View Full Version : TV3 "Lawless Ireland" on LOI hooliganism tonight 9:00

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White Horse
09/03/2009, 10:26 AM
TV3 are doing their bit to promote the League Of Ireland. :mad:

Tonights "Lawless Ireland" features hooliganism at League Of Ireland. The producer was just interviewed on the Tom Dunne show on Newstalk (what a great sponsor :confused:). He recalled one sinsiter incident at a Boms/Shams game where a man was attachked with an umbrella!


09/03/2009, 10:28 AM
TV3 are doing their bit to promote the League Of Ireland. :mad:

Same as you so...

09/03/2009, 10:28 AM
TV3 are doing their bit to promote the League Of Ireland. :mad:

Who said they had to promote the league?

At least in the LOI we keep our violence outside the grounds unlike other sports in this country.

09/03/2009, 10:34 AM
Well its if anything like their previous episodes it will be made up mostly of grainy youtube footage & an idiotic narrator who tries to sensationalise every scene by showing footage in slow motion.

Its been poorly made & produced. No attempt at an in depth analysis of any topic. With shows like this, its no wonder TV3 don't do very much home made productions.

09/03/2009, 10:40 AM
Looking forward to their episode involving thick GAA playing scumbags knocking the sh** out of each other off the ball, before getting 'ticked' by Father Ó'Mhallamhgaú for conduct unbecoming of a son of Erin.

09/03/2009, 10:47 AM
At least it's something to watch after MNS tonight. :)

Could watch Scrubs either. Tough choice.

09/03/2009, 10:50 AM
Looking forward to their episode involving thick GAA playing scumbags knocking the sh** out of each other off the ball, before getting 'ticked' by Father Ó'Mhallamhgaú for conduct unbecoming of a son of Erin.

Jayzus - some people have major chips on their shoulders! Just because a poor quality tabloid TV station makes a poor quality tabloid television programme about soccer hooligans it's all the GAA's fault. Good man and sure Croker's a kip aswell.

09/03/2009, 10:57 AM
I think it's quite legitimate to make comparisons on how different sports are treated. The GAA are the last remaining untouchable in Ireland, after their bedfellows in the Catholic Church have fallen from grace for their abuses of the young people of Ireland.

Does any body watch TV3 anyway?

09/03/2009, 11:06 AM
Jayzus - some people have major chips on their shoulders! Just because a poor quality tabloid TV station makes a poor quality tabloid television programme about soccer hooligans it's all the GAA's fault. Good man and sure Croker's a kip aswell.

Just imagine the uproar if someone made a similarly overblown tabloid programme about the far more real, widespread and dangerous problem of violence at GAA games. TV3 wouldn't dare to take them on. If you want to talk about Lawless Ireland its ridiculous to focus on the tiny number of football "hooligans" when you consider the violence on show at GAA matches.

I think it's quite legitimate to make comparisons on how different sports are treated. The GAA are the last remaining untouchable in Ireland, after their bedfellows in the Catholic Church have fallen from grace for their abuses of the young people of Ireland.


09/03/2009, 11:18 AM
Just imagine the uproar if someone made a similarly overblown tabloid programme about the far more real, widespread and dangerous problem of violence at GAA games. TV3 wouldn't dare to take them on. If you want to talk about Lawless Ireland its ridiculous to focus on the tiny number of football "hooligans" when you consider the violence on show at GAA matches.

Do you not remember the "uproar" when one of the Sundays did a piece on the behaviour on Hill 16 when the Dubs were playing. The amount of coke snorted etc........

Cue indignation from those in Jones' Road at the temerity of these journalists.......

09/03/2009, 11:22 AM
Hmm, theres a new show on FX too.

Tough choice, badly produced TV3 show or a CBS produced show.

What will i choose...

09/03/2009, 11:39 AM
At least it's something to watch after MNS tonight. :)

Could watch Scrubs either. Tough choice.
Has to be Scrubs, it's a new episode tonight

09/03/2009, 11:43 AM
I worry about what some of ye watch on TV, Monday night at 9 is America's Next Top Model time :D. Lawless Ireland will be recorded and laughed at later, if the couple of episodes I've seen already are anything to go by, the dog fighting where they kept repeating a clip of a fight from the Phillipines or somewhere was a farce.

09/03/2009, 11:55 AM
You lads are WAYYYYYY over reacting to this programme.

I mean, it is TV3 FFS! will be watched by a few thousands skangers and knackers at most who will have forgotton how shocked they were by midnight. It is aimed at the people and retarded journalists (99% of them) who are getting vaginal smears (even the males) because it took Jade Goody to make them realise that cancer is bad. This programme is made by morons for morons and will be aired and forgotton almost instantly.

Look at the promo...they do not even have enough footage of LOI thugs to fill and entire programme. That's how much of a problem it is...

Watch it and laugh.

09/03/2009, 12:00 PM
Hmm, theres a new show on FX too.

Tough choice, badly produced TV3 show or a CBS produced show.

What will i choose...

Read a book?

09/03/2009, 12:55 PM
On a side issue can a dundalk fan explain why they started up a "we are the mujahadeen" chant. Seems pointless

09/03/2009, 12:58 PM
I worry about what some of ye watch on TV, Monday night at 9 is America's Next Top Model time :D.

Most sensible post I've seen on here in a long time

This man knows


09/03/2009, 1:16 PM
On a side issue can a dundalk fan explain why they started up a "we are the mujahadeen" chant. Seems pointless

It's a chant that dates back to the 1980s. It does seem a bit pointless to me too.

09/03/2009, 2:27 PM
On a side issue can a dundalk fan explain why they started up a "we are the mujahadeen" chant. Seems pointless

Used to be an away chant from Irish fans abroad. Haven't heard it for many years. no idea why we chanted it.

09/03/2009, 2:29 PM
Read a book?

I rather wait for the movie.

09/03/2009, 2:41 PM
Ah yes TV3, they make Rock Bottom from The Simpsons look classy!

09/03/2009, 4:01 PM
like the mujahideen is a terrorist group in asia why do we use it ?
haven't a clue i sing to it do...it sound's good :p
suppose we are the muja now :D
although we are a peaceful mujja :cool:

09/03/2009, 4:05 PM
Saw an ad for it there while waiting for Judge Judy to start(:D), showed not one...but THREE cars on fire in Limerick with a cop car in between them:D

I might actually waste 4% of my Sky+ for this.

09/03/2009, 4:12 PM
I assume this clip will be shown tonight.


It is fairly scummy all the same with beer barrells flying etc.

jinxy lilywhite
09/03/2009, 4:19 PM
like the mujahideen is a terrorist group in asia why do we use it ?
haven't a clue i sing to it do...it sound's good :p
suppose we are the muja now :D
although we are a peaceful mujja :cool:

I wish ye lot would drop the mudja lark. seems silly and is cringeworthy

09/03/2009, 4:23 PM
The Mujahideen thing dates back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Mujahideen were seen as brave freedom fighters, battling against an ogresome oppresive foreign occupying power... remind you of anyone or anywhere?

That's the history... tis just a bit of a laugh though. Now shhh or TV3 will make a show out of Dundalk's fundamentalist Islamic supporters.

09/03/2009, 4:24 PM
tbh jinxy i don't care if we keep it or drop it
if they start singing it i'll start singing it
i sing to nearly everything anyway it's no bother to me

Mr Maroon
09/03/2009, 4:26 PM
Has to be Scrubs, it's a new episode tonight

Double episode of 24 on Sky One.

09/03/2009, 4:49 PM
Looking forward to their episode involving thick GAA playing scumbags knocking the sh** out of each other off the ball, before getting 'ticked' by Father Ó'Mhallamhgaú for conduct unbecoming of a son of Erin.

Thought that would have been a fourth yellow card in the Category 43 area of fouls.

Another 19 yellows for a similar offence and the player would be invited to leave the field and be substituted

Raheny Red
09/03/2009, 4:59 PM
Any chance of somebody recording it and then uploading, cheers?!

09/03/2009, 4:59 PM
i think they will show the fight between mevue andathlone
there was riots at that i heard
i heard mevue milled the athlone lads:eek:

09/03/2009, 5:04 PM
i think they will show the fight between mevue andathlone
there was riots at that i heard
i heard mevue milled the athlone lads:eek:

did Dunny give you a lend of his scanner?

09/03/2009, 5:24 PM
The Mujahideen thing dates back to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The Mujahideen were seen as brave freedom fighters, battling against an ogresome oppresive foreign occupying power... remind you of anyone or anywhere?

That's the history... tis just a bit of a laugh though. Now shhh or TV3 will make a show out of Dundalk's fundamentalist Islamic supporters.

The entire league is riddled with Islamic extremism. There's the mujahideen in Oriel, the star and crescent of Drogheda, we play summer football so the days will be Sunni, yet some followers believe this to be Shiite. Open your eyes, people!

09/03/2009, 5:28 PM
What clubs are featured?

09/03/2009, 5:49 PM
The entire league is riddled with Islamic extremism. There's the mujahideen in Oriel, the star and crescent of Drogheda, we play summer football so the days will be Sunni, yet some followers believe this to be Shiite. Open your eyes, people!

Jew would have to be mad to support anyone in the League

09/03/2009, 5:55 PM
not mention all the Rovers fans praising (t)Allah


09/03/2009, 6:44 PM
Hussein anything about Rovers supporters?

09/03/2009, 6:53 PM
not mention all the Rovers fans praising (t)Allah


Shah - right :rolleyes:

09/03/2009, 7:16 PM
Most sensible post I've seen on here in a long time

This man knows


americas next model:eek: seriously do you not have any free porn handy:)

Mad Moose
09/03/2009, 7:20 PM
Any chance of somebody recording it and then uploading, cheers?!

Can I second this request. It should be a laugh.

I'm actually more shocked that there's enough experience accrued at TV3 to actually make a home production. It'll be a copy and paste of some ITV production or American production and entirely sensationalised due to lack of research and available footage. How many fans do they think Limerick get or have they bothered to check that out first. I remember going to see Limerick 37 play Harps and took a wrong turn into an estate that was indeed lawless and very much mid war and it couldn't really be linked to visiting Harps fans or the few Limerick fans who turned up. I'll be interested to see where this Limerick footage goes.

Upload please.

09/03/2009, 7:28 PM
Can I second this request. It should be a laugh.

I'm actually more shocked that there's enough experience accrued at TV3 to actually make a home production. It'll be a copy and paste of some ITV production or American production and entirely sensationalised due to lack of research and available footage. .

nice. :D im getting a mental image of scenes from Football Factories with Danny Dyer being voiced over.

"Those Bohs and Rovers geezahs are pwopa nawtae innit"

upload would be nice by the way...

Mad Moose
09/03/2009, 7:33 PM
Guarantee they'll show some footage of violence at some English club like Luton's Kenilworth Road from many years ago as a way of making their point. Millwall maybe or Leeds Utd. I'm wonderfully excited at the notion of what they feature here.

09/03/2009, 8:05 PM
4 minutes in and this already has the hallmarks of one of the worst programmes I have ever seen.

09/03/2009, 8:10 PM
Who cares about wheeley bin's!!!

Mad Moose
09/03/2009, 8:10 PM
4 minutes in and this already has the hallmarks of one of the worst programmes I have ever seen.

Good man Kev. Good summation of the opening. Cars on fire in Limerick then as a result of a 1-1 draw with Kildare County, that sort of stuff.

On a another matter with TV3 (They have always been one of my real pet hates in life) what are there audience figures like?. I'm imagining they have taken a terrible hit over the years but then again they do go in for that tug at the heartstrings s*ite that so many people seem to want to see.

09/03/2009, 8:11 PM
Some idiots lighting up bins...! Jaysus what a sh!te programme!

09/03/2009, 8:14 PM
Serious, do people get made to make this stuff?

I reckon half an hour on youtube, one of you boys to do a "voiceover" and a postgraduate sociology student and I could make a better show than this..........

For the love of God "Coming up in Part 2 (Cue grainy, not that dramatic, footage) We reveal how joyriding is making a comeback, thanks to the internet"

Can we suggest a ****** levy on stuff like this to help plug the hole in finances?

09/03/2009, 8:30 PM
Here we go.

09/03/2009, 8:30 PM
Ironic that yer man was speaking from Belfield?:)

The fact that they're taking most of it from Bebo gives it no credibility whatsoever...the voiceover reading the bebo comment was so comical.

09/03/2009, 8:31 PM
this programme:rolleyes: cringe. so cringe.