View Full Version : North Wales police "anti-Irish Racism" Ahead of Bohs Rhyl Clash

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Block G Raptor
27/06/2008, 2:02 PM
Just reading on several Message boards that North Wales Police have instructed all Pubs in Rhyl to close for an hour before and after the Bohs v Rhyl Intertoto match and Not to Serve any Irish at all in the bars today or tomorrow."To avoid Trouble". this is an absolute disgrace, what do you think!

Copied and pasted from Rhyl's message board incase some of yous arent registered there...

After speaking to 3 landlords in pubs down Vale Road today it is apparent that North Wales Police have issued them with letters informing them they must close the pubs between 4.30pm - 6pm on Saturday and also have paid them a visit telling them that no Irish are allowed in!. I think this is disgrace as we were all made to feel extremely welcome in Dublin and gained entry to all pubs all weekend. I have just contacted North Wales Police and they will get back to me later with more information. Any views on this topic anyone?

That would be illegal discrimination..and downright stupid. Everyone would just get their bottles from Spars and Offies and drink on the streets. No way can the police do that.

Hopefully the club are informing the police that no trouble whatsoever is expected and that all policing should be low-profile and friendly.

If we don't manage to win 4-0 (or 6-1), then good luck to the Bohs next round

Typical North Wales Police, Disgrace!

Spoke to my contact at the Dailypost, told him about it.

Surely they can't tell them to close, with so many pubs closing these days they need the business.Having 5-600 Bohs fans in the town would be good for the local economy.

Bad news for the Town this, we were welcomed everywhere we went in Dublin. Don't even think that the Bohs have bad reputation. Very bad PR for Rhyl.
As for saying no Irish allowed in, as Ffred says that would be illegal.

Totally appauling, Like what has been mentioned above with 5 - 600 fans coming over that can only be good for the pubs etc that benefit from extra people spending money.

As for North Wales Police, WHY ?

I honestly don`t recall seeing any Garda at the game with Bohs and that went without a hitch. I would hope that Bohs fans can come to Rhyl and enjoy the same hospitality that was shown to us in Ireland.


Just spoke to 6 pubs so far its true! oh its true!

Hope the spar and morrisons have stocked up!

It certainly is true, it only came to light earlier today when my Irish mate who drinks in The Prince phoned me to tell me, he is fuming!, i got straight on the phone to landlords in the area and they confirmed this. I have had a call from the police who are still investigating the situation, i will keep you all posted to what they say as soon as i hear.

It looks like OMAN isn't the only one to score an OWN GOAL in this tie!

North Wales Police are on really dodgy ground with this. Hope common sense prevails.

surprise, surprise, guess whos behind it all ...

As a Bohs supporter who only just got the nod for travelling over for the match I have to say that I am firstly disappointed that the NW Police have taken this stance for no good reason that I can see.

But secondly I am dismayed at the 'No Irish Allowed' comment from the constabulary - I thought that the anti Irish sentiment (racism) of the 60's, 70's and 80's in Britain was well and truly buried. It seems it is well and truly alive and kicking within your police force. Disgrace.


is their email address. Get your complaints in now and demand a reversal of this situation. They risk endangering the friendly and welcoming atmosphere which was sure to be in the town. I've sent in my complaint - send yours, and club officials must now make a stand.

If none of this works, bring posters to the ground

Had a phone call back from North Wales Police saying they have only advised pubs to shut betweeen these times to save any trouble!!, this is not the case from the landlords. they informed me that they were told to close. also they informed me that Bohs fans were gonna be escorted to the ground by foot from the train station, it makes them look like bloody crimianls, what a **** take, how many police did we see at their ground?, i think i saw 2 at the end of the game!..... All this is spoiling it for everyone now.....

What action should we take against the instigator?

What a load of idiots. Are the police going to ask the Bohs fans to assemble together first at the railway station so that they can be escorted over ?!!!!!!!
Bohs fans will be here from Thursday onwards - arriving on 3 or 4 buses, by plane from Manchester and Liverpool not all on the same train from Holyhead !!

Police seem to be backing off...e-mail and phone them and tell all the Community Support Officers (mobile numbers on the police website) and we'll get rid of this nonsense before Saturday

story from the welsh Daily Post here (http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/2008/06/27/pub-lockdown-sours-rhyl-v-bohemians-match-55578-21159428/)

27/06/2008, 2:12 PM
That seems more than a little over the top. The 'don't serve any Irish' thing couldn't take a legal challenge.

27/06/2008, 3:02 PM
Yeah the Ryl fans seem to be mortified about no doubt they are a decent lot - never heard of any trouble from the first game so why should there be this time - seems a bit harsh not serving to just a specific 'nationality'.

27/06/2008, 3:02 PM
Is it legal to ban Bohs fans but allow Irish people?

I presume this has to do with last time Bohs fans in the GB & NI?

Mr A
27/06/2008, 3:04 PM
Fair play to the NWP for doing the travelling fans a favour.

After all, alcohol is bad for the body and the soul.

Mr Maroon
27/06/2008, 3:14 PM
That's absolutely scandolous! They can't be let get a way with it. Both sets of supporters should hav some sort of protest in the ground.

27/06/2008, 3:34 PM
I hope there is'nt any trouble now after all of this.

Would be terrible if the decision was reversed and then something kicked off, the old ''I'll told ya so'' would almost certainly be heard!

27/06/2008, 3:44 PM
I have sympathy for the Bohs having to watch their team sober :(

Red Army
27/06/2008, 4:57 PM
Probably doing this on Garda "intelligence" :rolleyes:


27/06/2008, 5:07 PM
I can just picture it now, 600 of us down on the beach tomorrow afternoon slugging cans...

27/06/2008, 5:16 PM
ah im sure ya will find a offie and a nice lane

27/06/2008, 5:48 PM
Just to prove its just a whiney Bohs fans, there's nothing anti Irish about it. All bars are closed due to Bohs well known hooligan problem. That means all Welsh, English and assorted others can't get a drink either. Nobody to blame for this but certain Bohs fans

See article here

Lionel Ritchie
27/06/2008, 5:52 PM
outrageous behaviour by the local cops

27/06/2008, 7:24 PM
ACAB:mad:Yeah because of a few cops in Wales they must all be:rolleyes:

27/06/2008, 7:55 PM
Just to prove its just a whiney Bohs fans, there's nothing anti Irish about it. All bars are closed due to Bohs well known hooligan problem. That means all Welsh, English and assorted others can't get a drink either. Nobody to blame for this but certain Bohs fans

See article here

You think this is proportionate? Are there no Pats hooligans, or are there just a few?
I've been told that the club provided the Welsh police with close detail on known trouble-makers. If it is rewarded by this sort of panic blanket response, where the authorities show as little discrimination as you do and tar everyone with one brush, then why should it bother?
Incidentally, the 'no Irish' line originated on the Rhyl FC board.

27/06/2008, 8:06 PM
As a Taff and North Walian to boot, please record my disgust and embarressment at that.
Totaly lost for words !!
Rest assured I'm sure the Rhyl boys will make you welcome.
Apologies but shows what a "male appendage" we have as Chief Constable

27/06/2008, 10:12 PM
You think this is proportionate? Are there no Pats hooligans, or are there just a few?
I've been told that the club provided the Welsh police with close detail on known trouble-makers. If it is rewarded by this sort of panic blanket response, where the authorities show as little discrimination as you do and tar everyone with one brush, then why should it bother?
Incidentally, the 'no Irish' line originated on the Rhyl FC board.

dont worry BD, its a typical Dodge response to a Bohs related issue.


27/06/2008, 11:44 PM
Bohemians press officer Darragh Ward said the club did not have a problem with hooligans.

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

28/06/2008, 12:02 AM
Lol please dont associate Bohs fans and irish people, they obviously did some police work and realised what a bohs fan actually is and what to expect.

Maybe they googled "bohs fans pub" ???? 1st results pretty much sum it up.

Thank god for off licences eh?


28/06/2008, 12:44 AM
Incidentally, the 'no Irish' line originated on the Rhyl FC board.

So it must be true then. Nobody ever lies on a football message board.

Bohs have a problem, have admitted as much before (now denyinng it apparently) and pubs get shut for an hour

Hardly a human rights violation

28/06/2008, 1:07 AM
I have no idea were they got the idea that bohs fans couldnt behave themselves after a few drinks.

Good move by the police.

28/06/2008, 1:24 AM
Bohs fans (not all obviously) cause the most problems in our league and have done so for a number of years.

Now they are making out as if they have been persecuted because of their Irishness. It is funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

Good move on behalf of the Welsh and will hopefully save our league from the embarrassment of these bawbags.

This post is not directed at the many good and loyal Bohs fans, of which there are plenty but at the small minority whom the rest of us can't but notice instead. And of course whom Bohs tend to ignore.

28/06/2008, 1:45 AM
2 wind ups in a row. Thats pretty impressive. Lining up to get the digs in while we're top of the league boys, eh?

The troublesome element of last year has largely disappeared thanks to the efforts of the club and fans to get rid of it.

Apart from one excruciatingly embarassing and shameful incident last year all i heard about was gangs of thugs attaching themsleves to one club attacking other gangs of thugs attaching themselves to other clubs. Hardly fans, in even the broadest interpretation of the word. Just knackers.

but whatever, enjoy the moment lads.

28/06/2008, 2:14 AM
Lining up to get the digs in while we're top of the league boys, eh?
Yeah, you're right. it wasn't a Bohs fan who posted the ridiculous OTT headline looking for some sort of reaction

Just knackers
Exactly, knackers people don't want in pubs in Wales...

28/06/2008, 3:45 AM
Exactly, knackers people don't want in pubs in Wales...

so you think the problem is so widespread amongst Bohs fans that it warrants a lock down in Rhyl? Wise up.

And ignoring the rest of my post just highlights how petty and stupid youre really being.

As for your first point, im still trying to make out its relevance considering my post wasnt addressing you.

But go ahead Dodge, go all out and try to win your petty message board battles. Pathetic.

28/06/2008, 8:42 AM
I queried their rational behind this and got the following reply.

Michael, this is indeed factually incorrect. Due to specific intelligence we have asked the pubs to close to ALL members of the public from the end of the game until 6pm. This is voluntary.

I do not condone discrimination of any type and would not allow any group to be excluded on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender or age.

I truly hope that you and your countrymen and women come to Rhyl, enjoy the game and hospitality and go home safely.

Unfortunately part of my job is to prepare for those individuals whose aim is to create fear and disorder amongst innocent supporters and other members of the public and there is a well established link between alcohol, sporting events and violence.

I wish you and your team all the best and assure you that racism plays no part in policing North Wales.


Rob Kirman
North denbighshire
01745 588600

28/06/2008, 9:26 AM
Cringing at some people in this thread tbh - another nail in the coffin of the standard of this place...

28/06/2008, 9:37 AM
Non-story again lads, its common practice in Britain for the cops to order the closure of the local pubs if they have an inkling of trouble at a football match. They've probably asked our Gardai has there ever been any trouble regarding Bohs (answer is yes) and has there been any recent trouble when they've travelled (answer is yes). So it makes sense they would react in this way as their priority lies with ensuring the safety of the decent Welsh people in the area, not in making sure Bohs fans can get drunk

28/06/2008, 9:51 AM
Cringing at some people in this thread tbh - another nail in the coffin of the standard of this place...

Agreed. Storm in a teacup.

28/06/2008, 10:15 AM
Cringing at some people in this thread tbh - another nail in the coffin of the standard of this place...

Agreed. First 5/6 posts are embarressing.

28/06/2008, 5:56 PM
Réiteoir - I have no problem with Bohs as a club. Quite the opposite.

But until you are a fan of another club and are attacked by or threatened by Bohs fans then of course you won't fully understand other people's tendency to point it out. And that is that Bohs fans have history of violence. It's simple.

To then go on message boards with some type of shocked horror and perceived persecution because bars are closing is what is cringe worthy.

If the vast majority of Bohs fans don't understand why the police in Wales are showing caution then that is where you have the problem.

28/06/2008, 7:33 PM
An aeriel photo of Rhyl (http://www.ushmm.org/lcmedia/photo/lc/image/alpha/steidl21.jpg) after today's game.

28/06/2008, 7:35 PM
An aeriel photo of Rhyl (http://www.ushmm.org/lcmedia/photo/lc/image/alpha/steidl21.jpg) after today's game.

Does that spell out 'No Irish'?! :mad:

28/06/2008, 8:13 PM
Would have hoped for a little solidarity from fellow football supporters on this.
Instead, we've got cheap point-scoring that feeds into the myths around football with some bone-headed cackling thrown in.

Bohemian FC is on the record as being highly proactive in tackling a tiny hooligan element that has blackened the name of all of its supporters. Some of the sages here are not only content with the continuance of the lies and half-truths, but are happy to add to the hype about hooliganism.

If you think that in the minds of the great Irish tabloid-reading, GAA and Celtic-loving public, your club is viewed any differently, think again.

28/06/2008, 8:26 PM
Would have hoped for a little solidarity from fellow football supporters on this.
Instead, we've got cheap point-scoring that feeds into the myths around football with some bone-headed cackling thrown in.

But you didn't look for solidarity oin any footballing issue.

The OP tried to make out that this was a injustice against all Irish people. its not. Pubs were closed to football fans for an hour and a half. yeah, I'd feel sorry for a few Bihs fans I know who are going to be ****ed off BUT to try and make it its an "Irish" thing is the point I'm arguing about

Its an anti Bohs fans thing. Bohs do have hooligans. Anyone who says otherwise is living in dreamland. It doesn't matter how minor it is, it doesn't matter what other clubs do, it doesn't matter that the majority of Bohs fans are alright. What matters to the police of wales is that no trouble happens, and if they think the standard practice of closing the pubs for 90 minutes will help, thats all that does matter

PS post above removed for naming people by real names

28/06/2008, 8:38 PM
Would have hoped for a little solidarity from fellow football supporters on this.
Instead, we've got cheap point-scoring that feeds into the myths around football with some bone-headed cackling thrown in.

Answer me this, where does the Welsh police's priorities begin? With the Welsh citizens they've sworn to protect, or with Irish fans looking for a drink?

28/06/2008, 8:54 PM
As I said before, the No Irish line originated on the Welsh MB and clearly was an exaggerated interpretation. However, within this discussion there remains the issue of how ordinary football supporters are perceived and how those perceptions feed through to how they are treated.

As wide-eyed supporters of EPL find to their surprise when they go to the mainland for their EPL spectacle, football policing in England can be incredibly intimidating and heavy-handed, because of the legacy there of large-scale mob violence around matches.

There was very little prospect of that here. Every Bohs ticket sold had names and photo ID recorded precisely to avoid trouble. Advance notice of the known idiots likely to cause trouble was sent to Welsh police, who could have stopped them at Holyhead.

More generally, the club, far from ignoring the problem with a tiny proportion of headcases who call themselves Bohs fans, have adopted an extremely forthright policy (http://www.bohemians.ie/index.php/club-news/hooligan-bans.htm) towards them, but it cannot be held responsible for wider societal problems and for incidents that occur miles from matches.

I was going to go Rhyl, but I cried off when I heard of police plans, not to close bars, but to herd Bohs fans from the train station to the stadium. My kids, who have been going to Bohs matches for years and have never seen violence, or a hint of it, other than from Pats supporters outside Richmond Park, and a seemingly permanently over-excited garda riot squad, did not deserve to experience that just because they want to watch their team play football.

Play the hoolie-hype game if you want to Dodge, but don't be surprised if you are similarly thinking twice about travelling to support your club some time in the future.

28/06/2008, 10:28 PM
from Going to QPR games three or four times a season home and away this is common practice for away trips and sometimes home games.The whole thing was blown out of all proportion and should actually be binned its embarrasing.

28/06/2008, 11:01 PM
As wide-eyed supporters of EPL find to their surprise when they go to the mainland for their EPL spectacle


28/06/2008, 11:29 PM
As I said before, the No Irish line originated on the Welsh MB and clearly was an exaggerated interpretation. However, within this discussion there remains the issue of how ordinary football supporters are perceived and how those perceptions feed through to how they are treated.

As wide-eyed supporters of EPL find to their surprise when they go to the mainland for their EPL spectacle, football policing in England can be incredibly intimidating and heavy-handed, because of the legacy there of large-scale mob violence around matches.

There was very little prospect of that here. Every Bohs ticket sold had names and photo ID recorded precisely to avoid trouble. Advance notice of the known idiots likely to cause trouble was sent to Welsh police, who could have stopped them at Holyhead.

More generally, the club, far from ignoring the problem with a tiny proportion of headcases who call themselves Bohs fans, have adopted an extremely forthright policy (http://www.bohemians.ie/index.php/club-news/hooligan-bans.htm) towards them, but it cannot be held responsible for wider societal problems and for incidents that occur miles from matches.

I was going to go Rhyl, but I cried off when I heard of police plans, not to close bars, but to herd Bohs fans from the train station to the stadium. My kids, who have been going to Bohs matches for years and have never seen violence, or a hint of it, other than from Pats supporters outside Richmond Park, and a seemingly permanently over-excited garda riot squad, did not deserve to experience that just because they want to watch their team play football.

Play the hoolie-hype game if you want to Dodge, but don't be surprised if you are similarly thinking twice about travelling to support your club some time in the future.

Excellent post, if i am to be herded to and from a match, I'd rather not go and likewise as a family man that nearly always goes with Wife and kids this is not what I want them to be experiencing.

28/06/2008, 11:51 PM
Well I heard on the radio, as recently as Friday, that we Irish don't complain enough.

If you're unhappy let the North Wales Police know about it.


28/06/2008, 11:54 PM
As a Taff and North Walian to boot, please record my disgust and embarressment at that.
Totaly lost for words !!
Rest assured I'm sure the Rhyl boys will make you welcome.
Apologies but shows what a "male appendage" we have as Chief Constable

Nothing to offer and apology for. Not the fault of Rhyl FC and their supporters. No need to be embrassed either mate.

30/06/2008, 1:21 AM
I don't like Welshmen, they're all *****

30/06/2008, 8:43 AM
I have sympathy for the Bohs having to watch their team sober :(

Don't worry we were all sh1t faced, the Rhyl fans were very friendly. Everyone was nice to us except the cops (and they weren't even that bad, they were just there in insane numbers) and one Scouse bouncer who thought he was very clever telling me that Liverpool would beat Bohs.

30/06/2008, 12:36 PM
After all the Ballyhoo about the police it was interesting that no one cared to mention that there was a few Irish Fans arrested on Saturday for incidents in Rhyl.

30/06/2008, 12:40 PM
After all the Ballyhoo about the police it was interesting that no one cared to mention that there was a few Irish Fans arrested on Saturday for incidents in Rhyl.

:eek: :eek:

Drunk and disorderly or more serious?

30/06/2008, 12:43 PM
:eek: :eek:

Drunk and disorderly or more serious?

from the daily post news

16 arrested as fans clash before Rhyl game
Jun 30 2008 by Owen R Hughes, Daily Post

A BRAWL between forty yobs ended with 16 arrests by police in riot gear in Rhyl on Saturday.

Around 20 people believed to be from the Wrexham area were involved in the fight, before the 2.30pm kick-off at Rhyl FC’s European Intertoto Cup second leg match against Dubliners the Bohemians.

It is thought they may have travelled to the seaside resort for a pre-arranged battle with Irish visitors, but none were thought to be connected with Rhyl FC.

Police in riot gear made 16 arrests after they swooped in to quell the problems in and around the Queens Shopping Centre and on the High Street.

The meet-up between around 40 rivals stunned shoppers on the busy trading street.

Before the match police had advised a lockdown of pubs and off-licences after the game, following intelligence about potential troubles surrounding the fixture, which was won 4-2 by Bohemians, 9-3 on aggregate.

Police staged a major security operation at the game with officers in full riot gear on patrol to separate fans.

Richard Henderson, White Rose Centre shopping manager, said: “A gang ran riot in the Queen’s Centre before it spilled onto the street outside McDonalds.

“They were gravitating toward the White Rose Centre but the police stopped them in their tracks. Emotions were running high but the police handled the situation very well and were right on top of it.

“There were masses of officers here and a load of people were bundled into police vans and taken away.”

North Wales Police said 16 arrests were made before the match for various public order offences in Rhyl town centre.

It is not thought anyone was injured

30/06/2008, 12:47 PM
Superb, well there goes Bohs argument that the cops were being too hard on them

30/06/2008, 12:47 PM
I've seen this article posted a few times. It clearly states that those involved in the violence were a group from Wrexham. I know this article suggests some Irish may have been involved. However I think it's been clarified on the Bohs board that not one Irish person was arrested.

* Apparently six were Irish sorry. No trouble near the ground and it was a group that travelled without tickets. See thread on Bohs board. (http://thebohs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7720&sid=3f44d158af97444d11cc8156d18af455)

30/06/2008, 12:48 PM
I've seen this article posted a few times. It clearly states that those involved in the violence were a group from Wrexham. I know this article suggests some Irish may have been involved. However I think it's been clarified on the Bohs board that not one Irish person was arrested.

Who were the Wrexham scum fighting though? They hardly started brawling amongst themselves after travelling the distance?