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04/10/2007, 10:19 AM
put your obvious pro celtic feeling aside (you and many others on this forum)

I have said many times on this thread that Dida dived, cheated, made a meal of it.

But the FACTS are, a fan ran onto the pitch, towards a player, stuck his arm out with the intention of hitting the player, and made contact with him. My point here is that thats all FIFA are going to look at. So tell me why you say I need to sort my objectives?

The Denmark fan ran towards the ref, didn't get that far and didn't make ANY contact with him, and you are saying thats worse than the guy last night actually swinging at and making contact with a player!! I think YOU need to get real.I'm saying you should look at the situation objectively, not sort out your objectives. I'm looking at it objectively. I do like Celtic, as you know, but I'm not so partial that I can't see what happened last night as anything other than what it was. It was a tap. You can use language like "swung at " all you like but nobody would agree with you. I'd assess the situation exactly the same if it had happened at Rangers or at an England match.

04/10/2007, 10:20 AM
My point here is that thats all FIFA are going to look at.

They are not going to do anything about the incident and why should they ;)

Billy Lord
04/10/2007, 10:22 AM
What a bunch of myopic West Brit crap. Why wade through the tabloids when you can visit foot.ie?
Dida made a meal of it - so what? He was assaulted. End of story. Sellick should be thrown out for allowing a local knuckle-dragger onto the pitch. Anything less means it's open season on players.
BTW: funny how greasy Ities are cheats while fine, upstanding British players are 'robust' or 'committed'. The empire's not dead, etc.

04/10/2007, 10:35 AM
H4E you seem to think that everyone here has a biased towards celtic...i am not biased towards them, i think that celtic should get a heafty fine, ban the fan, be warned about future conduct and thats that. Your a typical bitter and twisted hibs fan, nothing new there. Your posts on the subject have now gone beyond discussion they are just rants....jealous?:rolleyes:

Show me the rants? I'm pointing out facts, no one here wants to hear about the FACTS of what happened.

You can be sure as fook if it was the other way around and happened on Boruc in Milan they'd be creaming murder on here. Typical and what I'd expect on here :rolleyes:

04/10/2007, 10:35 AM
I wouldn't say "barely" touched him. He ran across him with his arm out intending to hit him. Dida made a meal of it, but he wasn't "barely touched"
I think you will find that yes he was only barely touched

Simple. It can't be proved the keeper wasn't hurt. FACT
anyone with half a brain would know there was nothing wrong with him. Even my Missus laughed out loud when I made he watch it on the news. Her comment was ‘that is why I hate watching football, what a Nancy’

Modern medicine can't prove that at that time Dida wasn't feeling pain
are you saying he needed an ice pack on his temple for a tap on the shoulder????

He did smack dida across neck.
Harly a smack now was it

And whats the big deal about never being in a fight?
Actually it would explain how you are unable to grasp what would hurt an average person (never mind a 6’5” professional athlete) and what wouldn’t.

BTW are you the ‘Bubble Boy’????

04/10/2007, 10:36 AM
They are not going to do anything about the incident and why should they ;)

Fan got on pitch and approached player. Stewards were in their end of match positions and he still got on the pitch :rolleyes:

04/10/2007, 10:39 AM
Show me the rants? I'm pointing out facts, no one here wants to hear about the FACTS of what happened.

You can be sure as fook if it was the other way around and happened on Boruc in Milan they'd be creaming murder on here. Typical and what I'd expect on here :rolleyes:

so post someplace else:confused:
paranoid & delusional:rolleyes:

04/10/2007, 10:40 AM
You can be sure as fook if it was the other way around and happened on Boruc in Milan they'd be creaming murder on here.
Not from me. I'd be equally critical of a Celtic player, an Irish player or a player of any club. I hate diving, I hate cheating & I hate feigning injury.

04/10/2007, 10:42 AM
This is what he should have done ...


Good job there was no crowd trouble at our game biscuit :D

04/10/2007, 10:43 AM
Honestly I think Celtic should have to play their remaining home games in the group stage behind closed doors. I know we're all laughing at that clown Dida but the fan could just as easily have stabbed him, don't know what the stewards were up to to be honest.
As could the next streaker to invade a football pitch...

04/10/2007, 10:45 AM
Not from me. I'd be equally critical of a Celtic player, an Irish player or a player of any club. I hate diving, I hate cheating & I hate feigning injury.

And I would be equally critical of a Hibs fan, Irish fan or a fan of any other club. I hate scumbag fans that embarress a club, cause huge fines for a club, and possibility of behind closed doors matches or points deductions (not saying last 2 will happen in this case, but they're happened in past. and celtic will DEFINITELY get a huge fine because of this guy)

04/10/2007, 10:48 AM
Fan got on pitch and approached player. Stewards were in their end of match positions and he still got on the pitch :rolleyes:

read my post again sunshine ;)

04/10/2007, 10:49 AM
read my post again sunshine ;)

Get a grip on reality sunshine ;)

04/10/2007, 10:49 AM
Get a grip on reality sunshine ;)

FIFA is it????

04/10/2007, 10:49 AM
Funny, I just knew H4E would take a totally biased view on the incident. No proof he wasn't injured? Get real man, or rather, get objective.

Club allegiances aside, anyone can see that he wasn't hurt and was playing up completely.

Couldn't agree more. Tyring to argue otherwise is making him look worse as even a neutral can see his judgement is clouded.

Celtic should get a big fine and warned of their fans future behaviour. Anything else would be farcical.

04/10/2007, 10:50 AM
ha, go on stacky!!
we would have knocked 7 shades of ****e out of them ash!! :D:p
i thought for a while there would be, they were packed to the rafters!!

04/10/2007, 10:51 AM
Get a grip on reality sunshine ;)

LOL. Talk of getting a grip on reality from the man talking about the poor injured goalkeeper after the so-called 'Smack' he got. Reality is obviously a world you have only heard of in passing

04/10/2007, 10:52 AM
and YES, I'd think the same if it was another team.
I don't believe you and I think you're the most biased man on foot.ie. ;)

04/10/2007, 10:56 AM
Couldn't agree more. Tyring to argue otherwise is making him look worse as even a neutral can see his judgement is clouded.

Celtic should get a big fine and warned of their fans future behaviour. Anything else would be farcical.

Show me were my FACTS are wrong or above neutral, in doing this read some of the other comment on this thread slating celtic and say why you've picked only me out here. Also, what punishment did I say I think celtic SHOULD get on this thread?

I don't believe you and I think you're the most biased man on foot.ie. ;)

Do you think I give a sh!t if you believe me?

04/10/2007, 11:05 AM
Show me were my FACTS are wrong or above neutral, in doing this read some of the other comment on this thread slating celtic and say why you've picked only me out here. Also, what punishment did I say I think celtic SHOULD get on this thread?

I'm not going to waste my time debating it with you. A blind man can see your bias. As Stuttgart said, use your common sense instead of saying "you can't prove Dida wasn't hurt". :rolleyes:

It's a bit like saying we can't prove that Britney Spears hasn't gone loopy. Maybe not but we can all see it and we all know it.

04/10/2007, 11:07 AM
It's a bit like saying we can't prove that Britney Spears hasn't gone loopy. Maybe not but we can all see it and we all know it.

HOW DARE YOU. Ms Spears is just a victim of the media/courts/KFed/Biased Judge/Now Magazine/The Muppets/The Fai

04/10/2007, 11:11 AM
HOW DARE YOU. Ms Spears is just a victim of the media/courts/KFed/Biased Judge/Now Magazine/The Muppets/The Fai

Are you the "Leave Britney Alone" fella off You Tube?;):D

04/10/2007, 11:12 AM
Link. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N%C3%A9lson_de_Jesus_Silva)

Point 4 under trivia!!!
'His favorite non-football sport is pretending to be hit in the face and rolling around in agony.'

04/10/2007, 11:13 AM
Are you the "Leave Britney Alone" fella off You Tube?;):D

No. I'm the sarcastic fella off foot.ie ;)

04/10/2007, 11:14 AM
I'm not going to waste my time debating it with you. A blind man can see your bias. As Stuttgart said, use your common sense instead of saying "you can't prove Dida wasn't hurt". :rolleyes:

....and vice cersa ;)

04/10/2007, 11:16 AM
Show me were my FACTS are wrong or above neutral
"Absolute clown, but nothing different to what MOST other keepers would do" - My arse.

"Celtic scumbag ran onto pitch and smacked dida across neck. dida went down like he was shot"

"He ran across him with his arm out intending to hit him." - I think, and most people think, that he intended to give him a playful slap on the cheek. Celtic had just scored a last minute goal, Dida didn't exactly prevent Celtic from winning.

"Rivaldo got fined for holding his face when the ball hit his legs. Christ thats a huge difference in holding your head when getting hit in neck!!" - You're basically saying Dida has a lot more right to feign injury...

"But the FACTS are, a fan ran onto the pitch, towards a player, stuck his arm out with the intention of hitting the player, and made contact with him." - Just out of interest, do you think he succeeded in hitting the player?

"He did smack dida across neck. Barely touched him, but the intention was there." - And again, you seem to be claiming that this fan wanted to hit Dida good and hard.

04/10/2007, 11:28 AM
"Absolute clown, but nothing different to what MOST other keepers would do" - My arse.

"Celtic scumbag ran onto pitch and smacked dida across neck. dida went down like he was shot"

"He ran across him with his arm out intending to hit him." - I think, and most people think, that he intended to give him a playful slap on the cheek. Celtic had just scored a last minute goal, Dida didn't exactly prevent Celtic from winning.

"Rivaldo got fined for holding his face when the ball hit his legs. Christ thats a huge difference in holding your head when getting hit in neck!!" - You're basically saying Dida has a lot more right to feign injury...

"But the FACTS are, a fan ran onto the pitch, towards a player, stuck his arm out with the intention of hitting the player, and made contact with him." - Just out of interest, do you think he succeeded in hitting the player?

"He did smack dida across neck. Barely touched him, but the intention was there." - And again, you seem to be claiming that this fan wanted to hit Dida good and hard.

1) We'll agree to disagree there, can't be proven (even though there's more diving and cheating in the game than ever before)

2) You made no point

3) How do you know what MOST people "think"?

4) I never said Dida wasn't faking! I said he'' obviously tell uefa he was hurt by the light slap, and they can't tell him he wasn't. So whats your point?

5) I think he succeeded in making contact with the player

6) I claimed his intention was to hit Dida, he made a mess of it. You don't agree and think the guy done nothing wrong. Your opinion.

Lim till i die
04/10/2007, 11:29 AM
awarded a 0-3 defeat to Inter in the q/f in '05 too, just like that. :rolleyes:

What would you have had Uefa do at the time??

Inter were being knocked out so a whole Curva threw its toys out of the pram

Shabby behaviour

As for last night Dida should be banned and fined for acting the maggot

Celtic should be fined, have points deducted and play their remaining games behind closed doors for allowing that goon to get on the pitch.

I really can't see how this is an either/or argument for some people :confused:

04/10/2007, 11:30 AM
I cant believe that Dida went to headbutt the hand of this young British Athlete in his beautiful new shiny tracksuit, and missed.

04/10/2007, 11:31 AM
4) I never said Dida wasn't faking! I said he'' obviously tell uefa he was hurt by the light slap, and they can't tell him he wasn't. So whats your point?
Are you replying to the Rivaldo/Dida thing here? Rivaldo wasn't hit in the face, Dida wasn't hit in the face. You know quite well and so do UEFA.

6) I claimed his intention was to hit Dida, he made a mess of it. You don't agree and think the guy done nothing wrong. Your opinion.
:D Celtic score a last minute goal. A young fan runs on the pitch with his hands in the air celebrating. "Oh I'm absolutely over the moon, let's give this keeper a good punch in the face". You're terribly biased mate, realise that.

04/10/2007, 11:33 AM
:D Celtic score a last minute goal. A young fan runs on the pitch with his hands in the air celebrating. "Oh I'm absolutely over the moon, let's give this keeper a good punch in the face". You're terribly biased mate, realise that.


04/10/2007, 11:36 AM
What? Why in the name of jaysus would this guy want to hurt Dida? "FACT"? 3 or 4 times you've claimed that he intended to hit Dida good and hard but failed. Don't you think this is a sign of your bias getting the better of you?

04/10/2007, 11:48 AM
6) I claimed his intention was to hit Dida, he made a mess of it.
i have watched the clip (http://www.d1g.com/video/show/1435095) a good few time now and this is how i see it.

the fan ran onto the pitch celebrating and waiving his arms above his head -
he souldn't have come onto the pitch, no excuse

as he got close to dida/passed him he reached out
a. to playfully slap his cheek, or
b. to get his attention in a type of slagging gesture -
again he should not have done either but to say his actions were malicious or that he ran on the pitch to intentionally hit the player is absurd. or to imply he meant to hit him but made a mess of it is crazy.

Dida ran after the player and then obviously thought he better reaction was to go down and feign injury -
there is no excuse for these actions imo Dida was attempting to get the game called off by claimimg injury from the incident. Again there is no excuse for his actions here.

04/10/2007, 11:50 AM
Nothing happened Spurs when the guy came on and missed Frank Lampard with a punch.

04/10/2007, 11:51 AM
Dida has an obligation to his personal safety (bear in mind that one of his team-mates' relatives was kidnapped and murdered because of his status as a professional footballer, and he himself comes from a country where this is commonplace) and it was clear once that scumbag got on the pitch that security at the venue was inadequate. What if the next celtic savage who invaded his goalmouth was carrying a pocket-knife? I'm not surprised he tried to get the match abandoned, or at the very least attain the safety of the dressing rooms.

04/10/2007, 11:52 AM
What? Why in the name of jaysus would this guy want to hurt Dida? "FACT"? 3 or 4 times you've claimed that he intended to hit Dida good and hard but failed. Don't you think this is a sign of your bias getting the better of you?

3/4 times I said "the guy inteded to hit Dida good and hard" Please show me where I said it 3/4 times

Also, I said celtic will be punished, but never said what i think they should get. Others on here have said celtic should be docked points ar have to play behind closed doors. Why aren't you arguing with them? Or is it because of your anti Hibs bias ;)

04/10/2007, 12:00 PM
3/4 times I said "the guy inteded to hit Dida good and hard" Please show me where I said it 3/4 times
"He ran across him with his arm out intending to hit him."

"But the FACTS are, a fan ran onto the pitch, towards a player, stuck his arm out with the intention of hitting the player"

"I claimed his intention was to hit Dida, he made a mess of it."

The reason I had to say "good and hard" is because many people would argue that the boy did hit Dida. It sounds to me that you think the boy wanted to hurt Dida but failed.

04/10/2007, 12:15 PM
Dida has an obligation to his personal safety (bear in mind that one of his team-mates' relatives was kidnapped and murdered because of his status as a professional footballer, and he himself comes from a country where this is commonplace) .
i'm surprised he comes out of his house at all! never mind plays in packed stadia! do you know if he gets danger money????

and it was clear once that scumbag got on the pitch that security at the venue was inadequate. .
post-hillborough it is quite easy to encroach the pitch at all british stadia. all a club can do is attempt to prevent this by stewarding but this is not water tight at any british stadia. how many streakers get onto pitches??? or what about yer man who posed in the Man Utd photo a few years back in the CL. Or the loon who jumped in the net during the CL final (i think or else WC match) with some web address emblazemed accross his chest. when he threw a scarf around Figo's neck was that an attempt at strangulation!!!

all a club can do to prevent encroachment is try to presuade fans from entering the playing pitch by hefty fines or bans, but these measures are retro-spective.

What if the next celtic savage who invaded his goalmouth was carrying a pocket-knife? .
Celtic Savage?? a bit harsh. Celtic Idiot granted but Savage????

on the other part, any supporter in any ground could carry a pocket knife. your statement is a bit like 'what if the next car that passes me has a loon driving it and decides to knock me down.' a total hypotetical statement that has no bearing on the incident.

i don't think there is a person on this thread who does anything but condemn the supporter entering the field of play, but there is a total lack of preseptive in the situation. had Dida not feigned injury the incident would be dealt with by a small fine. Dida's over reaction has exaggerated the seriousness of the incident.

I'm not surprised he tried to get the match abandoned, or at the very least attain the safety of the dressing rooms.
Dida's motives for feigning injury had absolutely nothing to do with his own safety! If it were why didn't he use his last few steps before he 'collapsed' to run toward the dressingroom instead of chasing the 'savage'

your post is either sarcastic (maybe i missed that), WUMming or you too are a bubble boy!

kev mcq
04/10/2007, 1:22 PM
Can a mod lock this thread, it's absolutely pathetic?! And Hibs4Ever, you must have a lot of time on your hands:rolleyes:

04/10/2007, 1:34 PM
right, I've read all the posts, and watched the video.

Here's my 2 cents -

1. Celtic are at fault for their stewarding; they allowed a fan to come on and make physical contact with a player (doesn't matter which player on which team). They should be punished in accordance with whatever the guidelines/regulations are.

2. It is clear that physical contact was made with Dida, however slight, and he went down afterwards. Now, the vast majority, including myself, believe he went down of his own free will for his own reasons. But the authorities will be reluctant, I think, to punish him in any way. By punishing a player for "diving" even when physical contact has been made would open up a huge can of worms, and I don't think they want to do that.

04/10/2007, 1:41 PM
Can a mod lock this thread, it's absolutely pathetic?! And Hibs4Ever, you must have a lot of time on your hands:rolleyes:


04/10/2007, 1:45 PM
Dida has an obligation to his personal safety (bear in mind that one of his team-mates' relatives was kidnapped and murdered because of his status as a professional footballer, and he himself comes from a country where this is commonplace) and it was clear once that scumbag got on the pitch that security at the venue was inadequate. What if the next celtic savage who invaded his goalmouth was carrying a pocket-knife? I'm not surprised he tried to get the match abandoned, or at the very least attain the safety of the dressing rooms.

Kidnap - murder - pocket knife ? some imagination at play there.
Looked no more threatening than a streaker who kept his clothes on.

"I'm not surprised he tried to get the match abandoned"
Then, not a crime against football in your opinion ?
Well within his rights? :D

04/10/2007, 1:51 PM
...the vast majority, including myself, believe he went down of his own free will for his own reasons. But the authorities will be reluctant, I think, to punish him in any way. By punishing a player for "diving" even when physical contact has been made would open up a huge can of worms, and I don't think they want to do that.

Read the seventh page.
 If blatant simulation, caution
 Ifminimal contact, consider cautioning player

04/10/2007, 1:52 PM
The Denmark fan ran towards the ref, didn't get that far and didn't make ANY contact with him



04/10/2007, 2:05 PM

Read the seventh page.
If blatant simulation, caution
Ifminimal contact, consider cautioning player
Although "consider cautioning player" is different from the calls to ban and hang him.

04/10/2007, 2:07 PM
I sincerely hope no-one on this forum is stupid enough to suppose that those regulations apply in this case.

04/10/2007, 2:18 PM
Whatever they do they should not let a can of worms get on the pitch

04/10/2007, 2:32 PM
Whatever they do they should not let a can of worms get on the pitch

AC Milan did a great impression of worms last night , they spend more time wriggling on the ground it was embarassing to watch. Dida aside ,as that has all been beaten to death already on the tread , Kaka was an absolute disgrace . Best player in the world ..................as my ould fellow says if this lot were playing in Thurles with hurleys they would have to lock the gates to keep them in.:)

old git
04/10/2007, 2:39 PM
Look at the Denmark game from last year where a fan tried to get the ref but didnt really get near him.

They got the game result changed to a 3-0 loss and where force to play their next four games 250 km away

UEFA don't care if contact was minimal - the fan got on the pitch and made contact with the keeper. Thats all that'll matter to them

fair point ... but anybody watching should be able to see whole picture keeper was struck by fan .. but made a 4 course meal out of it.. ... celtic should get fined or play next game behind closed doors.. but dida should also get punished by uefa also..
but with uefa anything is possible ... :ball:

04/10/2007, 2:48 PM
Whatever they do they should not let a can of worms get on the pitch

why not?

the worms would surely improve the drainage by providing those nice little tunnels. I say let the worms on but Ban the cans!