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17/10/2005, 10:06 AM
Don't know if anyone saw his horror tackle on Saturday, but it warranted a straight red, no question. That covers the dirty part.

Then, when Gardner handled the ball for his red card, Essien kept following the ref around gesturing for a red card. Quite unsportsmanlike, and quite sad really for a player of such ability.

Pr!ck !

17/10/2005, 10:18 AM
Yep his tackle on Tal Ben Haim was absolutey shocking, caught him near the knee (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390000-2005480028,00.html), he went down himself pretending to be injured so he would'nt get a red card, horrible to see.

17/10/2005, 10:23 AM
He's definitely in trouble, seeing as the referee said he'll review the video on Tuesday before submitting his report.

17/10/2005, 11:09 AM
Disgraceful tackle yet Jose didn't see it but managed to see the hand ball incident. As regards Essien following the ref around trying to get Gardiner sent off he's just doing what a hell of a lot of players do nowadays.

17/10/2005, 11:15 AM
As regards Essien following the ref around trying to get Gardiner sent off he's just doing what a hell of a lot of players do nowadays.
So that makes it alright?? It's childish and disgraceful.

17/10/2005, 1:55 PM
So that makes it alright?? It's childish and disgraceful.

No if you read what i said i said that all players do it and nothing's ever done about it i never said anything in my post about it being alright.

17/10/2005, 1:58 PM
Was funny listening to Beglin talk about Bolton player feigning injury when was clear on first view Essien had gone over the top. Beglin changed his tune fairly quickly with replay.

17/10/2005, 2:44 PM
I wish they would start sending off losers like Essien who go in cynically like that. That bolton fella could have had his career ended.

The refs in england always favour the best teams and call all their players by their first names when on the pitch. how gay is that ?

17/10/2005, 3:19 PM
As well as that. signalling to the ref to give a player a card after a challenge should be an instant yellow, regardless of what the plyer did and whether he actually gets a card.

The refs in england always favour the best teams and call all their players by their first names when on the pitch. how gay is that ?

Not as gay as if they started kissing them before the game.:)

17/10/2005, 3:20 PM
Then, when Gardner handled the ball for his red card, Essien kept following the ref around gesturing for a red card. Quite unsportsmanlike, and quite sad really for a player of such ability.
Didn't see anything much wrong in that. The Bolton player cheated to stop him scoring so doesn't deserve any sportmanship. It's a different case than looking for a player to be sent off after a foul IMO.

17/10/2005, 3:33 PM
The refs in england always favour the best teams and call all their players by their first names when on the pitch. how gay is that ?
Yeah, and Shels haven't been given more than their fair share of dodgy decision in Ireland

17/10/2005, 3:35 PM
I wish they would start sending off losers like Essien who go in cynically like that. That bolton fella could have had his career ended.

The refs in england always favour the best teams and call all their players by their first names when on the pitch. how gay is that ?

Jeff Winter on sky confirmed there is a directive now to book a guy for that card waving action, so Mikey boy should have walked twice. It's been goin on for years that the big club get all the breaks, ask Manu Mike Riley about the 9 spotters or more at ot.

On this topic, I noted yesterday that Joey Barton and Claudio Reyna on different occassions got up after being fouled and told the ref put his cards away, hence saving two certain bookings - Pearce seems to be running a tight ship discipline wise - it's good to see. He doesn't question decisions either. Maybe he'll change, but I'd venture his mentality won't allow him, but it's good to see a bit of honesty.

17/10/2005, 5:24 PM
Didn't see anything much wrong in that. The Bolton player cheated to stop him scoring so doesn't deserve any sportmanship. It's a different case than looking for a player to be sent off after a foul IMO.

You're missing his point. He was talking about how players surround the referee and 'give him advice'. If it were my way, I would card the lot of them. Man Utd have had a history of doing that as well as most big clubs.

Lim till i die
18/10/2005, 12:15 PM
How much this Essien Cost :eek:

20 million plus and from what he has shown so far hes just a big, hulking, hacking donkey. Chelsea ,in fairness, are getting pretty shafted in the transfer market (not that my heart bleeds or anything)

declan hide
18/10/2005, 12:44 PM
for a player of such ability.

Pr!ck !

what ability?

18/10/2005, 2:49 PM
How much this Essien Cost :eek:

20 million plus and from what he has shown so far hes just a big, hulking, hacking donkey. Chelsea ,in fairness, are getting pretty shafted in the transfer market (not that my heart bleeds or anything)

Complete tosh to be honest, one awful tackle should not be enough to base your opinion on. The guy has an incredible engine on him, touch is first class and it's only a matter of time before he starts scoring on a reg basis I'd venture. Not bad for a guy who has only played in the Prem for a few months.

How come he's held down a starting place every week in a team that are 9 for 9? And I've no alliegance to Chelski at all. Now SWP was not value for money if you would go down that avenue. But I don't think anyone who has watched Essien in detail could be anything but impressed.

18/10/2005, 4:09 PM
On this topic, I noted yesterday that Joey Barton and Claudio Reyna on different occassions got up after being fouled and told the ref put his cards away, hence saving two certain bookingsSaw that, Etherington could well have walked, very commendable.

19/10/2005, 12:11 PM
Its a disgrace that he's after getting away with that challenge. Is it because the ref had taken some action already that he isn't being further punished or did I hear FIFA are sticking their oar in for some reason?:confused: Whatever the reason it is scandalous that he has escaped, and any player that goes to 'do' an opponent should IMO serve at least 5 games.

There's a few cheats among that chelski team and in time some referee might wake up and see the light.

19/10/2005, 1:04 PM
You just dislike chelsea because they showed ye up a few weeks ago in anfield! As Jose himself said- "Essien is a very good player who has a exceptional disciplinary record". True it was a bad tackle but i don't think it was intentional. Essien is proving a top player after only a few months in english football.

19/10/2005, 4:07 PM
V. bad tackle....should have walked for it, without doubt!

And then this gesturing to the ref to book an opponent for a challenge? - Anyplayer who does that should be yellow carded immediately, no questions.

It's the refs job to referee not the players...simply as that! It out of order, not playing by the rules of "fairplay" and downright hypocritical, esp in the Essien case!!!

19/10/2005, 11:53 PM
Yeah, he's rubbish eh? Ha ha, get over it peeps, he's awesome.

Lim till i die
20/10/2005, 11:25 AM
Yeah, he's rubbish eh? Ha ha, get over it peeps, he's awesome.

Good game last night against a completely non existent Betis midfield, still stand by my opinion that hes not a 20 million plus player in a million years

20/10/2005, 3:05 PM
Good game last night against a completely non existent Betis midfield, still stand by my opinion that hes not a 20 million plus player in a million years

Of course when Betis qualified last season and pre the game v luckypool a few weeks back they were highly rated, especially in midfield, what a lame excuse.

Who is in all fairness worth 20 mil? Rio? Drunky Dumpy put him in his place last night. Vieri? Becks? SWP? 20 mil is scandalous to be paying.

If this guy is going to be this good after 10 games imagine what he'll be like when he settles in like Makelele and Drogba now seem to have done.

Lim till i die
21/10/2005, 9:33 AM
I didn't rate their midfield particularly highly :confused:

And I think by mentioning Dogba you've confirmed my point about Chelsea paying over the odds ;)

07/12/2005, 8:08 AM
The boy might have got away with it in France but if he continues to 'go over the ball' in tackles (like his gem last night on Hamann) then he'll be taking a nice trip up the King's Rd to see our friends at Lancaster Gate answering to a disrepute charge.

07/12/2005, 8:51 AM
Good cause to open this thread again after his attempt to relieve Didier Hamann of his kneecap last night. It was a cynical, cowardly, scummy thing to do and this guy, for all his ability, needs to be taught a lesson. Pity Keane and Vieira are no longer in the premiership as they're probably the only ones capable of giving it to him.

07/12/2005, 9:26 AM
horrible horrible tackle , made no attempt to play the ball as you say a cowardly tackle .

there was a lot of that last night Gallas was guilty of a few aswell one on kewell .

what about sissoko!,purposely going over the ball & a late tackle on SWP should have seen him walk really . just as cowardly and cosistent fouling all game little trips and kicks allover the park

Lim till i die
07/12/2005, 10:07 AM
what about sissoko!,purposely going over the ball & a late tackle on SWP should have seen him walk really . just as cowardly and cosistent fouling all game little trips and kicks allover the park

Essien is a big, hulking, brainless, brute of an animal of a footballer. He's like Sissoko on steroids :eek:

07/12/2005, 10:44 AM
UEFA are hanging fire on whether to take action following Chelsea midfielder Michael Essien’s controversial challenge on Dietmar Hamann during last night’s draw against Liverpool in the Champions League game at Stamford Bridge.

European football’s governing body are awaiting reports from referee Herbert Frandel and match delegate Indrek Kannik of Spain.

They are expected to arrive within the next few days and it might be it is the German official and not the player who is carpeted.

Frandel did not penalise Essien for his lunge at Hamman – the Liverpool midfielder described it as “the worst tackle I have experienced in my career.”

A UEFA spokesman said: “The fact that he did not show any card does not mean that UEFA later can say it was an incident for a red card or yellow.

“But there will be evaluation of the referee as always by the match observer.”

07/12/2005, 11:03 AM
Good cause to open this thread again after his attempt to relieve Didier Hamann of his kneecap last night. It was a cynical, cowardly, scummy thing to do and this guy, for all his ability, needs to be taught a lesson. Pity Keane and Vieira are no longer in the premiership as they're probably the only ones capable of giving it to him.

* High horses all round, ref saw it - knew it was an accident and barely made contact yet still people crying about it.

Now that filth bag Sissoko who went over the top of the ball in what the pros call a sure fire way of "doing" someone. Is he going to be banned for three games also?

* The above post is in true Devils Advocate style, as my defence of the Essien thug after Notlob game was well and truly wrong and Soapy Joe was spot on.

07/12/2005, 11:22 AM
what about sissoko!,purposely going over the ball & a late tackle on SWP should have seen him walk really . just as cowardly and cosistent fouling all game little trips and kicks allover the park

"I didn't see it.I'll have to watch the video before i comment.All i saw was Essien's tackle."-what Benitez should have said after Jose had his moan.:)

07/12/2005, 11:27 AM
Have to say I didn't think it was as bad as everyone is making out. If I were the ref would have booked him and told him to watch it nothing more. Personally thought Sissokos over the ball tackle on Gudjonson was far worse. Why is no one starting a thread about him being a cheat. Get over it. And before anyone asks I'm not a chelsea fan.

07/12/2005, 12:42 PM
Have to say I didn't think it was as bad as everyone is making out. If I were the ref would have booked him and told him to watch it nothing more. Personally thought Sissokos over the ball tackle on Gudjonson was far worse. Why is no one starting a thread about him being a cheat. Get over it. And before anyone asks I'm not a chelsea fan.

because liverpool fans get convient memory blanks ...
essein is a dirty cheat after his tackle but none would call gerrad a dirty cheat after he bust cambell with a very similar tackle just above the knee or his 2 footed stamp on naysmith .

07/12/2005, 2:55 PM
SSN free clip:

Did he mean it or was he trying to avoid Gerrard? From the first camera view I didn't think he meant it but the close up one makes it look like he definitely meant it.

Its obvious Mourinho is lying though. I think his honeymoon period is over and he's not the great man he was.

07/12/2005, 3:23 PM
and here is a pic to remind all liverpool fans of gerrards horrible cynical tackle on naysmith makes essein's look tame .


you will note its above the knee & its 2 footed

Dun Laoire
07/12/2005, 3:27 PM
That was a tad over the top by Essien must i say

07/12/2005, 3:39 PM
Essiens tackle was disgusting! was watching the match hoping that gerard would mince him! players like him don't deserve to be playing in matches like that!

07/12/2005, 3:54 PM
and here is a pic to remind all liverpool fans of gerrards horrible cynical tackle on naysmith makes essein's look tame .


you will note its above the knee & its 2 footed

Are you a complete fool or just not aware of the full facts what people are trying to say is that Essien is getting away with these tackles not even a booking. Gerrard was hauled up in front of the FA for his tackle and punished with a 3 or 5 game ban. No Liverpool fans on here stud up for him so i think your point is pretty stupid.

07/12/2005, 4:18 PM
and here is a pic to remind all liverpool fans of gerrards horrible cynical tackle on naysmith makes essein's look tame .


you will note its above the knee & its 2 footed
ah the bitter blue is back....dragging up rubbish from years ago.....
the essien tackle happened last night so deserves to be talked about. God sure if we started showing pictures of that filthy scum bag drunken ferguson and his tackles and elbows this server wouldnt be able to hold them all ....
blue boys really are bitter arent you....

07/12/2005, 4:26 PM
Are you a complete fool or just not aware of the full facts what people are trying to say is that Essien is getting away with these tackles not even a booking. Gerrard was hauled up in front of the FA for his tackle and punished with a 3 or 5 game ban. No Liverpool fans on here stud up for him so i think your point is pretty stupid.

no im not a fool as this is what was said about the tackle :

[quote]It was a cynical, cowardly, scummy thing to do [quote]

no one is talking about him getting away with it .

essein isnt getting away with it as in both cases the ref didnt act during the game but the fa will . the other tackle v bolton was delt with by the ref = isnt getting away with it

who's the fool now .

07/12/2005, 4:32 PM
who's the fool now .
eh still you lad whinging about a gerrard tackle from a few season ago on a thread about a tackle from essien last night.:rolleyes:
god the bluekipper site just ooooozes bitterness.....sad indeed

07/12/2005, 4:33 PM
ah the bitter blue is back....dragging up rubbish from years ago.....
the essien tackle happened last night so deserves to be talked about. God sure if we started showing pictures of that filthy scum bag drunken ferguson and his tackles and elbows this server wouldnt be able to hold them all ....
blue boys really are bitter arent you....

everton fans dont come on here crying about it when dunc gets an elbow saying the tackle was cynical cowardly and scummy .we understand he gives as good as he gets . but the out rage expressed by liverpool fans is a bit much considering there captain was guilty of a much much worse tackle

07/12/2005, 4:36 PM
eh still you lad whinging about a gerrard tackle from a few season ago on a thread about a tackle from essien last night.:rolleyes:
god the bluekipper site just ooooozes bitterness.....sad indeed

we have to point out the hypocrisy of liverpool fans , typical responces !!they complain about one thing you tell them there club is a bigger offender and they dont think that is a relevent arguement as it happened in the past .

for a set of fans that have done nothing but remind every one of there past all summer long its a bit rich .

its what we have come to expect from ye though instead of using facts to win an arguement ye resort to childish name calling .

07/12/2005, 5:43 PM
we have to point out the hypocrisy of liverpool fans , typical responces !!they complain about one thing you tell them there club is a bigger offender and they dont think that is a relevent arguement as it happened in the past .

for a set of fans that have done nothing but remind every one of there past all summer long its a bit rich .

its what we have come to expect from ye though instead of using facts to win an arguement ye resort to childish name calling .
LOL drop it mister bitter.....youre embarrassing yourself again:D
The thread is about essien.....if you want to start a thread on gerrards tackle from 5 years ago please do although we will just laugh at you again.
You were ther one who asked who was the fool was, i just replied to it LOL so im the childish one??? nah nah :p

08/12/2005, 8:25 AM
UEFA are hanging fire on whether to take action following Chelsea midfielder Michael Essien’s controversial challenge on Dietmar Hamann during last night’s draw against Liverpool in the Champions League game at Stamford Bridge.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has given UEFA the green light to take disciplinary action against Michael Essien for the Chelsea midfielder’s shocking foul on Liverpool’s Dietmar Hamann.

Essien’s knee-high challenge was missed by German referee Herbert Fandel but Blatter confirmed that under the rules of the game UEFA could use video evidence to bring charges against the Chelsea player.

Blatter told a news conference in Leipzig: “In 1994 the FIFA executive committee took a decision that the disciplinary committee can use television evidence in the case of infractions against the laws of the game that have not been identified by the referee.

“As this happened in a Champions League game it is up to UEFA to decide whether to review video evidence.”

In October, Essien escaped any further disciplinary action following another dangerous tackle on Bolton defender Tal Ben Haim despite referee Rob Styles, after reviewing TV footage, wanting to upgrade the yellow card he awarded to red.

The Football Association consulted FIFA and were told that the decision could not be reversed.

Blatter appeared to contradict that today by saying “if it was a blatant red card and only a yellow card was given the disciplinary body can transfer it“, but FIFA communications director Markus Siegler later clarified the rules.

Siegler said: “You cannot upgrade or downgrade one card to another but you can take action if the referee has not seen an incident.”

UEFA are waiting for reports from referee Frandel and match delegate Indrek Kannik of Spain before deciding whether to take action.

08/12/2005, 9:11 AM
Aw poor Hamann, such a clean player as well.


I make that, above and below the knee, but of course we all want footie to be basketball nowadays eh?


08/12/2005, 11:15 AM
I found it funny to hear Dunphy talking about Essien being a scumbag last night considering his lover's tackle on Haaland.

08/12/2005, 12:19 PM
I found it funny to hear Dunphy talking about Essien being a scumbag last night considering his lover's tackle on Haaland.

and he refered to beckam as a great player !!! after years of saying he was nt

08/12/2005, 6:58 PM
UEFA has today instigated disciplinary proceedings against Michael Essien, charging the Chelsea FC midfielder with gross unsporting conduct following the English club's UEFA Champions League game against Liverpool FC on Tuesday.

Tackle on Hamann
The charge relates to Essien's tackle on Liverpool's Dietmar Hamann, which occurred out of the sight of both the referee and his assistants during the 0-0 Group G draw at Stamford Bridge. Any statement about the above, as well as any evidence, can be submitted to UEFA by 14 December 2005. The UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body will decide on the matter at its next meeting on 15 December.

08/12/2005, 7:46 PM
I said it before and I'll say it again. Essien is nothing but a cynical thug. The tackel he made the other night against liverpool was a disgrace.

Just because he arrived in england with a big price ticket doesnt mean he cant be sent off and banned for several games. The fact that the dim wit is resorting to physicality instead of his footballing ability in games just highlights how Chelsea got sold a Imbecile.