View Full Version : Germany V Republic of Ireland - Tuesday, 14th October 2014 - Euro 2016 Qualifier

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21/10/2014, 12:59 PM
Tbf, some of the Irish near me, tried to join in...

Good job RMK never noticed.

21/10/2014, 1:01 PM
O'Schiesse fitted better

Apparently, not phonetically, well not in Deutsch, so locals tell me.

Though I like it.

21/10/2014, 1:41 PM
O'sheaser surely? Plays on the irish of sheazer but uses the r and s of the german word.

21/10/2014, 2:07 PM
The Germans lost it when their fans started the wave. It was all downhill for them after that. It's ok (just about) when you're a sack load up against Gibraltar but when only a goal ahead? Utter arrogance which communicated itself to the team. Let that be a warning to the wavers at Lansdowne.

Remember they did it when I went to see Ireland in Stuttgart a while back. I was unfortunately opposite side of the stadium to the Irish fans, deep in with loads of grumpy Germans who just couldn't get it why the Irish fans didnt join in when they did the wave. I feel the Germans fans are a bit like Kerry supporters, annoying! :p

Charlie Darwin
21/10/2014, 2:15 PM
I thought the received wisdom about Mexican waves is that they're only done when there's nothing interesting happening on the pitch, or else the people in the crowd aren't that interested in football to begin with.

21/10/2014, 2:15 PM
Remember they did it when I went to see Ireland in Stuttgart a while back. I was unfortunately opposite side of the stadium to the Irish fans, deep in with loads of grumpy Germans who just couldn't get it why the Irish fans didnt join in when they did the wave. I feel the Germans fans are a bit like Kerry supporters, annoying! :p

That's one word for it.

21/10/2014, 4:24 PM
Remember they did it when I went to see Ireland in Stuttgart a while back. I was unfortunately opposite side of the stadium to the Irish fans, deep in with loads of grumpy Germans who just couldn't get it why the Irish fans didnt join in when they did the wave. I feel the Germans fans are a bit like Kerry supporters, annoying! :p

I met a load of germans after that game who said they were sitting beside a grumpy Irishman, who kept giving out about German barstoolers.

21/10/2014, 4:51 PM
Waves in Germany will always remind me of two glorious moments: Ronnie Whelan against the Bolsheviks in 1988 (right in the middle of a wave) and JO'S in 2014 shortly after the German fans had finished entertaining themselves.

By the way, did anyone else notice the German flag bearers coming on just behind the goals with 5 minutes to go, all ready to wave their big flags? Tempt the fates if you dare!! I assume they didn't wave them in the end because everything is a blur after that.

24/10/2014, 9:17 AM

24/10/2014, 9:53 AM
Yep, I was thinking what a bunch of arrogant idiots. They had it coming after that.

On the train there was a bilingual German physicist, his science nerd pals, and an Oregonian (possibly from Portland). The American was noting how the Irish were off-key - polite for bollick-drunk, while the Germans were very quiet. The scholar replied that Germany were very confident, as they were World Champions. Next thing, this absolute behemoth - like the Humungus from the Road Warrior - turned around and in broken English, still better than Roscommon English mind, tells the American it's nothing to do with that, it's because all the idiots support Germany, and all the fans support their club. It was funny but slightly ott I thought.

In the part of the ground I was sitting - thanks again ArdeeBhoy - I was hoping their might be a bit of atmosphere, but it was horrible. Very comparible to when we moved to Croker. Now I think I might have been in sponsors area, or an equivalent, but really the match seemed of little consequence to the majority. I found my seat, which was occupied by two gents, and when I showed them my ticket, they just turned, pointed to a whole empty row, and said " to sit; nobody cares!" It was surreal, and got even worse during the game when they all started going out for beer! I couldn't believe it. At one point just before they scored the same chunker went out for the second time for food in the second half, and as he was leaving, I couldn't help myself as I'd been speaking in pidgeon German all afternoon, I said simply this is a football match not a concert, and everyone laughed and I got a pat on the back. That should have been a slap in the head, but really the support around me was shocking. There was 4 out of about 50 that seemed interested.

I was really disappointed with the German fans, considering how excellent they've been in Dublin, and they were ok in Stuttgart too back in 06.

When the wave went up, I was like you Stuttgart, I felt the arrogance and hoped for the best.

By the way, did anyone else notice the German flag bearers coming on just behind the goals with 5 minutes to go, all ready to wave their big flags? Tempt the fates if you dare!! I assume they didn't wave them in the end because everything is a blur after that.

Yes I noticed that, and I thought it was taking a liberty. It'll backfire on Mourinho soon too...

25/10/2014, 4:12 AM
The Germans lost it when their fans started the wave. It was all downhill for them after that. It's ok (just about) when you're a sack load up against Gibraltar but when only a goal ahead? Utter arrogance which communicated itself to the team. Let that be a warning to the wavers at Lansdowne.

The Irish fans started the wave when they got up to leave. :p

25/10/2014, 4:17 AM
Tbf, some of the Irish near me, tried to join in...

Good job RMK never noticed.

Would have been great if the German coach had went to shake Roy's hand after the goal before disappearing down the tunnel.

(Only read your comment after I posted my last comment by the way!).

Ginny R.
26/10/2014, 4:37 PM
Would have been great if the German coach had went to shake Roy's hand after the goal before disappearing down the tunnel.

(Only read your comment after I posted my last comment by the way!).

They have shaked hands before the game already.

01/11/2014, 9:05 PM

01/11/2014, 9:27 PM
So what is that, Germans rooting against Germany?

03/11/2014, 2:23 PM
This one is even better from Balls.ie (http://balls.ie/football/john-osheas-equaliser-is-brilliant/)


03/11/2014, 5:55 PM
Brilliant footage. Never tire of seeing that goal!

I thought the German fans were awful back in 06 (Stuttgart) as well. It was as if the majority of them had never been to a game before.

Mexican waves when 1 nil up is just asking for trouble!

03/11/2014, 8:49 PM
This one is even better from Balls.ie (http://balls.ie/football/john-osheas-equaliser-is-brilliant/)


Where is Roy?

03/11/2014, 9:06 PM
You see the two guys with '3' on the back of their jackets who stand up just as Hoolahan is about to cross, well he's sitting right in front of them. He's one of the first into the pitch, it looks like he's actually sprung on, going nuts celebrating. He embraces MON at 0:42.

Charlie Darwin
03/11/2014, 10:10 PM
They should all have been booked for encroaching on the pitch.

03/11/2014, 11:02 PM
Except that ref was awful, he let 2-3 obvious foul throws go in the same game...

And German fans are sound, like many countries, the fans of the national team are a little duller than you find in their domestic game, plus they're not a highly demonstrable lot generally.

04/11/2014, 7:43 AM
This one is even better from Balls.ie (http://balls.ie/football/john-osheas-equaliser-is-brilliant/)


Is it an Irish person holding his iPhone and viewing the game through that instead of watching the game through the eyes the Lord gave him? The celebration doesn't get beyond a "Whoo huu". I am constantly amazed by that when I see people at games just viewing the games through their phones or when on tour people videoing the places they should actually be sensing with their body. For instances, looking at a Premiership game on TV and a goal is scored, a number of the crowd are usually videoing the celebrations rather than joining in and enjoying it. You might as well be watching it on TV.

That said, I enjoyed them, especially the first first when the iPhone goes under during the celebrations :)

04/11/2014, 8:11 AM
Exactly. I might take an early photo just to have but that would be about the extent of it. Similarly to your last sentence though, I'm glad there are people around with less interest that give us videos like these!

04/11/2014, 11:39 AM
Is it an Irish person holding his iPhone and viewing the game through that instead of watching the game through the eyes the Lord gave him? The celebration doesn't get beyond a "Whoo huu". I am constantly amazed by that when I see people at games just viewing the games through their phones or when on tour people videoing the places they should actually be sensing with their body. For instances, looking at a Premiership game on TV and a goal is scored, a number of the crowd are usually videoing the celebrations rather than joining in and enjoying it. You might as well be watching it on TV.

That said, I enjoyed them, especially the first first when the iPhone goes under during the celebrations :)

In fairness he does seem to be surrounded by German fans, they were unhappy enough with the result and best not test their resolve by having to deal with a lone Irishman going ape over the goal.

04/11/2014, 11:41 AM
Listen to his accent it should give you some clues.

I met lots of neutrals travelling with irish fans over there.

05/11/2014, 6:28 PM
In fairness he does seem to be surrounded by German fans, they were unhappy enough with the result and best not test their resolve by having to deal with a lone Irishman going ape over the goal.
The camera person was around the middle of the lower stand, the most expensive tickets, I think you could go so far and do an Aldridge (celebration of own goal v Spain) and get out alive.

The video nicely captured the irish sideline contingent going ape.

05/11/2014, 8:04 PM
Wasn't that Aldridge celebration against Portugal? Fernando Couto and his big mop. Unless he did something similar to Michel that time.

05/11/2014, 9:14 PM
Wasn't that Aldridge celebration against Portugal? Fernando Couto and his big mop. Unless he did something similar to Michel that time.

Indeed it was the game against Portugal.


05/11/2014, 10:35 PM
Was the track that came on over the tannoy system immediately after the final whistle actually a tribute to our equaliser? :confused:


I can't really see why it'd be relevant otherwise, and Chumbawamba even have an Irish rebel song to their name (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8cpTt_MfL0)!

05/11/2014, 10:43 PM
It may have been but not heard in the Irish section...Kingdom may recall better?

06/11/2014, 10:17 AM
Was the track that came on over the tannoy system immediately after the final whistle actually a tribute to our equaliser? :confused:
I can't really see why it'd be relevant otherwise, and Chumbawamba even have an Irish rebel song to their name (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8cpTt_MfL0)!
It could even be more profound than that. Could it not also be indirectly related to the Chumawamba's "The Day the Nazi died"?
Therefore 2 birds hit with the one stone?

06/11/2014, 10:40 AM
Be amazed if the DFB were aware of minor tracks...

06/11/2014, 10:51 AM
You're so negative AB :p, I wouldn't underestimate the capacity of some Germans to have a surreal schadenfreude laugh at their own misfortunes. Also, The Day the Nazi Died is not a minor track, in fact it's a part of the repetoire of the band when they tour Germany.

06/11/2014, 10:55 AM
Not really, know loads of Germans and they claim their most appropriate 'national' track is Nena's. But actually, probably just being ironic...

06/11/2014, 11:45 AM
You know loads of informative people, everywhere, AB :rolleyes:

06/11/2014, 11:54 AM
Part of my 'Modus Operandi'...

06/11/2014, 1:28 PM
You know loads of informative people, everywhere, AB :rolleyes:

and they don't post here. Odd, that.

06/11/2014, 1:52 PM
Hahaha, yes Tubthumping was certainly played at the final whistle.

I got the impression it was played throughout the stadium, based on the score. They probably have Fiesta by the Pogues if Germany win, and Chumbawumba if Germany don't win.

BTw never heard that Smash the van ballad, but I like it, and I'm not huge into the rebel ballads. That is definitely a song that could be appropriated by YBIG and rewritten. =

Charlie Darwin
06/11/2014, 2:04 PM
I got the impression it was played throughout the stadium, based on the score. They probably have Fiesta by the Pogues if Germany win, and Chumbawumba if Germany don't win.
I'd say it's the other way around, to be honest. They had it lined up to play to celebrate Germany bouncing back from their loss to Poland, but they didn't anticipate the equaliser with the last kick and had nothing else lined up.

06/11/2014, 2:10 PM
Hahaha, yes Tubthumping was certainly played at the final whistle.

I got the impression it was played throughout the stadium, based on the score. They probably have Fiesta by the Pogues if Germany win, and Chumbawumba if Germany don't win.

BTw never heard that Smash the van ballad, but I like it, and I'm not huge into the rebel ballads. That is definitely a song that could be appropriated by YBIG and rewritten. =I like Chumbawumba but that kindergarten version of the 'smash the van' makes the Wolfe Tones sound traditional and ethnically authentic.
Fenians deserve better than that, even if they did make the fatal mistake of having a drink before getting the plan together.

06/11/2014, 2:22 PM
and they don't post here. Odd, that.

Only informed people post on foot.ie

I was driven home from work yesterday by a polski/a(is pollack derogatory?) who was in the HZL and told me the worst thing you could do before a game was drink. For very different reasons. Strang how someone could speak so matter of factly about this kind of stuff.

06/11/2014, 3:00 PM
I'd say it's the other way around, to be honest. They had it lined up to play to celebrate Germany bouncing back from their loss to Poland, but they didn't anticipate the equaliser with the last kick and had nothing else lined up.

Are you possibly suggesting that the German's didn't plan ahead?


06/11/2014, 3:02 PM
and they don't post here. Odd, that.

Tbf, many of them have better things to do with their time!!

06/11/2014, 3:07 PM
Unlike us.

06/11/2014, 3:09 PM
Tbf, many of them have better things to do with their time!!

What could be better than discussing football with strangers?

06/11/2014, 3:10 PM
Eh, friends you haven't met yet. And Paul.

06/11/2014, 3:25 PM
Only informed people post on foot.ie

I was driven home from work yesterday by a polski/a(is pollack derogatory?) who was in the HZL and told me the worst thing you could do before a game was drink. For very different reasons. Strang how someone could speak so matter of factly about this kind of stuff.

I think "Polack" is considered derogatory, yes. Who are the HZL? geysir was actually talking about drinking before an armed ambush, which is probably not the sharpest of ideas, indeed, but why was this Pole so against drinking before a football game? It's not the most difficult of topics to discuss surely, so why would speaking so matter-of-factly on it be odd?

06/11/2014, 3:30 PM
and they don't post here. Odd, that.

He writes for The Irish Independent. That's how he has so many contacts. He scarcely has enough time to post under his Ardee Bhoy moniker as it is.

06/11/2014, 3:45 PM
Unlike us.

Can you use we, in this instance? As in We humans, not us humans. The universal we, not the universal wee I mean.

Reminds me of this(affect/effect not the first one):

06/11/2014, 3:47 PM
I think "Polack" is considered derogatory, yes. Who are the HZL? geysir was actually talking about drinking before an armed ambush, which is probably not the sharpest of ideas, indeed, but why was this Pole so against drinking before a football game? It's not the most difficult of topics to discuss surely, so why would speaking so matter-of-factly on it be odd?

Ya thats why I drew the parrallel, he was saying you could never go drinking before you go into "battle". None of them would drink beforehand it would be wholly stupid. Whereas I was thinking they must all be off their heads drunk or on drugs to do it. I did enjoy when he said the English and Rangers fans were all lip when they had a few drinks and then ran off scared though at the site of an actual confrontation.

HZL are a firm, connected with Wroclaw, and Lech Poznan.