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12/11/2010, 2:26 PM
Well a statement about coming back in an emergency would certainly qualify as 'noise about willing to play again' But regardless, I agree since I'm arguing on the basis that's exactly what he said and he's still in retirement.
He was just answering a question in an interview and he did not make anything clear enough in his answer to qualify as a statement, never mind making noise about it. He is still retired but would respond to a call if there was an injury crisis. A statement that could be expected from a creditworthy retired player.

I'm just debating the merits of calling up a retired player, only available in an emergency, when there is no emergency

Then shall we debate whether we have had an emergency or just a crisis in midfield? :)

12/11/2010, 2:55 PM
He was just answering a question in an interview and he did not make anything clear enough in his answer to qualify as a statement, never mind making noise about it. He is still retired but would respond to a call if there was an injury crisis. A statement that could be expected from a creditworthy retired player.

Again I'd still saying it's 'making a noise', but I agree with you. It really is that simple. But try telling that to people who think otherwise and it starts getting strangely complicated. :)

Then shall we debate whether we have had an emergency or just a crisis in midfield? :)

I'd call it a temporary issue...;)

12/11/2010, 3:24 PM
Reid Dunne St Ledger O'Shea
Mc Geady Lawerence Whelan Duff
Keane Doyle

12/11/2010, 3:29 PM
Personally wouldn't have him at right back ahead of O'Shea, Kelly, Foley or Coleman.

Charlie Darwin
12/11/2010, 4:25 PM
It would be ludicrous to play him out of position when we're so weak in his actual position.

12/11/2010, 9:12 PM
It would be ludicrous to play him out of position when we're so weak in his actual position.

The reality is that at WBA, he is considered a right back rather than a midfielder. This is probably due to fitness and his injury issues, but personally I would love to see him play for us again in any position.

Charlie Darwin
12/11/2010, 9:20 PM
I think he's considered a utility player rather than an actual right back. He's probably further ahead in the queue for midfield than right back but they've had a few injuries/suspensions in recent weeks.

16/11/2010, 12:54 PM
S Reid plays 90 minutes of premiership football on Sat. We have a bucket load of injuries. He has said he would be willing to come back if needed and yet there is more chance to Brian Cowen leading the country after the next election than Trap asking him to come back.

Did a man named Reid go off with Traps wife or something cos I just don't get what he has against that surname!!

16/11/2010, 1:14 PM
How many times do people need to be reminded that he retired?

16/11/2010, 1:56 PM
'but if there was a desperate need, and a few injuries, then who knows. But until I get the phone call . . .”

Is this not a case for a phone call from Trap. its hardly up to Reid to ring him up and say 'Pick me gaffer' the onus has to be on the Trap surely.

Just cos he announced he retired shouldn't mean its the end of the story esp if he's said this. Many player have come out of international retirement before so its not unheard of.

Charlie Darwin
16/11/2010, 2:02 PM
He's put just about every disclaimer possible in there short of "if there was a massive plane crash and the whole team died." If Reid wants to be picked he's going to have to come out and say it. We've had enough players offer vague maybes about playing for their country in the past.

16/11/2010, 2:12 PM
Reid played for ireland in the last campaign even when he was not 100% and he ended up being out for months. He owes us nothing. Even if he did announce a comeback there is every chance Trap would still not pick him. That would be pretty humiliating for him, surely then it needs Trap to make the move and ask him to come back.

16/11/2010, 2:15 PM
Charlie, lets assume SR is an honest lad and is as good as his word. If you were Trap would you call him up on it, for the duration of the campaign or would you think we have enough coming through to cover all bases?

16/11/2010, 2:18 PM
Also, I wouldn't be too quick to call up a man begging him to recall me after he'd called me a crock!

Charlie Darwin
16/11/2010, 2:23 PM
Charlie, lets assume SR is an honest lad and is as good as his word. If you were Trap would you call him up on it, for the duration of the campaign or would you think we have enough coming through to cover all bases?
If I was Trap I'd say he hadn't shown enough desire. But then again I don't know what private conversations he and Reid have had.

16/11/2010, 2:26 PM
Well, I know what conversation Reid had with Brady after he heard what Trap said about him...and lets just say Brady got an earful!

16/11/2010, 3:08 PM
There's two sides to this argument. Firstly - has he made himself available for selection? Ultimately the answer has to be no - he's indicated a willingness to play in case of an emergency, but nothing more than that. It's not the words of a player with real desire to play. In that case, unless there is an emergency (an injury based one), then he isn't in contention.

The other side is - does he warrant Trap asking him to come back? Or in another way, does his current form deserve a place in our current squad? Personally, again, I don't think so. If Reid's to come back to play for us, it would have to be at centre midfield, his best position and the position we have the clearest need for players. But he hasn't played centre midfield consistently for over two years.

If he was fit and playing well at centre mid for West Brom for a run of games (not that many even, 10 say), then I'd certainly be in favour of Trap bending and giving him the call. But, as it currently stands, if Trap is to make him a special case, Reid is going to have to warrant it.

This is no reflection on his past commitment and performance for Ireland, which was generally good and often excellent.

16/11/2010, 3:19 PM
Firstly - has he made himself available for selection? Ultimately the answer has to be no - he's indicated a willingness to play in case of an emergencyBang on, and a November friendly versus Norway does not constitute an emergency. Fahey deserves his chance.

16/11/2010, 5:40 PM
The Norway game does not count for a player in SR's situation.
We have already had our emergency at CM.
But if the squad was going into the same emergency scenario for the next couple of qualifiers, I would not like to depend on a Stoke benched Whelan to be the experienced head at CM that the others could play off. I would have little hesitation calling Steven Reid in as a valuable experienced back up.

Charlie Darwin
16/11/2010, 5:55 PM
Whelan's come out and said that if he's not getting football for Stoke by Christmas he'll have to do a Liam Lawrence and look elsewhere.

16/11/2010, 6:37 PM
Whelan's come out and said that if he's not getting football for Stoke by Christmas he'll have to do a Liam Lawrence and look elsewhere.


Charlie Darwin
16/11/2010, 6:41 PM

16/11/2010, 6:44 PM

Colbert Report
17/11/2010, 1:29 AM
Great to read, fair play to Whelan.

17/11/2010, 2:07 AM
Meanwhile, Delap is starting every game for Stoke in central midfield

17/11/2010, 3:30 AM
Cue the 'Whelan to Celtic' rumours.

What would his likely destination/s be though..

17/11/2010, 7:56 AM
Stephen Reid sustained his last two major injuries playing for Ireland, once against Germany and the second at the start of Traps first campaign. He is an injury away from retirement so you can't blame the guy.

As regards Whelan, I don't mind where he goes as long as its not Ipswich.

17/11/2010, 9:27 AM
Meanwhile, Delap is starting every game for Stoke in central midfield
only started 9 of the 15 games this season, and 2 of the last 5: http://irish-abroad.appspot.com/ClubDetails?clubID=2477

01/01/2011, 12:00 PM
Started right back for WBA against United, on Sky now.

01/01/2011, 1:09 PM
Gone off with what looks like a minor injury just after 60 mins.

04/01/2011, 9:42 AM
Here we go again, injury wise for Reid.


05/01/2011, 9:00 AM
Gone off with what looks like a minor injury just after 60 mins.

Alas poor Stephen doesn't do "minor" injuries. One of these players destined to get injured. It had been a good run in the side by his standards and WBA certainly missed him last night.

05/01/2011, 9:06 AM
out until March, following surgery, according to Sky Sports News this morning

05/01/2011, 10:13 AM
How long is he at West Brom for? 2 years? Looks like the 2nd will be in the Championship on last night's showing.

Charlie Darwin
05/01/2011, 2:27 PM
I wouldn't read anything into last night. Manchester United went to Fulham with a similar defensive crisis last year and achieved the default result of 3-0 against. They ended up finishing second.

05/01/2011, 6:13 PM
Steven may be sidelined, but for his alter ego Glassman...crime never sleeps.

17/01/2011, 11:55 PM
Interesting article on the impact of injuries on Reid's career. On the David Meyler thread recently the names of many Irish players whose career was affected by injury were listed, for me, Stephen's injuries has been the biggest factor in our lack of success in international football.


26/01/2011, 9:16 AM
Some good news in relation to Reid's latest injury!


26/01/2011, 9:50 AM
WBA are awful at the back these days. The RB was particularly poor against Bburn on Sun. If he gets back fit, I would say great chance of him starting week in week out.

Yard of Pace
28/02/2011, 8:07 PM
Reid started for West Brom this evening. Whelan on the bench for Stoke....I know Steven is being played at right-back but I'd love to see him back in the squad if he's fit.

28/02/2011, 8:31 PM
I haven't noticed him that much, but he has put in two sumptuous crosses from the RHS.

Delap scored and Walters has played well in patches (I've only being paing part attention to the game). Wilson is playing right back and seems to be doing OK - not great, not bad.

28/02/2011, 9:01 PM
We do appear to have a lot of average players for positions all over the field. Better than not having any i suppose.

Noelys Guitar
05/03/2011, 1:42 PM
Very good game today for West Brom. He could easily slot back into the Ireland side and would be immediately better than Kelly at right back or anyone in central midfield. He looks back to full fitness to me. He flew past Fahey as if he wasn't there in injury time (Fahey got booked for bringing him down). And he made himself central for receiving the ball to make sure West Brom saw out the game. Exactly what we need. Get on the phone Trapatonni.

05/03/2011, 1:56 PM
Recalling Steven would be a heartless action, like a general going around the hospital wards of the war wounded, to request those with at least one working leg to report to the front line.

Yard of Pace
05/03/2011, 2:57 PM
Recalling Steven would be a heartless action, like a general going around the hospital wards of the war wounded, to request those with at least one working leg to report to the front line.

Not if he's back to full fitness! If we could get even a handful of games out of him and hope that McCarthy and Meyler can take over afterwards it would be worth it.

Journos: get on it!

Noelys Guitar
05/03/2011, 4:06 PM
Recalling Steven would be a heartless action, like a general going around the hospital wards of the war wounded, to request those with at least one working leg to report to the front line.

Which would explain Roy Hodgson' choosing to play him in the Premiership and West Broms sudden aversion to giving away a hatful of goals. He was the most composed player on the pitch today and check out his run and pass for West Brom's second goal. Top play from a player we badly miss.

05/03/2011, 4:33 PM
The last decade could have been very different with a fit Steven Reid available for all our games. I can fully see his point if he is less than enthused about playing international football again. I'd love to see him back though.

05/03/2011, 4:47 PM
I see what geysir is saying though, he might be back to full fitness but there is almost a stigma attached to playing for ireland with reid.

Great player to have back and still not too old for the next world cup i think. But let him go the full season and worry about getting through that without any complaints.

Having said all that I'd love to see him back for macedonia!

05/03/2011, 5:10 PM
He's a great player when match fit, between all his injuries - the serious, the recurring and the niggling.
Let him be to play out what he can from his club career. Why think to put pressure on him to consider ending his retirement and consider an intl. comeback. There is no sense to flog a horse who can collapse anytime.

05/03/2011, 5:12 PM
Yep, I'd agree with that.

But after say 2 years he is injury free, he will still only be 31 or so, i think we could still do with him. Not just for his experience, and his level-head at all times, but for his quality too.