Rebel Army Table Quiz

Cork City Football Club will host a Rebel Army General Knowledge Table Quiz at the Viscount Bar, Curraheen Road in Bishopstown of Wednesday the 8th of November. This is a fundraiser for the club and it would be great if supporters could come along and take part in what will be a great night to test the knowledge of everyone, young and old alike.

The Rebel Army Quiz starts at 8.30pm and the Quiz Master on the night will be Ian Ryan, who is a dedicated supporter of the club. Teams cost €60 per table of four and there will be 10 rounds on the night with great prizes to be won. A raffle will also take place for more prizes.

Cork City FC would like to publicly thank Jim O’Leary and his colleagues in the Rebel Bar Group who are providing the premises on the night, the PA System and finger food. Their support is deeply appreciated by the club.

As supporters are aware these nights are very important to the club in terms of raising much needed money and your support would be deeply appreciated. CCFC will also be looking for some volunteers on the night to help with the marking of sheets and any sponsored prizes would be appreciated.

Please come along and support our Rebel Army Quiz Night. For further information, contact Derek Kiely on 021-4222244.