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Thread: README: Links, Avatars, Club Websites, Forum Rules & Other Info

  1. #1
    Oct 2003
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    README: Links, Avatars, Club Websites, Forum Rules & Other Info

    This forum is for debate of football games in an intelligent non libellous way.
    It's not a forum for insult competitions or personal vendettas by one Team (member/s) against another. This particular Forum (Junior League) was teetering close to closure only a couple of months ago as the owner of the site was sick of the bickering and arguing going on, because quite simply the football was being overshadowed by the personal muck slinging, accusations, etc. Its your call.

    Forum Rules

    1. See the main Rules.
    2. Read Rule 6 again: No Text Speak, eg u da man c u der etc, etc.


    If you want an avatar for your local club, contact A Face. The graphic needs to be high quality. See this thread for more.

    Junior League Club Websites

    A face also manages a list of JL club websites here, and has tips for setting up a website here.

    *********************Familiarise yourself with our infraction policy before you post*********************
    Last edited by TheBoss; 04/02/2010 at 2:35 PM.

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