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11/10/2005, 9:09 AM
So how much will Derry be fined for twice invading the pitch in Ballybofey ? Terrible scenes to see the Derry players joining in as well.

11/10/2005, 9:23 AM
So how much will Derry be fined for twice invading the pitch in Ballybofey ? Terrible scenes to see the Derry players joining in as well.
One million Euro (delivered in a Dr Evil style voice).

In fairness to the players, what else could they do, what with them being on the pitch?! Throw a few slaps maybe?

I'd say Harps will also get a fine for inadequate stewarding (their event controller has resigned).

11/10/2005, 9:29 AM
We've seen in the past that fines clearly don't work.
It's obvious that Derry should be deducted points.
About 9 should do it.

Tongue pressed firmly in cheek. :D

A face
11/10/2005, 10:41 AM
We've seen in the past that fines clearly don't work.
It's obvious that Derry should be deducted points.
About 9 should do it.

Tongue pressed firmly in cheek. :D

What are you on about tongue in cheek ..... 9 points seems fair to me .... if anything it would be taking it easy on them .... look at the damage .... think of the children !! :eek: :p

11/10/2005, 10:46 AM
oh my god i agree with cop on:eek:
I must be losing it.

11/10/2005, 10:46 AM
Bohs, Robers & Shels have been fined in recent week so for consistency Derry will be finded €500 * 2 with probably similar amount for Harps. Then aagin how many stewards do you need to provide to stop 200 people invading the pitch?

A face
11/10/2005, 10:49 AM
oh my god i agree with cop on:eek:
I must be losing it.

No ... you're not losing it ..... its just your club is not very professional and you wouldn't be able to implement that measure. Its all about standards you see .... high and low ... theres no middle ground, they either invade .... or they dont !! :p

11/10/2005, 10:49 AM
Offending clubs should be fined. In all honesty how can 20-30 stewards control 3,500??

I find it very rich that Cork fans are asking for a points deduction. A team shouldn't loose points cos of what their fans do.

11/10/2005, 10:57 AM
I find it very rich that Cork fans are asking for a points deduction.

As much as I'm sure Derry fans would appreciate you taking offence on their behalf, I expect they wont take offence themselves because they still posess a sense of humour. :rolleyes:

NY Hoop
11/10/2005, 10:58 AM
No ... you're not losing it ..... its just your club is not very professional and you wouldn't be able to implement that measure. Its all about standards you see .... high and low ... theres no middle ground, they either invade .... or they dont !! :p

Remember one of your officials attacking Robert Forde the Kilkenny keeper a few years ago while the game was going on? Hilariously you lost as well:p


11/10/2005, 10:58 AM
Offending clubs should be fined. In all honesty how can 20-30 stewards control 3,500??

I find it very rich that Cork fans are asking for a points deduction. A team shouldn't loose points cos of what their fans do.
One irony detector winging its way to South Dublin, sorry Wicklow, as we speak.......:D

11/10/2005, 11:01 AM
I seen a guy wearing a Celtic top on the pitch, so surely Shamrock Rovers should get a fine and deducted another 8 points:eek:

11/10/2005, 11:01 AM
One irony detector winging its way to South Dublin, sorry Wicklow, as we speak.......:D
Sorry, I don't get it.:o

11/10/2005, 11:02 AM
So how much will Derry be fined for twice invading the pitch in Ballybofey ? Terrible scenes to see the Derry players joining in as well.

:D :D :D :D :D

"Terrible scenes"??!! You need to get out a bit more I'd say!!

They were merely ecstatic after securing a late late win after with ten men after having two players sent off to send them temporarily to the top of the league. There was no harm of malice meant in it, obviously pitch invasions shouldn't happen on a regular basis but on the odd occasion like this I don't see the harm.

11/10/2005, 11:03 AM
...surely Shamrock Rovers should get a fine and deducted another 8 points

Well we have to be seen to be fair. :D

11/10/2005, 11:04 AM
They were merely ecstatic after securing a late late win after with ten men after having two players sent off to send them temporarily to the top of the league.
Don't you mean one player sent off?

11/10/2005, 11:05 AM
Oh, terrible, terrible scenes. In the name of Jay$i$, is it a crime now to express unconfined joy at an EL game ?? Should we sit quietly on our hands whilst our team scores an unexpected goal in the dying seconds of a game that might possibly make us league champions ??


Why oh why is it a crime to run on the pitch ???? Its been happening in Croke Park for years & there's not been a problem.

Why not go and watch a game of bowls ??

This is ludicrous. There's far greater 'crimes' committed within and without the game & here's sensitivities about a pitch invasion.

Deduct twenty points, fine 'em fifty grand and transport them to Van Diemens land.

p.s. If pitch invasions are such a massive problem, why not surround all pitches with barbed wire ??

Well firstly i take it that you did'nt see the hightlights, a game of football lasts for 90 minutes and what every injury time the ref decides on, going by what i saw of it Derry should have won by a lot more.

Secondly, every club puts time, money and effort into trying to have the best playing surface possible, yes some pitches may not be the best but still they have to spend money on the upkeep of it etc.... to have a bunch of over excited away fans doing a merry dance on it is not on, if fans want to invade pitches then let them do it at there own ground.

This is the type of thing that could easily turn nasty, for example we had Bohs earlier in the season, they scored an equaliser, they invaded the pitch, scored and injury time winner and did the same again but this time one of the decided to run accross the pitch and start to incense the Bray fans with taunts and gestures etc...... how is there nothing wrong with this ?

Cup finals or last games of the season arent so bad, but when there is still so much to play for stay the fcuk off other people pitches

11/10/2005, 11:06 AM
...with ten men after having two players sent off...

Playing with 12 men is surely reason to deduct another 9 points??? :confused: :D

11/10/2005, 11:07 AM
Pitch invasions look naff, I dont know why people bother with them.

They can be harmful as well as harmless and with supporters on the pitch theres an increased danger to both officials (and we should know!!) and players eg bohs little gay invasion in united park in front of simon webb after all the abuse he was getting throughout the match couldve turned nasty

Bohs got fined for it - Derry should also get fined for it - it might teach them not to do it again

11/10/2005, 11:07 AM
Don't you mean one player sent off?

That should have read "and after missing two penalties"!!

I'm half asleep today!

11/10/2005, 11:08 AM
I went on that pitch years ago after Billy Hamiliton socred a last minute winner for us to seal promotion and nearly sank up to my knees in the mud , it would of been easy to identify the culprits on the way out of finn park , reckon there will be a few Derry fans claiming for new shoes this week.:D

11/10/2005, 11:10 AM
IMO the control of celebrations has been getting a bit out of hand for a while, wlthough it does present a few problems when there's a pitch invasion DURING a game ;)

BTW, does anyone else thing its strange that the league has been clamping down on flares all season and Eircom League Weekly still uses about three different scens of flares on terraces in its intro? Maybe we should finr Trevor

11/10/2005, 11:34 AM
Seriously though, disrupting a game with a pitch invasion is unacceptable. It would take only one nasty incident to get games played behind closed doors, like they do at Longford. Or at least I think that's why they have no fans in Flancare!? :confused: :D

11/10/2005, 11:52 AM
I don't see why Derry should be fined or even reprimanded over this. After all, the onus is 100% on the home stewards to control the crowd. If there was violence of any description I'd have a different hymnsheet, but jesus, they were only celebrating ffs.

11/10/2005, 11:59 AM
Then aagin how many stewards do you need to provide to stop 200 people invading the pitch?

You don't need to physically stop them. If there is a visible yet discreet security presence, people won't have the mindset to invade the pitch in the forst place. If you are two feet away from the pitch and there's no-one in the way, you're more likely to run on.

A face
11/10/2005, 12:26 PM
Oh FFS. Its all about joy you see - either you express it or you don't :rolleyes: (either you've reason to express it or you haven't )

Now I'll bet if the chokers win the championship (IF) down the cross in the last game of the season, there'll be the biggest pitch invasion of the year in the EL - and why not ???? (Ah, sure we might as well go home quietly and put on the kettle.)

What next - we won't be allowed to wave a flag ??? :eek: That'll be ten euro for waving that flag mister !!

OK ... a serious answer here .... pitch invasion during a game is not on ... but if City (Cork) win the league in the cross ... of course we'll be going nuts ... but that'll be after the game.

11/10/2005, 12:38 PM
I don't see why Derry should be fined or even reprimanded over this. After all, the onus is 100% on the home stewards to control the crowd. If there was violence of any description I'd have a different hymnsheet, but jesus, they were only celebrating ffs.

The FAI are right to fine teams for their supporters behaviour even if theyre away from home.

Its getting to the stage now with some clubs whereby it might by worth while for these clubs to bring their own stewards to away matches to control their own supporters (in consultation with the home teams event controller)

However in this case harps did look light on the stewarding front so wouldnt be surprised to see them hit with a fine too

11/10/2005, 12:42 PM
Its not as much the pitch invasion that many harps fans are unhappy but

1) fireworks and missiles being thrown into the harps crowd and onto the pitch after the goal

2) derry fans breaking down a barrier to access the river end which is closed due to UEFA rules

3) flags being stolen by derry fans and one derry fan openly urinating on the pitch after the game in while taunting harps fans

A fine is in order and even if we had 100 stewards last nite it wouldnt have been enough to stop those actions

a few of our fans are alleged to have thrown missiles back at the derry fans as well all the same

Patrick Dunne
11/10/2005, 12:56 PM
.. to prevent crowd incursions. If stewards are visible and are standing directly in front of the away supporters (practically all pitch invasions are by away supporters) then they more than likely won't occur.

Too many clubs have amateur, untrained stewards who are just using their role as a means to get into the ground for free.

A face
11/10/2005, 1:03 PM
(practically all pitch invasions are by away supporters)

No ... most of the Dublin clubs home fans do it too !! :eek: :eek: :eek:

11/10/2005, 3:10 PM
Remember one of your officials attacking Robert Forde the Kilkenny keeper a few years ago while the game was going on? Hilariously you lost as well:p


Sorry NY Hoop, I couldn't let that one go. To say he attacked the 'keeper is really stretching the truth. The keeper was timewasting at the end of a cup tie and the "official" retrieved the ball and returned it to the keeper (indavertently hitting him :eek: :eek: - in the leg if I remember correctly). Said official resigned from the club after the incident. The whole incident was very amusing tbh, but an attack it wasn't.

11/10/2005, 3:27 PM
That should have read "and after missing two penalties"!!

I'm half asleep today!
Join the club! And I've just been at school all day.:rolleyes:

11/10/2005, 3:28 PM
I've just been at school all day.:rolleyes:

Lucky bastad! ;)

11/10/2005, 3:46 PM
Its not as much the pitch invasion that many harps fans are unhappy but

1) fireworks and missiles being thrown into the harps crowd and onto the pitch after the goal

2) derry fans breaking down a barrier to access the river end which is closed due to UEFA rules

3) flags being stolen by derry fans and one derry fan openly urinating on the pitch after the game in while taunting harps fans

A fine is in order and even if we had 100 stewards last nite it wouldnt have been enough to stop those actions

a few of our fans are alleged to have thrown missiles back at the derry fans as well all the same

No, it is alleged that it was Harp's fans who started the bottle throwing just like they did against Cork. One flag was stolen so the use of plural to sensationalise things is pointless. A missile was aimed at David Forde. My da was standing at the "barrier" and according to him there was NO :eek: security presence there at all.

I really don't want this thread to turn into gash because of tit for tat nonsense but Harp's fans seem intent on laying the blame at our door instead of noting that there were mistakes on both sides and it should be corrected rather than playing the blame game.

11/10/2005, 4:03 PM
there were mistakes on both sides and it should be corrected rather than playing the blame game.

Well said

11/10/2005, 4:15 PM
Its not as much the pitch invasion that many harps fans are unhappy but

1) fireworks and missiles being thrown into the harps crowd and onto the pitch after the goal

2) derry fans breaking down a barrier to access the river end which is closed due to UEFA rules

3) flags being stolen by derry fans and one derry fan openly urinating on the pitch after the game in while taunting harps fans

A fine is in order and even if we had 100 stewards last nite it wouldnt have been enough to stop those actions

a few of our fans are alleged to have thrown missiles back at the derry fans as well all the same

To answer your points

1) Totally unacceptable, and I think you will struggle to find any Derry fan who condones these actions. Indeed many Derry fans are very angry at what has happened. We could indulge in a load of "whataboutery" but the FAI official was perfectly placed to observe all that went on, from both sides

2) There was no barrier broken at the River End. It was the type of fencing used to secure a site but was not properly installed. I was putting up flags at the River End well over 30 minutes prior to kick off and there was no security there.The fencing was positioned such that any reasonabled sized individual could pass from the TV Gantry to the River End without even touching the barrier. I pointed this out to one of you stewards

3) There was one flag stolen. We have a thread on our message board condemning the behaviour of whoever took it and asking that it be returned to the Harps lads asap. I din't see the urinating so I can't comment. If it happened then it is also totally unacceptable

To say that 100 stewards could not have prevented what happened is a load of balls.

If they had strategically placed stewards all along the TV gantry side and used the orange mesh fencing that is used at Lansdowne and other events there would have been no pitch invasion.

There was a minimal stewarding presence on the side the Derry fans were. Two of the stewards were girls under the age of eighteen. I understand the need for female stewards but where were their male counterparts?

The rest of stewards were on the far side of the pitch standing in groups, doing little or nothing. Or celebrating missed penalties

I fail to understand how alternatives such as the ones outlined above were not suggested at the stewards briefing and if they were, why were they not implemented?

Given that the stewards were on the North Terrace/East Wing at the France game I assume they will be stewarding Lansdowne tomorrow.

They managed to implement effective techniques for the prevention of pitch invasions in this area of Lansdowne last time I would propose that they would do the same tomorrow night. Did they not think of taking what they learned and implementing it on a local level?

11/10/2005, 4:49 PM
2 things i noticed watching the highlights on tv3 last night... one was the harps stewards celebrating the penalty misses which doesn't come across as very professional... and yes, i'm sure it will be pointed out that the Derry stewards celebrated when Derry scored against Shelbourne, but i think all stewards need to be more concerned with crowd safety than the game. And this is a major problem in the league in that we are relying on volunteers every week. Its a sad but true fact that no club can afford professional stewards but that is what is needed if the fai is serious about containing crowd trouble. They should be putting the money forward to the clubs to enable recruitment and proper training and pay for stewards so it isn't just people looking to get into the match for free who are the stewards.

Oh and the other thing was at the end of the Shelbourne game, there seemed to be a lot of children running on the pitch round Pat Fenlon... will Shelbourne be fined for the pitch invasion as well? or were they Pats fans????

11/10/2005, 6:14 PM
Its a sad but true fact that no club can afford professional stewards

speak for yourselves

11/10/2005, 7:32 PM
[QUOTE=Cop on] Van Diemens land.[QUOTE]

great song!!
nothing to do with this forum,i know:o

11/10/2005, 7:44 PM
Oh, terrible, terrible scenes. In the name of Jay$i$, is it a crime now to express unconfined joy at an EL game ?? Should we sit quietly on our hands whilst our team scores an unexpected goal in the dying seconds of a game that might possibly make us league champions ??


Why oh why is it a crime to run on the pitch ???? This is ludicrous. There's far greater 'crimes' committed within and without the game & here's sensitivities about a pitch invasion.

p.s. If pitch invasions are such a massive problem, why not surround all pitches with barbed wire ??

:D :D

Pot, Kettle, Black :D

This from the poster who was one of his chairman's biggest cheerleaders, for originally banning visiting fans from his club's ground v Rovers. Among the reasons suggested: "Rovers fans invading the pitch after goals". How ironic. :rolleyes:

A face
11/10/2005, 9:06 PM
speak for yourselves

Agreed .... While we give out about CCFC stewards (they are no angels i know) but for the most part, they are active and can be seen to be keeping things fairly orderly .... we have had two incidents in the last three years where someone went on the pitch, that is a great record.
The stewards have been a bit rough on occasion but that is better that like the Pats/Shels stewards just standing there doing nothing to stop what they can see right in front of their eyes.
City are always working with them to try and get them to improve aswell.

11/10/2005, 9:24 PM
speak for yourselves

Do Cork have professional stewards? Or you could afford professional stewards?

11/10/2005, 10:42 PM
Do Cork have professional stewards? Or you could afford professional stewards?

Yes we do (JD Security) and every club is supposed to have them according to the licensing regulations. There have been problems with their attitude to fans (away fans and home fans). They have been overly agressive and have searched bags etc. However, they do not watch the game and do not allow pitch incursions.

A face
11/10/2005, 11:55 PM
There have been problems with their attitude to fans (away fans and home fans).

I am not making light of the situation but it has to be said that there has been a bit of over reaction on some of the home fans part. Makes no odds anyway ... there have been several meetings with all involved and all will be sorted. They are still the best in the league, by a long shot !!

12/10/2005, 12:44 AM
Derry should be fined full stop

Shels, Bohs, Pat's and the scum have all been fined for pitch invasions so far this season.

12/10/2005, 8:25 AM
To answer your points

1) Totally unacceptable, and I think you will struggle to find any Derry fan who condones these actions. Indeed many Derry fans are very angry at what has happened. We could indulge in a load of "whataboutery" but the FAI official was perfectly placed to observe all that went on, from both sides

2) There was no barrier broken at the River End. It was the type of fencing used to secure a site but was not properly installed. I was putting up flags at the River End well over 30 minutes prior to kick off and there was no security there.The fencing was positioned such that any reasonabled sized individual could pass from the TV Gantry to the River End without even touching the barrier. I pointed this out to one of you stewards

3) There was one flag stolen. We have a thread on our message board condemning the behaviour of whoever took it and asking that it be returned to the Harps lads asap. I din't see the urinating so I can't comment. If it happened then it is also totally unacceptable

To say that 100 stewards could not have prevented what happened is a load of balls.

If they had strategically placed stewards all along the TV gantry side and used the orange mesh fencing that is used at Lansdowne and other events there would have been no pitch invasion.

There was a minimal stewarding presence on the side the Derry fans were. Two of the stewards were girls under the age of eighteen. I understand the need for female stewards but where were their male counterparts?

The rest of stewards were on the far side of the pitch standing in groups, doing little or nothing. Or celebrating missed penalties

I fail to understand how alternatives such as the ones outlined above were not suggested at the stewards briefing and if they were, why were they not implemented?

Given that the stewards were on the North Terrace/East Wing at the France game I assume they will be stewarding Lansdowne tomorrow.

They managed to implement effective techniques for the prevention of pitch invasions in this area of Lansdowne last time I would propose that they would do the same tomorrow night. Did they not think of taking what they learned and implementing it on a local level?

As a Harps fan Maribor, I have very little argument with most of what you say and I hope that Harps will learn from the events which occurred. However the biggest problem I had with Derry fans (apart from the flare throwing of course) at the game the other night was that several fully grown men in their early 20s did not invade the pitch at full time to congratulate their players or jump around and celebrate. Some did it with the sole purpose or running over to the home sections gesturing and waving scarves (as shown in the pics posted on the Derry forum), flags (Derry and Harps stolen one) and generally goading and offering them on (one DID as quoted elsewhere pause to have a **** on the pitch while giving one fingered salutes).

To everyone sayin pitch invasions are a bit of a laugh, this is the reason pitch invasions cannot be allowed, certainly in games where there are significant numbers of opposing fans. Idiots like this use them as a chance to act the hardman and wind up opposing fans, leading directly to a risk of violent reaction from less than sensible fans of the opposition either immediately or after the game where it can often be visited on perfectly innocent individuals.

12/10/2005, 9:49 AM
I am not making light of the situation but it has to be said that there has been a bit of over reaction on some of the home fans part. Makes no odds anyway ... there have been several meetings with all involved and all will be sorted. They are still the best in the league, by a long shot !!

There's been no over reaction A face, I don't know if you were in the St Annes end the night of the Prague game or not but if you were then you'd have a different view I'd say. There's a minority of them acting the cnut and who are getting ideas above their station but hopefully following recent meetings they will be dealt with.

Anyway, are we the ony club in the league to emply professional security? If so, we do we bother if nobody else can be arsed following the licensing regulations?!:rolleyes:

A face
12/10/2005, 10:15 AM
Anyway, are we the ony club in the league to emply professional security? If so, we do we bother if nobody else can be arsed following the licensing regulations?!:rolleyes:

That right, it is in the licensing regulations (not a guideline) so all clubs should be doing the same !!

I suppose that is one thing ... our stewards dont have any loyalities, and treat everyone the same, which is the fairest way to handle it.

NY Hoop
12/10/2005, 12:24 PM
Great man he is. Listen, we have absolutely no problem with peace lovin' football fans. Its those who come lookin' for a row, thrashing the place up, stealing from the shops in Town - thats what we have problems with. And if these Burberry boys are in your midst, you should do somethin' about them. But you couldn't be bothered until we decided to try and deal with YOUR problem.
(It was only then that you boys decided to send your own stewards to police your own fans ;) )

Your chairman lied about "trouble". When was the place "thrashed"? If there was stealing from the shops in town, which it is obviously wrong, how can you prove it was Rovers fans and even if it was what has that got to do with the match?

Burberry boys? Thats boez pal. We have banned a number of individuals. See our official site.


12/10/2005, 1:40 PM
As a Harps fan Maribor, I have very little argument with most of what you say and I hope that Harps will learn from the events which occurred. However the biggest problem I had with Derry fans (apart from the flare throwing of course) at the game the other night was that several fully grown men in their early 20s did not invade the pitch at full time to congratulate their players or jump around and celebrate. Some did it with the sole purpose or running over to the home sections gesturing and waving scarves (as shown in the pics posted on the Derry forum), flags (Derry and Harps stolen one) and generally goading and offering them on (one DID as quoted elsewhere pause to have a **** on the pitch while giving one fingered salutes).

To everyone sayin pitch invasions are a bit of a laugh, this is the reason pitch invasions cannot be allowed, certainly in games where there are significant numbers of opposing fans. Idiots like this use them as a chance to act the hardman and wind up opposing fans, leading directly to a risk of violent reaction from less than sensible fans of the opposition either immediately or after the game where it can often be visited on perfectly innocent individuals

Myself, Maribor and Harpskid were prepared to settle on the notion that mistakes occured but you had to ramble on. I won't let City be badmouthed so I feel the need to continue this nonsense.

The photos of the pitch invasion show kids invading the pitch, I could make out one person who looked older than 20. A few gestures from teenagers, my word whatever next. A kid also ran at City fans but it was laughed off rather than blown up into something it's not.

The pests who caused minor trouble need to be weeded out on our side as do the bottle thrower and child who ran at city fans on yours. Harps also need to sort out their security and as the incompetant John Patton has resigned now seems like a good oppurtunity for that to occur. On both occasion this season harps have shown they do not have the professionalism needed to organise a big match on a premier scale. Hope it's corrected if you stay up.