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18/04/2011, 6:42 PM

pretty funny article.

But surely Ireland is rapidly becoming the world leader in pointless pickets by assorted lefties and malcontents for no particular reason? Higgins protests. (Well, he would, wouldn't he?)

:D :D

19/04/2011, 8:16 AM
pretty funny article.
Yeah, if you mean in a laugh at the hack, rather than with him. Is that the same Will Hanafin who produces/ pontificates on Ray Darcy? Didn't know he wrote for the Sindo, but it makes perfect sense that he does!

19/04/2011, 5:40 PM
this one is even funnier!

Joe and Richard don't just look at a glass being half empty or half full. The remaining water is enslaved in a glass prison created by the thirsty forces of international capitalism which have drained the rest.

20/04/2011, 10:45 AM
I see attempted humour, not much else.

Mr A
20/04/2011, 11:28 AM
I thought it was ok. Certainly many of his targets deserve to be lampooned.

Eminence Grise
20/04/2011, 12:24 PM
Curate's egg. Funny in places, but waaaay too long to keep it up (nearly 3,000 words) and I was losing interest half-way through. The glass half-empty gag is good, though.

14/05/2011, 5:40 AM

MEMBERS OF the public planning to get a glimpse of the Queen or even meet her next week as she travels around the Republic will be disappointed by a decision to ban onlookers from the streets outside all of her visit locations.

While US president Barack Obama is to make a public address in Dublin during his visit the week after next, and may greet some of the crowd like former US president Bill Clinton did in 1995, the public will be kept well away from the Queen because of concerns for her safety.

14/05/2011, 6:45 AM
Reports that members of the public were even making plans to get a glimpse still to be confirmed.

14/05/2011, 9:51 AM
On the bright side, everyone who's ever chanted at Derry "whats it like to have a queen?" will soon get to find out! Ye's are in for a treat!

14/05/2011, 10:05 PM
People used to shout that at me and my neighbours when Graham Norton was living in our apartment block...

Mr A
16/05/2011, 9:41 AM
I think it would be absolutely class if at some point during her visit hundreds of LOI fans gathered and chanted "What's it like to be the Queen?" at her.

16/05/2011, 9:46 AM
I think it would be absolutely class if at some point during her visit hundreds of LOI fans gathered and chanted "What's it like to be the Queen?" at her.

Not as class as it would be if she got the joke!

Not Brazil
16/05/2011, 10:27 AM
What is Mary McAleese thinking about inviting leaders of the UDA to Dublin to lay wreaths during Her Majesty's visit?

16/05/2011, 10:37 AM
this one is even funnier!
Hilarious stuff.
Such utter tripe, would love to see a straight debate between that imbacile Will Hanafin (of Ray D'arcy fame) and Joe Higgins, Joe would destroy that man but then again its far easier to make terrible attempts at humour than to engage in a constructive debate, im embaressed for him.

16/05/2011, 11:41 AM
I think it would be absolutely class if at some point during her visit hundreds of LOI fans gathered and chanted "What's it like to be the Queen?" at her.
Would be if we could drive, or even walk, through many parts of our own bloody capital city!

Pauro 76
16/05/2011, 12:21 PM
Lizzie's finally coming to Ireland then... Mixed reaction from the people, but she'll certainly get a warm welcome from the sheep.


16/05/2011, 1:27 PM
ha ha yeah Joe would absolutely destroy him. I'd love to see that!

16/05/2011, 6:25 PM
What is Mary McAleese thinking about inviting leaders of the UDA to Dublin to lay wreaths during Her Majesty's visit?

Who knows, the woman's a loose cannon. Seriously though, I think the diplomacy which in once sense is to be welcomed here is going the other way in this regard.

The Fly
16/05/2011, 6:36 PM
What is Mary McAleese thinking about inviting leaders of the UDA to Dublin to lay wreaths during Her Majesty's visit?

They attended her inauguration at Dublin Castle in 2003, and have made many visits to Áras an Uachtaráin. So...its just building bridges 'n all, I suppose.

16/05/2011, 10:02 PM
I think the President has done well in regards to the British monarch's visit. If Britain chooses to have a monarch to represent them, then who are we to quibble?
I see that she's due to pay tribute to the Boys (and Girls) of the Old Brigades, the Fenian Brotherhood etc, in the Garden of Remembrance.

17/05/2011, 12:56 AM
They attended her inauguration at Dublin Castle in 2003, and have made many visits to Áras an Uachtaráin. So...its just building bridges 'n all, I suppose.

As per wiki

The Ulster Defence Association (UDA) is a loyalist paramilitary and vigilante group in Northern Ireland......It is classified as a terrorist group in the United Kingdom.On that basis, it is surprising that IRA were not invited at the recent royal wedding.

17/05/2011, 7:18 AM
The first coded bomb warning by dissident republicans given outside of Ireland in ten years was received in London yesterday, although it appears that nothing has yet become of it. In Maynooth, a viable device was made safe after it was uncovered last night, however: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13421393

A bomb has been made safe following a security alert in Maynooth, County Kildare, in the Irish Republic.

The viable device was discovered on a bus outside the Glen Royal Hotel on Monday night.

Around 30 people were on board when the device was found at 2130 BST. All were safely taken off the bus and transported to Dublin in another bus.

The device was later made safe by an Irish army bomb disposal team.

Presumably, both incidents relate directly to the events of later today. Interesting day ahead then...

Otherwise, descendants of some of the 1916 rebels have had their say on the royal visit: http://www.independent.ie/national-news/state-visits/descendants-of-1916-rebels-question-queens-visit-2648208.html

Descendants of Ireland's 1916 rebel leaders have branded the Queen's visit bizarre and inappropriate.

James Connolly-Heron, great-grandson of Irish Labour Party founder James Connolly, said the historic visit is full of contradictions.


Mr Connolly-Heron said: "The places that she is visiting, the Garden of Remembrance and Croke Park, it's very inappropriate and insensitive. The Garden of Remembrance honours all those who fought and died for Irish freedom and that's where the Queen will be laying a wreath. But that dream has not been realised.

"There's a contradiction there. Given that the Queen of England still occupies part of this island is it not strange that she is honouring those who fought and died? I don't think we are at the stage for that sort of recognition.

"The itinerary is very strange. We have a strange image of the Queen laying a wreath in honour of those patriots. Is the Queen in favour of Irish unity?"

'Tis a peculiar thought indeed.

17/05/2011, 8:22 AM
Another device - this one a hoax - just cleared up on the red Luas line: http://www.rte.ie/news/2011/0517/device.html

17/05/2011, 8:35 AM
The amount of Gardaí around town is something else.

Whilst on the face of it her visit to the gardens mightn't make political sense. Ye all know she'd've been lambasted for not heading to there or Croker.

The thing is. She's going there as an acknowledgment of a major part of Irish history. She's not going to show off her nationalist credentials.

The '16 relatives really are an insufferable shower. Roll on 2016...

17/05/2011, 10:10 AM

Bit excessive?

Eminence Grise
17/05/2011, 10:42 AM
The '16 relatives really are an insufferable shower. Roll on 2016...

Some of them certainly are. But I think that the media go out of their way to find them! I know (some well, some in passing) descendants of five or so fairly prominent men who were "out" from 1916-23 and for the most part they're rational, thoughtful and not prone to giving out whenever a journalist rings up. So far as I know, they're not opposed to the visit on any ideological or "DNA" grounds, and like most of us don't see the visit as a threat or repudiation of the republic. Sadly, such views don't make good press.

I'm also looking forward to the Centenary. It's long past time we revisited what 1916 means.

17/05/2011, 10:57 AM
Bomb alert in Belfast now: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-13422894

The Victoria Square shopping complex in Belfast city centre has been evacuated in a bomb scare.

It follows reports that a suspicious device was discovered there on Tuesday morning.

17/05/2011, 11:22 AM
Bomb alerts all over the place according to the RTE updates. Fairview at 11.30, then one of the gates to Phoenix Park at 12.00. It's going to be a long day.

17/05/2011, 12:21 PM

1307 Scuffles have broken out on O'Connell Street as gardaí try to remove protesters from near The Spire.
1300 There are security alerts at Phoenix Park Station and Drogheda Station, according to Iarnród Éireann.

17/05/2011, 2:09 PM
If Britain chooses to have a monarch to represent them, then who are we to quibble?
This one of my favourite lines of arguement at the minute.
The very point is that the people of England DONT get to choose if they have a monarchy.
If the monarchy was elected it would stop being the monarchy, that is the paradox.
The monarchy is not a democratically elected institution so calling up some subjective interpretation of English support for the monarchy is irrelevant since it is not put to the people of England to decide.

Lionel Ritchie
17/05/2011, 2:31 PM
according to RTEs web coverage four journalists turned up to cover a planned RSF demonstration only to find that they themselves were the only people who bothered showing up.

17/05/2011, 4:23 PM
Even Monaghan Courthouse had a bomb scare. Clever people. "The brits blew up the middle of our town 37 years ago, we will protest by blowing it up ourselves. That will show the feckers." Genius.

Makes me sooooooo mad. To add insult to injury, outside the courthouse is the monument to those killed in the Monaghan bombings and they use there to have a bomb scare? Incredible logic.

17/05/2011, 4:27 PM
Logic and these people tend not to go hand in hand Magicme.

17/05/2011, 4:54 PM
Too true. And having seen the pics of the eirigi loons I cant help but think the level of muggings, robberies and drug related crimes are at an all time low today as they are all busy sitting in Parnell Square. Thank you Lizzy.

17/05/2011, 5:18 PM
See these protestors, do they not see the irony in holding Brits out signs whilst wearing the colours of a british football club (Celtic) ? :D

Theres a photo on the BBC website of a protestor in a United top :bulgy:

17/05/2011, 5:30 PM
As long as its not a Monaghan United Jersey I dont care!

17/05/2011, 5:58 PM
This one of my favourite lines of arguement at the minute.
The very point is that the people of England DONT get to choose if they have a monarchy.
If the monarchy was elected it would stop being the monarchy, that is the paradox.
The monarchy is not a democratically elected institution so calling up some subjective interpretation of English support for the monarchy is irrelevant since it is not put to the people of England to decide.

The other paradox being that those who call for an elected head of state in England for the sake of democracy know full well that If there were to be a democratic referendum with the question "should we retain the monarchy or become a republic?" the monarchy would win hands down.

17/05/2011, 7:15 PM
Is there, by any chance, a possibility that some of the "bomb threats" are like those we had phoned in the odd time in school in the late 80's when some 6th years 3 streamers decided to go on the batter?

Major coverage around the world on Ireland, I caught CNN of the Queen looking confused with a Nordie and a Bogger speaking, she presumed, some form of her english. As far away as Kyrgyzstan the visit is front page news. Well, that and a constitutional fight between the ousted and current presidents.

Not really sure if the visit is up to much, I'd go with what Gerry Adams wrote in the Examiner, that it's a bit patronising to say it shows our maturity, and that (as I heard some people on Newstalk last weekend) that the British have pumped in money to help our economy. Out country isn't mature, we're more english than the english. And the british government know that they have to give us money to support their businesses plundering our economy and prop up their own banks. If it brings some positive publicity, then why not.

17/05/2011, 7:28 PM

Brilliant photo, grey haired man decides to go protest about Britain in Ireland wearing a British football top. Younger looking fella with his back to his camera decides to stock up on Dennys ham before joining said protest. You don't get Dennys in Dublin do ya? Genius!

17/05/2011, 7:38 PM
The amount of Gardaí around town is something else.

Whilst on the face of it her visit to the gardens mightn't make political sense. Ye all know she'd've been lambasted for not heading to there or Croker.The thing is. She's going there as an acknowledgment of a major part of Irish history. She's not going to show off her nationalist credentials.

The '16 relatives really are an insufferable shower. Roll on 2016...

AFAIK all visiting heads of state lay a wreath at the Garden. She had to go really.

17/05/2011, 7:40 PM

Brilliant photo, grey haired man decides to go protest about Britain in Ireland wearing a British football top. Younger looking fella with his back to his camera decides to stock up on Dennys ham before joining said protest. You don't get Dennys in Dublin do ya? Genius!

Whole host of them there wearing that garish Celtic away top as well. :p

17/05/2011, 8:35 PM
AFAIK all visiting heads of state lay a wreath at the Garden. She had to go really.

All visiting heads of State on official State visits lay a wreath, Obama won't lay one next week. However this is not a normal head of State and it's not a normal wreath and it's not a normal ceremony so you know yourself that there's always a bleedin' heart republican who would have a problem with it regardless of the protocol.

18/05/2011, 12:07 AM
Morrisey gets a bit heated and likens the Queen to Gadaffi: http://www.nme.com/news/morrissey/56728

The former Smiths frontman wrote: "The Queen's visit to Ireland is part of a new Palace PR campaign to re-invent the Windsors. The message from The Queen will be the same as ever: who we are born to is more important than what we achieve in life."


Elsewhere, he appealed directly to the Irish people's own interests: "The Queen also has the power to give back six counties to the Irish people, allowing Ireland to be a nation once again. The fact that she has not done so is Fascism in full flow. What else could it be? Name one other European country that is controlled by its neighbour."

18/05/2011, 12:53 AM
Philip seems to be a bit of craic, always stops to talk to the women any chance he gets :D Just waiting on him to say something offensive!

Gather round
18/05/2011, 6:55 AM
Descendants of ex-Taoiseach Sean Lemass have snubbed Brenda's visit to the Bloody Sunday reconciliation ceremony at Croke Park. "We have to shoot off earlier" said a spokeswoman for the family.

18/05/2011, 7:34 AM
All visiting heads of State on official State visits lay a wreath, Obama won't lay one next week. However this is not a normal head of State and it's not a normal wreath and it's not a normal ceremony so you know yourself that there's always a bleedin' heart republican who would have a problem with it regardless of the protocol.

The only people of any principle who stand up for what they believe in and actually get out and protest in the whole country, like the rest of the gob****es, who sit and have a crumble but do absolutely nothing as our gombeen politicians destroyed the country and sold it down the river.

18/05/2011, 9:51 AM
Morrisey gets a bit heated and likens the Queen to Gadaffi: http://www.nme.com/news/morrissey/56728

I wish musicians, especially good ones, would shut their mouth over politics and current affairs. They always sound like idiots.

Not Brazil
18/05/2011, 10:29 AM
"The Queen also has the power to give back six counties to the Irish people, allowing Ireland to be a nation once again. The fact that she has not done so is Fascism in full flow. What else could it be?"


Over 94% of the people of the Republic Of Ireland (who voted) endorsed the settlement agreed viz a viz the "constitutional question".

The terms for Ireland "becoming a nation again" are quite clear.

18/05/2011, 10:50 AM
Apart from some ould German biddy and her Greek fella clogging up the streets, apart from the goons wearing british football kits to protest against (understandably) against a british ruler, the greatest shame is that toolkit Ryan Tubridy making a shame of himself. Wold someone not shove him off the tpo of the Gravity bar? Good god.

18/05/2011, 11:05 AM
Is Lizzie gonna have an overpriced pint in Temple bar at any point?!

Laughed at this morning....from the Torygraph

"Republican terrorists had tried, predictably enough, to hijack the visit by planting a bomb on a bus, hours earlier, but nothing was going to allow a vanishingly small minority to thwart the will of the Irish people and their president, Mary McAleese."