View Full Version : The Wrong Trousers: Setanta 10pm tomorrow

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23/03/2009, 8:49 PM

Just after seeing a trailer for the next of the "Sport Matters" series on Setanta.

The programme will focus on the League of Ireland and the "obsession with English football"

Short interview with Doolin etc in the trailer.

23/03/2009, 9:04 PM
Nice to see you were ready to pounce on my mistake after less than 1 minute of it being up, rovers1!! :p

Should be a good if they show the league in a positive light - A nice change...

23/03/2009, 9:18 PM
Nice to see you were ready to pounce on my mistake after less than 1 minute of it being up, rovers1!!

:D....what can i say!I learn from the pedantic so and so's on this thing!:p:D

23/03/2009, 9:20 PM
Don't worry Buller, he made the same mistake himself. I had to tell him where it was;)

Looking forward to it, not something you see discussed that often on TV.

23/03/2009, 9:29 PM
Don't worry Buller, he made the same mistake himself. I had to tell him where it was;)

see what my second sentence meant ;)

23/03/2009, 10:09 PM
Is this show repeated at any point ? I'm out tomorrow night... :(

23/03/2009, 10:35 PM
Sunday evenings I think Steve.

Setanta Ireland only I reckon.

23/03/2009, 10:36 PM
Nice to see you were ready to pounce on my mistake after less than 1 minute of it being up, rovers1!! :p

Should be a good if they show the league in a positive light - A nice change...

Betcha it won't. It'll be a few heads moaning about things and some people saying the league is on it's knees

There'll be no interviews with fans talking about the buzz they feel when their team wins a league or cup or promotion or a tie in Europe. There'll be no crowd shots of people going ballistic at a last minute winner.

There'll be very little positivity at all

Hope I'm wrong

23/03/2009, 10:57 PM
Betcha it won't. It'll be a few heads moaning about things and some people saying the league is on it's knees

There'll be no interviews with fans talking about the buzz they feel when their team wins a league or cup or promotion or a tie in Europe. There'll be no crowd shots of people going ballistic at a last minute winner.

There'll be very little positivity at all

Hope I'm wrong

You're probably right. There'll also be loads of stuff about Drums, fellas with sharp haircuts and cigarettes on terraces, and how it was in the old days, to the tune of the Oul' Triangle or some such. That's what TV people think of when they think of League of Ireland, isn't it?

23/03/2009, 11:10 PM
Anyone watched any of the rest of the series?

Topics covered involved drinks sponsorship and the GAA, did the FAI squander the legacy of 1990, the rise of rugby in popularity etc etc.

They are usually interesting enough. The format will be a piece to camera on the issue and then back to the studio.

Yer man who used to be on Newstalk(can't remember his name) and there will normally be two or three guests. As with anything, the quality of the guests will be key.

Standard "Setanta heads" such as Eugene McGee, Emmett Byrne etc are normally rolled in at some point.

A face
23/03/2009, 11:26 PM
Can anyone rip this and get it online? I'm gonna miss it.

Mayo Red
24/03/2009, 8:43 AM
Should be worth a look anyways, and I'm not saying the League doesn't have its problems but the prog. will probably have the usual negative slant that most of the media seem to approach the League with unfortunately.

24/03/2009, 8:49 AM
Should be worth a look anyways, and I'm not saying the League doesn't have its problems but the prog. will probably have the usual negative slant that most of the media seem to approach the League with unfortunately.

I saw the last episode and Gilroy said "in our next episode we will talk about why Ireland is 20 mins too close to England and how the LOI will never work" so make out from that what you will!!!

Mayo Red
24/03/2009, 8:56 AM
I saw the last episode and Gilroy said "in our next episode we will talk about why Ireland is 20 mins too close to England and how the LOI will never work" so make out from that what you will!!!

Cringeworthy TV to look forward to So!!:(

24/03/2009, 5:44 PM
I saw the last episode and Gilroy said "in our next episode we will talk about why Ireland is 20 mins too close to England and how the LOI will never work" so make out from that what you will!!!

oh my god not Gilroy:eek:

24/03/2009, 8:08 PM
I saw the last episode and Gilroy said "in our next episode we will talk about why Ireland is 20 mins too close to England and how the LOI will never work" so make out from that what you will!!!

Please tell me you're joking! I just texted about 10 barstooling friends telling them it was on...
This anti-LOI crap is really getting to me - it really is becoming pathetic.

24/03/2009, 8:44 PM
Betcha it won't. It'll be a few heads moaning about things and some people saying the league is on it's knees

There'll be no interviews with fans talking about the buzz they feel when their team wins a league or cup or promotion or a tie in Europe. There'll be no crowd shots of people going ballistic at a last minute winner.

There'll be very little positivity at all

Hope I'm wrong

Hope you're wrong too but can see it happening. Part of me dreads the thought of some Irish Celtic or Liverpool fan being interviewed about what it means to support their team and why they travel so far once a year to see them. And then part of me thinks, 'Damn it, let them look stupid, surely some of those watching will see the irony.'

I saw the last episode and Gilroy said "in our next episode we will talk about why Ireland is 20 mins too close to England and how the LOI will never work" so make out from that what you will!!!

Yeah, it'll never catch on: it's been 'never working' since 1921.

24/03/2009, 9:13 PM
Seem Ok so far but my breath is held

24/03/2009, 9:14 PM
Yer man Nugent was the lads who rocked the boat the Bohs AGM wasn't he?

24/03/2009, 9:17 PM
I think this looks good so far.....breath held though.

24/03/2009, 9:19 PM
Quality, get a cut in at the GAA, Bertie and all the rest in as well.......:D

Fitzmaurice and Nugent are doing a good job in defending the vanguard here.

24/03/2009, 9:24 PM
Fitzmaurice doing a good job- he sounds like an amalgam of Foot.ie. :)

Sounds strange to hear all these arguments and opinions of the LOI being aired on TV, I'm only used to reading them online.

24/03/2009, 9:25 PM
Very good segmant , thought the two boys came across well

24/03/2009, 9:26 PM
Preaching to the converted with this show I feel. Ah well - better than nowt.

24/03/2009, 9:26 PM
I wish I had Setanta.. :(

Anyone able to stick this online at some point?

24/03/2009, 9:28 PM
Something tells me that those two guys are posters on here. The host Daire whats-his-name is certainly putting it up to them. Whether it is due to his journo skills or because of his rugby allegiences I'm not sure.

Good show though. Sadly, I can't see it teaching the barstoolers the error of their ways.

24/03/2009, 9:29 PM
Something tells me that those two guys are posters on here.

My thoughts exactly.

24/03/2009, 9:29 PM
Preaching to the converted with this show I feel. Ah well - better than nowt.

What would you rather, another problem just having an ill informed rant about the game here?

I thought the segment on Drogheda & Cork showcased the good points about the League. Passionate fans etc etc

24/03/2009, 9:31 PM
Preaching to the converted with this show I feel. Ah well - better than nowt.

What do you want , i give up some loi fans just love the pariah tag

24/03/2009, 9:33 PM
What would you rather, another problem just having an ill informed rant about the game here?

I thought the segment on Drogheda & Cork showcased the good points about the League. Passionate fans etc etc

Golden all-seater stadiums with free veggie burgers for all. But that's just me:rolleyes:

Just saying that the ay's will say "ay" and the nay's will say "nay" I reckon.
Fair play to them for doing the show. But show me a barstooler who has been sold on the LOI with a rational argument and I'll show you a figment of our collective imaginations.

24/03/2009, 9:43 PM
Yer man must have been dreaming up that Nick Leeson questions for ages.........

24/03/2009, 9:45 PM
Pity this isn't on RTE.

24/03/2009, 9:51 PM
Nick Leeson talking about the lack of toilets at EL grounds...Galway had 3 portaloos between around 1500 of our fans for the cup semi-final last year.

I'm glad the interviewer is asking quite tough questions, each interviewee is coping well so far. At first I didn't lke his style but it was important those questions be faced and faced they were.


We could be playing Foot.ie bingo here- tick these phrases off as they're mentioned:


Bertie Ahern's English allegiances

Event junkie

GAA attendances





24/03/2009, 9:55 PM
Helps when you have boys who know their stuff.

Fitzmaurice, Nugent, Leeson and Smith were all over the facts. Walker was the weakest guest, as he has been out of the country for so long....

24/03/2009, 9:56 PM
Enjoyed it , thought the host was a bit of a ****

24/03/2009, 9:56 PM
Wasn't bad at all. I'd say the amount of people who actually watched it is tiny though. It's a shame because it made some very valid points.

The host was tough, but he asked questions that most "barstoolers" would have asked which was pretty much what was needed.

24/03/2009, 9:57 PM
Good show overall. Good to see stuff like this on tv and for once, it wasn't painting the league in a bad light.
as he has been out of the country for so long....As you could tell by his accent:eek:

24/03/2009, 9:58 PM
Enjoyed it , thought the host was a bit of a ****

He's a rugby head. Next weeks show will be right up his street. Although, to be fair to him, he gave the topic airtime. I'm sure he has some sort of sway in what goes on his show.

24/03/2009, 10:03 PM
Hope I'm wrong

Didn't see it all but from the little I did see, I was completely wrong. I despise Fitzmaurice but he held his own tonight.

Can't ask for more than fairness in shows like that and it certainly was that.

24/03/2009, 10:30 PM
Just watching this now. God I feel old after watching them young lads and lassies on the Drogs bus!

D.U.F.C Daire
24/03/2009, 10:34 PM
He's a rugby head. Next weeks show will be right up his street. Although, to be fair to him, he gave the topic airtime. I'm sure he has some sort of sway in what goes on his show.

He wrote 'Who Stole Our Game' so I'd say he has some interest in the game here. Maybe he was just playing Devil's Advocate?

Interesting show alrite.

24/03/2009, 10:46 PM
He wrote 'Who Stole Our Game' so I'd say he has some interest in the game here. Maybe he was just playing Devil's Advocate?

Interesting show alrite.

Really? I wasn't aware of that. Devil's Advocate it is then.

24/03/2009, 11:31 PM
I only caught the end of it with Leeson and Kelly.The interviewer as ye said threw some very tough qs at them but the 2 lads didnt flinch and had answers to all of them.They rightly corrected Daire about "standards on the pitch".As we all know standards have improved alot in recent years and i was happy to hear the lads insist on that being the case.More then one person ive brought to games in recent seasons have said the standard surprised them.

Salmon Coloured
25/03/2009, 7:58 AM
Sorry to bring this up as it was posted earlier but does anyone have a link for this. Thanks in advance.

25/03/2009, 1:42 PM
I think a reason that gets overlooked why fans seem not to support clubs in the league, is that is there is not enough local teams in the national league, like some from Tipperary, what teams are they to follow in the league, there is no team for them to follow, the same goes for most counties. And for the clubs at the moment, they are mainly followed by fans from the town/city rather than the whole county or areas near them.

25/03/2009, 1:53 PM
But the argument against that is that Waterford Utd is still closer to Tipperary than manchester

25/03/2009, 1:54 PM
came across this show by chance - at least it covered the issue and did a good job of it at that

can only be a good thing

25/03/2009, 1:58 PM
But the argument against that is that Waterford Utd is still closer to Tipperary than manchesterBut the TV is closer than either!

The argument about the lack of a local LOI team may have some basis but only a small proportion of people in the same town/city as a club go to games anyway so it's a small point.

25/03/2009, 2:09 PM
But the argument against that is that Waterford Utd is still closer to Tipperary than manchester

Very true, but as Schumi mentions TV is closer than either, the fans there; one would think would rather look at the TV than go on hours drive to Waterford. Football is about communities against each other, in Ireland, that hardly exists, only in GAA is where that happens, that needs to happen, football has to somehow build up communities.

25/03/2009, 4:01 PM
I looked through Setanta's TV listings for the week and surprisingly enough they are not showing a repeat of it.They show plenty of repeats of any Live games they cover but none of this one,sad.