View Full Version : Three young Girls from same family in UK with babies

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23/05/2005, 6:07 PM
Did you see the news this evening on the three young girls who got pregnant at the ages of 12,14 and 16 years old, all from the same family.My God,i think this is scandalous.I would be devastated if they were my kids.

23/05/2005, 7:58 PM
Did you see the news this evening on the three young girls who got pregnant at the ages of 12,14 and 16 years old, all from the same family.My God,i think this is scandalous.I would be devastated if they were my kids.

God i love to stereotype.......huh, English for yee :p

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 8:01 PM
Did you see the news this evening on the three young girls who got pregnant at the ages of 12,14 and 16 years old, all from the same family.My God,i think this is scandalous.I would be devastated if they were my kids.

I can't fathom how that could happen within at least some loose form of family structure. Surely after the first one got pregnant the parent(s) warned the other two. 12 is just downright dangerous to be pregnant at. Oh dear....

Green Tribe
23/05/2005, 8:50 PM
I can't fathom how that could happen within at least some loose form of family structure. Surely after the first one got pregnant the parent(s) warned the other two. 12 is just downright dangerous to be pregnant at. Oh dear....

i think they all got pregnant (the first 2 anyway) within a month or so.

12 is shockingly dangerous and disgusting. Thinking back to when i was 12, i cannot imagine that happening, I was interested in other things, not boys. Far too young. :mad:

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 9:00 PM
Yeah, it's just hard to know what to think of that one. Is there some wider society problems to blame? Like media or something? Or poor or non-existent sex education? Or down right poor parenting?

23/05/2005, 9:12 PM
erm, i dont know if ye saw it but they did a documentary on this family before they had the kids, the father wasnt there, but ithink there was a step dad, the mother was really happy for them! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i dont konw, maybe some people in society think that there isnt anything better than kids, and that they dont look ahead for a career maybe first and then kids as they dont know what that is like.

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 9:18 PM
I got a bit of a fright one day. I heard my young female cousin talking to my younger brother one day, she was in 3rd or 4th year at the time. She said a lot of her mates couldn't wait to get pregnant so they would be set up with social welfare and that. This school is in a middle class suburb (no disrespect to the working class) and all. I don't know what is going through young kids heads these days.

23/05/2005, 9:28 PM
This school is in a middle class suburb (no disrespect to the working class) and all.

maybe that could have been a naive thing on their part like, that they see how well others get on, but have no "actual" experience of it, if you know what i mean.

Green Tribe
23/05/2005, 9:30 PM
erm, i dont know if ye saw it but they did a documentary on this family before they had the kids, the father wasnt there, but ithink there was a step dad, the mother was really happy for them! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

i dont konw, maybe some people in society think that there isnt anything better than kids, and that they dont look ahead for a career maybe first and then kids as they dont know what that is like.

i think a lot of them don't have enough love from their parents family etc, therefore they want someone (i.e a baby) to love and love them. It is one reason i think can be used to explain why young children are having babies. They need more love and encouragement from families.

23/05/2005, 9:52 PM
ya well said KT, that makes a lot of sense.

23/05/2005, 10:25 PM
I don't care what anyones says but the parents are surely to blame.It's bad enough one getting pregnant at an early age but the all three of them,what sort of parental control is there in this situation.The twelve year old's body has not even formed properly at this age. It makes me sick and angry as so many lives have been ruined here, Christ those young ones have so much growing up to do, with no support from a responsible father and to broadcast this to the media and probally getting paid for it is even more sad.
BTW Paul..You moved to Mayo fairly quickly.Is Hughie after you or something?

Poor Student
23/05/2005, 11:06 PM
i think a lot of them don't have enough love from their parents family etc, therefore they want someone (i.e a baby) to love and love them. It is one reason i think can be used to explain why young children are having babies. They need more love and encouragement from families.

KT you're probably right, but feck me, we shouldn't even have these things to try and explain. I have also seen this craic on some crappy afternoon TV, of some mothers being delighted for their adolescent kids for having babies thinking it is great. They tended to be of the Southern US trailer park variety though.

Closed Account 2
24/05/2005, 12:30 AM
The 12 year old could be a grandma at 24 if family history repeats itself... most 24 year olds I know havent even thought about kids, let alone grandchildren.

24/05/2005, 8:38 AM
BTW Paul..You moved to Mayo fairly quickly.Is Hughie after you or something?

aye, he wouldnt be the first!!

can you imagine if that happened though, that history did repeat itself, they could set a record like, there could be a great great grandma there. where along the line does it go wrong?

24/05/2005, 11:59 AM
If only there could be an exam for parents we could issue licences to suitabel candidates. :eek:

24/05/2005, 1:02 PM
She said a lot of her mates couldn't wait to get pregnant so they would be set up with social welfare and that. This school is in a middle class suburb (no disrespect to the working class) and all.
They probably just believed all the ranting bullsh*t they hear around them from wannabee hard men and their idols in the PDs.....

Jim Smith
24/05/2005, 1:35 PM
They probably just believed all the ranting bullsh*t they hear around them from wannabee hard men and their idols in the PDs.....
Exactly. I'd love to see just what the PD brigade would make of being given a month of living on social welfare with two kids to take care of. You'd have to throw in a few real-life events like having to get new shoes for the kids just to make it interesting.... ;)

24/05/2005, 2:43 PM
happens here all the time, unfortunately :(

24/05/2005, 2:52 PM
Did I see those reports right, was the mother blaming the government for her kids being pregnant???? Its up to the parent to educate the kids about sex etc ...

Its feckin awful because theres three young girls who can never live life now, lets hope the babies dont end up the same

24/05/2005, 3:01 PM
Exactly. I'd love to see just what the PD brigade would make of being given a month of living on social welfare with two kids to take care of.

However you have a responsibility not to bring children into the world if cannot afford to raise them.

Jim Smith
24/05/2005, 3:54 PM
However you have a responsibility not to bring children into the world if cannot afford to raise them.
While I know what you are driving at in the case of these three children but that is a dangerous line of reasoning. Its also similar to the justification that used to be wheeled out for some of the anti-Irish stereotypes in days not so long gone by.

Many pregnancies are not planned so what do you do in these cases?
What if someone loses their job through no fault of their own?
You could widen the argument out to Third World Aid programmes.

Do you also have a responsibility not to bring children into the world if you cannot guarantee that you will be able to ensure through your parenting skills that they will be upstanding members of the community or wind-up unemployed and a drain on society?

Are only the wealthy allowed to have children?

Take a look at this from the cso:
latest CSO figures (http://www.cso.ie/newsevents/pressrelease_vitalstatisticsq32004.htm)

550 births to unmarried teenagers in quarter 3 (down by 100 on the previous year). We are being overrun by them I tell you... :rolleyes:

Sorry for the rant but I grew up in Thatcher's Britain and that's why I have such an adverse reaction to the PDs and their policys... :mad:

24/05/2005, 11:02 PM
Just out of curiosity: will they all keep their kids ? Or did the paper not report on this ?

In my school career there was one girl indeed that got pregnant at 15 or 16. She had an abortion however.

But are the parents to blame ? Yes, probably. However, are we sure here the babies weren't conceived within a very short time ? I mean, unhappy coincidences exist, and it's usually those unbelievable things that reach the paper. It could be they didn't even know their sisters got pregnant as well...
I know, very very slight possibility but still.

I was never told a 12 year old girl could get pregnant even... Sex education in the old days was not what it should be, appartently today not too much has changed in some environments

25/05/2005, 3:33 AM
The 12 year old could be a grandma at 24 if family history repeats itself... most 24 year olds I know havent even thought about kids, let alone grandchildren.

Thats actually happened, I remember seein' it on TV a few years back.

25/05/2005, 7:01 AM
However you have a responsibility not to bring children into the world if cannot afford to raise them.
So no babies should be born to the majority of women in Bangladesh, most parts of India, Pakistan, nearly all countries in Africa, large tracts of all South American countries etc. etc........

25/05/2005, 10:36 AM
So no babies should be born to the majority of women in Bangladesh, most parts of India, Pakistan, nearly all countries in Africa, large tracts of all South American countries etc. etc........

Well they shouldn't be having large families anyway.

25/05/2005, 7:19 PM
some advice (http://img212.echo.cx/img212/7468/caseforsterilisation2jh.jpg)

Green Tribe
25/05/2005, 8:35 PM
some advice (http://img212.echo.cx/img212/7468/caseforsterilisation2jh.jpg)

:D :D That's terrible! :D

Pauro 76
26/05/2005, 4:27 PM
seenthereport recently, shocking! the kid's kid names struck me though, what sort of name is T-Jay to give to a kid, and Amani!!!! cant they spell Armani or something?

26/05/2005, 4:47 PM
i thought surely it cant be all the mothers fault but then i found out that here 12 year old daughter was alloud to have her 15 year old boyfriend stay over in the same room in the same bed , and the mother thought it was upto the tony blair to educate her kids about condoms etc ....

its like the mother that gave her kids 26 cheese burger a day from mcdolands then tried to sue mcd's coz her kids got fat

Closed Account 2
26/05/2005, 7:09 PM
seenthereport recently, shocking! the kid's kid names struck me though, what sort of name is T-Jay to give to a kid, and Amani!!!! cant they spell Armani or something?

Thats another side affect for the poor kid (the one just born) having to put up with being called "Armani" (I’m assuming the 12 year old made a spelling mistake). Wonder what other classic names she'll come up with if she has more kids, "Burberry" has to be in the reckoning or perhaps she'll go for a sophisticated name like "Lambrini" ?

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 7:41 PM
then i found out that here 12 year old daughter was alloud to have her 15 year old boyfriend stay over in the same room in the same bed ,

:eek: I hope to God that is not true, I find it hard to believe that any parent would allow that. What's a 12 year old girl doing with a boyfriend anyway :confused: ( well, seems we found out :rolleyes: ) she's too bloody young, don't these children want to live a little, enjoy their friends etc, there's plenty of time to put up with the hassle of men when she's much older, the wee brat ;) :mad:

Poor Student
26/05/2005, 8:39 PM
:eek: I hope to God that is not true, I find it hard to believe that any parent would allow that.

Surely it's illegal for a parent to allow that to happen in their knowledge? :confused:

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 8:49 PM
Surely it's illegal for a parent to allow that to happen in their knowledge? :confused:

you'd think so, wouldn't you, Poor Student, but it never seems to be highlighted....strange :rolleyes: :confused:

Poor Student
26/05/2005, 8:59 PM
you'd think so, wouldn't you, Poor Student, but it never seems to be highlighted....strange :rolleyes: :confused:

Although I do believe the obligation is on a parent to press for statutory rape. I don't think it can be publicly prosecuted without instigation from the family. And if you see nothing wrong with it then I guess nothing happens. :confused:

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 9:05 PM
Although I do believe the obligation is on a parent to press for statutory rape. I don't think it can be publicly prosecuted without instigation from the family. And if you see nothing wrong with it then I guess nothing happens. :confused:

True, the mother seems content at being a granny. I heard that 2 of the girls are no longer in contact with the fathers of their children....

26/05/2005, 9:23 PM
That "take it up the..." commerce is brilliant :D Yet they steal my idea... I have been telling to all my friends for years that the best method of anticonception is not condom or pill, but... well, you know :eek: I say it half joking of course as I will not tell them what to do or not to do in their lovelife, but the scary part is that it is very true. No condom or pill is 100% safe, while the backdoor holds several health risks (HIV etc) but has 0% risk for pregancy.

so ladies, forgive us if we ever ask, it's just to forecome pregnancy :D

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 9:45 PM
That "take it up the..." commerce is brilliant :D Yet they steal my idea... I have been telling to all my friends for years that the best method of anticonception is not condom or pill, but... well, you know :eek: I say it half joking of course as I will not tell them what to do or not to do in their lovelife, but the scary part is that it is very true. No condom or pill is 100% safe, while the backdoor holds several health risks (HIV etc) but has 0% risk for pregancy.

so ladies, forgive us if we ever ask, it's just to forecome pregnancy :D

Christ Gerrit, I can't help but think you are being serious!!! :eek: :eek:

Closed Account 2
26/05/2005, 10:21 PM
True, the mother seems content at being a granny. I heard that 2 of the girls are no longer in contact with the fathers of their children....

Yeah, and I read the father that is in contact is 38!!!! As old as the grandma, can you believe that, someone 15-16 going with a 38 year old (same age as her mum) ?

26/05/2005, 11:02 PM
Christ Gerrit, I can't help but think you are being serious!!! :eek: :eek:

well, I am actually. Anal sex may have certain risks for the health if not done properly (if prepared well it should be more or less fine I guess ??) but the risk of conception is 0.00 %
Slo when you are sure both you and your partner are free of illnesses (better have a test) anal sex is really seriously the best way to prevend pregnancy.

and I am also serious when I say that I have been telling this friends already for a long time. However, I tell it in a half joking way: it is really true what I am saying, but I am not by far advising them or encouraging them to try. It's their matter what they do or don't in their relationships. I say it more in a teasing way, but technically it is right that it is the safest way if we only look at avoiding pregnancy.

Don't see me as a promotor of backdoor usage please ! :D

an be a good excuse to when you've reached a more experimental stage: "of course I'm no pervert, baby, and of course I would normally never propose, but I'm just concerned about your wish not to be a mum yet !" :D

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 11:19 PM
well, I am actually.

Nobody drop the soap when Gerrit's lurking about........ ;) :D

26/05/2005, 11:21 PM
this warning goes for females only, just to avoid confusion ;)

Seriously though, one question I asked remained unanswered... Will the girls be considering abortion ?? I mean, they are extremely young and in the UK it is legal, so it would be normal it would be taken in consideration (they may say no due to spiritual beliefs or just because they feel like being a mum) or suggested by a doctor...

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 11:28 PM
Yeah, and I read the father that is in contact is 38!!!! As old as the grandma, can you believe that, someone 15-16 going with a 38 year old (same age as her mum) ?

I sincerely hope that he is the one who is with the 16 year old (legally-wise) and not a younger one :eek: , never mind that, it is still disgusting, if that is the case, why did the mother not keep the fcuker away from her daughter. He is nothing less than a paedophile for God's sake. I don't know the full facts on the whole situation but in general it is horrifying and scares me actually. :eek:

Green Tribe
26/05/2005, 11:30 PM
this warning goes for females only, just to avoid confusion ;)

Seriously though, one question I asked remained unanswered... Will the girls be considering abortion ?? I mean, they are extremely young and in the UK it is legal, so it would be normal it would be taken in consideration (they may say no due to spiritual beliefs or just because they feel like being a mum) or suggested by a doctor...

Have they not had the brats already? :confused:

Poor Student
27/05/2005, 11:27 AM
Well one of the conditions of an abortion is that the mother would need to not want the child or be unhappy and from what I hear that doesn't seem to be the case. Abortions are quite risky procedures I think and can damage your future chances of having a child (though some cynical poster will probably say that is good in this case). For all we know the procedure could be particularly dangerous on someone so young but then again so is the pregnancy and of course perhaps they would have some moral objections.

27/05/2005, 11:42 AM
Why are you all complaining bout how young they are? Obviously if they can have a baby then they are physically old enough to do it. Morality or intelligence has nothing to do with it. If they want to they should be able to. Ok they should've used protection but otherwise there's nothing wrong with it!!! :mad:

Poor Student
27/05/2005, 11:56 AM
Why are you all complaining bout how young they are? Obviously if they can have a baby then they are physically old enough to do it. Morality or intelligence has nothing to do with it. If they want to they should be able to. Ok they should've used protection but otherwise there's nothing wrong with it!!! :mad:

Are you being ironic? :confused:

27/05/2005, 12:02 PM
Are you being ironic? :confused:
No he's just from Bray. ;)

Poor Student
27/05/2005, 12:03 PM
No he's just from Bray. ;)

Should have spotted that. ;)

27/05/2005, 12:22 PM
Why are you all complaining bout how young they are? Obviously if they can have a baby then they are physically old enough to do it. Morality or intelligence has nothing to do with it. If they want to they should be able to. Ok they should've used protection but otherwise there's nothing wrong with it!!! :mad:

peodiphiles all over the world make a very similar arguement . 38 year old man having sex with a girl under 16 !! there is some thing very very wrong with that , and some one having sex with a 12 year old girl there is some thing extreamly wrong with that ..... i hope to god you were just joking about how there is nothing wrong with getting either a 12 15 or 16 year old pregnant and disapearing leaving them to raise the kid

Poor Student
27/05/2005, 12:30 PM
The ancient Athenian girls used to marry from 12-14 and have kids at that young age. Many women died in child birth and the life expectency of a woman was in her 30's. Their rivals in Sparta however knew that this was poor practise and women did not have children until they were at least 18. Biologically it is not right. Only from about 15 or even older on average does it not become an extra health risk to have a child.