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The Ball Boy
21/11/2006, 10:45 AM
Was talking to a few lads who follow a few different clubs on Saturday night and we ended up discussing / arguing who is the most hated player in the EL.

Owen Heary was the one guy that everyonr agreed on.

Any thoughts out there?

21/11/2006, 10:48 AM
stuart byrne

21/11/2006, 10:51 AM
Must confess I thought George O'Callaghan would run away with this one.

Mr A
21/11/2006, 10:55 AM
George O Callaghan for me too.

21/11/2006, 10:56 AM
Must be jealousy in Eoin Heary's case as he has won 4 out of the last 5 titles..!!:eek:

21/11/2006, 10:57 AM
In no real order....

Roy O'Donovan, Shane Robinson, Dave Rogers, Jason Byrne, Colin Hawkins and David Crawley

21/11/2006, 10:58 AM
Must be jealousy in Eoin Heary's case as he has won 4 out of the last 5 titles..!!:eek:
just because he's succesful doesnt mean he's not a ********...

21/11/2006, 10:59 AM
Hate Heary? Is there a club in the country that he wouldn't get into? For me, it's anyone who plays for drogs but especially Connor and Gavin.

21/11/2006, 10:59 AM
Des Byrne. Seems to just try and injure other players instead of playing football.

21/11/2006, 11:01 AM
Alan Reynolds

21/11/2006, 11:02 AM
In the 90`s our own Tom McNulty for some reason wasn`t very well liked, Cork fans 1991, Bohs fans 1993, any special memories ?

actually anyone else for that matter ?

21/11/2006, 11:04 AM
I'm very disappointed that Rennie hasn't been mentioned yet and I'm sure he'd be disappointed too. Hated by his former clubs Cork, Rovers and Longford and hated by the likes of Bohs for having played with Rovers, etc. Also hated for his general 'tough-tackling' approach to the game and his tendency to deliberately wind-up the opposition. Probably even hated by many in Waterford.

What a legend :D

21/11/2006, 11:04 AM
Alan ReynoldsGood shout.

Him or Dan Connor for me.

With an honourable mention for Stuart (I'm so bitter it hurts) Byrne.

Conor H
21/11/2006, 11:04 AM
Eric Lavine,Derek Mcarthy,Ian Rossiter.-3 players hated by every Galway fan.

The Ball Boy
21/11/2006, 11:05 AM
just because he's succesful doesnt mean he's not a ********...

Exactly, the incident with Killian Brennan in the Brandywell a while back and his elbow on JP Kelly are a few things that come to mind. He's a proper a'hole.

21/11/2006, 11:07 AM
In the 90`s our own Tom McNulty for some reason wasn`t very well liked, Cork fans 1991, Bohs fans 1993, any special memories ?

actually anyone else for that matter ?All-time Derry City public enemy number 1.

I think it was the moustache that did it.

He was a late 80's-early 90's Reynolds (multiplied by a factor) who went out of his way to wind-up anybody he came up against.

21/11/2006, 11:11 AM
Hating Alan Reynolds is so 2004. He can't get arrested these days.

Buzzer Rowe, Andy Myler, Georgie Boy (I once got him substituted! :D) and probably Molloy for me, although I admire the latter two's talent.

21/11/2006, 11:12 AM
O callaghan and Rogers are the only two that irritate me

soundest men in football awards would have to go to Keego and Des Byrne - they could join any club and no one at Pats would have a bad word to say about them - genuinely decent - to call dessie a thug is just ludicrous

21/11/2006, 11:13 AM
Trevor Molloy for me,

21/11/2006, 11:14 AM
Past : Pat Scully
Present : Trevor Molloy

21/11/2006, 11:17 AM
Des Byrne has put in some disgusting tackles over the past couple of seasons. I've no idea what he's like off the pitch and couldn't really give a ****.

21/11/2006, 11:18 AM
NOT AT ALL he's wholehearted - fully committed in the tackle - unlike some 'hard men' who are more into elbows and niggly off the ball cowardice - stand up rogers

21/11/2006, 11:23 AM
rogers as well

21/11/2006, 11:26 AM
Eric Lavine,Derek Mcarthy,Ian Rossiter.-3 players hated by every Galway fan.

thats not true

21/11/2006, 11:26 AM
A certain Shels player who hadn't the grace to find his way to his own dressing room after Shels beat Derry in the League at Tolka.;)

21/11/2006, 11:28 AM
Dave Rogers, Alan Reynolds, Ollie Cahill and Greg O'Halloran in no particular order.

An (dis)honourable mention for Dan Connor also.

Conor H
21/11/2006, 11:29 AM
thats not true

Why which one of them do you like?

21/11/2006, 11:30 AM
Okay, so I don't "hate" him, but Shane Robinson always gets on my nerves...he's an expert at falling over and winning free kicks...probably great if he's on your team, otherwise..."BOO".

Rebel 84
21/11/2006, 11:32 AM
Dan Connor:mad:

Owen Heary:mad:

Shane Robinson:mad:

21/11/2006, 11:34 AM
I hate Trevor Molloy

Narky wee fecker!

21/11/2006, 11:36 AM
Dave Rogers. If he wasn't a footballer he'd be stuck at home in a dodgy part of Liverpoool serving out an ASBO.

Stuart Byrne - for obvious reasons. Delusional, an ungracious winner, and laughably seems to buy all of the spin that Ollie Byrne comes out with to justify his pathetic club... :o

21/11/2006, 11:36 AM
Hard to see past Alan Reynolds. Genuine bully.

Ian Rossiter and Gareth Gorman - Rossitter for being a pr!ck off the pitch and Gorman for being one on it.

I always hated Mark Hutchison too for some reason from when he played with Sligo. We then signed him and he was brock. Left half way through the season to join Shels and somehow won a league medal.

Tom McNulty may be hated by other clubs but he is still loved up in Ballybofey. Few fantastic seasons with us and well liked by Harps fans. Hardman on the pitch but gent off it.

21/11/2006, 11:37 AM
Past: Tony O Dowd, Scully, Fenlon, Barry Ferguson (But he's alright now ;) )
Present: Fabio O Brien, Honkins, Reynolds, Stu Byrne, Jason Byrne.

21/11/2006, 11:38 AM
Would Stuey Byrne have made this list last week?

One of the best players in the league adn I know someone that knows him well from his Longford days who reckons he is one of the soundest. Apart from making a balls of himself on Friday night you couldn't hate him for it!

21/11/2006, 11:41 AM
Tom McNulty may be hated by other clubs but he is still loved up in Ballybofey. Few fantastic seasons with us and well liked by Harps fans. Hardman on the pitch but gent off it.

Couldn't agree more. Gave him dogs abuse as a player - he loved it too. A fantastic player, always wondered why he would play for Harps though... I had a few jars with him under the stand in Dundalk a few years ago, when he told me Glen Little (now Reading), who he played against that night, was the worst player he had ever played against. Definitely a gent off the pitch.

21/11/2006, 11:42 AM
I reckon he would've made any Bohs fans list. He'd also make the list of players we'd like to sign. We're a hypocritical lot! :cool:

Block G Raptor
21/11/2006, 11:49 AM
all time most hated player ever ever ever.......and the award goes to (drumroll please) Tony O'Dowd

21/11/2006, 11:50 AM
Hating Alan Reynolds is so 2004. .

Just like supporting Dublin City, then.

21/11/2006, 11:51 AM
Just like supporting Dublin City, then.

POTM!!! :D

Conor H
21/11/2006, 11:51 AM
Just like supporting Dublin City, then.

Brillaint!!:D :D

21/11/2006, 11:53 AM
Says a lot about the month.

21/11/2006, 11:54 AM
Past: Tony O Dowd

Ah the memories of hating Tony O'Dowd. :D

21/11/2006, 11:57 AM
Present: Trevor Molloy, a right little knack.

Past: Donal Broughan

21/11/2006, 11:59 AM
All-time: Richie Purdy

Present: Don't "hate" anyone but GOC's fall from grace has been rather amusing.

21/11/2006, 12:01 PM
Danny Murphy ....glad to see he's gone.
Trevor Molloy and Glen Crowe....two guys who never shut the f*ck up, always moaning !!!

21/11/2006, 12:05 PM
Nearly forgot about Dessie Baker.

Oi, Lofty. What you mean you always wondered why he would play for Harps? Cheeky cnut :)

Always wondered the same about Derry and Jamie Hughes.

21/11/2006, 12:10 PM
Wouldn't have had much to say about Stuart Byrne last week, and still wouldn't, he's obviously a bitter little man, but harmless enough. Has to be Reynolds, winning by a short head from O'Callaghan.

21/11/2006, 12:46 PM
Gorgeous George by a street. But also Trevor Molloy, Dessie Baker, Shane Robinson, Vinnie Sullivan.
I don't mind wannabe hard men nearly so much as whingeing, cheating, treacherous little b'stards.

21/11/2006, 12:48 PM
Must be jealousy in Eoin Heary's case as he has won 4 out of the last 5 titles..!!:eek:

4 out of last 6 actually.

21/11/2006, 12:48 PM
Why which one of them do you like?

I never said I liked them, I just dont hate them, plus the fact that one of them is a personal friend