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Block G Raptor
25/02/2006, 3:52 PM
Are they won of those of SF splinter groups from a few decades back?
Yeah reputed political wing of the Continuity IRA

raytown red
25/02/2006, 3:53 PM
Is this reliable? nothing on newstalk to even suggest this
and they've several reporters around the city

not to sure, he was part of the riots and said it was when the riots were on nassau street!!!

25/02/2006, 4:07 PM
Reactions (http://www.rte.ie/news/2006/0225/loyalist1.html)

All avoidable, if those in charge, listened to the people. :mad:

A sad day for Dublin, and for Ireland. :(

25/02/2006, 5:11 PM
All the warnings and public safety fears were blatantly ignored/dismissed by our government, who are 100% at fault for the trouble. It was they who permitted it to happen, now they have to answer why. :mad:

Yeah, it was the Government who smashed up my kids' school minibus. :mad:

25/02/2006, 6:19 PM
Yeah, it was the Government who smashed up my kids' school minibus. :mad:

Round up the rioters and execute them!:mad:
P.S. Darn shame they abolished the death penalty :D

25/02/2006, 7:57 PM
Anyone see the bloke wearing his Rovers scarf and training top running riot ? fcuking idiot.......

Poor Student
25/02/2006, 8:41 PM
Maybe we should examine the reasons why '*Love Ulster' decided to march & provoke a reaction, albeit this was both wrong & understandable at the same time?

Apart from the fact 'their*' name is an insult to many within the 9 counties, the Government is pandering to the most extreme & unacceptable forces currently within the island of Ireland, ie.the dinosaurs of 'loyalism'.
Hard-core Republicanism may also be unpalatable, but it's generally been a reaction to the excesses of the 'usual suspects';which Frazer & his bigoted cohorts undoubtedly belong to.

I'm sorry but that is not a good enough excuse for the barbaric display on our capital's streets today. The people who brandished this state's flag are an utter disgrace and embarrassment to all they may claim to stand for. There is no excuse for that behaviour under any circumstances. It was anarchical barbarism.

25/02/2006, 9:37 PM
In any decent democracy those people brandishing the National flag would be tried for treason, given a fair trial and hanged the next day :D

25/02/2006, 10:20 PM
Had actually planned to go up today (but unfortunately something else came up :( ).

After the publicity today, if the orangemen try to do it again and the government let it happen, does anyone else think there'll be an even bigger crowd of protesters after the publicity from today?

Take out the pure sh!te (ie the looting and the burning of innocent peoples cars), todays protest wouldve seen to be a success by some people ie the parade didnt happen!! (though the parade not happaning today was probably a success for both the orangemen and the protestors!!)

25/02/2006, 10:50 PM
It is ludicrous to blame riots on a few people having a peaceful protest. Thats like saying if I don't like farmers & i see them protesting i can rampage through the city attacking gardai & destroying the city centre.

Are republicans so stupid that they are unable to just ignore this? I'm sure the Orange Order were hoping for a bit of reaction but don't republicans claim we all are irish & Dublin should be the seat of government in the 32 counties? Republicans are always telling loyalists they have nothing to fear in a 32 county ireland & that their rights will be upheld too. How can they claim this is true now when few loyalists can't protest peacefully down dublin city at an approved protest?

Some good pictures here (http://www.indymedia.ie/article/74507)

The people who rioted are cowards (never show their faces) & represent no one - they should be rounded up & deported from this country.

25/02/2006, 10:56 PM
Republican Sinn Féin are deluded.

They think they actually represent us (http://www.indymedia.ie/article/74506)


25/02/2006, 10:58 PM
It is ludicrous to blame riots on a few people having a peaceful protest. Thats like saying if I don't like farmers & i see them protesting i can rampage through the city attacking gardai & destroying the city centre.

Pete, its totally different - could you imagine irish 'catholics' being allowed march down the shankill in memory of all those that were killed by loyalists :rolleyes: !!

People should be allowed to protest against a protest, look at what happened in oxford today :eek: !!

Btw in saying that I 100% disagree with the looting, buring of cars and tearing up o connell street - that was a disgrace

EDIT: also did I read somewhere that they wouldnt guarantee that there wouldnt be a photo of one of the lads alleged to be involved in the monaghan/dublin bombings paraded outside the GPO :mad: (cant recall where i read that, maybe it was just told to me in the pub - anyone able to dig up that story if true??)

25/02/2006, 11:13 PM
Anyone see the bloke wearing his Rovers scarf and training top running riot ? fcuking idiot.......

Been waiting for someone else to post this for quite a while...........

Cue thread heading off on wild tangent

25/02/2006, 11:31 PM
I'm sorry but that is not a good enough excuse for the barbaric display on our capital's streets today. The people who brandished this state's flag are an utter disgrace and embarrassment to all they may claim to stand for. There is no excuse for that behaviour under any circumstances. It was anarchical barbarism.

Completely agree with this. The idiots who couldn't ignore his and caused violence are animals and deserved to be locked up as such.:mad:

The arguement 'would this be allowed happen up there' is irrelevent-yes the government could have prevented this but that is no excuse for the people who took part in it.They are a disrace to this country

25/02/2006, 11:37 PM
Look at these heroes of Ireland...........


I hope the photographer has forwarded these to the guards:mad:

25/02/2006, 11:44 PM
Look at these heroes of Ireland...........


what street are the first few photos on? Dont recognise the centre :confused:

25/02/2006, 11:58 PM
Well its Centra Westland Row...

Shouldn't have been allowed happen. Trouble was inevitable.

26/02/2006, 12:06 AM
My guess is it's the bottom of Kildare Street, near where the Alliance Francaise is.

While it would appear from the TV footage and photos on the net that most of the mayhem was caused by common-or-garden scumbags (like in the photos linked to above), as opposed to RSF-organised political wingnuts, I think the authorities behaved ridiculously as well.

They knew there was going to be a counter-demonstration and it could get violent. Did none of the head cops even stop for a minute and think "Whoops, there's a possibility of a violent demonstration on the biggest civic building site in Dublin, we'd better handle this one quietly."

Instead, all the bonehead youth realised they were sitting on a massive riot arsenal - paving stones neatly stacked for chucking at the cops, skips full of builders' rubble sitting conveniently by, metal barriers for building barricades against the cops. It must've been the most fun they've had on a Saurday afternoon in years.

Then the cops baton charge them down O'Connell st and off they go rambling around Nassau St where there's feck-all cops to stop the scumbags burning ordinary Dubliners' cars.

Genius. Pure genius. McDowell and the Garda Commissioner should be made sweep up O'Connell St with a toothbrush.

26/02/2006, 12:26 AM
Feckin scumbags the lot of them.

Let's face it people - it's the 21st Century. We may not like the Orange Order and groups like 'Love Ulster', but if we claim that Dublin is the capital of Ireland - regardless of religion, culture etc etc - then we have to accept that anyone who WE claim is Irish has the right to protest in that capital. We may not like what they have to say - but that gives us no right to oppress them for doing it.

This was a just a hood's day out. People who would be knicking and burning cars in West Dublin, if they weren't tied-up with a 'protest' in the centre of town.

As an immensely proud born and bred Derry man it makes me sick to see cnuts with their faces obscured unfurling a banner about Bloody Sunday. Like any of them have ever feckin been to Derry. If they want to jump on a bandwagon to make their petty sectarian points, let them pick another one that doesn't drag my home city into it the *******s.

I can rest easy tonight in the knowledge that acumbags like this with their attitudes stuck back in 1641 - let alone 1916 - are a dyihng breed. Love Ulster ? I love the new and increasingly modern-thinkingIreland - regardless of the scumbags on either side.

26/02/2006, 12:31 AM
It's been both a sad day and a great day for our country.Saddening of course that these gombeens acted like they did, in a completly moronic way, but also joyful in that they are a miniscule amount, and that the majority of our country, if this thread is anything to go by, is on the right track, and that we are in control.

26/02/2006, 2:01 AM
Dublin riots (http://www.youtube.com/w/Dublin%20Riots?v=pgIlZgt4XV8&eurl)

It was people like this who ruined what should have been a peaceful protest and a welcome home party for the fascists. They have no care for Irish Republicanism just wanton vandalism of innocent people's possessions

Block G Raptor
26/02/2006, 2:12 AM
Anyone see the bloke wearing his Rovers scarf and training top running riot ? fcuking idiot.......
suppose us bohs fans were marching. don't bring El football into what has been a sh!t day for al;l of us. there was probably fools who alegedly follow every club in the country throwing stones,petrolbombs,and other various debris there today. I dont care what club they are from they were not representative of those clubs

It's people like you that invite that negative media outlook of the El

Dublin riots (http://www.youtube.com/w/Dublin%20Riots?v=pgIlZgt4XV8&eurl)

It was people like this who ruined what should have been a silent protest. They have no care for Irish Republicanism just wanton vandalism of innocent people's possessions
Exactly the cnuts that did that Sh!t today are not republicans and if they were they would have realised that today was a great chance to gain the moral high ground and show the bigotted b@stards for what they are . instead they gave them a propaganda Coup

26/02/2006, 2:28 AM
suppose us bohs fans were marching. don't bring El football into
Its a football messgae board, he spotted something and commented on it. There were 100s of celtic jersies too. IMO there was nothing wrong with his comment

26/02/2006, 2:28 AM
I don't give a sh!te who they were, they were trying to damage my city and I simply won't tolerate any excuse for that, be it a 'simple', single mugging or a riot down O'Connell Street. I've just been on O'Connell St a couple of hours ago and to me it was a different, tarnished Dublin. I don't give a sh!te about what the police might have done, they would have had to do nothing if any of these people had a modicrum of pride in the flag they were so openly prepared to brandish.:mad:

I'm sorry but that is not a good enough excuse for the barbaric display on our capital's streets today. The people who brandished this state's flag are an utter disgrace and embarrassment to all they may claim to stand for. There is no excuse for that behaviour under any circumstances. It was anarchical barbarism.

Spot On.

Block G Raptor
26/02/2006, 2:53 AM
Its a football messgae board, he spotted something and commented on it. There were 100s of celtic jersies too. IMO there was nothing wrong with his comment

So one person in the hundreds was wearing a Rovers scarf to cover his face. I dont think it's relevent. how many premiersh!t scarf's were used for the same purpose today? I'm sure if you look hard enough there was bohs scarfs covering the faces of scumbags too. I dont thnk that the discraceful scenes today should be used to bait any club in the El we all know that certain clubs have an element of fans that are undesirable it doesn't mean that every occurance of something that disgusts us can be placed at thier door

Someone call the guinness book of records this has to be a first ...A bohs fan sticking up for rovers

26/02/2006, 4:15 AM
Anyone see the bloke wearing his Rovers scarf and training top running riot ? fcuking idiot.......
I don't think Roo is saying that the lad is an idiot for wearing a Rovers scarf. He's not trying to lay the blame for the riots on Rovers fans. He said he saw ONE bloke in a Rovers top. That is all. And it is relevant because this is an Irish football MB. Now leave it, the riots are far too serious to be arguing about you taking offence over someone spotting a bloke in a tracksuit...

Block G Raptor
26/02/2006, 4:59 AM
I don't think Roo is saying that the lad is an idiot for wearing a Rovers scarf. He's not trying to lay the blame for the riots on Rovers fans. He said he saw ONE bloke in a Rovers top. That is all. And it is relevant because this is an Irish football MB. Now leave it, the riots are far too serious to be arguing about you taking offence over someone spotting a bloke in a tracksuit...

I'm Not taking offence I just think its petty to point out that one muppet in a crowd of mupetts was wearing an El scarf. I would be pretty embarrased if someone one on here pointed out that a rioter was wearing a Bohs shirt

26/02/2006, 9:41 AM
EDIT: also did I read somewhere that they wouldnt guarantee that there wouldnt be a photo of one of the lads alleged to be involved in the monaghan/dublin bombings paraded outside the GPO :mad: (cant recall where i read that, maybe it was just told to me in the pub - anyone able to dig up that story if true??)

just read on another forum that this was true - like ffs how didnt they expect people to react to that?

26/02/2006, 12:32 PM
I'm Not taking offence I just think its petty to point out that one muppet in a crowd of mupetts was wearing an El scarf. I would be pretty embarrased if someone one on here pointed out that a rioter was wearing a Bohs shirt
As would I if there was a pats kit seen, but thta doesn't mean someone shouldn't point it out

26/02/2006, 1:43 PM
EDIT: also did I read somewhere that they wouldnt guarantee that there wouldnt be a photo of one of the lads alleged to be involved in the monaghan/dublin bombings paraded outside the GPO :mad: (cant recall where i read that, maybe it was just told to me in the pub - anyone able to dig up that story if true??)

Thats just hearsay trying to justify rioting by scumbags who don't deserve to live in this country.

RSF don't recognise the Irish Republic so have no rights here.

Just watching some of those pictures on Nassau street & have to wonder where the hell the gardai were. From those videos looks like just common thugs on a day out - what has robbing a car got to do with a protest? Can't we cut off their dole or something to punish them?

McDowell may not voice it publically but he should sanction the Garda Commissioner as they were either badly underprepared or unable to do their job properly. Whatever way you look at it the Gardai organisation was unable to police the city so failed in their duties.

26/02/2006, 1:54 PM
There are zero excuses for what happened yesterday.

To put it all in context - there are Bloody Sunday marches every single year in Derry and in several cities in Britain (London, Glasgow, Manchester). Very occassionally in the past these have been 'attacked' by small groups of NF/BNP. But every single time they have been able to pass off either peacefully, or with the Police effectively controlling any anti-demonstration protestors.

Now - I know that Bloody Sunday is in many ways a different event than that which Love Ulster would have been drawing attention to. But the ostensible aim of their parade was a protest about IRA murders. Just like Bloody Sunday is a protest about British Army murders.

Likewise - you'll find Easter commemorations passing off peacefully in places like Liverpool, London and Glasgow every year.

So - Irish people are allowed to march unhindered throughout Britain and Northern Ireland in protest at the death of innocents (Bloody Sunday) and in overtly Republican displays (Easter commemorations). Yet British people aren't allowed to do the same in Dublin. By the very people who would be up in arms if any Bloody Sunday or Easter demo was stopped.

The rank hypocrisy of the idiots....

26/02/2006, 2:13 PM
So much for cosmopolitan,tolerant Ireland. If we can't even be tolerant of a few hundred orangemen marching through the country's capital city then what hope for the future of integration of all the other cultures into this country.

Neo Nationalists, naked sectarianism. Sumbags the lot of them. Just like the BNP/NF. Anyone making excuses for them should remember that. I was on a Troops Out march in London years ago that got attacked by C18 because we were Irish and thats what yesterday reminded me of.

The loyalists should be invited back down to Dublin to protest again and show the Loyalists/Orangemen/Protestants that we want as citizens of this country that we can accept those with different views, religous identity and national identity in Ireland.

26/02/2006, 2:19 PM
glad to hear the marchers didn't make it to the GPO-well done to thos ewho stopped it.....shame on those who hurt the guards though

I hope this was an uniformed post in the heat of the moment.


Poor Student
26/02/2006, 3:05 PM
The rank hypocrisy of the idiots....

Spot on. I'd quote your whole post but for the rule. It just about sums it up for me Steve. We always criticise the Unionist dominated Northern Ireland from 1920's-1970's for its less than democratic policies and attitudes and profess to love republicanism and democracy yet what we saw yesterday was an affront to these. It does appear the protest against the march was strongly mixed with random scumbags and looters but there appeared to be a planned affront to democracy by someone there yesterday. An absolute disgrace.

I was down O'Connell's St. today and while the road appears to be cleaned up well, there are remains of yesterday's rioting, a sad sight for my eyes this morning.:(

26/02/2006, 4:27 PM
EDIT: also did I read somewhere that they wouldnt guarantee that there wouldnt be a photo of one of the lads alleged to be involved in the monaghan/dublin bombings paraded outside the GPO :mad: (cant recall where i read that, maybe it was just told to me in the pub - anyone able to dig up that story if true??)


Organisers of a loyalist march through Dublin have said they cannot guarantee that images of a man accused of murdering 26 people in the city will not not be displayed during the demonstration.

Speaking to Daily Ireland yesterday, Love Ulster organiser Willie Frazer said: “I can’t give a guarantee a photograph of Robert McConnell will not be carried because I wouldn’t be against anyone carrying Robert’s photograph.”

This is the equivelant to some walking through Omagh town center with a photo of McKevit!

Mod - PLease don't quote whole posts/articles

26/02/2006, 4:49 PM
suppose us bohs fans were marching. don't bring El football into what has been a sh!t day for al;l of us. there was probably fools who alegedly follow every club in the country throwing stones,petrolbombs,and other various debris there today. I dont care what club they are from they were not representative of those clubs

Eh it's a bit hard not to bring football into it when the 1st tv clip i saw was of a youth wearing Rovers colours on his own at the time hurling stuff at the gardai ! I mentioned it because this is after all an eL message board so thought it was on topic, after all i covered the eL and the riots in the same post, whats so wrong with that ?

26/02/2006, 6:00 PM
see how many Celtic jerseys there were aswell!

26/02/2006, 6:45 PM
Spot on. I'd quote your whole post but for the rule.

I'm not at all interested in posting about the current topic, but I haven't been on in a while and was just wondering, is there a new rule or something that you shouldn't quote wholesale someone else's post? :confused:

Poor Student
26/02/2006, 6:48 PM
I'm not at all interested in posting about the current topic, but I haven't been on in a while and was just wondering, is there a new rule or something that you shouldn't quote wholesale someone else's post? :confused:

Exactly Stevey. Don't quote entire articles either.

26/02/2006, 6:51 PM
I just wonder how much of that "Protest" was genuinely politically motivated and how much of it was just down to opportunistc skangers who found the chance of a bit of aggro just too good to miss. Let's just say I wouldn't imagine that too many of those involved would be the most politically clued in. Whatever, I would think that the Love Ulster crowd got exactly the result they were banking on. How bloody mindless can some people get ?

On a seperate point, and not to excuse the trouble for one second as it was an absolute disgrace, but how in the name of Christ were the Cops caught so badly on the hop ? I've seen some qoutes saying they hadn't expected any trouble :rolleyes: It didn't exactly take a genius to figure out that there was potential for serious trouble. And as for leaving the contents of a building site lying around virtually unguarded and ready for use by anyone scumbag who felt like it.... I'd like to say it was unbelievable, sadly it seems it isn't.

Poor Student
26/02/2006, 7:00 PM
but how in the name of Christ were the Cops caught so badly on the hop ?

You're right. On the news last night you could see the Gardaí on the front line being pelted with big missiles without even a helmet let alone riot gear.

Block G Raptor
26/02/2006, 8:18 PM
just hearing on the rte news that Gardai will use cctv footage to make more arrests. good enough for the neanderthal muppetts

26/02/2006, 9:14 PM
If the KKK held a rally in our streets, wouldnt it be necessary to demonstrate that such ideals were not tolerated in the city? Loyalists are racist and sectarian and I think the protests(not the violence) were justified.

26/02/2006, 9:23 PM
On a seperate point, and not to excuse the trouble for one second as it was an absolute disgrace, but how in the name of Christ were the Cops caught so badly on the hop ?

Because the Irish police are quite frankly pathetic. I've had the good fortune to live in and visit various places around the world. In pretty much every other country I would feel a healthy degree of respect towards the Police there. So, for example, if they told me to do something, I'd take their request seriously. Not so the muppets in the Guards. I have NEVER, EVER been able to take the Gardai seriously. If a Garda told me to do something that I didn't want, I'd just tell them to catch themselves on. Why ? Because their physical presence and their modus operandi is far from assertive/intimidatory, and quite simply because I know I'd get away with it. In England, I wouldn't even chance it - as I know I'd be in the back of a squad car before I knew it.

The next time you're in Britain, take a good look at any Police you see. Then compare them to the Gardai you see wandering around in Ireland - short, slim of stature, young, usually scared and inexperienced looking, very passive and unassertive body language etc - and tell me who you'd be more likely to be afraid/respectful of and listen to.

On top of that, I can't think of a single example of large scale public disorder where the Gardai have been effective. Whether it was Republican riots/funerals in the 1980's, Lansdowne Rd in 1994, or anti-capitalist protests more recently - the Garda are ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS when it comes to handling large mobs intent on trouble. This is probably, and thankfully, because it doesn't happen very often in Ireland. But they should still be receiving the necessary training for the few occassions when it does.

26/02/2006, 9:26 PM
If the KKK held a rally in our streets, wouldnt it be necessary to demonstrate that such ideals were not tolerated in the city? Loyalists are racist and sectarian and I think the protests(not the violence) were justified.

No-ones disagreeing with the right to protest Beavis. I think you'll find it's the supposedly-Republican mobs who turned out yesterday who do not respect your point. They were the ones determine that their protest should stop another protest from happening.

26/02/2006, 11:30 PM
To me, the most shocking thing about the riot is the amount of "bring back the birch, hangings too good and deport the scumbags" neo facists there are on this forum.

As for those nice unionists whose parade was ruined. Boo hoo. Let this be an end to their nonsense.

26/02/2006, 11:35 PM
Yeah, and here was innocent little me expecting to see water cannons blasting those thugs but I should have known better.

I'm trying to dissaude my godson from joining the Gardai this summer. At least he's 6'3" and has a second dan in martial arts and experience as a bouncer at various nightclubs so he has a no problem with looking after himself but with the lip service that McDowell and co. give to the cops what chance have any new Gardai to be properly trained to cope with ANY social problems?

Then we have the new volunteer Community police force - or whatever it's called - another way of McDowell and this government doing things on the cheap. Typical. Plenty of fluff but no substance.:mad:

27/02/2006, 2:32 AM
Because the Irish police are quite frankly pathetic. I have NEVER, EVER been able to take the Gardai seriously. If a Garda told me to do something that I didn't want, I'd just tell them to catch themselves on. Why ? Because their physical presence and their modus operandi is far from assertive/intimidatory, and quite simply because I know I'd get away with it.

The next time you're in Britain, take a good look at any Police you see. Then compare them to the Gardai you see wandering around in Ireland - short, slim of stature, young, usually scared and inexperienced looking, very passive and unassertive body language etc - and tell me who you'd be more likely to be afraid/respectful of and listen to.

On top of that, I can't think of a single example of large scale public disorder where the Gardai have been effective. Whether it was Republican riots/funerals in the 1980's, Lansdowne Rd in 1994, or anti-capitalist protests more recently - the Garda are ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS when it comes to handling large mobs intent on trouble. This is probably, and thankfully, because it doesn't happen very often in Ireland. But they should still be receiving the necessary training for the few occassions when it does.

It was alarming to think that the Gardaí were incapable of dealing with the trouble during the march. This was not a normal march slating the government over the health crisis, or about the public's disaffection with corrupt politicians. There were 2 demos on in roughly the same place with a heavy political slant, and over such a sensitive issue, it should have been policed efficiently.

From what I saw, the guards had no protection, lacked direction, armoury, and intelligence. For defence, some had no shields, no batons, no water cannon, and no teargas available to combat the rioters either. Noone stopped thugs looting, burning, damaging property, police cordons were constantly broken, and those who did baton charge were tardy, and erratic. Most gardaí are culchies who come from peaceful towns well away from cities, who have rarely, if ever, witnessed any serious public disorder, and have little idea of how to police a difficult situation. That's what they came up against, and they failed miserably in their task.

However, blame still lies solely with the government for allowing the march to go ahead. There would have been no trouble otherwise.

27/02/2006, 6:49 AM
I just wonder how much of that "Protest" was genuinely politically motivated and how much of it was just down to opportunistc skangers who found the chance of a bit of aggro just too good to miss. Let's just say I wouldn't imagine that too many of those involved would be the most politically clued in. Whatever, I would think that the Love Ulster crowd got exactly the result they were banking on. How bloody mindless can some people get ?

Petrol bombs made up in advance were not the work of opportunistic scangers. That was premeditated action and planned well in advance.
apparently they were stashed in some laneways not far from O'Connell Street.:mad:

27/02/2006, 7:57 AM
I just wonder how much of that "Protest" was genuinely politically motivated and how much of it was just down to opportunistc skangers who found the chance of a bit of aggro just too good to miss. Let's just say I wouldn't imagine that too many of those involved would be the most politically clued in. Whatever, I would think that the Love Ulster crowd got exactly the result they were banking on. How bloody mindless can some people get ?

On a seperate point, and not to excuse the trouble for one second as it was an absolute disgrace, but how in the name of Christ were the Cops caught so badly on the hop ? I've seen some qoutes saying they hadn't expected any trouble :rolleyes: It didn't exactly take a genius to figure out that there was potential for serious trouble. And as for leaving the contents of a building site lying around virtually unguarded and ready for use by anyone scumbag who felt like it.... I'd like to say it was unbelievable, sadly it seems it isn't.

A bit of both I'm sure.

It was well planned and orchestrated by those who wanted trouble in the Republican Movement and also local scumbags took their chance for a bit of rioting and looting too.

I wouldn't be too hard on the Gardai. They are not used to dealing with this scale of trouble. They were caught out badly though.