View Full Version : I hate summer soccer...

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The Man Himself
04/01/2008, 1:17 PM
nearly cracked up over christmas looking at fecking english football on the box,
would have loving to be able to catch a live game at home over the christmas period,
Bring Back Winter Football,

anyone know when the players normally get back training and news on up coming friendly's ?

04/01/2008, 1:24 PM
Well doesnt Summer football at least cover the 3 months when there isnt even a game cross channel to watch. What would you prefer, no footy at all for 3 months or no Eircom League games over the Winter when pitches are ****e anyway?

04/01/2008, 1:28 PM
would have liked a game on stephens day alright but is brilliant to be able to watch footie when the sun is shining, and evenings are warm and beer is cool
oh happy days, what date is it , please someone tell me it is march, cant wait for kick off

04/01/2008, 1:31 PM
anyone know when the players normally get back training and news on up coming friendly's ?

The Shamrock Rovers lads were back in the gym on new year's eve. They're off to Spain early in February.
I think there's already a thread about pre season games. A few clubs have them arranged.

04/01/2008, 1:42 PM
Dundalk FC return to training on Tuesday January 22nd. Our friendlies are listed here (http://www.dundalkfc.com/News/071211_Friendlies.html) with the first one on Thursday February 7th.

I agree with Juanace on the 3 months with no football vs. 3 months with no eL. You could always pop across the Border to see a live game if you miss it that much.

04/01/2008, 2:21 PM
Bring back winter footie, we have some good crimbo related chants/songs that we couldn't bring out, so disappointing. :( :p

04/01/2008, 3:30 PM
the cup of soup doesnt work as well in the middle of july thats for sure:D:D

04/01/2008, 3:31 PM
Waterford united players back on the 18th

04/01/2008, 3:32 PM
Think Rovers back in training on the 21st.

04/01/2008, 3:37 PM
UCD players back last night.

04/01/2008, 4:16 PM
Bohs are back on January 17th. Then we are heading to some spanish resort that is a new sponser of ours to train for a week and play a friendly.

04/01/2008, 4:21 PM
i love it. I think its the best move ever made in Irish football

04/01/2008, 4:21 PM
Galway United back on the 20th January but all Players were giving a personal training and fitness regime at the end of last season. I was actually shocked to ring one of them on Stephens Day who was just back from Training with the rest of the Dublin based players .

04/01/2008, 4:24 PM
Galway United back on the 20th January but all Players were giving a personal training and fitness regime at the end of last season.
Likewise with UCD. I'd imagine most clubs do this.

The Man Himself
04/01/2008, 5:27 PM
i remember going to kilcohan park years ago on a winters sunday afternoon wrapped up in me duffelcoat, hat and scarf and a belly full of roastbeef, and then a scatter to the pub after for the 5 0 clock kick off of the english fa cup on itv,
those were the days.

04/01/2008, 5:28 PM
Well doesnt Summer football at least cover the 3 months when there isnt even a game cross channel to watch. What would you prefer, no footy at all for 3 months or no Eircom League games over the Winter when pitches are ****e anyway?

To me I think summer football is a disaster for most clubs crowds are down fo many reason,I also think it has killed the athmosspere at games also.Nothing like a dark winters evening to sit and watch a game of football.As for pitchs well after the summer we had this year Id say there was as many games posponed this year as anytime during winter football.

I for one would live to see the end to summer football!

Lim till i die
04/01/2008, 5:39 PM
most clubs crowds are down fo many reason

Not True.....

I also think it has killed the athmosspere at games also.Nothing like a dark winters evening to sit and watch a game of football.


04/01/2008, 6:27 PM
brilliant to be able to watch footie when the sun is shining, and evenings are warm and beer is cool
I would agree completely - a nice hot day, ideally by the beach, followed by warm evenings watching footie, beer in the stands, pubs open late.

Which is why I'm thinking of moving to Brazil...

04/01/2008, 7:22 PM
Bohs are back on January 17th. Then we are heading to some spanish resort that is a new sponser of ours to train for a week and play a friendly.

any word of any other friendlies yet??

04/01/2008, 8:03 PM
Bring back winter football. I miss the christmas matches home or away.

04/01/2008, 8:44 PM
I agree with Juanace on the 3 months with no football vs. 3 months with no eL. You could always pop across the Border to see a live game if you miss it that much.

Little bit longer of a jaunt for The Man Himself than for yourself though holidaysong! :)

I've no strong feelings about it either way to be honest, there's pros and cons with both, but just about prefer the Summer ball I think.
Getting the b****x frozen off you for four months of the season kind of outweighs a lot of the winter pros.

04/01/2008, 10:20 PM
on relity though it is best pitches hold up better and allows for more football rather than hoofing:ball:

Billy Lord
04/01/2008, 11:58 PM
Ballybofey in July v Ballybofey in January? No contest. Anyone who wants a return to a winter season is either a masochist or an idiot.

05/01/2008, 3:10 AM
dont be worrying the all ireland league will have us back with winter football in no time!!!

05/01/2008, 9:12 AM
dont be worrying the all ireland league will have us back with winter football in no time!!!

Speak for yourself!

Oh, you were?

Ah bugger.

05/01/2008, 10:00 AM
please someone tell me it is march, cant wait for kick off

7th March I think...:D

05/01/2008, 10:41 AM
To be quite honest, I think it is ridiculous to be debating over summer v winter football. There are clearly pros and cons for both so arguing for the return of winter footie is counter-productive imo. Some people are never happy.

05/01/2008, 12:04 PM
Well there's very little difference . We still get frozen on dark nights in March, October and November, even with so-called summer soccer. If your team is unfortunate enough to make the Cup Final you get your buns frozen off you in December. And there is little to choose with the climate cause it piddles with rain most of the summer here anyway. I prefer watching football in May, June and July to watching it in December , January and February. All the other months were played in the winter season anyway, so that's ostensibly the only difference , three months.

05/01/2008, 12:20 PM
Little bit longer of a jaunt for The Man Himself than for yourself though holidaysong! :)

I thought he was a Longford fan for some reason before I spotted his RSC thread. :o

All you relegated clubs look the same! :p

05/01/2008, 12:59 PM
I thought he was a Longford fan for some reason before I spotted his RSC thread. :o

All you relegated clubs look the same! :p

Well Longford is more local for you lot than Waterford. I suppose you got
honours in Geography in the Junior Cert? :D

05/01/2008, 1:05 PM
Well Longford is more local for you lot than Waterford. I suppose you got
honours in Geography in the Junior Cert? :D

Yeah and I'll have a degree in it in in 6 months time. And from a proper university too, not a UCD one. :p

05/01/2008, 1:25 PM
Yeah and I'll have a degree in it in in 6 months time. And from a proper university too, not a UCD one. :p

Which one ? We are a National University of Ireland one you know. We even have votes in the Seanad ;)

The Man Himself
05/01/2008, 1:52 PM
i think the fai cup final in the middle of december is a total joke.

05/01/2008, 1:56 PM
Which one ? We are a National University of Ireland one you know. We even have votes in the Seanad ;)

You have to spread them out amongst the other NUI though, unlike us good folk in Trinity. ;)

05/01/2008, 4:11 PM
i think the fai cup final in the middle of december is a total joke.

Agree. Final should be held in August, it CAN be done...

05/01/2008, 4:26 PM
It's called the cup FINAL. Therefore, it should be played at the end of the season.

Lim till i die
05/01/2008, 4:31 PM
It's called the cup FINAL. Therefore, it should be played at the end of the season.

Or at the end of the CUP competition......

05/01/2008, 5:06 PM
i think the fai cup final in the middle of december is a total joke.


Lim till i die
05/01/2008, 5:08 PM

But it is a bit of a joke :confused:

05/01/2008, 5:19 PM
I hope its only a joke, thought :rolleyes: would have indicated that:o

05/01/2008, 7:12 PM
It's called the cup FINAL. Therefore, it should be played at the end of the season.

Duh...:rolleyes: It's the cup final, not the final game of the season - the FAI's showpiece should be played in sunshine, not a howling gale with torrential rain!

Lionel Ritchie
05/01/2008, 8:45 PM
Football in this country was (even more so) on it's knees in the days of the winter league. There's still many who need to get the heads out of their arses who seem to view attendance ot LOI matches as some sort of obligation or noble suffering. It's not. It's entertainment and has to be presented to Joe Public as such on terms dictated by the market or it will die.

So go and offer Joe Public a return to frost-bitten Sunday afternoons standing around some godforesaken resemblance of a post apocalyptic nightmare feeling like an extra from Stalingrad and watching your team losing two nil at home to a junior side in an early round of the cup.

Offer it and see what your answer is ...if they'll get off their couch or barstool and be distracted from Celtic or the Mankies long enough to answer you that is.

05/01/2008, 11:28 PM
Not True.....

Well don't know if crowds are down in Limerick but I find that up in the showgrounds they are.Our soccer season falls in the middle of the holiday periods,I'd say on adverage that might mean that at least 10/15 people missing from each home game then you have weddings and as someone mentioned been on the beach(not last summer) or in the pub havn nice cool beer don't think they be rush of to the showground then on top of that you have gaa match's both club & county, a day on the golf course and then you have festivals and concerts to contend with.They are all adding to people not attending games.


As for atmosphere maybe just me but I think more people join in with the darker evenings.

I feel there are too many distractions to get the less devoted league of ireland fans out on a summers day then there would on winters evening.Even to Ballybofey.The die hards will always go!

Billy Lord
06/01/2008, 12:23 AM
As for atmosphere maybe just me but I think more people join in with the darker evenings.

I feel there are too many distractions to get the less devoted league of ireland fans out on a summers day then there would on winters evening.Even to Ballybofey.The die hards will always go!

But only diehards will go out on a cold and wet winter evening, and there aren't enough diehards. If there are more distractions in the summer then we need to make our distraction more attractive. I've been to Ballybofey (for example) in both January and June and it's a no-brainer determining which experience I prefer. Sunshine and warmth wins over sleet and cold every time.
If nothing else, the summer season makes it easier for the diehard. Away games in the summer are a joy while away games in winter are quite the opposite.

06/01/2008, 2:00 AM
Duh...:rolleyes: It's the cup final, not the final game of the season - the FAI's showpiece should be played in sunshine, not a howling gale with torrential rain!

So when would you like the cup final to be played? It rains 12 months of the year in this country, and 50 days in a row last summer alone. It is right that it's at the end of the season.

For the winter fans, how many games would have been played this weekend, given the sleet, snow, gales, and heavy rain on sh!te pitches?? :confused: :rolleyes: That's before you consider frost, and fog. Furthermore, how many non ultras would have turned up at them??

Maroon 7
06/01/2008, 4:12 AM
Given some of the freezing cold days over the past month I can safely say that I don't miss winter football one bit.

06/01/2008, 10:28 AM
No difference between night and daylight atmosphere really, if groups/people are willing to make the effort.

Rovers Vs. Pats from the summer:


06/01/2008, 11:00 AM
surprised nobody has mentioned the totty factor, due to summer football the level of good looking birds at games has increased by a massive amount
great if game is boring, gives a extra factor to enjoy, much prefer that to big coats in december;):D

06/01/2008, 11:54 AM
surprised nobody has mentioned the totty factor, due to summer football the level of good looking birds

Glen Crowe?

06/01/2008, 2:36 PM
surprised nobody has mentioned the totty factor, due to summer football the level of good looking birds at games has increased by a massive amount
great if game is boring, gives a extra factor to enjoy, much prefer that to big coats in december;):D

Could you please validate this remark/observation?
Pics will do nicely........lots of......we need loads of "evidence".:D