View Full Version : Ideas for New Flag

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Conor H
02/12/2006, 6:19 PM
Just looking for opinions on what to get on a new flag i intend getting over the next few weeks.
I think myself it would be better to have something to do with either Section A/GUST/GUISA whatever....just as long as it's along those lines.
We don't need another "Galway United" "Tribal Army" etc.
Any ideas/suggestions etc i'd appreciate if people pm'd or texted me with their opinions as opposed putting it here.For a few reasons.....also smaller clubs might try and nick the ideas.

02/12/2006, 8:20 PM
hey conor, ill be getting my own flag done over the close season, whered ye get the latest ones? and roughly how much, prob get a nice big one

Conor H
02/12/2006, 8:23 PM
Cool.You can get them done in Westside......where i got the "Tribal Army" and our new Tifo Flags.
For a good decent one you're talking E100-E300 really.

02/12/2006, 8:31 PM
sounds good to me as it will last years, they are very good qualtiy. now, i just gotta come up with a design.

03/12/2006, 9:14 AM
where in the westside Conor? Its a fairly big place!!! do they have a website by any chance?

03/12/2006, 11:09 AM
anyone have/know where i can get a good quality pic of the new crest?

Conor H
03/12/2006, 11:26 AM
where in the westside Conor? Its a fairly big place!!! do they have a website by any chance?

It's in the Enterprise Park....flags and Banners.
no website i'm afraid but they do have a phone number which i haven't got off hand.

Conor H
03/12/2006, 11:27 AM
anyone have/know where i can get a good quality pic of the new crest?

Bebo?I've got one anyway AFAIK.
Francis she has the Crest anyway from when i got my flag.

03/12/2006, 9:03 PM
made a design, hopefully it will be on the terraces come march. check it out http://www.salthillknocknacarragaa.ie/design2.png and let me know what you think. it's a modified 'Japan Naval Flag'

03/12/2006, 9:36 PM
like the design francis - nice one!

Conor H
03/12/2006, 9:38 PM
Ya tis a cool design alright.

I've had a few good suggestions also so anymore would be appreciated.......i'll probably get it done before xmas.

03/12/2006, 9:43 PM
hoping to get one done myself in the new year so pass on any ideas conor that you end up not using, will then donate it to GUST :)

03/12/2006, 9:46 PM
like the design francis - nice one!

Ya tis a cool design alright.

thanks lads, should be nice to see the green mesh next year [in the premiership] covered in nice shiney new flags

Conor H
03/12/2006, 9:59 PM
hoping to get one done myself in the new year so pass on any ideas conor that you end up not using, will then donate it to GUST :)

No worries.
As Francis said twud be class if we could get a few new flags for season 07!:cool:

04/12/2006, 7:18 PM
That design for a the flag is class francis, would be cool to see that flying in terryland.

Conor we should definitely get a Section A on Tour Flag, would look brilliant as the people in Section A, make up the majority of the fans that travel to games anyway

04/12/2006, 8:02 PM
That design for a the flag is class francis, would be cool to see that flying in terryland.
Thanks Ultra!

Conor we should definitely get a Section A on Tour Flag, would look brilliant as the people in Section A, make up the majority of the fans that travel to games anyway
I've only one problem with getting a section a flag, what happens when we get our new stand, are ye gonna stand in section a over there? i presume your not gonna stay in the present stand, which will presumably be for away fans, with the new turn-styles being constructed for the new stand.

04/12/2006, 10:31 PM
Hey Francis...how did you make the design for the flag???:confused:

05/12/2006, 7:44 AM
Hey Francis, how about I chip in a few quid with you on the flag (and maybe a few others) and we try and get that particular designed flag increased in size????

05/12/2006, 8:23 AM
Hey Francis, how about I chip in a few quid with you on the flag (and maybe a few others) and we try and get that particular designed flag increased in size????

sounds good to me, from the few quotes ive gotten off uk and us makers, its working out at about 300euro for a 6x10 foot one. 10x15 foot has a nice rign to it, doesnt it. conor checking how much it will cost in westside today i think

05/12/2006, 8:36 AM
i dunno where we are gonna end up next year. i presume there will be a Section A in the new stand as well and we'll just have to set up camp there. i honestly dont think that the new stand will be able to be used for a good while next season anyway but i hope i'm wrong

05/12/2006, 9:55 AM
thats good thinking ultra - things are taking their time with the new stand

05/12/2006, 10:37 AM
i dunno where we are gonna end up next year. i presume there will be a Section A in the new stand as well and we'll just have to set up camp there. i honestly dont think that the new stand will be able to be used for a good while next season anyway but i hope i'm wrong

doesnt matter when the new stand is going to be open, it will open and we well move, so just make sure ye dont get a flag that will be expire once the new stand is finished.

05/12/2006, 10:50 AM
Hey Francis...how did you make the design for the flag???:confused:
alright damo, well i found a website that had pics of nearly every flag in the world and found the Japan Naval flag [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Naval_Ensign_of_Japan.svg] and simply edited it to come up with what i got. i hope Maiko likes it. might get her new put on it to japanese, any got an email address for her?

who her would be interested in donating a few quid to help make my design as big as possible?

so far theres:
GalwayFrancis - I'll be making up the difference
Terry - €150-200
JW. - €50
Paddyfield - €20
Corbyeire - €10
scotsbeer - €20

Its gonna be massive and full time!

05/12/2006, 11:26 AM
I saw Match of the day on Saturday night and Aldershot Fans had a few really good Tifo flags wonder where they got them made.Francis you should check out Euro Souvenirs in Blacburn I used them all the time when i was in charge of mechandise they are excellent and might be able to source flags for you.Simon is dead on there and they have a website.

Patrick Dunne
05/12/2006, 12:49 PM
I'm not too sure about moving to the new stand. I'm sure that the fact that
families and club VIPs will be in it would mean that it would be much better if the vocal supporters were over in the present stand.

This is normal practice at most larger grounds.

Conor H
05/12/2006, 1:15 PM
Ya there's no chance we'll be moving to the new stand.
We'll be staying in Section A for a while now.....we bloody better if i get Section A on the flag!!

05/12/2006, 3:00 PM
ya suppose its a good idea to stay in the present stand. away fans will never need the whole 1700 seats. the only thing is that when the new stands open, and the tv cameras will be on the present stand and section A will be out of view.

05/12/2006, 3:19 PM
I'd say the cameras will be in the new stand, there are too many pillars in the current stand.the new stand should be more suitable for TV it should have a better view for fans too. next season Section A will have the worst possible view of the pitch.it Will be easier to create a bit of atmosphere in the new stand.The vocal support should move over.Maybe a section Z flag would be more appropriate :rolleyes:

05/12/2006, 3:29 PM
Not a fan of the view from Section A I have to say.

05/12/2006, 3:51 PM

05/12/2006, 6:25 PM
doesnt matter when the new stand is going to be open, it will open and we well move,.

that will make the flag all the better, it'll make it true. Section A will be on tour to the other side of terryland.:D :D :D
when the floodlights eventually get moved the view from section a will be sound. its good for creating an atmosphere in that little corner

05/12/2006, 6:29 PM
i agree with what both of ye were saying above, that the view isn't great from Section A but in all honesty, most people dont go there for the view, we go there for the atmosphere. its the only section of terryland that has a vibrant atmosphere

05/12/2006, 9:32 PM
ok, since there's a few people on board now, i was thinking of getting a
banner made to co-inside with conor h's banner, so ive come up with an
initial design. let me know which ye think is better:


05/12/2006, 9:51 PM
ok, since there's a few people on board now, i was thinking of getting a
banner made to co-inside with conor h's banner, so ive come up with an
initial design. let me know which ye think is better:


Class. Why not add a bit of text?




Conor H
05/12/2006, 9:59 PM
Class. Why not add a bit of text?




My one will be 90& text so get your suggetions is.I like the "section A team" one though.

05/12/2006, 10:40 PM
ok, since there's a few people on board now, i was thinking of getting a
banner made to co-inside with conor h's banner, so ive come up with an
initial design. let me know which ye think is better:


the first one with just the crest is best

Conor H
05/12/2006, 11:25 PM
Well the design and script for the 2007 Conor H banner has been finalised.
Special thanks to Barry who contributed aswell as Francis who showed me what it would like.

I'm delighted with it and in the words of PD it is going to be massive.Don't under-estimate the size of it.;)

All will be revealed!

05/12/2006, 11:45 PM
Well the design and script for the 2007 Conor H banner has been finalised.
Special thanks to Barry who contributed aswell as Francis who showed me what it would like.

I'm delighted with it and in the words of PD it is going to be massive.Don't under-estimate the size of it.;)

All will be revealed!

cant wait to see what it will be like conor ;)
terryland should be nice a colourful next season no matter what division we're in

06/12/2006, 10:22 AM
ok, since there's a few people on board now, i was thinking of getting a
banner made to co-inside with conor h's banner, so ive come up with an
initial design. let me know which ye think is better:


I'd go with just Galway United FC written on it, leaving out the estd 1937 part.

06/12/2006, 11:07 AM
francis, i think that your one was better with just the picture and no text. the crest says who we are anyway

06/12/2006, 11:47 AM
francis, i think that your one was better with just the picture and no text. the crest says who we are anyway

ya, im gonna go with the initial design. waiting on a quote for different sizes off the crowd in westside. will keep ye posted.

16/01/2007, 7:00 PM
I want to make a flag, have a fair idea of the design but would like suggestions from others before i finally decide. If any one has a better design, i'd be interested in seeing it. I'll post my first design if i can asap.

16/01/2007, 8:45 PM

thats only a rough sketch on the computer now..:D

16/01/2007, 9:08 PM
Interesting slogan Damo.

The 30' GUISA flag was decomissioned/lost a few years ago; how about reigniting the GUISA slogan from that famous flag...


16/01/2007, 10:11 PM
The 30' GUISA flag was decomissioned/lost a few years ago; how about reigniting the GUISA slogan from that famous flag...

Ya, sounds good Paddyfield. Is that flag lost?? last time I seen that was in Kilkenny about 2 years ago or is that a different one.:confused:

Conor H
16/01/2007, 10:14 PM
That flag is gone....finito.

17/01/2007, 6:25 AM
Ya, sounds good Paddyfield. Is that flag lost?? last time I seen that was in Kilkenny about 2 years ago or is that a different one.:confused:

I believe Patrick Dunne was the last man to see it alive :(

17/01/2007, 11:40 AM
according to some people on here, its over in russia somewhere

Patrick Dunne
17/01/2007, 12:33 PM
It was decommissoned at a sombre ceremony a while back.

17/01/2007, 1:37 PM
It wasnt the best Slogan in the world.