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A face
12/10/2005, 10:18 PM
So how will you decide which team to adopt as you're own now that Ireland aint through !!

Maybe ask this lot for help ...


12/10/2005, 10:26 PM
Spain as usual for me provided they get through the play off

12/10/2005, 10:28 PM
One of either Germany, Mexico or the US. The better half was born in Germany. Live in the States and Mexico's only half an hour away. Hmmmmm :rolleyes:

12/10/2005, 10:34 PM
US fkin A

12/10/2005, 10:38 PM
I'm supporting the underdogs-France:rolleyes::D

Green Tribe
12/10/2005, 11:46 PM
be an african or european team, really undecided

germany(probably most likely, always had a soft spot for them)
will consider some of the african teams, good to see lots in the cup this year! maybe our flagsake, Ivory Coast!

12/10/2005, 11:58 PM
Seriously, I'd like to see Ghana or the Ivory Coast do well, but I know Brazil are going to win it again:o

13/10/2005, 12:24 AM
NORWAY ! If Ireland (or Belgium) would have been through it would have made no difference anyway, Norway is and has always been my nr 1.

If Norway is present in Germany, I will watch the WC with passion. If not, I will just watch Togo, Angola, Uzbekistan and the other newbies out of interest.

Lim till i die
13/10/2005, 11:15 AM
Yugoslavia, Turkey and of course whoever England happen to be playing :)

Block G Raptor
13/10/2005, 11:35 AM
Sligoman A south american team has never won the worldcup in europe and a european team has never won it outside europe so I wouldn't be presenting the trophy to ronaldinho et. al. just yet
I think the Dutch can finally do it this time(once they can keep from killing each other)

13/10/2005, 11:36 AM
Its gotta be England for me.....:D

13/10/2005, 12:01 PM
Sligoman A south american team has never won the worldcup in europe
Brazil 1958.

13/10/2005, 12:03 PM
Either the Italians or the Argie Bargies.

Have to say now that I think of it I like the current German team. Lukas Podolski, Bastien Schweinsteiger, Carsten Mertesacker. some class names there. Good players too,

13/10/2005, 12:21 PM

Are you going to get a time machine????

It will have to be the winner of the Bahrain v Trinidad & Tabago playoff for me.

pineapple stu
13/10/2005, 12:44 PM
Ivory Coast - backwards Irish flag. I can see a fair few Irish heading over to Germany anyway and supporting them and hanging up the flags! :p

Otherwise, definitely the smallest country ever to play in the World Cup - winner of Bahrain v. T&T. Is Avery John still playing for them?!

13/10/2005, 12:58 PM
Iran for me also the Ivory Coast.

13/10/2005, 1:00 PM
anyone thats playing against england

Green Tribe
13/10/2005, 1:19 PM
will end up supporting Germany and Ivory Coast, however will be supporting Japan also, they gave us tremendous support in 2002 world cup....

13/10/2005, 2:12 PM
Sligoman A south american team has never won the worldcup in europe and a european team has never won it outside europe so I wouldn't be presenting the trophy to ronaldinho et. al. just yetSorry Block G but history doesn't mean a thing in football;)

13/10/2005, 2:51 PM
I hope Uzbekistan can qualify, and Bahrein or T&T will also get my sympathy (unless playing Norway).

Great as well to see more debutantes and new teams to discover: I much rather have a new team to get to know (Angola and Togo) then once again those stars from Nigeria and Cameroon.

pineapple stu
13/10/2005, 2:56 PM
I hope Uzbekistan can qualify
They're out.

13/10/2005, 3:14 PM
Used support Spain cos they've quality players but they will NEVER make a proper team out of themselves. Always bickeringg. Pirennial under-achievers.

I will decide by picking the most oppressed african team. Ha.

Mongolia out?

13/10/2005, 3:32 PM
Well there are no Celtic nations left... so Croatia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mexico and, if they make it, Sweden.

pineapple stu
13/10/2005, 4:15 PM
Mongolia out?
13-0 on aggregate to the Maldives, I think. You'll be waiting a while before they're in the World Cup!

Sweden have qualified as one of the two best runners-up.

13/10/2005, 6:20 PM



(I will cheer for T&T ;) )

13/10/2005, 6:45 PM
Serbia-Montenegro of course. :D

Will also look out for Angola (MPLA & Jose Quitongo)

13/10/2005, 6:49 PM
I don't really like big teams, so won't be going for Brazil, Germany, France, et al.
On the other hand, I want to be able to follow a team with a decent chance of progressing a few rounds. Maybe I'll go for the US in light of the fact that I've spent so much time over there recently (and I own a DC United shirt). If I had to go for a European team it would probably be the Netherlands as I have quite a few Dutch friends (and I spreek enn klein beitje Nederlands).

Alternative options are Japan, or maybe Ghana (they're probably alot of the same guys Kerr's U-20 team beat to 3rd place out in Malaysia).

And, of course, whoever England are playing!

14/10/2005, 10:12 AM
Sligoman A south american team has never won the worldcup in europe and a european team has never won it outside europe so I wouldn't be presenting the trophy to ronaldinho et. al. just yet
I think the Dutch can finally do it this time(once they can keep from killing each other)

Who won in Sweden 58 then? Always thought it was Brazil. :D :D

14/10/2005, 4:48 PM
13-0 on aggregate to the Maldives, I think. You'll be waiting a while before they're in the World Cup!

Sweden have qualified as one of the two best runners-up.

Right. Still one of my favourite teams (Norway is my fav, but Mongolia makes my global top-10) because of my fascination for the country. I hope to spend some months in Mongolia one of the coming years, it all seems such an amazing country and culture to discover...

Kerry Blue
16/10/2005, 2:41 PM
U.S.A. and Brazil. Would also like to see Togo do well.

17/10/2005, 12:27 PM
Gotta be Toga ... and whoever I get in the team draw in work!

17/10/2005, 3:36 PM
Gotta be Toga ... and whoever I get in the team draw in work!
Dou you mean Togo or Tonga or the Roman garment??

19/10/2005, 12:48 PM
I'll be cheering on the Croats as I've a liking for them going back to the magical team of Suker, Boban and Co.

Brazil will also get my backing as that's who the yoyos are gone on, and also because top class players deserve the trophies that their talent merits.

19/10/2005, 1:37 PM
I'll be keeping a tight eye on Henri Michel's Ivory Coast in Germany next Summer. With former Everton legend Ibrahima Bakayoko (who could ever forget that 30 yard bullet he scored against Southampton in Goodison!) and Chelsea frontman Didier Drogba they could well cause an upset or two along the way. As it happens, they'll represent the nearest thing to tricolour in next year's finals... :(

Littlest Hobo
26/10/2005, 8:33 PM
Fcuk the lot of em, especially England. I'm not gonna be too bothered by it all. Lookin forward to the next unity cup thing instead:rolleyes:

27/10/2005, 12:18 AM
If Poland do well it will be strange to see them celebrating on our streets considering how many Poles live in Ireland..so i hope they do well...

Also i am going to put money on England to win it..i know we slag them about this but i think if some team like Argentina maybe could knock out Brazil in a knock-out stage England could very easily win it..if England have to play Brazil they will probably lose though..

29/10/2005, 9:09 PM
I'll be supporting whoever I decide to stick my €100 on

30/10/2005, 1:15 AM
Japan, seeing as I'm living here, although in Zico they have a coach of such ineptitude that Troussier, (who in my opinion was no hero either) looks like a genius. They wont do well in the World Cup, but I'll be cheering for them.

30/10/2005, 12:24 PM
I will be backing Zamunda!!:D Nah, seriously, I haven't made up my mind. Cannot see beyond Brazil or Argentina winning the trophy. As for the African teams, Tunisia are under pressure to get out of the group stages, I can see the Ivory Coast and Ghana upsetting somebody. I do not think that Angola or Togo has the depth to spring a surprise, but I may be wrong. Winners of Trinidad and Tobago and Bahrain to be the whipping boys of the World Cup. I expect the Asian sides to settle back to their usual mediocrity. Surprise package of the World Cup for me could be the Ukraine.

31/10/2005, 9:15 AM
I will be supporting Serbia/Montenegro along with Partizan. I have been a fan of Yugos since the 1974 World Cup.
And if and when they go out before the end I will be hopefully cheering for one of the following( assuming they are still there) Italy(always liked them) or Czech Republic( my other half is Czech).
The romantic in me would like to see Trinidad and Tobago and our backwards flag friends the Elephants do well.

Conor H
31/10/2005, 10:56 AM
anyone thats playing against england

31/10/2005, 11:17 AM
Anyone that's playing against England? Way too simplistic guys ;)

31/10/2005, 5:27 PM
Anyone that's playing against England? Way too simplistic guys ;)
Simple but true!!

Plastic Paddy
31/10/2005, 8:52 PM
World Cup?!? Is there a World Cup any time soon? :confused: ;)

:ball: PP

Pat O' Banton
01/11/2005, 5:12 PM
Rugby League 2008, I believe that Ireland may actually be in that one!

Green Tribe
01/11/2005, 7:34 PM
Maybe we'll win the cricket :o :eek:

02/11/2005, 8:04 AM
Maybe we'll win the cricket :o :eek:

Cricket and rugby double in 2007. :D

02/11/2005, 6:47 PM
Maybe we'll win the cricket :o :eek:

Cricket World Cup in West Indies I think !;)

03/11/2005, 1:09 PM
Whats all this negativity against the english? You would swear they had done us some misfortune in the past................!!
Although to be fair, my own bias against them is based more on how thw media portrays them (world beaters one minute, turnip heads the next) than the team itself. I always find it hard to understand how Irish football fans can feel so differently about players depending on whether they are playing for their club or their country. Especially when the game doesnt influence the Irish side. If anything, a successful English side would probably benefit Irish football at both club and international level

03/11/2005, 9:38 PM
England for me. To be honest at the end of the day I live here and despite instances of racism (which would probably have occured in any country) it was a good home to my family when they came from Ireland and Burma. Probably the only country in the world refugees from Burma can achieve so highly and I'm really greatful for that.
Lot's of my best mates are English or part English and it's always great fun to watch in the school hall. I grew up with vindaloo on the school bus on the way in and three lions on the way home :D
I hate the no surrender chants and the racism but to be honest this is a tiny minority of fans around here. Most of my English mates don't know or care what no surrender means and none are racist (a few are black). Congered in the street with the England fans after winnign agains tDenmark a few years back and I have an England flag with 'Guildford SJA Cadets' written on it :D
I'd always support Ireland if we play England and I always watch the Ireland games if both are on at the same time but I will be supporting England in this world cup.