View Full Version : Double standards that annoy you

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25/07/2007, 3:32 PM
I was just looking through Daft.ie for a place to live in Dublin and came across a double room available in south Dublin city that sounded pretty good, and had reasonable rent. So I clicked into the link to get a full description of the house and who lives there and immediatly was told that only gay guys and females are allowed to live in this house, as it's a house share with 3 gay guys. This smacks of double standards by both Daft and these guys if you ask me. Can you imagine if I put up an ad saying I only wanted straight males or females? No Gays Allowed! sort of thing, it would probably make the national press (as a recent ad on Daft saying, 'Irish only' did). Christ it annoys me, as do the job adverts that state clearly that you must be a female, again can you imagine a job that actual says they wouldn't hire a woman? Friggin double standards of some people really annoys me, either we're all equal or we aren't, decide which and move the **** on

25/07/2007, 4:39 PM
its called positive discrimination, and over here, the ethnic minorities ( and a particular demographic peoples ) use it to the extreme and get everything out of the system becuase of it. They sue over the smallest thing and make out its racist or what not, when it bloody well isnt......its complete hypocrisy. i hope you wrote to daft and asked them to remove it. I lived with 2 lesbians before and they had gay friends, if they said something like that to me I would have completely thrown a stinker. I lived with two black people before as well ( one was muslim ) and i had to put up with some complete hypocrisy from the muslim. I let it go in the name of harmony but I wouldnt do it again.

it reminds me of the old saying women and men are equal ( which they are and should be ) but if the titanic was sinking i know the old "women..." first on the boats would more than definitely apply!!!

25/07/2007, 7:15 PM
Imo, that's just disgraceful. If all these minorities want acceptance they should give it too.

25/07/2007, 7:24 PM
Imo, that's just disgraceful. If all these minorities want acceptance they should give it too.

I think that was the original problem, the guys advertising the flat were only interested in 'acceptance' :rolleyes:

Block G Raptor
25/07/2007, 9:51 PM
The fact that it's acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word but not acceptable for a white to use it

25/07/2007, 11:26 PM
Hard times to be a white male aged 18 to 35 these days , Only people that you can get away with discriminating against :D

26/07/2007, 12:20 AM
There are plenty of gay Irish websites that allow for classified ads for gay people wishing to live with each other. I would agree though that such ads shouldn't be allowed on daft. However, it probably saves your time in the long run. Even if it isn't stated in the ad though, you are going to get discriminated against when you go to view the house if there are some gays/females looking at it too. I'm not trying to justify placing such an ad though. Landlords do it all the time I find against guys - they always want females in their flats as they see it as less hassle for them.

26/07/2007, 12:26 AM
The fact that it's acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word but not acceptable for a white to use it
Only idiots use the word, black or white. Just because rappers use it doesn't mean its acceptable...

No problem with people renting a room saying men only/women only/gay only

Big problem with jobs being advertised that way (and in fairness I don't think I've seen any jobs advertised that way, well except for strippers...)

26/07/2007, 7:59 AM
i can understand if they were doing it thinking they were only saving the person time, but i dont beleive this was the case.

I can also understand why some landlords only want women, cos fellas are smelly and dirty unless a bird is there to clean up after them, ah no to give them a kick in the backside to keep a place clea, but there is no excuse for soley advertising for gays only.

Sligo Hornet
26/07/2007, 8:22 AM
Imo, that's just disgraceful. If all these minorities want acceptance they should give it too.


26/07/2007, 10:16 AM
The fact that it's acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word but not acceptable for a white to use it



NY Hoop
26/07/2007, 10:52 AM
its called positive discrimination, and over here, the ethnic minorities ( and a particular demographic peoples ) use it to the extreme and get everything out of the system becuase of it.

In mayo??!


26/07/2007, 11:04 AM
I get annoyed by people who find certain double standards annoying, and other ones less so.

Lionel Ritchie
26/07/2007, 11:55 AM
The fact that it's acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word but not acceptable for a white to use it

Brilliant letter in Viz once upon a time ran something like ..

"Dear Sir, the American rap star Snoopy the Dog (sic) uses the 'N' word no less than 245 times on his current multi-platinum selling record. However when I recently used it just once at my sons U-12 football game the referee stopped the match and I was escorted from the park. Another example of one law for the rich and another for the rest of us?"

26/07/2007, 12:08 PM
Another one is when women whip there boobs out at a concert for the band yet when i get my little dinkle out i get asked to leave

26/07/2007, 12:16 PM
The fact that it's acceptable for a black person to use the "N" word but not acceptable for a white to use it
Let's start using Paddy or Mick in the same context and get upset if anyone else uses it.

26/07/2007, 1:50 PM
In mayo??!


Ya in mayo, :rolleyes: ballyhaunis to be precise :p

No london. but it could well be in maigh eo too.

Let's start using Paddy or Mick in the same context and get upset if anyone else uses it.

ya id be a very rich fella if i had a pound for everytime that has been used in reference or about me since i came over here.

26/07/2007, 1:53 PM
Big problem with jobs being advertised that way (and in fairness I don't think I've seen any jobs advertised that way, well except for strippers...)

It's usually waitress jobs, or hair salons, stuff I wouldn't be interested in anyway, but if I was I'd be discounted because of my gender

26/07/2007, 1:54 PM
ya id be a very rich fella if i had a pound for everytime that has been used in reference or about me since i came over here.In Mayo?:confused:


26/07/2007, 1:58 PM
actually this gets me thinking about last week, I went into a hairdressers, which was unisex. I noticed that there were a lot of black people in there, but it didnt bother me, then i noticed that the only person in there waiting was a black guy with a shaved head and i thought he cant possibly be getting his cut. I heard them sorta talking and looking as though, what the hell is this fella doing here. THey then asked "Can i help you?" I was like is this unisex and they said yes, and i said oh right well do i need an appointment or can i just get it cut, and they were like, no barber isnt here. I then said well can one of you not cut it and they said no. Extremely unhelpful and made me feel really uncomfortable, and I they said nothing more, I said ok where can I get my haircut and they go there is a barber up the road....... THe reason they did this was because I was White, and i havent felt so ****ed off in a long time and I was rather embarrassed by the whole thing. CAN YOU IMANGINE IF I HAD DONE THIS to a black person, or a black person had experienced this there would be outrage ( based on hair type ) and s/he would have sued. Yet I just had to go on about my business.

This stuff really ****es me off cos they, the UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.

26/07/2007, 2:01 PM
Maybe he took offence to being called an nto.

26/07/2007, 2:04 PM
This stuff really ****es me off cos they UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.

Shut up Whitey! :D

26/07/2007, 2:05 PM
see no one takes it seriouslly. Thats what ****es me off even more! Because ye would be the first if i came on and said i laughed a "blackie" or "darkie" out of the shop

26/07/2007, 2:08 PM
see no one takes it seriouslly. Thats what ****es me off even more! Because ye would be the first if i came on and said i laughed a "blackie" or "darkie" out of the shop

Damn racist. :mad:

26/07/2007, 2:10 PM
Barber shop could have been a front for a drug dealer? seriously

26/07/2007, 2:14 PM
If you'd said anything bout that paul, people might've called you racist for accusing them of being racist.

It's beyond a joke in all honesty. Imo, either you're racist or you're not.

26/07/2007, 2:43 PM
Barber shop could have been a front for a drug dealer? seriously

the area its in you could well be right, but there were women in their getting their haircut.

26/07/2007, 2:52 PM
the area its in you could well be right, but there were women in their getting their haircut.

Had you showered that morning? Maybe you just smelled real bad. Or maybe you were wearing a Lynrd Skynrd T Shirt!

26/07/2007, 2:54 PM
no i was wearing my black panther t-shirt so they should have been alright with that, oh wait i was wearing a sheet over my head, maybe that was it.

Bohs, that could be it alright. I might just be a smelly ****er. :rolleyes:

26/07/2007, 2:55 PM
no i was wearing my black panther t-shirt so they should have been alright with that, oh wait i was wearing a sheet over my head, maybe that was it.

Bohs, that could be it alright. I might just be a smelly fcuker. :rolleyes:

Glad we cleared that up.

26/07/2007, 3:09 PM
It couldn't be the fact that the barber wasn't there, like the guy said. Oh no whitey, that couldn't be it.

26/07/2007, 3:12 PM
I should have included it was a simple shaved head that i told them i wanted.

she disimissed it, like he never existed :eek:

Trust me it wasnt that noby. Theres always sceptics though :p

26/07/2007, 4:04 PM
Black people being able to use the 'N' word when whites aren't might have something to to with the fact that whites, generally, were not oppressed, forced into slavery, or treated like an inferior species for much of our recorded history, and still are in many areas.
I think given what we (as a race) did to them (as a race) over many years, not being able to use a certain word or two, or having to put up with some people who are a bit antsy about seeming racist in any 'do I pick him or you' situation, is not that much of a burden, no? There might be more important things to fret about.
This is about the top of the thread, BTW, not Paul's salon escapade. That just sounds like good old-fashioned rudeness.

26/07/2007, 4:29 PM
Black people being able to use the 'N' word when whites aren't might have something to to with the fact that whites, generally, were not oppressed, forced into slavery, or treated like an inferior species for much of our recorded history, and still are in many areas.
I think given what we (as a race) did to them (as a race) over many years, not being able to use a certain word or two, or having to put up with some people who are a bit antsy about seeming racist in any 'do I pick him or you' situation, is not that much of a burden, no? There might be more important things to fret about.
This is about the top of the thread, BTW, not Paul's salon escapade. That just sounds like good old-fashioned rudeness.

Speaking of taking back racially offensive terms, I recently saw this verbally-NSFW clip (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=x2DxyAGzGxM)from Clerks 2.

26/07/2007, 5:00 PM
actually this gets me thinking about last week, I went into a hairdressers, which was unisex. I noticed that there were a lot of black people in there, but it didnt bother me, then i noticed that the only person in there waiting was a black guy with a shaved head and i thought he cant possibly be getting his cut. I heard them sorta talking and looking as though, what the hell is this fella doing here. THey then asked "Can i help you?" I was like is this unisex and they said yes, and i said oh right well do i need an appointment or can i just get it cut, and they were like, no barber isnt here. I then said well can one of you not cut it and they said no. Extremely unhelpful and made me feel really uncomfortable, and I they said nothing more, I said ok where can I get my haircut and they go there is a barber up the road....... THe reason they did this was because I was White, and i havent felt so ****ed off in a long time and I was rather embarrassed by the whole thing. CAN YOU IMANGINE IF I HAD DONE THIS to a black person, or a black person had experienced this there would be outrage ( based on hair type ) and s/he would have sued. Yet I just had to go on about my business.

This stuff really ****es me off cos they, the UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.
i'm sorry but whatever about the sentiment, hairdressers can't just "cut" your hair. while it not not be the world's most complicated job, you need specialised training to cut either sex's hair. and im not entirely sure why you brought up the guy sitting around, was he the manager or a friend or a bouncer?

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 9:37 PM
Black people being able to use the 'N' word when whites aren't might have something to to with the fact that whites, generally, were not oppressed, forced into slavery, or treated like an inferior species for much of our recorded history, and still are in many areas.
I think given what we (as a race) did to them (as a race) over many years, not being able to use a certain word or two, or having to put up with some people who are a bit antsy about seeming racist in any 'do I pick him or you' situation, is not that much of a burden, no?

I didn't do anything to any coloured (sorry don't know which word to use there) person, neither did anyone else on here

Why should we have to fret about them? The world doesn't owe them a living because of something that happened decades ago.

It's the equivalent of not being able to walk past an English person without them offering you a good feed

26/07/2007, 10:09 PM
Landlords do it all the time I find against guys - they always want females in their flats as they see it as less hassle for them.

I would take a different view - younger male tenants are likely to be less fussy, hence less hassle with minor maintenance things, and they are less likely to be on the lookout for something better every 6 months.

26/07/2007, 10:23 PM
I would take a different view - younger male tenants are likely to be less fussy, hence less hassle with minor maintenance things, and they are less likely to be on the lookout for something better every 6 months.

yeah but they're more likely to puke all over the place and less likely to clean up after themselves. Face it lads, we're all pigs

Lim till i die
26/07/2007, 10:31 PM
yeah but they're more likely to puke all over the place and less likely to clean up after themselves. Face it lads, we're all pigs

I remember a certain Limerick fan who posts in the mods forum had puke stains in a downstairs bathroom sink for approx two years. :eek:

The amount of times I offered to clean that boys house :)

Anto McC
26/07/2007, 10:31 PM
I think Paul O'Shea was in Desmonds (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb1sNwe25UQ) :D

26/07/2007, 10:41 PM
actually this gets me thinking about last week, I went into a hairdressers, which was unisex. I noticed that there were a lot of black people in there, but it didnt bother me, then i noticed that the only person in there waiting was a black guy with a shaved head and i thought he cant possibly be getting his cut. I heard them sorta talking and looking as though, what the hell is this fella doing here. THey then asked "Can i help you?" I was like is this unisex and they said yes, and i said oh right well do i need an appointment or can i just get it cut, and they were like, no barber isnt here. I then said well can one of you not cut it and they said no. Extremely unhelpful and made me feel really uncomfortable, and I they said nothing more, I said ok where can I get my haircut and they go there is a barber up the road....... THe reason they did this was because I was White, and i havent felt so ****ed off in a long time and I was rather embarrassed by the whole thing. CAN YOU IMANGINE IF I HAD DONE THIS to a black person, or a black person had experienced this there would be outrage ( based on hair type ) and s/he would have sued. Yet I just had to go on about my business.

This stuff really ****es me off cos they, the UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.Well at the very least you could ring the manager and complain about your treatment , if you wanted to you could ring the equality board they are very helpfull .
Black people being able to use the 'N' word when whites aren't might have something to to with the fact that whites, generally, were not oppressed, forced into slavery, or treated like an inferior species for much of our recorded history, and still are in many areas.
I think given what we (as a race) did to them (as a race) over many years, not being able to use a certain word or two, or having to put up with some people who are a bit antsy about seeming racist in any 'do I pick him or you' situation, is not that much of a burden, no? There might be more important things to fret about.
This is about the top of the thread, BTW, not Paul's salon escapade. That just sounds like good old-fashioned rudeness.Where'nt slaves picked from the west coast of ireland ?

26/07/2007, 10:51 PM
actually this gets me thinking about last week, I went into a hairdressers, which was unisex. I noticed that there were a lot of black people in there, but it didnt bother me, then i noticed that the only person in there waiting was a black guy with a shaved head and i thought he cant possibly be getting his cut. I heard them sorta talking and looking as though, what the hell is this fella doing here. THey then asked "Can i help you?" I was like is this unisex and they said yes, and i said oh right well do i need an appointment or can i just get it cut, and they were like, no barber isnt here. I then said well can one of you not cut it and they said no. Extremely unhelpful and made me feel really uncomfortable, and I they said nothing more, I said ok where can I get my haircut and they go there is a barber up the road....... THe reason they did this was because I was White, and i havent felt so ****ed off in a long time and I was rather embarrassed by the whole thing. CAN YOU IMANGINE IF I HAD DONE THIS to a black person, or a black person had experienced this there would be outrage ( based on hair type ) and s/he would have sued. Yet I just had to go on about my business.

This stuff really ****es me off cos they, the UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.

I bet the real reason is, you have horrible ginger hair and even white barbers hate cutting it.

26/07/2007, 11:05 PM
I bet the real reason is, you have horrible ginger hair and even white barbers hate cutting it.:D
Or maybe it was the Mayo Gah shirt he was wearing?;)

27/07/2007, 9:22 AM
if you wanted to you could ring the equality board they are very helpfull .

ya somehow i think they would feel i was taking the mick and not take it seriouslly, even if on the phone they appeared to do so.
GAVZAC I mentioned there was a black guy sitting there ( i dont know what he was ) as to show that obviouslly it was a unisex salon ( maybe he had just got his hair cut or barber), however it could be the case that he was just a friend or whatever....

OSO, i wasn't wearing any "gah" jersey!!! Nor do i have ginger hair. Who was it that said about it being a specialist job to use a razor....please come on now think again, good boy. Even if ye cant see past that, if its a unisex salon, it should allow for both anytime, otherwise signs should say different.

Stann, i have done nothing to any slaves or black people or anyone else, some people cant keep using that excuse for their "behaviour".

27/07/2007, 9:38 AM
ya somehow i think they would feel i was taking the mick and not take it seriouslly, even if on the phone they appeared to do so.

No they take it seriously i was on to them before over Ladies nights in clubs i felt i was being disscriminated against by the club forcing me to pay just because i was a guy . Same club has been hit for that and stopping an old man ( 60 ) entering because of his age .

I did it because they have a "not tonight bud poilicy " if 3 of ye walk up they will pick one guy and just not allow him in for no reason just to be *****s running the night . I didnt follow it through to court but i should have as an other bloke did and he got 2 grand off them !!!!

27/07/2007, 10:06 AM
I wonder how I could prove it though, its like tupac me against the world, it was basically me and 5 or so of them.....ill look up the equivalent over here just to see.

Btw fair play on following that up, so many times i have said i would do the same but never followed up after getting in somewhere else and sobering up.

Erstwhile Bóz
27/07/2007, 10:29 AM
Black people being able to use the 'N' word when whites aren't might have something to to with the fact that whites, generally, were not oppressed, forced into slavery, or treated like an inferior species for much of our recorded history, and still are in many areas.
I think given what we (as a race) did to them (as a race) over many years, not being able to use a certain word or two, or having to put up with some people who are a bit antsy about seeming racist in any 'do I pick him or you' situation, is not that much of a burden, no? There might be more important things to fret about.
Dead right. "We can't call black people n*****s!" ... "Why don't they have Music of White Origin Awards?" ... God, they get EVERYthing.

Get the **** over it.

It is in my arse about "double standards", either. Jesus, there's borderline racist moaning in here you wouldn't get off a pack of Brits*.

This stuff really ****es me off cos they, the UBER-PC brigade never comment on something like this but they get on their high horses and ride into moral high ground when its the other way round.
Maybe the UBER-PC Brigade didn't deploy on this occasion because they received a telegram in the nick of time from Bletchley Park where the cryptanalysts had, after being up for four days, finally cracked the message "tHe BaRbEr IsN't HeRe".

(I hope it really was racism, though, obviously, and that the blacks have finally had enough and come and slit your throat in your bed. You were probably the first white person any of them had ever seen. You must have looked like a ghost to them.)

*;), ar eagla na heagla...

27/07/2007, 10:35 AM
if i could see the back of my head, i could shave it off, anyone can do this. the point is the same boz, yet the **** take arguments are coming back again. "ah sure a black person cant be racist toward a white person", no no that cant happen. :rolleyes:

I amn't and havent lost sleep over it, but this is the exact thing I knew people here would say and do, so my point in case has been proved.

27/07/2007, 10:39 AM
if i could see the back of my head, i could shave it off, anyone can do this. the point is the same boz, yet the **** take arguments are coming back again. "ah sure a black person cant be racist toward a white person", no no that cant happen.

You have to be taking the ****....you walk into a barbers and the barber isnt there(i dont see what reason you have not to believe them) and you expect just anyone to shave your head.

1) Why would they if its not their job? Just to please you....
2) Theyd probably get in trouble for doing things that arent their job

Unless you are a mind reader I can see no reason to believe this was in any way racist or that it was because of being white :eek:

Maybe Im missing something..............

And for the record I wouldnt think it was racist if it was the other way around either

Erstwhile Bóz
27/07/2007, 10:46 AM
if i could see the back of my head, i could shave it off, anyone can do this. the point is the same boz, yet the **** take arguments are coming back again. "ah sure a black person cant be racist toward a white person", no no that cant happen. :rolleyes:

I amn't and havent lost sleep over it, but this is the exact thing I knew people here would say and do, so my point in case has been proved.

Of course a black person can be racist towards a white person (and hopefully they were in this case, more power to them :rolleyes:), but not every black person can cut a white person's hair -- another thing the PC Brigade won't tell you!!!