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07/10/2007, 4:02 PM
Hello everyone just wondering can anyone help me here. I just want to know does the uk free view boxes work in Dublin. I was also wondering what people know about magic boxes ( the things that unblock all the sateillite channels for free), is there a chance that these things could stop working if the sateillite companies finds better ways of blocking the channels. I know loads of people that have them but the prices im hearing for them is about €200-€250 and im not sure whether to buy one if there is a risk that it could be useless in a few months.

08/10/2007, 8:18 AM
Ask my boyfriend.

08/10/2007, 8:27 AM
Freeview may or may not work. You'd want to be getting UK Terrestrial TV pretty damn good to get the Freeview muxes in Dublin. If you are, it also depends on which transmitter you are getting. Relay's don't carry Freeview yet - will change at digital changeover, and the power generally should go up. So bottom line is you may be able to get it, but it's unlikely in Dublin.

No idea on your illegal satellite reciever (the mods should watch further discussion of it on here), but encyrption is always getting better to stop people ripping off subscription channels.

08/10/2007, 1:18 PM
Freeview may or may not work. You'd want to be getting UK Terrestrial TV pretty damn good to get the Freeview muxes in Dublin. If you are, it also depends on which transmitter you are getting. Relay's don't carry Freeview yet - will change at digital changeover, and the power generally should go up. So bottom line is you may be able to get it, but it's unlikely in Dublin.

No idea on your illegal satellite reciever (the mods should watch further discussion of it on here), but encyrption is always getting better to stop people ripping off subscription channels.

Thanks. Your right, probably not the best place to discuss the magic box thing as they are illegal.

08/10/2007, 1:22 PM
Think anyone in Dublin/Dundalk region can get the Irish free view trail at the momement. Only the Irish channels though.

The UK ones you can get in certain places. I knew people who were getting it in Kiliney but people in Blackrock couldnt so its very hit and miss

08/10/2007, 2:48 PM
Think anyone in Dublin/Dundalk region can get the Irish free view trail at the momement. Only the Irish channels though.
I think it's a different standard to the UK, which if my memory is correct, a big :rolleyes: to the Government.

The UK ones you can get in certain places. I knew people who were getting it in Kiliney but people in Blackrock couldnt so its very hit and miss
We're so on the fringes that it can come down to the sensitivity of the different makes of recievers, but also there's a number of transmitters and relays on the west coast of Wales so different area's could be recieving from different places.

09/10/2007, 2:23 AM
I think it's a different standard to the UK, which if my memory is correct, a big :rolleyes: to the Government.

We're so on the fringes that it can come down to the sensitivity of the different makes of recievers, but also there's a number of transmitters and relays on the west coast of Wales so different area's could be recieving from different places.

I'm no expert in this but from what I can make out I thought it was the same for the trial (mpeg2 or the likes) but plan to use mpeg4 (which can apparently carry more data/channels) when the hardware becomes more available or some such story?

There are 1000 officially in the trial but its not encoded AFAIK

09/10/2007, 6:29 AM
Apparently the satellite boxes will only work if your a current subscriber to NTL. Some of them you have to keep changing codes and others do it automatically. Pesonally I think it's only a matter of time before they manage to block them. I've got Sky anyway.

09/10/2007, 10:32 AM
NTL will never be able to block the codes unless all of their customers unsubscribe Guy who sold you it tell you that did he? :rolleyes:

09/10/2007, 11:01 AM
Listen smart arse, within 2 years there won't be an analog NTL signal and it will be digital only. Then everyone with these boxes will either have to subsrice to NTL's digital packages, or go to Sky.

Do you honestly think NTL (or UPC as it is now) is basing a business decision on "sure we'll get some money off those leeching of our network"

If you're going to get thick when your ignorence is shown up, you might as well not post...

09/10/2007, 12:49 PM
Highly amusing that Baileban was a champion of consumer rights and moral outrage re the ticketing for the Galway vs Sunderland match earlier in the summer...

09/10/2007, 12:50 PM
Apparently the satellite boxes will only work if your a current subscriber to NTL. Some of them you have to keep changing codes and others do it automatically. Pesonally I think it's only a matter of time before they manage to block them. I've got Sky anyway.

I know someone who has them in dublin and london. great things, not called magic boxes though.

If you're going to get thick when your ignorence is shown up, you might as well not post...

Dodge, re-read that post it is sorta ironic ;)

Sligo Hornet
09/10/2007, 12:53 PM
Think about it smart-arse!
NTL have thousands of customers - if they keep knocking out the channels so the pirate-box holders lose their channels then they are going to lose more and more customers - it doesn't make sense for them to keep trying to annoy the pirate-box holders at the expense of losing their existing customers.
That is all they do to the likes of me - they keep changing the signal - but the box I have automatically finds the channels again.

How long did you study my post for before you found what you thought was a hole in it?? A flimsy hole at that!!
If you have nothing constructive to add to what was a legitimate question from one of your fellow posters then don't bother at all.

You might not be a "smart-arse", but you are definitely a "Thief" in the eyes of the law!!:rolleyes:

09/10/2007, 1:09 PM
It was your own ignorance that was shown up when you decided to be sarcastic to me instead of answering Ceirtlis' question. Your priority was to challenge me instead of help Ceirtlis - grow up!!

Because the other side is illegal. Idiot.

I wasn't judging you on buying one, and you don't even know if I have one, but they are not the greatest things ever made, and they are most certainly illegal.

09/10/2007, 1:11 PM
but they are not the greatest things ever made

Not the greatest for sure, Dodge, but when you are looking for a stream for a PPV match/fight online for hours, its great when ye can just pop round to a mates gaffe and watch it for free!!!! ;) :)

Sligo Hornet
09/10/2007, 1:18 PM
Not the greatest for sure, Dodge, but when you are looking for a stream for a PPV match/fight online for hours, its great when ye can just pop round to a mates gaffe and watch it for free!!!! ;) :)

With your appparent lack of respect for all things legal, I am sure you would never have any problem seeing whatever you wish, whenever you needed to!;)

09/10/2007, 1:21 PM
I agree. And don't get me wrong, at best my own morals are questionable (at worst nonexistant), its just that you can't post it about it here

09/10/2007, 1:30 PM
Ya fair point.

Hornet who have you been talking too?! ;) :D

Sligo Hornet
09/10/2007, 1:50 PM
Ya fair point.

Hornet who have you been talking too?! ;) :D

Just a guess Paul!:D

Mark Breen
09/10/2007, 2:28 PM
Must say, i think there great, I have 2 at home @ €150 each, have had them for 6 months now and they update themself's, i've lost about 7 channels from when i first got them, but there **** channels i wouldn't watch anyway...however if i reload all the channels they'd come back, but then all my channels would be messed up again and i'd have to re-position them in the order i like them, so untill a channel i like goes i can live without the 7......

In relation to who ever said NTL will go completly digital in the next two year,

Your probably right, but €300 / 24(months) = €12.50 a month and i get all the setanta channels, and the Box office channels which are extra's....so even if i have to get digital in a few years so be it, i'll have more than got my monys worth...

09/10/2007, 2:29 PM
You seem to have missed the point about me criticising them.

Raheny Red
09/10/2007, 5:30 PM
Forgetting about the legality side of things, should one buy this?

09/10/2007, 5:47 PM
Think about it smart-arse!
NTL have thousands of customers - if they keep knocking out the channels so the pirate-box holders lose their channels then they are going to lose more and more customers - it doesn't make sense for them to keep trying to annoy the pirate-box holders at the expense of losing their existing customers.
That is all they do to the likes of me - they keep changing the signal - but the box I have automatically finds the channels again.

How long did you study my post for before you found what you thought was a hole in it?? A flimsy hole at that!!
If you have nothing constructive to add to what was a legitimate question from one of your fellow posters then don't bother at all.

Sky have threatened to remove all their channels unless NTL fix this issue, it costs roughly 100k to change the codes and about 30 seconds for Dbox or Eurovox to find new channels as long as its a one way system the Dbox. Eurovox box will work as Dodge said when they go full digital it wont work.

Mate down the pub who is selling dboxs told me that.


09/10/2007, 9:18 PM
Weren't you mouthing off to myself and KingdomHoop for talking about drug taking at a festival? About how we're scum who lead children astray or something? (forgive me if my memory isn't great, I gotta admit I'm pretty high)

Now you are talking about how great it is to be ripping off companies that are offering a great service at a reasonable price? Spare me Baileban, spare me

09/10/2007, 9:46 PM
You're a thief Baileban, a common thief, much worse than someone who supplies naturally produced produce from the earth

Mark Breen
10/10/2007, 8:31 AM
Forgetting about the legality side of things, should one buy this?

YES you should

10/10/2007, 9:29 AM
Baileban, your stance on this reminds me of the time Homer steals cable in the Simpsons.

10/10/2007, 9:48 AM
Weren't you mouthing off to myself and KingdomHoop for talking about drug taking at a festival? About how we're scum who lead children astray or something? (forgive me if my memory isn't great, I gotta admit I'm pretty high)

Jebus, please down try and compare the two and insult peoples intelligence. Btw what sorta substances are we talking about?! :p No seriouslly though a bit of weed maybe, but-drugs-are-for-losers-man! If ye cant experience it because of your own personal high then dont look to substances to do it for you.....just start listening to good music, like I do! :D

kingdom hoop
10/10/2007, 10:40 AM
A sad, pathetic attempt at humour by the great Jesus, I mean Jebus.

Having gotten to know Jebus and his virtuousness on a social and personal level over the past few months I would sincerely doubt he was joking about a subject so detrimentally woven into the moral fabric of society as common thievery. If I may expand on his tenet, it is that morality can be adjudged through a conduit that examines wrongs on their purest level, thus revealing a useful moral barometer that ought to pressure each and all in their daily activities. Thievery is always atop that scale, the root of all evil.

To not steal something you have no justifiable claim to is the cardinal rule of morality, from which no derogations will mean an ordered society filled with loving people. If you instil that philosophy, everything else is ancillary. So from that perspective the re-allocation of a sought after product like Mary Jane is down the scale compared to stealing something. That is Jebus' point explained in a more convoluted manner, we could all do well to take it on board, and especially not allow our children to witness and benefit from any of our plunges into the dark side.

Sligo Hornet
10/10/2007, 10:43 AM
Having gotten to know Jebus and his virtuousness on a social and personal level over the past few months I would sincerely doubt he was joking about a subject so detrimentally woven into the moral fabric of society as common thievery. If I may expand on his tenet, it is that morality can be adjudged through a conduit that examines wrongs on their purest level, thus revealing a useful moral barometer that ought to pressure each and all in their daily activities. Thievery is always atop that scale, the root of all evil.

To not steal something you have no justifiable claim to is the cardinal rule of morality, from which no derogations will mean an ordered society filled with loving people. If you instil that philosophy, everything else is ancillary. So from that perspective the re-allocation of a sought after product like Mary Jane is down the scale compared to stealing something. That is Jebus' point explained in a more convoluted manner, we could all do well to take it on board, and especially not allow our children to witness and benefit from any of our plunges into the dark side.

Haven't I seen you at Speaker's Corner on a Sunday morning ?;)

10/10/2007, 10:47 AM
good point kingdom hoop, especially the fact that lots of thieves use drugs, and being "high" on drugs makes lots of them do acts they wouldn't normally do, then your point is even more valid ;)

10/10/2007, 10:58 AM
It's theft. Whether it bothers you is a different question, but trying to hide it as something else is just plain silly. If jebus & kingdom hoop robbed their drugs from Boots, another multinational, would that be okay then? Or is shoplifting okay from Tesco?

10/10/2007, 11:29 AM
If jebus & kingdom hoop robbed their drugs from Boots

You couldn't buy their drugs in a supermarket or pharmacy ;) Dead duck and all that.

kingdom hoop
10/10/2007, 1:05 PM
Haven't I seen you at Speaker's Corner on a Sunday morning ?

:D Indeed! This week I'll be joined by special guest star baileban to pontificate on the difficulty of staying calm in the face of opinion diversity. 11am, be there!

You couldn't buy their drugs in a supermarket or pharmacy

You're right, unfortunately that distribution channel is unavailable for our products, but we can save you the hassle and deliver to your door if you wish. :p

Paul, you said it was insulting to people's intelligence to equate the act of theft with drug-taking. I made a post in that regard, without insulting your intelligence. However you insulted your own intelligence, and mine too, by the spurious claim that drug-takers are losers. It's not good enough Paul.

Where is the justification that allows you to defame free-thinking people like Jebus, and many other friends of mine, by brandishing them as losers, instead of chastising people like baileban who engage in stealing? This is a valid comparison, people who steal take what is not theirs, drug-takers do not. You are happy to focus on the morally innocent and leave the guilty off scot-free? I don't understand. :(

10/10/2007, 1:14 PM
Where is the justification that allows you to defame free-thinking people like Jebus, and many other friends of mine, by brandishing them as losers, instead of chastising people like baileban who engage in stealing? This is a valid comparison, people who steal take what is not theirs, drug-takers do not. You are happy to focus on the morally innocent and leave the guilty off scot-free? I don't understand

That was a 90's slogan in the states ( high school ), hence I hyphenated to point this out. It was meant tongue in cheek.

The other point did not say all drug takers steal either, just a lot of those woh commit robberiers/mug occur when on drugs or to feed drug habits.

This is a valid comparison, people who steal take what is not theirs, drug-takers do not. You are happy to focus on the morally innocent and leave the guilty off scot-free? I don't understand

But on this, I dont really want to get into it on a forum ( for fear of those who might know me :D ), getting the drugs to you, prolly involves lots of stealing, theft, corruption etc etc.....so its not black and white, i do drugs and thats it nothing wrong with that, im not doing anything wrong, because yes you are. Maybe if and when it becomes legal then you can take that view but until then most certainly not. You are a smart lad, you know what I am talking about.

10/10/2007, 1:17 PM
The other point did not say all drug takers steal either, just a lot of those woh commit robberiers/mug occur when on drugs or to feed drug habits.
A lot of petty crimes are feeding drug habits, but those people make up a very small percentage of those actually taking drugs.

10/10/2007, 1:19 PM
A lot of petty crimes are feeding drug habits, but those people make up a very small percentage of those actually taking drugs.

Probably, but its still a fact and it doesnt make it any better.

kingdom hoop
10/10/2007, 1:53 PM
It was meant tongue in cheek.

In isolation, yes. But you followed it by saying;

If ye cant experience it because of your own personal high then dont look to substances to do it for you.....

That inescapably implies that you think drug-takers are losers. Sorry but that's what you said. At least admit that's what you think and then we could constructively debate, but hiding behind the thin veil of so-called tongue in cheek remarks doesn't cut any mustard.

As for trying to convince me that I should treat drug-taking as being as bad as stealing, I don't accept your you-are-implicated-in-stealing-because-of-the-drug-distribution-chain point as it is on a largely irrelevant macro level whereas I was talking about the personal moral culpability of someone stealing vis-a-vis someone condoning drug use. In that regard, I stand by my assertion that stealing something is worse than taking drugs on the simple basis that taking something that is not yours to take is the greatest wrong of all.

10/10/2007, 2:06 PM
If ye cant experience it because of your own personal high then dont look to substances to do it for you.....At least admit that's what you think and then we could constructively debate, but hiding behind the thin veil of so-called tongue in cheek remarks doesn't cut any mustard.

No it doesn't, but I honestly dont see the need to take anything as a natural high you can get by doing certain things. Thats all I want to say on it hoop. I am not hiding behind anything.

I don't accept your you-are-implicated-in-stealing-because-of-the-drug-distribution-chain point as it is on a largely irrelevant macro level whereas I was talking about the personal moral culpability of someone stealing vis-a-vis someone condoning drug use.

On that point, not to sure what you mean, what I am saying is the drugs you take, what happens along the way you cant turn a blind eye to and say "oh well he shouldn't be stealing", because for all you know, stealing ( of some sort ) was probably involved in getting your drugs to you either directly or indirectly. Macro or Micro level is irrelevant, whether big or small the same distribution channels are being used.

10/10/2007, 2:21 PM
A sad, pathetic attempt at humour by the great Jesus, I mean Jebus.A thief, a common thief you sayI see myself as a bit of a Robin Hood character
Ha! More like Robbin' in da hood.:D

kingdom hoop
10/10/2007, 2:29 PM
On that point, not to sure what you mean...Macro or Micro level is irrelevant,

Sorry for not expressing myself properly then. I was boiling my point down to a moral dilemma situation where option A was to indulge in consuming drugs, while option B was to steal, say, a television. In my mind A is fine, and for you, it should be the lesser of two evils unless you have, as it would appear, something in you that makes you judge and disparage people who like to enjoy themselves more than is ordinarily possible. Which option would you pick?

10/10/2007, 3:17 PM
Sorry for not expressing myself properly then. I was boiling my point down to a moral dilemma situation where option A was to indulge in consuming drugs, while option B was to steal, say, a television. In my mind A is fine, and for you, it should be the lesser of two evils unless you have, as it would appear, something in you that makes you judge and disparage people who like to enjoy themselves more than is ordinarily possible. Which option would you pick?

I never said either was fine, I just didnt comment on the other ;)
But I did say that you can't close your eyes to the fact of how those drugs reached your hands, "oh wait a minute i wonder how these got here, actually they just did straight from the ground" kind of mentality. You made out that taking drugs was fine compared to ( or is it with ) what baileban was doing which is stealing, which according to you is far worse, I made the point that for you to get your drugs, that probably occured somewhere along the line. Which option would you pick?

10/10/2007, 5:18 PM
I get your point Paul about drug taking being no substitute for natural highs (unless it's viagra of course), I believe the early 90s TV Series, Saved by the Bell, put it best in the title of their classic episode Drugs Are For Mugs, but I tend to agree to disagree on this one.

You see the natural high that you speak of isn't frequently found through conventional methods in this hi-tech age. Why a person could go through Dublin City for a full day without a stranger offering them a welcome, or a query as to how their day has been, this to me represents one aspect of a natural high, the common bond between human beings. I know there are many other natural highs out there but I want to focus on this for two reasons, those being,

I feel I am a natural people person, my good friend Kingdom Hoop could verify this I believe, and I take great joy in meeting new people and exchanging life's thoughts, memories and hopes, but I find this to be more and more on the decline. Why? Well I contribute this to a number of reasons, sure the I-Pod era has made it more and more acceptable to cocoon one self on a day to day basis, and this has taken from random interactions between strangers. But another reason is a lack of trust, something which I feel Baileban has broken here by robbing off of respectable companies like BSKYB. Does he not realise that BSKYB employ quite a number of people? That his ripping them off may cause an unexpected downward turn in their yearly profits and may lead to job cuts to off set those losses? Does he not realise that the people who work, run and own BSKYB all have families as well? That his kids enjoying two extra cartoon channels may be taking dinner away from someone else's children? I think not, and his blatent attempt to pass off this thievary as some jokey Robin Hood reference, albeit an unfunny one? Is this because he likes to wear green tights and hang out in trees? Or is some further deep seated mental trauma that makes him live his life through his on-screen television heroes?

I can't answer these questions, I only hope Baileban can

10/10/2007, 5:48 PM
within 2 years there won't be an analog NTL signal and it will be digital only. Then everyone with these boxes will either have to subsrice to NTL's digital packages, or go to Sky.

I just have a question about this and I'm pretty clueless. A lot of people in my area don't pay any fee for their analogue signal, including me. I have an old cable running from my attic and receive the typical 17 channels. Have you any idea if this would be an NTL signal?

btw, the people selling those "dodgy boxes" must be making a fortune. You can buy 10 for about €900 on Ebay.

10/10/2007, 7:06 PM
By law a license is required for each TV that you own. NO BULLSH!T - how many of you have licenses for each of your TV'S??

Absolutely untrue. Under the various Wireless Telegraphy and Broadcasting acts starting from 1926 it is the premises that require the licence, not the TV. The word premises is defined also.

One premises, one Licence. It's why hotels, pubs, guesthouses etc only require one licence.

Additionally, using these devices is not only theft from the signal provider but also a separate offence under the Broadcasting Act

10/10/2007, 7:12 PM
I feel I am a natural people person, my good friend Kingdom Hoop could verify this I believe, and I take great joy in meeting new people and exchanging life's thoughts, memories and hopes, but I find this to be more and more on the decline. Why? Well I contribute this to a number of reasons, sure the I-Pod era has made it more and more acceptable to cocoon one self on a day to day basis, and this has taken from random interactions between strangers. But another reason is a lack of trust, something which I feel Baileban has broken here by robbing off of respectable companies like BSKYB. Does he not realise that BSKYB employ quite a number of people? That his ripping them off may cause an unexpected downward turn in their yearly profits and may lead to job cuts to off set those losses? Does he not realise that the people who work, run and own BSKYB all have families as well? That his kids enjoying two extra cartoon channels may be taking dinner away from someone else's children? I think not, and his blatent attempt to pass off this thievary as some jokey Robin Hood reference, albeit an unfunny one? Is this because he likes to wear green tights and hang out in trees? Or is some further deep seated mental trauma that makes him live his life through his on-screen television heroes?

And all those question I should straight back at ye.....

10/10/2007, 7:53 PM
I just have a question about this and I'm pretty clueless. A lot of people in my area don't pay any fee for their analogue signal, including me. I have an old cable running from my attic and receive the typical 17 channels. Have you any idea if this would be an NTL signal?

Yeah thats a UPC, formerly NTL, formerly cablelink signal. Once installed, its too much trouble to uninstall. I had it in an apartment for about a year (before moving out)

10/10/2007, 7:54 PM
Premises as opposed to residences!

Your point?

A Television Licence is a licence granted by the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources under section 5 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926 (No. 45 of 1926) to a person to keep and have possession of apparatus for Wireless Telegraphy (within the meaning of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1972) in a specified place in the State or in a specified vehicle, ship or aircraft.

http://www.citizensinformation.ie/categories/consumer-affairs/media/tv_licences gives a basic run down on the requirements.

As for the magic boxes here is the relevant legislation, the 1990 Act
Prohibition on interception of services.Prohibition on interception of services.

9.—(1) No person, other than a duly authorised officer of the Minister, shall, in relation to a service provided by a licensee or a service provider—

( a ) intercept the service,

( b ) suffer or permit or do any other thing that enables such interception by any person,

( c ) possess, manufacture, assemble, import, supply, or offer to supply, any equipment which is designed or adapted to be used for the purpose of enabling such interception by any person, or

( d ) publish information with the intention of assisting or enabling any person to intercept such a service.

(2) No person shall—

( a ) knowingly instal or attempt to instal or maintain any equipment which is capable of being used or designed or adapted to be used for the purpose of enabling such interception by any person, or

( b ) wilfully damage or attempt to damage a system or part of a system operated by a licensee or service provider.

(3) A person who contravenes any provision of subsection (1) or (2) shall be guilty of an offence.
(4) In this section "intercept" in relation to a service means receive, view, listen to, record by any means or acquire the substance or purport of the service or part thereof supplied by a licensee or service provider without the agreement of the licensee or service provider.

10/10/2007, 8:05 PM
did anyone else have great fun reading that act?! :D

I certainly didn't in my 18 months interpreting it as the EO, acting HEO, of TV Licence Services in An Post, problably the most boring work I've ever had to perform

10/10/2007, 8:23 PM
Your point?

A Television Licence is a licence granted by the Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources under section 5 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926 (No. 45 of 1926) to a person to keep and have possession of apparatus for Wireless Telegraphy (within the meaning of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1972) in a specified place in the State or in a specified vehicle, ship or aircraft.

*******s changed the definition recently to include any device capable of displaying a tv picture, monitors/laptops were classed as tvs.
