View Full Version : RTE Panel and the Champions League

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21/02/2007, 2:45 PM
I know most here think the RTE Panel is the bees' knees but it has been driving me mad for years with its lack of balance or dissenting voice. When Brady first joined it, he would occasionally disagree with Father Time and the Poison Dwarf.

Now it's same old, same old. They all say the same thing. They almost devoted the whole programme to their latest hobby horse: Christian Rinaldo is not world class. Who cares? It's only an opinion by some. Is it worth devoting most of the programme to. The 3 panelists all agreed in the beginning that an English club should win it (they were rubbishing the Premiership when it suits them), that the opposition were in turmoil and that Rinaldo is rubbish. No dissenting view as usual. "I agree with John", "I agree with Eamon". "I agree with Liam". Please, please, pleasee - someone disagree with the other.

Then Bill tells us at the end of the programme "for Roy Keane fans" that Sun drew with Birm in a "hugely important game". No mention of Big Mc's victory in his hugely important game.

Give me TV3 anyday ;)


21/02/2007, 2:53 PM

this ronaldo thing bugs people - therefore its great to hear the real side of the story (far from world class) - the rte panel ARE the dissenting voice to almost widespread approval to Ronaldo's claims to brilliance

he sh.t, rte panel are right. move on

21/02/2007, 3:30 PM

this ronaldo thing bugs people - therefore its great to hear the real side of the story (far from world class) - the rte panel ARE the dissenting voice to almost widespread approval to Ronaldo's claims to brilliance

he sh.t, rte panel are right. move on

dont know, im in the Uk. and they are raving about him, like evrything else thats comes out of england,
but i think he is overrated, cant cross a ball for s hit, and is generally useless against the bigger teams, ala arsenal.....
g taylor did mention this on Five live though

Darco Ooragnak
21/02/2007, 4:43 PM
He is overrated, however Dunphy and Brady were way over the top yesterday. They were slagging him off even before the game began, if they wait to halftime and give evidence, thats grand....but before he even kicks a ball or does a wee fall is a bit much.

Last night Rooney was pretty poor, in fairnes to Giles he highlighted this, to which Brady jumped down his throat and said that he was not as poor as Ronaldo.

Dunphy seems to like to have a topic to go on about, a while back it was how great Keane was ( Roy not Robbie ), now it is how poor that Ronaldo is.

21/02/2007, 4:44 PM
I agree he's overrated but do RTE need to devote almost the whole panel discussion to this fact and then have each of the 3 panelists say the exactly same thing? It's "we're going to be different to the BBC and SKy" at any cost. Giles loves his discussions on what "makes a great player". "It's someone who does the simple things well" and then uses Maradona and Pele as examples:rolleyes: Maradona doing simple things :eek: They picked out snippets of Ronaldo's game after the match to prove their point. I believe Henry had a shocker against PSV but does that mean he's not a good player.

I am obviously in a minority of one who craves for a difference of opinion in the RTE Panel (the Keane debacle aside).

21/02/2007, 4:44 PM
I don't understand why RTE panel held up in such high esteem. Their analysis is of the level of 3 lads in the pub. For example BBC would devote 5 minutes to a topic but RTE will stretch out to 30 minutes.

The RTE lads are amateurs with the marker too & need to upgrade their software & training.


Darco Ooragnak
21/02/2007, 4:53 PM
Would have still liked to see them chat about the San Marino game though.

21/02/2007, 6:31 PM
RTE's panel is honest. People who watch bbc and sky aren't used to it.

BTW a simply brilliant example just now

BOH on Mourinho; "he's a fascinating man, isn't he Liam?"


Made me laugh out loud

Lim till i die
21/02/2007, 9:15 PM
Whatever about the panel (Who IMO are absolutely light years ahead of their English counterparts) Ray Houghton knows so little about football it's actually astonishing given how long he played the game

21/02/2007, 10:31 PM
Whatever about the panel (Who IMO are absolutely light years ahead of their English counterparts) Ray Houghton knows so little about football it's actually astonishing given how long he played the game

Disgustingly biased too.

21/02/2007, 11:09 PM
I used to think that Ronaldo was a show pony, and he still does **** about every now and again, but after watching alot of Man U this year he has been their driving force in a season where they have been doing extremely well. He has come good at vital times like when they came from behind against Benfica and away to Reading. The panel on RTE annoy the head off me. They bang on about how bad the premiership but there are 7 english clubs still going strong in Europe. They had a bad bad world cup with their predictions eg Germany are crap, France are crap, Argentina are looking good but they then try and dress it up and say that they always fancied italy. 3 out of 4 on the panel went for Ecuador to beat England. Now i know england were rubbish but for them all to copy each other and say ecuador were going to beat them was a joke.

22/02/2007, 6:57 AM
Honest: biased does not = honesty unless you mean honest in their bias.

Yes, Laughing Bill said last night as the panelists said there will be 4 English clubs in the quarter-finals that this gives a lie to the poor quality of the Premiership. "No, no" shout the Poison Dwarf and Brady in unison and PD then goes on to expound that the "top 4 are way ahead of the rest" and that there is "more money in the Premiership". I in my innocence would have thought that the latter point strengthens the case of the Premiership while the former point may be true, it ignores the fact that the English teams up to now this season have also been dominating the UEFA Cup so that while they might not be any great shakes, they are as good if not better than the also rans across Europe.

The RTE Panel loves to jeer and mock and that's why people like it: panders to the lowest denomination.

Lim till i die
22/02/2007, 8:00 AM
The RTE Panel loves to jeer and mock and that's why people like it: panders to the lowest denomination.

Ya not like Ian "Wrighty" Wright and the smiler over on the BBC ;)

22/02/2007, 8:22 AM
I am obviously in a minority of one who craves for a difference of opinion in the RTE Panel (the Keane debacle aside).

Oh no your not. Most of my buddies and the lads down the local can't stomach anything that MURTE spout. Just can't take the drunk seriously on any topic any more. "Controversial" for the sake of it just doesn't cut the mustard with me. Brady's anti Chels bias is becoming as boring as the drunks obsession with Roy K.

Get rid now is the only option, but it won't happen as they are too cosy.

22/02/2007, 8:38 AM
They have their hobby horses and cant wait to jump on them , ie Ronaldo and Beckham , if Dunphy watches as much Spanish football as he claims to have done he wouldnt be so critical of Beckham.

22/02/2007, 8:51 AM

bite your teeth into this then....

22/02/2007, 10:31 AM
A lot of Irish guys replied there creaming themselves over British acceptance of Irish pundits

22/02/2007, 10:40 AM
They have their hobby horses and cant wait to jump on them , ie Ronaldo and Beckham , if Dunphy watches as much Spanish football as he claims to have done he wouldnt be so critical of Beckham.

Beckham has been Rubbish for Madrid. Easily their worst midfielder. A couple of crosses and a flukey free don't change that. its only SKy who are praising the Messiah's return

On and the Guardian article is spot on. Giles doesn't have any hobby horses and neither does Brady (who openly hates Mourinho but still praises Chelsea), Dunphy ovioulsy does but the other two call it as they see it. They're negative when they need to be but are quick enough to praise good play.

22/02/2007, 10:54 AM
Giles did one Leeds game for Sky when Carlton Palmer was playing, he slated him (RTE style) and was never invited back, which I think is a testamant to the man.
If you had to put up with Shearer LIneker & Ian Wright you'd yearn for a bit of Dunphy & Giles.

Amazingly Dodge it is the Real Fans who aper to be the ones who are creaming themselves over Beckham, rate him or not he has wonover the fans in Madrid which "at the end of the day Andy is what it's all about" ;)

22/02/2007, 11:12 AM
Whatever about the panel (Who IMO are absolutely light years ahead of their English counterparts) Ray Houghton knows so little about football it's actually astonishing given how long he played the game

Nearly choked on my dinner yesterday when watching Barca v Liverpool. Puyol was hacked down by Risse i think & Houghton tried to suggest it wasn't a bad foul as Puyol had fallen cos he stood on the ball. The only reason he stood on the ball was that the Liverpool hacked his standing foot. :rolleyes:

Dunphy always uses other sports to show how stupid footballers are. He says rugby referees better & Brian O'Driscoll & Ronan O'Gara better stars that Ronaldinho. FFS Dunphy knows nothing about rugby.


22/02/2007, 11:18 AM
I don't understand why RTE panel held up in such high esteem. Their analysis is of the level of 3 lads in the pub. For example BBC would devote 5 minutes to a topic but RTE will stretch out to 30 minutes.

The RTE lads are amateurs with the marker too & need to upgrade their software & training.


thats not true, their world cup analysis was far and away the best
unless you get excited by watching ian wright, and martin o neill doing his dumb paddie impressions
or itv!

22/02/2007, 11:19 AM
I used to think that Ronaldo was a show pony, and he still does **** about every now and again, but after watching alot of Man U this year he has been their driving force in a season where they have been doing extremely well. He has come good at vital times like when they came from behind against Benfica and away to Reading. The panel on RTE annoy the head off me. They bang on about how bad the premiership but there are 7 english clubs still going strong in Europe. They had a bad bad world cup with their predictions eg Germany are crap, France are crap, Argentina are looking good but they then try and dress it up and say that they always fancied italy. 3 out of 4 on the panel went for Ecuador to beat England. Now i know england were rubbish but for them all to copy each other and say ecuador were going to beat them was a joke.

to be fair Brady did mention Italy at the start of the Wcup

22/02/2007, 11:42 AM
Beckham has been Rubbish for Madrid. Easily their worst midfielder. A couple of crosses and a flukey free don't change that. its only SKy who are praising the Messiah's return.
He was easily their best midfielder last season. I haven't seen much this season so can't judge that.

22/02/2007, 11:56 AM
He was easily their best midfielder last season. I haven't seen much this season so can't judge that.

yeah that vintage team - the dream midfield with Beckham as the libero......that achieved what precisely?

Beckham has always been over inflated - he's crap - not just crap but past it too

22/02/2007, 12:06 PM
yeah that vintage team - the dream midfield with Beckham as the libero......that achieved what precisely?

Beckham has always been over inflated - he's crap - not just crap but past it too

2nd place in the best league in the world , so yea he must be crap to stand out in that team.

22/02/2007, 12:07 PM
2nd place in the best league in the world , so yea he must be crap to stand out in that team.

when did he "stand out"

the man is rubbish

and only women and gays think he's a good footballer

22/02/2007, 12:13 PM
when did he "stand out"

the man is rubbish

and only women and gays think he's a good footballer
Only people who know anything about football think he is a good footballer.

This nonsense of knocking Beckham which has gone on for years is complete bullshít. No matter what he has done in his career there are still plenty who are ready to criticise him at any opportunity that they get. Many people say that he is only considered to be good because of the amount of media attention he gets for non-football issues, when this is the reason they are saying he is a bad player.

22/02/2007, 12:20 PM
Whatever about the CL coverage, top culchie and bogball expert Eamon Horan said on on the RTÉ News on Two last night that Chelsea had earned a point against Porto. :eek:


22/02/2007, 12:22 PM
I watch a lot of Spanish football and Beckham was certainly not Madrid's best midfielderlast year. He puts in the effort but he's no where near good enough to be called world class (liek the rest of his English compatriots)

He's a solid international player (and better than most in the English squad) but is, and never was, world class

22/02/2007, 12:27 PM
thats not true, their world cup analysis was far and away the best
unless you get excited by watching ian wright, and martin o neill doing his dumb paddie impressions
or itv!

What hope have we got when we get comments like this. At the start of the campaign they laughed at France and Italy and spent the whole campaign jeering (not analysising) England. They got one game wrong after the other. It was unbelievable but because they were scoffing at England, it was pandering to a certain class of viewer and were "controversial" so it was great..

Ian Wright is an idiot. WOuldn't disagree there. Not sure what you mean about Martin O'Neill doing "his dumb paddy impressions".

22/02/2007, 12:36 PM
What hope have we got when we get comments like this. At the start of the campaign they laughed at France and Italy and spent the whole campaign jeering (not analysising) England. They got one game wrong after the other. It was unbelievable but because they were scoffing at England, it was pandering to a certain class of viewer and were "controversial" so it was great..

Ian Wright is an idiot. WOuldn't disagree there. Not sure what you mean about Martin O'Neill doing "his dumb paddy impressions".

good god man - england were a farce at the world cup
becks being a big fat gayer who wasn't even fit?

a pundits job isnt to predict - ffs read a horoscope - its to call it as they see it - they called it correctly - england jammed there way into the portugal game and went no further unable to break down a team of equally less penetration - Portugal - who also included that shammer Ronaldo - a darling of the non rte - uk media.I find the current United fans song about Ronaldo ironic in the extreme - on EVERY level!

22/02/2007, 2:13 PM

22/02/2007, 2:25 PM
good god man - england were a farce at the world cup
becks being a big fat gayer who wasn't even fit?

a pundits job isnt to predict - ffs read a horoscope - its to call it as they see it - they called it correctly - england jammed there way into the portugal game and went no further unable to break down a team of equally less penetration - Portugal - who also included that shammer Ronaldo - a darling of the non rte - uk media.I find the current United fans song about Ronaldo ironic in the extreme - on EVERY level!
two references to homosexuality already on this thread , are you trying to tell us something?:eek:
And i agree with Owls fan , their coverage of England was as predictable as it was bland , God help those of us who wanted a bit of balance , They managed to bring the English football team into many unrelated conversations no matter how tenuous the link , their obsession was disgusting.

22/02/2007, 2:31 PM

u big fat gaylord!

and there's his hat trick! :p :D

22/02/2007, 3:14 PM
Fair play Eirebhoy I have been looking for that for years. Apres Match before they existed.

22/02/2007, 3:25 PM
I found this one under Eirebhoys link, it got me going.


22/02/2007, 4:08 PM
good god man - england were a farce at the world cup
becks being a big fat gayer who wasn't even fit?

I rest my point. I see whom the RTE panel appeals to.

22/02/2007, 4:15 PM
if you dont like switch on ITV/SKy

22/02/2007, 5:29 PM
if you dont like switch on ITV/SKy

Nah, switch them all off.

23/02/2007, 11:22 AM
Honest: biased does not = honesty unless you mean honest in their bias.

I in my innocence would have thought that the latter point strengthens the case of the Premiership while the former point may be true, it ignores the fact that the English teams up to now this season have also been dominating the UEFA Cup so that while they might not be any great shakes, they are as good if not better than the also rans across Europe.

The RTE Panel loves to jeer and mock and that's why people like it: panders to the lowest denomination.

How have English clubs been dominating the UEFA Cup? There's 2 English teams in the last 16, 4 Spanish, 2 German, 2 French, 2 Portuguese...

24/02/2007, 6:48 PM
the last time an english team won it was in 2001....6 years ago!

25/02/2007, 5:58 AM
same bullshi*t been posted here i see ''overrated'' ''not as good against the big teams''..... 1st'ly the same can be said about thierry henry and thats off the top of my head and 2nd'ly when united play chelsea,liverpoorl,arsenal etc..... or liverpool play chelsea etc.... no player stands out its the best of the best against each other, dosent say much for say ashley cole if ronaldo makes bits of him does it, dosnt happen does it, no caz he is deemed the best left back going and when you counter that with best right winger your hardly gonna see him wipe the ground with him??,
u want to talk about ''overrated players'' ''RRROONEY'' is terrible against ALL teams IMO he scores a goal here and there and performances are wrote off had he choose to play for ireland he wouldnt have even have cost 28 odd million, btw i support man utd so im not having a go at the players because i support another team im giving an honest opinion!. switch ronaldo with rooney(nationality) and with all the hype in papers etc... ronaldo's ability wouldnt be questioned!.
rte panel past its sell by date back in the early 90's their all full of sh*t....houghton especially talks like he wrote the book on faultless football, as for the rest their all roy keane blojo*ers(no offense roy) dull, miserable sods anyway

26/02/2007, 10:27 AM
Can anybody understand that.

26/02/2007, 11:40 AM
Can anybody understand that.

Not a bit of it, but I assume the time it was posted may have something to do with it. :D

26/02/2007, 6:15 PM
Can anybody understand that.

sorry forgot to quote the person/persons talking about ronaldo on 1st page, thats who im talking about

Gaillimh Al
06/03/2007, 10:10 PM
Dunphy tonight:

"Gerrard, a nothing player"


06/03/2007, 10:13 PM
right after Dunphy called Gerrard a nothing player Andy Townsend was talking about how he was immense :rolleyes: English football coverage, it's just terrible

Lim till i die
06/03/2007, 10:27 PM
Dunphy tonight:

"Gerrard, a nothing player"


Absolutely 100% Spot On

Worse than a nothing player, a liability

Fairplay to the RTE panel telling it how it is unlike the fawning morons over on ITV

06/03/2007, 10:40 PM
Dunphy tonight:

"Gerrard, a nothing player"

I agree.

Gaillimh Al
06/03/2007, 10:46 PM
Of course he's spot on.
Brilliant stuff as always. Compared to Andy Townsend and Robbie "Jamaican World Cup Star" Earle on the sideline. What a joke ITV are. Bring back Gabby Yorath and Big Ron.

Oh and did anyone hear Charlie Nicholas after Mancini's 2nd goal(where he does about 8 stepovers) for Roma tonight.
"That's just fabulous skill, wonderful. I'm out on the town wi this boy tonight!!!