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kev mcq
04/10/2007, 3:45 PM

Because you're an absolute WUM. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder about celtic and the comment about the denmark match....:rolleyes:
If you watch the video kindly provided by Torn-Ado, you will see that you really haven't a clue what you are talking about;)

04/10/2007, 3:56 PM
Because you're an absolute WUM. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder about celtic

So because I don't support celtic I'm not allowed talk about incidents at their matches? Tell me what I said on this thread that was bad about celtic to prove your point?

04/10/2007, 4:06 PM

Graham Stack knows how to defend his area :)

04/10/2007, 4:15 PM
So because I don't support celtic I'm not allowed talk about incidents at their matches?

not at all.

however you hold yourself up as someone with an unbiased view on the matter, when you seem to be anything but. not by any specific reference to Celtic but by your comments about the incident in general which don't seem to have a total grasp on reality imo.

I am a Celtic supporter, I cannot pretend to be totally unbiased on the situation however I feel that my views expressed on this forum are logical ones.
i.e. fan was 100% wrong to enter the pitch. was 100% wrong to have any contact with a player. but fans actions were not malicious. fan didn't mean to hurt player instead 'playful slap' as described in most papers today. dida totally over reacted. dida appeared to attempt to influence the overall outcome of the game by feigning injury.

You are not a Celtic supporter but your views are illogical on this matter and they seem to stem from an unhealthy begrudgary/hatred/dislike of Celtic.

04/10/2007, 5:11 PM
not at all.

however you hold yourself up as someone with an unbiased view on the matter, when you seem to be anything but. not by any specific reference to Celtic but by your comments about the incident in general which don't seem to have a total grasp on reality imo.

I am a Celtic supporter, I cannot pretend to be totally unbiased on the situation however I feel that my views expressed on this forum are logical ones.
i.e. fan was 100% wrong to enter the pitch. was 100% wrong to have any contact with a player. but fans actions were not malicious. fan didn't mean to hurt player instead 'playful slap' as described in most papers today. dida totally over reacted. dida appeared to attempt to influence the overall outcome of the game by feigning injury.

You are not a Celtic supporter but your views are illogical on this matter and they seem to stem from an unhealthy begrudgary/hatred/dislike of Celtic.

Complete bullsh!t :rolleyes:

I didn't slag celtic once on this thread. I gave my opinion on what happened. Other people on this thread have said a lot worse than me. But you guys and your anti Hibs bias have single me out ;)

Am gonna say no more here cause its pointless.

SUB of the day
04/10/2007, 5:57 PM
Honestly I think Celtic should have to play their remaining home games in the group stage behind closed doors. I know we're all laughing at that clown Dida but the fan could just as easily have stabbed him, don't know what the stewards were up to to be honest.

On a lighter note I hear the Celtic forums are awash with conspiracy theories that the fan in question was actually a Rangers supporter looking to get them kicked out :D:D:D Celtic fans, always good for a laugh or two

Jesus he's hardly holding the missing piece of evidence in the Maddy McCann case in the trunk of his car is he
Limerick must have done something shocking, for having to play every game behind closed doors

04/10/2007, 7:18 PM
hes a plank i hope uefa give him a nice 2 year ban. dida not the faN

Poor Student
04/10/2007, 7:57 PM
People here seem to be giving the buffoon an awful amount of credit. The guy seems to have had too much to drink, managed to get onto the pitch and gets a rush of blood from there and tips Dida in a sort of "Ya big eedgit, ya" kind of way. Not acceptable behaviour but not malicious. Celtic should be fined and cautioned with threat of heavier sanctions in the future to deter this happening again. That Dida could concoct such nonsense in the middle of a rage inspired sprint is disappointing.

Fingal hoop
04/10/2007, 8:22 PM

05/10/2007, 10:00 AM
Complete bullsh!t :rolleyes:


if you are incapable of debating then why even bother posting on a forum.

05/10/2007, 10:13 AM
Am gonna say no more here cause its pointless.

Good man, it's for the best. Anyone who says that the boy ran on to pitch intending to hit the keeper and meaning it as in a violent matter is clearly unbiased :rolleyes::D

Btw, I hear Silvio Belusconi has slammed Did for tarnishing Milans name and has said he should be dropped for this weekend's game as well as fined.

05/10/2007, 10:34 AM
I presume every fan was searched on the way in.
I doubt they searched all the home fans going in, and even if they did you'd easily get stuff past if you were so inclined.

05/10/2007, 10:38 AM
This is what he should have done ...


Good job there was no crowd trouble at our game biscuit :D

Hilarious. I love where the guy who aims a kick at Stack, then sees what happens to his mate, back off and makes a gesture at a DISTANCE. :D

05/10/2007, 10:52 AM
Brilliant! Hadn't even known about that, when did that happen??

05/10/2007, 11:25 AM
I sincerely hope no-one on this forum is stupid enough to suppose that those regulations apply in this case.
Duh. My point was that it's not the case that exaggeration is never punished.

I'm with Giles on the disrepute charge.

05/10/2007, 11:30 AM
Neil McD mentions the Spurs / lampard case. It's a good example but not neceessarily a precedent as it's the FA's jurisdiction not UEFA's (I presume).

Did Georgia ever face sanction when Kevin Kilbane had a knife thrown at him?

05/10/2007, 12:07 PM
I'm with Giles on the disrepute charge.

for impersonating a goalkeeper??!!:D:D:D

05/10/2007, 12:12 PM
Courtesy of the BBC.co.uk (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/gossip_and_transfers/default.stm)

AC Milan keeper Dida will face a Uefa investigation as well as Celtic after his altercation with a fan at Parkhead. (Independent)

A poll in Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport took more than 60,000 votes by noon on Thursday in an online poll on Dida - with 83% calling on Milan and Uefa to punish the Brazilian. (Mail)

05/10/2007, 1:35 PM
The fan in question has been given a lifetime ban from all Celtic games which is proper and right. As a result of the action of this individual Celtic FC should/will be punished for not controlling their fans inside the football ground. Playing the rest of their home group games behind closed doors would suffice in my opinion. Finally, Dida will be punished by Milan and UEFA for his pathetic response to the incident.

05/10/2007, 1:41 PM
From the BBC web site:

"The 27-year-old has also been banned for life by Celtic after he made himself known to the Glasgow club."

Does this mean that he was able to get back into the crowd without being stopped by stewards???

05/10/2007, 1:44 PM
The fan in question has been given a lifetime ban from all Celtic games which is proper and right. As a result of the action of this individual Celtic FC should/will be punished for not controlling their fans inside the football ground. Playing the rest of their home group games behind closed doors would suffice in my opinion. Finally, Dida will be punished by Milan and UEFA for his pathetic response to the incident.
There is only a very very slim chance that Uefa will demand games behind closed doors. Your opinion does not relate to precedents.
Most probably just a fine.
If it was the FAI issuing the fine, probably about €50m
But as it's Uefa, somewhere between €50,000 - 100,000.

05/10/2007, 1:46 PM
Does this mean that he was able to get back into the crowd without being stopped by stewards???
He obviously ran into the crowd where the ad hoardings fell. Those stewards wouldn't have been aware of what he had done.

Not such a big deal IMO

05/10/2007, 2:06 PM
Could the stewards from the area where he ran on not have made others aware of the situation?

05/10/2007, 2:10 PM
Could the stewards from the area where he ran on not have made others aware of the situation?

The others were busy making sure people weren't crushed, and 100s didn't get on the pitch

05/10/2007, 2:20 PM
Latest picture of Dida just in:


05/10/2007, 2:25 PM
Is that a lollypop in his hand?

05/10/2007, 2:33 PM
From the BBC web site:

"The 27-year-old has also been banned for life by Celtic after he made himself known to the Glasgow club."

Does this mean that he was able to get back into the crowd without being stopped by stewards???

apparently yes he got back into the stand without anyone catching him

afaik he went up to parkhead on Thur morn and admitted responsibility and the club brought him straight to the coppers!!

not a season ticket holder but will get life time ban and all the rest...

Bottle of Tonic
06/10/2007, 1:49 PM
My God. So much typed in the preceding pages . . . . . where can I start?

I was at the game and sit right above where the team were celebrating Mcdonalds winner. I was going hog-wild like all those around me and never even saw the fan coming on the pitch. On seeing it later on TV it seemed clear to me he just lost it and ran out on to the pitch celebrating a 90th min winner against current Euro champs. I wouldn't even go so far as to call him a 'thug' 'scumbag' 'savage' etc like other posters are. Idiot, moron for sure, but I didnt think running out on to the pitch made you a scumbag. It certainly makes you stupid though.

I think it would be completely unfair if Celtic had to play games behind closed doors as a punishment. The clubs support has a massively positive reputation around Europe and its not as if its another case in a long line of negative incidents regarding Celtic fans (or 'savages' or 'scumbags' if you like). They will be fined, but would be disgusted with UEFA if it was anything more.
He went out there (like a fool) to celebrate another magical European goal at Parkhead and touched Dida on the way. Nothing more. He was rightly banned. Its not as if Dida had just saved a penelty and he then ran out to 'assault' him. That would be a different story. People need to put things in perspective.

pineapple stu
06/10/2007, 1:58 PM
Is that a lollypop in his hand?
He was a brave boy at the doctor's, I would imagine.

Plastic Paddy
06/10/2007, 2:22 PM
People need to put things in perspective.

No chance of that on foot.ie whenever Celtic is the topic, I'm afraid - there are always those (I'm looking at you H4E) who love to denigrate Celtic whatever the occasion. I think it's all based on jealousy.

:ball: PP

06/10/2007, 3:09 PM
I think it would be completely unfair if Celtic had to play games behind closed doors as a punishment. The clubs support has a massively positive reputation around Europe and its not as if its another case in a long line of negative incidents regarding Celtic fans (or 'savages' or 'scumbags' if you like). They will be fined, but would be disgusted with UEFA if it was anything more.

Celtic should be punished in accordance with the regulations, whatever they are. I don't think the supporters reputations is relevant.
Does anybody know what the punishment is for allowing a fan onto the pitch, in a position to make physical contact with a player (or official)? (or whatever the charge/wording is). What are the criteria considered?

A fine?

Playing behind closed doors?

Points deduction?

06/10/2007, 3:24 PM
Of course their previous behaviour should come into it. In most areas of the law someones previous behaviour can stand to them. Why should this be any different.

06/10/2007, 3:46 PM
I'll ask again -

What are the various charges Celtic could face?

What criteria will be taken into account when the decision is made?

What are the possible punishments for the charges?

08/10/2007, 9:47 AM
I'll ask again -

What are the various charges Celtic could face?

What criteria will be taken into account when the decision is made?

What are the possible punishments for the charges?

I presume the main charge in this case would fall into the category of failing to control their supporters given that a fan got onto their pitch and "struck" a player.

Fans behaviour at home will probably be taken into account but with UEFA anything is possible and they might go to town.

- Max punishment is expulsion from the competition (which is not going to happen). Feynoord got expelled from the UEFA cup last year but that was after serious violience at a few home games.

- The 2nd option is begin forced to play their games behind closed doors.

- The third option is a hefty fine.

A few seasons ago in the PL, Everton were playing down in Highbury and lets just say the blues were not playing hoofball to their usual standard. A disgruntled middle-aged bitter wobbled onto the pitch and proceeded to offer an Everton player his t-shirt for the players Everton shirt. The fan in question was removed and banned and Everton got a fine.

Similar incident but in Celtic's case the fan did make physical contact with Dida.

08/10/2007, 10:04 AM
No chance of that on foot.ie whenever Celtic is the topic, I'm afraid - there are always those (I'm looking at you H4E) who love to denigrate Celtic whatever the occasion. I think it's all based on jealousy.

Good job all Celtic fans are level headed and rational then PP, eh?

08/10/2007, 1:48 PM
According to SSN

08/10/2007, 2:18 PM
That could open a huge can of worms if accurate. The fact he is a laughing stock is punishment enough.

Fine Celtic for the poor stewarding and move on. That would be too simple it seems.

08/10/2007, 4:54 PM
That could open a huge can of worms if accurate.
if he was attempting to get the game abandoned, which is my opinion, then it is a can of worms which should be opened.

there is precedent already for this, although not from UEFA but by FIFA and CAF.
BBC (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/sports_talk/1167045.stm)

Roberto Rojas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Rojas)
...when Chilean goalkeeper Roberto Rojas faked injury during a World Cup qualifier in 1989, Fifa banned him for life and Chile were suspended from taking part in the qualifiers for the 1994 World Cup.
Incident (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=p8s4NznrWG0)

Chokri El Ouaer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chokri_El_Ouaer)
...CAF has now banned El Ouaer from playing for Esperance in the Champions League, but he will be allowed to play in domestic club fixtures and for his national team.

I'm not saying for one second that either of the above actions should be applied in the 'Dida Incident' but it does answer what UEFA are hoping to achieve when asking Milan why Dida was substituted.

Bottom line, imo, is he tried to get the game called off, and Dida deserves to be punished (not AC Milan) and Celtic also should, quite rightly, be fined (no more no less) for allowing a spectator onto the pitch.

08/10/2007, 5:06 PM
I don't think Dida should have any action taken against him as no matter what, nobody can prove Dida wasn't hurt by the "fan". We all know he wasn't really but theirs actually no way of proving it and therefore no punishment should be taken against him. Celtic on the other hand should.

08/10/2007, 6:00 PM
I don't think Dida should have any action taken against him as no matter what, nobody can prove Dida wasn't hurt by the "fan". We all know he wasn't really but theirs actually no way of proving it and therefore no punishment should be taken against him.
I can't agree with you here, video analysis could tell the force and speed of any contact with Dida and any medical 'expert' could deduct from that whether it would be enough to cause any pain to Dida. it happens in courts all the time. also a degree of common sense has to prevail as to whether he was hurt or not!!

Celtic on the other hand should.
as a matter of interest what punishment would you feel would be fair?

08/10/2007, 6:00 PM
We can't prove he wasn't hurt in the most basic sense of the word but we can basically prove that he was simulating a major inujry because he started running after the fan and then two or three seconds later realised 'oh no I'm 'hurt' I'd better fall down and hold my face'. If he'd actually been seriously hurt he would have just fallen down on the spot without trying to chase after the idiot.

As such I fully support the above charges being brought against him. The man was being a grade A f*ckwit and if UEFA let him off they would be basically saying that simulation is OK.

Jerry The Saint
08/10/2007, 6:50 PM
we can basically prove that he was simulating a major inujry because he started running after the fan and then two or three seconds later realised 'oh no I'm 'hurt' I'd better fall down and hold my face'. If he'd actually been seriously hurt he would have just fallen down on the spot without trying to chase after the idiot.

Not necessarily (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_Mak).

Bill: And so began the legend of Pai Mei's five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique.
The Bride: And what, pray tell, is the five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique?
Bill: Quite simply, the deadliest blow in all of martial arts. He hits you with his fingertips at five different pressure points on your body. And then he lets you walk away. But after you've taken five steps, your heart explodes inside your body, and you fall to the floor, dead.

Most rational explanation I've heard so far anyway.

08/10/2007, 6:52 PM
as a matter of interest what punishment would you feel would be fair?
Send Liam Miller back from Sunderland:D

09/10/2007, 10:33 AM
Not necessarily (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dim_Mak).

You don't seriously believe that Dida was inflicted with the 'Death Touch'? Look, if that had been the case, he'd have collapsed immediately. He wouldn't have been running after the fan and apparently in good health one second and then collapsed the next. It was clearly simulation.

I assume you're being sarcastic there.

09/10/2007, 10:34 AM
You don't seriously believe that Dida was inflicted with the 'Death Touch'? Look, if that had been the case, he'd have collapsed immediately. He wouldn't have been running after the fan and apparently in good health one second and then collapsed the next. It was clearly simulation.

I assume you're being sarcastic there.

09/10/2007, 10:36 AM
You don't seriously believe that Dida was inflicted with the 'Death Touch'? Look, if that had been the case, he'd have collapsed immediately. He wouldn't have been running after the fan and apparently in good health one second and then collapsed the next. It was clearly simulation.

I assume you're being sarcastic there.
No, Jerry's dead serious. Very serious guy. Expert on Chinese death grips too.

09/10/2007, 12:58 PM
You don't seriously believe that Dida was inflicted with the 'Death Touch'? Look, if that had been the case, he'd have collapsed immediately. He wouldn't have been running after the fan and apparently in good health one second and then collapsed the next. It was clearly simulation.

I assume you're being sarcastic there.

oh dear...........smilie time. (or watch Kill Bill vol. 2)

But I have to disagree with people who say that the fact he wasn't knocked down instantly "proves" he wasn't injured. As an ex-boxer (a pretty bad one) I have had personal experience with delayed impact of a punch, and on rare glorious occasions, I've caused delayed impact knockdowns. It is possible.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% certain Dida was not injured, and went down by choice for his own interests, but it cannot be "proven" that he was not injured.Milan could even argue he was temporarily incapacitated by being shocked by what had gone on. (Bullsh!t of course, but difficult to argue against)

It would be wrong, in my opinion, to take action after an incident where physical contact (however minimal) has been made. It should not become an issue of opinion as to whether contact could have caused an injury or not.

10/10/2007, 2:56 PM
but it cannot be "proven" that he was not injured.
Dida is in the Dock.
At this stage he has to prove that he was injured and had good reason to collapse in a heap and that he needed to be carted off on a stretcher with an ice pack.
His only defence can be that he was following medical advice. If the team doctor gives evidence and is able to hold a straight face, Dida has a chance of clearing the rap.

11/10/2007, 4:15 PM
Dida gets 2 match ban

Celtic fined €35,000 (half of which is suspended)

...just about right I feel.

12/10/2007, 7:50 AM
Celtic can count themselves lucky IMO. Paltry fine as usual from UEFA. Dida deserved his ban although I didn't think it would stick but I thought Celtic would be hit harder in the pocket.