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19/02/2014, 4:18 PM
Yeah, the four of Dunne, O'Shea, Clark and Wilson are nailed on if we were picking our best squad right now. I would prefer Wilson at full back even though he hasn't been great for us recently. With regards Delaney, it just depends on the way O'Neill is thinking. He will be 35 by the time the Euros come along. On current form nobody could begrudge him though. Maybe we could do without Dunne and/or O'Shea this time around to pave the way for Keogh/Delaney/Pearce. I must admit I have seen little or nothing of Pearce recently.

19/02/2014, 4:59 PM
I think O'Shea and Dunne will be at the forefront of O'Neill's thinking. I have a feeling that Delaney may be sacrificed to ensure that the age profile of our defenders swings more to the balance of youth (relative). Looks like it would be between Pearce and Keogh in that regard and a couple of press pieces have indicated that Keogh is in O'Neill's thoughts. I do have to say that I would have Delaney and someone else at the back on current form.

It's going to be very interesting to see who the new/ish faces (if any) are in the squad.

Eunan O'Kane, Harry Arter, Daryl Murphy, Keith Treacy, Shay Given, Sean Murray, Chris McCann and Shane Duffy all within a realistic shout.

Maybe even Willo Flood judging by current press reports, Shaun Williams for his versatility or young Jack Grealish if they want to be really daring.

19/02/2014, 11:38 PM
I'd be very surprised by any of those names, excepting maybe Murray, McCann and Duffy. Guess it depends how experimental or even off-the-wall they want to be for this friendly.

Charlie Darwin
19/02/2014, 11:49 PM
I'd be very surprised by any of those names, excepting maybe Murray, McCann and Duffy. Guess it depends how experimental or even off-the-wall they want to be for this friendly.
O'Kane was on standby for the previous squad so you'd think he'll be in the mix too given recent performances (although I think he may have been injured at the weekend).

20/02/2014, 9:08 AM
Yes, I have seen Clark playing this season and it's been a bit of a mixed bag to be honest. Similarly to Keogh, pre-McClaren, he really isn't helped by those around him. He is a far better defender than Baker in my opinion. If I was to drop anybody on current form, from the games I have seen, it would be Wilson. I posted this in the previous page by the way:

He may be playing at a lower level than, say, Ciaran Clark right now but I suspect he would be less prone to costly errors. I like Clark and think he has huge talent, but he is still pretty raw in his approach.

What is with the tone of your post anyway? You're upset because I think Clark should be in the squad or because I admitted to seeing little of Pearce... hang on while I download some Reading games :rolleyes:

the doc
20/02/2014, 9:39 AM
Why does everyone have a boner for Pearse? He's yet another who seems decent, but no more at this stage. I haven't seen much of him tbh but I saw him live against Oman. He had a bit of Gary Doherty about him I thought.

I think Dunne and O'Shea are our best two CBs, with SSL a very reliable third choice. Delaney strikes me as a good backs to the wall defender but lacks finesse, and I'd say Keogh is in that mould too. It's hard to tell whether either is better than McShane. O'Dea has got too much flak.

Fair assessment, but I'd add that SSL will be pushing both Josh and Dunney for a start, which is good for us as we need them all throughout the campaign ahead.

20/02/2014, 9:59 AM
Why did you delete your post doc?

20/02/2014, 2:54 PM
Big news in Derbyshire... all that propaganda paid off (http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Derby-County-skipper-Richard-Keogh-recalled/story-20668451-detail/story.html) :D


20/02/2014, 4:52 PM
No comment from Keogh himself though. I can't believe it means so little to him.

20/02/2014, 4:54 PM
No comment from Keogh himself though. I can't believe it means so little to him.

It has only been a few hours since the squad announcement, Stutts. Give him a chance.

21/02/2014, 12:03 AM

22/02/2014, 5:08 PM
The intrepid sports reporter from the Derby Telegraph (http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Derby-County-Richard-Keogh-says-Irish-eyes-smile/story-20670852-detail/story.html)has finally been able to collar the elusive Richard Keogh, since his inclusion in the 28 man squad for the game against Serbia.

"It is a really proud moment for me,” said Keogh. “It’s nice to be back involved and is something I have been working hard towards.”
“This is a new era for the senior team, an exciting time and, hopefully, I can be a big part of it but I’ve just got to make sure I keep playing well for Derby, that is the main thing"

McClaren adds (not unwilling to share in the glory),

“Richard has been playing well,He has become a strong leader in the group, on the field and off it."
“He has surprised me not just as a defender but the way he can come out and play with the ball.
We want to play football and it really helps when you have centre-backs who can come out and play. Richard and Jake Buxton are doing it very well.
Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane have been to see our games. I think they were at the QPR game when Richard was immense.
Richard is developing that concentration and focus which is the key to defending at the top.
I think it will be great for him to get an opportunity to work with that management team and play at international level, that just improves you even more as a player.”

22/02/2014, 5:12 PM
We are well stocked with centre backs playing regularly at a high level so he might have to wait for his chance. Very impatient this guy!

Reminds me of Richard Stearman thinking he would just walk into the team once he got his passport.

22/02/2014, 5:43 PM
Yes indeed, Richard saying he "hopes to be a part of it" undoubtably demonstrates his arrogance that he thinks he can just walk into the team.

22/02/2014, 5:51 PM
Yes indeed, Richard saying he "hopes to be a part of it" undoubtably demonstrates his arrogance that he thinks he can just walk into the team.

"hopes to be a big part of it"

I actually seen this but didn't post the link because (a) it is par for the course and (b) because I was trying to avoid this exact thing right here.

22/02/2014, 5:57 PM
Yes indeed, that's a good spot TOWK. Incredible arrogance from Keogh to think he could possibly play a big part, never mind the bit part he should rightfully aspire towards, namely helping Roy to lay the cones out before practice.

22/02/2014, 6:23 PM
You should be happy to progress through the divisions in English football to play any part for your country without constantly harping on about being given a chance. As soon as he got a call up, he was talking about hoping to start! Put your head down and compete like Damien, Alex, McShane and O'Dea.

I was genuinely amused - and a little irritated - by the clockwork like precision of Keogh's comments about his latest call up and the rest of the defensive options' combined silence.

geysir, I may be a bit neurotic over all of this. Accept my foibles as I accept yours.

15/04/2014, 3:51 PM
A fairly to-the-point article on Derby's settled defence and it's importance in their push for promotion.

Settled back four has been key to Ram's success (http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Derby-County-Steve-Nicholson-says-settled-key/story-20956191-detail/story.html#ixzz2yx5k41so)

15/04/2014, 4:07 PM
Dunne, O'Shea, Delaney, Wilson, McShane (when he was fit) all playing well at a higher level. Clark is technically better. Duffy (standout in a resourceful Yeovil team), Kiernan and Hoban have big years ahead of them. Pearce has PL experience and is younger. O'Dea has been good whenever he has played.

Don't see the need for him really. He didn't inspire much confidence in the two starts he got. He looked really shaky against Serbia.

Edit: I forgot St Ledger. He has been solid for Ireland.

My point is that Keogh is a good player but he is not any better than the options we have and their are myriad of them. If he performs in the PL when and if Derby get promoted then I will change my tune but until then I don't think it's prudent to build a defence with him in it when he is inexperienced at this level, didn't make the impact i.e. St Ledger has in his past auditions and we already have at least 6 other options that are far more inexperienced just 5 months removed from our qualifying campaign.

15/04/2014, 4:45 PM
Why do you feel the need to reiterate your stance on Keogh every time he's mentioned? I posted an article which was relevant to the guy... not everything has to come back to whether he's fit to do a job for us from time to time or not.

Your previous stance (a liability even at Championship level) has been proven to be miles wide of the mark so I'm not sure you have much credibility when it comes to all-things-Keogh anyway!

15/04/2014, 4:52 PM
Why do you feel the need to repeat your stance on Keogh every time he's mentioned? I posted an article which was relevant to the guy... not everything has to come back to whether he's fit to do a job for us from time to time or not.

You're previous stance (a liability even at Championship level) has been proven to be miles wide of the mark so I'm not sure you have much credibility when it comes to all-things-Keogh anyway!

Did I really say liability at Championship level? That was harsh if I did. I just haven't been filled with confidence any time I have seen him play. He's having a good season I decree but so is Alex Pearce at Reading. Both are in the promotion shake-up and are neck in neck in terms of defensive records. Duffy too is getting plaudits, Kiernan more recently. Pretty much all of our defenders are having good seasons. Clark and O'Shea's clubs are having bad seasons but Villa and Sunderland's problems are endemic. Crystal Palace have only conceded 1 more goal than Man Utd. Maybe United should sign Delaney! ;)

15/04/2014, 5:03 PM
You said Derby are where they are in spite of him, not because of him. I can only presume this means you saw him as a liability.

Yes, he's having a good season. That's all he can do. He could crash and burn at international level or indeed in the Premier League... but then again ye could flourish like Sledge or Delaney.

He's certainly down the pecking order a bit - nobody, including himself, is saying otherwise. No harm in keeping tabs on him though.

Charlie Darwin
15/04/2014, 6:12 PM
Did I really say liability at Championship level? That was harsh if I did. I just haven't been filled with confidence any time I have seen him play. He's having a good season I decree but so is Alex Pearce at Reading. Both are in the promotion shake-up and are neck in neck in terms of defensive records. Duffy too is getting plaudits, Kiernan more recently. Pretty much all of our defenders are having good seasons. Clark and O'Shea's clubs are having bad seasons but Villa and Sunderland's problems are endemic. Crystal Palace have only conceded 1 more goal than Man Utd. Maybe United should sign Delaney! ;)
I think the point is that you spend a disproportionate amount of time talk talking down Richard Keogh when nobody is even particularly disagreeing with you that much.

15/04/2014, 6:39 PM
Edit: I forgot St Ledger. He has been solid for Ireland.

Did the doc send you a prompt by PM before your edit? :p

16/04/2014, 2:09 PM
Duffy (standout in a resourceful Yeovil team)

is this really the case? I have heard little to nothing on his spell with Yeovil other than following their results. Can you link to where are you getting this from?

16/04/2014, 3:26 PM
is this really the case? I have heard little to nothing on his spell with Yeovil other than following their results. Can you link to where are you getting this from?

Well he was one of only two Irish born Championship players to feature in the latest issue of Four Four Two magazine's list of the top 50 Football League players (Andy Reid being the other) and there are plenty of articles praising him online.

It's a credit to Duffy and Yeovil that they even have a chance of staying in the league next season. They are a team with League 2 resources (at best) playing in a league filled with teams spending Premier League money.

16/04/2014, 7:33 PM
I think the point is that you spend a disproportionate amount of time talk talking down Richard Keogh when nobody is even particularly disagreeing with you that much.
Another point is that this the Ireland forum is where Irish players who are contracted to foreign clubs, generally have a thread of their own, where progress or the lack of progress is recorded and commented upon. And this discussion can take place without constant reductive, opined references to the player's place in the queue for first team, subs bench, or squad.

17/04/2014, 7:10 PM
Well he was one of only two Irish born Championship players to feature in the latest issue of Four Four Two magazine's list of the top 50 Football League players (Andy Reid being the other) and there are plenty of articles praising him online.

He was consistently singled out as one of Yeovil's top performers and turned down loan offers from higher-placed teams in favour of sticking it out with them, but did he make the final Four Four Two cut or did he just miss out with an honourable mention?

17/04/2014, 7:15 PM
He was consistently singled out as one of Yeovil's top performers and turned down loan offers from higher-placed teams in favour of sticking it out with them, but did he make the final Four Four Two cut or did he just miss out with an honourable mention?

Honourable mention. IIRC O'Toole and Reid made the Top 50 and Sheehan, Duffy and Rhys Murphy were honourable mentions.

Charlie Darwin
19/04/2014, 11:15 PM
TOWK's favourite player almost scored a cracker today... for the opposition.

20/04/2014, 9:34 AM
Aul Richie seemed pretty adamant it was Grant's fault. Another clean sheet and playoffs secured nonetheless.

06/06/2014, 9:22 AM
I'm surprised our media guru isn't all over this...

Villa, Palace & Burnley interested in Richard Keogh (http://footballleagueworld.co.uk/derby-captain-richard-keogh-wanted-by-aston-villa-crystal-palace/)

06/06/2014, 11:12 AM
I'm surprised our media guru isn't all over this...

Villa, Palace & Burnley interested in Richard Keogh (http://footballleagueworld.co.uk/derby-captain-richard-keogh-wanted-by-aston-villa-crystal-palace/)

I'm not all over it because it's a non runner from a disreputable website. Aston Villa have just signed Philippe Senderos ffs.

06/06/2014, 11:21 AM
They couldn't afford him anyway, he cost Derby £120m :o

06/06/2014, 4:33 PM
In that interview in the independent or examiner he doesnt absolve himself of saying it was his fault, but he doesn't really admit it either and put his hands up.

Footballers nowadays are definitely pretty feeble and egotistical, wouldnt it be very refreshing to hear him come out and say its a terrible mistake im very upset with myself but ill get on with it and hopefully learn from it.

06/06/2014, 6:56 PM
Seriously? He told everyone it was his mistake. And if he said it wasn't the only mistake in that passage of play he'd be absolutely right. His teammates also effed up badly at the back.

No doubt some footballers are feeble and egotistical, unlike Pauls beloved GAA players, but seriously, that's a bit of a stretch.

06/06/2014, 7:21 PM
Where in the below text does he actually say "it was my mistake" he dances around it saying a disappointing end to the season and what not but doesnt actually accept full responsibility. That gaa thing is a silly sideswipe and you know it as well,i hate the way they go on as much as the other stuff but they are usually a bit more honest cos they are a bit more country :P

He has now become a regular face in Martin O'Neill's Ireland squad, but the heartache of Derby's defeat in the Championship play-off final still lingers.

It was Keogh's error in the penalty area that gifted QPR's Bobby Zamora with the ball in the last minute of the game and the rest is history.

Despite the hurt, he admitted that coming back into the international set-up in the immediate aftermath has helped ease the pain.

"It's probably the best thing I could have done. Everyone has been great, it's nice to kind of forget about it a little bit and concentrate on football," the 27-year old said.

"It's always going to hurt, I think it's natural. Looking back, it was a disappointing end to the season for the club.

"It shows you when you come around this group (Ireland) of guys how good they are and the management team. They fill me with confidence and I'm feeling good."

Keogh revealed that Richard Dunne offered some words of consolation after the Wembley defeat as he was on the winning side that sealed their promotion back to the Premier League.

"I spoke to Dunney and he was great. He just said he's been there in his career as well, he's had some lows and you'll come back stronger and better," he said.

"To hear words like that from someone like that obviously means a lot. Even the gaffer (Martin O'Neill) and Roy (Keane) have said some really nice things and when people like that say things, it gives you so much confidence.

"You feel on top of the world. It was a disappointing end to a good season really."

With several centre-halves including Dunne and John O'Shea set to miss the upcoming two friendlies against Portugal and Costa Rica in America, Keogh looks set to be reinstated at the heart of Ireland's defence.

Keogh spoke last March after Ireland's 2-1 defeat to Serbia of his relief at being back regularly involved with his country and now that he has continued that run, he is keen to keep it going.

"I think so, yeah," he said after being asked if he now feels at home in the Irish squad.

"I think especially after playing in the Serbia game. My club form is good. I'm back in now and I'm becoming more part of the squad so, hopefully, I can continue staying here.

"There is a lot of competition for places. Hopefully, I can keep fighting for a place and be part of the qualifiers. That's what I'm looking forward to."

Keogh has one year left to run on his current contract with Derby and although he admitted that clubs might be looking at him during the summer, he maintained that he is happy as club captain of the Championship side.

"Obviously, if you ask anyone, you want to be playing in the Premier League and playing against world-class players.

"I've had a solid season, so there might be a bit of interest. But I'm totally focused on whatever happens here (with Ireland).

"I'm sure the club will sort everything out so I can get on with my life and get focused on pre-season."

06/06/2014, 7:22 PM
And this bit particularly:

"It's always going to hurt, I think it's natural. Looking back, it was a disappointing end to the season for the club.

THat to me completely removes apportion of blame. Its like a club issue rather than my issue. Perhaps he apologised and said i made an awful mistake in other articles that i missed but he definitely doesnt here and i referred to the piece in my first post.

06/06/2014, 7:48 PM
And this bit particularly:

"It's always going to hurt, I think it's natural. Looking back, it was a disappointing end to the season for the club.

THat to me completely removes apportion of blame. Its like a club issue rather than my issue. Perhaps he apologised and said i made an awful mistake in other articles that i missed but he definitely doesnt here and i referred to the piece in my first post.
What a ridiculous point to focus on and then admit you missed other articles. Search other article before jumping the gun.
It's a team game and there were also 3 other players equally involved in the defensive howlers leading up to that goal.

And because he doesn't wear a sackcloth and ashes for 2 weeks, you leap to absurd conclusion about his attitude. Perhaps Keogh is good deal more emotionally mature than you.
He most probably has done all that, gone through the gut wrenching horrors, has been able to put it into perspective and move on.

“Everyone has been great, it’s kind of ‘forget about it a little bit and concentrate on the football’. Looking back, it was a disappointing end to the season for the club but unfortunately, that’s football. I can’t let one thing like that mask over how well I’ve done this season. I feel like I’m in good form. I’m training well; I’m looking forward now to hopefully getting some pitch time.”

06/06/2014, 8:14 PM
Such modesty from Richard. "I can't let one thing like that mask over how well I've done this season. I feel like I'm in good form.". Sounds like a really humble bloke.

I wonder what he makes of the newspaper reviews of his performance against Serbia.

Other lads have done well in the Championship too and you don't hear this constant self-promotion. Kiernan stepped in at the business end of the season and looked like a natural for Wigan. Duffy looked like a diamond in the rough for Yeovil. Pearce conceded roughly the same amount of goals over a season for Reading and the only reason they weren't in the Playoffs is because they didn't score enough goals.

Again. I would love to know why there is double standards when Keogh makes a mistake like that and when on the flipside of the coin, Ward or McShane make a mistake like that.

Funny how it's only a team game when it suits.

06/06/2014, 8:20 PM
Paul, you have exceeded your own world class standards of ludicrousness and sheer negativity in those last posts.

All I see in those articles is a guy who has made a big mistake, was devastated by it but who took comfort from consoling and encouraging words from others.

And what if he had said "it was a disappointing end to the season for me"? You'd probably think he was an egotist with no regard for his teammates or fans. One could easily read the fact that he said "disappointing end to the season for the club" as "it's a shame because my mistake cost the whole club".

If people psychoanalysed your posts with the same attention that you are attempting to deconstruct Keogh's remarks the men in white coats would have taken you away long ago.

06/06/2014, 8:22 PM
TOWK, you have ruined this forum for me. I despise your presence here. Well done.

06/06/2014, 9:02 PM
Again. I would love to know why there is double standards when Keogh makes a mistake like that and when on the flipside of the coin, Ward or McShane make a mistake like that.Blame Henry's goal on McShane. See what happens.

06/06/2014, 9:09 PM
TOWK, you have ruined this forum for me. I despise your presence here. Well done.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

I still like you though Stutts.

06/06/2014, 9:12 PM
Shows how much you know about emotional maturity anyway geysir. Emotional maturity is about being able to deal with the subject, talk openly, not moving on and dont mention it again or apportion blame to a whole entity or the effect to a whole club. You come on here like some pseduo-psychologist and most of the time you dont have a clue what you are talking about. Your feeble and limited attempt at explaining emotional maturity is hillariious, an alcoholic acknowledges he had a problem , but its ok now, he is more emotionally mature so he has moved on and it doesnt effect him :D

I said the above article, first time inteviewed by the independent regards the match and his feelings, you dont move on that quick that you assign the whole thing to the club and as stated it was his first interview with the paper since he had met up with the Ireland team. If he had moved on and gotten over it with the emotional maturity you mention but have no clue about, he would have said something along the lines of "i was very disappointed, very disapponted with the mistake, it effected me, and mostly how if affected the clubs or lads or whatever". Ye dont just come out saying a couple of weeks later that its bad for the club i had a good season. Its pure deflection, ye obviously dont see that, but thats your problem not mine.

06/06/2014, 9:13 PM
I see less of Towk in Stutts tonight, but perhaps more of stutts in Towk tonight.

06/06/2014, 9:19 PM
TOWK, you have ruined this forum for me. I despise your presence here. Well done.

I love these emotional outbursts stutts, its good to get this side of your personality out.

Don't let him bother you though just skim over his posts if he is annoying you, ye can see it on the left.

Towk you are very negative, negative with a vendetta or on some solo run, vendata perhaps too strong perhaps agenda. Along with all the negativity maybe start giving some positivity even if it means starting up new threads. Balance it out, and don't keep rehashing the same arguments, your points are quite valid most of the time but you overstate and overplay.

06/06/2014, 9:24 PM
Thank you for the constructive criticism Paul. I will try to be less negative.

See. A little politeness goes a long way.

06/06/2014, 9:28 PM
No worries, i was going to say have a W*** before ye post as well but thats probably too strong. :P

06/06/2014, 9:58 PM
Report him or ignore him then FFS. If all the posters who post about him and how they should just ignore him actually did that, he'd die of starvation.

Instead his posts are microanalysed and commented on, giving him the attention he needs.

Or worse, people bait him into comments (as in the Robbie Keane thread) and then scorn his inevitable reaction.

It's all very silly and annoying for somebody like me to see, who actually just does ignore the posters on this site that I think there is no point in engaging with.