Rules updated above.
In addition to the standard rules, the following specific rules apply in this forum:
- No-one's obsessed/bitter/jealous. Posts which try to dismiss another post on this basis will be deleted.
- We're all allowed to talk about clubs other than our own. Posts along the lines of "You're a <insert club here> fan; shouldn't you be off worrying about your own club and let us worry about ours?" will be deleted.
- Similarly, posts which try to drag the thread off topic by changing clubs ("What would an <insert club here> fan know about finances? Let's talk about your finances for a change" will be deleted (or moved to a new thread, if a vaguely sensible point is made).
National League
- Attendances: 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 · 2009 · 2008 · 2007 · 2006 · 2005
- Fixtures: 2006 · 2004 (Premier Only)
- Transfers: 2014 (Summer) - 2013 (Summer) - 2012 (Summer) - 2011 (Summer) - 2010 (Summer) - 2009 (Summer) - 2008 (Summer) · 2007 (Summer)
- Websites - Club Websites + Forums
- Books
- Videos: 2007 - 2008 - 2007
- TV Schedule
- In Europe
- Players Overseas
- LOI Supporters Club, Trusts + Associations
- Governance Handbook 2021 (3.5M PDF)
- Rulebook 2021 (1M PDF)
- Genesis Report (1.5M PDF)
- The Awards: 2005 · 2004 (PowerPoint)
- Q&A Sessions
- Richard Sadlier
- Padraig Smith
- Eoin Hand
- Noel Mooney
- Tony McDonnell
- Brian MacNeice
- Stephen O'Brien
- Bob Breen (Incomplete)
- Damien Richardson
- Alan Kelly Advert / Short Film Competition
2011 Off-Season
Last edited by dahamsta; 27/04/2021 at 10:09 PM. Reason: Adding content
The SFAI are the governing body for grassroots football in Ireland, not the FAI. Its success or the lack of is all down to them.
Rules updated above.
Updated with the latest rules and governance handbook, thanks to @littlebray.