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17/03/2007, 7:07 PM
Just wondering what the general EL fan puts first. Example: If Ireland and your EL team were playing at the same time on the same day...who would you choose?

For me, it'll always be club before country, no question about it.

17/03/2007, 7:08 PM
Rovers first...

17/03/2007, 7:14 PM
united would always come first, I think you'll find that the club choice will runaway with this poll on this website anyway !

17/03/2007, 7:17 PM
I would out of necessary conversation the following day politely inquire whilst coming home from the match about how Ireland did.

17/03/2007, 7:20 PM
I would out of necessary conversation the following day politely inquire whilst coming home from the match about how Ireland did.

as a side note of coarse... ;)

17/03/2007, 8:07 PM

Comic Book Guy
17/03/2007, 8:43 PM
Rams for me always

17/03/2007, 9:12 PM
Club first, though hasn't always been the way.

The FAI have successfulyl converted me to club over country in recent years. If they keep working any harder, they may even get me to stop bothering to support Ireland altogether.... :eek:

Battery Rover
17/03/2007, 9:22 PM
Always been Athlone Town first

Kildare Lad
17/03/2007, 9:29 PM
Club first always

17/03/2007, 9:33 PM
gave up watching ireland after they sacked kerr and put cletus in charge

17/03/2007, 10:01 PM
Club obviously. Not by as much as some though.

new blue
17/03/2007, 10:18 PM
Country is very important.
What really intrigues me is why some people support other non-national clubs when they are playing Ireland - strkes me as the remnants of an old colonial inferiority complex.

17/03/2007, 10:24 PM
Support Ireland???

In rugby - Yes.

In cricket - Yes.

But in soccer..... don't make me laugh. Why would anybody be remotely interested in supporting the woefully incompetent Delaney/Staunton regime???

17/03/2007, 10:44 PM
they may even get me to stop bothering to support Ireland altogether.... :eek:

Already worked with me.

18/03/2007, 12:18 AM
We have this poll every year it seems.

18/03/2007, 1:52 AM
How long until the games cannot be held on the same day, as the same pool of players are used for both games?

For me, it would be club first, bar after. Country in there somewhere.

Mental Man
18/03/2007, 7:38 AM
Why in gods name would anybody go and see the fiasco that is Delaney and Staunton?

Blues always first !!!!!

18/03/2007, 7:53 AM
Well there should not be a clash I believe it's against the rules however, if I had to choose it would be UCD. The club has been much more ''my'' club than Ireland has been ''my'' team. I only one current senior international player and that's because his uncle used to be the Coach of UCD , and I met the player concerned because I knew his uncle, at an FAI Awards do that both of them attended a few years ago.

The Irish women's team because of my experience of being involved in the admin side of Women's Soccer for years is much more
'' my '' team than the Senior men's team will ever be.

18/03/2007, 9:55 AM
I'd rather Rovers beat Bohs than Ireland winning the World Cup, and I'd like to think most Bohs fans would rather beat us than Ireland winning the WC

Grey Boy
18/03/2007, 10:12 AM
There's no debate. Always Wanderers.

18/03/2007, 10:34 AM
Cork City first

De Town
18/03/2007, 11:27 AM
Definately Club

Anto McC
18/03/2007, 12:05 PM
Support Ireland???

In rugby - Yes.

In cricket - Yes.

But in soccer..... don't make me laugh. Why would anybody be remotely interested in supporting the woefully incompetent Delaney/Staunton regime???

My sentiments exactly!

18/03/2007, 12:06 PM
I'd rather Rovers beat Bohs than Ireland winning the World Cup, and I'd like to think most Bohs fans would rather beat us than Ireland winning the WC

Thats what id prefer, April 3rd world cup final:)

18/03/2007, 12:29 PM
I've forgotten what it's like to win a match with either :eek: , but I'm confident I'd enjoy both.
That said, have to come down on side of club.

18/03/2007, 12:33 PM
Definitely Wanderers...I have a lot of mixed feelings about supporting the National team. I want to cheer Ireland on, but I can only support something I can feel a part of...and as I can never get my hands on Ireland tickets, I feel less and less a part of the...er, Green Army...

18/03/2007, 1:11 PM
I'd rather Rovers beat Bohs than Ireland winning the World Cup, and I'd like to think most Bohs fans would rather beat us than Ireland winning the WC

I'd rather see you lot beat UCD than see Ireland win so much as a throw in. Delaney and Co have made me actively hate the national team and I pray they lose every single match until public opinion dictates the current regime is publicly drowned in buckets of their own excrement.

Flaying them alive, rolling them in salt, hanging them by their genitals and forcing poisonous ants up their anuses is too kind a death for the FAI. :ball:

Da Real Rover
18/03/2007, 1:13 PM
club first defo, then country.

But i never follow our eggball national team, hate the sport, hate the fans hate everything to do with the snobbery of that ugly sport.

18/03/2007, 1:38 PM
I'd rather Rovers beat Bohs than Ireland winning the World Cup, and I'd like to think most Bohs fans would rather beat us than Ireland winning the WC

How about in an end of season game, both clubs midtable, nothing other than rivalry to play for?

18/03/2007, 2:02 PM
Country first but that may change if the current regime doesnt.

I am really NOT looking forward to next week.

The cricket team should be flown home to play Wales with a REAL captain like Drico leading the team out.

18/03/2007, 2:07 PM
Club first. Have missed Ireland games before travelling to Dundalk away games and will continue to do so in the future.

18/03/2007, 2:29 PM
I'd rather see you lot beat UCD than see Ireland win so much as a throw in. Delaney and Co have made me actively hate the national team and I pray they lose every single match until public opinion dictates the current regime is publicly drowned in buckets of their own excrement.

Flaying them alive, rolling them in salt, hanging them by their genitals and forcing poisonous ants up their anuses is too kind a death for the FAI. :ball:

Philo, you're speaking my language. Ever since I've been following Pats seriously (last 13 years or so) they've gradually become much more important to me than the national team. Now Pats are the ONLY team I care about. My feelings about Ireland have moved to a position of outright hostility since the shafting of Brian Kerr(though what a happy outcome that's had:cool: ) to the point where I now echo Philos sentiments entirely. It would do much more good for the game here if an Irish club was to make any kind of a breakthrough in Europe than for Ireland to qualify for ten major tournaments. Support Irish football, yes. Support the Irish team ? Sorry, not anymore.

18/03/2007, 3:52 PM
How about in an end of season game, both clubs midtable, nothing other than rivalry to play for?

The rivalry is more important than the points

A face
18/03/2007, 5:18 PM
Club wins hands down everytime without question.

18/03/2007, 5:33 PM
Completely dissolusioned with the national setup since we started to trawl UK players' family historys to find even a tenuous link to the "auld sod" not to mention the self proclaimed "greatest fans in the world" / "Jack's Army" / "Ole ole brigade" was mobilised.

Waterford United any day / any competition

Raheny Red
18/03/2007, 7:05 PM
The Reds :cool:

18/03/2007, 7:08 PM
Club everytime.

18/03/2007, 7:09 PM
I feel less and less a part of the...er, Green Army...
But you're in the Green Army!

Erstwhile Bóz
18/03/2007, 8:36 PM
I'm almost completely lapsed as a Bohs fan :( but Team FAI can go and have a big ould ****e for themselves. Club.

18/03/2007, 9:35 PM
Harps 1st but tbh it was country 1st until McCarthy went. its just downhill since then.
Ireland rugby world cup champs,
Ireland cricket world cup champs,
Ireland Soccer - scrapheap stan n delaney ur time has come, u r the weekest link GOODBYE.

18/03/2007, 9:58 PM
Now that Ireland has slipped further down in the world rankings, where does the international side stand in European terms compared to our league?

....oh, Bohs first...

19/03/2007, 3:16 PM
Club first by miles.
I have to cringe when I hear the media talk of the 'lansdowne roar' and the greatest fans in the world

Martinho II
19/03/2007, 3:17 PM
longford town definitely first by a long shot! still go to the odd ireland match but its not the same as watchin ur local team!

19/03/2007, 3:32 PM
Rovers first for me too , but i still very much would support the national team and want them to win , despite shoddy administration and mad cap management.

19/03/2007, 3:35 PM
Limerick first
Sheffield Wednesday second
Irish cricketers third......

The Irish football team are sandwiched somewhere inbetween the French national team and Hellas Verona in my list of priorites, no wind up :)

Student Mullet
19/03/2007, 3:45 PM

19/03/2007, 4:03 PM
Always Derry C first. Under the current regime i wouldnt go out of my way to see an Ireland game. In fact i'd rather watch NI at the minute

Lim till i die
19/03/2007, 6:50 PM
Atletico Madrid

The Oirish national side don't even feature slightly in my mind. I've actually gotten into my againstism in the last couple of years. The same goes for the rugger bandwagon

19/03/2007, 7:51 PM
Jeez That would surely have to go under the 'jumping on the bandwagon category'

Dont support NI but would watch them ahead of ROI at the minute