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13/09/2007, 2:26 PM
Okay, this is not a WUM post, I would just like to know. Why are people so against John Delaney? Now I know that he got the call on Staunton wrong, of that there is no doubt, but is that worth him losing his job? The FAI have done some great work with the eircom League and ploughed a lot of money into the game at grassroots level under his stewardship.

When I ask people who oppose him why they do I just get some generic reply. So can people please tell me the genuine reasons why Delaney should go. Is it all based on one bad decision (Staunton) he made? There may well be more, but to be honest I'm not aware of them.

13/09/2007, 2:32 PM
Okay, this is not a WUM post, I would just like to know. Why are people so against John Delaney? Now I know that he got the call on Staunton wrong, of that there is no doubt, but is that worth him losing his job?

Yes is the simple answer

13/09/2007, 2:36 PM
His rise to power in the FAI was at the expense of others. He got rid of Rooney, who was a lot more progressive than Delaney and then took his job, firstly temporarily and then full-time. In an interview he admitted one of his key motivations was to avenge the treatment of his father who was forced to resign after quite amount of ticket money went missing after Italia 90. He promised that if the Genises report was not implemented within 12 months he would resign, it wasn't and he didn't. Thats just for starters.

13/09/2007, 2:41 PM
He gave himself a 6 year contract.

13/09/2007, 2:41 PM
His rise to power in the FAI was at the expense of others. He got rid of Rooney, who was a lot more progressive than Delaney and then took his job, firstly temporarily and then full-time. In an interview he admitted one of his key motivations was to avenge the treatment of his father who was forced to resign after quite amount of ticket money went missing after Italia 90. He promised that if the Genises report was not implemented within 12 months he would resign, it wasn't and he didn't. Thats just for starters.

I don't think it's right to use what went before to judge how he's actually done the job he's doing now.

What parts of Genesis haven't been implemented for the unititiated?

What else has he done/not done?

13/09/2007, 2:42 PM
Why doesn't Delaney have anyone to answer to?

13/09/2007, 2:46 PM
Why doesn't Delaney have anyone to answer to?
In fairness doesn't someone have to be top dog?

13/09/2007, 2:49 PM
He promised a, in his words, 'a world class' manager. He gave us a reserve team coach from Walsall. Thats the thing i hate about the guy (and his hair). Its like me promising to buy someone a ferrari and instead giving them a 1989 Fiat Uno

13/09/2007, 3:22 PM
Class carloz! My reason to get rid of him is cause he is a ballroot!

Tir Oilean
13/09/2007, 3:36 PM
Reasons why he should go; The guy wont own up to the fact that he got the wrong manager in. He persists with him and therefore will make things alot worst for when Stan does finally leave. And as mentioned above his hair is ridiculous.

13/09/2007, 3:40 PM
So ladies and gents what we have is:

1. He has a bad haircut
To be fair, it is the worst of mops but hardly grounds for losing his job.

2. He gave himself a 6 year contract
So what?

3. He answers to nobody
This happens in every organisation. Should Microsoft get rid of Bill Gates?

4. He knifed people in the back to get where he is.
Big deal. It happens in every walk of life and that has no bearing on the job he does now.

5. He played a major part in appointing Stan "The World Class Manager".
Fair enough, this was a bad call. But the FAI is responsible for so much, should Delaney be ultimately judged on this one decision? I don't think so. The English FA appointed Taylor and Keegan and they were disasters. Successive Liverpool boards appointed Souness, Evans and Houllier yet no one resigned there either. In the real world, people rarely lose their jobs just for hiring the wrong person.

6. The Genesis Report has not been fully implemented
I don't know a lot about this to be honest and I'd be interested to hear more detail. However, if a new man came in, would you expect him to implement the Genesis report within 12 months? If not, why get rid of Delaney? What purpose does it serve? Is Delaney solely responsible for implementing it?

All I hear from people is a lynch mob mentality over Delaney. The mans public persona is not likeable, I would not dispute that. The man makes some silly statements in public (world class manager being the most ridiculous). But on the whole, I believe that he is doing a good job. It seems to me that people are just looking for a sacrificial lamb and Delaney is the easy target. If he went, would the FAI drastically improve? Who would get his job? Again, I'm open to standing corrected on this because I'm not all that familiar with Delaney, beyond what is widely known, but I have yet to hear a compelling reason for him to go.

13/09/2007, 3:41 PM
Reasons why he should go; The guy wont own up to the fact that he got the wrong manager in. He persists with him and therefore will make things alot worst for when Stan does finally leave. And as mentioned above his hair is ridiculous.

A close friend used to go to college with him while both were doing accounting. He seem to dwell on the fact that Delaney admitted to him he had never been to a football match in his life.... Soccer man my rear end. An accountant who ballanced the books bringing in Stan on minimum wage. Good business brain though:mad::mad:

Noelys Guitar
13/09/2007, 3:44 PM
For those waiting in the long grass around Merrion Sq to oust Delaney this could prove the opportune time.

13/09/2007, 3:46 PM
A close friend used to go to college with him while both were doing accounting. He seem to dwell on the fact that Delaney admitted to him he had never been to a football match in his life.... Soccer man my rear end. An accountant who ballanced the books bringing in Stan on minimum wage. Good business brain though:mad::mad:

To be fair Stan is on a reported €400,000-€500,000 a year while Robson is picking up €250,000. It isn't all about finances, if it was then they'd just have appointed Stan on his own.

13/09/2007, 3:47 PM
To be fair Stan is on a reported €400,000-€500,000 a year while Robson is picking up €250,000. It isn't all about finances, if it was then they'd just have appointed Stan on his own.

Do you honestly think that Robson was going to honour his contract one way or another??

Noelys Guitar
13/09/2007, 3:48 PM
So ladies and gents what we have is:

1. He has a bad haircut
To be fair, it is the worst of mops but hardly grounds for losing his job.

2. He gave himself a 6 year contract
So what?

3. He answers to nobody
This happens in every organisation. Should Microsoft get rid of Bill Gates?

4. He knifed people in the back to get where he is.
Big deal. It happens in every walk of life and that has no bearing on the job he does now.

5. He played a major part in appointing Stan "The World Class Manager".
Fair enough, this was a bad call. But the FAI is responsible for so much, should Delaney be ultimately judged on this one decision? I don't think so. The English FA appointed Taylor and Keegan and they were disasters. Successive Liverpool boards appointed Souness, Evans and Houllier yet no one resigned there either. In the real world, people rarely lose their jobs just for hiring the wrong person.

6. The Genesis Report has not been fully implemented
I don't know a lot about this to be honest and I'd be interested to hear more detail. However, if a new man came in, would you expect him to implement the Genesis report within 12 months? If not, why get rid of Delaney? What purpose does it serve? Is Delaney solely responsible for implementing it?

All I hear from people is a lynch mob mentality over Delaney. The mans public persona is not likeable, I would not dispute that. The man makes some silly statements in public (world class manager being the most ridiculous). But on the whole, I believe that he is doing a good job. It seems to me that people are just looking for a sacrificial lamb and Delaney is the easy target. If he went, would the FAI drastically improve? Who would get his job? Again, I'm open to standing corrected on this because I'm not all that familiar with Delaney, beyond what is widely known, but I have yet to hear a compelling reason for him to go.

He has the Wilson family from number 82 Boden Lane in his basement freezer. Not sure meself if that is a resigning offense under the FAI rules. But employing a cone mover as our international manager should be.

13/09/2007, 3:49 PM
Do you honestly think that Robson was going to honour his contract one way or another??

What do you mean?

13/09/2007, 3:49 PM
All of the above plus:

Himself and his father should never have gotten any sort of power in the FAI. Both blackmailed and back stabbed there way there-FACT!

Hes not even a great business man, hes been in a lot of financial trouble over the years in business.

He also has no regard for the domestic game.

13/09/2007, 3:50 PM
2. He gave himself a 6 year contract
So what?

He doesn't own the FAI.

13/09/2007, 3:54 PM
All of the above plus:

Himself and his father should never have gotten any sort of power in the FAI. Both blackmailed and back stabbed there way there-FACT!

Hes not even a great business man, hes been in a lot of financial trouble over the years in business.

He also has no regard for the domestic game.

Again, the fact he back-stabbed shouldn't have any bearing on how his performance in his current job is evaluated. Every person who works their way up the career ladder stabs people in the back.

I believe he ran into trouble in other businesses. Again, it doesn't really matter until he screws up at the FAI.

He has presided over the eircom League getting more advertising, more media coverage and being infinitely better run than ever before. Prize money has also increased. Hard to believe he has no regard for the domestic game.

13/09/2007, 3:56 PM
What do you mean?

I dont believe you!! Robson is 74 years old was already suffering with his health but tried to continue.. Dont you remember the "I'm the gaffer! the buck stops with me" speak. He knew from the offset that things were going to be really difficult!!

13/09/2007, 4:00 PM
I dont believe you!! Robson is 74 years old was already suffering with his health but tried to continue.. Dont you remember the "I'm the gaffer! the buck stops with me" speak. He knew from the offset that things were going to be really difficult!!

Are you telling me that you think the FAI appointed Robson because they believed that he would be unable to fulfill his contract, and that as a consequence, they would save a few quid?

Smiley eyes
13/09/2007, 4:28 PM
forget this idea of a protest outside croker before germany and cyprus it will never work.what we need to do is go down to merrion square at the weekend or next week and hold a protest outside FAI headquarters.Then they'll get the message.Anyone up for it?

13/09/2007, 4:48 PM
All of the above plus:

Himself and his father should never have gotten any sort of power in the FAI. Both blackmailed and back stabbed there way there-FACT!

Hes not even a great business man, hes been in a lot of financial trouble over the years in business.

He also has no regard for the domestic game.

Can you elaborate on those points please as opposed to making random accusations

pineapple stu
13/09/2007, 6:08 PM
He has presided over the eircom League being infinitely better run than ever before.

Your points on the domestic game are well wide of the mark.

First off, the league is still not well run; it's just that other clubs now can't complain about anything. Fines are being handed out to beat the band for silly things - ask Maribor Kev here, who got Derry fined E5k for an opinion piece. Licencing is still a farce, with clubs running up huge debts, and the FAI did nothing to stop the implosion last year of Shels and Dublin City. The licencing farce is something to resign over, in my opinion.

Prize money is up, but so are league fees. In fact, only the top five clubs in the Premier and the top club in the First will see the increase in their prize money outstrip the increase in their league fees. The bottom two clubs in the First Division won't get any prize money. With respect, it sounds like you've heard things and are regurgitating them without understanding all the facts.

The Genesis Report on the eL was a complete farce, and one which was torn to shreds here (see also this summary (http://www.stigonline.com/misc/si_genesis.htm) for one example of the white lies in the report). It is evident Delaney - as head of the FAI - either didn't read the report before implementing its recommendations, or else had a particular goal in mind and requested any report to validate his opinions. That, also, is something to resign over.

The Stan and Robbo issue has been covered. That shows Delaney is not up to the job.

I don't think you can just wave away his history of back stabbing and nearly destroying Waterford United as simply as you have done.

The way the eL fans' ticket allocation was suddenly cut by 70%, a cut which he publicly defended until effectively threatened with legal action, and a cut which came at the same time as others were promoted from the block booking waiting list, is further cause to resign. It amounted to actively trying to take tickets off one group of block bookers (coincidentally the one group who had held Delaney protests before) to give them to another group.

I'm sure there's more, but that's something to chew on for now.

13/09/2007, 6:21 PM
He has presided over the eircom League getting more advertising, more media coverage and being infinitely better run than ever before.

That's very debatable. There are the same amount of people who think handing the EL over to the FAI has had little or no effect on the league

13/09/2007, 6:40 PM

Your points on the domestic game are well wide of the mark.

First off, the league is still not well run; it's just that other clubs now can't complain about anything. Fines are being handed out to beat the band for silly things - ask Maribor Kev here, who got Derry fined E5k for an opinion piece. Licencing is still a farce, with clubs running up huge debts, and the FAI did nothing to stop the implosion last year of Shels and Dublin City. The licencing farce is something to resign over, in my opinion.

Prize money is up, but so are league fees. In fact, only the top five clubs in the Premier and the top club in the First will see the increase in their prize money outstrip the increase in their league fees. The bottom two clubs in the First Division won't get any prize money. With respect, it sounds like you've heard things and are regurgitating them without understanding all the facts.

The Genesis Report on the eL was a complete farce, and one which was torn to shreds here (see also this summary (http://www.stigonline.com/misc/si_genesis.htm) for one example of the white lies in the report). It is evident Delaney - as head of the FAI - either didn't read the report before implementing its recommendations, or else had a particular goal in mind and requested any report to validate his opinions. That, also, is something to resign over.

The Stan and Robbo issue has been covered. That shows Delaney is not up to the job.

I don't think you can just wave away his history of back stabbing and nearly destroying Waterford United as simply as you have done.

The way the eL fans' ticket allocation was suddenly cut by 70%, a cut which he publicly defended until effectively threatened with legal action, and a cut which came at the same time as others were promoted from the block booking waiting list, is further cause to resign. It amounted to actively trying to take tickets off one group of block bookers (coincidentally the one group who had held Delaney protests before) to give them to another group.

I'm sure there's more, but that's something to chew on for now.

fantastic post. In a nutshell.

either way, barneys reply will be of the same formula - "please expand, sure who hasnt, such is life, etc etc".

Well barney, someone said that Delaney doesnt answer to anyone. Well he should and does have someone to answer to. The fans. And i think the fans have a right to demand higher football, business and moral standards from the man who "runs" football in Ireland. Id welcome all attempts to put pressure on his position (bar criminal actions of course :o )

pineapple stu
13/09/2007, 6:42 PM
Well barney, someone said that Delaney doesnt answer to anyone. Well he should and does have someone to answer to.
On that, when getting rid of Kerr, he noted it was merely a review of his performance at the end of his contract, not a sacking. He said he'd have to have a review as well when his contract was up. Instead, he gave himself a four-year extension half way through his contract.

13/09/2007, 7:00 PM
Can you elaborate on those points please as opposed to making random accusations

Read the book 'Who Stole Our Game', that should give you a bit of an idea

As for the domestic game...:rolleyes:

13/09/2007, 7:15 PM
Thanks for that post Stu, keeping things in perspective. Its too easy to push that stuff away into the back of the mind so we can keep some form of sanity.
Though when someone did flip his (already loose) lid as Maxi did, there was not any sympathy for him at all in the EL forums.

13/09/2007, 7:24 PM
Read the book 'Who Stole Our Game', that should give you a bit of an idea

As for the domestic game...:rolleyes:

Could you just tell me please

13/09/2007, 7:49 PM
Read the book 'Who Stole Our Game', that should give you a bit of an idea

As for the domestic game...:rolleyes:

I read the book and cae to theconclusion that delaney isn't that bad! An earlier poster quoted him as saying he never went to a soccer match whereas in the book he practically grew up at Waterford United. Im going to reserve judgement on him for a few years to see what improvements the FAI make to the domestic game.

Im certainly not going to crucify him for a bunch of mediocore players losing a few games!

13/09/2007, 8:04 PM

Your points on the domestic game are well wide of the mark.

First off, the league is still not well run; it's just that other clubs now can't complain about anything. Fines are being handed out to beat the band for silly things - ask Maribor Kev here, who got Derry fined E5k for an opinion piece. Licencing is still a farce, with clubs running up huge debts, and the FAI did nothing to stop the implosion last year of Shels and Dublin City. The licencing farce is something to resign over, in my opinion.

Prize money is up, but so are league fees. In fact, only the top five clubs in the Premier and the top club in the First will see the increase in their prize money outstrip the increase in their league fees. The bottom two clubs in the First Division won't get any prize money. With respect, it sounds like you've heard things and are regurgitating them without understanding all the facts.

The Genesis Report on the eL was a complete farce, and one which was torn to shreds here (see also this summary (http://www.stigonline.com/misc/si_genesis.htm) for one example of the white lies in the report). It is evident Delaney - as head of the FAI - either didn't read the report before implementing its recommendations, or else had a particular goal in mind and requested any report to validate his opinions. That, also, is something to resign over.

The Stan and Robbo issue has been covered. That shows Delaney is not up to the job.

I don't think you can just wave away his history of back stabbing and nearly destroying Waterford United as simply as you have done.

The way the eL fans' ticket allocation was suddenly cut by 70%, a cut which he publicly defended until effectively threatened with legal action, and a cut which came at the same time as others were promoted from the block booking waiting list, is further cause to resign. It amounted to actively trying to take tickets off one group of block bookers (coincidentally the one group who had held Delaney protests before) to give them to another group.

I'm sure there's more, but that's something to chew on for now.

Fantastic Post Stu. He has a complete disregard for the feelings of the fans. Remember the protest that was plannned for Lansdowne and he had his Goons confiscate the banners. I think that's part of the Fascist mentality he has. There ae lot of well educated, articulate and literate people who follow Irish Football. They are able to read and understand reports, financial and otherwise. Delaney does not like criticism even when it is objective. He rules like a dictator and his appointment of Stan reflects that, no matter what way he dresses it up to suggest other people had a say in it.

13/09/2007, 8:18 PM
Could you just tell me please

IN short, himself and his father gained so much power because with them in charge at least some sort of progress could be made-they were infamous for disrupting/holding up meetings if the slightest thing wasnt to their liking. People became so fed up of their antics they simply handed them power.

IMO he didnt grow up with WUFC, he used it as a stepping stone

13/09/2007, 8:20 PM
Barney - is it not incredibly embarrassing trying to pretend that you're not employed by the FAI???

Throwing in the odd disparaging remark about Delaney won't cover your tracks.

Seriously pathetic stuff.

13/09/2007, 8:46 PM

Your points on the domestic game are well wide of the mark.

First off, the league is still not well run; it's just that other clubs now can't complain about anything. Fines are being handed out to beat the band for silly things - ask Maribor Kev here, who got Derry fined E5k for an opinion piece. Licencing is still a farce, with clubs running up huge debts, and the FAI did nothing to stop the implosion last year of Shels and Dublin City. The licencing farce is something to resign over, in my opinion.

Prize money is up, but so are league fees. In fact, only the top five clubs in the Premier and the top club in the First will see the increase in their prize money outstrip the increase in their league fees. The bottom two clubs in the First Division won't get any prize money. With respect, it sounds like you've heard things and are regurgitating them without understanding all the facts.

The Genesis Report on the eL was a complete farce, and one which was torn to shreds here (see also this summary (http://www.stigonline.com/misc/si_genesis.htm) for one example of the white lies in the report). It is evident Delaney - as head of the FAI - either didn't read the report before implementing its recommendations, or else had a particular goal in mind and requested any report to validate his opinions. That, also, is something to resign over.

The Stan and Robbo issue has been covered. That shows Delaney is not up to the job.

I don't think you can just wave away his history of back stabbing and nearly destroying Waterford United as simply as you have done.

The way the eL fans' ticket allocation was suddenly cut by 70%, a cut which he publicly defended until effectively threatened with legal action, and a cut which came at the same time as others were promoted from the block booking waiting list, is further cause to resign. It amounted to actively trying to take tickets off one group of block bookers (coincidentally the one group who had held Delaney protests before) to give them to another group.

I'm sure there's more, but that's something to chew on for now.

You know what Stu, that's a great post and, as someone who is ignorant of much of it, I'll have a proper look at the facts of what you've posted. Fair play, you're the only one who has posted anything that might justify Delaney having to consider his position. Most of the rest is just rhetoric.

I would take issue with the charge that he is responsible for any destruction of Waterford United. That isn't true. There are a lot of people in Waterford whose attitudes have damaged the club, but I don't think Delaney is one of them and even if he is, there are many more that should shoulder far more of the blame.

However, I do think that the league is better run this season. Attendances are up (though no where near by what they are claiming), there is far more media coverage, they are making a big effort to get people through the gates thanks to the efforts of Noel Mooney and there are not as many points deductions for stupid things (see last season). I do absolutely agree with you that some of the fines are a joke. Gareth Cronin, Pat Scully and Derry's fines in the last 12 months have been laughable bordering on fascist. But I personally believe that it would take someone totally biased against the FAI to claim that things aren't moving in the right direction. Rome wasn't built in a day.

As for the accusation that I work for the FAI?!? I work in a 9-5 job for not a lotta money and don't know anyone working for the FAI. Just because I don't hitch my trailer to the bandwagon doesn't mean I'm doing it from the inside. Bit sad that you're that cynical khoop. I'd see someone about that paranoia.

13/09/2007, 8:50 PM
As for the accusation that I work for the FAI?!? I work in a 9-5 job for not a lotta money and don't know anyone working for the FAI. Just because I don't hitch my trailer to the bandwagon doesn't mean I'm doing it from the inside. Bit sad that you're that cynical khoop. I'd see someone about that paranoia.


And absolutely pathetic.

13/09/2007, 8:56 PM

And absolutely pathetic.

You're a proper comedian you are.

Yes khoop, I work for the FAI. I'm John Delaney's hairstylist.

13/09/2007, 9:00 PM
Yes khoop, I work for the FAI. I'm John Delaney's hairstylist

Not quite. The term you were looking for is "apologist".

13/09/2007, 9:00 PM
You're a proper comedian you are.

Yes khoop, I work for the FAI. I'm John Delaney's hairstylist.

Next time you get the scissors out, chop his ballix off!!

13/09/2007, 9:03 PM
Not quite. The term you were looking for is "apologist".

Yeah you're right. It was a typo. Always making that mistake.

Listen I'm in a pickle. I have to have a report on Mr. John's desk for the morning on why the fans don't like him. Tell me why you think he should be fired and if you stay clear of generic nonsense then I'll give you a gold star.

My job depends on this.

Maroon 7
13/09/2007, 9:03 PM
The haircut alone is grounds for a sacking IMO.

13/09/2007, 9:28 PM


13/09/2007, 9:36 PM


That link seems to be faulty.

When I clicked on it, there was a Monty Python sketch.

13/09/2007, 10:03 PM
JD said in the interview that all he was concerned with now was getting to the Brandywell. The €5k must be ready to be collected.

14/09/2007, 12:11 AM
Delaney Out?

Sure I'm just a disgruntled Dundalk fan.

pineapple stu
14/09/2007, 7:18 AM
I would take issue with the charge that he is responsible for any destruction of Waterford United. That isn't true. There are a lot of people in Waterford whose attitudes have damaged the club, but I don't think Delaney is one of them and even if he is, there are many more that should shoulder far more of the blame.
As far as I know - and the Waterford lads will confirm this - he was a director of the club, and so is as much responsible for blownig E250k received on flotation as anyone else.

co. down green
14/09/2007, 10:30 AM
'Staunton believes that there's no common sense in calling for a manager's head after every defeat. Yet it is the common sense of appointing him in the first place that appears to be the real issue in the aftermath of the latest setback'

So true.


14/09/2007, 11:41 AM

Licencing is still a farce, with clubs running up huge debts, and the FAI did nothing to stop the implosion last year of Shels and Dublin City. The licencing farce is something to resign over, in my opinion.

How can the FAI be held responsible for Shels and Dublin City? Should the responsibility not have been on the clubs themselves? Shels lived beyond their means and took a big gamble on making the European breakthrough. It backfired. You don't hear many people in England taking a pop at the FA over Leeds United. You don't see the head of the Spanish FA being held accountable because Real Madrid overspent by tens of millions and had to be bailed out by the government. That's because they dug their own hole like Shels. When the FAI had to take action they did and relegated Shels this season. It was something most people here said they were too spineless to do.

Dublin City was unsustainable due to their lack of infrastructure and support. That isn't the FAI's fault. Perhaps they shouldn't have been given a license to play last season but is that exclusively the fault of the FAI? What about the eircom League. Again, I'm only asking coz I'm not all that familiar with the process. In England clubs go into administration all the time (and occasionally fold) but the head of the FA is not held accountable, because it is seen primarily as the club's responsibility to ensure that they are sustainable.

Look at Longford this season. The FAI have potentially saved them with the firm but fair way that they have dealt with them. They deducted them 6 points and warned them that they'd be out if they didn't sort themselves out. Longford seem to have gotten the message.

They licensing process is new and, like anything new, surely there will be teething problems. The situation now is surely better than it was 5-10 years ago?

Prize money is up, but so are league fees. In fact, only the top five clubs in the Premier and the top club in the First will see the increase in their prize money outstrip the increase in their league fees. The bottom two clubs in the First Division won't get any prize money. With respect, it sounds like you've heard things and are regurgitating them without understanding all the facts.

In net terms are they putting more money in than before? If so, at least it shows a commitment to investing in the game. If what you say is true, and I have no doubt that it is, then I believe, like you, that they could distribute it better. Has anyone asked the FAI for the reasons they have chosen to divide the money up like this and if so what was the reply?

The Genesis Report on the eL was a complete farce, and one which was torn to shreds here (see also this summary (http://www.stigonline.com/misc/si_genesis.htm) for one example of the white lies in the report). It is evident Delaney - as head of the FAI - either didn't read the report before implementing its recommendations, or else had a particular goal in mind and requested any report to validate his opinions. That, also, is something to resign over.

I know little of the Genesis report to be honest. What goal do you think Delaney may have had in mind? Did he implement its recommendations or not (someone else said he didn't on this thread)? What could and should have been done differently?

The Stan and Robbo issue has been covered. That shows Delaney is not up to the job.

Not really. He hired the wrong man and gave him too long of a contract. Fair enough. Maybe he saw van Basten and Klinsmann and thought Stan the Plank could do something similar. He said he'd deliver a 'world class' manager and clearly didn't.

But who was the alternative? Dalglish, Venables, Kerr, Aldridge, Stapleton, Burley? All has beens or never weres and they were the names bandied about at the time. They probably all would have done better than than Stan but would hardly have been world class either.

If he sacks Stan now, who comes in? It costs the FAI a million to pay Stan off and then fork out another big(ger) wage to get a new man in (coz the new man couldn't be a 'rinky dink' manager.) Then there is no guarantee that the new man will get us to the World Cup. So the FAI would be forking out millions to be essentially in the same position. Would that be responsible use of the Association's funds?

The way the eL fans' ticket allocation was suddenly cut by 70%, a cut which he publicly defended until effectively threatened with legal action, and a cut which came at the same time as others were promoted from the block booking waiting list, is further cause to resign. It amounted to actively trying to take tickets off one group of block bookers (coincidentally the one group who had held Delaney protests before) to give them to another group.

If that was true and could be proven then yes there is a case to answer.

I'm not trying to say John Delaney is some sort of great fella or anything. Obviously he isn't but people are just looking for a pound of flesh here. How would the game here improve if Delaney resigned? If things are that bad, then is it not the structure of the FAI that needs changing. From what I understand, they have made massive changes in the last twelve months, and these things need time to bed in.

14/09/2007, 11:56 AM
How can the FAI be held responsible for Shels and Dublin City? Should the responsibility not have been on the clubs themselves? Shels lived beyond their means and took a big gamble on making the European breakthrough. It backfired. You don't hear many people in England taking a pop at the FA over Leeds United. You don't see the head of the Spanish FA being held accountable because Real Madrid overspent by tens of millions and had to be bailed out by the government. That's because they dug their own hole like Shels. When the FAI had to take action they did and relegated Shels this season. It was something most people here said they were too spineless to do.

Dublin City was unsustainable due to their lack of infrastructure and support. That isn't the FAI's fault. Perhaps they shouldn't have been given a license to play last season but is that exclusively the fault of the FAI? What about the eircom League. Again, I'm only asking coz I'm not all that familiar with the process. In England clubs go into administration all the time (and occasionally fold) but the head of the FA is not held accountable, because it is seen primarily as the club's responsibility to ensure that they are sustainable.

Look at Longford this season. The FAI have potentially saved them with the firm but fair way that they have dealt with them. They deducted them 6 points and warned them that they'd be out if they didn't sort themselves out. Longford seem to have gotten the message.

They licensing process is new and, like anything new, surely there will be teething problems. The situation now is surely better than it was 5-10 years ago?

Jesus man. Go back and read old posts on the Shels debacle and Dublin City. The world and his wife knew it was going to end in tears but the Son Of Joe refused to take action and continued to support these clubs. He should have resigned then for incompetence. :mad: