View Full Version : Wii is it worth getting ?

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21/04/2008, 9:05 AM
Been thinking of getting a wii now for a bit was just wondering if anyone has one are they worth it i have a 360 and ps3 now so im not sure do i need it.

Is there any serious gamers out there that got one and cant put it down rather than the "its great fun with the lads having a few cans" gamers. As the lads arent aloud in my games room after causing ridiculous amounts of damage to my controllers/ disks over the years.

Or will i get it play for 2 months then have it sit there next to the 360 that also justs sits there now

21/04/2008, 9:46 AM
Been thinking of getting a wii now for a bit was just wondering if anyone has one are they worth it i have a 360 and ps3 now so im not sure do i need it.

Is there any serious gamers out there that got one and cant put it down rather than the "its great fun with the lads having a few cans" gamers. As the lads arent aloud in my games room after causing ridiculous amounts of damage to my controllers/ disks over the years.

Or will i get it play for 2 months then have it sit there next to the 360 that also justs sits there now

I have an 11 yr old lad and we play it a lot together, if i didnt have kids i wouldnt be bothered with it tbh.

21/04/2008, 10:10 AM
Its a good laugh, but some people(like me)can get bored after an hour of playing the golf game or tennis etc.

Mario Kart is a fun game but its also gets boring.

Overall it depends if you want it to play constantly or just if you have nothing else to do, i dont even think its possible to have a hardcore gaming session on the wii:D

SligoBrewer has one so he'll give you expert analysis!

21/04/2008, 10:21 AM
Play Pro Evolution on the wii and you'll never play it on another console again

21/04/2008, 10:38 AM
Im thinking its not a serious gamers console its not next gen any way to start with so thats a minus. Ill put down anything from 4 to 8 hours in a good session if people leave me alone but thats the problem with mates and girlfriends being selfish wanting to spend time with you. I normally get around 8 hours a week And thats mainly on call of duty 4. other games will come and go in between from time to time.

They are 330 new with 2 or 3 games so they arent expensive i just dont want to have another console sitting on the table gathering dust and with GTA4 and Haze coming out in the next 2 months it might not get any use .

I was thinking of getting pro evo mario kart and something like resident evil ( a shooter ). Might look for a 2nd hand one if enough peopel have them sitting at home i might pick one up on the cheap.

21/04/2008, 10:40 AM
Im thinking its not a serious gamers console its not next gen any way to start with so thats a minus. Ill put down anything from 4 to 8 hours in a good session if people leave me alone but thats the problem with mates and girlfriends being selfish wanting to spend time with you. I normally get around 8 hours a week And thats mainly on call of duty 4. other games will come and go in between from time to time.

They are 330 new with 2 or 3 games so they arent expensive i just dont want to have another console sitting on the table gathering dust and with GTA4 and Haze coming out in the next 2 months it might not get any use .

I was thinking of getting pro evo mario kart and something like resident evil ( a shooter ). Might look for a 2nd hand one if enough peopel have them sitting at home i might pick one up on the cheap.

you play COD4 on PS3?

21/04/2008, 10:47 AM
you play COD4 on PS3?

yip its ruining my life nearly 3 days put down now .

21/04/2008, 10:52 AM
Im thinking its not a serious gamers console its not next gen any way to start with so thats a minus. To be honest if you think that graphics are something a "serious gamer" is concerned with I would advise you to stick to things like yet-another-first person world war two shooter. Buy a better graphics card for your PC and get the real cutting edge of graphics and effects. Added to the majority of console games coming out on the PC also, and games like Spore coming out later in the year, I think that would be your best bet.

21/04/2008, 10:52 AM
yip its ruining my life nearly 3 days put down now .

i've done 6 days 13 hours & 44 mins...amateur!:D....well i've done about 5 days(mate gave me his account lol)

i assume you play online?,add Oatesy_07

i'll play with ye sometime, show you how its done:cool::D

21/04/2008, 12:30 PM
SligoBrewer has one so he'll give you expert analysis!

Indeed I will.

I'm not exactly mad into it as of yet. The amount of games that I have to get/complete yet is unreal.

Mario Galaxy, not finished.
Resi Evil 4, only finished on easy.
Wii Sports, fantastic.
Mario Kart Wii. Online, it's the best game yet.
Zelda, I haven't had time to touch it yet.
Mario Strikers, Brilliant fun.

Now games I still have to buy,
Medal of Honor,
Pro Evo,
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles.

Virtual Console is fantastic.
Still have a ****load of Gamecubes games that I bought to touch.

Tbh, I won't go near any other console for quite a while yet.

21/04/2008, 12:33 PM
Play Pro Evolution on the wii and you'll never play it on another console again

I have played the Tiger Woods golf (pretty good), tennis (boring) & bowling (pretty good) but none would tempt me to buy.

I am not much of a gamer (nothing post 1999) but Pro Evo sounds good on the Wii. Addition of Mario Kart is tempting me..

21/04/2008, 12:47 PM
It's great if you have someone to play it with at home. I can't imagine any hardcore gamers playing it on their lonesome for days at a time though. It's a fun console. My 6 year old has finished Mario Galaxy and seems pretty handy with the wii. He has mastered pro evo on it too, something which I have tried and failed at and plays the Olympic game and Mario Kart. Mario Kart is good fun online. Most of the other games he got are rarely used. I enjoy playing the Olympic game when the mates are over for a few beers, good craic watching a few beer bellied 30 somethings ready to take a heart attack. It'll be onto Wii Fit next!

Block G Raptor
21/04/2008, 2:19 PM
I played it for the first time in the sisters gaff at the weekend and have promised the kids I'll get them one;) Baseball on it is class

21/04/2008, 2:31 PM
Baseball on it is class

not when you're drunk:D

Block G Raptor
21/04/2008, 2:38 PM
I cant testify to that but I'd imagine if you aim for the middle ball you should be ok

21/04/2008, 3:02 PM
I cant testify to that but I'd imagine if you aim for the middle ball you should be ok

its not aiming thats the problem, its swinging on time and not after you're already given a strike:D

21/04/2008, 3:30 PM
Still thinking about it at the moment had a look in game they have 2nd hand ones for 255 or a new one with 1 free game ( + wii sports so 2 games ) for 300 !! and a game costs 50 euro ! so a new one is cheaper than the 2nd hand one !!.

Ive GTA4 out next week new maps for COD4 the week after then 3 weeks after that Haze so i might wait for a quiter time to pick one up unless i go mad and just buy one

21/04/2008, 7:31 PM
Pesonally i think the wii is very much over rated, some games are good, others very tempermental!

24/04/2008, 9:05 AM
Decided to pick one up yesterday console and mario kart and tiger woods for 315 with a staff discount.

First impressions its only ok. Graphics are pretty poor but i knew that getting it.

Mario kart is quite boring but ive only done around 5 tracks.

Have nt played tiger yet but the golf on the wii sports is good. I reckon if i get the right games it could be good but im having trouble with the remote i cant find out how to calibrate it to the tv at the moment its about 8 inches below where i point so im just moving a target around the screen rather than pointing at something directly.

Played for about 2 1/2 hours last night and got bored which hasnt happened before on the other consoles.

Its really aimed at the under 10's everything is very childish. If someone was asking which they should get out of all 3 there is no contest the PS3 wins hands down id recomend anyone with a Wii to get the PS3 it will blow you away.

24/04/2008, 9:12 AM
Its really aimed at the under 10's everything is very childish

Its not. You don't get it, and thats fine, but stop trying to make out that if you don't like something, its automatically ****e...

24/04/2008, 9:33 AM
Its not. You don't get it, and thats fine, but stop trying to make out that if you don't like something, its automatically ****e...

Where did i say its **** ? i said its ok not a great console but its not a **** one.

Its aimed at kids thats why you have all the little cute cartoon charactors and large writting.

24/04/2008, 9:47 AM
Where did i say its **** ?
It was ageneral comment about most of your posts

Its aimed at kids thats why you have all the little cute cartoon charactors and large writting.
What large writing? No cartoon charachters in the vast, vast, vast majority of games

24/04/2008, 10:24 AM
It was ageneral comment about most of your posts

What large writing? No cartoon charachters in the vast, vast, vast majority of games

On all the menus !

What about your Mii .

as i said it was just my first impressions of the console. And i also said that once i get the right games for it it will be good. Just because its aimed at kids doesnt make it bad. Sweets are aimed at kids too and there great.

24/04/2008, 12:30 PM
Picked up red steel and splinter cell the 2 for 40 euro so they should give me a better idea of what its like.

24/04/2008, 1:47 PM
Its aimed at kids thats why you have all the little cute cartoon charactors and large writting.

I am no expert but haven't Nintendo been doing that for the last 20 years? :confused:

24/04/2008, 1:59 PM
I am no expert but haven't Nintendo been doing that for the last 20 years? :confused:

Yip but in early gaming cartoony characters where easier to do and games where aimed at kids . It just now those kids are 30 and have matured to want more from there games. Xbox and sony have decided to go for that market and release high powered more adult aimed machines Nintendo have gone for the younger pick up and play kids market. Doesnt mean there isnt and cant be a cross over between the 2.

24/04/2008, 3:45 PM
Picked up red steel and splinter cell the 2 for 40 euro so they should give me a better idea of what its like.

2 poor games that won't get the best outta your wii.

Buy Resident Evil 4. You won't be dissapointed at all.

24/04/2008, 4:37 PM
Picked up red steel and splinter cell the 2 for 40 euro so they should give me a better idea of what its like.

No, it won't. They're €20 for a reason, two of the worst games on the system. You'd have gotten much more out of using that €40 for a decent game. If cheap games is what you want, pick up some gamecube ones as they are decent quality and usually under a tenner.

24/04/2008, 5:27 PM
Spent 315 on it yesterday so didnt have much to spend today i had resi 4 on PS2 so ive played that but i think it will be my next purchase . Played red steel its ok better use of the controller but my arm is killing me holding it out like that all the time. just wanted to get a few games give it a good go.

Splinter cell is class on PS3 thats why i got it it was the only other one at that price , still 20 euro isnt much i can trade both in in xtra vision and get a new game for very little then once im bored of them.

What are the top games i need so ?

24/04/2008, 5:28 PM
It was ageneral comment about most of your posts

Thats because stuff i dont like i think is ****e.

24/04/2008, 5:42 PM
What are the top games i need so ?Well it depends. Are we trying to keep as close to your "serious gaming" tastes as possible.

Games you shouldnt miss:
Guitar Hero
Mario Kart
Super Mario Galaxy (got an 11/10 from one reviewer)
Resident Evil

Games other people have said are class but that I havent tried:
Pro Evolution
No More Heroes
Super Smash Bros

And of course the massive back-catalogue of downloadable games.

Yes, there are 3 mario-related games on this list; I honestly can't believe anyone would consider themselves "too old" to play a Mario title though, unless its something like Mario Tennis or Mario Goes to the Olympics. Super Paper Mario also felt a bit like a kids version of Zelda, but not overly so. Also, you get to snap jigglypuff's neck with Solid Snake in SSB.

24/04/2008, 6:50 PM
I honestly can't believe anyone would consider themselves "too old" to play a Mario title though, .

They cant be considered hardcore then.

Wii is excellent most of the games posted above are well worth getting, 2 more odd ones kinda hardcore :eek: are Zack and Wiki and No More Heroes.


24/04/2008, 7:00 PM
I would recommend a purchase of a Wii anyday. I have Tiger Woods and PDC Darts for mine and both games are great and offer of plenty of playing time with fantastic graphics in both.

24/04/2008, 11:12 PM
HAd a bash off tiger woods tonight very good i cant quite get the hang of it yet but i will.

HAve Mario kart not overly impressed but im not into driving games these days Forza GT etc all lost my interest quite quickly.

Think resident evil will be the next move which one is better resi 4 or umbrella cronicles ?

25/04/2008, 1:26 AM
HAd a bash off tiger woods tonight very good i cant quite get the hang of it yet but i will.My dad loves it. It gets really rewarding when you can do what you want to do, most of the time. Strategy comes into play.

Think resident evil will be the next move which one is better resi 4 or umbrella cronicles ?Umbrella chronicles is a shooter in the mould of virtua cop or house of the dead. Supposedly it is the best in that genre but I've never been much of a fan of 'lightgun' games. I'd go for RE4.

25/04/2008, 11:24 AM
As a Mario Kart fan from the N64 days, I played it on the Wii last night and thought it was good enough craic. A little hard to get used to at first but good all the same.

Raheny Red
30/04/2008, 3:27 PM
Anyone else try G1 jockey yet?

05/05/2008, 3:31 PM
Anyone else try G1 jockey yet?
what did you think of it?

Raheny Red
07/05/2008, 8:04 PM
what did you think of it?

Can be a bit of crack with a few but when you're alone doing a career mode it can be poor and quite repetitive. Graphics look like they have come straight from the Sega.

07/05/2008, 11:22 PM
Guys Moon harvest would be a grand purchase!! addictable :D

07/05/2008, 11:46 PM
Guys Moon harvest would be a grand purchase!! addictable :D

Harvest Moon surely.;)

08/05/2008, 12:53 PM
5 reasons to keep (or buy) the Wii, and 5 reasons not to: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/33664.html

08/05/2008, 6:00 PM
Looks more like 10 reasons to throw it out the window !!

Hoping the new star wars game will save it i have played mine 4 times since i got it dam call of duty has ruined everything for me.

03/10/2008, 9:01 AM
I am looking at getting a Wii, between now and Christmas. I have a 4 and 5 y/o who love playing on their uncle's one. Probably get Wii fit too. Looking around dome of the shop prices, besides a tenner here or there, are they pretty much all around the same price, or is there bargains to be had.
I'm not much of a gamer, played a bit of Tiger Woods, but it's essentially something fun for the kids, that dad will join in/take over.

Any pointers as to where to buy, and what to buy?

03/10/2008, 9:04 AM
Argos is usually cheaper. I'm not a gamer (amd think grown men who call themselves gamers are weird) but the Mario & Sonic at the Beijing Olympics, Mario Kart and mario Galaxy (not sure of actual title) are all great. Wii Fit is pretty cool too.

If you have wireless broadband its even better

03/10/2008, 9:10 AM
Excellent, thanks.

03/10/2008, 11:10 AM
I am looking at getting a Wii, between now and Christmas. I have a 4 and 5 y/o who love playing on their uncle's one. Probably get Wii fit too. Looking around dome of the shop prices, besides a tenner here or there, are they pretty much all around the same price, or is there bargains to be had.
I'm not much of a gamer, played a bit of Tiger Woods, but it's essentially something fun for the kids, that dad will join in/take over.

Any pointers as to where to buy, and what to buy?

Prices will generally be the same in most places its just the deals will change smyths give you a few vouchers to get 5 euro of your next game.

You could allways check the usual spots for 2nd hand one as they are the console most likely to sit in corners doing nothing, like mine !! i was thinking of selling mine but after the money ive put into improving it you would get a new one cheaper than i could sell my 2nd hand one.

Games wise pretty much any of the games they will enjoy at that age bar the resident evil ones !! .Mario is allways a safe bet .

here is a website for getting that 2nd controller+nunchuck cheap ( they are about 75 euro in the shops you should get it here for about 45 incl postage )

www.playasia.com i use them all the time

24/11/2008, 2:43 PM
here is a website for getting that 2nd controller+nunchuck cheap ( they are about 75 euro in the shops you should get it here for about 45 incl postage )

www.playasia.com i use them all the time

Just got a WII for the kids for Christmas. On that website it mentions the controllers etc are compatable with Nintendo WII Japan. Will these work with one bought in Ireland.

24/11/2008, 2:49 PM
rumours going around on the net that there's a softmod available that will let you play "backed-up" versions of Wii games. That might be enough to make me buy one!

(BTW mods please remove if this is against the rules, there's a discussion about this on boards.ie)

Closed Account 2
24/11/2008, 3:52 PM
I've not heard anything about that... I really hope that they'll release a software fix that lets you play NTSC games on PAL machines (FYI most games - only games not controllers - purchased in North America will NOT work on European Wiis), the Mario Baseball game looks great.

Mario Kart and Mario Galaxy are well worth buying, I heard Zelda is good too. Resident Evil, the old Tomb Raider and Metriod are all good but probably a bit too geared towards older (I'd say probably not for under 15s).

Other game's I'd recommend for that age group are Monkey Ball, and Pangya Golf also maybe consider Pro Evo, probably rent it and see if you like it - I may well the 2009 edition when it comes out in feb / march.

Also you can get some great Gamecube games for it (e.g. Micro Machines, Burnout, Donkey Kong) and there are games on the virtual machine (old SNES & N64 games) that are good.