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Hoops 1967
22/02/2007, 11:44 AM
This is a disgrace, the only person that I have no confidence in is the clown who does up the fixtures!! I play for a local club and at the start of the season we had 3 games in the space of 6 days, then we went nearly 2 months without a game during the winter while other teams kept playing away. It's obvious that the FS is a complete tit, he has his favourites that he looks after and he has teams that he goes out of his way to screw and there is nothing they can do about it. The fixtures secretey should be the one that is gotten rid of.

As for Old Keeper, the man was doing a great job even with some peolpe trying there best to prevent him. The LDMC website was a the best thing the league has done in donkeys years yet now it will be gotten rid of aswell....what a pile of Sh#te!!

a country voice
22/02/2007, 11:59 AM
By the way, it is my sincere hope that Ger Finnan will go back if re-elected.
The league has come on in leaps and bounds in the short time he's been there. In my opinion if we lose Ger, we're losing 10 years, maybe 20, of progress overnight.
I know its a hard thing to do, but I do hope he will at least consider it.

A Country Voice

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"
Sir Winston Churchill

the only 1
22/02/2007, 12:06 PM
By the way, it is my sincere hope that Ger Finnan will go back if re-elected.
The league has come on in leaps and bounds in the short time he's been there. In my opinion if we lose Ger, we're losing 10 years, maybe 20, of progress overnight.
I know its a hard thing to do, but I do hope he will at least consider it.

A Country Voice

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give"
Sir Winston Churchill

dont think that will happen a lot of the old guard dont like him

a country voice
22/02/2007, 12:24 PM
Well it is up to the clubs in the end.
If they want to go back to the dark ages, then thats fine, but they are the ones who have the final say. We saw that last night.
Now clubs can be "persuaded", "cajoled" even dare I say "threatened":eek:
but the votes collected up by the M.F.A. reps at the E.G.M. in 3 weeks time will be secret.
Nobody can or will know who has voted for who.
The clubs must decide in what way they want their league run.
I know which way my club will be voting.
A Country Voice

"The problem with political jokes is they get elected"
Henry Cate VII

22/02/2007, 12:27 PM
dont think that will happen a lot of the old guard dont like him

I wonder why???????

maybe it has to do with something called Honesty and Transparency ????

22/02/2007, 1:46 PM
Well it is up to the clubs in the end.
If they want to go back to the dark ages, then thats fine, but they are the ones who have the final say. We saw that last night.
Now clubs can be "persuaded", "cajoled" even dare I say "threatened":eek:
but the votes collected up by the M.F.A. reps at the E.G.M. in 3 weeks time will be secret.
Nobody can or will know who has voted for who.
The clubs must decide in what way they want their league run.
I know which way my club will be voting.
A Country Voice

"The problem with political jokes is they get elected"
Henry Cate VII

Welcome back Oldkeeper - is this your new name?

If the vote was that unanimous then there must have been some substance to the reasons for removing the committee. Also, it was a secret ballot so please, no BS about clubs being intimidated. We live in a democracy, the people voted and gave an overwhelming decision. Let the new committee take its place and we'll be back up and running as if nothing happened.
By the way, I concur, the website is the best thing that happened that happened local football in many years. Lets hope Ger Finnan gets re-elected.

22/02/2007, 2:02 PM
please look up the word unanimous in your dictionary...
some of the smaller clubs were given letters and told to sign them without question..
also 3 clubs were down as signing this petition who did not sign anything...
democracy my arse...does anybody know what were the reasons for the vote of no confidence???

22/02/2007, 2:30 PM
please look up the word unanimous in your dictionary...
some of the smaller clubs were given letters and told to sign them without question..
also 3 clubs were down as signing this petition who did not sign anything...
democracy my arse...does anybody know what were the reasons for the vote of no confidence???

Leather - almost 4 to 1 in favour of removing the committee is unanimous in my book. It was a secret ballot and if clubs were "intimidated" they could have voted against the motion. They didn't, it was a democratic decision, move on.

Lim till i die
22/02/2007, 2:40 PM
Leather - almost 4 to 1 in favour of removing the committee is unanimous in my book.

Wow I've read some stupid things on the Junior Forum in my time but congratulations young man you're a winner :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

a country voice
22/02/2007, 2:41 PM
Welcome back Oldkeeper - is this your new name?

If the vote was that unanimous then there must have been some substance to the reasons for removing the committee. Also, it was a secret ballot so please, no BS about clubs being intimidated. We live in a democracy, the people voted and gave an overwhelming decision. Let the new committee take its place and we'll be back up and running as if nothing happened.
By the way, I concur, the website is the best thing that happened that happened local football in many years. Lets hope Ger Finnan gets re-elected.

Firstly, Im not oldkeeper, Im not the person that used to, or maybe still posts as oldkeeper. I do hope he goes for re-election, and I do hope he gets re-elected.
Secondly, Ok maybe intimidated was the wrong way to put it, I could say "misled" "duped" "fooled", You say that the people voted and gave an overwhelming decision, what information did they base this decision on? why did they want to get rid of the committee. There was no discussion on this at any stage? I am unaware of any reason for getting rid of the committee.
Why did the clubs vote to get rid of the committee? what decision did they make and why? Im all questions today,

I ponder...........maybe clubs were told things that simply werent true.......by persons unknown.......who wanted to get rid of the committee.......the clubs swallowed the lot.......most of em then signed the petition........then also voted out the committee last night ..........without asking one single question of the committee as to what they had done wrong, and why they were being voted out.
It was a fit up job from start to finish.
A Country Voice

"An executive is a person who always decides; sometimes he decides correctly, but he always decides"
John H. Patterson

22/02/2007, 2:46 PM
I have to say the bigger clubs in limerick are a discrace. mike noonan is so focused on having his relation put back into the LDMC he has tried to screw the whole league and also had a few pops at the work done on Limerick 37. any one from pike should hold their heads in shame if he is representing yere club views. as for fairview heffernan just wants to have fairview as the leader of the big boys and anyone else would want to watch out if they look like the are doing well cause these big boys want the playground all to them selves. Paddy cusack organised this with the 39 clubs and was prompting malachy all evening telling him what to say. total bull****e balla whinging about being picked on all the time

What should Pike supporters be ashamed about, the vote was secret and returned a 4 to 1 majority..so the opinions of 75% of soccer supporters in limerick are controlled by Pike..I think not

22/02/2007, 3:38 PM
What should Pike supporters be ashamed about, the vote was secret and returned a 4 to 1 majority..so the opinions of 75% of soccer supporters in limerick are controlled by Pike..I think not

Cos they support Pike? :)

22/02/2007, 3:57 PM
the vote was secret and returned a 4 to 1 majority..so the opinions of 75% of soccer supporters in limerick are controlled by Pike..I think not

Not exactly correct. Some clubs have 3 or 4 or 5 votes whereas some only have 1. It all depends on how many junior and minor teams a club has. One vote for each team.

It would be possible for the vote to be passed without having the majority of the clubs in favour. All that counts is the majority of votes, not clubs.

Having said that, 21 votes against is quite small. I think someone said only 15 voted against it which is quite disappointing. Somewhat perplexing also is the fact that so many clubs wanted a change of committee when they were they ones who elected them in the first place. Chances are the majority of the new committee will be the same ole faces in a few weeks.

Old keeper
22/02/2007, 11:10 PM
Hi Guys

Just to clear up a few things,

I don’t hide behind names I am who I am and stand over what I say, One or two of my many faults are that if I think something is wrong I will stand and challenge it no matter what the odds.

There were a total of 43 clubs present from a possible 54, of that 43 there were a total of 99 votes as the clubs were voting as per the number of teams they had registered with the league. Had all clubs been present the total vote would have been 117

8 of the clubs present had a combined vote of 34 votes. The rest would be a max of 1 or 2 votes each.

The vote was carried by a majority of Teams in the league not clubs, but the bottom line is that the motion was carried and as a democrat I for one can accept that.

What was disturbing was the refusal of the group to allow any discussion on the motion before the vote and then to refuse to discuss the matter afterwards. Some of the protagonists stated that they had been talking since May, this is true only for the clubs who instigated the proposal, the other clubs have never had the chance to discuss the matter as they were never approached to sign the petition, fairness would have decreed that the floor be opened to ALL the clubs to ask any questions of the committee and then make their minds up before voting.
I have no problem with any club proposing a motion of no confidence but I just like to ensure that all people present are fully informed of all the facts and not treated to one or two people’s opinions. In addition to this there were comments that this was not a personal issue however this is not bourne out by the actions as it would only be fair to allow someone who is being told they are not performing their duties to defend that allegation. the reasons behind the no confidence motion were never debated on the night so the committee were never given the chance to expand on any issue.

Having said all that the matter is now closed and while the current crisis is over we must all pull together to ensure that soccer in Limerick is strong and is not portrayed as a clannish and secular group. Comments like “I’m only interested in Junior soccer” reflects a mindset that will hamper the progress of all soccer. I personally feel that we should all be interested in soccer from the smallest child to the over 40’s inclusive of all the grades in between. The vision of the Schoolboy/girls, Ladies and Junior CLUBS in seeing a better future for everyone is a small seed that needs to be protected by all of us until it is strong enough to stand on its own and provide a valuable resource for everyone

So lets drop the vote thing and get on with real soccer stuff!

the hoops
23/02/2007, 10:22 AM
ger you just seem to be more interested in lim37 you tried hard enough to get into the ldmc when you did you were grand then lim37 came and all you were doin was ringing players from clubs to turn up for training thats not your job thats mc,gees maybe thats why clubs got ****ed off with you

23/02/2007, 10:28 AM
Hoops, I can see that you are able to write, but are you able to read at all?

23/02/2007, 10:31 AM
The vendetta against oldkeeper went on long before Lim37 was even dreamed of. The dogs on the street know that. Its pathetic.

23/02/2007, 10:44 AM
ger you just seem to be more interested in lim37 you tried hard enough to get into the ldmc when you did you were grand then lim37 came and all you were doin was ringing players from clubs to turn up for training thats not your job thats mc,gees maybe thats why clubs got ****ed off with you

Typical crap from people who would swallow a trawler.
The vote of no confidence was in the whole ldmc com'tee, not just one person.if a vote was taken on the job been done by Ger, on a club by club basis, i would bet any money that the majority would be totally in support of Ger. It is the likes of your club and the club that asked "what do we need a pro for anyway" that are going to put football back in the dark ages...
below is the future of junior football in limerick.
Little story from tuesday night. One of the newly appointed(ex_comm'ttee) people to run football for the near future, approached a club after the meeting,and said that now that his hands were no longer tied by the com'tee he would do the club a favour if they needed it..."

return to the good old days.....well done , pike, balla,view and the orgainising comm'tte of the coup..

the dazzler
23/02/2007, 11:30 AM
Typical crap from people who would swallow a trawler.
The vote of no confidence was in the whole ldmc com'tee, not just one person.if a vote was taken on the job been done by Ger, on a club by club basis, i would bet any money that the majority would be totally in support of Ger. It is the likes of your club and the club that asked "what do we need a pro for anyway" that are going to put football back in the dark ages...
below is the future of junior football in limerick.
Little story from tuesday night. One of the newly appointed(ex_comm'ttee) people to run football for the near future, approached a club after the meeting,and said that now that his hands were no longer tied by the com'tee he would do the club a favour if they needed it..."

return to the good old days.....well done , pike, balla,view and the orgainising comm'tte of the coup..
talking about dark ages hows the boro club colourfull as usual?

see's it
23/02/2007, 11:34 AM
im sick of this 'ex member and chairman of a club s**t' name and shame these people and there clubs

23/02/2007, 11:53 AM
cant shame these people they dont have any

23/02/2007, 11:55 AM
talking about dark ages hows the boro club colourfull as usual?

and you would be comparing it to your club ,,,,,

good to see that you are interested in the paint and lighting schemes of a football club when other people are destroying football.

see's it
23/02/2007, 1:17 PM
cant shame these people they dont have any

how do we know that its not all lies

23/02/2007, 1:21 PM
I will stand by anything that i have written. I have witnessed all of what i have written about

lets be honest, i would need to have some imagination to dream up this cr**p

Old keeper
23/02/2007, 1:46 PM
ger you just seem to be more interested in lim37 you tried hard enough to get into the ldmc when you did you were grand then lim37 came and all you were doin was ringing players from clubs to turn up for training thats not your job thats mc,gees maybe thats why clubs got ****ed off with you

Hi Hoops

My only interest is SOCCER not bothered if it is Under 9's Junior, Power soccer, Fotsol, Senior or anyother code or game that can help to promote the game. Limerick 37 has only been in existence since mid Jan so really not fair to say Im only interested in Limerick 37, and I have contacted 4 players so if 4 clubs got the hump because I called their secretaries or managers then I cant do much more.

You also need to get off your horse regarding me ringing players. As i told you I did and will continue to contact players if requested to do so. No players were contacted without the club being informed and if a few clubs wish to obstruct Junior players from making the step up then the club in question need to look at their motives. Players are paramount in all of the proposals for Limerick 37 and for Soccer Limerick. Players should be paramount in junior soccer as well, player development is the name of the game and when all grades are working together on player paths that will really be a boost for local soccer.

By the way the work put into Limerick 37 was and is on behalf of the local leagues, we are all volenteers here and lets not start another battle for no real reason. I can fully accept that some people have a different point of view but surely we can all work twoards a common goal!

If you dont feel my motives are for the good of all soccer then come out and say it I am a big boy now (no laughing for those who know me) I still play when picked for my own club and am still involved on the committee.

So for all soccer players and mentors lets just get on with positive stuff

see's it
23/02/2007, 2:27 PM
I will stand by anything that i have written. I have witnessed all of what i have written about

lets be honest, i would need to have some imagination to dream up this cr**p

you could just PM me the names and i promise il keep it to myself ;)

24/02/2007, 10:13 AM
a bad bad week for football in limerick. I can confirm leather statements about one of the new committee telling his own cronies they'd be taken care of again ..... pa mullally has also handed in his resignation as oscar traynor manager saying he wouldnt work with new (old) committee ... says it all really

24/02/2007, 10:47 AM
a bad bad week for football in limerick. I can confirm leather statements about one of the new committee telling his own cronies they'd be taken care of again ..... pa mullally has also handed in his resignation as oscar traynor manager saying he wouldnt work with new (old) committee ... says it all really

It's simple really

there are a few bitter twisted people involved in soccer in every league but the ldmc seems to have a few more and the worsed part is that there are a few hangers on from clubs helping them the fixtures secretary and willie grimes are examples of the type of people who have no answeres to any of the problems facing soccer but wont let anyone else try to do anything the committee that is gone were not the best committee in the world but at lease they were trying to have the park repaired and they started the soccer limerick thing that has the schoolboys and ladies talking to each other and the referees. they were removed because the treasurer was bitter about being suspended for not apologising to the committee and because he is related to noonan this whole thing started some clubs were told that they were being removed because the committee were trying to remove the fixtures secretary that was a lie and there are loads other lies that are being told to the clubs
these are the clubs who want the whole 37 thing to fail

corbally Noel hanley has said publicly that he would not vote for it and he is on the new committee

shame on ye clubs and members

all other clubs should come and support the thing in tueday dont listen to people who say ye should not come in cause its a done deal that is the way they work by telling some clubs they nedent bother commin in

see's it
24/02/2007, 11:36 AM
a bad bad week for football in limerick. I can confirm leather statements about one of the new committee telling his own cronies they'd be taken care of again ..... pa mullally has also handed in his resignation as oscar traynor manager saying he wouldnt work with new (old) committee ... says it all really

looks like your club is behind alot of it MS5.

24/02/2007, 1:01 PM
LDMC websites not working. Is this the way things are going to be now ?:mad:

24/02/2007, 7:42 PM
looks like your club is behind alot of it MS5.

people would do well to realise theres more to pike rovers than mick noonan ... and the same people would do well to realise there was more than pike involved in this ....

25/02/2007, 10:55 AM
people would do well to realise theres more to pike rovers than mick noonan ... and the same people would do well to realise there was more than pike involved in this ....

a reliable pike person who supports the limk 37 thing told me the club were trying to stop a player from signing with limerick that takesthe biscuits caues they snapped up the ex limk players as fast as the ould ad them players are looking to go back but cant

the hoops
25/02/2007, 11:37 AM
a reliable pike person who supports the limk 37 thing told me the club were trying to stop a player from signing with limerick that takesthe biscuits caues they snapped up the ex limk players as fast as the ould ad them players are looking to go back but cant

are you on something?pike cant stop anyone going. boyle,mc,carthy cant sign back yet as they have to wait a certain time before they go back to senior football if your on about mc,garry he signed with lim37 friday night ,ps check your spelling:) :)

26/02/2007, 6:42 AM
[QUOTE=the hoops;630539]are you on something?pike cant stop anyone going. boyle,mc,carthy cant sign back yet as they have to wait a certain time before they go back to senior football if your on about mc,carry he signed with lim37 friday night ,ps check your spelling:) :)[/QUOTE

Speaking of spelling - who is "mc, carry" ???? Did you mean Mike Carey? Isn't he from Carew?

26/02/2007, 9:18 AM
LDMC websites not working. Is this the way things are going to be now ?:mad:

Attempted to get into it this morning and just noticed that. What an effing farce.

Old keeper
26/02/2007, 9:34 AM
Attempted to get into it this morning and just noticed that. What an effing farce.


I dont think the Interim committee have done anything to the website. so lets not assume that it is closed, All that has happened is that the site is programmed to update every 24 hours and if the updated files are not there it will not display. I am sure if we give them a chance they may have a solution shortly.

26/02/2007, 12:37 PM
I hope your'e right Oldkeeper, but I've been trying it for 4 days now and still no joy. It would be a great shame if the website is neglected beacuse it was excellent and a great focal point to keep up to date with the clubs progress and compare with others, see whats coming up etc.
Without the website we're back to relying on second hand unrelaible word of mouth info thats out of date and wrong most of the time.

26/02/2007, 1:27 PM
I wouldnt hold out much hope of the site being back up and running unless Oldkeeper is involved again. I doubt some of those ancient muppets would know how to turn on a PC, much less update a website every few days.

26/02/2007, 1:29 PM
Oh I dunno, some of them are well able to log onto foot.ie and invent accuastions from comments seen.

a country voice
27/02/2007, 1:22 PM
Well lads, theres an election for a new L.D.M.C. committee in a few weeks time. Who do ye think should be elected? Ive decided to do my own kind of M.R.B.I. poll on here.
So, here we go..............
Vice Chairman:
and 9 committee members.........
Fill in as many positions as you can, you know like the way the politicians tell you not to just tick one box! vote one two three etc in order of your choice! lol Have fun!
A Country Voice:)

"The problem with political jokes is they get elected"
Henry Cate VII

27/02/2007, 1:37 PM
So, here we go..............
Chairman:Paddy cusack
Vice Chairman:Malachy Cosgrove
Fixtures:Paddy cusack
P.R.O.:What u wont one of them for
and 9 committee members.........
1 Jimmy Power
2 Kevin O'dwyer
3 Eddie Barry
4 Mick Noonan
5 E.Heffernan
6 S.o'donnovan
7 Vegtable
8 Fruit
9 Village Idiot

the dazzler
27/02/2007, 1:44 PM
So, here we go..............
Chairman:Paddy cusack
Vice Chairman:Malachy Cosgrove
Fixtures:Paddy cusack
P.R.O.:What u wont one of them for
and 9 committee members.........
1 Jimmy Power
2 Kevin O'dwyer
3 Eddie Barry
4 Mick Noonan
5 E.Heffernan
6 S.o'donnovan
7 Vegtable
8 Fruit
9 Village Idiot

are the last 3 with boro?:)

27/02/2007, 1:47 PM
heard Martin Reddan is going to be chairman..any truth in this,

27/02/2007, 1:56 PM
are the last 3 with boro?:)


What is it with you and the boro.. me thinks you protest too much...
Discarded by the boro ?????

27/02/2007, 2:14 PM
When is the EGM suppsoed to take place and any idea who is running for the positions?

If Cusack is running for chairman at least he wont have a grip on the fixtures. Although if he gets chairman chances are one of his cronies will get FS and do everything he says.

27/02/2007, 2:17 PM
When is the EGM suppsoed to take place and any idea who is running for the positions?

If Cusack is running for chairman at least he wont have a grip on the fixtures. Although if he gets chairman chances are one of his cronies will get FS and do everything he says.


27/02/2007, 3:02 PM
heard Martin Reddan is going to be chairman..any truth in this,

You have to be on the committee a minumum of 2 years before you can run for an officers position.

a country voice
27/02/2007, 3:11 PM
So, here we go..............
Chairman:Paddy cusack
Vice Chairman:Malachy Cosgrove
Fixtures:Paddy cusack
P.R.O.:What u wont one of them for
and 9 committee members.........
1 Jimmy Power
2 Kevin O'dwyer
3 Eddie Barry
4 Mick Noonan
5 E.Heffernan
6 S.o'donnovan
7 Vegtable
8 Fruit
9 Village Idiot

I asked who you wanted elected? is this the kind of committee ye want running junior football in Limerick? oh and a couple of slight technical hitches with that by the way, the tresurer you have down is currently suspended, and you have one person down for 2 officers positions which isnt allowed. Any serious attempts at a committee lads?

"Get all the fools on your side and you can be elected to anything"
Frank Dane

27/02/2007, 3:14 PM
Any idea who is running for what position yet?

PS I like the quote ACV. Very apt.

27/02/2007, 11:30 PM

I dont think the Interim committee have done anything to the website. so lets not assume that it is closed, All that has happened is that the site is programmed to update every 24 hours and if the updated files are not there it will not display. I am sure if we give them a chance they may have a solution shortly.

Hi Old keeper

God Bless your entheusiasim!!!

Yuou were removed by a few spanners and cant bring yourself to tell it like it is. these idiots dont care about soccer just as long as they have their say and feel their power.