referees during the game (thats natural) but when a decision does not go their way they turn nasty. After the game they make their displeasure known and contine with their abuse until I either leave the venue or get into the dressing room.

This happens from Premier to 4B

I have no problems with the individual members of the LDMC, but I feel that any report that I have furnished hasn't been acted on (ie the offenders punished)

I agree that the different bodies need to work together,

referees need to be more hardline when dealing with offenders
LDMC need to meet out serious punishment to serial offenders
clubs have to take responsibility for their players/managers and supporters

Only when the above is done will the game in Limerick get better

Jock MIB
25/10/2006, 4:44 PM
I agree that you do not cross the line that often, and when you do you appologise and shake hands after the game.

Clubs try and influence referees during the game (thats natural) but when a decision does not go their way they turn nasty. After the game they make their displeasure known and contine with their abuse until I either leave the venue or get into the dressing room.

This happens from Premier to 4B

I have no problems with the individual members of the LDMC, but I feel that any report that I have furnished hasn't been acted on (ie the offenders punished)

I agree that the different bodies need to work together,

referees need to be more hardline when dealing with offenders
LDMC need to meet out serious punishment to serial offenders
clubs have to take responsibility for their players/managers and supporters

Only when the above is done will the game in Limerick get better

hi limeref

i agree with you, i was disciplined this year after a referee's report for doing a steve staunton... i was fined by the ldmc and totally agreed with the decision as i was out of order... i won't say i'm a completely changed man but i have definately a lot more respect for what refs do for our leagues..
and i think thats what all of us should do is show respect for all refs

25/10/2006, 5:50 PM
here here

Old keeper
25/10/2006, 8:28 PM
I agree that you do not cross the line that often, and when you do you appologise and shake hands after the game.

Clubs try and influence referees during the game (thats natural) but when a decision does not go their way they turn nasty. After the game they make their displeasure known and contine with their abuse until I either leave the venue or get into the dressing room.

This happens from Premier to 4B

I have no problems with the individual members of the LDMC, but I feel that any report that I have furnished hasn't been acted on (ie the offenders punished)

I agree that the different bodies need to work together,

referees need to be more hardline when dealing with offenders
LDMC need to meet out serious punishment to serial offenders
clubs have to take responsibility for their players/managers and supporters

Only when the above is done will the game in Limerick get better

I can say that the level of consistancy in relation to dicipline has improved and if a report has a serious offence the matter will be dealt with. We have issued two 12 month suspensions to players this season based on the referees reports, and the word is out that any serious infringment will be dealt with
My own opinion is that We should have meetings with the refs on a more regular basis and the code of conduct for clubs and managers should be agreed by both bodies. This would enable better communication and a much better understanding of decision making on all sides.

25/10/2006, 11:11 PM
I can say that the level of consistancy in relation to dicipline has improved and if a report has a serious offence the matter will be dealt with. We have issued two 12 month suspensions to players this season based on the referees reports, and the word is out that any serious infringment will be dealt with
My own opinion is that We should have meetings with the refs on a more regular basis and the code of conduct for clubs and managers should be agreed by both bodies. This would enable better communication and a much better understanding of decision making on all sides.

We all know Robert Earls was one, who was the other to receive a 12month ban??

26/10/2006, 8:41 AM
My own opinion is that We should have meetings with the refs on a more regular basis and the code of conduct for clubs and managers should be agreed by both bodies. This would enable better communication and a much better understanding of decision making on all sides.

What of refs who blatantly go out of their way to be biased against teams.(not just my own I must add, I've seen him do it to teams in my general area too) There's one in particular, who I'd love to name and shame, that does it. They are immune from action and yet players are meant to show restraint at the same time. Not easy I can tell you. Complain to the LDMC and you find him reffing even more of your matches, is what I've found on past experiences.

Old keeper
26/10/2006, 9:12 AM
What of refs who blatantly go out of their way to be biased against teams.(not just my own I must add, I've seen him do it to teams in my general area too) There's one in particular, who I'd love to name and shame, that does it. They are immune from action and yet players are meant to show restraint at the same time. Not easy I can tell you. Complain to the LDMC and you find him reffing even more of your matches, is what I've found on past experiences.

Hi Road end

There are new proceedures in the FAI for isuuing complaints against referees these are very strict and will make a difference, I know when I play, sometimes I think the ref is really against us but that is biased and when you look at it in the cold light of day it seems that they were just bad decisions. I am not saying that there are no refs who would be biased against teams but I dont know of them. Complaining to the LDMC regarding a referees decisions on the field of play is a difficult one as it is usually one team who complains and this leaves us in a bit of a quandry as the winning team is usually happy, however we do try to tak all sides into account.

Old keeper
26/10/2006, 9:13 AM
We all know Robert Earls was one, who was the other to receive a 12month ban??

Your watching my posts long enough now to know better than to ask me that!

26/10/2006, 10:00 AM
What of refs who blatantly go out of their way to be biased against teams.(not just my own I must add, I've seen him do it to teams in my general area too) There's one in particular, who I'd love to name and shame, that does it. They are immune from action and yet players are meant to show restraint at the same time. Not easy I can tell you. Complain to the LDMC and you find him reffing even more of your matches, is what I've found on past experiences.

There are 4 reasons why a team can feel a referee is biased against them

1. He is having a poor game
2. He is biased against them (can happen but is not very often)
3. The referee is poor
4. The team(s) don't actually know the rules

1. This can happen, a referee can just have an off day (some have more than others)

2. If this happens there is no excuse

3. Every referee starting out is poor, he only gets better with experence, until he has that experence teams will feel shortchanged. Every game a referee will learn something new, and a referee will be his own worst critic.

4. Just look at the thread(s) that "The Ref" has set up on the quiz, not many know the rules 100%, so you can feel that a referee was biased against you, where in fact he was only implementing the rules.

Also as Old Keeper said, the winners of the match will usually be happy and won't feel that the referee was bad or, as happened to me, both teams felt that I was biased againt them - explain that?

26/10/2006, 10:15 AM
Was at a match last sunday and the ref, who i had previously considered one of the top refs in town, was in charge. Don't know what happened him but man he had a stinker!.. For the 1st time that i have ever heard of, the ref spoke to our manager after the match and expressed his own opinion that he had just had a stinker...our manager was taken aback but understood, situ explained to players. because of this small bit of humility by the ref his standing in the eyes of the players and the manager actually improved...maybe a few more could learn from this guy... i now have a higher opinion of this ref because of this...

26/10/2006, 10:28 AM
Was at a match last sunday and the ref, who i had previously considered one of the top refs in town, was in charge. Don't know what happened him but man he had a stinker!.. For the 1st time that i have ever heard of, the ref spoke to our manager after the match and expressed his own opinion that he had just had a stinker...our manager was taken aback but understood, situ explained to players. because of this small bit of humility by the ref his standing in the eyes of the players and the manager actually improved...maybe a few more could learn from this guy... i now have a higher opinion of this ref because of this...

In fairness, there are only certain clubs a referee could do that and have it received in the positive manner that it was taken. I could name at least 10 clubs that I wouldn't get away with that.

But fair play to the referee in question - I think I know who it was;)

26/10/2006, 10:33 AM
That was very good by that ref. You are true though about refs willing to talk to management. The best refs in my opinion are more than willing to talk to you or the players about any decisions. They also have no problem having a chat before the game or after.

Those refs who show up thinking they are Collina and on some power trip, acting like school headmasters are the worst. There are a few of them around who treat every player and coach/manager like a child and dish out cards for fun and under no circumstances will talk to anyone about any decision they make. These are usually the guys who end up getting most grief from players and its all of their own making.

26/10/2006, 10:35 AM
Also as Old Keeper said, the winners of the match will ussually be happy and won't feel that the referee was bad or, as happened to me, both teams felt that I was biased againt them - explain that?

We've won a lot of of times we've had this guy, but it was despite him. Its certainly not a case of him just giving poor decisions. The entire team groans at the sight of him being down to ref our games. Its been like this for 4 seasons at this stage. I know the rules of the game and I know how they should be implemented. Fairness is the issue here. Its only this one guy I have to stress, but it really is an utter joke.

Jock MIB
26/10/2006, 11:48 AM
We've won a lot of of times we've had this guy, but it was despite him. Its certainly not a case of him just giving poor decisions. The entire team groans at the sight of him being down to ref our games. Its been like this for 4 seasons at this stage. I know the rules of the game and I know how they should be implemented. Fairness is the issue here. Its only this one guy I have to stress, but it really is an utter joke.

you can always get frustrated with this but to put in the simpliest form... this ref doesn't ref two teams,or even four if the ref does two games a week, don't get a game of soccer... these ref's give up there time we need to respect that a bit more as suggestions say lets have more communication it can only help this situtation.

26/10/2006, 12:07 PM
I dont think the refs in town are that bad except for one notable exception. Its not thats he biased against particular teams it he's so biased FOR one particualr team and strangley he seems to be down to ref them quite often, courtesy of the fixture sec.

any budding sherlock homles out there?

In fairness to the others around they have more good days than bad in the most thankless job in football

Soccer Lover
26/10/2006, 12:55 PM
I dont think the refs in town are that bad except for one notable exception. Its not thats he biased against particular teams it he's so biased FOR one particualr team and strangley he seems to be down to ref them quite often, courtesy of the fixture sec.

any budding sherlock homles out there?

In fairness to the others around they have more good days than bad in the most thankless job in football

FON Balla:D :D :D

26/10/2006, 1:11 PM
I dont think the refs in town are that bad ...

In fairness to the others around they have more good days than bad in the most thankless job in football

I agree, most of our referees are good quality.

Also the Society are working to improve the all the referees in town by holding development meetings monthly, and I can tell you they are very helpful.

I hope you all see the results on the field of play;)

Jock MIB
26/10/2006, 1:12 PM
why did that question have to be answered this thread is about what the ldmc can do for the clubs, not witch hunt officials.... simple facts are with no refs no games... what would you then do with your sunday afternoons. so can we have ideas suggestions on how all teams in the league can get games and work with officials. jesus lads it isn't the premiership :eek: and the officials decision if there are wrong or right don't mean its the end of the world as we know it, so a bit of a reality check why don't you try referee a match and see whats it like... would be interesting to see from a different prospective :)

Old keeper
28/10/2006, 1:07 PM

The LDL have called a Delegate meeting on the 7th Nov in the Boro club the meeting will start at 9pm sharp and will enlighten clubs as to the single reason why the league treasurer was suspended. Any other rumors relating to the committee's decisions will aslo be addressed including the one of sitting members canvassing to have the committee removed.

Jock MIB
30/10/2006, 9:18 AM
When are the new fixtures being printed and is there leagues game this weekend for lower divisions?

Old keeper
30/10/2006, 10:16 AM
When are the new fixtures being printed and is there leagues game this weekend for lower divisions?

Hi Jock

Bit of a delay in getting the dates from the FS but as soon as I have them they will be up.

Jock MIB
30/10/2006, 10:23 AM
no probs, have fingers crossed we have game this weekend :)

3 Heroes
30/10/2006, 11:18 AM
no probs, have fingers crossed we have game this weekend :)
It's Ireland in Winter, you'll be lucky to play 3 games between now and February:mad:

Jock MIB
30/10/2006, 11:45 AM
It's Ireland in Winter, you'll be lucky to play 3 games between now and February:mad:

been very mild winter so far, this global warming thing is starting to kick in...:rolleyes:

Jock MIB
30/10/2006, 3:37 PM
It's Ireland in Winter, you'll be lucky to play 3 games between now and February:mad:

i think alan aka (larrywhite) is thinking more the in way of " It's Ireland in Winter, you'll be lucky to see 3 heros play 3 games between now and end of season " :)

3 Heroes
30/10/2006, 3:58 PM
i think alan aka (larrywhite) is thinking more the in way of " It's Ireland in Winter, you'll be lucky to see 3 heros play 3 games between now and end of season " :)

You've yet to experience my "skills"